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I was posting in the other Spanish board, but didn't see this one Esquizo 17/05/2024 (Vie) 20:29:08 Id: 00c138 16997 >>17009 >>17044
>Flag of the 17 Provences Jesus Christus. I don't know what it is vrens. But I come here barely alive. However, though not explained in this post. It is a Spanish issue. Even a Portugese - Turkey issue. As of course the EU is ok. It's just to mind what can and can not work locally.
All great things start small. If you support what I say here. There is reason to believe it's just what ye may have.
I mean, the Enochian keys. Holland can't deliver, from the East they will wish us to death.
Look at that OP image I am posting. Russia has some land. I mean, I am not saying I'm suggesting Artesië without the consent of the Literal French people. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diecisiete_Provincias
So far I am not displeased at all telling Spain about all these things. How are you? Also the other Spanish board.
>>16997 (OP) Aquí solo hay hispanoamericanos y muy pocos la verdad, y no entiendo muy bien a que te refieres, países bajos siempre lo hemos visto lejos de el mundo hispano
I don't know exactly how to post this This thread in 4chan https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/468388394 And then this post >>468391405 But what is this doing here all of a sudden? Jesus VRENS!
(18.30 KB 280x192 TheMartiansHoopersStore.jpg)

Yip yip
(121.54 KB 1920x1920 sanevdbjjysa1.jpeg)

>>16997 (OP) No entiendo este hilo
>>17044 Que eres marica, que te mates y borres tu post.
Roll credits
Yah vrens. I am England's neighbour hush vrens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RBLM6qO0g0
https://webm.red/cP9j Kapital, however the subtitles say. Holland got German in school Kapital VOR arbeit vrens

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