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May/June 2020 chimpouts Anonymous 06/04/2020 (Thu) 14:09:45 Id: d8b199 No. 2974
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I like that people are fighting the police but I don't like that people are destroying private property. It's like, they acknowledge the police are corrupt pawns of the government, but instead of destroying government buildings, like IRS buildings or something, they're instead destroying their own communities! That being said, I like seeing business owners defending what is theirs! And also the roof Koreans are back, so that's cool.
>>2977 >I like that people are fighting the police Cringe.
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>>2979 The feds are just pawns of the government, no true libertarian would support them. Private police though? Now that's a different story.
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>>2980 Get your priorities straight, dumbass. A potential communist revolution is the worst time to pretend to be some movie hero fighting evil cops. Your choice right now is a semi-corrupt government with somewhat shitty cops, or a totally corrupt communist dictatorship where wealth redistributors come to kill you in your own bed. As shitty as the current government is, whatever comes next will be 100x worse if the current government actually falls, so unclog your thick fucking head from all that immature manchild reddit shit, you're the reason libertarianism is a joke.
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God bless our police forces. Keep the hordes of chaos at bay for a little while longer. Death to leftists and cuck libertarians.
>>2982 I don't like the rioters but a strong police force is one of the reasons our rights are being eroded. The founders would not want police to be armed so heavily.
>>2981 >ridersOfRohan >>2983 The founders didn't have to deal with niggers chimping out
>>2983 You know, when you get in a car accident, and your back is broken, and you're losing blood, and you have shards of glass in your face and neck, the last thing the doctors are gonna do when they arrive on the scene is try to cure your alcohol addiction or your developing lung cancer from years of smoking. You have bigger problems than your rights being eroded right now, your rights are on their way to being tidalwaved and fucking obliterated. Besides maybe a bunch of arned rednecks, the cops are the only thing standing between what's left of your rights and the leftists who want to completely take them away. Deal with these niggers first, get a population that has more respect for property rights and free markets, then you can think about replacing them for something better, just not during a socialist uprising, ffs.
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>>2981 You sound just like the "least of two evils goym!" republicans. I don't have to "pick a side" when they're both awful!
>>2985 Why are they so short-sighted?
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>>2980 Do you also protest when the police arrest murderers and rapists, because they aren't private police? Do you insist that we open the gates of every prison and let everyone roam free because they are state prisons? There is a time for autismal purity spiraling and there is a time for practicality; when the barbarians are at the gates you should turn to the latter. So long as the police are state police, it is to your own interest to make sure they act like the kind of private police that you would hire, instead of the kind of police Marxist subversives will hire. It's time to unleash the police and crush the anti-fascist mob.
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>>2989 >fagscism Listen, I get that you're a closet statist, but please at least try understand that Mussolini and Hitler were both socialist scum. >b-but muh Christianity! Oh cool, I'm going to sacrifice the economy, gun rights and property rights just to have more Chirstcucks try to shut down my non-Christian business.
>>2989 >the cops maintain a monopoly on security and don't let me defend my own property >oh no there are riots and people are vandalizing/stealing my property! >better go call the cops >pls tread on me harder
>>2989 These are pozzed retards from r/genzancaps and other subreddits. These are the same uneducated libertarians who would call you a statist for having rules on your private property and not allowing people to insult your wife in your own house. >clean the communist filth off reddit... >but first we gotta help those based communists overthrow our government Peak cringe.
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Minneapolis mayor is really going for the Oscar.
>>2991 >I don't know what ordinal preferences are >I can't prioritize between more and less urgent ends >I will circlejerk as a bigbrain centrist that does nothing and call it principled 0/10 doesn't even understand how praxeology works
rioting violates the NAP
>>2996 Slimy Jew thinks people will buy this act
When will this shit end?
>>3007 This is nothing. It will only become more and more common and violent over time as America becomes more Brazilified.
>they want to defund the police Who's ready for ANCAPISTAN
>>3009 What ancapistan, you leftist? Get bricked by your nigger comrades.
>>3008 Brazil actually has one of the biggest ancap movements in the world right now, so that would be cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUC7plAbQAM >>3011 >defending the government
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>>3012 >taking part in communist revolutions Y'all niggas from bunkerchan, you don't even gotta hide it.
>>3013 >doesn't have faith that capitalism will win in the end
>>3020 Fucking this! Even if this was a "communist revolution", if they get rid of the government and attempt "anarcho" communism, all you'd have to do is set up some nice defenses around your house in case a commie tries to destroy it, then wait for the commies to kill each other, after their retarded ideology fails.
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>it's impossible for leftists to take power >just have faith in capitalism, bro
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Gotta screencap everything these redditors are saying for later. The People's Commissariat is obviously more fair and ethical than the corrupt state police we have today. Assuming these are ancaps and not just /leftypol/ shills, I want to hear their explanations when the left-wing death squads come for them and give them what they deserve.
>>2997 >doesn't even provide a valid counterargument >instead accuses people of "not understanding praxeology" because they don't act the way he wants them to ok socialist
>>3036 <valid counterargument Anyone who understands how scarcity and ordinal preferences work already knows why delusional fUcK tHe PiGs posting is retarded; anyone who still doesn't understand how ordinal preferences work is too autistic to ever understand and there's no point wasting time explaining the basics of scarcity to them. If you want property rights to be enforced as well as possible in this current situation, then you want to unleash the police and crush the antifascist mob. The low-IQ fencesitters who eschew taking any meaningful action to better their position in favor of a hopeless circlejerk of libertarian autism are more cancerous than the Marxists. Traitors from within must be purged before facing the enemy without.
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>>2981 what is that clip even
>>3037 >If you want property rights to be enforced as well as possible in this current situation, then you want to unleash the police and crush the antifascist mob Lol do you mean the police that are kneeling to them and washing their feet? Or the ones who spent all their time harrassing random protestors rather than arresting looters? Yeah, they're enforcing some property rights alright.
Real communism, rate.
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Thank God we don't have state police in Seattle anymore. So where are those smug cucketerians from Reddit? >>3036 >>3039 Care to comment on this? It's only getting better.
>>3057 What does ancoms failing in building their own society have to do with libertarianism? >>3055 The CHAZ is the gift that keeps on giving. It's like the Dashcon of ancom rebellions.
>>3058 The Warlord is an AirBNB landlord. He is unironically the libertarian option and the fist of capitalism against the anarchists.
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>>3057 You're acting like the police were forcibly driven out of the area by a bunch of ANTIFA betas who can't even go 2 days in their "autonomous zone" without running out of food because they have no conception of private property. The reason the state police aren't there is most likely because they just don't care. I don't see how this disproves my point. What it means for the people living within CHAZ who didn't consent to the whole scheme or the way the commune wants to use their property is that the state police aren't willing to protect them (ergo they should be defunded).
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>>3065 >cucketarians: "the state police is bad, we should help ancoms get rid them" >state police: "ok, we will get rid of ourselves, good luck out there, guys" >cucketarians: "haha, see? they even wont protect us from ancoms who are now raping us, we were right to get rid of them" lol nigger, stop embarassing yourself and just admit that you were WRONG. For whatever reason, the state police is absent in CHAZ, and that area is now ruled by communist gangs just as we said. You wanted the state police gone, and now you got what you wanted, and everything that we predicted would happen is happening. This isn't your revolution, dumbass, there is a process to bringing about ancapistan, it's not too complicated, but just abolishing the state police won't magically do it, don't put the cart before the fucking horse.
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>>3058 >What does ancoms failing in building their own society have to do with libertarianism? idk, ask the redditors.
>>3068 >he thinks the ancoms are winning The police are being deliberately held back by a complicit state. The state no longer upholds property rights and we now see it was a mistake all along.
>>3068 >greentext You are using collectivist arguments. You're arguing as though every single person in the area was a libertarian who wanted to get rid of the state police. Given that this is Seattle, I'd hardly think that is the case. There are almost certainly people within CHAZ who pay taxes and would like to "call the police". If the state police behaved as you want them to, regardless of political considerations, they should've fulfilled their obligation to those people to defend their property. Instead, they abandoned their area because a vocal segment of the population said that they didn't want the police there.
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W-what did they mean by this?
>>3071 Nobody thinks this LARP is some big victory. >>3072 No, we're not talking about the people who live there, stop changing the subject, we are talking specifically about what you redditors were screaming about before: >The feds are just pawns of the government, no true libertarian would support them. >I don't like the rioters but a strong police force is one of the reasons our rights are being eroded. >You sound just like the "least of two evils goym!" republicans. I don't have to "pick a side" when they're both awful! >Who's ready for ANCAPISTAN etc... I'm trying to hold you dumbasses accountable for the childish shit you said at the beginning of this little communist revolution. You were jizzing yourselves at the sight of communists and barbarians fighting the police, now the cops are gone from that part of Seattle and you got what you wanted, and now I'm asking, are you happy with the consequences we warned you about? Are you happy with communist gangsters instead of the dumb and incompetent fat donut-eating cops from before? Should we kill more cops and have more warlords ruling the streets? And no, don't even pretend you're defending this because you're some hardcore ancap who wants private police instead. Where is the private police? There has to be private police first BEFORE you dumb motherfuckers get rid of the shitty state police and unleash a horde of communist animals onto helpless people. You aren't ancaps, you are evil communist revolutionaries and too dumb to even realize it.
>>3077 >evil isn't subjective
In other news, Minneapolis police to be replaced with a voicemail box.
>>3077 >No, we're not talking about the people who live there, stop changing the subject The only person changing the subject here is you. If the police were going to abandon the area regardless of any theoretical obligation to protect the people who live there, why should anyone be cheering for/paying the police?
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>>2975 That second one is fucking comedy gold.
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>>2984 No, they just brought them over here.
>>3055 Someone should set up private businesses there. Let's see what happens.
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>>3082 Such a low IQ argument. That's like saying if we're all going to die anyway then it's ok to kill people. Yes, the state police is shit, no one here says they are the best, we all want a private police instead, and you perfectly understand that, but however shitty the state police are, at this point in time they are one of the few barriers to a total communist takeover, and you perfectly understand that too. The actual reason why you are trying to justify a communist revolution is because you yourself are a resentful piece of human scum with lots of issues to solve. Just like the communists, you have a pathological hatred towards humanity, and when you see them killing people and wrecking shit in their violent crusade against civilization, your own demonic impulses give you any excuses to join in on the violence. You are not an ancap, and you are far from being a good, moral person.
>>3098 Set up your own private police then, unless you are disarmed by your own aversion towards violence.
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>>3091 Why would anyone want to assume the risk of setting up in an ancom neighborhood to sell things to people who hate capitalism and probably get all of their money from their parents? Even if they employed private security there wouldn't be enough local support to justify the costs. Their awful attempts at agriculture aren't even enough to feed themselves, much less generate a surplus that can be traded for goods and services. >>3098 The police aren't a single-edged sword. They are instrumental in securing the state's monopoly over violence--they may not be enforcing laws in CHAZ right now, but I suspect that if a business owner in/on the border of CHAZ snapped and decided to take protection of property into his/her own hands through use of deadly force, the police may not give them the same "let them be"/"deescalate" treatment as they have given the ancoms. A private security company would most assuredly get raped in court in the aftermath.
Soviet Famine 2: Electric Boogaloo imminent: Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments >As cities across the country are discussing defunding or disbanding their police departments, truck drivers are voicing concerns of safety. Seventy-seven percent of truck drivers say they will refuse to deliver freight to cities with defunded police departments. >Truck driving is historically ranked as one of the most dangerous jobs in the country. In 2018, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic reported truck driving as the most deadly job in the country. >Truck drivers have spent the last year on the front line of a global pandemic and protests. Now many are fearful of what might happen if police departments disband or are defunded. >Truck drivers have been voicing their concerns on the CDLLife App. After reading about their concerns, CDLLife posted a poll on the app. >We asked drivers on the app, “Would you pick up/deliver to cities with defunded or disbanded police departments? Why or why not?” >As of June 13, 2020, we’ve had over 1,283 respondents and 79% say they will refuse loads to cities with disbanded or defunded police departments. >Here are some of their responses: >“…if something was to happen and you have to take matters into your own hands, and then you risk being prosecuted for protecting yourself.” >“This is not an area you need to act fearless and think you you’d look like a fool for saying no…Imagine what kind of fool you look like for driving into a hot spot and putting your life in danger.” >“I will not deliver to an area with a disbanded police department. My life matter and I do this for my family. We are already at the mercy of these towns and cities with laws and hate against us for parking, getting a meal or even using a restroom.” >“Simple. We may not like it all the time, but laws and order is necessary.” >“Most places we go already can be dicy an about only time you see a cop is when lights is on behind you.” >“For my own safety and security of my customers’ loads, I have already informed my dispatcher that I will refuse all loads to cities that have defunded their police departments.” https://archive.is/wwefq https://cdllife.com/2020/truck-drivers-say-they-wont-deliver-to-cities-with-defunded-police-departments/
>>3100 >Why would anyone want to assume the risk of setting up in an ancom neighborhood to sell things to people who hate capitalism and probably get all of their money from their parents? You would think so but there's a taco shop and a ramen restruant that are still in business. http://archive.is/Scm0T I doubt that most of these people are ancoms. They are just anti-cop. We can probably turn it into ancapitstan if enough businesses move in along with private security.
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Oh no no no no no no no
>>3106 From what I heard most of them are larpers and not true anarchists. Some of them even brag about still paying taxes. So sad, wish they went full anarchist with it.
this shit is still going?
>>3566 Yep. Doesn't seem like it'll end soon.

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