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Ruby Ridge 2.0 Anonymous 11/24/2019 (Sun) 18:01:48 No. 884

Anyone following the story of the NY 28 yo vet getting an entire police department sicked on him because he had a magazine with a 30-round capacity?

this is a board for communists, we like this kind of thing
Fuck off, commie nigger.
shut up ni/gg/er

I've heard mixed things. One story is he got ganged up by the feds for the 30 round mags. Another is because of supposed domestic abuse charges. I don't know which one is real.

I don't know if this will derail the thread but there's apparently going to be protests going down in Virginia against the governor's gun control laws. And it seems like the media and the governor want shit to go down to justify their draconian bullshit. I hope it doesn't turn into a false flag thing but I get this feeling shit will go down.
Fuck off FBI, there's going to be a coup in Virginia, stop trying to do your usual bullshit, "THINK ABOUT THE OPTICS" thought-control bullshit so you can stage your own false flag pretense. The whole point of the 2nd amendment is to stop shit like this and do what they did in Athens, Georgia. The point of the 2nd amendment is not to "peacefully protest."
>do nothing goy, let them take your guns
(2.99 MB 640x624 Glowniggers.mp4)

Many of the usual suspects are encouraging people to go to Virginia and start shit. It's going to end up being Charlottesville all over again. Antifags will start shit, people in the right will defend themselves, and then they'll get arrested for defending themselves. This goes doubly true for Virginia because of how many judges activists. People are already starting to get arrested over ties to white Supreme pizza groups with flimsy pretenses.

>fuck off FBI
>no ID
>optics is for cucks
>why don't you get violent goyim?
You haven't exactly placed yourself in the best position to make glownigger accusations.
Funny thing is I read some article where antifa wants to team up with the gun rights groups.
>antifags with guns
>in close proximity with normiecons with guns
>packed together so no one knows who's who
>surrounded by feds and cops with itchy trigger fingers
>surrounded by MSM champing at the bit to blame everything on racism and guns
This should only be setting off more alarm bells for people.
My point stands. The 2nd amendment isn't to try to be peaceful about shit. If you can't even use the 2nd amendment to protect itself, then why bother with it at all?
I just hope that this time it isn't some fucking idiot bozo deciding to shoot up a WhoCares mosque or Wal-mart. Make it count.
lol, the 2nd Amendment barely means shit. For all the boomers we have with Molon Labe stickers and Punisher skulls plastered over their F-150s, at the end of the day none of them will do shit if it means they can't watch the Superbowl or cash their social security checks. 2A or no 2A, no one's going to revolt so long as they still have their cummies and crumbies. As a rule, people will only commit themselves to violence when it's the only alternative to death. Keeping this in mind, and keeping in mind that the bread and circuses are still flowing strong, there are only a few groups of people that are willing to further their ends through violence.
--Antifags, because the cost of their violent actions has been subsidized by the state by police turning a blind eye to them
--Feds, as above but it's legal fact instead of an open secret
--High time-preference siegeposting niggers like Brenton Tarrant.
You'll notice that all of these groups have something in common. None of them are your friends, and none of them stand any particular chance of preventing the state from plundering you. In fact two of those groups will use the actions of the third as justification to plunder you even more. Unless you would like to reward the left with the object of their lawfare against you, chimping out in some kind of people's revolution is not in your own interest and will not further your goals.
Maybe the real reason the economy has collapsed is because the government has placed everyone under house arrest.

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