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Darknet Libertarianism Anonymous 01/10/2021 (Sun) 00:42:49 Id: 000000 No. 4207
So, I understand I'm a little late to the party, but all the Big Tech censorship has made me realize that I need to find a bunch of libertarian sites, forums, chans, blogs, and all the other various regular services that's hosted on Zeronet, I2P, Onions, Bitmessage, and Freenet. My plan is this. Sometime back I made a webring that modeled a VT321 console (remember those computers that first replaced the card catalogs?), and some webring directories. I want to make a similar webring only focused on libertarian websites, and to see if there's any way I can mirror current libertarian content on the clearnet before it gets banned by Big Tech. 1 - I can't realistically host this and remirror as much as I can across all the different darkweb platforms currently available. I need to focus on one--maybe two. I was thinking Zeronet given its censorship resistance, ease of use, and how they seem to have a way around getting banned by ICANN what with their own DNS system (namecoin) and not being as resource-hoggish as Freenet, and an Onion website since Tor is pretty much what everyone thinks of when think Deepweb. 2 - I can realistically only mirror a fraction by myself, and given my job, only update it maybe once every three months maybe. Even then, I'd have to choose a handful of libertarian websites. I know mises.org would be a good pick, and I'm guessing they wouldn't mind the remirroring. Is there any way anyone knows of to make this easier to remirror on the technical end? Are there any websites I probably shouldn't remirror because they'd get all Randian "muh copyright" on me? 3 - Any libertarian sites already on some deepweb network that you know of that I should include? This chan has an onion address, so it's going on the list. 4 - Any other tips or thoughts others might have? I'm still unsure if I want to do this, given how shit I am at committing to projects like these.
>>4207 >4 - Any other tips or thoughts others might have? I'm still unsure if I want to do this, given how shit I am at committing to projects like these. If you are going to use ZeroNet, absolutely DO NOT use it under your bare IP. Use it with Tor or a VPN. Otherwise, your IP address can be traced by anyone. Warn all users of your webring about this. Don't make the same mistake that those 08chan users made back in 2019. But with that aside, ZeroNet seems to be the most normalfag friendly darknet out there. Also, while not technically darknets you can trying host/mirroring content on alternate DNS roots like OpenNIC or Namecoin (it's actually not exclusive to ZeroNet). You just host the files just like you would do on the clearnet with the only difference being that you're not using an ICANN domain.
Alright, I'm not the best at tech or the richest, but I've finally got the infrastructure set up with a RAID setup literally in my garage. I know about Tails OS/yadda yadda, but I wanted the setup to be simple, so it's just an Ubuntu server->Apache->Onion service on it. I'm still trying to think about how to go about this, as if I were to try to rehost all of--say--Tom Wood's/Ron Paul's/Mises Institute's/Bob Murphy's videos then I don't think I'd have enough space. I might be able to mirror their text/articles if I made a creative enough spider. I think I'll just focus on having a wget run through a cron job to mirror their respective RSS feeds, as lame as that sounds, simply because I'm not sure I have enough good server equipment. Once the Onions are set up, I'll try seeing if I can post them up to Ahmia and then get to work seeing if I can replicate this via I2P, Freenet, and Zeronet. Incidentally, I've tried looking for other libertarian sites, blogs, articles, etc. on Tor/I2P/Freenet/Zeronet and come up surprisingly dry. For libertarianism having created the cypherpunks/cryptoanarchists, and them in turn having been the impetus for all of this darkweb tech, you'd think this would be the natural place for libertarians, but it's surprisingly not. Also, if anyone wants to give me any tips (in the line of >>4208), especially with the tech/security angle, I'd appreciate it, because I sure as hell don't know wtf I'm doing and I'm using this as an excuse to learn. Also, if anyone has ideas for what I should be trying to mirror/how I should maybe go about approaching these sites, I'd appreciate that, too. This is what I was thinking: https://mises.org/feed/blog.rss https://www.lewrockwell.com/feed/ https://feeds.feedburner.com/AWCBlog https://www.bobmurphyshow.com/feed/podcast (haven't decided on this one, I should be good on space in the long-run if I keep to the audio) https://tomwoods.com/feed/ (same as with the previous--I probably won't do this one unless the audio lost quality)
>>4230 The free books from Mises are a notable resource as well, although I don't know if they're necessarily at risk of being lost. They have most of the big titles available in PDF and HTML form (Human Action, Man, Economy and State, Democracy: The God That Failed). I have some programming experience but I don't know much about actually running servers/mirroring websites so not much I can offer on that front. Maybe have a repo on gitgud or wherever for any scripts you use.
>>4234 Mises Institute has published their whole backup infrastructure, and they're good. There is no need to worry about their work getting lost. I'm more worried about libertyclassroom, being premium and all that, but I don't have the money to buy an hard drive right now to back it up.
>>4235 Forgot to mention this but also Freenet and ZeroNet use distributed data storage rather than relying on servers accessed as hidden services a la Tor and I2P.
>>4230 IIRC, Freenet doesn't even support sites with JavaScript. So keep that in mind if you are going to mirror sites on that. I would just stick with ZeroNet or IPFS when it comes to P2P hosting. >For libertarianism having created the cypherpunks/cryptoanarchists, and them in turn having been the impetus for all of this darkweb tech, you'd think this would be the natural place for libertarians, but it's surprisingly not. The only libertarians I see embracing it are the agrorists selling on the black market. Everyone else seems to be falling for scams like Gab and Parler.
>>4207 >Big Tech censorship it becomes essential that other members, and in particular the natural social elites, be prepared to act decisively and, in the case of continued nonconformity, exclude and ultimately expel these members from society. In a covenant concluded among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one's own tenant-property. Hoppe.
>>4260 Dude is talking about setting up his own sites, not forcing Big Tech to do anything. Read the thread.
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This board is dead, so I hope you guys don't mind me using this as a blog for this little project: - I think I got some Onion sites set up, but I realize I don't have a very secure network. I'm going to see if I can figure out how to set up a router securely. Also, I need to get one... - There's a bunch of other docs about how to properly set up a safe Onion I've yet to finish reading through. - I think I'm just going to focus on Lewrockwell and the Peace and Prosperity Institute. I hope they don't mind the large wget calls I'm doing at the moment to get their sites... - There's a bunch of other personal sites/essays I've been throwing up to host. Another project I'm curious about is to set up a SearX (YaCy?) instance, but with a catch: remove abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, nyt, wapo, etc. and make sure to explicitly include banned websites like Infowars and Zerohedge. But I guess I'm getting ahead of myself, because I've no idea how to do that yet when I just barely figured out how to set up an Onion, let alone the other darknet services. Knowing me I'll lose interest by next week in favor of EUIV, but I hope that doesn't happen. Pic related, it's how lazy I typically am. >>4260 Uhm, what?
>>4263 good luck with your project lazy libertarian
>>4263 If you're trying to be a useful and productive human being, then delete all fucking videogames from your PC, trust me, you won't miss them, it's impossible to do anything on your PC when it's so full of distractions that you might as well be working in a strip club. Videogames are so extremely harmful to a man's personal glory that if I ever have a daughter, I'd rather she marry an alcoholic than another shitty gamer. In fact, gaming is the new alcoholism, only worse.
>>4263 How's your progress going so far?
>>4307 0 - Can you see this site? opqagvwyomoesdvo.onion 1 - Trying to figure out what DDNS is and how it works and whether OpenWRT supports it and what kind of modemrouter I would need to do all of that because the modemrouter I currently have turns out is shite. 2 - I know a friend who runs a local campground and after showing him my basic stuff he wanted me to make a website for him, so I've been doing that, too.
>>4314 Yeah, it's the the Ron Paul Institute.
>>4314 yup I can see it, Ron Paul Institute. any plans to make the link onion v3 tho?
You still alive, OP?
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PIVX is the Darknet Libertarian currency.
>>4207 So, any progress on this, OP? It was a pretty promising project.
Americans are so enslaved now that they scream the answer to tyranny is surrender.
I wish I was as smart as you anons, good luck in your adventures I guess. Also fuck the FCC.
If you don't need TSA groping or slow FDA drug approval during an emergency, why bother having rules at all?

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