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Holocaust 2.0: Total Jewish Domination Edition Strelok 11/13/2023 (Mon) 18:48:00 No. 11359
The story so far: >IDF takes over Gaza City >Israel now openly bombing agricultural areas in Khan Younis >White house announced that they will accept Israel permanently occupying Gaza City >Israeli defense minister responded that they will not only occupy Gaza City but they will make sure they have permanent free military movement through the entire strip >Entirety of Israel seems to be on fire from militants in the North and East launching rockets, with Israel having little to no control over the situation >Israel airdropped flares directly over Al-Shifa Hospital about a week ago and there's been few reports coming out of that area since then >Israel detonates experimental, miniature nuclear warhead in North Gaza >Anons argue whether or not new thread is worth making, answer still unknown, rumors of internal memo suggesting press conference to be held on Tuesday, noon BRT (UTC-3:00)
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You forgot to mention the escalation over at Lebanon and that all out war against Israel and Hezbollah seems to be days away. Also this: >The streets around Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza, littered with Israeli tanks destroyed by Hamas https://t.me/Middle_East_Spectator/3511
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>>11359 >Israel detonates experimental, miniature nuclear warhead in North Gaza What?
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>>11359 >Holocaust 2.0 Why is this not 2.3?? It's the third iteration of this thread talking about the second holocaust, it is logical to refer to this as 2.3.
>>11361 He's just shitposting. Either that or he's a facebook-tier retard who saw an explosion produce a mushroom cloud and think those only happen from nukes. Wouldn't be the first time by any means. But more likely it's just shitposting.
>>11359 >Israeli defense minister responded that they will not only occupy Gaza City but they will make sure they have permanent free military movement through the entire strip Can't wait for when Israel runs out of soldiers.
>>11370 >Implying that they don't expect 'Merica to do the grunt work for them
>>11361 >>11369 To be honest there are always nuke accusations after a major ammo dump gets blown up.
>>11371 Can't wait for America to run out of troons.
>>11373 What even are the recruitment numbers after their recent "ypipo pls halp ur actually gud" ad campaigns? If they didn't get a significant uptick in goyim applications I will laugh.
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>>11375 That is one expensive shitpost.
>>11375 Nice. >>11376 Not really. Those billboards are surprisingly cheap. Not something an individual can afford but even a small business could shell out the cash for a short slot like that.
>>11376 Supposedly the owner of the billboard denies it ran. Still a good shitpost, but apparently an edited video rather than someone dropping a lot of money on it.
At this point i don't know what game are arab countries playing, one would think they would've gone in after all the Yugo-tier cleansing that has been going on at this point
>>11379 The arabs are stuck between too poor to wage war, but scared shitless they will get couped if they don't or Iran tier "this will start ww3 if we join" concern. I bet at this point a failure to occur either with israel, america, turkey, or iran that causes shit to escalate as even though everyone in power is scared of this causing ww3 or their heads to roll, they might not have a choice soon.
>>11380 >"this will start ww3 if we join" Why would that be a concern
>>11379 >>11380 Maybe it's partly them waiting for the IDF to be softened by Hamas in Gaza (which is apparently going pretty well all things considered) so they can rush in and maybe force the kikes to the bargaining table? If they penetrated far enough and quickly enough into Israel the USA may not be able to respond fast enough to prevent mudslimes from holding a whole shitload of territory and hostages for ransom demands. Plus for all their bluster about Arab brotherhood or whatever the fuck many mudslimes are perfectly fine with Palestinians being kicked into the dirt they just don't want the kikes to be the ones profiting from it because like the rest of the planet they're fucking tired of the USA breathing down their necks while the jews fuck with everyone else and dare them to do anything about it.
Israeli troops have entered the al Shifa hospital.
>>11383 Hoo boy so they decided to just go in and murder everyone with rifles instead of a big kaboom this time. Wonder if there's gonna be any videos of it.
>>11378 Yes, it is chopped, the reflection on the building doesn't match the ad.
>>11384 The US released a statement "independently confirming" Israel's claims about Hamas command centres under the hospital shortly before the attack began, so this hospital attack was implicitly condoned by the Rules-Based Order™. As far as I can tell the attack launched within at most a few hours of the US statement, so it was obviously planned in advance.
>create terrorist organization >falseflag with hostages >get free rights to take territory and kill innocent civilians Is this how it's going? I'm not following the conflict but the fact that I read that Isn'treal has taken the center of Gaza is perplexing and I don't like it. I think I might have heard of Hamas before when the Syrian war was the only relevant one going on but that might be dud memory.
Any decent casualty estimates so far? i read about 3k dead for the IDF for that honestly sounds far fetched, they seem to be advancing well enough, i wonder if HAMAS' plan is to allow that and ambush the IDF when it passes around occupied territory
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Make love, not war. Gaza has had enough...
>>11391 Ah yes soon Israel is going to be penetrating deeply into Hamas' tunnel.
>>11381 State level entities tend not want to have state destabilizing wars.
>>11389 That is about the long and short of the conflict, yeah.
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>>11386 >Look! A string that we don't even show connected to the chair! >Look! A baby bottle! Proof of torture! >You don't build something improvisedly in the basement when everything above-ground is being bombed! Is this guy for real?
>>11388 Whelp, guess everyone there was executed as Hamas soldiers then RIP.
>>11395 Yes kikes have gotten away with lies for so long they don't even bother trying anymore.
>>11395 The lounge-room is pretty nice, even though it has evil drapes covering the cinderblock wall.
>>11386 LMAO, you people need to check the comment sections on msm outlets covering the conflict, christcucks and boomers cheering on the dead pali civies and justifying it by claiming "there are no innocent Palestinians". jfl.
>>11387 Nearly every Kurdish, Syrian, Hezbollah and generic armed mudslime combat video that I've watched consists of ATGMs being fired at groups of infantry, sometimes even at 1 guy. Do middle easterners only use ATGMs nowadays? Can't they just aim their rifles?
>>11395 Israel has completely fumbled their propaganda. >>11400 Explosions are cool, rifles don't produce explosions, simple as.
>>11400 They only used small arms in the first place because of cheap Soviet shit. The cheap soviet shit is aging and they aren't going to waste expensive bolt actions or modern automatics on grunts. The types of ATGMs they use in these conflicts are cheap to produce, cheap to train with (hours/days vs weeks/months to learn how to fire an ATGM accurately vs a rifle), and if the soldier dies it's not a great loss if the boomstick goes with them. Rifles are only affordable when you have an industrialbase to produce them and a means of getting them from point A to point B. Hummus does not and explosives are cheap/readily available/easily concealable in transport.
For all the talk of whether Hamas is at the hospital, don't they have not just a right, but a responsibility to be there? If a western hospital were besieged and actively being fired upon by a hostile invasion force, it would be unthinkable for that country's military to say "we will not send troops to the hospital, we will not defend it at all, so please stop :(". Most of the discussion seems to be whether Hamas is actually there or not, but the problem with that angle is that for all the kikes' screeching about how "Israel has the right to defend itself" and that justifies genocide, it seems like everyone, even most of the pro-Palestine side, is rejecting "Palestine has the right to defend itself". If the enemy is targeting hospitals, it is justified and correct to station troops at them to defend them.
>>11403 Apparently there was no combat in the hospital. Just "Hamas hq" which was totally unprotected. To me it sounds like >alright we killed king of hamas good job we can now pull back situation. >>11380 Dont forget about Egypt and Sauds. They can medle a fuckton. Both are cozying up to BRICS and have mixed royalties.
>>11399 Have any of you ever thrown muh halls of cost takes reformulated for Palis at a boomer IRL before? As in tell them something like "that's exactly what the nadsees said before they threw innocent jews onto the masturbation inferno rollercoasters"? They get ridiculously fucking angry almost immediately. You can tell they see the fucked up hypocrisy of it all but are so heavily programmed to suck jewish dick that they absolutely refuse to think for even a second that maybe genocide of other people besides jews is probably also morally wrong according to their own beliefs. Cognitive dissonance is some mind bending shit it makes me wonder if it leads to higher rates of Alzheimer's.
>>11400 >Can't they just aim their rifles A lot of Arabs are barely above Africans when it comes to that. Outside of some snipers the rest of them are doing AK-above-head retarded mating dances and thrusting their guns forward like it makes the bullet more bulletier. The more highly trained fighters can manage it but the rabble that they usually scrape together is better off flinging explosives at targets than wasting whole pallets worth of ammo on anything further than 50 meters away.
>>11402 >The types of ATGMs they use in these conflicts are cheap to produce >Rifles are only affordable when you have an industrialbase to produce them You got some sauce to go with that baloney?
>>11407 >Hummus budget: About $100 million >Hummus budget after tunnel diggers: $60 million >Cost of a rifle: $1000 for the rifle + ammo costs + training costs + death of soldier costs (you trade price of training for price of ammo) >Cost of ATGM: approx. $2500 + a guy off the streets who's already pissed at Israel + a few hours so Habib doesn't blow up his own fireteam launching the thing - subsidies from Russia/Syria/Iran who are supplying most of them The end result is that the ATGM is going to be significantly cheaper when you aren't expecting soldiers to come back, and when they do come back you give them additional training at that point in how to use the "more valuable" rifle.
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The salt this season is quite excelent.
>>11401 >rifles don't produce explosions Kentucky Ballistics would like a moment to rebut, I'm sure.
>>11404 Israelis claimed to be handing supplies over to the hospital and then suddenly they've now found stashes of Hummus material clearly proving it was an hq all along. The doctors are saying they haven't received a thing, so it sounds like it's out of the standard Israeli playbook of pretending to help while actually just murdering and planting evidence.
>>11411 >planting evidence They don't even bother with that half the time the zog media in the west parrots whatever the kikes tell them. I know twatter is a shithole and social media in general is poisonous but if something like that didn't exist there'd be zero counterpoints being made by anyone with how tight zionist control over literally every other type of media is.
So where is the holocaust? All I'm seeing is the world begging Israel and just Israel to play nice. Must be boring to see one side dominating the other for over 70 years.
>>11413 Bait.
>>11411 >The doctors are saying they haven't received a thing Not only that, but the doctors were repeatedly saying that the "aid" Israel was offering wasn't even things they needed, like how Israel kept saying "we'll give them incubators. See? We care about the babies" when the hospital kept pointing out they had incubators, and only needed fuel to run them. But presumably it's easier to disguise "evidence of Hamas" as boxes of solid medical equipment, than it is to disguise it as whatever liquid or gas fuel the generators run on. Also, Israel is now saying they may need to spend weeks occupying the hospital as they fabricate search for more evidence of Hamas activity. Meanwhile, the hospital staff were reporting that Israel had blown up the main water line to the hospital, and armoured bulldozers were also reported being seen outside. There are now also more reports of actual shooting inside the hospital, which there were only a few of initially (some videos on Twitter, but that's all). But communications to Gaza have been cut again, so what's currently happening will be in the dark for a bit.
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>Boomer insists I have to wash video related because it's hi-lar-ious >"Yeah this is basically Russia and Ukraine" >Watch him squirm and struggle and screech about how Literally Putler needs to be nuked lol. lmao
>>11416 holy hasbara that video.
>>11416 in the first 30 seconds the jew goes from wording it as jews being refugees in palestine, to Palestinians being refugees in israel.
Man, usually the BB shows funnies but they really wanted everyone to know how much they love sucking Jewish dick this time around. Comments are being censored hard by the algorithm based on comment count.
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>>11420 Seeing that ignorant boomer nod along with what he saying has to be the most disgusting example of treachery I have seen recently. "Worship all Jews"? As far as I'm concerned Christ was shunned and rejected by the Jews and He even made a promise that all the buildings and temples in the holy land would be reduced to rubble. That would come true just a few years later during The Great Revolt. If that Zionist is really trying to convince me to support Israel by telling me "worship the Jewish race" then he clearly doesn't understand what Christ was preaching. I almost want to show this to members of my church to see what they would have to say about it but I fear they would actually agree.
>>11421 Sometimes it's worth taking a chance.
>>11421 Maybe show it to the priest first. If he gets angry he might go on a rant during mass about that specific video.
>>11420 This is literally blasphemy and heresy. >bulwark against the orcs Literally falling back on the old "the goyim is an animal in human form".
>>11421 >but I fear they would actually agree If you're American then it's basically a guarantee, burger "christianity" is all about sucking yid cock and licking nigger feet.
Why not let the shoah and the kebabs simply fight it out? If Israel succeeds in playing that's how Mafia works and colonises the Gazan strip... Why should it matter to me? When our friendly Pally wouldn't care or would actively celebrate what happens to us? Similarly if all the press ganged Israeli conscripts die fighting a fresh hoarde of poo in the street orangutans why should it be important to me? Since when did Israel start caring about *our* borders or the state of our governance? Are you worried about the draft happening in the West or something? Do you think for the sake of a regional conflict the world's fattest landlords are going to blow up the world for a shot at more gibs? I don't have much reason to care beyond all you POS anons making the optics of it seem kinda funny to look at
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>>11420 Was this a series of intentionally bad arguments, so that Christian Zionist's ignore that Israeli citizens themselves are protesting their genocidal overlords?
>>11427 >Why not let the shoah and the kebabs simply fight it out? That would be the ideal situation but pretty much no one with any power to bring that scenario about agrees with you. There isn't just Pali vs kike interests at stake here, pissrael's existence has become so intertwined with the USA's interests in the Middle East that it's borderline impossible to just let it play out on a national level because either goymerica will get involved or someone in the immediate area who fucking hates goymerica and the yids will get involved or larger cunts like vodkaland and chinkland will meddle about just to fuck with goymerica or, as we're seeing here, all of that at once.
>>11428 >that Israeli citizens themselves are protesting their genocidal overlords? Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if Bibi, the Likud upper leadership, and some of the upper echelons of the IDF end up being deposed and get sent to the Hague court/
>>11421 >but I fear they would actually agree. Just do it. Life will be a bit more burdensome in the short term if it turns out the people you thought you knew were heretics all along. But in the long term you'll avoid getting yourself locked up in subtle schemes by knowing better who to trust. >>11425 >"the goyim is an animal in human form". They're half right. Because the other half is Judaist projection. Parable of the wheat and the tares, anon. That parable is more than an illustration of fake saints vs. real saints. It's an illustration of real humans seeded by God vs. fake humans seeded by the Devil. The NPC meme is more true than said memers would dare to know.
>>11431 >real humans seeded by God vs. fake humans seeded by the Devil Serpent's seed? Most "justifies my preconceived biased" theology there is.
>>11431 >Parable of the wheat and the tares This one confuses me. How the fuck are you expected to sort through a field's worth of grass stems to separate out the wheat??
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>>11428 At this point, i have more sympathy for literal kikes than christcuckolds.
>>11436 I hate white selfracists in general
>>11436 You /pol/ fags are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
>>11436 >>11437 >>11438 These posters are all jews trying to derail the thread.
im jew t. im jew >>11439 >derail the thread says the man not posting about anything relevant to the 2nd yom kippur war or /k/ in general
>>11439 Anon /pol/ has the same ideology as the Jews. Jewish line of thought is basically "The non Jews are not human and Jews are naturally superior." Meanwhile /pol/ ideology is basically the same except replace Jew with white. And then the /pol/ fags have the audacity to call us Christians cucks for supposedly supporting a Jewish faith when they've literally adopted their ideology. And that's ignoring the fact that the Jews might not even be who they say they are to begin with because they're indeed notorious liars. Yet somehow a lot of /pol/ posters are completely willing to trust them on that. It's true that the Jews are trying to genocide the white race that much is undeniable. However adopting your enemies Ideology is a surefire way of losing. Like right now, during this war. More people are seeing the Jews for what they really are than what /pol/ has accomplished throughout it's entire lifespan.
>>11441 /pol/ and Jews are two homos fighting over who's the top and who's the bottom, while you're pointing out that they're still both fags. Neither fag is objecting to homosexuality itself, only the role they play in it, so it's not really "hypocrisy"; likewise /pol/ supports the Jews' ideology, but merely objects to not being on top. It's only hypocrisy when they pretend to hate the Jews' methods, like a homo who fucks another man in the ass but objects to touching his dick because "that's gay".
>>11440 >t. im jew Rabbinic or Karaite?
>>11430 On that note, the dear leader of Türkiye already stated the he will start a case against them for genocide.
https://archive.ph/TmQKB The ADL’s Zoomer Problem >Here is a brief article regarding my friends at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Because Jews lack the genetic capacity for self-assessment and inflection, I will take a shot. Jews lost Generation Z due to a perfect storm of demographic and genetic reality. >Gen Z – Zoomers – are probably the most sharply divided political and social generation since 1860. However, it is largely gender based. Male Zoomers are statistically more conservative than every other age/gender cohort, which is why the military cannot recruit them. They also have access to Telegram, Gab, and most importantly, online gaming communications. They learn facts from Gab or Telegram, then chat with one another, reinforcing their political and social beliefs. My sons are Zoomers, and I have watched this occur in real time. >The ADL – which is really the spokes piece for the global Jewish community – could only control narratives through censorship, dominance over public school education, and Israeli grants to Evangelical churches. Since Boomers have been raised on a steady diet of pro-Jewish propaganda since they were in elementary school – whether in class or in church – they are largely a lost generation. There are exceptions, of course. But, unlike Boomers, Zoomer males are not sitting in churches and the “anti-Cis White male” messaging of Randi Weingarten’s public-school teachers has shut them off to all teacher based social programming. Thus, Zoomer males are neither imbued in religious based pro-Jewish propaganda nor education system pro-Jewish propaganda. The old tactics simply don’t work. That is a problem for the ADL, but it gets worse for them. >Zoomers are the last White majority generation in these United States. They are not being replaced by blacks, who are also shrinking. They are being replaced by Hispanics. Hispanics are statistically the most antisemitic ethnic group outside of the Middle East. Correspondingly, the other group replacing Whites are Arab descendants (who are listed as “White” for census records). Thus, the two ethnic groups that Jewish groups chose to embrace and support by means of migration happen to statistically hate Jews. >Finally, there are the Zoomer girls. Contrary to modern attempts to change the definition of “women,” females are naturally drawn to security. This comes in many forms. They seek out strong males – at least, males they perceive to be strong. Jews know this. That is why Jewish groups have pumped billions into mixed race depictions of strong black males in marketing, while undermining White males in media. To date, statistics bear out that mixed race black-White couples have not taken off, but that is not for a lack of trying. >When a female neither has a strong male or family connection in her life, she gravitates to the security of the pack. They crave inclusion. That is why many women are often the most vocal proponents of whatever cause they adopt as a proxy for family making – both on the Left or the Right. The reaffirmation of the pack is critical to a female sense of security. >Currently, the pack within which many females find themselves is a Far Left group. It has been my experience that many of White girls will shift to the Right when a rightwing male enters their life in a meaningful way. Until then, Gen Z females are wrapped up in the cause of the day: transgender acceptance… homosexual acceptance… Trump is bad… wear a hijab as a form of resistance… White people are oppressors… black lives matter… “justice for Palestine.” >In essence, Gen Z may find themselves on totally opposite sides of the political spectrum, but the Horseshoe Theory in real time is the Jewish Question for different reasons. White Gen Z males consider Jews increasingly as an oppressive enemy. White Gen Z females see Jews as an oppressive enemy of brown people manifested in the form of Israel. It is only a matter of time before these White couples find each other and begin having babies. >Long term, this is a major problem for the Jews. The ADL is simply stating what everyone knows. They are on borrowed time, largely because they intentionally dismantled a system that worked for them. Their hatred of White Christians was their undoing.
This whole massacre has only solidified that /pol/ was always right about jews, I've always been a hardcore moralfag, but if your entire identity is centered around being evil, the only moral recourse is to either force you to change or execute you before you harm the ones I care about. If a people are so collectivist, idiotic, and evil to such a regimented extent as the jews, the most moderate moral measure is to force any talmudic jew to either convert or die if they believe in their evil ways. Even doing an immigration ban or deportation of talmudic jews in a similar manner to sharia law muslims, that is ultimately immoral to your own people, as muslims are exponentially less dangerous and bloodthirsty than jews are as seen all through not just western history, but with literally all people associated with them. They only moral thing to do about this evil talmudic cult is ideological extermination so that it can be relegated to the dustbins of history, as such humanity can focus on killing each other for something other than powerful parasites fucking children again. >>11438 (checked) >hating traitors more than enemies is hypocritical I'd say a reasonable opinion even if not really the most utilitarian attitude. >>11441 >muh /pol/ is just like jews How many times has /pol/ professed their love for blm or black panther? After all, if they hated blacks so much wouldn't having anti-white black organizations be good for the long term goal of exterminating the blacks? Hell the more innocent whites they kill the better if it forces innocent whites and blacks into a conflict they know whites will win. No? Never seen any posters gush about that? It doesn't take much searching at all to find jews or even fake christian neo cons drooling at the mouth at hamas giving them an opportunity to finally genocide the palestinian as the subhumans they see them as. True genocidal jews have loved hamas and similar palestinian organizations ever since the inception of Israel, as they give them the ability to actively and passively push both the israeli and palestinian people into an artificial racial conflict for the sole purpose of genocide. When was the last time you saw any member of /pol/ at any time in all the time you've been on any of the boards express anything like that same sentiment towards any other race? 99% of the people on /pol/ only hate other races for what they DO, not who they are, as they are descendant of classical white christian morality. And the few exceptions (at least on 8/pol/) only hated other races intrinsically in a very shallow manner, and I have never seen any poster on 8/pol/ ever suggest anything remotely close to how evil these countless jews and their puppets are acting towards the palestinians. To celebrate and shadow support palestinian terror orgs, even at the cost of israeli lives, solely since it allows palestinian genocide, it is true evil in its purest form, only matched by something like mainland China bugmen culture. >more people are seeing Jews More normies are, non-muslim people only know about the long nose due to /pol/ and only kept it quiet to themselves until the pandemic made them realize hiding power levels was meaningless. Even strelo/k/s here forget, but the sole reason the new right got the momentum it has had, getting trump elected, and pushing zoomers to be so radicalized even the adl can't ignore it >>11445 was all due to an ideological shift focused by meme culture that was mostly started in 8ch/pol/ that trickled into 4chan, then twitch/reddit/twitter. Even if /pol/ didn't start the new right movement as seen with stuff like the tea party and occupy wall street, they did an amazing job marketing it to the younger generation, as well as weaponizing it towards giving a new life to alternative right candidates/parties in the west as a whole. We wouldn't even be on this small alternative site if the jews never felt threatened by 8/pol/.
>>11445 >>The ADL – which is really the spokes piece for the global Jewish community – could only control narratives through censorship, dominance over public school education, and Israeli grants to Evangelical churches. Since Boomers have been raised on a steady diet of pro-Jewish propaganda since they were in elementary school – whether in class or in church – they are largely a lost generation. There are exceptions, of course. But, unlike Boomers, Zoomer males are not sitting in churches and the “anti-Cis White male” messaging of Randi Weingarten’s public-school teachers has shut them off to all teacher based social programming. Thus, Zoomer males are neither imbued in religious based pro-Jewish propaganda nor education system pro-Jewish propaganda. The old tactics simply don’t work. That is a problem for the ADL, but it gets worse for them. While I would say that those are mostly true, one thing I do want to add is that a lot of zoomer males who have had their family members in the military have heard all the stuff they were doing and dying for. They want nothing to do with it and they see Israel at the center of it. They see all the vets with PTSD, missing limbs, disfigured bodies. They want nothing to do with it and I don't blame them. The last 20 years of foreign and domestic policy has shown the young men of America that this country hates them and wants to use them as disposable soldiers for a war that doesn't benefit them.
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>>11446 >I'd say a reasonable opinion even if not really the most utilitarian attitude. Nah it's just another thinly veiled attempt at making Christians the enemy instead of Jews. I've noticed it for years and these types of comments are more common than you think. Especially considering the fact that the Jews hate Christianity to an almost comical degree. >How many times has /pol/ professed their love for blm or black panther? This has to be the dumbest argument I've ever heard, This is like saying why haven't the Jews professed their love for the national socialists. It's because supporting them would directly go against their interests. >if it forces innocent whites and blacks into a conflict they know whites will win. No? Never seen any posters gush about that? 1) The majority of whites wouldn't side with them in a so called race war. Remember the propaganda is strong. 2) They'd just be playing into the Jews hands because of divide and conquer Though I doubt they'd actually think this. Don't act self righteous.a lot of /pol/ would happily kill a black man if they could get away with it. They're blinded by rage because of all the race mixing propaganda. I understand that sentiment and I agree that it's a bad thing even the bible says so. But at the end of the day it's the Jews that promote it and the reason they promote it is more than just humiliation which is certainly a major aspect of it. But also the fact that it divides whites and blacks so profusely and makes them fight each other rather than focusing on the real enemy. And then we also have /pol/'s blacks are more predisposed to crime than whites. I also agree with this. But I also think culture also plays a role. Otherwise Whites would never be as toothless as they are currently. Just think about black culture currently, Drugs, Gang behavior and other types of degeneracy is promoted at large by the media. Think of all the black rappers and what they sing. Do people seriously think this doesn't play a role in the mentality of the black population in the USA? As a matter of fact, They'd be more susceptible to it due to their lesser intellect in comparison to whites. Yet if Jews can defang whites and make them support garbage like Sodomy. It'd be even easier for the Jews to manipulate Africans. >evil these countless jews and their puppets are acting towards the palestinians. To celebrate and shadow support palestinian terror orgs, even at the cost of israeli lives, solely since it allows palestinian genocide, it is true evil in its purest form, only matched by something like mainland China bugmen culture. Honestly mate Christians shouldn't even be supporting Jews. In fact, According to the bible if you help the Jews you're liable to the crimes they've committed. I believe the Jews are the pinnacle of evil like /pol/ does. I just think a lot of /pol/ have fallen into Jewish propaganda regarding the other people groups. >More normies are... Honestly anon, Trump at the time may have been seen as the counter pick but at the end of the day he was on the side of the enemy to begin with. Furthermore a lot of the "alt right" influencers like mike enoch were Jewish themselves. I certainly agree that the final generation getting radicalized is a good thing. And I also agree that the Jews are on their last legs as everything is slowly crumbling down. But remember they've already injected the vast majority of the population with a death Jab with who knows what kind of side affects. The fact is we're on borrowed time.
I wish this damn forum of gun Moe anthropomorphism autismo would allow AV1 webms.
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>>11430 >>11449 >gun Moe anthropomorphism autism You write this, but there is barely any gacha fanart is posted here,
>>11449 WEW. I do believe that They may have lost their H card with this latest stunt.
>>11449 With how in-depth that video goes, a more appropriate title would be "Oy gevalt, the goyim know". I know the original title is a classic line, but it's so offensive that the less common and more urgent "gevalt" would be more fitting.
>>11449 >the goyim knows Goyim is plural. The singular would be "the goy knows".
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>ywn hunt jews in Gaza
>>11455 Reportedly Barib Yariel doesn't actually exist, and I don't see that tweet anymore. I laughed though.
>>11456 I wish these videos showed more of the aftermath. I don't mean I want to see the charred corpses, and I also recognize the impracticality of sticking around to record it, but without knowing how many of these actually knock out the tank, how many are reparable damage, and how many shrug it off, it doesn't tell us much.
>>11455 >>11458 No RPG warhead is going through a Merkava's turret, from any direction (except directly on the roof). They're not going through the front of the hull either unless they're fired from above, since the Merkava has only a thin layer of composite on top. Maybe a Bulgarian, Chinese and Russian new-gen tandem warhead could go through the side armor from at a 60 degree angle but I doubt the shitty rockets Hamas makes are good enough for that. So, RPGs: >Turret front, side, rear >Front hull >Side hull at <75 degree angle No penetration >Roof >Engine deck from up above >Side hull at 75 - 90 degree angle >Rear hull ramp Penetration That's assuming there's no APS or addon armor present, just a factory stock Merkava 4 or Namer APC. For Merkava 3s, consider any hit at the side of the hull to be nearly guaranteed penetration unless it is a Dor Dalet variant.
>>11459 So what about all that shit in >>11360?
>>11459 According to jewish lies.
>>11449 Israel is kinda based ngl
>>11359 Can a shoopfag edit the OP's image in front of white phopshorus'd palestinian children? >>11409 Why do kikes have so twisted wet dreams? >>11441 >Meanwhile /pol/ ideology is basically the same except replace Jew with white. So the only difference is that /pol/ was right again?
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>>11464 Is that really the result of white phosphorus? Usually whatever's left after that shit is way more horrifying. Not that I would put it past kikes to use it they've done it plenty of times before.
>>11460 Those are not destroyed tanks, anon, they are just sleeping.
>>11463 >Why do kikes have so twisted wet dreams? I wonder why?
>>11460 >>11461 Do you see any frontally penetrated vehicles in >>11360 because I can't see anything other than their asses In fact, is there any proof that these vehicles are even destroyed/abandoned?
>>11465 Dunno I looked for "Gaza phosphorus kid victims" but cannot find anything besides that. I spent literally 30 seconds on that tbh.
>>11468 >any proof No no proof at all jews won forever and those pictures of obviously fucked up tanks are hasbara.
holocaust? moar liek lolocaust, amirite guise? amirite?
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I think my favourite part of Israel's fake Hamas weapon stash is the part where, out of all the places they could pick, Israel claims Hamas was storing iron-based weapons next to a superconducting magnet.
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I don't know what is happening anymore.
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>>11474 >I don't know what is happening anymore. Nyan~? =( ^ . ^ )=
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>mfw when a kike drinks his own poison
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Okay summing up recent activity: >jews find nothing in Al-shiffa hospital, as predicted. >jews drop leaflets in the southern part of gaza telling people to scram >they plan on expanding their operations to the south <yeah thats is where they told people to run away to or die <yeah, the real stronghold of Hamas is in the East of the strip. They are fighting over nothing >Houthi capture israeli ship going through Suez. No further data. Sounds like a false flag to me. >america tries to bribe Iran, fails. >Hamas released a statement that they’ve destroyed nearly 200 of Israel’s ~500-600 active Merkavas already. Probably bullshit, might be true if they conflate "merkavas" with "afv" <israel basically goes tank only, without infantry support (which is a meme to begin with and gets snipped as fast as they leave their vehicles)
>>11477 >infantry support is a meme Most retarded take in the thread, if they put up even token foot patrols the Arabs wouldn't have as easy of a time just walking down an alley to disable or destroy their tanks and then run away unscathed to do it again tomorrow. Gaza is a blown out hellscape right now and they're not going to accomplish shit besides jerking yourself off in front of the world just by driving tanks around an already destroyed urban area, if you want to actually control places like that you have to send out foot soldiers to hunt down and kill the enemy there's basically no other way around it unless there is no intention of actually occupying the land.
>>11478 > if they put up even token foot patrols They tried, they died .
>>11473 >we found defensive weaponry inside of a hospital we bombed and invaded. epic >>11474 from sportschan; iranian-backed rebels hijack a bahamian-flagged vessel leased by japan en route to india >>11477 Based if this allows iran to funnel more money into israels enemies.
>>11479 Yeah no shit urban warfare is extremely costly in manpower and equipment. You're going to lose soldiers in this scenario no matter what, especially in a hellhole that you yourself are responsible for turning into a massive hidey hole for your enemies, and the kikes can either accept this and crush the Arabs while eating the cost or they can meander around pretending this is going to do anything but piss everyone off even more and gain them fuckall besides rubble that they can't even move settlers into.
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>>11482 >top tier bants + profits Smart move to be honest. >I'm close to giving up on humanity Yes please do and fuck off from the internet forever.
>>11473 >but they lie so ineptly, and so clumsily even a child can easily detect it.
A deal has reportedly been reached. The baseline is a 4-day pause in which Hamas will release 50 women and children hostages, while Israel will release 150, with the pause to be extended a day for every 10 additional hostages Hamas releases. No word on provisions for Israel to release more of theirs too. Presumably fighting will resume after the end even if Hamas releases all the hostages not that such a thing is possible given how many of the hostages Israel claims were taken must be dead, either because they were never taken and were actually burned beyond recognition by IDF Apaches, or because they've since died in the month and a half of bombardment. Any bets on how long the pause will actually hold?
>>11485 >a deal has reportedly been reached Nah that sounds like bullshit to me, the yids probably told everyone that so when some Pali shoots another one of their tanks they can point and soy gape while screaming "SEE SEEE THESE BARBARIANS DON'T HONOR AGREEMENTS" in an effort to justify further atrocities. It would not surprise me in the least if this was completely made up, expect to see even more open bombardment of civilians.
>>11485 >Any bets on how long the pause will actually hold? knowing the kikes, 1 day.
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I don't know, man. The sandniggers started a war and now they're whining that war shit is happening. Are they not enjoying the war they wanted? Fuck 'em. I want to be sympathetic but I just can't any more. I can't summon much enthusiasm for the Israelis either, but one of the things that makes up my mind on the topic is that all the purple-haired BLM types are now blocking downtown traffic in major cities holding Palestinian flags with the "Queers for Palestine" groups. If the Israelis ever decide they've had enough of scraping what's left of their children up with a sponge after the week's thousandth rocket attack, and drive them all into Egypt, or into the sea, I'll make popcorn. And I don't even like Jews.
>>11488 The whole coalition of third worldist browns has been orchestrated by kikes. They can get consumed by their own golem tbh. When third worldist types agitate on my land in my country for their own benefit in my country or for my country to privillage their country, they can all get pushed into the ocean then. As it stands now we just have two foreign powerblocks using our nations as a political football field and they both need to actively fuck off to their dusty sun baked shitholes and remove all their institutions and political influence from my land.
>>11488 >they started This fuckin shit again. Didn't realize the Palestinians moved jews into their land in the early 20th century and told them to massacre Palestinian villages and force anyone remaining into a big prison camp what the fuck Palestine. That being said I don't care if the Arabs get genocided all I want to come from this ultimately is pissrael's destruction and the irreparable global ruination of the kikes' collective reputation so that they dont have anywhere safe to flee after the USA becomes completely unable to do shit to protect them. They've already shit up their own public image now all that remains is for the US to finally shit the bed and the kikes' precious iron dome to run out of rockets forever.
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>>11488 >blurring the normalfag name Oh now they love being anonymous.
>>11416 <"Yeah this is basically Russia and Ukraine"<>Watch him squirm and struggle and screech about how Literally Putler needs to be nuked kek will be using this next time whenever a boomer tries to talk to me about this, thanks anon for the laugh.
>>11495 Funny. When you pull it up as a search it comes up, but when you try to use news search it tries to hide articles about it.
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>>11494 Does HAMAS have snipers at all?>>11494
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>>11499 I don't know if it's a sniper but there's a clip in the first mp4 of >>11495 that shows a foot patrol getting btfo by a rifleman.
>knock knock, kikekun you there?
>>11474 I hope this is the future of Piracy, Airborne Privateers with Attack Helicopters
Just found some crossover kino.
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>>11504 This goes hard multiple ways.
>>11505 >therell be no messenger or whatsapp I don't get it will those things stop working if worst Korea gets shitstomped buy the Norks or something? I imagine there'd be plenty of backup servers or whatever for services like that.
>>11506 You'd be amazed at how badly social media is NOT wanted in most countries. It's a significantly worse power-consumer than crypto mining which has lead to the majority of servers being conglomerated in a handful of countries that can eat the power costs. IIRC the US military filed lawsuits because Google and Fagbook were consuming too much energy running their servers near some of their military bases. The only reason social media is allowed to exist the way it is given its power consumption in a given area, is because a handful of governments like having that much power over the world populace via social media.
>>11507 >It's a significantly worse power-consumer than crypto mining I never considered that. I guess it would be pretty energy intensive storing and constantly backing up millions of goyims' terabytes worth of obnoxious selfies or insipid pictures of their lunches or whatever the fuck.
The Israeli government is now trying to defund and shut down Haaretz for being antisemitic.
>>11508 >I guess it would be pretty energy intensive storing and constantly backing up millions of goyims' terabytes It's not, especially not storage. I'm 99% sure >>11507 just pulled that factoid out of his ass. Data centers cost a fuckton to run and companies will obviously want to reduce costs, crypto on the other hand was specifically designed to burn through a lot of compute cycles to make it hard (not impossible) to undo past transactions. Crypto was estimated to consume 120-240 TWh of energy globally per year. Facebook meanwhile used 7 TWh last year and they have >50% market share, so overall 'social media' is maybe 1/10th of crypto's energy use. It's probably higher this year thanks largely to the AI bandwagon and lots more GPUs being provisioned in everyone's data centers. Fun fact: data center capacity is measured in MWh, not floor space, not # of servers. Source: my autism.
>>11512 I think the problem with data centers are their use of water, from the last time I was reading about it.
>>11513 >use of water, from the last time I was reading about it. With water use figures in general always put them in context, writers will throw out lots of zeros and "millions" and "billions" to make a point. The average water-hungry data center is comparable to a golf course (on the smaller end) in terms of water use and there are probably 2-3000 data centers and 12000 golf courses in the US last I checked. and don't get me started on agriculture in the natural desert regions of California DCs get a bad rap when they use potable water from municipal mains - usually designed that way when water is cheap and abundant in the region and often helping prop up the water district budget - soaking up the excess water system capacity and can creates problems for future growth for the region though. Anyway the cooling systems can be designed many ways w/o relying on fresh water or to cut use by 10-20x if evaporative cooling doesn't make economic sense anymore. Polite sage for off topic autism.
I like how according to ZOG media, Hamas has "hostages" while Israel has "prisoners" and "detainees". >but muh rock-throwing criminals I didn't know Israel had jurisdiction in Gaza and the West Bank. I didn't know that Israel's law enforcement was handled by the military instead of police. And I want to see the kind of meltdowns that christcuck zionist boomers would have if you asked whether it's a crime for a Ukrainian to throw rocks at Russian troops.
>>11488 SandNiggers started and ended wars while you wignats are still on muh ethnoglobe larp for the 4th year on row. >>>/fascist/ retarded zzzigger
>>11495 That was a military base? The buildings look to be little more than shacks. A hailstorm could have flattened that place down. Thought with the billions that they get from the US; they could have at least spent it on some reinforced concrete.
>>11516 *started and lost
>>11484 Same old “point deer make horse”. In this case, it forces double-dealing allies to commit by repeating something fishy yet non-falsifiable. Of course, in reality that’s almost worthless, since the USA Outer Party crowd is not in control and has habit of leaving positions with tails between the legs. Until the $CURRENT_THING will be suffrage to asses, per Robert Lewis Dabney… though lately even that is uncertain. >>11485 Does not make sense. If the Israeli bosses did not want to flatten the place and slaughter everyone just to be sure the issue is closed, they would not start it like they did. This still could go exactly as claimed, on the surface. Which is not a good reason to take anything any politician says on face value. There are many possible reasons aside of clumsy PR. Maybe they need a pause themselves for some reason. Maybe it’s a feint so that 🤡🌐 would try to fix the Endless Peace Process in a way that cannot work, instead of something that may actually drag them back to square #1. Maybe want to provoke a squabble and defections over whose relatives will be allowed out of the meat-grinder before it’s turned on again. Who knows?
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Boo fucking hoo. Poor widdle IQ-55 sandniggers didn't think their brilliant plan through, I guess. Meanwhile, another sandnigger, encouraged by the news of "jihad," carved up a bunch of children in Ireland. By the way, if you're in the US or Canada, you're "colonizing stolen land too," and the same people want to exterminate you also.
>>11520 Nice try JDIF. >and the same people want to exterminate you also I had no idea the original north american natives were muslim.
>>11521 Bet you didn't know that they were also black.
>>11522 Das Rite!
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>>11520 Based post, I am tired of the endless hamas shilling from 4/k/. How many Israeli and Irish children must die before /k/ learns that Israeli Interests are the White Man's Interests. Christ stands with Isreal
>>11521 >>11522 >>11523 >>11524 Low IQ Mudslime derailment, remember Isreal is going to be ever victorious. 14/88. Hail Saint Tarrant.
>blacked fag is back to blatantly spam and samefag the thread Fuck it, next time I see cp I'm reporting the site directly to the FBI to see what happens. They probably won't do anything though I'm sure they expect someone here to be stupid enough to eventually click that shit and I can't say I blame them. Fuckin useless lazy ass tengunigger was the worst thing to happen to this board and that is saying a lot.
>>11525 t.Dispensationalist 🤢
>>11525 >How do you do, fellow white people? ;^) hmmmmmmmmm
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I support Israel because I'm white, Jews are a long time ally and part of my culture, and Hamas are demons who literally mutilate children. You are literally retarded if you have any other opinion. Even normalfag conservatives agree with me. I understand superior genes alone do not make you immune to brain damage, and so there are a few among my race who believe some fairy tale about Jewish conspiracy theories or about war as usual being bad and provide no alternative. And last but not least, the entire SJW argument this time around is irridentist (some mud hut sand niggers owned the land where Israel now is, until the Ottoman Empire lost). The SJWs using this argument would normally consider iridentism to be off limits wrongthink, just like "racism". Reminds me of when they forced everyone to wear masks 8 hours a day and vaccinate whereas such a thing would normally be a fascist polilcy. Really shows how they don't believe anything at all nor have any philosophy but are just some decrepit loser who decides to be that guy who brings up an edge case explaining why you're a bad person, kind of like anti-Jew schizos.
Its a slow day and nobody is taking the bait.
>>11531 Thank you soo much for this post, this post made me motivated enough to join Hamas.
>>11531 I'm aware this is bait, but here's a reminder about the words being use since many still fall for it.
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>>11535 Most of you would rather live in south america or the philipines than san fransisco or portland.
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>>11535 >The /pol/ nigger takes his second dose of methamphetamine for the day as approved by Uncle Adolf >His yellowed eyes glaze over his desktop screen featuring an anime nazi death squad before opening up Chrome and remembering to sign in >Browsing through his dead imageboard, destroyed by his own hands when given a mod position out of pity, he catches sight of the BBC Christian Shitposter >"Ugh, how could they ever make fun of the white race like this!?" >He licks the cheeto dust from his fat sausage-like fingers and begins searching through his database of images posted by mossad years ago >"Heh, this will show those kikes on a stick!" >After failing the captcha six times from blurred meth-fueled vision, he finally manages to upload his pictures at a whopping 200kbps from his throttled internet >After all, to the LARPagan, being friends with the pale-skinned blue-haired faggots at the gay bar who hooked him up with meth is more WHITE than loving thy neighbor, and those kike-lovers should be ashamed of themselves for having morals beyond ethnicity >The IDF deposits 1 shekel into Mr. /pol/'s account. He has no idea where it comes from, but he knows it will pay rent so he can fight the Christian menace one more day as an honorary WHITE man (Irish/Italian heritage) >After all, he's totally not an untermenschen and he deserves to be paid to exist >A WHITE non-Christian virgin will certainly find her way to him one day as he fails to do anything to improve his situation; it's all the kikes' fault after all >Today, like all other days, is just another day in the sad life of an incel NEETSoc /pol/nigger
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btw I fully agree with the sentiments in 3 and 4. You can hate BBC-fag and still agree that an upright black man is better than drugged-out white trash unfit even for trailer living (virtually every unironic Pagan I've had the displeasure of interacting with).
>>11538 >upright black man The myth. The legend. Can we agree this is all a hypothetical pissing contest designed to use extremes to put ideals to the test in order to divide white people that largely agree on most things and would be completely compatible with eachother in a society? Funny thread for an off-topic D&C to take place in.
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>>11535 Praise Yeshua!
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>>11540 Yes, anti-religious people, atheists, secularists, and "pagans" never do this sort of thing. Infact they're definitely not the majority of this type of behavior, influencing christendom. it's clearly the other way around!
So what happened in pissrael to cause this totally organic tantrum?
>>11542 Who knows if it's anything in particular, with the psychosis of kikes it could be anything. The military operation isn't going well in Gaza with roughly ~3k dead and another ~12k wounded. I can't find a source for these statistics other than I heard them second hand but it's reported that israel had ~350 KIA total by November 3rd. The invasion started in earnest around the October 20th or so. 350 KIA in 2 weeks which when extrapolated gives roughly ~875 KIA and probably ~3.5k wounded, if using a 1:4 ratio, since the start from the 20th. And seeing how israel didn't start pushing into Gaza proper until about the start of November I see 3k KIA as being a realistic estimate.
IDF opened fire on UN peacekeeper patrol 😑
>already with the Christian dnc
>>11533 I donate a symbolic sum of 14 euros to the YPG every month.
>>11543 What even is the total size of the yid military nowadays? 3k could be really fucking bad or small enough to shrug off depending on the answer. >>11544 Is there a link to this story? Nothing will come of that regardless because the UN never actually does shit but the rundown might be worth a laugh.
Damn I love how this thread is tirning out
>>11544 I need some videos, videos of UN golems getting BTFO!
50 days since the "Holocaust 2.0" began and yet only the shitskins keep losing.
>>11551 No one expects Hamas to win dipshit you keep switching flags and making this statement and you're incredibly obvious.
>>11552 I just take this salty kike as evidence the ground offensive isn't going nearly as well as the Israeli's would have liked.
>>11547 >What even is the total size of the yid military nowadays? The standing size prior to this conflict was about 126k troops. Since then they expanded out to around 360k troops total. It's one of the reasons why the Gaza invasion had to be delayed, they had logistic issues and not enough equipment to go around when they tripled their military size almost overnight. There's also the issue of mercenaries and foreign jews who have been asked to serve; israel has a program where someone with even a single jewish grandparent can be given an offer to serve. So adding that it's probably close to around 400k total. It's also probable that bibi is sacrificing these foreign jews in lieu of israeli nationals to help hide the true casualty count.
>>11553 >We need to shill pro-Palestine positions hard in rightwing circles. No we don't, that is a waste of time, let the faggot right wingers shill for Israel all they please we will not change their mind. >because they hate muslims and jews equally. Why shouldn't we hate the criminals who have repeatedly demonstrated they are worthless, and should be killed wholesale, and the Masters of the christian traitors we have to constantly oppose in order to get anything worthwhile done, equally? Why should we take any stance on who's better when since the outset of this current phase of conflict, Hamas has demonstrated outright that they would rather call on palestinians and sympathetic muslims in our countries to kill us and rage against us here rather than to come back to Palestine and fight there? They do not care about the collateral damage they do to us while they oppose the Israelis that our governments have chosen against our will to support. >There are huge protests going on in support of Palestine and we honestly have everything to gain and benefit from it. We have nothing to gain from shilling for the support of palestine, not a fucking thing, people who have gone to the protests in London with English flags have been beaten and left for dead or else driven out OF THEIR OWN CAPITAL CITY no matter that they were expressing support for Palestine. >but it's putting pressure on ZOG. What pressure? their threats of deporting palestinian supporters, and anyone else who criticizes Israel? they will have this well in hand, but if you think the White populace in our nations will see you standing alongside the shitskins who are wreaking havoc in our cities will be proud and somehow go from "aww poor shitskins" to "FUCK ISRAEL, KILL JEWS, DEPORT JEWS", you're delusional. Far more likely people will see idiots akin to NRM marching alongside Palestinians who are still committing crime alongside their "protests" and smear them as supporters of these disruptive criminals. >There should be pro-Palestine flags on social media and Palestine flags everywhere. The best course is to express hatred of both and say fuck off, I don't care about a soon to be destroyed patch of desert when these people are here destroying my country. they think these protests will somehow gain them something in the way of support when their actions will directly lead to a solidification of alliance, throughout the NATO alliance and the rest of the west, with Israel.
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>>11556 I bet this jew doesn't realize he's calling attention to the fact the holocaust never happened.
>>11556 >people reporting him for Holocaust denial Heh.
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Whoa, when the clowns are back, it’s the whole clown car. >>11556 > Privileged camp There’s always someone who gets to be more equal. >>11558 Glowies are picked from the agreeable semi-literate crowd. They crosspost without reading more than 5 words diagonally, and then report, still without reading.
>>11552 >Muttmerican Understanding Race Mixing (Miscengenation) Induced Infertility Factors. 1. Inherent Biological Incompatibility such as antibody formation to foreign race proteins. This is expressed from the first mating of individuals of two different races. A classical example is antibody production to Rhesus factor. It is an allergic immunological reaction to the offspring by the woman. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34262225/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rh_blood_group_system#Hemolytic_disease_of_the_newborn 2. Recombination failure in gamete formation in both males and females. This is the result of conserved genes being located at different locations on the chromosomes between races due to natural speciation forces such as transposon activity. When recombination occurs in the mixed race offspring to produce gametes, sperm and eggs, recombination between the chromosomes results in additions and deletions that render the gametes inviable or as carriers of addition/deletion diseases. This is measured on a physical chromosome map as the distance in nucleotides between conserved genes. The further apart each parent's conserved genes are on the chromosomes of a mixed race offspring, the higher the percentage of gametes will be non-viable due to additions and deletions in humans. In other species, such as canines, conserved genes are widely spaced apart by SINE repeats, making recombination failure between populations much less likely. Ethnicity 1 DNA Segment -------A-B-C-D-E------------- Ethnicity 2 DNA Segment ---------------A-B-C-D-E----- Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2 -------A-B-C/---A-B-C-D-E--/- (Recombination FAILURE!) Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2 --/-----A-B-C-D-E---------/-- (Recombination success!) Canine DNA Segment ---A------------------B------ Where conserved genes don't align between parental chromosomes, it is expressed as persistent reduced gamete viability. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16339378/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1196373/ It's worth noting that this recombination failure, decreased fertility in mixed race people, results in mixed race chromsomal gene placement in gametes with conserved gene placement that is not aligned with any racial group or any mixed race populations, since the recombination is semi random. The infertility of race mixed people persists until all conserved genes are lined up in a population's collective genome. For a mixed race offspring, for every gene which is in a different location on a chromsome between parents, you can expect a 50% reduction in gamete viability with a Mendelian distribution table, but that probabilistic outcome is mitigated by the randomness of recombination of crossover sites, the number of misaligned genes, and number of cross over sites per chromsome, since entire sets of out of place genes can be on a contigious region of DNA which is not affected by the recombination crossover. Predicting the degree of infertility is complicated by the differences between the location of genes in the parents, the number of incompatible genes, and their proximity to likely recombination cross over sites. The addition and deletion of genes can result in gene based disabilities. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1196373/ 3. Failure to Group Mixed race offspring do not resemble any racial group, they also usually do not resemble other mixed race people which inherit their parental traits randomly. This can create social difficulties which result in fewer chances to procreate and life difficulties. Humans are a social species and in-group bias is hardwired for survival. 4. The Results of Racial Admixture To stabilize a mixed race genome requires inbreeding to produce a new self compatible genome (see Indian endogamy after the population collapse of the Gupta empire and the infertility of the Gupta monarchy) or for the racial admixture to be pruned down over many generations that suffer from significant infertility until only gene placement that is compatible with an existing racial group remains (see Neanderthal admixture from 1 or 2 race mixing event survivors with most of the Neanderthal genome being pruned out because it was incompatible with Homo sapiens sapiens genome). The immense hurdle of recombinative failure infertility, recombination failure induced genetic defects, and failure to group means only under the most extraordinary circumstances do any race mixed bloodlines survive long term. 5. Why Can't Scientists Say This? Imperial state ideologies are based on the belief that race mixed populations will result in a viable population and that annexed people will have a shared future. The incomes of the elite of empires are totally dependent on the belief that race mixed people don't have reproductive obstacles to annex other nations and loot them.
[Expand Post] Many articles on genetic studies are written in a way that gives the illusion that race mixing has been prevalent to conform to institutional pressures and you can only deduce the truth by reading between the lines. For instance, there are articles saying Europeans are descended from Genghis Khan, but his Y chromosome haplogroup and Asian haplogroups are completely absent from White populations except through recent Asian admixture. 6. What Gives the Lie of Imperial Powers Believability? Endogamy. Within many countries there are endogamous uniracial populations that shed members to interracial marriages. The interracial offspring bloodlines die out, while the endogamous racial communities continue to shed members. This produces a marked population growth depression in these countries as a whole. If you look at countries like Spain, Mexico, Brazil, etc. you see uniracial communities practicing endogamy while continously losing members to race mixing. You can see mathematically what is happening in these countries through demographic statistics. Uniracial population = endogamous births - mixed race births Mixed race population = endogamous mixed race births + shedded mixed race births from interracial marriage between two pure raced people The growth rate of the mixed race population should be whatever kids they produce plus recent interracial marriages, but the growth rate of mixed race population demographics is lower than uniracial in every country I have checked, which indicates massive reproductive issues. When DNA analysis are presented on the country as a whole, it gives the impression that the entire country's population is race mixed and that race mixed populations are viable. However, any race that doesn't prevent admixture into a portion of their population gets erased from the gene pool within 2.5 centuries without the ability to form a new genome with close relatives like modern Indians did 1,600 years ago between two racial groups. Misrepresentation of ancient genetic markers carried by multiple races as evidence of race mixing after the last ice age when actually they represent common ancestry from before the races diverged. The articles look like this, "Common ancestry between groups A and B! Group A is related to group B!", but they often fail to mention the commonality is from before the wooly mammoth went extinct, or "Group A descended from Location X people", but fail to mention a now extinct population used to live at location X to give the impression one ethnic group descended from another, when they did not. Virtually everything published in the media on genetic commonality focuses on pre-ice age common ancestry, because modern genetic markers would show a very strict tree of racial division no evidence of admixture between racial groups and with no evidence of racial mixing producing a viable population without extreme endogamy (inbreeding). 7. AI Assembly of Ancestrial Trees is Going to Kill the Myth of Hybrid Vigor Forever When AI is used to process global ancestry data into a coherent map, you're going to see an almost perfect species division chart. When AI incorporates the recently race mixed populations they will appear as fuzz on the sides of the tree and it will settle the debate forever that, with only the exception of extreme endogamy, it is not possible to make a viable race mixed population. In addition, you're going to find out there are more species than you know about.
>>11560 >sage Bump it, if you're going to be a shitter bump. It's what tengunand his gay vol team want apparently help them out.
>>11560 You are all members of the same race the human race which started with black women. White folks you don't like it but all you are are faded blacks. Every one of you if you take and trace your dna back far enough you're going to find that some or your dna came from Africa (Alkebulan) because we all have the same ancestor back there every single one of us and those of you who think you don't have are obviously from outer space. That means that every one of us has a 30th to 50th cousin to every other person.
>>11552 When the OP wrote "Holocaust 2.0" twice you expect the Kikes to lose, it doesn't matter to whom. Hamas losing is always a given but then I was promised Yemen/Iran/Syria/Lebanon etc etc from the first thread to join the jihad and destroy Israel but what now? All I'm seeing on the news are dead Palestinians. All that excitement for nothing.
>>11562 >he still believes in the Out Of Africa theory Lol. lmao even.
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>>11563 The Hamas Internet Defense Force are actively shilling in this thread, do not fall for their tricks my white brother. The Interest of Israel are our interest, As most Jews are already White passing. 14/88 and may our (White)God guide them to victory against the Mudslimes and Christcucks.
>Finland claims he's a nigger >Kurdistan claims he's white 8/10 Good thread would visit again
>>11566 Fingolians are the most advanced race on earth and should be always trusted in matters of racial classification.
>>11563 >when someone wrotes a blatant joke title you're supposed to take it seriously Nahhh, you're just an autistic humorless retard, go cry in the meta thread about it bitchboy.
>>11563 Here I'll explain the joke to you, it's multilayered: 1. the thought of hummus killing all of you kikes is laughable, hence calling it a holocaust is humorous 2. calling it holocaust 2.0 implies there was a first one, which is humorous 3. you proboscis rodents summoned 300k+ troops to crackdown on stone age apes which you are apparently having a difficult time of to the point your hasbara morons are crying holocaust all over the internet when you are clearly the aggressors with overwhelming technological advantage, which is literal crying out as you strike others shit, which is humorous
>>11568 Where are these faggots even coming from?
>>11570 Israel, obviously. With a little proxy hop in between.
>>11570 Some of it is fags taking full advantage of the lack of vol activity to spam stupid shit and aome of it is fags who don't know how to ride out turbosperg invasions and are therefore probably really frustrated with the board in general. Both could probably use a break from the internet.
>>11572 He also feels like gooner. Or something simmilar. But there is a chance that It isn't even him. Still funny to see that the fed wasn't the worst thing to happen to this board.
>>11569 >1. the thought of hummus killing all of you kikes is laughable Like I said, Hamas does not need to be the instigator. Recent wars in Syria shown that it does not take an army to kickstart a bloodbath, all it takes is for some people to create enough noise. >2. calling it holocaust 2.0 implies there was a first one, which is humorous If certain nations were horribly triggered by the first one, regardless of how real it was, so much that it started a regional war, wouldn't it be fun to have the second one? >3. you proboscis rodents summoned 300k+ troops to crackdown on stone age apes Yet these "apes" somehow got their hands on modern weaponry and vehicles, whose enemies are also attacking other wealthier nations on the side. Your insistence in ignoring my points make me believe the joke is the whole thread, not just the title.
>>11576 Whatever dude you're either legitimately autistic or really good at pretending to be. Be mad about a joke title and overanalyze something that trivial all you want I'm still going to laugh at it and greatly enjoy the death of kikes and sandniggers and there's fuck all youbcan do about it.
Guys, im starting to get concerned. I havn't heard anything from hamas and havnt seen a single video of jews getting btfo in a while. Is everything ok?
>>11578 There's a ceasefire right now that the kikes miraculously seem to be honoring for the most part.
>>11579 >that the kikes miraculously seem to be honoring for the most part. Yeah, so far I've only heard of one incident of combat, where they killed two "senior terrorists" aged 14 and 16, and that was in the West bank rather than Gaza. But any ceasefire is going to have one or two isolated incidents, and the fact that the kikes are overall honouring it is a major surprise. It makes me suspect things may not all be well for them. Whether that comes from political pushback at home over how they prioritize genociding goyim versus recovering hostages, or because the IDF took significantly heavier casualties than they've let on, I'm not sure.
>>11579 >>11580 Didnt someone bomb an israel military base? Was that part of the cease fire?
>>11581 That happened before the ceasefire and it was Hezbollah that did that iirc. On a related note the house just voted almost unanimously to equate anti-zionism with antisemitism so I guess we're taking another step to making questioning kikes outright illegal instead of just "legal but don't you dare". Cannot wait for the US to either become totally useless for them or preferably becomes the 110th.
>>11580 Could be both of those. I hope it's both of those.
>>11580 >"senior terrorists" aged 14 and 16 Sorry, my bad, it was actually 8 and 14.
>>11584 To be fair to glorious zionists that is positively ancient by Palestinian standards because everyone older than 30 is dead :^)
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Henry Kissinger just died, he was 100.
>>11586 Burn in hell you semi based kike bastard.
>>11586 lol wut? Didn't realize he was still alive up to now, genuinely had the impression he died in the 90s or something. Anyway, what >>11587 said. did the timelines shift again?
>>11586 Rot In Piss
Israel has announced that the truce is over and the violence will resume.
I hope he wins a second term, the salt is pretty good.
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>>11592 I want Joe Biden so people in Texas can take secessionist movements more seriously. But seeing a 2nd melt from Cheeto Hitler winning might be amusing too.
>>11591 Nice, it was getting so boring that I started to look at hohols videos instead.
A pro-Palestine protester has self-immolated outside the Israeli consulate in Georgia the state, not the country. The protester is still alive so far but is in critical condition, and is so badly burned that their age and sex are unknown. A security guard who tried to intervene also suffered a burnt wrist. The official response from the Israeli consul-general was that "it is tragic to see hate and incitement toward Israel expressed in such a horrific way. Our prayers are with the security officer who was injured while trying to prevent this tragic act".
>>11597 That's actually a pretty funny response to that.
>>11586 Good. I thought he would stick around for a few years longer out of pure spite. I am glad to hear that his last few years of his life were spent watching his work between Russia/China literally go up in smoke. I hope it ate at him every waking moment of the day.
>>11599 I mean he was a kike I'm sure he was masturbating furiously (or as well as a 100 year old rat can) to the thought of chaos and goy suffering regardless.
>>11599 He is burning in hell now.
>>11602 RPGs are so much easier to use than rifles.
>>11603 It helps that the targets are also substantially larger and not one of the targets appears to be past 100 meters. Which is perfect as the 105mm warhead they're using only has a 150m max range due to it being a RPG-29 warhead kludged onto a RPG-7 propellant charge.
>>11602 Thanks for the fix, i needed that. >>11604 Takes alot of balls to do that, honestly. The challenge is sneaking through an urban area with a giant heavy metal pipe without someone noticing you. Then locating them and getting close enough to hit them, and getting a clear line of sight where you can fire a rocket without killing yourself. Then of course after firing, getting back to your base with that giant metal tube, now alittle lighter, without getting gunned down.
>>11605 Well it helps immensely when your enemy is terrified of sending out soldiers to do foot patrols. I don't know if you've ever ridden in any military vehicle but visibility is piss poor with most of them and you can't hear shit if you're standing near one, much less if you're riding inside of it so you don't have to worry quite as much if your shoot go bang smacks a wall. Cameras and RWS have limitations too, and obviously you're probably not going to see someone crawling through rubble or moving through blown out buildings and alleyways from a tank or APC until it's far too late. Hell their defenseless bulldozers probably have the best visibility and there's blind spots all around them. There's a reason why slow moving vehicle patrols typically have at least a couple squads patrolling on foot.
>>11606 It helps, but it's still no easy low-stress task.
>>11602 If the hatches were closed in all those tank shots, it is safe to assume that the APS took care of the warhead. Nearly every case of a lost Israeli Namer and Merkava to an RPG/ATGM in this war is due to the retarded crew disregarding their training and keeping their hatches open for better visibility. But the Trophy has a safety measure that disables it when there's a hatch open or else the blast would pretty much decapitate (well, not literally) whoever was dumb enough to be poking his head out at the time.
>>11608 You're forgetting that the hamas rockets deal +10 holy damage when used against dark affinity units and the israeli tanks suffer an additional -5 armor penalty for being from the dark occult. On top of that shouting "Allahu Ackbar" multiplies any active affinity booster depending on how loud they shout it and how many allied troops (or civilians) can hear them to a maximum of 5x. The rocket on its own does like 140 raw damage +10 holy, which on dark occult vehicles is really +20. Israel suffers the -5 armor penalty but that's not calculated until the end. So if the soldier shouts "ALLAHU ACKBAR" and 5 others hear it, we're talking now +50 damage, but because of the weakness its really +100. Now we're dealing 190 damage! But then you add a 5% multiplier to that we're talking 199.5 damage. Now that might not seem like much, but when you consider the armor is only 180, that means there is a 19.5 damage that penetrates to the crew. And because of how trample works, all of that 19.5 is taken as holy damage, which as we all know vaporizes jews on impact and causes both the bleed and hellfire proc.
>>11608 The one at 2:00 very clearly shows a head poking out of a hatch. But generally yeah, I never trust anti-tank videos to be kills unless they show the aftermath.
>>11607 I don't think I said it was.
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>>11605 >Thanks for the fix, i needed that. Things had been slow sadly, haven't found videos in a while.
>>11612 Of course "ceasefire" has ended just what, 3 days ago?
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>>11610 This is what happens when you send tanks inside a street without equipping them with 360 degree cameras first. What makes the Israeli case even more retarded is the fact that their arms industry already made a solution long ago. But as usual jews don't want to spend the extra shekels. The life of a jew conscript is worth less than a camera.
>>11614 But anon, technology bad. The real solution is to add more crew members so that there are more eyes inside.
>>11616 Is that the kind of bomb that the US claimed a couple days ago was impossible to use against civilians?
>>11617 You can use any kind of bomb against civilian if you have the self confidence
>>11617 >impossible to use against civilians Please show me this story/video. I don't doubt some zog idiot actually said something like this but I've gotta see the story.
>>11620 I do not remember where I saw it and it's entirely possible the article has been edited or removed since then. It was in the context of that kike Blinken giving lip service to asking Israel to not kill so many civilians, while at the same time the US was announcing more shipments of bombs. But all I've seen since is people repeating it on twatter and such. The argument went that since bunker-buster bombs will bury themselves in the ground and detonate there, they're only good for attacking Hamas tunnels, not above-ground civilians.
Where the hell are you? Netanyahu fumes over women's rights groups' silence on sexual violence by Hamas https://archive.is/qtJqJ >"Today, along with the cabinet members, I met with the families of the hostages. Those who we have returned home and those who we are trying to bring back home. I heard stories that broke my heart, I heard about the thirst and hunger, about physical and mental abuse, about the little witnesses that are still whispering from fear, about the darkness the loved ones still live under. I heard and you also heard, about sexual assault and cases of brutal rape, unlike anything. But I must say that just until a few days I didn't hear human rights organizations and women's rights organizations I didn't hear women's organisations in the UN I didn't hear their outrage," Netanyahu said. >"I say to the women's rights organisations, to the human rights organisations, you've heard of the rape of Israeli women, horrible atrocities, sexual mutilation, where the hell are you, I expect all civilized leaders, governments, nations, to speak up against these atrocities," he added. >"Our fighters are expanding the ground operation against Hamas in every place in the strip, including the south of the strip, tonight we operated there with massive force, the earth shook in Khan Younis, the earth shook in Jabalia, we besieged both of them," he said. >"It’s on all of us -- government, international organisations, civil society and businesses -- to forcefully condemn the sexual violence of Hamas terrorists without equivocation." >"Over the past few weeks, survivors and witnesses of the attacks have shared the horrific accounts of unimaginable cruelty," including rape, mutilation and the desecration of bodies, he said. Never forget the 6 million rapes.
>>11622 Gee golly that's a lot of rapes. That'd have to be 2000 rapes for every Al-Qassam bull. How could they possibly get through that in only two days? It'd mean they were all going at it for less than two minutes per go for 48 hours straight with no breaks in between...I know it's illegal to question the Jew but wow!
>>11623 I know kike propaganda, but based if true. Millions must be mutted.
UN Secretary-General Guterres has invoked Article 99 in response to the Gaza war, and is urging a ceasefire. >The Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security Of course, the burgers and bongs both have veto power, so the security council won't do shit about Israel.
>>11625 I wonder if this is going to make other countries start dropping out of the UN. The USA is the weakest it's been since the end of WW2 (at least foreign relations-wise) and >the UK lol who gives a fuck about the UK anymore? It's readily apparent how much of a useless retarded organization it is that does jack shit to enforce any kind of peace or "human rights".
>>11626 The UN is already just an excuse for college students to network with foreign diplomats from countries that would normally be at each other's throats and not allow diplomats between them in order to form better future relations. Has been for decades. Fuck anyone who thinks the UN is legitimate in any way, shape, or form.
>>11622 The media has been going really hard on the rapes over the past few days. It's pretty funny that they basically ignored that angle, until the world saw those videos of the hostages being released and acting friendly with their captors, and suddenly Israel needed new atrocity propaganda to counter it. First they tried kvetching about the hostages being fed poorly but nobody bought it because everyone knew Israel was responsible for Gaza's food shortages in the first place. So now it's rapes.
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I wonder what Israel is doing with these "surrendered Hamas terrorists". Blindfolds and large pits? Weird. And they're weirdly out of shape for militants. It's also kind of odd that militants were all unarmed and wearing sandals.
>>11629 All those shoes...reminds me of something...so long ago
>>11629 Rumors of summary executions, but i don't think Israel would be dumb enough to do that and have pictures about it
>>11631 Well, I'm not seeing anyone dispute that those are Israeli photos, and the only debate is whether they're civilians abducted from the UN school-cum-refugee camp, or surrendered Hamas fighters (the main "proof" of that I'm seeing offered is that they're kind of fat, but Hamas is definitely stealing all the food, so anyone who isn't a skeleton must be Hamas). And I really can't think of what else that a scene like that could be. The groups in the city and in the trucks are one thing, but bringing them out and lining them up in front of a pit doesn't leave a lot of room for interpretation.
>>11632 I won't believe it until i see the corpses, same as the 40 beheaded babies and other claims. It is odd, we know Israel has bombed and killed literally thousands of civilians, but summary executions like that? i find it hard to believe, specially in the middle of the day and with nearby cameras
>>11631 >dumb enough Well, they are making rape claims and necrophillia against women captured/killed Hamas. On one hand, it's the Arabs. OTOH the Mullahs would probably command them to be thrown out a window. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67613153 https://ghostarchive.org/archive/rWPGR
>>11633 >It is odd I don't disagree, and my original assumption when I saw that photo going around was that it might be misinfo using a photo from a different conflict, whether a past Zionist spat or a different region altogether. They're blatant, but they're not usually this blatant. I really don't know what they intended that photo to show.
>>11631 IDF was dumb enough to gloat about killing a 7 year old on a basketball court a few years ago and post the video online. Boomers obviously insisted the video was fake, then insisted the IDF must have investigated when it was revealed to be real, then finally insisted the kid must have deserved it when the IDF investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong, but point is they aren't very smart about hiding their true intentions.
>>11634 >>11622 >Refuse to partake in UN activities because of previous asshurt >Refuse to let your civilians talk with the UN >"Oy vey! How could they ever not acknowledge the rapes!" I don't even doubt the sandniggers did a little rapey rapey but how the fuck is the UN supposed to respond to shit when you explicitly hide evidence from them at all opportunities? Russia has been more transparent with the UN than Israel has been. The only countries less transparent are maybe China, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Little no-name dictatorships notwithstanding.
>>11637 Why be transparent or even bother with believable lies when your goodest goy country will stick by you no matter what? Israel will always exist as long as nogmerica is a threat to everyone else. Even with how pozzed our military is the toys we've got are still enough to keep anyone less relevant than China or Russia in fear of total annihilation. Short term the kikes aren't going anywhere, and will probably take Gaza and the West Bank in the coming years, but in all likelihood after all the irreparable damage they've done to American society their precious bully won't be able to prop them up long term. Personally I wouldn't give a fuck if the kikes killed every Palestinian on the planet if they hadn't also been spending so much effort to shit my homeland up at the same time, I hope all of their ridiculous persecution fantasies become reality and I hope I'm there to see them forced onto masturbation rollercoasters that eject them straight into a gas chamber full of beheaded babies.
>>11637 >Little no-name dictatorships notwithstanding. >Implying
>>11638 >Fear of annihilation It's more like the fear of the bee stinger. America is gutless and can't sustain a war, but the fear of war and having to rebuild shuts most of the tards up pretty good. I don't like the implication that America would actually win. Even against some 3rd world shit hole like South Sudan I'm pretty sure they would lose.
The IDF really don't like it when the other side has weapons, do they? Taking their frustrations out on the fatties now.
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>>11625 And the results are in.
>>11642 Now this is true democracy!
>>11643 >>11642 I'm still curious as to why anyone bothers with the UN anymore like why be a member of it if the US is pretty mich the only one who can decide on anything? It's just another failure like the League of Nations at this point. Well, assuming that wasn't always the case considering the fuckery that happened with the partitioning of Palestine back in 1947/48 which was one of the first issues the fledgling UN voted on. Initially it wasn't going to pass, but then a bunch of smaller member nations were threatened into changing their votes or abstaining and voila, a bunch of mostly foreign kikes suddenly officially had over half of Palestine to themselves despite the native mudslimes having well over twice their population at the time.
>>11644 >I'm still curious as to why anyone bothers with the UN anymore like why be a member of it if the US is pretty mich the only one who can decide on anything? Because even though China, France, Russia, the UK, and the USA get permanent status, they still all have to agree on a resolution meaning most of the world is "represented" in any major dispute where they can use the veto party. There are 10 other members elected every 2 years from the general assembly who get to decide what matters are important enough to bring forward to ensure that nobody is so opposed as to completely veto it (implication being they would start a world war in such a scenario if such a motion were to go forward). It has its uses, but it's meant to be stupidly cucked and slow in decision-making.
>>11645 >It has its uses Cushy government jobs and being greatly concerned are all I can imagine. Certainly not actual world security with a new crisis seemingly every week and at best they are "working on it" until it solves itself.
>>11646 Not everything the UN does is related to crises of world security. A body for mediating international disputes, such as over the use of shared water resources, is necessary compared to the limitations of unstructured country-to-country diplomacy. International organizations need to exist that are at least somewhat enforceable, because some things like aviation or maritime transportation are international by nature. Measures like UNESCO's heritage designations are important to protect history from "lmao bulldoze the ancient ruins and build shopping malls". Most people have a view of humanitarian aid that isn't "everyone outside rich white countries should die", and an international group handling things is often more palatable than more-politicizable direct aid from places like China or the US ("more palatable" to the country's people, to its government, or to the rest of the world, though not necessarily all three). For a lot of those things, being greatly concerned can work. Not always, but often enough, so long as they're part of something that's at least reasonably legitimate, and even with its ineptitude, the UN often fits that bill. Sure, sometimes the mudslimes don't give a fuck and blow up Buddha statues, but usually the national pride and tourism value of having something be UNESCO-recognized, versus the public shaming of a sternly-worded letter for treating it poorly, is enough deterrent to actually help. Unless you just mean the security council. In that cases it's harder to see ways that its own structure doesn't cripple it.
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>>11642 haha
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Modern war is interesting. Half of the war is being fought online. We're fighting the war too, lol.
>>11649 Waiting for my veteran benefits.
>>11649 >>11650 Who do I call to be hired as an online mercenary?
>>11649 Fifth-generation warfare (5GW), which includes the domain of image boards, is now a 20 year old concept. Welcome to the fight.
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65 years after the October 7 attack, Joe Biden recounts how his father (who died in 2002) returned to his home in a kibbutz to find only the rubble which he had hidden in for 20 hours.
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>>11653 This has to be one of bidup's greatest gaffes yet.
>>11655 The only just man left. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd8X0NUcrX0 Houthis (obviously used as proxy by someone) keep on attacking israeli ships. Some of their attacks were repelled by US / zog vessals but they managed to score a nice hit on oil tanker.
>>11655 What lead up to this?
>>11657 some retard deciding to put menorah in the senate building of a secular government. He did nothing wrong.
>>11658 They didn't just put a menorah there, they also invited rabbis to celebrate Hannukah in Sejm with jewish music. From what I know, celebrating any religion in Sejm is strictly against the rules, and of course anything non-Christian gets a pass.
>>11516 Its just a bait, most whites are smart enough to realize x group that hates you but will still do business and diplomacy with you, is thus exponentially better than y group that does every possible evil towards you in order to take over your country while scamming you and whenever possible only doing business with themselves. That's why its so unfortunate to see so many normie white retards malding at ragheads because of "muh israel" when all of them would change their tune on a dime if undoubtedly presented with how evil chink bugmen and semitic jews are.
>>11653 Why is the black man looking the wrong direction?
>>11655 >refuses to elaborate further >leaves kek
>>11661 He's probably a Secret Service agent.
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>>11665 How many hits do these guys need to disable these tanks? They never show the aftermath.
>>11671 >disable Like one good hit, then it has to gtfo for repairs. >destroy Different story entirely, there's been a few photos of fucked up tanks. Either way they're not going to stick around to look, every time they fire a rocket they get the hell out of Dodge because backup yids will immediately be on the way and they can only carry like two rockets per person.
Israel has admitted it accidentally shot and killed 3 hostages after they were "mistakenly identified as a threat". I guess Israel's policy of "lmao fuck RoE, shoot anyone you like" backfired.
Israel did a targeted drone strike on some Al Jazeera journalists, then blocked ambulances from reaching them for six hours until the cameraman finally bled out. Meanwhile MSM is reporting that the ambulance couldn't reach them because of "rubble on the road" (despite one ambulance getting through and retrieving one reporter before the IDF blocked the road, and despite the rubble magically disappearing once the cameraman died). Beyond my existing contempt for journalists, I find it especially repulsive that they're continuing to push Israeli propaganda even when their fellow journalists are Israel's victims.
>>11665 We really need more close gun combat in buildings footage, they are the best to watch.
>>11673 It's now being reported that when the IDF shot them, they were waving white flags.
>>11675 Sadly there isn't much, just muslims doing propaganda RPG shots that get old fast and the kikes don't release almost nothing.
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>>11677 They should change it up. I hear parkour trickshots are always in-style with zoomer semites and they got the explosives and sandals-in-combat to do it.
>>11657 >What lead up to this? Roughly 2000 years of jewish bullshit.
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>>11680 Gotta be longer than that. The entire OT is about how annoying and insufferable jews are. They came out of slavery and starvation after being freed, had food rain from heaven on them, and they did nothing but complain about it and returned to degeneracy and betrayal the second they had the chance. Every time they were oppressed they would beg and cry, but the moment things went their way they would misbehave as if they learned nothing.
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>>11683 Why are Ukrainians in Gaza? With that level of experience they are prime send back to Ukraine for a large reward of illegal weapons stockpiles and/or girls territory.
>>11685 ukraine is part of greater israel.
Should Operation Prosperity Guardian aka." Yemen takes on the world, wins 2.0" have its own thread or would discussing it here be better?
>>11685 By virtue of being mercenaries they're not necessarily beholden to their home cunt.
>>11687 Considering it's just an extension of this conflict it might as well be rolled into this thread. We can have a ww3 general when all these regional conflicts finally coalesce into the third world kerfuffle.
>>11657 it is a mystery
>>11683 There were tons of eastern europeans jews that moved to israel, it's more likely that
>>11691 You mean recently or are you talking about when the yids first invaded Palestine? Because those guys have since interbred with the native kikes (and no small number of arabs) and turned into swarthoids by now.
>>11692 Recently too, a lot of ukrainian and russians jews moved there last year due to the war
>>11693 Oh ok, well here's hoping these khazar swine get ground to dust like they should be doing in yurup right now.
So Operation Prosperity Guardian. Yemeni Houtis are threatening shipping in the red sea, managing to perform first confirmed, in battle conditions hit with anti-ship ballistic missile from the ground in history . Most major companies have ceased operations within Suez channel. This means needing to sail around the cape of good hope, adding around 20 days to the journey, and risking bad weather. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/israels-eilat-port-sees-85-drop-activity-mediterranean-imports-also-take-hit To protect trade, USA has begun forming a coalition, involving: United States( USS Laboon +2 other destroyers, possiblu USS Carney and USS Mason), United Kingdom (HMS Diamond), Bahrain(lol), Canada("support vehicles"), Denmark (up to 10 staff officers), Greece (1 frigate), Netherlands (2 staff officers), Norway , Seychelles (lmao). Australia has been invited to participate, as part of AUKUS initiative/ alliance but declined. So did France, Spain and Italy. As can be seen, the coalition is falling apart before it even fully formed, though others might operate individually and USA also has quite powerful assets in the region (3 carriers). https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/pentagons-operation-prosperity-guardian-falls-apart-spain-italy-france-reject-request There are quite a few controversies involved: >USA shoots cheap ass drones with 2 milion $ missiles >missiles which cannot be replenished at sea due to lack of tenders after USA switched focus to foreign military bases >this means that after around 90 interceptions the screen needs to withdraw to a friendly port for resupply, and with it so does the aircraft carrier it protects. Basically Yemeni can beat back the United States with daily usage of drones in Ukraine. And then, to make matters even worse, Israeli aligned tanker has just been targeted off the west coast of India! https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/israeli-linked-tanker-struck-drone-india-signaling-attacks-set-widen
>>11695 Wew it's a hegemon collapsing in real time.
>>11695 >Australia >So did France, Spain and Italy. Antisemitism is raising in those countries, eh?
>>11698 Maybe the real benefactors of the Yemeni are the owners of the Panama canal.
>>11699 Panama Canal has problems of its own, it is limiting the number of entrants due to low water level (due to shitty maintenance ) And before even Yemeni attacks Suez channel had another ever-issue with a ship blocking one path, apparently. Its almost like jews want to end global trade.
>>11699 For Singapore to Rotterdam like that graphic shows, going via the Cape is significantly less distance than taking the Panama canal. In fact the distance from Singapore to Panama itself is almost as far as the entire Cape route. Then you'd need the Atlantic crossing on top of that. The Pacific ocean is huge.
>>11700 >jews want to end one of the major reasons they have any power lol next you're going to say they want to kill central banking.
>>11700 >Shitty maintenance Not really. In the canal's case, it relied on rainfall being consistent to certain standards to guarantee water flow. When America gave it back to Panama, and Panama subsequently sold it off to the Chinese, they expanded the size of the canal to allow for bigger ships without understanding why the size was limited. So now the canal needs additional fresh water sources to function properly.
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>>11655 The fuck is the cameratard chanting?
>>11704 They really are innovators when it comes to being slimy cocksuckers aren't they?
>>11704 >What's your plan for the holidays? Blessing the Lord God of Israel for the face to face instruction in why he shall one day cast off all that the USA has done forever, like every other dead empire, when I see such hysteria presented with a straight face.
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>>11705 >The fuck is the cameratard chanting? "Panie pośle, co Pan robi?" translates to "Mr. MP, what are you doing?".
Congressional staff tried to protect Gazan churches by sending locations to Israel https://archive.is/hmgV4
>>11709 That's like trying to protect food by keeping it in someone's mouth.
>>11702 Exactly. Thats why this shit is interesting, it has no right to happen.
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>>11709 This was done intentionally to destroy any christians there might have been in gaza.
>Intel wants to build a factory in southern Israel I hope some AMD exec will send a few bags of cash to Hamas and asks for a few favours.
>>11714 >implying AMD wouldn't build a factory at the north of israel.
>>11714 If Israel was smart they would just let Nividia build a bunch of factories in Gaza. It would have the same effect as a saturation bombardment only without having to deal with war crimes accusations.
Mystery fungus found in the soil of the Gaza Strip kills IDF solider, 10 others infected: report https://archive.is/osiQy >An Israeli soldier has died after being infected by a dangerous type of fungus found in the soil of the Gaza Strip, Kan reported on Tuesday. >The soldier was transported to Assuta Ashdod Medical Center two weeks ago, suffering from serious limb wounds infected by the fungus. The medical staff attempted every treatment possible, including experimental treatments from abroad, and brought in experts, but the fungus proved resistant and eventually overtook his organs, resulting in his death. >There are around 10 other soldiers who have been infected with the deadly strain in Gaza, according to professor Galia Rahab, chairperson of the Infectious Diseases Association and former director of the Infectious Diseases Unit at Sheba Hospital. >Rabab told Kan that these fungi were not seen in previous wars in the Gaza Strip and that the source may have been soil contaminated by sewage. It is unknown whether there is a connection to Hamas’s tunnel network, and the matter is under investigation.
>>11717 OY VEY MY ALLERGIES >inhales from asthma pump WHERE IS MY CLARATIN
>>11717 Are Hamas transforming into 40k Orks as we speak?
>>11717 Place your bets >Israel are using biological weapons >It's a nothingburger on a slow news day >It's an engineered nothingburger supposed to scare hamas away from the underground
>>11720 I'll go with >Israel is about to slap hamas with bioweapon charges and use it to try to turn the international "community" against them. "Either you get rid of your weapons of mass destruction or we will personally destroy you..." ring any bells?
>>11721 They already tried that by saying Hamas has dirty bombs or some other nuclear shit. It didn't pan out because not even the most retarded ziocuck boomer would buy that one.
>>11722 So you're saying their replacement is "their basements are so dirty it's a bioweapon"? No way. The only WMD accusation that anyone would believe is chemical.
>>11723 Except that's about as retarded as the nuke accusations. To make enough chemical weapons to be a threat to anyone requires a whole lot more resources than anything Hamas has, homemade mustard gas can't be mixed up in significant enough quantities with bathtubs or whatever the fuck they have left.
I don't think most laymen care about NBC weapons these days anyway The average boomer believes assad had/used chemical weapons and doesn't really care as far as I can tell, and western sphere bioweapon development has been in the public consciousness for a while now >>11690 Something like 99% of those are chirstcucks/sandchristcucks failing to understand compound interest and not at all the jews fault
>>11725 As Spengler wrote, back then the Jews were just as angry at the Romans for their financial trickery. Then the Jews became urbanite, and made constantly angered the Europeans with their financial trickery. And now Europeans are the ones who can make non-urbanite peoples upset with their financial trickery. We can discuss if Sub-Saharan Africans ever learn some kind of financial trickery in a different thread.
>>11724 When you say "nuclear weapon" or "bioweapon", people think of a high-tech lab or industrial facility. But for chemical weapons, people can believe they're made in makeshift facilities, because they can believe there's not a huge difference between some trailer trash mixing meth in his shed and Hamas mixing cyanide in a tunnel.
>>11720 >>11721 In this conflict, we have seen white phosphorus and a tunnel filling chemical weapon that harms humans. I am absolutely going with Isreal using biological or chemical weapons, but couldn't hide their soldiers getting sick from other soldiers so they came up this cover story.
Imagine if it happened to you!
>>11728 The history of chemical weapons consists of: >We developed this weapon that will let us incapacitate our enemies quicker! >Oh no, we accidentally got our own guys with it! >Oh no, the enemy is using it now! >Can we just agree to not use this shit any more? NBCs aren't banned because they're too effective, they're banned because it's incredibly easy to fuck up and have collateral that exceeds intended deaths.
>>11730 >not effective >able to gas 6 million jews in a leaky container with wooden doors on a budget during wartime LOL OK
>>11731 6 million Jews is a really rough estimate of the number of Jews who died, not the number who were gassed or killed in camps.
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>>11717 >poisoning kikes with fungus What a dastardly plan by Hamas, mad respect.
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>>11735 It wouldn't surprise me, but trusting anything The Young Turks say is like trusting a localizer not to insert wokeshit and zoomer slang.
>>11736 There's videos of the yids beating the shit out of and murdering civilians journalists and POWs that have been posted in these threads so obviously they are guilty, but the Geneva convention was only ever a tool used by the USA to badger countries it doesn't like so absolutely none of this should be surprising. After WW2 no other western cunt had the power to do shit to reliably enforce it at least. I really hope America and its UK lapdog keep shitting all over every other country involved with the UN so that it falls apart. It's total bullshit that literally everyone else involved can say "what the fuck Israel stop being cunts" and still be overruled by a single fat nigger sheboon representative.
>>11733 What is this from?
Claiming Hamas is using chemical weapons is retarded in so many ways, but especially so because using shit like that would severely hamper their own mobility and make their whack an Arab tactics that much harder. It's not like they've got NBC gear to go around either, hell half of them are running around in sandals and tennis shoes. The rockets and shit they have were probably stockpiled for years, if they were gonna stock up on chemical weapons then they would've been stocking up on NBC gear too.
>>11717 >and that the source may have been soil contaminated by sewage. That would be too poetic considering the kikes would spray the homes of palestinians with raw sewage to get them to move.
>>11738 I wish I knew. Maybe someone else can help out.
>>11738 Take a screenshot of a frame of it, preferably one with a character, then use saucenao.
>>11741 Second season of Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san ("Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san Z"). Don't know which episode, but that should be enough to find it.
>>11729 The *only* time you hear a Christmas song explicitly about Jesus in a commercial and they put it here. heebs, man
>Israel openly admits to assassinating a HAMAS official in Beirut last week >100+ civilians were murdered in a bombing attack on a cemetery in Iran during the anniversary of Soleimani's funeral today >Everyone playing dumb about who did it Just let Iran nuke Israel and kick off WWIII already.
>>11745 >kick off WWIII already. Honestly it's probably already kicked off and we just don't know it yet.
>>11746 I'm waiting for all these regional conflicts to culminate with major powers being pulled in.
>>11743 Arigato, senpai.
>>11745 the Muslims really pussied out over Gaza. Wasn't Iran, Tukey, Jordan and others supposed to do something by now? Embarrassing.
>>11749 The only ones involved with this that don't look like total cowardly idiots are Hamas. Kikes can't pacify a tiny strip of land despite overwhelming tech advantage, surrounding Arabs are too scared of the US to do shit, the US military and overall leadership are too pozzed and stupid to do anything but sit there and act menacing, and Iran keeps getting bombed by butthurt Mossad agents because they're probably one of the cunts supplying Hamas with RPGs.
>>11749 >>11750 The only arab factions that are doing anything are the ones that are already off the reservation (e.g. Houthies, Hesbollah). >Turkey Is in a pissing contest with Israel which poses a massively awkward and unending headache for NATO.
>>11749 Do you not remember the US fleet being dispatched to israel? The reason they haven't got involved is because they will just get slaughtered by american airpower. Israel can genocide in peace with big daddy right off their shores.
Loving the fact there's now more evidence of Jewish tunnels in NYC than there are of Hamas tunnels in Gaza atm.
>>11753 >tunneling under NYC That sounds dangerous. You could probably collapse a building or two doing something like that.
How many 2003 Iraq-style invasions can the current US military and its nigger asshat troon orgy handle simultaneously in terms of logistics, morale and political support? In case Israel's neighbors do something so anti-semitic the poor oppressed Jews are forced to deploy humanitarian smart nukes to ensure the existence of their people and create a future for jewish children.
>>11756 US can handle both an infinite number and zero more. So long as the petrodollar remains the world currency, the USA can fight wars indefinitely. The more wars the USA starts, the weaker the petrodollar becomes as the world currency. America and Israel is a catch-22 where the longer the aircraft carriers remain on Israel's coasts, the more likely an international incident is to occur in Asia or South America that could destabilize the petrodollar, but in theory so long as America responds quickly enough they can go to war with every non-nuclear nation on earth. The second they respond though, Israel is toast.
>>11756 Touch grass.
>>11758 Grass-anon really broke you by not hating niggers, huh?
>>11730 Gas masks were developed pretty fast. Speaking of which, in the Soviet artillery handbook from 1930s the proper military niche of chemical weapons was outlined clearly: having to work in gas masks impairs troop performance. This matters if they find themselves in need to do a lot of demanding exercises like anti-air and anti-battery shooting (or even running through a bad terrain) immediately after that. Thus: lead with gas, then soften up with preparatory fire proper, then attack. At this point it was not even expected to actually kill or incapacitate much, just another form of suppression that's more situational, but can be long-range and persistent. In reality of the actual wars, of course, chemical ammunition was not used, not only due to mutually assured stupidity, but also as logistically impractical.
>drama over the nigger word is now expanding to other threads Kinda glad this site is shutting down at this point if this is what you faggots are doing these days.
The US and UK has begun attacks on Yemen.
>>11762 Why?
>>11763 Probably the fact that Yemen has been launching missiles at Israel quite effectively, newfag-kun.
>>11763 Because the Houthis are able to launch drones and missiles at any boat passing through a strait that normally takes some 15% of worldwide shipping, and they've proven themselves to be the only Arabs outside Palestine willing to walk the talk, by bombing ships with connections to Israel. The US and UK sent their navies, and initially only did AA work, but if they just kept that up their ships would run out of million-dollar missiles faster than the Houthis will run out of cheap explosive drones.
>Iran has siezed a tanker >UK is bombing Houthis in Yemen We may not even make it to March 15th.
>>11766 I doubt it will come to anything significant, it seems like outside of terrorist attacks and bombing from afar the only ones willing to do any direct fighting are the kikes and hamas. No one has the balls to fling any nukes, the US doesn't have the balls to launch another large scale ground campaign anywhere (and probably doesn't even have the capability considering the abysmal recruiting numbers and overall rampant incompetence), and the sandniggers don't have the balls to attack because US carriers are still scary despite the incompetence.
>>11767 That assumes that someone doesn't fuck up somewhere and overescalate.
>>11768 In what way?
>>11769 Most likely the US unconditionally backing Israel in a retaliation, beyond it's borders, of some sort.
>>11770 The US doesn't have the manpower to back them up on the ground and the kikes floundering around this much in Gaza against what are basically cavemen with rocket launchers makes me think that's not going to happen. Yeah I know about >US air and naval support, but that only takes you so far when your expensive munitions are starting to run dry and kikes are still as casualty averse as ever to the point that losing a couple thousand is more terrifying to them than losing tens of thousands would be to their enemies. Not to mention even in their sorry states the countries surrounding Israel have far better intel, equipment, and training than Hamas, if jews are having thousands of dead and injured in their own heavily blockaded backyard they probably won't fare much better in some other yard outside of their precious iron dome that also isn't fenced in to keep the enemy from regrouping or bringing in reinforcements.
>>11769 I mean that since that policy is set and orders are given by leaders but are carried out by boots on the ground. It wouldn't be at all hard from lowly squad, or pilot to find themselves in a "Boston Massacre" kind of situation. Or even a ship captain. >>11771 Probably the biggest threat would be Isreal or some ultra hawks from the UK or US starting a war with Iran in the hopes that that will give the excuse to bootstrap the US and UK into war mode and do limited or full conscription.
>>11772 >conscription in the US Fuck I'd love to see them try that, almost the entire fighting aged population is fucked in some form or fashion. If younger people aren't outright anti-America they usually have some chemical addiction or severe mental issues, and the conservative ones (or what oasses as conservative here) are more worried about their own homeland getting fucked in the ass than going to the exact opposite side of the planet to fight sandniggers on behalf of kikes. That might actually be the straw that breaks the camel's back
>>11773 >are more worried about their own homeland getting fucked in the ass than going to the exact opposite side of the planet to fight sandniggers on behalf of kikes. Imagine believing this, nothing excites the white man more than the orders of the Jews, the white man exists solely to serve their Jewish overlords. To be commanded to die on foreign lands for israel is an honor amongst whites after all their god is Jewish, their religion is jewish, and not to forget the foundations of the west the whites uphold is entirely Jewish.
>>11774 Nice projection pzhos.
Your niggerpill logic doesn't hold up at all because if that really was the case and it wasn't just delusional boomers propping up the zog hype then the US military wouldn't have a recruiting crisis if all those white men really did worship kikes that hard when their precious zionist hellscape is having trouble.
>>11773 >>11774 >>11775 >>11776 50-100 years ago doctors cured wounds 50-100 years ago policemen stopped crimes 50-100 years ago train drivers drove their railcars on-time I can tell you what God has to do with it with examples. The healthcare system for example is a lumbering beast where money gets thrown at it, more and more money every year. The experienced white doctors, particularly at consultancy level, they worship secularism and science. But their job at this level is to watch innumerable beans coming in and to move those beans around. Without moral purpose and without specific shared aims, like preserving the sanctity of the human soul as an example, this is just going to look like Universe 24 of the rat utopia experiment. They are not made to work towards anything. We have the beautiful ones running our health system. They stand for nothing in particular; they lack anything purposeful to do with themselves or with things they look to commit towards. Any shared moral goal would be an improvement. Hindus and Buddhists can get a fair few things done in their own way and their own time. But our traditions are Christian. Under Christianity we accomplished most of our pre-modern history, and those accomplishments leave many an other culture for dust. Trial by jury instead of trial by might. Paying a wage, however derisory, instead of open slave markets. These ideas had not accidentally sprung up at our feet; they were worked for. So believing in God, or "a God" is what's holding you back not in terms of over-zealousness but rather your lack of belief in anything. God is as defined post-Christ, that of the kindness in man. The same ability to order entrophy, the same creative means and elements; just applied to universes. Any such humble creature with a forth layer of the brain contains that of God. All good dolphins and whales go to heaven. I'm not a prophet or even a very good preacher of the faith or anything, but because I understand these things I can't stoically be shifted as much as when I was a God-loathing atheist whose faith in evolution and fitness survival depended moralistically only on the golden rule™. No talking point of the moment can arrange what I find to be good or not any more either. Wokery hasn't much room left if pride is most certainly a sin.
>>11777 >Weapons
>pzhos so upset his logic fails even basic scrutiny that he goes on a schizo black cock meltdown lol eventually this behavior is going to completely ruin your ability to communicate with anyone and you'll deserve the total isolation you get in return both online and irl.
Blinken said Israel's settler violence, settlement expansion, home demolitions, and evictions make it harder to have peace and security https://8chan.moe/news/res/241.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ixrnp1q6HM[Embed] U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is calling on Israel to pursue a two-state solution with Palestinians as the only pathway toward lasting peace in the region. >During this week’s World Economic Forum conference in Davos, Switzerland, Blinken remarked on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, which sharply escalated after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel when 1,200 were killed and hundreds were kidnapped. >Since then, the Israeli response has largely consisted of indiscriminate bombing campaigns and has resulted in the estimated deaths of more than 31,000 Palestinians, with another 61,079 injured. A staggering 92 percent of those killed have been civilians. >“For me, I think for so many of us, what we’re seeing every single day in Gaza is gut wrenching. And the suffering we’re seeing among innocent men, women, and children breaks my heart,” Blinken said during a Q&A session at the conference. >The Associated Press captured statements made by Blinken speaking at a news conference after meeting with Israeli leaders, saying Israel “must stop taking steps that undercut the Palestinians’ ability to govern themselves effectively.” >Blinken said Israel “must be a partner of the Palestinian leaders who are willing to lead their people” and live “side by side in peace with Israel,” the AP reported. >He added that violence (including Palestinian deaths) committed by Israeli settlers, settlement expansion, home demolitions, and evictions “all make it harder, not easier, for Israel to achieve lasting peace and security.” >Blinken’s call for a two-state solution came within days of one of his European counterparts making similar remarks. >“The only way is the creation of a Palestinian state,” Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, said during a recent news conference. He added that an independent Palestinian state would offer a “horizon of hope” for Palestinians. >The Biden administration is likely to face strong pushback from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who continues to remain opposed to the proposition of ever allowing Palestinians to have a state of their own. >For decades, Netanyahu has been openly opposed to making Palestine an internationally recognized country, going so far as to provide funding and support to the very Hamas terrorist organization that attacked his country on Oct. 7 in a bid to prevent a two-state solution.
Netanyahu Says He has Told US He Opposes Palestinian State in any Postwar Scenario https://8chan.moe/news/res/241.html >Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday rejected U.S. calls to scale back Israel’s military offensive in the Gaza Strip or take steps toward the establishment of a Palestinian state after the war >“We obviously see it differently,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said. >In a nationally televised news conference, Netanyahu struck a defiant tone, repeatedly saying that Israel would not halt its offensive until it realizes its goals of destroying Gaza’s Hamas militant group
>>11485 >>11486 Honestly how is some low level grunt on the ground completely cut off from his leaders because of Israeli jamming devices supposed to know there was a ceasefire anyway? Even if they had alternative means of communication those have long since been bombed for sure.

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