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Botswana Anonymous 10/18/2019 (Fri) 11:48:59 No. 359

Are Botswanans the only ooga boogas that are slowly figuring out how NAP works?
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Well, they seem to at least have some understanding, albeit an imperfect one, of the necessity of a basic system of property rights. Their economy is probably the strongest in Africa, as well as the least corrupt. Curiously, though, they also seem to have one of the highest homicide rates in Africa. Maybe it just goes unreported more in poorer African countries.
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>posted it before I did
>when literal niggers are evolving past nigsocs
Holy shit, this is getting interesting!
Attack on Titan isn't a good anime
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>he hasn't read ahead in the manga
Perhaps the fact that their decolonization process was led by their tribal King instead of some commie ideologist like the rest of Africa contributed to that.
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>he hasn't watched ahead to season 3

Get fucked, nigger. "Might > right" my ass lolol
That was the picture I was looking for.

I thought it might be good to bring up another fact: their GDP/capita has recently surpassed South Africa. They might indeed be the jewel of Africa now (quite literally, given their diamond market).

I think the high homicide rates have something to do with the INSANELY HIGH AIDS RATE (something like 1/5 of the population).

Not too hard to do, actually.

No, but seriously, I find Botswana incredibly interesting because it really makes me think about the credibility of a lot of racialist studies. They seem to be turning into a very interesting counterexample, especially if they keep it up.

Hope. That's the key word. This gives me hope.

/monarchy/ please.
>I think the high homicide rates have something to do with the INSANELY HIGH AIDS RATE (something like 1/5 of the population).
Someone is going to reply to this asking wtf I'm on. My thought process was:
Fucking desperate because life is ruined.
Chance for bad lifestyle increases because of small time horizons/horrible prospects.
Turn to crime.
Proportionally the homicide rate increases.
>No, but seriously, I find Botswana incredibly interesting because it really makes me think about the credibility of a lot of racialist studies. They seem to be turning into a very interesting counterexample, especially if they keep it up.
The racialist studies are still very much credible, they have both empirical data and conceptual studies backing them up. In fact, their being true makes the case for free markets all the stronger. What Botswana really shows is that the market economy and private property are truly universalizable concepts; even if your country has an average IQ of 70, you will still benefit immensely from private property norms. The same can be said of American niggers: before the Civil Rights Act and Johnson's welfare initiative, they had a perfectly functional economy. Not quite as wealthy or robust as the white economy, but better than what they have now. And they weren't plagued with single-parent households or the rest of the social ills that negroes face today. The same is true of Rhodesia--Rhodesian blacks weren't any smarter or more capable than the ones in South Africa, but without being subject to booga-tier apartheid laws, they were able to prosper in their own way. There was a significant gap between black education and white education, along with black and white average wage, but that gap was getting smaller with every year.

>/monarchy/ please
This is a monarcho-sympathizing board, anon, and don't you forget it.

>Someone is going to reply to this asking wtf I'm on.
I was actually assuming the connection went something like this:
>be nig
>get AIDS
>booga shaman tells you sex with a virgin is the only way to cure your fag disease
>nig has an idea
>infants are guaranteed virgins
>rape infant, no more AIDS!
I really wish I was making this up.
>The racialist studies are still very much credible, they have both empirical data and conceptual studies backing them up.
One thing keeps me from hanging onto racialist studies, which is that I haven't seen a lot of tracking over the time dimension, and when I have, it tends to get BTFO or at the very least diminish their findings. For example, I recall this study showing how mics were basically on the same level as niggers at the beginning of the 20th century, and while the IQ of mics in general continued to rise until now where they are among the top, it essentially wasn't until the welfare state in the 60s and 70s that the nignoggers fucking collapsed (as you mentioned, the wage gap was decreasing up until then as well).

And, of course, I can't find that shit study now. Still, point remains that I'd like to see some more racialist studies look at things over time and see whether niggers are at least able to 'catch up' to the other races, which I feel kind of disproves a major component of the racialist thesis. When I see shit like Botswana, it makes me wonder whether maybe that's happening for them. As >>376 said, they're evolving faster than nigsocs.
The thing about Botswana though is that their average IQ is still 70, which is more or less on par with sub-Saharan Africa's continental average; Botswana's economic growth didn't really correspond with an increase in IQ for the nogs.
I can find that 70 IQ stat from Lynn's book, but I can't find a recent study of Botswanan IQ. I can find a bunch of sites that say it's from 2019, but then have the exact same copy-pasted table from Lynn's book.
Lynn's work is only 13 years old, though. I can't imagine the average could have shifted very much in that timeframe.
Then...like I said, it'd be nice to see more IQ studies over time.
>whites leave Africa taking their capitalism with them
>niggs come to power establishing literal national-socialism for blacks
>Africa predictably turns into a third-world shithole, except for the one or two exceptions which embraced capitalism

The crime thing is definitely true, me and family lived in Zimbabwe until I was 13 and incidents like that did happen. Also, every time some nigg with AIDs came begging for money or something, my dad would get really protective and threaten violence against them until they got away, but he was very careful with that because he also didn't want to touch them or get their blood on him.

>I really wish I was making this up.
This is also very true. Witchdoctors are a thing, and they have a lot of influence.
>me and family lived in Zimbabwe until I was 13
This demands a lot of greentext stories.

So, uh...WHY is Botswana becoming more economically free? What institutional/cultural factors are different there?
Does it have to be institutional? In this case it seems like an accident of incidence. Khama, Botswana's first President, was not only previously the countries tribal kang, he weas also educated in Britbongistan and had at least moderate knowledge of free market principles going into the office. Presumably most of his professors weren't Marxist scum, which is why he didn't adopt Marxist policy prescriptions, for which Botswana should count itself lucky.
I think freedom policies are just a matter of luck. A country ends up by chance with free market leaders and intellectuals and it moves that way.
This is why propaganda and infiltrating public education is necessary.
>I think freedom policies are just a matter of luck.
>This is why propaganda and infiltrating public education is necessary.
I'm having a hard time understanding how these two sentences don't contradict each other.
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>it's necessary to create luck
What's not to understand?
My dictionary seems to imply that 'luck' is something completely random and by happenstance. It's like you're saying, "Why don't you just roll snake eyes?" I mean, it's random chance whether I get snake eyes.
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Heh, get a new dicktionary.
I meant that there isn't much that can be done to secure the free market you can only increase your chances. Countries with free market are so because of chance, not because someone decided to make them free market
Ah, I see.
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Fuck kimeemaru schizos always win baby
There's no way they have the same amount of economic freedom as south korea.
They would be a much richer country if this was true

Leftists like to claim that Africa is poor due to capitalism.
How do I refute this without going into the race aspect at all?
Werent most of these countries ruled by actual socialists for various amounts of time?

Also wasn't burkina faso a socialist success story? I keep hearing that it "worked" over there or something...
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They're not exactly the same, but they've been pretty close for a while. Economic freedom helps a lot but it doesn't keep niggers from being niggers.
I don't know anything about Burkino Faso, but almost every African country is some kind of socialist shithole with maybe a flavour of anti-white national-socialism or outright communism. These countries do have somewhat free markets in some areas, but they are flooded with free shit from first world countries, making it impossible for locals to do any business. For example, if you're a black farmer in Zimbabwe selling Sadza for $0.10 in a market in Mbare, and some altruistic white do-gooders move in and start handing out free food, what happens is they literally kill your business, because there's no way local niggers will pay 1/10th of their monthly salary as housemaids or gardenboys for 1kgs of your corn flour when you have these kind (((white))) people handing out the same shit for free. So yeah, in the case of Zim, if there was one good thing Black Hitler did, it was rejecting food aid from first-world countries, but it was probably an act of typical nigsoc hubris and not wise economic decision-making, considering everything else he did.
These countries don't allow free trade as well I heard

The ranking are extremely flawed and based on Chicago school interpretation of what free markets are. They think central banks are good and that patents and IP are good.
There should be a better system which includes most/least intervention by central banks.

Also the fact heritage makes one of these rankings makes us look extremely bad

It's poor due to government aid, the citizens become dependent on it with no real drive to better themselves. This goes for anyone. As someone who is from /fascist/ I don't think small government allocation programs are inherently bad but repeat offenses and they become dependent on the state

This is tangentially related but I remember hearing on a podcast that in Tanzania the house construction and fire fighting is done by private insurance companies because the government there is so corrupt and overregulated it's the only way of doing things.

It's interesting how the company does this. They look at a plot of land where you want to build a house and determine the appropriate amount of space it needs to be away from another house so in case it catches on fire it won't spread easily and become a fire hazard.
>>2249 What the hell happened between 1995 to 2005? >>2428 "What would you include in your economic freedom ranking" would be a very interesting topic. >>4146 Not much to say. Their economic freedom level is basically steady compared to last year. They're starting to become significantly richer than South Africa now.
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>>359 >>376 They are evolving.
Americans say the US is dangerous because the NRA supports gun rights, but maybe the real threat is the ruling class who wants to ban guns so that the elites can fill their private prisons.
Botswana is one of the reasons that I will shit on racial ideas. The problem of Africa is not that they are black, it's that most of the countries there went through communist revolutions. Botswana became pretty liberal and was completely fine, with a majority black population, and being able to create a functioning country. Here's the thing, black people aren't stupid from nature. There are many smart black individuals. But the thing is, that socialists keep them stupid for their own personal gain. They keep them in poverty through foreign aid. They keep them from trying in USA due to their shitty laws that partially favor them and partially treat them like shit. I believe if you cut off foreign aid, and allowed Africa to sort itself out, it eventually would. Through pain, blood and sweat but it eventually would. Imperial powers fucked up Africa by violating the NAP of the populaces there and now the socialists who spend our taxes on foreign aid are making things worse. Racialist studies are garbage, and the idea of "race" is collectivist bullshittery. Give individuals the freedom to decide for their own and they will improve their situation no matter the race.
>>380 This is true but not because he was a king, but because he wasn't an ideologicaly-influenced retard. He was PRACTICAL The world would be so much better if retarded idealists who believe that they can work shot a bullet through their head. >>395 Lynn's work is also heavily contested for a reason. Racialist studies often feel like a holocaust denial, that they might take some small irregularity in mainstream studies but they forget the most important questions, like for example in case of Holocaust Denialist "Where the fuck did the jews that were not able to work go if they were not killed, if their last know place of existence was the camps". Honestly I just treat racial ideas as sociology trying to pretend that it's science.
Americans used to think hippies were lazy fruits for dropping out during the Vietnam War, but maybe the hippies had the right idea after all. If you can't change a corrupt system, why be a part of it?
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>>359 Why have you posted a map from Command and Conquer?
Everything is illegal, you have no rights, you are under surveillance 24/7, and no one cares. Living in a police state is just hopeless and you must constantly dread having your door kicked in by the Gestapo. There was a time when you didn't need a driver license to drive. Later you needed a driver license and the police needed probable cause to stop you. You then needed to give your fingerprints to drive. Now no one can go outside because everyone is under house arrest. The elites have covered all the bases and closed all the doors. The globalists kill or blackmail constitution friendly judges. The ruling class uses FISA courts. The government just does whatever it wants- law or no law, constitution or not. The 1% gives campaign donations and cushy job promises to politicians, hacks election machines, and forges ballots to install their candidates. The elites control the media, Hollywood, Wall Street, and the government.
>>371 I know a few people on Zuckbook who'd seeth if they saw that. Maybe I should make a new account with some bullshit made up name.
In a free country, you are the one who is responsible if your life is a mess. In a police state, you can blame the government if your life has been destroyed.
>>2246 There is something called long-term Things are not instantaneous
Why should Americans go fight for freedom in Iran when Americans don't have freedom in the USA?
Americans either don't know or want to know that the US is collapsing or think that nothing can be done to save the USA. Any plans or ideas to slow or escape the decay are quickly shot down as unworkable. Instead of demanding that minimum wages be repealed or checkpoints be ended, Americans would rather beg for their chains by asking for more laws. Insanity. http://f2bbs.com/bbs

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