>We don't have power now and we will never have power unless we actually refute their shitty arguments.
You're thinking about it in the wrong terms. Commies don't have arguments, they have a cult. Normies don't care about arguments, they care about who looks strong. You don't argue with commies, you ridicule and humiliate them. This can be done on the debate stage, but not by writing dissertations on how "ACKSHUALLY, MARX CONTRADICTED HIMSELF IF YOU LOOK AT SUBPARAGRAPH 3 OF DAS KAPITAL." The debate stage is only effective when used to create 2-minute quotable sound bites that make commies look retarded. Normies don't have an attention span long enough for anything else.
>our movement
Again with this faggy ideological identitarianism. LARPing as an ideology is the reason the "movement" is failing to get past internet circlejerking. Stop seeing yourself as a warrior for ideology and start seeing liberty as a means to a desired end.
>If your NAP doesn't include provisions for violently removing communists
It does, it's called estoppel. Communists don't respect private property norms, therefore they are not entitled to appeal to private property in their own defense, and so they get physically removed. This is not a complicated thing to grasp, NiggerSocs don't hold a monopoly on jackboots.
>Fuck off with your "deploy the helicopters" meme shit.
It's not a meme bud, it's the only way to deal with communists. People who do not adhere to private property norms have no place in a society based on private property norms. The only "peaceful" way communists and us can coexist is if the communists are far away, i.e. physically removed. It's justifiable and necessary self-defense.
>It's right to question the metrics used to measure poverty...
Yes, it's perfectly all right to notice these things and intelligently comment on them. But if you can't describe it in two sentences or less normies aren't going to care.