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Anonymous 10/17/2019 (Thu) 23:54:55 Id: 10456e No. 342

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Libertarian insurgency in the Urals when?
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When we get enough helicopters!

Based and weebpilled
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>be libertarian activist
>bet on the next generation and hatch a genius plan to make liberty hip with the kids
>"I will put a shitload of anime girls on my channel, kids love them anime bitches"
>libertarian movement ends up as mostly weeb neets and other useless losers
Weebatarians go forth!
>bet on the next generation and hatch a genius plan to make liberty hip with the kids
>ENTIRE FUCKING GENERATION ends up as useless losers
Ah, whereas you, by contrast, have establshed your ethnostate, and sired a dozen children on your tradwife to work your wheatfields for you, yes? Is that why you're here shitposting on a Yugoslavian cave painting website's backup bunker right now?
No, because I'm one of the useless losers.
>getting this mad over wanting legalized murder
big zozzle
>not getting mad about legalized murder
Get a load of this high time preference faggot

It was a neat watch even if he isn't that well articulated in english and I assume a talk in german would be more refined.
Yeah, it's one of the more popular fringe ideologies there.

I didn't know about this Svetov guy, not speaking russian and all that, but in the afterwords it was like he was reading from my brain. Ancap as a guiding start, the whole talk about nations, and so on.
Now that I think about it it's pretty logical considering how russia is made up of a lot of swallowed up states.

Yeah he does a good job of presenting and is a rather firey speaker, if he has a "brand" party I could see it working elsewhere.
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very good interview. Nothing new for me aside from the whole Cato/Mises story which was very interesting, and getting to know the answer of Murray Rothbard to the question "what if the State is founded again?" (his answe his "at least we had a good holyday"), but it's always a pleasure hearing Hoppe.
A good video content wise but you could tell the host got a bit frustrated by Hoppe seemingly not getting a couple questions or going off on tangents.
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Wew apparently the guy who leads this, Mikhail Svetov got arrested sometime yesterday.
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He wasn't exactly arrested yet, he was let go for now, but he's kind of being treated as a suspect for violating a certain "degenerate behaviour" law because of a relationship he started 7 years ago with a 16-year old (himself being about 26 at the time) and also for some shitposts from way back in 2007.

The AOC is 16 in Russia and the expiry period for opening a case like this is two years after the "crime", so there isn't really anything to arrest him on, it's just political harassment that popular politicans get. He could've been called to court for this before, but the government only started to care when he came from a big tour across the whole country where he did 30 lectures which thousands of people attended in different 30 cities within 30 days, this was as big as last year's liberal Alexey Navalny's tour in support of his presidential candidacy. The government didn't like this kind of popularity, so just like with Navalny before, they're trying to harass Svetov and the people close to him.

Of course, Svetov might have a shitty taste in women, but he really didn't break any law and everyone knows these charges are politically motivated, it's not just libertarians but also other factions like liberals and nationalists standing up in his defence right now because they know it could be any one of their heroes in his place. The non-systemic opposition, despite their differences, have each other's backs this way. If a nationalist gets too popular, they'll get accused of worshipping Hitler or doing drugs or something, if a liberal gets too popular, they'll be accused of owning mansions in America and being a foreign secret agent. It's very predictable. The government officials themselves do all these things and worse, but everyone else can potentially get arrested for some shitpost they did on social media 10 years ago. Putin's own press secretary Peskov for example started dating his wife when she was 14 years old, but he's doing alright, still has his job and all.

Anyway, the one to suffer the most from all this drama is "the victim" herself, Svetov's ex-girlfriend. She's still being interrogated and forced to confess about something when she really doesn't have any problems, she is on very good terms with Svetov and even does the editing and thumbnails for all his videos on his channel. The people who pretend to be defending her really don't care about what she has to say about the situation at all.
>26 yo diddling a 16 yo gal
Yo hol'up fam. Are you saying he did an irl "bUt whAt iF tHE cHILd COnseNTs?!"
>16yo is a child
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Anything new on him? His YT didn't have any activity and the Telegramm chat is purely in russian.
He's going to have to go to court again in a few days, there can be no charges against him because there's no evidence and there's no victim accusing him of anything, so if they're going to charge him, it's going to be for literally no reason besides pure suspicion, which I think would be unprecedented in our current government's history. If they do charge him of something, they won't necessarily have to prove that he is guilty to jail him, they will just keep him in some cell until the trial, which they will stall off for as long as possible, we have another libertarian youtuber who is being detained this way for months now.

His ex-girlfriend is also still being questioned, they want her to say that she was raped or something, but she insists that he is not guilty of anything. The police are going to "search" her apartment again (they don't exactly search for anything, it's usually just an excuse to wreck the place and confiscate expensive hardware and possibly plant some drugs or something).

There is also a protest planned for 18th Nov in Svetov's defence.

So in your opinion the worst case scenario is that they charge him with shit that won't stick and just stall the actual hearing in order to keep him locked up.
Is there any known maximum they can stall to? And who is that other YouTuber you mentioned?
>So in your opinion the worst case scenario is that they charge him with shit that won't stick and just stall the actual hearing in order to keep him locked up.
Oh, so he'll be Russia's Assange!
If they want him under arrest, he'll remain imprisoned. A "legal" justification will be found in any case.
>16 is a child
Amerifats not even once
Not sure if that is really an apt comparison

I am not familiar enough with russia to be certain if they'd so obviously lock away people or try the route with more deniability ala
>Gee no idea how he ended up in the river, guess he just wanted to take a midnight winter swim.
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It's definitely a possibility. He said they are now trying to hack into all his accounts. In a way, the government is afraid to really arrest people once they get too popular because it can cause a lot of anger and protests which could grow into something bigger, so what they do instead is arrest people for some short period of time, like for a month or so so that no one gets too angry about it, but they do it so often that we get desensitized to it and in some cases the total time period of the person in jail accumulates to about 6 months per year. Svetov has also been arrested like this once or twice before since he started organizing protests.

>Is there any known maximum they can stall to?
I don't really know yet.

>And who is that other YouTuber you mentioned?
It's this 21 year old guy called Egor Zhukov. In August or September, he made some edgy statement about "using any means of protest" against the government and he was charged for extremism as a result.

>Oh, so he'll be Russia's Assange!
I think our Assange would be this liberal called Navaly, he became popular because he runs an organization kind of like Wikileaks, which investigates corruption and what politicians do with their money and publishes it all as Youtube mini documentaries. All these Russian politicians that you see on TV, the ones who shit on America and Europe and whatever, they all literally live and own palaces in the countries they criticize, and their children go to school there, these politicians only come to Russia to do business. This is why I don't believe in any WW3/Cold War 2 scaremongering, they aren't going to go to war against countries where their children and where their property is, amd I'm sure the western media that complains about muh Russia all the time are well aware of this too.

Yeah they technically could arrest him for any bullshit reason, but it's a risk, they are trying to do it in relation to something dirty like pedophilia so that it will be somewhat justified even among the people who disagree with the government. The government is really good at dividing the opposition and making them seem like clowns, and only like in the past 2-3 years has the opposition gotten its shit together with competent people arriving on the scene.
My main point with Assange is that the U.S. does shit like this all the time too.
I woulnd't agree with that notion, most western states tend to be a bit better with actual opposing political movements than russia.
Western states are just better at hiding it or making it appear justified.
Subjectively speaking my western country is more hesitant to even judicially heckle fringe parties compared to russia but that's kinda a moot point.

>He said they are now trying to hack into all his accounts
Good thing I backed up his YT channel
>charged for extremism as a result
2extreme4themwhat an odd sounding charge
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>Good thing I backed up his YT channel

He seems to be a bit more active lately with videos and streams, a shame they don't seem to get translated.
Yes, I think I tried telling him about it before on a stream. Maybe I can try on twitter, he speaks English, so you can try there too.
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Sounds like a cool guy.
>tfw no space to hang out, watch animu, eat burgers and shitpost about /liberty/
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Every major western city should also have something like this about twice a year, this is how we get zoomers on our side. It's not enough to just chat with other ancaps on the internet, because right now we are isolated from each other and the pace of communication is really slow compared to irl, we don't even know if we exist in the real world and we feel powerless.

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