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Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 13:51:51 Id: 787691 No. 146

Let's talk about the brave freedom fighters in Hong Kong.

Mask ban is in effect
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They're dealing with China. That's just prudent.
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They really like Pepe.
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Apparently, the prostesters have managed to get the offending bill permanently withdrawn, which is a huge victory. This happened a few weeks ago. Never thought they'd make it. Now they want accountability from the thuggish police force. Another tall task.
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This burned the bank
Who burned what bank? What are you talking about?

They're funded by the U.S. deep state.
>tfw no cute, thin yellow gf to give the middle finger to commies with
>and then fill up on the way back
You realize he's yellow too, right?
Everyone is funded by the US deep state. If you aren't receiving shekels from one of the glowinthedark agencies you haven't made it as an insurgency yet.
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Bank of china, in the lower right hand corner of the screenshot of the stream
I watched as the flames grew big, then it disappeared in smoke, then later the fire department arrived and some firemen went in to put it out
A lot of masks and a lot of random fires
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Fuck China. This really pisses me off.
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>the girls are so pure that handholding is off limits
What can be done to support them?

Found these news on a hk general on halfchan's /pol/. Pretty good thread, btw. Should still be up.
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Even if they are funded by the JewSA to weaken China they should be supported -- China is a dystopian hellhole by all accounts with stuff like video related and social credit.
This is some serious abuse of technology, its an abomination
China is also one of the worst polluters, engaging in slavery and then there's the firewall of China. That regime is terrible, they're also trying to claim other countries territories like Tibet, Taiwan and some Japanese islands, yet they have this huge land

I think China might be on a conquest to eventually take over the world; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belt_and_Road_Initiative

Question is, what can be done?
>Question is, what can be done?
I don't think much really can be done. Over the last few years I've gone from a techno-optimist to realizing that stuff like what we're seeing in China is the logical conclusion of the techno-industrial system. This system is the main source of social and psychological problems plaguing our society today and is the main factor that allows modern states to be so coercive and capable of overreach like what we saw in that video and with social-engineering systems such as social credit. The system has to regulate human behavior in order to function, forcing us to behave in ways increasingly remote from our natural behavioral patterns. Mass surveillance and social engineering are essential for a complex, industrialized society. Surveillance is essential to the modern state for its alleged law and order / anti-terrorism benefits. Essentially -- Ted Kaczynski was right and what we're seeing in China will be normal elsewhere in a few decades, even if in a more subtle but just as oppressive in operation.
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I think there's a number of possibilities which might change that course
Natural disasters, AI singularity, new different technologies which make these systems not work anymore..

Nobody believed the walls could come down, like with the Berlin wall and the fall of the soviets and recently this thing with North Korea
>AI singularity
That'd almost certainly end the human race. If we have to put our hopes in super-beings with completely alien mindsets, we're in really rough shape. Honestly, I don't think autocracy is an inevitable outcome of advancing information tech. People can always say no to the bullshit. The West may have forgotten the value of freedom, but other peoples haven't. Turn to the East. Just look at how much determination the han chinese in hong kong are showing in defense of their basic liberties. You'd never see anything like this in West. We like antifa and "hate speech" regulation more than being able to speak our minds. Isn't that some irony? Ethnic Han Chinese, or "bugpeople" as /pol/ calls them, are puting us Westerners to shame. Their bravery is inspirational.
Well I agree with you they are putting most westerners to shame, the west isn't only the Us tho
Sorry for getting a bit off topic there, this thread's about these freedom fighters in Hong Kong
I've seen some yellow wests in this Hong Kong protest, which reminded me of that yellow wests movement which started in France
A lot of people seem to be against the masked protesters in Hong Kong because they're destroying property, but even then its nothing in comparison to what the China regime has done

Yeah I admire them for still wearing masks despite the ban
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>Nobody believed the walls could come down, like with the Berlin wall and the fall of the soviets and recently this thing with North Korea
The problem is that those were victories granted to us, not victories we achieve ourselves. It's still better than nothing, but I think to truly win, it must be the people themselves who must secure their own liberties, and the only way to do this is to resist the state as individuals, and not as a crowd which seeks safety in large groups and only protests for something when there's enough people already protesting. That's the leftist, SJW-tier way of doing things because mediocre people and slaves are afraid to stand out as individuals. It's absolutely necessary to cultivate a spirit of bravery and self-respect in a population, which seems like what the people of Hong Kong have.

I'm not too worried about the AI arms race. Modern psychology is still stuck in the 20th century, so I'd say we still have about 50 years at least before we get a truly concious artificial entity with a properly functioning mind. Anything before that would only be an emulation based on trained neural networks.
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>video related
And this.

Activision blizzard bows down to China
Blizzard has been a complete pozzed sack of shit for years now. No surprises tbh.
>statists will defend this

China is trash, but I'm inclined to believe the HK protestors have been co-opted by glowinthedarks. If this is indeed the case things won't be much better for HK, and possibly worse, if they have further success.
The same thing happens in Britain and Germany, and probably in other European countries.

What's the latest news from the city?
Apparently this
That's great. This kind of stuff will get them a lot more support than the mindless rioting that some of them are involved in.
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Masked protests still ongoing, I think its mostly just on weekends
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I find it weird how there have been protests in the five continents of the world lately.
I wonder what will happen to her. The cops seemed angry, and there were several of them. Looked very serious.
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>Nobody believed the walls could come down, like with the Berlin wall and the fall of the soviets and recently this thing with North Korea
The Berlin Wall came down because people misunderstood the will of the East German Government, which in turn misunderstood the will of Gorbachev. IIRC Gorbachev was trying to reform the Soviet Bloc since many countries were effectively flexing on the Soviet Union, like the Baltic states, so he wanted to loosen up immigration policies among other things, East Germany thought that meant they would be able to travel to the West flat out so they announced it to the people, but they fucked up the wording and people thought they were literally going to be united and just went and demolished the wall thinking it was 'legal', at that point no one knew what the fuck to do anymore and just went home, except Gorbachev who had to be gotten out by the army from Communist Coaches. Or at least that's the way I heard of it. IIRC the West German govt was just about to move their own official buildings to Bonn since they hadn't been to Berlin in years.

At any rate: why aren't the protestors wearing yellow and red like Winnie Pooh?
And 'Murrica, with their plainclothes no-knock raids.

Maybe they found out she had -O blood and no diseases so they decided her organs could be put to better use.
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There's apparently a standoff at a university or more like a siege by the police, after some protestors were ambushed by police. They were caught off guard so they fled into the university and then the police surrounded it and has been actively preventing the protestors from leaving

Update from a 4chan poster with a hk flag.
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Parts of HK look like warzones. Escalating violence.
I hope they manage freedom from their gommie masters in fact of course.
Beautiful. Communists musts be punished, and people must cultivate a tradition of resistance to government.

The only sad part about this whole HK thing is that at the end of the day, if the protesters win, they will only get >democracy and maybe a bit of autonomy but nothing too cool.
These protestors are violating the NAP
Not really. They are defending their home-turf from an occupying communist government.
>implying British occupiers didn’t steal rightful Chinese clay
The NAP was violated. HK is a fake country
>implying Qing Empire was any better or had any more rightful claim to the land
lol no
PRoC is occupying RoC clay
>what is right of conquest
ROK has been btfo for decades, confined to a tiny island, impotent and weak as South Korea
>still manages to exist
>will still be there the moment CCP rule collapses and crosses the strait to pick up the pieces
Tiananmen Square 1989

Tiananmen Square 1989.
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This is the results from last week's district elections in hk. The pro-china party got decimated. They lost the majority of their seats. Something like 80% of the people voted for the opposition.
>2 weeks since the last post
>noone is interested in the yellow qties struggle against authoritarianism
>DAB got dabbed on
Like a symphony...

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