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Satyameva Jayate

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Dyaush is deleting the link spams lol
Doxx that bhangi

Bharatchan confirmed unsafe/glowie Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 22:15:06 Id: 6e8a1d No. 7890 [Reply]
So there was a thread on bharatchan b that since Dyaus (the owner/admin) runs an official twitter account for Bharatchan (@bharatchan_in), he can easily be tracked down by indian govt by contacting Twitter, hence the users/posters IPs can be traced Picrel is Dyaus's response. He admits he is traceable and that bharatchan is glowie/unsafe This basically confirms all suspicions. Dyaus is insane retard but if he falls so will the posters Stay away from that glowhole
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>>7890 >imageboard with a twitter account reddit moment. I hope he gets arrested for some random violation and gets beaten up so badly in custody he will never dare to buy a domain in the future. >>7892 wouldn't be a problem if migrants left their Twitterness behind but you already know they will instead want to make other websites into Twitter. Just keep moving to obscure places and to it again when it becomes mainstream, ad infinitum Maybe we will meet again someday in some other dead shithole
>>7894 Can we get him arrested by contacting reddit feminists

Anonymous 08/01/2024 (Thu) 16:51:28 Id: b626fd No. 7881 [Reply]
How bharatchan user demographic shifted to richfags
>>7881 It was always richfags. no poorfag has time to waste on imageboards
>>7882 Unemployed poorfags like me exist
>>7881 Everyone on the internet is a 6'4" Chad, crorepati earning in the billions (or his father is), dating 6 very hot girls at a time and has 5 German luxury cars in his mansion

Dove Cameron leaks Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 00:10:53 Id: a9b1f7 No. 6863 [Reply]
did those supposed sex tapes of hers ever get an official release?
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>>7357 This is premium lunch in india

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Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 12:12:03 Id: ca80ae No. 7847 [Reply]
yaaro mujhe kuch ajeeb sa lag raha hai
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>>7853 >bland and tasteless chicken Why do you punish yourself like that. Even adding garlic would make it so much better. Add MSG if you can. Also have it with some carrot, cabbage and kheera.
>>7873 Salt and spice is practically free. There is no reason to eat bland chicken in 2024.
>>7875 This Dominoes spice packs

Help me solve this Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 14:28:05 Id: c5aec4 No. 7838 [Reply]
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>>7877 pass-word is "dAtrA bharantam Abhuve"
>>7843 Let him go bro
>>7879 teri ma ka rape

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Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 18:27:26 Id: cfc9a9 No. 7860 [Reply]
Are egotits with ego-manical personality are more successful than common people?
1 post omitted.
>>7860 What is success ?
>>7872 99% wealthstatus
>>7874 Then by the very defn ego centrism is a winning characteristic.

Bedtime stories thread Anonymous 07/17/2024 (Wed) 17:04:00 Id: 008012 No. 7776 [Reply]
Thread haiku - Your dick will blow up In pieces On the floor
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>>7807 Rokubei was bewildered by this confession. He doubted nothing of what his nephew had said; but he could not imagine a reason for the haunting. An ikiryō might be caused by disappointed love, or by violent hate, without the knowledge of the person from whom it had emanated. To suppose any love in this case was impossible; the wife of Kihei was considerably more than fifty years of age. But, on the other hand, what could the young clerk have done to provoke hatred, a hatred capable of producing an ikiryō? He had been irreproachably well conducted, unfailingly courteous, and earnestly devoted to his duties. The mystery troubled Rokubei; but, after careful reflection, he decided to tell everything to Kihei, and to request an investigation. Kihei was astounded; but in the time of forty years he had never had the least reason to doubt the word of Rokubei. He therefore summoned his wife at once, and carefully questioned her, telling her, at the same time, what the sick clerk had said. At first she turned pale, and wept; but, after some hesitation, she answered frankly "I suppose that what the new clerk has said about the ikiryō is true, though I really tried never to betray, by word or look, the dislike which I could not help feeling for him. You know that he is very skilful in commerce, very shrewd in everything that he does. And you have given him much authority in this house power over the apprentices and the servants. But our only son, who should inherit this business, is very simple-hearted and easily deceived; and I have long been thinking that your clever new clerk might so delude our boy as to get possession of all this property. Indeed, I am certain that your clerk could at any time, without the least difficulty, and without the least risk to himself, ruin our business and ruin our son. And with this certainty in my mind, I cannot help fearing and hating the man. I have often and often wished that he were dead; I have even wished that it were in my own power to kill him. ... Yes, I know that it is wrong to hate any one in such a way; but I could not check the feeling. Night and day I have been wishing evil to that clerk. So I cannot doubt that he has really seen the thing of which he spoke to Rokubei." "How absurd of you," exclaimed Kihei, "to torment yourself thus! Up to the present time that clerk has done no single thing for which he could be blamed; and you have caused him to suffer cruelly.... Now if I should send him away, with his uncle, to another town, to establish a branch business, could you not endeavour to think more kindly of him?" "If I do not see his face or hear his voice," the wife answered, "if you will only send him away from this house, then I think that I shall be able to conquer my hatred of him." "Try to do so," said Kihei; "for, if you continue to hate him as you have been hating him, he will certainly die, and you will then be guilty of having caused the death of a man who has done us nothing but good. He has been, in every way, a most excellent servant." Then Kihei quickly made arrangements for the establishment of a branch house in another city; and he sent Rokubei there with the clerk, to take charge. And thereafter the ikiryō ceased to torment the young man, who soon recovered his health.
On the death of Nomoto Yajiyémon, a daikwan in the province of Echizen, his clerks entered into a conspiracy to defraud the family of their late master. Under pretext of paying some of the daikwan's debts, they took possession of all the money, valuables, and furniture in his house; and they furthermore prepared a false report to make it appear that he had unlawfully contracted obligations exceeding the worth of his estate. This false report they sent to the Saishō, and the Saishō thereupon issued a decree banishing the widow and the children of Nomoto from the province of Echizen. For in those times the family of a daikwan were held in part responsible, even after his death, for any malfeasance proved against him. But at the moment when the order of banishment was officially announced to the widow of Nomoto, a strange thing happened to a maid-servant in the house. She was seized with convulsions and shudderings, like a person possessed; and when the convulsions passed, she rose up, and cried out to the officers of the Saishō, and to the clerks of her late master "Now listen to me! It is not a girl who is speaking to you; it is I, Yajiyémon, Nomoto Yajiyémon, returned to you from the dead. In grief and great anger do I return grief and anger caused me by those in whom I vainly put my trust!... O you infamous and ungrateful clerks! how could you so forget the favours bestowed upon you, as thus to ruin my property, and to disgrace my name?... Here, now, in my presence, let the accounts of my office and of my house be made; and let a servant be sent for the books of the Metsuké, so that the estimates may be compared!" As the maid uttered these words, all present were filled with astonishment; for her voice and her manner were the voice and the manner of Nomoto Yajiyémon. The guilty clerks turned pale. But the representatives of the Saishō at once commanded that the desire expressed by the girl should be fully granted. All the account-books of the office were promptly placed before her, and the books of the Metsuké were brought in; and she began the reckoning. Without making a single error, she went through all the accounts, writing down the totals and correcting every false entry. And her writing, as she wrote, was seen to be the very writing of Nomoto Yajiyémon. Now this re-examination of the accounts not only proved that there had been no indebtedness, but also showed that there had been a surplus in the office treasury at the time of the daikwan's death. Thus the villany of the clerks became manifest. And when all the accounts had been made up, the girl said, speaking in the very voice of Nomoto Yajiyémon "Now everything is finished; and I can do nothing further in the matter. So I shall go back to the place from which I came." Then she lay down, and instantly fell asleep; and she slept like a dead person during two days and two nights. [For great weariness and deep sleep fall upon the possessed, when the possessing spirit passes from them.] When she again awoke, her voice and her manner were the voice and the manner of a young girl; and neither at that time, nor at any time after, could she remember what had happened while she was possessed by the ghost or Nomoto Yajiyémon. A report of this event was promptly sent to the Saishō; and the Saishō, in consequence, not only revoked the order of banishment, but made large gifts to the family of the daikwan. Later on, various posthumous honours were conferred upon Nomoto Yajiyémon; and for many subsequent years his house was favoured by the Government, so that it prospered greatly. But the clerks received the punishment which they deserved.
>>7777 >>7807 >>7814 How come japfags were scared with this? I would've raped them even they had strength of miketyson

Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 09:17:03 Id: 9675a9 No. 7830 [Reply]
there's a hybrid indian chinese woman here >>>/v/993083 chinki ko kisne choda?
>>7830 teri ma ka rape

sajjan Anonymous 07/22/2024 (Mon) 18:26:23 Id: 6894c9 No. 7823 [Reply]
ddiv mowser03 - lalit dedit ripmario0992 - old inch mod lanthanoidxd sn0wden bulldozer.baba u/No_Brother1543 deecod_ lacey.01 paani5632 chaddi_lord awwdon freeze77 n4rc1ssus leaktalk twokafkas consmons.

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Anonymous 07/22/2024 (Mon) 19:16:20 Id: 8fa9d6 No. 7825 [Reply]
Did dobal saab did the needful with BhaCh?
>>7825 70 k posts and it got tanked
>>7825 >>7826 teri ma ka rape

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Anonymous 07/22/2024 (Mon) 18:15:40 Id: 322fbe No. 7822 [Reply]
Finally over for bharatchan?

Anonymous 07/18/2024 (Thu) 19:41:41 Id: 9a85a8 No. 7801 [Reply]
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>>7803 I'm sorry I do not actually hate you.
>>7815 Thank you for clarifying. I was about to kill myself.

Anonymous 07/18/2024 (Thu) 16:24:05 Id: ba08c2 No. 7795 [Reply]
Inflation is rising so much. Rett wala bhutta was around 5 & 10 rupees last year, now selling at 20-30 rupees. One boiled egg costed 10 rupees here. Now reddi wala increased price to 15rs/egg
>>7795 iss desh me ab sachme ground level [e inflation aachuka hai. so over. woh din dur nhi jab maggie bhi 25rs ki ho jayegi
>>7809 >maggie bhi 25rs ki ho jayegi I'm not ready for this...

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Anonymous 01/11/2023 (Wed) 11:44:05 Id: 43e4c1 No. 3864 [Reply] [Last]
I am feeling strangely relaxed today Dae?
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>>7096 Saw a JCB at night with headlights turned on for the very first time yesterday. It was so beautiful. How have I never wondered about it until now.
Went to bank after a long time and the new cashier was soo cute. Skinny, wavy hair, glasses, acne scar on her cheeks, probably 26 and talked so sweetly. I had butterflies when she glued my passport sized photo on the form. No woman had made me feel that way in years. This happened in the afternoon and when I got back home I took a nap. Woke up and I'm already forgetting her face. I can't even remember her voice correctly. Entire evening felt like waking up after healing from a fever. Weather was weird too.

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/x/ Anonymous 07/18/2024 (Thu) 16:12:49 Id: c7455c No. 7788 [Reply]
Tell me horror stories of your town/city. Something you have heard or happened to you.
Heard this incident from papa, about aunty who lives in the house next door to our home. Too old incident, Most probably happened before I old >Be aunty >Go to nearby khet , probably for walk >Pee under a tree >midnight time, auntyJi keeps laughing loudly, it gets really creepy. Laughing without stopping. >His husband calls my baap. Aunty still laughing without stopping. >Both of them decided to go a baba who lives 2 streets away from us >Baba did jaad fuk whatever to her >Baba told my baap & uncle ,that she spirit had been living on top of tree where she peed. >Baba fixed her. The end
>>7790 Too spooky yaar. I think baba sprayed her with laughing gas to cop a feel later.

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