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/liberty/ jewtubers? Anonymous 09/13/2020 (Sun) 02:05:24 Id: e94c93 No. 3721
Zoomer here (yes, unironically), if there's one thing I know about my generation better than anyone is that the best way to influence us is through e-celebs, and I happen to know of a few good ones: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa2-piBMbmik7L5-zPFmPTA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxZrPPhcmK_0FoE2LpqgbRw https://www.youtube.com/user/youngrippa59 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/awxvaKDmUzaI/ and by FAR the best one, (if you're only going to check out one of these channels, let it be this one!) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5PPbhNfajmhPq7RvkMgVmw Post some other one's you know of
The problem is the majority of Libertarian youtubers are fucking cringe, give bad arguments and don't go after leftist youtube videos enough. Look at shane killian, and esotericentity, I mean holy fuck, the autism. We need to be focusing on how free markets would actually benefit people far more than socialism would. Like how taking over the means of production won't actually benefit the workers.
>>3723 The last youtuber listed talks about exactly those topics (he also makes liberty zoomer memes on instagram). That's why I consider him the best /liberty/tuber so far.
>>3723 Esoteric Entity stopped being an Ancap long time ago. His fully embraced left market anarchism , merely calls himself an agorist now, has a completely irrational hatred of Hoppe and is slowly moving ever closely to just being a full on commie. As for personal recs, its hard to say for me to say for much of the reason mentioned in that theirs too much autism. That being said, I'll put in another vote for My2Cent being one of the more normal ones that I know. Youngrippa59 is pretty good but he does too much cape shit that I have no interest in. https://www.youtube.com/c/JimJesusVegas/featured Jimjesus is pretty good if you like structured stream content. His particularly good at calling out lolberts who act like retards and doesn't seem to fall into the pitfalls I see a many other youtube ancap falll into.
>>3721 The usual answers were Tom Woods, Peter Molyneux(back in the day he was more of an ancap), Peter Schiff if you also want to learn a bit about markets, he sometimes makes comments on happenings and argues on why the government is to blame, RonPaulLibertyReport, and whatever the Mises Institute or LearnLiberty put out. Now I guess, all this young people want someone who is cool and a bit edgy to tell them what to think, and not some old dude at a keynote presentation, so I guess JFG/ThePublicSpace is the closest thing to one.
>>3734 >someone who is cool and a bit edgy to tell them what to think Does Ryan Faulk still satisfy this?
>>3734 Dave Smith can be a little edgier at times, although I feel he doesn't inspire much at first because one may think "he's just a comedian" but after a while he grows on you, and he also does a lot of current news and drama in his podcasts which can be useful. Also if one were to listen to these "boring old men", he would find many positions that are quite edgy but well-spoken and thought out. Last episode of the Bob Murphy show (#145) they took a dip in that dirty water that is the jewish and the bolsheviks relationship (it was very short, not /pol/-tier, and kinda intense for a youtube video). I'm not in the age range of a zoomer, so I don't know what most of this population may like, but maybe it's worth putting some effort in listening to them.
>>3730 Yeah, she's a based /liberty/ waifu.
>>3739 Nope. He completely abandoned Austrian economics and libertarianism.
We need youtubers that actually understand economics and go after fundamental leftist arguments.
>>3749 >and go after fundamental leftist arguments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjFXtl4o5Io
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>>3768 Those aren't debunking leftist arguments. It's not just leftists who believe taxation isn't theft, normies believe in taxation. I'm talking about the abundance of ancoms and marxists who constantly refute libertarian arguments on youtube. What about something explaining how socialism won't benefit the workers or refuting the idea of the third world being "capitalism"? What about something refuting american healthcare? Why doesn't he DIRECTLY make videos refuting specific breadtubers and get into battles with them like fringeelements used to do? It seems like Libertarians have lost and given up, which is sad because there is so much potential.
Libertarians stay with basic bitch arguments while communists constantly read and get more indoctrinated into their dumb ideology while countering libertarians with them. This makes normies and fence sitters think the socialists are correct. It's sad but true. We need more researchers and more intellectuals going out there in the field and countering socialist arguments. I can't believe the last decade I witnessed the Libertarian movement just give up while commies took over counterculture.
>>3772 >It seems like Libertarians have lost and given up Pretty much this. There's only so many times you can face off against the umpteenth socialist and get into the exact same arguments (sorry >>3775, I have to disagree with you there) over the labor theory of value, baptist and bootleggers, minimum wage, socialized medicine, etc.. About the only 'new' argument that's come up has maybe been UBI, and a bunch of libertarians did come out of the woodwork to beat the hell out of that specifically.
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>>3776 >exact same arguments Sorry to break this to you, but socialists have counters to even those arguments now. You can't just refute a commie and then give up and hide away forever. You need to blow these arguments up big time so that everyone can see them. The socialists kept enduring long and hard the past few years and we have given up, especially on youtube. >over the labor theory of value There are many marxist youtube videos refuting the Libertarian criticism of the LTV with ZERO counters. Where are these counters? Also where are counterarguments to worker co-ops, mutualism, syndicalism, ancom legal systems etc, dialectical materialism, alienation, falling rate of profit, capitalist "imperialism", the results/history of socialism in specific countries, social/economic constructs vs sociobiology, problems with the economic freedom index, role of the capitalist and landlord in the market economy, great depression, wealth inequality and "hoarding" etc? Where are explanations of what would actually happen if specific strains of socialism were actually tried, using austrian economics as a explanatory framework? Libertarians have NOT effectively countered these arguments and these arguments are left to infect normies on the internet and brainwash them. I mean for fuck sakes I saw that Adam Kokesh vs Vaush video where Vaush walked all over him because Adam had nothing but stupid moralistic stances with almost no practical counters to Vaush's worker co-ops. It seems that Libertarians have learned nothing over the past 10 years and are stuck in the past, while commies have gotten much more aggressive, have read a LOT more theory and are a lot more powerful. Libertarians that are stuck in the Gary Johnson "DUDE WEED, GUNS AND ANTI-WAR" mentality are the most prone to getting btfo by commies or fascists or simply becoming one of those people themselves. The only Libertarian I really listen to anymore is Peter Schiff because he talks about what Libertarians should be primarily focusing our efforts into, namely CENTRAL BANKING! Libertarians don't even talk about it anymore, we should be KNOWN for it. Peter is also based because he specifically talks about how many different types of government intervention specifically messes with the market and causes problems.
>>3777 The problem is that no amount of pointing out how the government caused a problem in the first place will make a socialist/communist rethink theoir allegience. Because the "untested" system in their head will always pale in comparison. Because a step in the "right" direction that doesn't work only failed because "it didn't go far enough". My go-to example: they insist we need free education for all, with no question about the value of a given degree. But tuition only skyrocketed once the government started backing those giving out the loans, and exempt student loans from bankruptcy proceedings. Now any moron can go to an out-of-state private school and they're guaranteed hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt that they will never be able to pay off with a Communications degree. If you just let the loan companies assume the risk and let people declare bankruptcy in good faith if they're unable to come close to paying it off after a few years then those loan companies would evaluate the odds of a student finishing their degree and landing a good job and then they would compare it to the value of the degree and the cost of tuition. Given many states already cover low-income students attending state schools, everyone would have a chance to get the degree they want, they just might not be able to attend the school they want AND cover that with loans. Currently they just bitch that nobody warned them. But if the market was subject to supply and demand, schools would have to drop tuition accordingly and these Couch Communists would have to consider getting actually difficult degrees that earn them a paycheck. But when you discuss this with them they blame "the system" and "capitalism", even though a government band-aid is how we ended up in this mess. The government took a functional system and fucked it up, and they cheered it on when it happened. Now that it's failing, it's suddenly the fault of Capitalism. There's no winning an argument with them because everything good for them is communist and everything bad for them is capitalist, and like all Marxists they have no problem changing their tune and trying to rewrite history as soon as the facts come out against them.
>>3777 >There are many marxist youtube videos refuting the Libertarian criticism of the LTV with ZERO counters. Where are these counters? Like I said, most libertarians (myself included) see these videos and legitimately do not understand why the previous responses are not sufficient. I think that old video where Paul Krugman and Ron Paul "debate" was illustrative. In response to modern Keynesianism, Ron Paul brings up...Diocletian. To an Austrolibertarian, because we feel that our old arguments have not been properly countered, we'll keep bringing up the same, old arguments. This happens within libertarian circles as well. The debate between Hoppe's argumentation ethics and his critics are not ongoing. In Hoppe's own words, after about the second round, he stopped because, "I'd just be repeating arguments I already made." >Where are explanations of what would actually happen if specific strains of socialism were actually tried, using austrian economics as a explanatory framework? O.k., some of your other points I can see where you're coming from, but not this one. In fact, this puts me on the level of thinking you're just another leftist pretending to be libertarian to troll here. A lot of those other items you mentioned are also really REALLY easy to find (in particular, your claim that Austrolibertarians don't have a reply to the Great Depression is what really makes me suspicious of you). Actually, that brings up another point. Most libertarian boards I have been on have been BEATEN INTO THE GROUND. Most commie boards have some sort of moderation so that if libertarians were flooding the board, they'd be banned. However, the same does not happen on the vast majority of libertarian boards. So, what ends up happening is that communists can win online simply by attrition, which is basically what was happening on the old 8chan liberty board. They can repeatedly flood a libertarian board, and go back to their own board if they're getting tired to 'regroup.' I don't think the same sort of spaces exist for libertarians, you have to find places like here where the usercount is so low that virtually no online communists know of it to get a reprieve.
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>>3779 >see these videos and legitimately do not understand why the previous responses are not sufficient. What about exchange value/use value. This is hardly touched on. Why don't Libertarian youtubers continuously go after and make video responses to commies after they reply back to you? The answer is you just give up and let them walk all over them. It would be hilarious if you people replied back to them, and refuted their arguments point by point, forcing them into a corner. >he stopped because, "I'd just be repeating arguments I already made." I absolutely hate this excuses. Human need to hear things over and over and over for them to actually understand and have it ingrained in their heads. >In fact, this puts me on the level of thinking you're just another leftist pretending to be libertarian to troll here. I'm not lol, I've been Libertarian for a long time(ron paul 2008 days) and I have learned a lot. That's why seeing the movement get cucked is depressing as fuck. btw leftists are not banned from this board so if I was a commie I would just admit it >A lot of those other items you mentioned are also really REALLY easy to find Bullshit. A lot of the things I mentioned, specifically the marxist and ancom concepts have not been countered by Libertarians on youtube. I cannot even find an effective austrian critique of the falling rate of profit. What about co-ops? Why would they be inferior to capitalist owned firms? I vaguely got the reason why on some obscure reddit post after searching quite a while and pieced it together myself. Why the fuck is the answer there instead of blown up in a big video or presented as a main argument in a video with Vaush? >Great Depression Okay this one, you're right about, but I just wish there were more videos of rothbard's interpretation of the events. Please don't link that cringe Shane Killian one. >>3778 >only failed because "it didn't go far enough". This works on some of them, but a lot of them have enough sense to realize when their logic is faulty. Refuting their core arguments would work a great deal towards breaking them. >But tuition only skyrocketed once the government started backing those giving out the loans, and exempt student loans from bankruptcy proceedings. Yes yes. Libertarians are great on these arguments for explaining the harm government intervention does. This is great for normies. But Libertarians aren't as good on arguments dismantling far-left communist thinking. Most of the things I mentioned have weak or non-existent Libertarian counter arguments. >But when you discuss this with them they blame "the system" and "capitalism" I wish Libertarians would spend time refuting their dumb word games. They literally can only think in binaries and think there can only be capitalism or socialism and any bad thing that happens can only be the direct result of these two binaries. We need a big Libertarian video refuting this garbage. >There's no winning an argument with them There is and even if there wasn't. There are normies that we could be winning over, instead they are being indoctrinated into communism.
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>>3780 I know this seems rather cocky, but I have to admit basically anyone is at least thinking this when critiques like this come up. Why don't YOU be that person? You sure as hell seem a lot more motivated than most libertarians. It's hard to estimate sizes, but there is a group of libertarians that become "Brownouters." People who read or get Harry Browne's ideas and then decide to drop out and find liberty for themselves instead of convincing others of it.
>>3772 He sort of goes over why in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiLvjP8kbwI What he said is something I think we can all relate to >you can only get so many death threats from people you're trying to help before you give up
>>3783 >Why don't YOU be that person? Too lazy, busy, stupid and brain damaged. I can see all of these things happening on a surface level but I'm too autistic to put it all together and sound like a big boy smart person. Another argument Libertarians should be making is how taking over the means of production will not actually benefit the workers, this and how taxing the wealthy will do nothing but increase prices for workers and not help their living standards whatsoever. pic related, these people are insane and these are the easiest arguments to counter Why aren't we countering them? Why aren't there big videos with many views refuting this viewpoint? I mean you don't have to be Libertarian to understand why this makes no sense. >>3784 >>you can only get so many death threats from people you're trying to help before you give up Then don't try to help them. Try to destroy them intellectually to boost your ego.
>>3785 > Another argument Libertarians should be making is how taking over the means of production will not actually benefit the workers, this and how taxing the wealthy will do nothing but increase prices for workers and not help their living standards whatsoever. pic related, these people are insane and these are the easiest arguments to counter Why aren't we countering them? Why aren't there big videos with many views refuting this viewpoint? I mean you don't have to be Libertarian to understand why this makes no sense. But there are videos from Tom Woods, Peter Molyneux, Bob Murphy, Peter Schiff on this subject, the problem is that they aren't all that well organized and are inside an hour long podcast, but the arguments have been made. Tom Woods has a good initiative with his "Your Facebook Friends are wrong about X" free e-book series, that you can get from his website. https://tomwoods.com/freebooks/ With good titles such as >Your Facebook Friends are Wrong about Healthcare >Sane Space: Libertarian Dispatches from Bizarro America >Bernie Sanders Is Wrong He also pushes for the Ron Paul Curriculum, which is meant to teach homeschoolers, history, politics and economics from an Austrian Libertarian perspective, besides math, physics, geography and so on. Considering how much academia has been infected, homeschooling is the best solution, in America, to teach young people about the values of liberty and the fallacies of communism. I also highly recommend this video n which Jeff Deist gives his "For a new libertarian" speech, sadly I could not find the original video, thankfully Tom Woods provided a copy of it, just skip the first 2 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7I9V4ZgKoQ
Ignore this whiny faggot
>>3785 >we we we we >reeeeeeeeeeeeeee we MUST ALL do X! >except me of course, I'm too useless to actually do anything myself Ok, wow... Can you be any more lazy and immature? I'm here trying to earn money, trying to learn skills, trying to put in effort and spending the most valuable currency I have (time) to actually contribute to liberty somehow, including eventually applying some of the ideas that YOU talk about, but you're giving these shitty excuses while demanding big things from others? Honestly, if you have such drive and commitment, why don't you use it to overcome yourself and also contribute in some way? I didn't want to argue with you initially because even though you're wrong with your bugman-tier collectivist logic, I despise impotent defeatist cucks a lot more than well-meaning libertarians who aren't 100% correct but have fire inside them, so I didn't want to kill that energy, but honestly you're just an entitled piece of shit. Try actually learning about responsibility before demanding the world work how you think it should, the irresponsible "we MUST ALL be doing X so that we can all benefit!" mentality is the no.1 reason why anyone becomes leftist in the first place and that's exactly how you're acting right now.
I posted this in another thread already: >Imagine, for a moment, if the most capable political minds in one country spent most of their effort theorizing about the politics of another country, or if the most capable thinkers of one religion spent most of their effort theorizing about the beliefs of another religion. What if the management of one company spent most of its effort criticizing the management of another company, or if the parents of one family spent most of their effort critiquing the parents of another family?" >To a significant degree, libertarian scholarship has been directed toward the theories and practices of mainstream society, rather than toward the goal of constructing a libertarian society in a polycentric social order. We have positioned ourselves not as leaders of our own social creed, but instead as critics of the non-libertarian social creed. >We have expended a lot of time and energy trying to provide mainstream society with an improved social theory to guide their social actions. Meanwhile, we have neglected to construct a social theory to guide our own political actions in a non-libertarian world. Through libertarian scholarship, we have gained a thorough critique of mainstream society. But, we may have lost something more valuable: a society we could call our own. TL;DR: It's easier to create ancapistan than to convince normies to become libertarians, just like it was easier to invent bitcoin than to convince retards about private money. There's no need to argue about anything when deus ex machina will resolve everything.
>>3788 >>except me of course, I'm too useless to actually do anything myself But I am doing things, I'm giving extremely helpful advice. I'd probably be a great advisor to someone who makes youtube videos for a living. >demanding big things I'm just describing the current reality of the Libertarian movement and what we need to do to change. >why don't you use it to overcome yourself and also contribute in some way? I argue with socialists in my spare time, I actually have a life outside of this. >impotent defeatist cucks I'm not defeatist, I'm realistic and giving constructive criticism. People need to be told when things are bad so they can fix them instead of living in a fantasy world. >>3789 >It's easier to create ancapistan No it's not. They're going to use violence against you. The only tools we really have are arguing and trying to convince people they are wrong. and you call me defeatist lol >>3786 > the problem is that they aren't all that well organized and are inside an hour long podcast Bingo! This is part of the problem. There aren't a lot of younger Libertarian youtubers going out there and debating with breadtubers.
>>3792 >But I am doing things, I'm giving extremely helpful advice. I'd probably be a great advisor to someone who makes youtube videos for a living. Telling people what to do, without doing it yourself, is neither helpful nor desired. You say you can advise someone on how to make Youtube videos for a living, but can YOU make Youtube videos for a living? If the answer is no, then why would anyone listen to your advice? It's like saying "I am bad at driving, I never see the signs on time, I keep on dragging the steering wheel to the right, and if I were to drive I would certainly crash into someone, but I am great at giving advise, and I'd probably be a great instructor to someone who wants to learn how to drive" >Bingo! This is part of the problem. Ok, we identified a problem, you say you are not good at speaking, that's ok, here's something you can do. Watch older podcasts of the Tom Woods Show or Peter Molyneux or someone else, find the clips where they debunk leftist arguments and make those mini-segments that you can post on Youtube. As long as you say from where the source was, I am sure they wouldn't mind and you won't get copyrighted. Now you might say that you are too lazy or you don't want to do that, ok then do something else, you don't have to make a Youtube channel with a million followers to spread the message of liberty, you can do what I do, try to convince my friends and relatives of the message of liberty. Even if I convince only one person, that's one more person who will subscribe to the ideas, and hopefully teach his children as well, just as I will, when I will have children.
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>>3785 Aw, come on man, you cut yourself too short. I'm pretty sure everyone I know who calls themselves too autistic/stupid/lazy tend to be the opposite. I mean, after all, you're kind of trouncing over everyone in this-- Hold that thought, please excuse me. >>3786 >>3787 >>3788 I know this is an imageboard where being a niggerfaggot is the norms, but there are rare times where maybe it pays to be supportive.
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>>3797 >Aw, come on man, you cut yourself too short. I'm pretty sure everyone I know who calls themselves too autistic/stupid/lazy tend to be the opposite. I mean, after all, you're kind of trouncing over everyone in this-- Thanks for the support. I have extreme OCD and other mental health problems that makes me obsessed with this shit but I lack the mental energy to make it into something real. I have written down endless ideas for arguments, memes and infographics over the past 10 years but I can't really do anything with them. I made a few memes but I have a lot more. I really just need someone to collab with. >>3794 >If the answer is no, then why would anyone listen to your advice? Because consulting is a thing and providing ideas and advice is a marketable skill. >I keep on dragging the steering wheel to the right, and if I were to drive I would certainly crash into someone, but I am great at giving advise, and I'd probably be a great instructor to someone who wants to learn how to drive" According to you, people who suck at football can't give advice on how to play. Yet football coaches exist.
>>3798 >Because consulting is a thing and providing ideas and advice is a marketable skill. Ok, do you have any background in consulting? Did you do some trade school, or whatever is called? Did you have an apprenticeship with some other consultant? Did you study the market, to know what people want from a Youtuber and what they don't? Did you study on how to maximize exposure and monetary gain? If you answered no to all of these questions, then how can you know if you could "probably be a great advisor to someone who makes youtube videos for a living"? Do you even know how many would-be-e-celebs were and failed? I honestly don't know the exact number, but I am sure it's much larger than the people who did become e-celebs. >According to you, people who suck at football can't give advice on how to play. Yet football coaches exist. From what I know most coaches did play the sport in their youth Maybe they weren't the top 10 best players, but they were good enough. Do you think a football team would rather have a coach who played football in his youth or some random hobo down the street who has never played football, nor has he ever coached, but says he could probably make a great coach? Maybe I am a bit aggressive, but you sound like the type of person who doesn't really want to do anything, but would gladly tell others what to do.
>>3792 >and you call me defeatist lol I didn't call you a defeatist, I was referring to others as defeatist cucks and called you the opposite of a defeatist, I was complimenting you. Read my post again. See, if even you don't want listen to reason and read what people are saying, why do you think anyone else does? Least of all those who ignore all morality, all ethics, all logic, and all evidence to rationalize whatever feelings of jealousy and resentment they have? >No it's not. They're going to use violence against you. The only tools we really have are arguing and trying to convince people they are wrong. Really? And who is using violence against crypto? This was our first real victory where we actually beat the state at something and got some of our freedoms back, and all it took was one man to do it, not an army of youtubers convincing anyone that decentralized money and competing currencies are a good thing, one guy just created it and everyone naturally got on board. Do you really want ancap or do you actually want the romanticism of some kind of mass movement erupting into a glorious revolution?
>>3730 It's been a while since I've seen her. She was pretty based. For other libertarian youtubers there's Eric July who goes by YoungRippa59 on youtube. Though he talks more about culture the dude is ancap. And then there's this guy I found some weeks ago. He seems pretty good. The Anglo Libertarian. https://www.youtube.com/c/AngloLibertarian/videos
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe9kRph2Lvw7LoojdZl_xHw recommendation from a channel by a Brazilian Libertarian, who is expanding the message of freedom to different people.
>>3868 Great find dude! Brazilians are based as fuck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7FufnQf6VI
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Remember him?
>>3868 Best brazilian libertarian channel tbh, if any of you can understand portuguese you guys should definitely check out the portuguese channel as well. I'd recommend some more Brazilian libertarian channels but they're all in portuguese so dunno how many people could actually profit from it
I was browsing through the twitters and someone promoted this very new channel and it's showing a lot of promise! Here's the video I saw that made me instantly like him! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVmupVC52DE
Love Live & Anarchy is a AnCap but he takes a different way of discussing our viewpoints: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0KMP4SsywLPFYafFvl7uYQ/videos
>>4225 Looks interesting. Thanks.
>>3721 Only good one is the Academic Agent because he's not totally pozzed and actually reads books.
>>3792 The problem with trying to actively debate with any Breadtuber is that they won't even agree to it in the first place and nor will they hold themselves to any standard. If you had watched any debates that they do they always nitpick deapite destroying their central point. And at that point they'll most likely just throw slurs at you. But you cannot gain a huge userbase simply because they'll try to deplatform you. I think what we're lacking is an actual Right-Wing platform that won't cuck regardless of the heat that it would get and at the same time independent of the Big Tech...
>>4290 Right, the only reason they are thriving is because everybody who disagrees with them gets banned. They never could've risen to prominence before the youtube purge of the alt0righters. This is all by design of course. 2016 big tech Trump trauma fucked everything.
Found this channel recently. These two videos are very good! Don't let the title confuse you, they are not pro-leninism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5L3DNF8uVw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tToYQQgpyk
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I've started reading the books he actually recommends and fact checking his claims. He seems to be correct about most stuff he talks about, although he has some shit takes sometimes. His analysis of the Nigsoc regime is pretty good though. So /liberty/, why no mention of TIK?
Americans should treat every act of government tyranny that happens to anyone personally. Americans are all prisoners now. Any time an American has their property stolen by the state, is wiretapped, groped, tortured, killed by the Gestapo, indefinitely detained without trial, arrested for protesting, arrested for owning a gun, or swearing means that you could be next.
>>3812 Anglo recently made a video about feeling sympathetic to nRXs. We just witnessed a dude go from regular ancap to full-blown hoppean, lmao, good for him.
>>5003 TIK is the greatest WW2 youtuber alongside Mark Felton, got ancapilled just by watching his banker wars vids
>>5375 Wish he would post more of them already.
You will never get the majority of people to support personal responsibility. The only viable revolutions are either Commie or NatSoc. Sorry but that's just the reality.

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