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Was Pinochet a force for Chilean liberty in the long run? Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 13:17:18 No. 215

I am not asking the prescriptive question of "Should we offer free helicopter rides to communists," but the historical descriptive question of, "Did Pinochet's regime's policy of execution/arrest of communists result in a more economically liberal society?"
Chile is pretty much the only non-shithole country in South America at the moment, because socialist policies never really took hold there. The fact that the number of people he actually killed is quite small by dictator standards--a mere three thousand compared to the millions of commies--and the fact that he gave up power willingly likely made him harder to vilify. The closest thing to "blowback" to his regime only really started years after his death in 2006 and decades after he stepped down in 1990. And even that doesn't really consist of vilifying Pinochet, but memory-holing him. Streets that were named after him or his lieutenants started getting renamed (although many still remain), a military award named after him got its name changed, stuff like that. This is indicative of the fact that commies have realized they can't plausibly demonize Pinochet, because of how successful his regime was, so they're trying to make sure no one remembers him.
Tom Woods has a pretty nice podcast on the subject.
Your response makes perfect sense and is a great response...if the question was "Was Pinochet good for Chile?" But that wasn't the question. The question was, "Are there more or less communists than otherwise would be in Chile because of the individuals who were killed?"
You asked if there was some kind of counter-revolution that arose in response to Pinochet's rise to power. My showcase of how well-received his regime was after the fact, and the fact that socialism failed to coalesce in Chile the way it did everywhere else in the country, was a response to that question. Chile has undeniably fewer communists than neighboring countries and freer markets than neighboring countries. It is reasonable to assume that without Pinochet's influence the number of communists in Chile would be similar to the rest of South America. This was also why Pinochet's memory-holing was brought up. If the memory and legacy of Pinochet had created more communists, one may logically assume that the communists would spread his image as far and wide as possible, demonizing him as they do so, much like they've done with Hitler. But the communists don't do this, instead they try and hide Pinochet as much as possible. The implication of hiding Pinochet is that the communists know his memory and legacy converts people from communism, rather than to it.

For a moment, yes, the NO option in the 1988 referendum only won because it's gay ass campaign ad and the right wing parties had the majority of overall votes in almost every congress election since 1990, but right now the Pinochet's legacy is getting both memory-holed as
And right now the whole country is chimping out, the masterplan I mentioned in >>331 it's now on a new stage.
News about the chimpouts?
>Pardon the ESL, my english is totally self-taught.
It always gets me how the people who say this have flawless fucking English.

But all of the Chilean economic miracle stuff I've seen that Pinochet gets credit for happened well after Pinochet.
You see how that dip that started in 1971 reversed course after Pinochet got in? You see how the GDP growth maintains the trend that was set by Pinochet after he left office? Pinochet's reforms absolutely got the ball rolling, and it was because of his legacy that his successors didn't go full retard and reverse his policies, but instead maintained them going forward.
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Sorry for the delayed response but it goes as follows
>Chile threatens Venezuela with an Air-Sea Blockade if they don't stop their shit
>zoomers try to dab on a public transport fare hike by destroying metro stations, all of this inspired by a bunch of gay ass instagram meme pages pages
>the so-called extraparliamentary left get onboard with the riots and calls to a big demonstration on Friday 18th
>Maduro and the Sao Paulo/Puebla Group makes the call that destroyed Liberty in Chile and ACTIVATES the goons he sent among the Venezuelan refugees that came en masse months before
>on friday night the Maduro goons, both benisuelan and chilean destroy the Metro stations and a lot of more valuable property with reports that they attempted to go after the water and energy lines
>in the midst of all this shitshow the govt declares a state of Emergency releasing the Army into the streets of Santiago
>next day, the protests are widespread through the country spouting the same shit the left has been brainwashing zoomers by years
>for the next days, the army and cops were unable to quell the rioting (but props to the based and /liberty/pilled Muhreens who stomped the shit out of the commies in Valparaiso)
>looting against retailers and small businesses it's widespread in almost every big city to the point some neighborhoods began to form ragtag militias to defend their
>the govt had been doing damage control and failing miserably at it while the congress-represented left it's gaining a lot from this shitshow, now they're forcing the govt to veer more to the left and the whole thing has no end in sight

At some point i felt sympathetic with the soyboys at the metro stations, the fare is actually damn high (thanks to the statist mess our transport system is), but now the left gained more power from all this mess, maybe the dream it's over and Chile will become more of the latinamerican shithole it's supposed to be.
Please send AR's, we need to organize the great Physical Removal
>pic related, from a supermarket that was looted and arsoned. The translation is : "THANK YOU!!! 70 FAMILIES WITHOUT JOBS, THANKS NEIGHBORS, ALL THAT MESS WAS UNNECESARY"
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>boogaloo breaks out in Chile
>there wasn't any prepper community locally
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Luckily enough neighborhood watched sprouted in order to defend their home from the chimpout.
>You see how that dip that started in 1971 reversed course after Pinochet got in?
Yes, but I also see another severe dip in '81 (also, to make your case slightly better, Pinochet got in in '73, right?). I'm playing devil's advocate here, but case-in-point a lot of leftists use this very same graph to dispute that Pinochet was good for the economy. At the very least, saying "He set the precedent for growth afterwards" is similar to how leftists use GDP figures for FDR or Obama, and then point at the growth afterwards and claim credit for it. I guess I'm personally looking for a better argument to help preempt that. Especially since most people who read about this see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_history_of_Chile#Monetarist_shock_therapy_and_%22seven_modernisations%22_(1973%E2%80%9382) and the line:
>With the economic crisis of 1982, the "monetarist experiment" came to be widely regarded as a failure.

In any case...
>Maduro and the Sao Paulo/Puebla Group makes the call that destroyed Liberty in Chile and ACTIVATES the goons he sent among the Venezuelan refugees that came en masse months before
Maduro's government can afford paramilitary operations in Chile? I kind of want to see more info for this. Spanish articles are fine.
>but now the left gained more power from all this mess
This shit pisses me off. A leftist can threaten people's lives and destroy businesses and they somehow gain from it. An alt-righter just gets some MK-Ultra glow-in-the-dark nigger that's brainwashed into shooting some random synagogue or a Wal-mart in bumfucknowhereistan (which doesn't even make sense, at the very least why not a fucking POLITICIAN OR SOMEONE WHO MATTERS OR LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE) and then they want to shut down the entire internet and require you to use your license to log in. FML.
Also, how are gun rights in Chile?
>With the economic crisis of 1982, the "monetarist experiment" came to be widely regarded as a failure.
Well, monetarism is pretty shit. Unfortunately, most of the people who oppose it favor something even shittier, like Keynesianism or Marxism.

non-cucked books on the history of the whole Chile/Pinochet deal?
Don't know any books, but I have a few articles. Also that podcast I linked in >>272 .
Yes, but if you reply to a socialist who says, "What about the 1981 recession" with, "That's monetarism, not capitalism," they're going to respond with, "Then I get to say Venezuela was not real socialism."
I never understood the "what about recession". It's not like capitalism promises infinite growth, unlike other systems. Of course in that case it was monetarism, but even if it wasn't, what's the problem? As long as people are free to work and exchange goods, they will find a solution and develop a lifestyle based on actual available resources.

God, don't you guys understand how terrible this N E O L I B E R A L establishment has made Chile?
This is what you get when you brainwash a whole generation of kids that barely went under any real hardship that they live in the worst country around.
Please help me to get out from this hellhole ;_;
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This is the story of my life right now. There needs to be more games like this. For better or worse, it's a bit too short and simple to be really fun, but I guess they have to sacrifice something to make it more accessible for the normalfags, and it's designed to be educational first and foremost anyway.

Me and a friend of mine also once had an idea like this for a "life in a commie shithole" simulator but it was supposed to be in visual novel format, we wanted it to have a deep story, interesting characters, and dating sim elements, and the game would get difficult with each new law that polticians passed. It was supposed to be kinda like Persona but without the dungeon battles.
>not just pulling a kaczynski and drop out of cities into the wilderness
Never gonna make it
I can't bring obsidian bows for the bubbaloo in Minecraft to my fellow clan members in the local server by going full Kaczynski.
I don't get it, is the game supposed to be ironic?
I think it's supposed to be serious.
>In 1973 the democratically backed socialist government in Chile was overthrown by a military coup which put Pinochet in power. Since that time nearly every aspect of the Chilean economy has been privatized including their social security system. Since that time pensions have become virtually non-existent, inequality has skyrocketed, and a dual system has been built one serving the rich, and the other serving the rest. This is reflected in the dual healthcare system, or the school system which both serve the rich far better than they serve the rest. One of the only things not privatized were the copper mines which bring in about 39% of Chilean GDP. (Reyes and Sawyer, latin American economic development) these copper mines are used to fund the only remaining decent pensions in Chile which are military pensions. The rampant inequality created by the privatized system has essentially turned the region into a powder keg which was ignited by a hike in public transit fees. You see this is not a problem that free-marketers want to address because this problem boils down to a failure of the free market. GASP! Chile has long been hailed one of the only macroeconomic successes in the region due to their free market, but these roots are clear evidence that this success hasn't trickled down to the people of Chile.
Don't you free market fundamentalists understand what damage your policies have created in Chile? Jeez. How much evidence do you need?
Who writes like this?
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>muh inequality!
>please ignore all other pertinent metrics, MUH INEQUALITY!!!!
I found where this came from, and the answer is: redditors. Of course.
You know, it really is like this. There are a lot of people who pay complete and total attention to GINI coefficients and fucking nothing else. It really is completely fucking aggravating.
The what?
A common metric used to quantify how 'equal' the distribution of wealth is.
That sounds completely retarded
Have you heard of Piketty?
Most modern econometric tools are.

We may as well make this the Chilean news thread
Here's another joy like that:
Wow, now this game is pure communism.

>late capitalism
kek, it's always cracks me up the kind of bullshit pseudo-intellectual terms leftists pull out of their asses.
It just gets me how you can put that much effort into studying Marxism and making a whole game about it and still come out believing it.
The ones that study it in-depth and come out supporting it anyways don't do so because they think it's a good system, but because they think it will deliver them to power.
Don't forget "neoliberalism" and "trickle down economics".
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We might as well beat them to it and invent a post-neo-meta-anarcho-liberal-avantgard-anime-capitalism with Somalian characteristics.
Holy based

The Pinochet regime was actually really bad and were shouldn't be supporting them even ironically.
>optics cucking
>optics isn't important
This is one of the main reasons we are losing.
The reason we are losing is because the left is ahold of all the power hierarchies, from press to academics.
Optics are not needed when you have everything at your hand, otherwise they wouldn't be turning stores and cars in fire, punch people with bike locks, and vandalize everything in the name of communism and get away with it.
Optics is important, but you don't need to cuck to be optical. Publicly disavowing Pinochet and pearl-clutching over Pinochet memes shows weakness and won't get you anywhere. However, strategically not talking about Pinochet when the public eye is on you and focusing on things other than helicopter memes is optical, and much more effective. In fact, it may be argued that publicly disavowing Pinochet is less optical than simply not talking about spicy memes--a public disavowal only draws attention to the Pinochet question, and makes people associate you with Pinochet, because you keep talking about him (even if it's a disavowal).

optics is very important
No amount of optics will save us from their wrath. We can sugarcoat it as much as we want, but (((they)))'re ultimately going to see right through what people like us advocate for, especially seeing how liberally they throw around the label "Nazi", "fascist", “racist”, etc. It's of course important to present a good image (don't intentionally play into negative stereotypes), but we must never dilute the substance of our message in order that it be kosher. No compromises in that regard. If someone is afraid to stand up and declare loud and proud that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children I do not want to associate with them. It’s like when people cry about how white vigilantes get their websites and safespaces (((shut down))). It was bound to happen. You can’t expect your enemy to treat you with kiddie gloves forever and leave you comfy.
/pol/tarded brainlets like yourself are why we are losing
I'm fine with the white terror, just don't shit on the table you eat posting memefestos here
post them on spac
>Persona but without the dungeon battles
but i'd still play it
There's a difference between good optics while still keeping your principles (Ron Paul), and optics cucking (the LP and every left libertarian ever).
Americans are completely retarded and enslaved now. Americans will look you in the eye and say that being closed-minded and embracing Communism is better than learning about the benefits of freedom and the dangers of tyranny. Americans scream that the Gestapo should shoot unarmed Americans in the back and slash tires. Americans swear that the elites don’t want to kill off the 99%, but why do the globalists promote abortion, birth control, suicide, homosexuality, immorality, wars, debt, tyranny, offshoring, illegal immigration, and welfare?

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