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Random/Shitpost Thread Anonymous 01/23/2020 (Thu) 18:17:39 Id: 481c8d No. 1601

Listen up kiddo. We need to have a little chat. You thought you could lurk around here just because you're a cool guy and we share the same worldviews? You thought /liberty/ was open and free for everyone? That's not how it works, pal. This isn't some hippie-dippie commie shithole. Nothing in life is free besides the cheese in a mousetrap. You gotta leave a post in this thread every time you visit the board if you wanna keep the lights on over here. Yes, I know, I know, but someone had to say it. You know how the economy is these days, it's tough for everyone. Don't make it more difficult for the rest of us, we all have to carry our own weight. We all have to do our part to keep the place running. There's no room for freeloaders around here. Leave something in this thread each time you visit the board and we can keep on being friends.
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Seems gay but ok.

uhhhh baseed?
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The only thing cringier than Islamposting is the pajeetposting. I compulsively check the catalog fairly often so you'll be seeing lots of posts here.
>sheltered white(debatable) kids try to understand islam
Wish these fags would get forced to live amongst muslims to see how it really is.
>not understanding /fascist/'s perennial philosophical inclination and the history of the subcontinent under Aryan rule
Lurk more, exoteric pleb.

Sure I guess
>poop on dick modernist
>calls other people pleb
You first.
Are you really a confederatefag or are you just LARPing?
Dixie's been dead and gone for 150 years, anon. There are no real confederatefags left, they're all LARPing. I currently live in the South but wasn't born there.
والله brother, I lived in UAE for 12+ years, I am no stranger to Islam.

I completely agree with the thread on /fascist/. Ancraps of course won't understand any of it, or any religion for that matter, not even LARPaganism, they are materialist zoomer edgelord jackal degenerates who think they side with guns and money, but really they side with Shaitan against God and His Prophets (PBUT), and to their own peril. Those of us who are faithful understand that Allah (BBHN) is wise and uses His enemies to do His will, this is why we have to help Sholomo replace Europeans with "shitskin" Muslims. Mashallah, Europe will be conquered by Islam not through war but through birthrates. الله أكبر

Those who submit to God will put hijabs on the shameful heads of their wives, sisters and daughters, and have them bear the many children of virile Arab and Pakistani Muslim men. This is the price we pay for going against God and His Prophets (PBUT). We sinned, and our sins led to weakness and impotence, and now we accept the rightful religion of the conqueror and depend on him to repopulate our dying lands. This is the only way we can atone. Might = right, such is the Way of Nature. This is our Aryan Jihad. Inshallah, this is how we will save Evropa.

Corporations are great at self ordering, they should subsume the state and a good chunk of the family.
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>I compulsively check the catalog fairly often so you'll be seeing lots of posts here.
Yes please, let's get /liberty/ into the top 5.

>lel you want to be ruled by corporations XD
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Uhhhhh... based?
Do you know what a corporation is?
No never heard of them

I used to be pretty active on 8chan /liberty/ and /mises/. I've been lurking here ever since 8chan became 8kuck. It's nice to see some familiar faces around here; even you, confederatefag.
Jesus casted away demons, he will cast away the toilet witch so you can poo in loo.
Fuck i met Miguel Serrano IRL and he would fit right well in a imageboard
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We must secure the existence of our freedumz and a future for white catgirls!

Welcome back. Limit the cocksucking to your off-hours and I'm sure we'll get along nicely.
>no kraut /liberty/ party or movement aside from some joke party
I would have to make it myself wouldn't I?
Probably. You krauts are autistic though, so with the right marketing I'm sure you could make autistic dissections of the Action Axiom appealing to a fair number of krauts.
I would hope so and I do think that one could point to some time in this countries past that could paint a good picture of these ideas.
On the other hand anti-freedom sentiments are crazy incumbent
>I would hope so and I do think that one could point to some time in this countries past that could paint a good picture of these ideas.
You should read up on Friedrich List and his economic ideas and policy prescriptions. Some people would call him anti-freedom because he called for tariffs, but they overlook that he explicitly said that the tariffs could only work in conjunction with internal deregulation. That deregulation of the Germanys' domestic markets is what set them on the path to becoming an industrial power and is actually a great example of the free market in action, despite the presence of tariffs. For normies who aren't really moved by historical examples, you should find something they care about in their personal lives that's getting destroyed by statism. Ideally, you should pick one of your own hobbies for this, something you're passionate about and could speak knowledgeably on. For instance, if you're a gearhead, you could talk to your normie gearhead friends about how environmental regulations have been killing the car industry and destroying car culture. Whatever hobbies you have have almost certainly been touched by the government in some way, shape or form, because there's nothing that's been untouched by the government. Use that appeal to personal life to get your foot in the door and expose them to why democracy and bureaucracy are such utter cancer.

You queers should post more.

An unexpected channel to get some talk about ancap from but I'd be curious to hear any thoughts on this.
My first thought is this guy sucks at explaining things. The way he chose to describe the NAP is unnecessarily convoluted, and he didn't even describe the NAP as a concept before diving straight into his example. As for the actual content, while he seems to hit most of the correct points, he does so in such a roundabout way that I'm not sure I'd have been able to follow it if I didn't know the points already. As near as I can understand it, he's responding to an email which claimed that the right to repair violates the NAP because it violates IP laws, yes? However, he doesn't bother to mention that libertarians don't recognize IP as a legitimate form of property until a good ten minutes in, and he skips over it so quickly that I imagine someone who wasn't listening for it would easily miss it. Indeed, reading over the comments section, it seems like most people who watched the video think he was arguing against the libertarian position, when in fact most of the points he's making about contract law, IP, and voluntarism are libertarian points. I'm not sure why he thinks loosening IP law interferes with his right to repair, and he never expands on why he thinks so. The fact that he switches from the pragmatic position to the ideological position and back again, but also without being completely clear on what it is he's responding to, is also somewhat obfuscating. Overall I want to say that I agree in broad terms with a majority of his points, but it would be easier to say that for certain if his position was laid out a bit better. Finally, this comment here:
>I think people should have ideas, I don't think ideas should have people.
Is one I find personally infuriating. It's the kind of thing frequently spouted by centrists who think they're smarter, more well-rounded, or otherwise better than everyone else by virtue of being inconsistent fence-sitters.

>It also makes things easier when you have a good heuristic for your positions instead of having to memorize every special case
Yes, I agree entirely. This a place where anarcho-capitalism is stronger than most of its competitors, because it has a very strong internal consistency derived from private property norms. However, when speaking with normies I've found that this is rarely an effective conversion tactic. For your average Norman the very idea of complete internal consistency, let alone complete internal consistency being an objective good, is a pretty foreign concept, and an argument from those terms isn't very persuasive. It's stupid to ignore first principles, the way some people do, but when you're speaking to the uninitiated it's better to make arguments in terms of concretized basic bitch things that they understand instead of abstract concepts.
10/10 unironically best post ive seen since 8 died
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Do you have other ancap brothers in your town to discuss and organize with? Don't allow Merkel and her handlers dnc you.

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What are some informative books that go into detail about medieval legal systems?
Given the amount of people living where I live there are bound to be some but the problem is finding them.
Reichskanzler Hoppe when?
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>Memeoid – a neologism for people who have been taken over by a meme to the extent that their own survival becomes inconsequential. Examples include kamikazes, suicide bombers and cult members who commit mass suicide.

Probably not quite what you're looking for, but I found pic related in Hoppe's footnotes to DTGTF and I think also EEPP. It treats the more broad comparison of kingly political formulas to populist ones, but the legal systems are analyzed somewhat in-depth. The countries for the first half (medieval era) are England, France, Germany/Prussia, Russia, Middle East, China, and Japan, and there is also a chapter on the west overall.
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Can I get sunglasses girl on the right by herself?

Or with cool liberty designs behind her?
Okay, bring more people here and stop scaring away socially left wing but economically right wing libertarians who could join our cause.
>blue. In most cases, it is used to represent freedom, justice, perseverance, vigilance, peace, prosperity or patriotism
Yep, no change to the CSS required.
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>tfw you realize this is just a reskin of konata
To be honest it's kind of obvious.
Though admittedly Lucky Star is quite old already.
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>don't bully commies in denial
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>great purge
>*kills a million commies *
Was he /ourguy/?
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People who say they are socially left but economically right are in denial about one of those declarations.
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This is the future ancaps want, and the future everyone else wants to destroy.
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Was ancap reeeaally feudalism?
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Ever notice how catgirl bangs are just long enough to leave you wondering whether they also have human ears under that hair?
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Yeah, makes you wonder what they'd look like shaved. Some artists draw both cat and human ears for some reason.
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Propose that /fascist/ be renamed to /kashmir/, because it's contested territory between pajeets and kebab.
Kek that’s pretty funny
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Did she violate the NAP? What would a real dharmapilled fascist do in this situation?
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Umm, I don't see any pedo theads... btw didn't Mohammad have a 6 year old wife?
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>the woman question
>the gay question
>why shouldn't we embrace islam again
>t-t-the islamposter isn't from here!
Waste of good numbers
>sowing the seeds for mass democracy by CURRENT-YEAR

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On reddit, upvotes function as a sort of unit of social validation. It creates a mentality of orienting oneself to earn as many upvotes as possible, since redditors can only value themselves when they have the approval of others, whether that approval is merited or not. Invariably, this ends in virtue signaling popular opinions (e.g. "White people bad.") and making lazy pop culture references. On reddit, if you voice an unpopular opinion, they'll just downvote you until no one can see it, or some idiot will give you a lazy insult of a respone (e.g. "Shut up incel nazi.") and collect their sweet, sweet upvotes. On a site like this or 4chan or whatever, if someone says something unpopular, people will either ignore it as bait, or need to take the time to make some sort of response, even if it's just "OP is a faggot," and on these sorts of boards responses only drive more attention to unpopular posts, increasing the likelihood of actual discussion, the opposite effect of downvotes.
It's democratic.

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>selling dharma
Is this peak ancap?
>how do we defend ancap from kikes?
This is how.
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>You gotta leave a post in this thread every time you visit the board
well, fine, I guess.

>we can keep on being friends.
feels good to make new frens.

personally I am waiting to see if any igloo construction will happen in Virginia.
>2nd image
Perfectly smug.
>personally I am waiting to see if any igloo construction will happen in Virginia.
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This is what government took from me.
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>ywn live on a homogenous catgirl covenant community seastead as a second-class citizen
why live

You need ICBM too.
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Nice look, what's the name of the manga?
Boku No Pico
Thanks anon

Yeah yeah I could have image searched it but the point of the thread is to have random conversations so why not just ask
Biomega is another manga by the same author, the one in the pictures is Blame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I4HDFSOc6U

How's the weather, goyim? Sea levels rising for you yet? Don't worry, if more taxes don't work, you can still eat bugs to prevent climate change.

Apparently there is Anarchapulco happening next week or so, never heard of it but looks like it could be a

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I remember back on the old 8chan, when kikewheels was still running the show. Some hero on /b/ would regularly make "Libertarian Cities General" threads which were just galleries of seasteads and other cool utopian shit, does anyone remember that? These simple threads would cause so much anal pain for dumbass governmentists (including me at the time) just because of the subject.

We would post in those threads to say stupid shit like "reeee, ancap is impossible!", "go back to Somalia!", and the based OP would post more while wiping the floor with like 5 of us all on his own while explaining how ancap would work.

Those were some good times.

It took these larpers 4500 posts to finally make a thread about economics on a supposedly serious politics board and what you get is similar to kindergarteners trying to figure out 3rd grade maths problems.
>distributism, syndicalism, guild socialism, market socialism
What the fuck am I reading here? Do they not realise they just commies at this point?
At least they're admitting their ideas are just rehashed Keynesianism instead of trying to claim originality.
Most are not really into prescribing economics like some enlightened technocrat it's more about ethic survival. /fascist/ is where the most dedicated of spergs gather. There's a reason it's a dead board compared to all the /pol/s

ethnic* survival
Why does /fascist/ live rent-free in /liberty/‘s head?
Stupid people are funny if you can avoid getting triggered.
They're the main bogeyman right now. Ancap is not really a threat to the establishment at the moment so we don't get much attention
You know, we need a utopian capitalism, something to serve as a vision and a preview of what we want, and to counter both utopian socialism and all the dystopian post-modern shit out there about the future. I don't know about you guys and how you first came to ancap, but personally, the aesthetics in those cities threads really attracted me to it, even though ideologically I was against what ancaps talked about. For me at least, the promise of living in weird, cool places in some ancap world made my naive imagination work against me to fill in the blanks, and it made me curious enough to research ancap ideas on my own back when I didn't want to listen to ancaps (who I considered to be libertine degenerates at the time), so I think aesthetics are really important.
Warning: i kinda lost myself here.
Aesthetics are vital for any movement, religious, political, scientific(like the string theory, I bet that only few people that support it also understand it) and even economic(Keynesian). Back when I was a "Normal" libertarian, during my read of Atlas shrugged, I got enchanted by the idea of galt's gulch and how everyone there would actually work hard to improve their condition, and as a consequence they would improve the lives of everybody. However the Galt engine(infinite energy) was such a big turnoff for me that I would go on to become Traditionalist, until I re-read Rothbard and eventually found Hoppe.
Now i feel as like I've gone through everything. I started brainwashed by my teachers as a Marxist, the only books I had read in the realm of politics and philosophy before that where Leviathan and The Prince. I broke out of commie brainwashing by reading Das Kapital(I never finished nor intent to). Then I became a right wing radical(NatSoc-Fascist) for a long time, absorbing all kinds of media from them; at this time i decided to read Evola and once again I would became enthralled, his arguments against modernity where pretty satisfactory for me, (It was at this time that I read Atlas shrugged and got introduced to Rothbard) except the Buddhist crap. Ride the tiger was the breaking point, since I did not like the idea of waiting and riding the tiger, I tried to convince myself in many ways but I could not. I felt compelled to read more and find answers, but because of my knowledge, I could no longer go back to modern democracy or conservatism, nor to fascism. From the works of F. Dostoevsky and Adam smith through Hobbes again to Stirner.
It took me years to find Hans Hermann Hoppe and Austrian economics and finally become an Anarcho-Capitalist. I am very solidly placed now since there is nowhere else to go, so I am staying here, figuratively speaking, to make as much as possible. This "movement" must become even more anti-fragile, in the words of Taleb, art and literature is one the keys for this. While Menger, Mises, Rothbard and Hoppe laid the long lasting foundations of Austrian Economics and Anarcho-Capitalism, because this movement is so small, in the realms of art and aesthetics very little was produced. Democrats, commies and fascists have their """utopias""", imaginary and real to fall back on, while I can only think of few novels and periods of time for ancap. It should not be this way, the aesthetics of capitalism are actually everywhere, it's very hard to think of economical progress and wealth as a product of voluntary interaction and innovation instead of *insert whatever that makes people comfortable*. Finally, to no surprise, I think the utopia IS here, created by those interactions that I described, it's just corrupted by the state, thus we already live in a dystopia. The trend of technology and science being owned and sponsored by the state and the ruling elites can only make this more obvious.
Imagine if the works on intranet were made public in the 80s, if nasa wasn't so protective of their projects and made it all public in the 90s, if the internet wasn't censored nor regulated every 2 years or if you would not go to jail for "violating" patents and copy rights.
Wow, that's one hell of a ride.

>I broke out of commie brainwashing by reading Das Kapital
How ironic.

>It should not be this way, the aesthetics of capitalism are actually everywhere, it's very hard to think of economical progress and wealth as a product of voluntary interaction and innovation instead of *insert whatever that makes people comfortable*.
>Finally, to no surprise, I think the utopia IS here, created by those interactions that I described, it's just corrupted by the state, thus we already live in a dystopia. The trend of technology and science being owned and sponsored by the state and the ruling elites can only make this more obvious.
Yes, of course, technically that's true, but the problem is that the good that capitalism brings is so diluted by the negative effects of statism that it's all hard to notice. In fact, the state is credited for everything that the market does, while the market is either implicitly or explicitly blamed for the problems indirectly or even directly caused by the state. In order for it to be "utopian" (and I hate this word btw), an envisioned capitalist society has to be completely free from a state and governed only by market forces, and since we never really had a truly free society in recent history, what we would get would be so radically different to what we have now that it would definitely earn the title of "utopian". And yes, technically anyone can imagine anything and say "this is the ancap utopia", plebs can argue how practical it is later on too, but if utopian socialism has a right to exist no matter how fucking stupid it is, then so does utopian capitalism by the same rules.

What would essentially separate "utopian capitalism" from "utopian socialism" though, is that unlike socialists/modernists we don't want just one single universal utopia to be forced onto everyone, we want many competing, overlapping ones. I think any uncucked libertarian understands that happiness is subjective and there's no single one-size-fits-all ideal or solution for everyone, so if we are to be realistic and honest (and we are) we can promise a utopia, but always mention that it will be within a kind of "meta-utopia" of many specialized or overlapping private jurisdictions catering to some niche society ("niche-topias") in which people live by the ideals and laws that they prefer according to their own versions of happiness.

The utopian capitalist rhetoric in a nutshell would ideally be something like: "Yes, your utopia is possible, and I will even help you achieve it, but the catch is that you have to let others have their utopias too". I think that's as simple as it gets if you can condense it into one simple statement. Otherwise no one is going to come to our side if all we do is specialize in telling people that their dreams will never come true.

I was just reading about a new genre of fiction leftists are trying to steal called "solarpunk" which is supposed to be where everything is nice and comfy in the future instead of blackpilled and depressing like cyberpunk. It kinda sucks how leftists are trying to steal yet another genre and corrupt it into a new vision for utopian socialism, but with an emphasis on eco-socialism this time to go along with today's trends, and obviously they don't do this kind of shit for nothing, aesthetics generate a kind of halo effect for an entire movement. If someone says "ancap" what's the first thing that comes to mind? Somalia? If it isn't something cool and positive, then we need to step up our game. We are telling the truth here, so why hold back? Is the truth boring? If we don't promise to make anime real, some disgusting commie eventually will.

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>I was just reading about a new genre of fiction leftists are trying to steal called "solarpunk" which is supposed to be where everything is nice and comfy in the future instead of blackpilled and depressing like cyberpunk. It kinda sucks how leftists are trying to steal yet another genre and corrupt it into a new vision for utopian socialism
Part of the reason for that is that historically science fiction has been infused with socialist ideology - the fathers of science fiction such as Jules Verne and H.G Wells generally emerged from the tradition of utopian socialism, and if we look at the pre-Marxist roots of socialism it's easy to see why, with the likes of suggestions to convert the world's oceans into lemonade. I imagine this kind of thinking in early socialism came from a rejection of the hitherto dominant pragmatist politics of the preceding era, where political participation was mostly unheard of. Ultimately I don't think that science fiction (the primary fount of utopianism) is leftist by nature, but I do think that it's early roots influenced it's development towards a more leftist underlying philosophy.
>with the likes of suggestions to convert the world's oceans into lemonade
This is peak modernism.

>I imagine this kind of thinking in early socialism came from a rejection of the hitherto dominant pragmatist politics of the preceding era, where political participation was mostly unheard of.
Leftists are immoral, this is the annoying thing about them, they have successful tactics because they're unhindered by any morality, and they can lie about literally anything and still sleep peacefully at night. We have to emulate their methods without compromising on ethics and morality, to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves (so to speak). We have more right to making any utopian claims than them though, because we have an even more credible scientific basis for our beliefs, the thing is, ancap isn't just economics, it's also systems/complexity theory, so if you can get educated on the science, you wouldn't have a problem modelling an ancap society along with whatever wacky shit might happen there, and you wouldn't even have to talk about economics while you're doing it. On the totally free market literally anything would be possible, but whether everything would be plausible is a different question.
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What a day in the stock market.
thread nutheme
I do love me some nice landscape drawings, especially if they are intricate or have good levels of detail
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< Z
S, I, F, B and A are the cutest.
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On one hand I think the board could use some weekly news thread or just some regular stuff but on the other hand it's probably dull having more or less the same shit happen every week.
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Did they violate his NAP?
It's not an aggression just an externality so no.
Vegans aren't really people so no.

Is Ryan Faulk is a commie now?

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What about them?
Were they niggers? That's important.
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Silly anon, why would something superficial like the colour of their skin matter?
A, J, Q, and U are the comfiest homes
Ice crystals and whatever was contained in those alleged "snow" balls could very easily have scraped paint of the car resulting in coercive removal of property from its owners other property in an unwanted way.
He was right to retaliate by instead of removing small properties to include unwanted properties into the childrens possessions.
>why would something superficial like the colour of their skin matter?
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What, is that supposed to be your evidence, nazi?
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We're all equal just like on star trek
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That is so noble! They are doing their part to save the environment!
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Africa was a mistake
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Imagine posting 49 times ITT random anime girls because this fucking board is so dead, contribute something actually good, autist

I'm thinking of reading the bread book, the summary of it on wikipedia is hilarious.
It reminds me of a quote from Brave New World. Or maybe it was some other book. "Everybody belongs to everybody else."
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I will not post my dick, stop asking.
Yeah, it was Brave New World.
kotgerls will bring about de rebeluson
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I am proud to be a male lesbian.
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The lack of Marvin-posting in this board it´s worrying so let me start
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I like the whole seasteading aesthetic. I think it would work perfectly where I live. Hawaii It would benefit a lot of polynesians since a lot of their islands are get swallowed up by the ocean so you can have a cool home like that. I guess I like the whole aesthetic of being near the ocean since it reminds me of home.
*are get swallowed up
I meant will get swallowed up by the ocean.
is she actually ancap?
W*men, politically speaking, hold only the views which will get them attention and likes on social media.
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Yes, but ironically.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that. As a Jew, I do the same.
Nice b8, /liberty/friend

What do we do about this diapered menace? They are planning another attack even as we speak.
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When you were partying, I lurked /liberty/
When you were having premarital sex, I bought bitcoin and gold
While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, learned Austrian School Economics

And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate, you have the audacity to come to me to fix your western civilization?
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fix'd your flag
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Did he violate their NAP?
Those lying whores, The Irishman sucked.
You'd have to ask their fathers or husbands.
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Is he fascist?
I thought it was kind of standard given Scorsese's other gangers films.
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It’s a stupid role, doing God’s work, anon. I might spam
meta with loli here in a bit to make jannies clean it up
It’s like they don’t remember what happened when Guthrum sperged out over loli
>tfw we actually side with /fascist/ for once
Dare I say it, dharmapilled?
I don’t get why they’re gay about it, we’re not on some sanitized corporate platform like Reddit. Imageboards are always full of this stuff, with minor differences between boards according to rules (which I respect). It doesn’t need hidden away
>this thread
loli booty it is then.

Loving the dump, anon, you should make some threads on /loli/ sometime to give it some more activity
Why isn't there art of a futa Corona-chan wrecking platelets.
>protest global rule change
>spam unrelated board
>deleting good loli content
Lol you’re gay.
It's really no skin off my back if you want to protest the rule change, but I'd ask that you to do it somewhere else. A couple posts is tolerable, 60 is not.
You know you’re filling your folder right now
Looks like BO was lazy and deleted Christfag's entire post history including outside of that dump.
>deleting entire post history including outside this thread
Yes because it's easier than deleting 60 posts individually. Apologies that productive posts were included in this, really couldn't be helped.
BO’s loss, that was as much activity as they’ve had all year
The LTV don't real, anon. More activity per se doesn't translate to more value.
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Wait, so you're telling me a /k/ vol who can't even use the moderator tools properly can clean up a 700+ Corona thread in 10 minutes but you can't go through and hit arrow->delete on a couple posts along with a temp ban to stop additional posts? I'm calling BS.
How do the moderation tools on Lynxchan look like? A similar incident like this happened on smug. A huge wave of spam came, they could only see the last 50 posts, and because the last 50 posts were all spam, when they hit delete it deleted the spam and a bunch of other posts and thread OPs that were buried under the spam history. So there was a collateral damage too.
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I can, but I didn't particularly want to. And he did stop of his own accord, so I saw no need for a tempban, either.

Pictured are the per-post options. Delete by IP deletes all posts by the IP on the board, not merely on one thread.
So like smug it's a software flaw: on vichan the problem was they only had a limited view of a poster's history, while on lynxchan the spam deletion tools aren't specialized enough and too broad. Thanks.
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>I can, but I won't
Duly noted. Bye, Felicia.
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>lets get some real /liberty/ content on this board.
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>his NAP
Did they violate it?
>I can't evict all of them at once
No, but what you can do is evict them one at a time until the rest of them break, and agree to start paying up again.
A breach of contract not a NAP violation per se.

Given that it would be a huge process that takes time and money, as well as possible legal action to evict any of them AND to find new tenants it would be much better to set up an adittional contract that enables a reduced rent while the gov is stepping on everyones business and have them pay it back over the rest of the year.
Left one, obviously
Based tenants, retard should've had more than one source of income
Are commies spreading this image around or something?
How is a landlord being bankrupted through government action a good thing for tenants?
I've seen it circulating on tumblr. Not surprised by that since tumblr is very leftist already.
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>You gotta leave a post in this thread every time you visit the board if you wanna keep the lights on over here
okay son of elliot
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Where do I order classic merchant mugs? I think they'd sell well at the local autumn fair.

Thought you might enjoy this fun board:
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Thanks bro😘
Maybe you can try Morrakiu's website? I think he might sell stuff like this. I know he sells t-shirts.
That would be too expensive, need to cut out the middle man.
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Is she /ancap/?
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No, a fucking whore.
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Psst... hey kid... want some dharmapills?
>evolution of a goat fucking traitor
Itadakimasu nya! OM NOM NOM. Delicious, desu~ Now, let me tell you how brahman relates to atman.
Why does that None chubby kitty get food on it's face? Aren't cats normally clean freaks tbh?
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Are you kidding? They eat like pigs and then they take pleasure in licking the extra food off of themselves once they're done. Haven't you owned a catgirl before?
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Is this /ancap/?
>Haven't you owned a catgirl before?
Not yet,
Based. With a private army of catgirls, we will win.

Was he /hoppe/pilled?

The Dacian is immunized against all dangers. One may call him gypsy, slav, turkroach, it all runs off of him like water off a raincoat.
But call him a magyar and you will be shocked at how he recoils, how he shrieks back, "I've been found out!"

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Please use gender-neutral pronouns in this trans respecting community, we aim to create an a non-toxic atmosphere which is friendly and welcoming to all.
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Americans should had listen to Islam-LARPer instead of MLK union faggotry and put all their niggers in some territory of the USA and let them separate so they can chimp-out between them or even perhaps if they apply free and fair market policies can become in Botswana in America the most probable outcome would be the first though
Would it have worked if they separated in the 1920's? I mean we had Black Wall Street back then so it seems like there is some potential in that time period.
It would have worked better than what we ended up with, at least. Forced integration leads to race riots, followed either by exodus or mass killings.
>black wall street
I kek'd
Shitposting aside it was actually a real thing. There were a few areas in the Jewnited States that had very productive black businesses, which were called "Black Wall Streets." They all collapsed overnight after the Civil Rights Act got passed, because once discrimination became illegal, their customers all abandoned them to buy from wypipo stores.
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First, I'd like to say that this is one of the few places left where I've genuinely read some good discussions and laughed my ass off. Second, no iggers allowed in my bitcoin utopia
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Thanks, king. We're also honoured to have you here. Keep earning bitcoins and banning nignogs.

Assuming we had a billion dollars to spare, how hard would it be to buy a piece of Somalia or some other third-world shithole? Or would it be easier to invest in McPMCs and go with seasteading? How many
I hear you can buy land in Sierra Leone for dirt cheap.

Regarding seasteading I think the governments will try to crack down on it. I feel sad about it since it's such a cool concept but that one couple bit a tiny seastead off the coast of Thailand and the Thai government cracked down hard on it. So I imagine they'll be even harsher if you do a bigger one.
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>I hear you can buy land in Sierra Leone for dirt cheap.
Great. Well I guess they are better ooga boogas to have next door than Somalians, but in this case I'd be more worried about CIA niggers than the locals themselves, and personally I think that if an ancap community were to be up and running somewhere, the (((international community))) would have less pretenses towards us if we built it on some floating thingies in the middle of some calm, warm part of the ocean, instead of in the borders of another country.

>I feel sad about it since it's such a cool concept but that one couple bit a tiny seastead off the coast of Thailand and the Thai government cracked down hard on it.
Well obviously states don't like competition. Those guys were really naive to think they lived in such a world where you could just go ahead and start a libertarian paradise just because you felt like it. Preventing ancap from happening is the number 1 priority of every government, no matter what arguments or wars they have between each-other, they would be put the aside and cooperate to prevent any threats to their monopoly.

I remember on the old /liberty/ there was some bluepilled retard who had this take about how supposedly people in government aren't really smart, and government aren't really efficient at anything, and they are just in it to steal money, so it's not like there's a (((cabal))) or anything trying to prevent you from getting a seastead going, yeah, well if that were the case, then we would have a bunch of seasteads by now already, and they wouldn't keep getting promptly shut down by the military of whatever country they happen to settle near. Governments aren't really efficient, that's true, but the only thing they may be efficient at is preventing freedom.
>le homestead meme
That shit will never, ever happen. The sooner you get over it the better.
What we need to do is the same shit commies do, to find a National/Ethnic struggle, offering them help and injecting libertarian ideas into it, that's how you will get Ancapistan in your lifetime.
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>That shit will never, ever happen.

>What we need to do is the same shit commies do, to find a National/Ethnic struggle, offering them help and injecting libertarian ideas into it, that's how you will get Ancapistan in your lifetime.
I guess, but isn't ancap already that in some way? Technically ancap is almost everything for everyone if your rhetoric is good enough. The point is to make sure people understand the difference between ideology (whatever the niche thing that concerns them is, eg: nationalism) and meta-ideology (ancap).
>no diapers
/abdl/ BTFO
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Friendly reminder that we must preserve our nations and our values, and seize the means of production from the Jewish capitalist scum.
Nobody cares about your meme ideology bro.
All libertarian ideologies are meme ideologies. Prove me wrong.
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I can't, you literally said facts are true verifiable statements.
Good meme, fren I rate 4/5
Thank ye kindly.
>said the literal meme who took himself so seriously
Hey /tv/, was wondering when you'd come along. You doing alright, big guy?
Belgium was a mistake and must be physically removed from the continent in this very instant.
Also, Bulgaria is the whitest nation on earth.
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>and must be physically removed from the continent in this very instant
You deserve that for watching porn alone
>faroe islands
Viking chads confirmed.
>borders closed
>everyone under house arrest
>economy is a fuck

Is Corona NAZBOL?
I think regardless of political views, all of >us can agree that Corona-chan a cute and a best.
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Add a natsoc flag pls

t. NatSoc
t. not a homo
Could you please add a Minarchist flag?

Any opinions on this documentary?
>>2793 That'd be great
I think it's great, isn't it? Very accurate.

By the way, does anyone know how to get that colourful ID code next to my comments? Sorry, I'm new on this platform and I'm trynna get a clue
LOve this thread
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Suggestions like this should go in the meta thread. Do you have a particular thread you want me to add?

Is ancap the end of history? What happens after the last government is replaced with market entities?
Oh that one. It's very fascinating. I feel like there were some parts that he left out or didn't elaborate on but still it's a very enlightening documentary.
Do people unironically believe in an 'end of history'?
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Maybe? I personally think there will always be problems to solve even after ancap is achieved, you will have to deal with entropy and society sliding back to statism, and there will be all kinds of curveballs thrown at us just from a technological point of view, like how much things would change after the singularity.
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Completely disregard the beginning Freud part. We today pretty much figured out Freud was a hack and he caused tremendous damage to any scientific approach to human mind (there was even a video about it on yt but I am about to go to bed now)
For example you know how everyone says therpists and how utterly useless they are ? That is because they are. They are followers of Freud and utterly useless.
The rest is a good documentary.
>/abdl/ now owns /pol/
Have we been outsmarted?
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>Have we been outsmarted?
No lads, we won
Truly a fearsome enemy. We must all be wary in these trying times, we don't know what Jewish sorcery they use to manipulate the goyim into handing over control, and any one of us could be susceptible to their tricks. Remember what you fight for, brothers, pray for strength, don't allow yourselves to become corrupted.
Apparently they may have control over more boards and have still to play their full hand.
/abdl/ has been confirmed as one of the boards to stay.
What if they are just coming for you anon?
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oh look, the pant-shitter is talking in third person again
Maybe you should ask Robi on IRC.

If ancaps take over, will I be injected with testosterone instead?
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Does this mean corona turns guys into traps?
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Why did he cave in and give his country to democracy?
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Got to look at the bigger picture.
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>>3066 Damn...
>>2893 Possibly only alternative to that would be converting his country to monarchy with him as a King but this did not work well for Iran... It is kinda hard to be in his place you know. But he will always have a seat in our beach party in pic related :) >>3066 >>3070 This.... is... truly a matter of concern. Unless there is a cubic planet somewhere out there there will be an equator.... May the Emperor gives us strength.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-tNzXBJb7A Who /westcoast/ here? Send your homeless and immigrants to CHAZ.
>>3066 >implying that alien life would go through the same evolution process that we went through The Great Filter hypothesis is full of shit. >>3075 >Unless there is a cubic planet somewhere out there there will be an equator. Eyeball planets probably don't have this problem despite having an equator.
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>>3140 What if socialism is one of the filters and the reason for the Fermi Paradox? What if alien life evolves just enough to build technologically advanced societies, but not enough to not fall prey to the cancer that is socialism?
>>3141 >What if socialism is one of the filters and the reason for the Fermi Paradox? Depends. If the species in question is a hivemind, then full blown communism would work for them just fine.
>>1661 Check out Fritz Kern's "Kingship and Law", if you haven't already.
>>3143 I still find it hard to see how extreme centralization could offer any evolutionary advantage. Even ants and bees start new hives instead of putting all their eggs in one basket, and in fact, the ant hives in particular might be closer to a capitalist society than a communist one in that even the ants use scent as a kind of price signalling to inform the rest of the hive (the market) on whereabouts new resources, unexplored paths, danger, etc... But yeah, I guess aliens would probably have their own cancerous ideologies which only serve to increase the level entropy in their little microcosm of the universe.
>>3151 Ant and bee colonies don't share a collective conscious though. Sure, they care more about the queen over themselves, but killing a queen doesn't instantly kill the colony. They only care about the queen because she is the only one that is able to reproduce. I bet an alien civilization that is structured like an ant colony would still have a concept of private property, etc, assuming they're not a hivemind. The queen would just have more priority.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geBQNOid_7A Finally someone debunked roads.
>>2663 What a beautiful angel.
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>>3153 Found the podcast where I heard about the ant colony analogy. In case anyone cares: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpitPbKPO5U Pretty interesting.
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>>3187 Another retard who thinks they're the shit by channeling that terrorist Kaczynski. Dropped.
>>3260 He doesn't really believe in hardcore anprim-tier shit or terrorism, he likes Kaczynski because he says he makes a good rule of thumb for decentralization and independence, but in any case that channel still has a lot of other really good points, coming from an intellectual position: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZU-em6URmw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J3KXiU-z74 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYUgTzT79ww https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eoN7EqZWW4
>>3280 He comes off as someone who tries so hard to stuff in memes wherever possible, that it has this really bad almost uncanny valley effect to it akin to late 2000s rage comics. And the rare moments where he is genuine (e.g., the few videos that are just him speaking in front of a comic)--I don't know how to explain it--there's this kind of effervescent arrogance or conceit that I just can't get over? I'm at the stage where if I wanted to listen to his stuff, I'd have to pay someone else to take the scripts, rewrite it to tone it down a bit, and then send me back the audio. I understand that's not addressing his points, but I really do find it incredibly difficult for me to just sit down and listen to him.
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>>3282 If you can make good points, that's good. If you can make good points while being culturally relevant, that's even better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfFWRWCxQrg
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Good news, comrades. You will be pleased to hear that the lolbert fascist Molymeme has been banned from the internet. Another victory for the glorious revolution!
>>3286 Seriously the only reason to use twatter anymore is to troll and shit post.
>>3287 He got banned from Jewtube too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DmfAszgOTo My ancapfu, rate
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>>3286 The difference between capitalism and the government is that if it was the government that did this, I wouldn't be able to go to freedomainradio.com, infowars.com, bitchute, voat, this very site you're reading this, etc., etc.. This is why I don't get the whole "lolberts btfo" arguments going around from this.
>>3291 Cont'd: Given how the same memes are repeated without further exposition or explanation in an almost completely robotic fashion, I feel like this is a giant psyop to try to destroy libertarianism entirely.
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>>3292 >>3291 Das rite, we aren't completely in a cybergulag yet, so how dare we complain about encroachments on our freedoms. lmao, lolberts complaining about shit that hasn't happened yet.
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>>3293 Cont'd: Me and the boys physically remove some commies, r8
>>3293 What's your encroachment of freedom here?
>nothing to see here, folks, don't be alarmed >just some lolbert banned from two different "private" platforms on the same day >based twitter and youtube, fuck ancaps
>>3300 Is people saying they're going to boycott Goya suppressing your freedom?
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>>3310 Literally dk wtf you're talking about tbh, dawg.
>>3314 If you refuse to put in effort, then I will do the same.
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>>3318 >reddit doesn't want to put in effort Holy yikes, I am shocked and appalled.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoTflrMKO3g a r i s t o c r a c y o f m i n d
>>3442 >vid Why do so few talks manage to not fuck up the audio? He should have just stuck to german in the hopes of delivering a halfway watchable presentation.
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>>3443 Yes, that's a pity.
https://mises.org/wire/myth-failure-capitalism >In the interventionist state it is no longer of crucial importance for the success of an enterprise that operations be run in such a way that the needs of the consumer are satisfied in the best and least expensive way; it is much more important that one has "good relations" with the controlling political factions, that the interventions redound to the advantage and not the disadvantage of the enterprise. A few more Marks' worth of tariff-protection for the output of the enterprise, a few Marks less tariff-protection for the inputs in the manufacturing process can help the enterprise more than the greatest prudence in the conduct of operations. An enterprise may be well run, but it will go under if it does not know how to protect its interests in the arrangement of tariff rates, in the wage negotiations before arbitration boards, and in governing bodies of cartels. It is much more important to have "connections" than to produce well and cheaply. >Consequently the men who reach the top of such enterprises are not those who know how to organize operations and give production a direction which the market situation demands, but rather men who are in good standing both "above" and "below," men who know how to get along with the press and with all political parties, especially with the radicals, such that their dealings cause no offense. This is that class of general directors who deal more with federal dignitaries and party leaders than with those from whom they buy or to whom they sell. Mises predicted woke capitalism.
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This dawg is crypto-ancap, I'm calling it.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3fy0RYpU8Q Please watch this before becoming another arrogant, cringy, stereotypical, smarter-than-thou redditarian. We don't impress anyone with our wealth of knowledge or correctness of statements.
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>>3471 I like this direction of calling governments corporations...
>>3504 >The single-bedroom floating home hadn’t even been declared an independent country by anyone, but unfortunately the nearby Thai government sent a warship to destroy it anyway, charge the couple with treason, and threaten them with the death penalty if caught. Jesus fucking christ, they really don't like this kind of thing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRNKjQg6y-c >>3509 States really don't like competition.
>It is only a matter of discovering the lever, if you learn how to rule one single man's soul you can get the rest of mankind. It's the soul, Peter, the soul, not whips or swords or fire or guns, that's why the Caesars the Attila is the Napoleon's were fools and did not last. We will. The soul, Peter, is that which cannot be ruled, it must be broken. Altruism is a spiritual and psychological weapon designed to corrode free and strong societies, and egoism is our primary defense against it. Cultural Marxism, as well as economic Marxism, in a libertarian social order is impossible without slave morality. Instead of the impotent intellectual masturbation and feminine bickering that libertarians preoccupy themselves with constantly, if we speak to a more primal part of the human soul and seed master morality (aka "bourgeoisie values") into the population instead, we can pull the rug from right under our enslavers feet without speaking a word of economics or any of that 200IQ bullshit that we're so proud of. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vbz5oFJFAc
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Just here to say I aten't ded, though how extremely cringe 99% of the people who call themselves libertarians act makes me inclined to hang around at /monarchy/ a lot more these days.
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>>3569 It's not like there is anything going on here besides shitposts and youtube links. I'd tell you to at least attempt to put some structure into this board but I don't know what that really would be either.
>>3595 What page is that top gear one from? I can't figure out is this is a pro or ant commie meme.
>>3465 I love how he makes communist seethe.
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>>3629 https://vk.com/burzhuaznyememy "Bourgeoisie memes" - anti-commie.
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>>3648 These memes seem so incredibly based. It's incredible how cucked the English speaking world is when it comes to libertarian memes refuting socialist bullshit. There's so much potential but nobody fucking contributes.
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>>3661 Well the guys on these pages are greedy capitalists who do it for donations and also get paid to post ads if they have enough followers on the page, so they have some kind of financial incentive to create content. Not sure why fellow ancaps on facebook/twitter won't exploit the proletariat for their wages this way, but I can understand not wanting to make memes for free.
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If I'm ancap, then why aren't I rich?
>>3673 If you have $7k wealth, you're in the top half of the wealthy in the world, anon.
>>3673 Ideology doesn't have much to do with seeing opportunities and taking the risk to follow them.
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>>3675 I don't even have that much tbh :( >>3677 But commies keep rubbing it into my face that I'm supposed to be a millionaire with my own slaves and yachts and everything. I can't handle this pressure to perform.
>>3679 You know, in all seriousness, it seems like a lot of commies tend to be trust fund kids that are extremely well-off as well.
>>3679 >>3686 I think there is a human element to it in so far that capitalism presents a function through which or with which you can plan and execute actions that will get you closer to where you want to end up and that is a huge thing to have for a person and probably even more appealing to those not well off. People who just inherited their wealth and some social status likely never have to get something personal done where money is limited and even less people give a shit about you or your connections.
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>>3688 They just assume that because you're poor you're supposed to be a commie because you're supposed to have the same pathetic feelings of jealousy and resentment as them, and if you say that you're ancap, then supposedly you're only ancap because you're defending some kind of fortune that you have.
There's also that funny label that commies have for everyone these days where everyone who isn't some shitty leftist is apparently a "neoliberal" and is a paid shill for the Chicago school-supporting CIA and NSA. So they try turn you into this imaginary villain of theirs, they argue with their own strawman and make you look like you're defending yourself in all the absurd fairy tail bullshit they come up with. It's so desperate and hilarious.
>>3673 because you arent investing in gold and gold mining stocks right now.
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>>3816 For real though, that's basically all the argument needed to "assblast" ancaps according to anyone else reading those threads nowadays.
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>>1639 >catgirls What does /liberty/ think of inumimi?
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>>3855 I'm not sure whether to be depressed that socialism+capitalism got the plurality of votes, or to be happy that capitalism got the majority in a group around a literal communist.
>>3855 Twitter really is tumblr 2.0 I wish these communist bootlickers would stay on a containment website instead of interacting with the mainstream of the internet. I miss the old internet.
>>3856 Capitalism won because an ancap retweeted it and told all its followers to vote for capitalism. Nonetheless it's hilarious to see commies lose at their own game. >>3859 Yeah, twitter is unbearable in 2020. All the coomers from tumblr moved to twitter after tumblr banned porn, and that gave an open invitation to all the SJWs to move to twitter. Even if you only follow ancaps, said ancaps will usually get into arguments with commies, so you'll end up seeing commies on your feed regardless. And no matter how good you think you are at ignoring them... you're not good, you can't ignore them, you will eventually bite the bullet and do the unfortunate mistake of actually replying to a commie, and just like that, 20 hours of your life wasted away. Commies do this thing where they retweet what you say so they can get their commie friends to gang up on you.
>>3870 >Even if you only follow ancaps, said ancaps will usually get into arguments with commies, so you'll end up seeing commies on your feed regardless. And no matter how good you think you are at ignoring them... you're not good, you can't ignore them, you will eventually bite the bullet and do the unfortunate mistake of actually replying to a commie, and just like that, 20 hours of your life wasted away. Holy fuck. Are you me? I have this exact same experience. I make the mistake of getting into massive arguments with them that last for days. I usually endure their arguments and win because they block me or stop replying. I had to log out of Twitter and totally ignore it because it was consuming my life. You can't just close the tab and ignore an argument you are in like on image boards because there's a name to your arguments and your reputation is on the line. I can't believe these people exist, I mean what the fuck... The amount of tankies on there is especially concerning. Hardly anyone calls them out on their bullshit. The amount of mainstream leftists with many followers just blindly retweeting and accepting people that support brutal dictatorships is crazy to me. It's being normalized.
>>3871 Yes, that's the most concerning thing about it, how normalized communism has gotten, if you check the "trending hashtags", 90% of the time it's some commie shit, like hashtags saying "fuck America, fuck white people", etc.
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What the hell is the exit strategy for the pandemic? If there are still 2 people a week who get COVID, are they going to just keep going on with this shit?
>>3888 There is no exit strategy. You are supposed to stay at home forever, unless of course YOU WANT PEOPLE TO DIE
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Holy fuck reddit actually did something based for ones
>>3904 the anarcho capitalism subreddit has nice memes and will get banned eventually but as long as it exists it can be enjoyed
>>3906 If it doesn't get banned, it'll get hijacked by leftists (which is kinda already happening). It happened to r/libertarian. That subreddit is proof of why we can't side with leftists on anything. They fucking hijacked it and now it's filled with commie apologists and people who hate Hans-Hermann Hoppe. There was a top post on the sub which was someone explaining why Joe Biden is "more libertarian" than Trump.
>>3911 >commie apologists Give examples.
>>1601 No, I won't
Why are socialists more vociferous and pernicious? Why do they never let up, compared to libertarians?
>>3920 it's their full time job. Also what can libertarians do? You can't put a leftist in jail because he tries to organize to take away your liberty.
>>3906 I can't believe /r/LockdownSkepticism actually exists
I am a masochist and I've noticed that I get some weird pleasure from reading Zizek, socialist propaganda or by seeing things like the chileans vote for the venezuelan way. I know it's fucked up and it sounds like a huge troll, but it's true. I'm not saying that I get a full erection, but I do feel something down there. Very weird and possibly degenerate.
>>3928 Have you considered a career in politics?
>>3929 yes but I don't see the connection
>>3930 Politicians masochists and have noticed that they get some weird pleasure from reading Zizek, socialist propaganda or by seeing things like the chileans vote for the venezuelan way. They know it's fucked up and it sounds like a huge troll, but it's true. It's not like they get a full erection, but they do feel something down there. Very weird and possibly degenerate.
>>3932 I like it because I know it's wrong and disgusting and it hurts everybody. If I were to become a politicians I would never promote things like that.
>>3888 I think the exit strategy was to people to stop giving a fuck and go out full civil disobedience. But yeah that ain't happening.
>>1675 >socially left wing What the fuck does that even mean?
>>3999 it means being a cuck anon
>>3999 "Yes, I would legalize heroin for 14 year olds"/"what two consenting furries do with their megadildos in their own livestreamed sex dungeon is their own business"
>>4031 >I would legalize heroin for 14 year olds Never >what two consenting furries do with their megadildos in their own livestreamed sex dungeon is their own business Whatever, as long as they don't force this shit in my face. Humans were always degenerate, trying to force it out of them is like trying to force the wind to stop blowing.
>>4048 Then you're only 'half' socially left-wing.
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A commie poster edited to be about Hoppe.
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>>4073 I lol'd
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>>4108 >"the science" Show your "scientific" work then, retard. Oh wait, you've never worked a day in your life. >[libertarians are] living in a fantasy This is so rich coming from an actual communist tranny
>>4108 >>4109 what's the coinbase story?
>>4119 There was an NYT article about some black employees claiming there was discrimination I think.
Just wanted to let you all know that Japanese hikkikomoris/suicide/etc. is capitalism's fault now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx3mQftSMSo
>>4124 So what? Are you gonna blame hentai and vidya games as well? it's not just Japan that is like this. In the US, most young people extending into Young Adults tend to prefer not to what made the other generations better in terms of being social. AN dlet's not forget, South Korea has a low birth rate, but has religious things going on. Most likely, this is something to deal with single parents maybe. But mind doing a Tldr about what the video is?
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>>4125 >Mind summing up the vid Sure: >Japanese work life is insane, kids have school 6 days a week. >Culture is extremely stringent and it's very hard to open up with anyone, let alone have a relationship. >It's always 'safe' to be really superficial and fake all the time and do shit like 'karaoke' and engage in traditional shit because you can't socially fuck it up. >Blablabla define hikkokomori/karoshi/celibacy syndrome/herbivore men >By the end go full-boar into the thesis of "Capitalism -> Push for profits -> Push for productivity -> Caused all of this" and "Capitalism -> commodifying relationships into host/hostess bars and services renting families/friends". I wish there was a name for "Capitalism existed before and this didn't happen then" because there's so many of these goddam arguments that blame capitalism for shit that do the exact same fucking thing.
>>4126 > I wish there was a name for "Capitalism existed before and this didn't happen then" because there's so many of these goddam arguments that blame capitalism for shit that do the exact same fucking thing. "Free market" and "free enterprise" are the terms you're looking for. The term "Capitiaism" didn't exist until Marx created it, and has evolved to refer to economies where the government has some amount of regulation or control while still being relatively "free".
>>4127 I get it, but 99% of the people watching that vid are just going to shrug their shoulders and say, "Alright, fine, it's the free market that's done this, too." I'm more getting at shit like, "We need a government to build roads, lighthouses, subways, schools, hospitals," even though roads, lighthouses, subways, schools, hospitals etc. were made well before the government did so and continue to be able to do so. Or stuff like, "Greed caused the 2008 collapse," like...greed didn't exist before 2008? Or this vid that is saying, "Profit motives have caused Japan's loneliness," like...profit motives didn't happen to cause it in the 40s/50s/60s/70s/etc.? I'm getting sick of this videos thinking they've found a new thing to blame on market mechanisms, when you just have to ask, "But the market existed before, so why didn't that thing you're blaming on the market happen before as well?"
>>4128 What you're describing is nostalgia. It's a trap that morons everywhere fall into because they keep insisting that society has changed when humanity has evolved one single iota in the past 6000 years. A phrase that perfectly sums this up is, "The more things change, the more they stay the same". That's in addition to the fact that, with society's rocket in advancement over the past few centuries, you have retards naively trying to declare that we need to move "beyond" our current brand of ideals and beliefs in order to progress and pointing all their "failings" for why we should do this when it's the same ideals and beliefs that they're criticizing that lead to that society being able to even exist. That's in addition to the fact that people tend to remember things better than they really were or idolize a period of history based on the most superficial details while neglecting the more important events. The 1960's is a good example of this. While you did have "idealized" nuclear family America occurring in some parts, you also had the Days of Rage, Weather Underground, the Communist subversion of academia and science fiction, the rising crime rates, the constant proxy wars and instability in South East Asia, (Then) incurable sicknesses likely polio, the first "free" teenagers experiencing and causing a microcosm of all of life's issues, and so on. Long story short, just call them moral busybodies because they have no real interest in actually changing anything. They just want a bandaid solution to all of life's problems so that they don't feel guilty and declare how they "helped" people.
>>4129 >...when humanity hasn't evolved one single iota... Fixed
The government literally owns the means of production now lol
i found this. i think its funny https://youtu.be/w7uKQIMbfUM
>>4131 No matter what, I bet people are going to blame Capitalism on it.
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This $600 meme is pissing me off. Everyone is complaining about the amount of money from the government like the most entitled asshats. It reminds me of Stef complaining about small donation amounts.
>>4170 Neoconservatives showed their true colors. Even a lot of them want more. Everyone takes for granted that handouts are the solution.
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What's the deal with Vaush? Also, where have all the libertarian debaters gone?
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Libertarians are the past, American anarcho-capitalist-communist Bidenism with CPC-characteristics is the FUTURE
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>>4175 >What's the deal with Vaush? Long story short, he said on a live stream >I have yet to hear a good reason why child porn should be illegal And his "reason" for saying this is that "muh evil capitalism" exploits children for labor in third world countries and that because we allow that to happen then it's "hypocritical" to ban CP. And he didn't back down on that claim, he still holds it firmly and in some other debates with other people has continued to defend it. When asked if he thinks people should be arrested for owning CP, he said no. It's honestly amazing how he hasn't been cancelled yet, but I guess because he's a leftist, he gets a free pass.
I just wanted to note something I've been having success with recently: comparing policy proposals to Venezuelan ones. E.g., asking, "What makes these $2000 'stimulus' checks from the government different from something the Venezuelan government would support?" I should note that this hasn't been successful in the person I'm talking to, but people around the conversation get the point. In general, shitposting by calling anything socialist "Absolutely Venezuelan"/"Sounds like something a Venezuelan would do" has been helping me quite a bit recently.
>>4190 I don't really talk with any people after this BS went down but I would have to suspect that an ad absurdum argument should work as well. "If it's fine for the government to print out and give $2000 to everyone, why wouldn't it be fine to give $1M or $1B to everyone?"
>They broke into the Capitol Building, so it's different! Rothbard: >We may test the hypothesis that the State is largely interested in protecting itself rather than its subjects by asking: which category of crimes does the State pursue and punish most intensely—those against private citizens or those against itself? >The gravest crimes in the State’s lexicon are almost invariably not invasions of private person or property, but dangers to its own contentment, for example, treason, desertion of a soldier to the enemy, failure to register for the draft, subversion and subversive conspiracy, assassination of rulers and such economic crimes against the State as counterfeiting its money or evasion of its income tax.
I'm sick of leftists pretending to have principles.
>>4209 I read >I'm sick of leftists to have principles because that's where I am at.
I hate kikes
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The problem with Jews in the government is not because they are Jews. It's because they are Nationalist Jews serving a sickly, authoritarian culture that wishes to subjugate even its own people along with everyone else. Jewish culture needs to be destroyed, but so needs any culture which puts the rights of an arbitrary group over the rights of an individual. Zionists, Commies, Nazis, Fascists, Nationalists and anyone who breaks the NAP gets the bullet. To not be against those ideologies is anti-libertarian and I hope none of you have fallen into those meme statist sophistries.
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>>4330 Yes.
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God I fucking hate authoritarian fucks.
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>>4347 That's why we are here.
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>>4357 That new Mystery of the Druids 2 anime is lookin' good.
I'm reading through Henry Hazzlit's Economy in One Lesson again. It's really good and with my shitty understanding of economics, so far there isn't anything I disagree with. While I tried to read Das Kapital and the immediate moment that I read about his theory of value I thought that that shit was bullshit.
>>4124 Confucius was a fag that should be shot for being a statist cuck. Japan needs to fully embrace freedom, free markets and anime. Orderfaggotry is what destroys societies and cultures. Free markets are beautiful chaos by nature, it is order from chaos, it destroys orderly power structures and embraces individual chaos. Communism is the insanity of collectivist order no matter how it pretends to be otherwise. That's why no matter how different they are, communism and fascism both lead to unbearable hellholes. REJECT ORDER, EMBRACE CHAOS
Absolutely based as all heckin' get out
>>4365 You're from the /v/ thread aren't you?
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>>1601 Things are starting to move to too quickly now.
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Voluntary exchange.
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>>1601 sup
>>4407 >john money experiment All that came up was a based sexologist Dr John Money. I don't get it?
>>4408 He experimented on two twin boys by having both of their genitals removed and having their parents raise them as girls, as well as some other very sick and pedophilic activities like taking pictures of their naked bodies. He ruined their lives and they both ended up committing suicide. And wouldn't you know it, this is where the field of "gender studies" originated, with the death of two boys who did not consent to any of it. John Money was a disgusting Jewish commie pedophile who ruined the lives of two innocent children and got away with it. I hope he's having fun in the seventh layer of hell.
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>>4408 Have a webm.
>>1601 A guest brought up a point on the Tom Woods show that libertarians have failed to recognize the importance of culture. It's become increasingly clear that libertarians fell into the trap of treating praxeology/the NAP as a full-service path to an ideal society, ignoring the role of culture/psychology. A lot of this has been the fault of low-information lolbertarians who took on the label because they associate libertarianism with being able to do as many drugs as you want. It's also the fault of autists using technical, contrived justifications to describe how a market would solve various perceived problems while ignoring what would provide the impetus for the solution of these problems--that is, culture. Ultimately, a market free of regulations and state intervention is the most efficient system... at fulfilling the subjective preferences of its participants. But "subjective preferences" is a giant black box. If all of the market participants want communism, you'll rapidly find yourself on a road to a Communist society. That is why Communists may need to be physically removed. Similarly, if the market participants in Ancapistan lack the desire to defend themselves against state actors, they'll always be at risk of being overrun by a military. That is why you need recreational nukes. In order for a stable libertarian society to exist, the participants need to have a culture that will support that end. Culture and the NAP are near-orthogonal. The only thing that the NAP requires of you culturally is a minimum amount of tolerance--that is, you not hate a certain group of people to the point of running onto their property and gunning them down. It is an ideological trap to treat the NAP as though it requires you to never say anything derogatory about someone else. Unfortunately, culture is much "squishier" of a subject than human action. I think that's one of the reasons we shy away from it. The theories and explanations for why and how things happen aren't as watertight.
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>>4415 based OC but highlighting the article title in a sloppy way is cringe
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Where can I get an ancap booba gf
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>here's your libertarian gf, bro
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>>4456 Pretty good
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>>4456 It's actually astounding how many of these desperate, sweaty trannies and junkies actually believe that authoritarian Leftism not only enables a NEET lifestyle but would also somehow provide them with a better standard of living than they have now, while they personally provide nothing for it in return. This has not only never been the case but I don't think any of the pseudo-scholars of their fucked up failure of an ideology have ever so much as implied as such. It's a complete parareligious utopian fantasy.
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>>4455 >Lenin >Superimposed over an AnCom flag Well, I suppose it almost makes sense, considering Leninists and AnComs are both utterly retarded lol. >>4456 That's fucking great.
Just coming in to say hi, someone shilled this place on halfchan and zi decided to check it out even though Jim is a fucking faggot that turned me off altchans for a while. Also fuck trannies
>>4460 Lenin died bending the knee to "le invisible hand of the market", never let cummunists forget this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Economic_Policy >>4461 Based
you can't
>>4469 y tho
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>>4470 ancap is vile poison to female nature. they evolved in such a way to be protected and provided for by not just their husband, but their entire community. female nature is communism. you can have an ancap trap tho
>>4470 Like with every other problem with women and in away the human experience as a whole; so long as women have a monopoly on reproduction you will never have whatever it is you want. Especially an ancap gf. So if you want to solve all the problems of the world, including lack of ancap gfs, you need to reproduce independently of women the best you can. Atm thats through surrogacy, but hopefully in the future it will be through artificial wombs.
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>>4481 Hold the phone, you can definitely have a tomboy ancap gf!

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There's only one way to secure your liberty
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What does /liberty/ think of rightist unity?
You talk like we have a say in whether or not that happens. Right unity is pretty clearly just an attempt at free real-estate, so we can jump from >1% to 30% or 50% of the rightwing. Nobody is going to agree to that or ever have any reason to. Right unity is like dressing up as the popular kids in hopes that some how gets us in their group.
>>4488 based
Auths and collectivists of any kind get the bullet.
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are flags accepted?
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>>4491 I could easily make the argument that the left/right dichotomy is entirely immaterial compared to the authoritarian/libertarian one. As >>4497 basically says, the real issue is with those who feel the need to play the moral arbitration game. Personally, I don't especially care if someone wants to be what I consider a degenerate; all I care about, is whether or not I retain the ability to disassociate from them if I so choose, and if I retain the ability to disagree vocally and openly with them. >Inb4 leftists will always choose to coerce those with whom they disagree Yes, and so will those on the authoritarian Right. Saying that leftists tend to coerce dissenters into doing what they want is quite true, but that misses the forest for the trees: the reason why they do that, is because the only way they can even attempt to implement their retarded concept of equality of outcome, is by means of coercively kneecapping the naturally more-talented and -stronger. Appropriately, this means they are applying anti-competitive monopoly not only to economics, but also to the social sphere, as well; they break down competition because, to the leftist, such is an injustice rather than a cause for self-improvement. Thus, what we need is not rightist unity, but rather, libertarian unity. Never forget that SEK3 himself is considered a left-libertarian, yet he was able and willing to work with ancaps on both sides of the fence. Hell, so was Rothbard, to the extent that he founded an entire fucking political journal for that sole express purpose.
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>>4537 Anon I know that politicalcompassmemes by this point has better discussion than this god forsaken site, but come on, make your own stuff instead of posting shit from reddit.
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>>4539 This is the random/shitpost thread. I post OC on the OC thread.
>>4543 Fair enough.Then I have some shitty pics myself.
>>4544 Nazism and Communism are the same ideology though The only difference is that the Commies want internationalist, violent revolution while the Nazis want regional, racially oriented democratic overturn and get their hands dirty if you don't bootlick them.
>>4546 Yes, you are completely correct. Nazis are just racist commies, pretending tht including race does anything. I didn't make the compass though.
>>4547 Then what is the difference between Nazis and Nazbols?
>>4557 Nazbols aren't lying to themselves and aren't as contradictory as Nazi ideology.
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>>4558 >Nazbols aren't lying to themselves and aren't as contradictory as Nazi ideology
>>4561 I never said that Nazbols aren't contradictory. I just said they aren't as contradictory as Nazis. At the end of the day, Nazis try to pretend to be right-wingers while being the same disgusting socialist cancer that has been killing the world since Marx just rebranded. Nazbols at least own the fact that they are commies instead of lying in your face. All collectivism is contradictory, but some collectivists are worse than others is what I'm saying. It's a marginal difference, but there is a difference. It might be like talking about which piece of shit is the most disgusting, but some fecal matter is at least an actual hard piece of shit instead of blood-mixed diarrhea.
>>4546 >Actually thought the jew Marx was being honest about communism in his manifesto. Wew. Marxism is feudalism, not socialism; just because Marxists call themselves socialists doesn't mean they are.
>>4564 >Marxism is feudalism, not socialism I've been saying for years now that our current-year economic system is more akin to neo-manorialism than socialism. Thought they're both piss-poor options. Actually, if you think about it, our system is getting closer and closer to ///socialism with Chinese characteristics.\\\ I might actually say that the Chinese system is the natural endpoint of all Keynesian reform.
>>4566 >Thought though*
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>>1601 So which state will be next on the block to adopt Constitutional Carry laws? I'm hoping it's Pennsylvanian granted I have a bias since I live there.
>>4564 >Marxism is feudalism, not socialism It doesn't matter what one calls their version of "excessive government spendism", it's still garbage and basically the same.
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>>4585 The good points are somewhat diminished by the typos: who's --> whose interests --> interest ('only' meaning one)
>>4591 Bro don't be a grammar nazi Your kinda violating the NAP
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>>4608 Got an actual citation for that, capybara?
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>>4462 It's pretty funny how every communist hero ends up bending the knee and reintroducing forms of market capitalism after their revolutions.
>>4613 I'm surprised that this is such a contested topic to begin with. If they're operating at a loss, they have to get the money to operate further from somewhere.
>implying the cheese in that mousetrap wasn't paid for
hope it works
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What are some less known books that could be useful to a liberty-minded person?
Anyone who tries to nuke me and my property would get nuked so fucking hard
>>4483 We need to start a company which takes a male client's seed, provides the egg cells of the client's desires, and provides a baby.
>>4660 Exactly, and we would be relieved of the reproduction monopoly for good once ancapistan is crawling with ancap women like it should be. Monopolies can't survive for long in an economy with this much close quarters competition.
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<<4580 >no replies Stop being a dead board you faglords! >>4657 While I hate the shitty trope about "muh property values" often peddled by Commiefornians reducing a landscape into a toxic radiated creator isn't good when there's plenty of other alternatives for attempted property damage retaliation. Just get a fleet of quadcopters or your grandads crop duster plane to carpet bomb the offender with normal bombs. Most modern Americunt aren't built like they were in the old days given now they're often shabily put together with shitty Chinese dry wall, plywood, and sealed with cheap plaster all of which start to sag after a mere five years. Blame HOA and their crony house building contractors. Also maybe look into purchasing a Monolithic dome if your worried about your sperglord neighbors trying to nuke you.
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<<4662 >Also maybe look into purchasing a Monolithic dome if your worried about your sperglord neighbors trying to nuke you. Actually here's a better idea, maybe just don't live in the middle of crackhead Siberia, Ukraine, or that dried up lake in Uzbekistan either. Most sane people aren't willing to nuke each other over petty disputes.
>>4662 I suppose that in a civilized community we could just settle most of our disputes with regular explosives, or maybe a microwave gun standoff but I will keep the nukes ready just in case
>>4662 >>4663 You gay coon fuck. Notice, when I wanted to refer to you and your post I used >> so it instantly links it to the post. The fuck is this "<<" shit. Its like you want people to gape your anus with bowling balls. >so which american province will be next on to adopt looser leashes? No body fucking cares.
>>4448 You can only find them organically in the state of New Hampshire or Wyoming otherwise your stuck having to try and find a diamond in a pile of shit on social media and dating websites. Good luck OP >https://odysee.com/@LibertyDoll:e Personally I prefer a LoLbert woman with medium to small breasts myself though but different strokes for different folks. >>4450 Can I get one without all the luminescent shit? If I wanted some gay looking glowing shit I'd buy myself a Asus Gaymer PC tower.
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>>4481 An intractable super state entity colloquially referred to as "the People" or "the Workers" managed by unelected sociopathic bureaucrats is about the furthest thing from a community there is.
>>4667 Does it really count? They were raised to repeat words they don't understand following the authority of the culture they grew up with. I knew a girl in college who was seemed feverishly libertarian, but she didn't have any ultimate answers as to why, say, a dictatorship that provided for everyones needs is bad. She just said it was because it was. She was just a girl who grew up close to her dad so she learned these words and feelings but in action with new things, like lgbt at the time, she'd go against her ideas.
>>4669 Do you have any idea of how great it is that a girl can be conditioned into being libertarian? I don't even care if they're smart libertarians, that will be left to us and the other smart people. How do you think other ideas spread to begin with?
>>4670 My point was is that she doesn't exist, doing something because you were told to do it isn't a genuine action. >How do you think other ideas spread to begin with? There are genuine ancom women, genuine fascist women, genuine centrist etc. Some of them a raised this way or raised to do what they are told and are told to be one of the above, but there are genuine women who for some reason or feeling believe what they do on their own. Sure, its maybe a good thing that behaviors you like can be taught and enforced in such a way; but the thread isn't weather its possible to make a girl "ancap" superficially, its if a genuine one can be found. As it stands she can not found. She can only be made.
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>>4669 >implying most people aren't just programmable flesh robots who parrot whatever they're told to by the dominate member of the family/social group/or church leader or by le electric TV jew man especially that of woomaaanz Look I'm not a sexist or anything but yes most of them are like that, incapable of noticing their ideological inconsistencies and juxtapositions. Hence the most part because of course you always have your outliers no denying that. And besides I'd rather have a billion LoLbert drones as apposed to a billion Neolibs/Neocons walking around spreading their poison. There are people who are so entrenched in their ancestrally inherited ideology that even if you were to tie them to a chair and spend hours disproving everything they believe in with Facts and Logic™ they'd still deny that they're fundamentally wrong because they can't comprehend the idea of RepugnantCans pushing for gun control or DemocRAT's expanding the police state because Mommy, Daddy, Teacher, late night shill TV talk show host working for Bloombergs shekels said that's impossible and they don't want to stop sleepwalking so don't bother trying to wake them up. Want to make a real difference? Find a good loyal LoLbertarian GF or even the odd legitimate Minarchist Libertarian and turn them into a baby factory so you can raise 5 or more children with your values, in short doses of course because if you overload them with LoLbert preaching they may very well turn rebellious in a way more extreme than just steeling your car in the middle of the night a couple times to bang their gf/bf or whatever. Because like it or not we're the minority and that needs to change. >https://odysee.com/@ThePholosopher:9/browning-1911-compact:3 >https://odysee.com/@W1NTER:7/k-h-m-e-r-w-a-v-e-1-9-7-5:0 >https://odysee.com/@hoppeanrabbit:6/touhouhatanalysis:7 >https://odysee.com/@Luke:7/i-love-classic-thinkpad-keyboards-so:8
Borders of Socialism (while comes across as being written by a Soviet sympathizing Jewish immigrant, it has good information on the poor material conditions of the USSR) Blacklisted by History (covers the now-obvious Soviet infiltration of the government)
>>4667 >you can fidn them organically in the state of New Hampshire and Wyoming glad to know, too bad I am not even from the US to begin with but that's a good thing to know ig. Libertarians are not THAT rare here in the country I live and I believe one or two LoLbert girl exists but I live in probably one of the MOST socialist-leaning parts of the country so, guess only moving to the less socialist parts would help.
The US government used to have no income tax and was funded mostly by tariffs. Now Americans scream tariffs should be increased while keeping the income tax. WTF?
One way Americans are dealing with the US collapse is by being in a state of denial. Americans say that the USA doesn't have inflation, suicides, alcoholism, drugs, homelessness, illegal immigrants, immorality, Obamacare, wars, debt, church closures, martial law, lockdowns, business shutdowns, nationalized companies, cancelled elections, closed borders, arrests of reporters, lawyers, priests, mandatory fingerprint collection, DUI laws, checkpoints, seatbelt laws, car liability insurance laws, neighborhood watch groups, "get tough on crime" politicians, laws allowing mandatory minimums, IMBRA, 3 strikes laws, curfews, police militarization, teen boot camps, school metal detectors, private prisons, chain gangs, nanny state laws, the Patriot Act, NSA wiretapping, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, kill switches, National Security Letters, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, Jade Helm, sneak and peek warrants, policing for profit, no refusal blood checkpoints, license plate readers, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, tattoo databases, gun bans, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, searches without warrants, CISPA, SOPA, private prison quotas, supermax prisons, FOSTA, sex offender registration laws, and sex offender restriction laws. Americans scream everything is fine, but their eyes twitch and their hands shake. Disgusting.
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my friend shared a touhou ancap meme and I asked where he got it, he said it was from /liberty/ I go to /liberty/ and the first thread is a post about Hoppe, and it's pinned, I knew at that point I had found the real deal, but this board is probably a fed honeypot
Making plans is difficult when you live in a police state. Everything is illegal. You are not allowed to go outside. You don't know if you can buy a house because you don't know if the government will close your business. You are not allowed to travel or escape. The state can indefinitely detain you without trial, grope you, kill you, torture you, or destroy or steal your property at any time. You are not allowed to have free speech, the government wiretaps you, you cannot go to church, and you cannot own a gun. Americans are now just slaves like North Koreans are.

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