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Anonymous 11/26/2019 (Tue) 07:58:13 Id: 5a63c8 No. 906

Let me put the pieces together for you. This is a discussion of strategy.
National socialism is not the totalitarian lie that you've been fed, even good historians from the libertarian camp repeat the establishment talking points.

National socialism is:
>The abridgement of liberties can be justified
Here's some angles to view this:
-If martial law during wartime really was a necessary step to throw off a subjugator, then the restoration of standards of liberty post-war would be worth the temporary sacrifice given the alternative.
-While individualism is important, hyperindividualism is harmful. Collective health is important, and the race is nothing more than a rung on the ladder of the principle of subsidiarity below the globe. In the interest of this health, personal sacrifice is a moral good and even an obligation. Think of it as this: self, couple, family, extended family, clan, tribe, nation, continental region of peoples, humanity.

So, here's the hypotheticals
>Would you rather live under the legal system of NatSoc Germany, or the US today?
>Would you rather live under our constitution or that of the proposed Northwest American Republic?

Imagine being this delusional and retarded OP
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>hello fellow libertarians
>and the abolishment of the Western liberty tradition.
Which Nigsocs are part of, go be an authoritarian nigger somewhere else.
>National socialism is not the totalitarian lie that you've been fed
Most of us are fairly familiar with NigSocs and what they advocate for. I know it's not what the normies think it is, it's still retarded.

>National socialism is a revolutionary ideology
Yeah, don't remind me. Revolutionaries get the rope. You're a republican facsimile, not good and proper reactionaries.

>It supposes the existence of a state and defines the role of the state as securing racial health.
The Misesian Economic Calculation problem is still unsolvable even in white-only societies. Let me know when you've found a way around that.

>NatSoc claims it is nation vs nation (nation meaning race)
Normally I'm all for calling horseshoe theorists the retards that they are, but you make it really difficult when you start repeating the talking points of Frankfurt School Jews unironically. Polylogism is for retarded niggers and the Jews who control them.

>National socialism is the ONLY banner under which serious revolutionary figures would overthrow the regime
>anime reaction laughing.gif
>no argument
meets expectations

Amen, abolish the central banks but during peacetime after the transition of powers.

>revolutionaries get the rope
what? why?
The Ron Paul movement explicitly called for revolution

>Economic Calculation problem is still unsolvable even in white-only societies.
Yes. Decentralize as much as possible. That isn't going to happen unless the current regime is toppled by force.

>frankfurt talking points
In what way? Acknowledging the reality of in group preference? I'm not claiming that two different races can't reason in the same way, I'm saying that provocation from a foreign group should be recognized as foreign

>Natsoc are just wypipo who tried to be anti-Jewish, only to adopt Jewish tactics and mindset. Change my mind.
Jews have a mindset? Isn't that the polylogism you're accusing me of?
>meets expectations
You get out what you put in.

Ron Paul wasn't revolutionary in his acts, policy aims, or intentions. A campaign slogan does not ideology make. Revolutionary thought, accelerationism, and all other gayniggerfaggot nonsense is rejected by good and proper reactionaries. Decentralizing state power does not solve the calculation problem, at best it spreads out the deleterious effects. As for your Frankfurt school talking points,

>Where communism claims that the conflict is international class vs class, NatSoc claims it is nation vs nation (nation meaning race).
This is literally the textbook aim of cultural Marxism, to substitute races into the Marxian theory of class struggle. You're just putting yourself at the bottom instead of the niggers. Wignats and NigSocs have yet to show me any actionable reason to favor their LARP, and this isn't any different. As an ideal, it's objectively more logically incoherent and less desirable than Hoppean covenant communities. It's not any more practical, realistic, or achievable than Hoppean covenant communities, either (in fact less so due to all of the shibboleths associated with your imagery), so you can't seriously argue for an alliance of necessity, either. The resurgent paleocon wave has far more influence than wignats ever did and actually has a snowball's chance in hell of changing something for the better.
So then what what has classical libertarians accomplished recently in the last 100 years? Where is this libertarian utopia? It has never existed and i don't see any signs of it existing for many reasons.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't work towards a state, but requiring that is something that many people are not willing to get out of their own volition, ever. Because it means blood.

I also think it's very funny that you try to co-opt Pinochet into libertarianism, Pinochet was an ultra-nationalist anti communist, who was friends with Franco, in-fact Pinochet was the only foreign member of state at Franco's funeral.

Libertarian essentially means nothing since it has fully assimilated with other schools of thought including anarchism, anarcho-communism, syndicalism. Therefore a distinction has been made between left-liberalist and right liberalist, and it's a problem unsolvable for you.

>Where communism claims that the conflict is international class vs class, NatSoc claims it is nation vs nation (nation meaning race).

That's rich you had to make up a talking point to seem legit.

National socialism similar to Judeo marxism, crazy. oth ideologies have completely different world views. In group preference and practiced national reliance with a free economy that brought us companies like thyssen, mercedes, bmw, jet engines and computers?
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>literal reddit spacing
>It has never existed and i don't see any signs of it existing for many reasons.
I could say the same of nigger socialism. Uncle Adolph had his little continental spergout and lost. If you favor might makes right you have no reason to value magic mustache man.
I accidentally posted too early, your arguments seem completely dishonest though so there's most likely a total waste of time having a discussion with someone like you who honestly writes like a prepubescent little boy who needs to use pilpul tactics to seem legit.

Class struggle has nothing to do with National Socialism, we're not for imposing a class system and just a made up argument. The communism and judeomarxism i.e globalism however need to equalize the masses into dumb cattle and flog them while treating them like garbage because of the subhuman nature their societies are forced to function. THis does not exist anywhere in fascist or NS society. This is pretty evident by itself when you see all communist societies have been piss poor hellholes compared to past facist/NS states who have been major successes, although brief as with NS Germany because Jews simply could not have a white ethno-nationalist country were despite the challenges imposed by the (((capitalist))) banking and trade cartels very successful at self reliance, they had to wage war and refuse any peace negotiation because of the fear that such success would spread instead of(their) capitalism or communism backed with hundreds of millions Jews like Jacob schiff and warburg from wallstreet transfered to their Russian revolutionaries, and with the money Jewish communist politicians trafficked to Russia like Trotsky and Lenin who spent their years not in Russia but abroad living in total luxury with every expense paid by their jewish sponsors while pretending to be "revolutionaries".

The only relevant point you have is with imagery, however it is regardless enemy Jewish media imagery that relentlessly dehumanizes all opponents that might ignite a real change in society by revolution even if it is peaceful. See Ron Paul for instance.

You still seem to believe the globalist democracy is a legitimate system, and by adhering to it you will be destroyed like Ron Paul or anyone else who tries to shift the scales from what we have today which is rule by deceit judeomarxism disguised as "free choice", and that is opposed to any sort of freedom or independence whether it be facism, nationalism or libertarianism. If this "democracy" is allowed to continue they will continue to erode your rights by time, destroy your nation, people and bankrupt your nation before they offer an their (((alternative solution))) that the desperate masses will be forced to accept.

Today it's a different scenario where the private media controls the minds of the masses and inorganically influences candidates into power, and ignoring those who do not fit the mold of "more wars and more money for israel" as with Ron Paul, and this easily makes voter fraud possible. The votes are not won "old methods" like passionate speeches or demonstrations although it has an effect does not discount for the imagery that is made up. It is almost entirely controlled by the media and by gullible people who give up their votes based on propaganda they saw on television.
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Marxism/Capitalism has just been a product and a factual symptom of the larger Jewish disease that weak cuckolds like you refuse to identify, both systems aforementioned are essentially ideological tool for the same purpose which is exploitation guised as something that it is not, for example free market economies have nothing to do with capitalism, which is always pro profit, regardless of societal consequence or national. The creatures that own "the fed" and the media are still Jews like (((Ben bernanke, Janet Yellen, Alan greenspan))), and these people who are for the most part jews will continue to own the IMF, FRS and Without even identifying who these powerful people are you will never be able to succeed. because those rats will destroy any nation that is against them regardless of ideology unless socio and economic measures are put in place to them from nationwrecking.

National Socialism or even alternatively another type of Nationalism like Rexism that practices anti-usury, the right economics, anti communism and tribalism by race is the only way to undo this system and completely remove their power and undo their deliberately destructive policies. Because It's too late to demand anything else than radical change, obeying by their rules and their system instead of exploiting it is just suicide because whites only have only about 30-40 years left before we are replaced by "diversity" I.E import voter low IQ third world nation wreckers who's violence inevitably require a police state in order to barely function, this means letting go of all liberty which plays into their strategies of destroying anything that isn't jewish.

GUYS hear me out, what if we allow national socialism, but only if it is practised on a bought property from an ancap government and the only ones that are participant in it are merely those who join them.
What exactly is the difference between that and a covenant community?
>you who honestly writes like a prepubescent little boy
Sorry, I don't talk politics with women.
I don't know what is a covenant community
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Basically a gated community on steroids. You form a restricted neighborhood with people of the same religion, ethnicity, culture, etc., and formalize it with contract. If someone deviates from the prescribed norms of the community, they are kicked out, either through social pressure or through physically removing them from the premises. What you described in your earlier post is essentially a privatized covenant community. Segregated neighborhoods under Jim Crow are another example of this. Hoppe outlines one aspect of how they would work in this video here.
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>there are niggas on this board who don't even know about cov communities
BO, I see this quite often, do you think you could make a simple sticky explaining how it works for these guys? This is essential information, we need to raise the level of education here.

In fact, it would be nice to organize a simple FAQ explaining a lot of these concepts for these ignorant nigsoc shills to read so they won't completely embarrass themselves next time they come claiming to be "somewhat of a libertarian myself". This way we also won't have to explain the same shit all the time to "libertarian" nigsoc posers, we can just point them to that thread.
Ron Paul was a revolutionary in his thoughts, yes. You were criticizing all revolution, which is arbitrary. I am saying to you that revolution is necessary at our time as predicted by Jefferson.
Decentralization is exactly the point of highlighting the calculation problem by Mises, are you the new one to this? A central planner necessarily can't know all demands of users so the system will be less efficient than a free market alternative.

I am not asking you to abandon your ideal of a covenant community and I'm not asking you to see races as inherently enemies. I'm asking you to see the impossibility of preventing the ever encroaching power of the American NWO without forceful retaliation, and I'm posing that natsoc is the banner with the greatest hope of freeing ourselves from the regime.

Observe what molymeme noticed: when white people disappear, bye bye liberties
Jefferson was a secessionist, not a revolutionary, although he had a number of revolutionary ideas which must be cobdemned. I criticize all revolution not from arbitrariness but from internal consistency. Revolution per se is undesirable, whether it's the Protestant Reformation, a CIA backed color revolution, thefFrench Revolution, or Siege LARPs. People's revolutions are dysgenic, ugly things which tend to devolve into free-for-all looting operations. And those are only the ones that go well; one must remember that those who start a revolution are rarely the ones who finish it.

>Decentralization is exactly the point of highlighting the calculation problem by Mises,
No, that's the Hayekian knowledge problem, an argument similar to but distinct from the calculation problem. The calculation problem applies to any state, regardless of level of centralization, because states operate outside of the price system.

>I'm asking you to see the impossibility of preventing the ever encroaching power of the American NWO without forceful retaliation
Self-defense on a collective scale, what you call forceful retaliation, is not conditional on a state to be successful. I have no problem seeing blacks and Jews as my adversaries, I'm not sure why you think this is relevant to the state question.

>I'm posing that natsoc is the banner with the greatest hope of freeing ourselves from the regime.
Even if I accept your previous premise, I have zero reason to accept this one. NatSocs carry an even larger albatross around their necks than ancaps or monarchists, which means I have zero pragmatic reason to adopt NatSoc ideals or rhetoric, as they are anathema to realpolitik. I have no issue with making allies of convenience with right wing statists to further my own goals and make ancapistan more attainable. But there are 6 gorillion better alternatives than wignats to that end, the most important prominent being the American nationalists and paleocons that are currently gaining ground in the discourse. Even from this pragmatic argument, your position is an untenable shibboleth.
If you consider political partnership with national socialists to be acceptable then I consider this a victory. The sort of revolution I have in mind is secessionist, it's called the northwest imperative. If you want to use any other term besides revolution that's fine by me.

The Protestant Reformation was an even more clearly moral cause than American secessionism by the way.
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The Protestant Reformation was a looting operation by heads of state, who systematically confiscated church owned private property to fill their own coffers, and imposed their own will over Apostolic Bishops and God's churches, thus asserting their own will over that of God's, all over the imagined slight of muh indulgences. The relativist philosophies that came about as a result of Sola scriptura were the precursors to the Enlightenment and the French Revolution—the starting points of the West's moral and intellectual decay. Protestants are heretics and the worst kind of revolutionaries. They have no moral justification, even less theological justification, and are responsible for propagating ideas that initiated the West's fall into barbarism and depravity.

And for the record, I still don't see a reason to ally with wignats. The supermajority of them are spergy retards with nothing useful to contribute that doesn't involve LARPing as vikings.
now that's a hot take

The leveraging of a movement's momentum for alleged tyranny is no defeat of the justice of the original claims, which are theological in this case. In another example, abolitionism was a good thing, the burning of the south in war was not.
Claiming that the solae caused relativism is just bad historical philosophy.

Believe what you want about your justification, that's your own problem before almighty God.
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Honestly... why do you keep appealing to Thomas Jefferson and "revolution" and other lame shit that you think libertarians are supposed to be fans of? You're literally making me cringe, you have some funny parody of libertarians in your head based on what little you know about us, but instead of strawmaning us like what usually happens, you try do some wacky psyops shit, thinking: "yeah, let me just use these lolberg buzzwords and what little I learned from some meme infographs, and those dumb fucks will totally come to our side". LMAO! I mean, this is EXACTLY the kind of entertainment from you animals that this board needs. I don't normally enjoy you niggers on the board, but if you bring this kind of value with you, if you put this much effort into pretending to be sincere, I can't possibly ask you to go away.

>Observe what molymeme noticed: when white people disappear, bye bye liberties
No one disagrees with that you doublenigger, that doesn't mean we have to convert to your leftist sect and partake in your idolatry. Try coming up with a decent ideology like national-capitalism and actually being right-wing for once, oh wait, that's what Hoppe did, so no one gives a fuck about your lameass Hitler cult. Any normal, well-adjusted white person who isn't a net-negative to his family and community distances himself away from that gay shit, and I'm not talking about normalfags, I'm talking about those who truly love white people and are redpilled on the JQ.

National-socialists don't really love whites at all, not even a bit, not even in the slightest. They only love a fancy ideal they created, and they will use any means to achieve it. Neetsocs will never understand this no matter how hard they try to LARP as libertarians sometimes, but this is what fundamentally makes national-socialism and fascism no different from other forms of leftism. Even though their end goals are different, they are more than willing to sacrifice as much of their own people as possible to achieve them. They are so mentally ill in their fucked up little resentful heads, that any kind of horror directed towards whites is justified by some pretty little promise of a future utopian.

I would even argue that these are acts of vengeance against a society they despise, but not only are they acting out of vengeance, but they what's interesting is they even delude themselves into thinking they are also saviours! That they are doing everyone a big favour with their periodic spergouts and treatment of their own race as cattle! How fucking ironic...
>The Protestant Reformation was a looting operation by heads of state
I love it when Catholics bring this up, it really shows their butthurt. They act as if the Catholic Church had not been engaging in extortion and appropriate of property for centuries before those countries sufficiently far enough away from Rome had enough of their bullshit and wanted self determination in religious affairs and didn't want a foreign power, which owned quite a sizable portion of central Italy, telling their governments and people what they could and could not do.
Honestly it would be better if you pinned the QTDDTOT and ammendet the OP with essential info and links.
I considered that but I realized many of you niggers don't read and wouldn't notice the new info if it was added to the bottom of the QTDDTOT OP.
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Yeah of course people wouldn't notice it if a thread got pinned and instead of a one line OP featured new content
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Read your own posts again dude, you do write like that. Idk why you would bother Cyber insults are just scoff worthy.

>National-socialists don't really love whites at all, not even a bit, not even in the slightest. They only love a fancy ideal they created, and they will use any means to achieve it. Neetsocs will never understand this no matter how hard they try to LARP as libertarians sometimes, but this is what fundamentally makes national-socialism and fascism no different from other forms of leftism. Even though their end goals are different, they are more than willing to sacrifice as much of their own people as possible to achieve them. They are so mentally ill in their fucked up little resentful heads, that any kind of horror directed towards whites is justified by some pretty little promise of a future utopian.

Okay? Wierd that, I can't remember any time in history ancaps stood up together as a united movement and fought for race and their future of not living in a poverty stricken coffee-colored police state hellhole of usury and for profit "demo"-cratic banditry, or even correctly identify the sources of the illness which isn't just caused by the modern democracy or capitalism itself it is in fact very jewish and freemasonic at it's core, anything other than that idea is a zero reality copout. And I still don't see any signs Ancap being in shape today, in-fact i've never seen anything else. National socialism and fascism has done it however, keeps doing it, and the ideologies have been proven as they work in practice, although i disagree with facism's relentless state loyalty it would still be miles better than what we have today, they are in some ways comparable but not the same system whatsoever.

You should know that without a strong and clear unified worldview, the resistance will always be too weak for a renewal, Anarchy is only good when there's a long term stable solution at the end of it, having read how your ideology operates i don't think such a place would make for a strong or healthy state in the sense of how the social dynamics work in allowing the fragmentation that occurs when unconditional freedom is given instead of centralized set of rules that has to be somewhat agreed upon which has been the crux of any civilized nation state, National socialism included, adding to this what i meant by healthy as in standing the test of time and being good for it's populace and setting a precedent into a collective future that is not hamstrung by petty for profit and preventable societal sickness. And to me AC just seems more like voluntary democracy 2.0 with marxian style economics, not easily managable, fragmented and thus highly corruptable by any malevolent elements in the society.

>I would even argue that these are acts of vengeance against a society they despise, but not only are they acting out of vengeance, but they what's interesting is they even delude themselves into thinking they are also saviours! That they are doing everyone a big favour with their periodic spergouts and treatment of their own race as cattle! How fucking ironic...

What a bunch of nonsense, National socialists despise the current society and who in their right mind wouldnt? We despise the (((current order))) yes, but not the normal people in it who aren't running us into ruin, we want renewal but loyalty to natural principles, not anti-human Jewish communist garbage. And a renewal is necessary in the existential struggle of self preservation of the race and reliance.

Here's my party's (NRM's) political program from https://nordicresistancemovement.org/our-path/, if any of you are actually up for a little reading instead of just pettyness and insults get back to me. The party I'm a part of has it all clearly laid out in the PDF, would be interesting to see if you disagree with it.
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>Okay? Wierd that, I can't remember any time in history ancaps stood up together as a united movement and fought for race and their future of not living in a poverty stricken coffee-colored police state hellhole of usury and for profit "demo"-cratic banditry,
Still better than the time Nigsocs had a 'tism fit, killed more whites than anyone else in history, and paved the way for the creation of coffee colored police states. Fukn' BASTE, amirite?

>even correctly identify the sources of the illness
Nigger Socialists only identified the most superficial factors of the illness, then proceeded to inflict the worst parts on themselves. Removing the Jews means nothing when you start following Jewish philosophies, creating cringey Jewish-inspired mythology and race theories, and generally trying to make yourself into the goyish versions of Jews.

>National socialism and fascism has done it however, keeps doing it,
Keeps rewarding my enemies with the object of their lawfare against me with autismal spergouts? That must be what you mean, because that's the only thing Nigger Socialists have ever accomplished.

>And to me AC just seems more like voluntary democracy 2.0 with marxian style economics, not easily managable, fragmented and thus highly corruptable by any malevolent elements in the society.
Well of course it would seem that way to you, you're a 40 IQ mutt with no roots of your own. It's okay, it's not your fault you were born defective. Just accept your limitations and live with them.

>Here's my party's (NRM's) political program from
So you're a CIAnigger or the hapless tool of one. Suddenly this mental impotence makes a lot more sense.
>Still better than the time Nigsocs had a 'tism fit, killed more whites than anyone else in history, and paved the way for the creation of coffee colored police states. Fukn' BASTE, amirite?

How dishonest is it possible to be? Pretending as if WW2 wasn't two sided, you're telling me France and Britain didn't suddenly declare war Germany over Poland because they wanted to back Poland vs the dispute of post-weimar territory being handed out after failed negotiation of danzig sparking a regional conflict? Was it not reasonable that something had to be done about German people suddenly living under the yoke of a foreign government while being murdered and abused after WW1? Yeah okay retard,

Even mid-war Germany tried to bargain for peace at the time at least 2 times only to be rejected, chamberlain was open to negotiation but got overthrown by the retarded democratic stooge and rothschild enabled drug addict, crossdressing degenerate war monger which was Churchill.

How Inconvenient none of that fits your delusional narrative, in other words your imaginary scope of history.

>Nigger Socialists only identified the most superficial factors of the illness, then proceeded to inflict the worst parts on themselves. Removing the Jews means nothing when you start following Jewish philosophies, creating cringey Jewish-inspired mythology and race theories, and generally trying to make yourself into the goyish versions of Jews.

Clown. Jews are superficial like how they own the US central bank/media and the fact that the USA literally suck off kikes and have given their shitty little illegal terrorist country 134,764.080 Million USD(not counting material, and not even counting the wars for israeli interests)??? All despite the fact that Americans have their own problems like rampant homelessness and poverty and the uninsured, $21.8 trillion in state debt, and while at the same time being exploited/replaced by third worlders? Man how does it feel to be so fucking retarded?

>Keeps rewarding my enemies with the object of their lawfare against me with autismal spergouts? That must be what you mean, because that's the only thing Nigger Socialists have ever accomplished.

Said the guy having an autismal cat 9 spergout here over a discussion.

>Well of course it would seem that way to you, you're a 40 IQ mutt with no roots of your own. It's okay, it's not your fault you were born defective. Just accept your limitations and live with them.

That's rich, you just had no good arguments to come up with. Keep smashing your head into the keyboard and hitting the enter button buddy.

>So you're a CIAnigger or the hapless tool of one. Suddenly this mental impotence makes a lot more sense.

Living like a paranoid little rat sure suits you well, I mean, it's only expected from human trash like yourself judging by your behavior. You're just simply inept and visibly too ill for normal human conduct, thought or action, a literal husk of a person after thorough demoralization. I find that really sad, but it was your choice.

Enjoy spinning around in your imaginary hamster wheel for eternity while just "LARPing" about obscure politics with no real movment i.e basis in reality.(while accusing others of it lol)

And In my experience people who usually behave like you tend to consider yourselves as some great personal treasure, a "guardian of wisdom", even though you have absolutely no personal achievements or actions to speak of to show for any of it. You're always "too good" or too stricken with mental illness to be a part of anything. Very pitiful, and no serious movement would want you anyway. Onliners will be onliners for a reason.

Anyways good luck to you my friend. Sucks for you that you are this way.
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>National socialism and fascism has done it however, keeps doing it, and the ideologies have been proven as they work in practice, although i disagree with facism's relentless state loyalty it would still be miles better than what we have today, they are in some ways comparable but not the same system whatsoever.
Each of your little spergouts have done more harm than good to white people. There's thousands of years of history of monarchies doing what fascists should have been done. The Russian Empire alone has pogromed more Jews than any other fascist regime combined. The shitty "holocaust" Hitler keeps being accused of may not have been real, but the 6 gorrillion persecuted in Russian pogroms and other monarchies is a very real number.
>but that's not an ancap example!
If you were as redpilled about ancap as you claimed in the beginning of the thread, before you dropped the shitty LARP, you'd know exactly how this relates to ancap.

>Anarchy is only good when there's a long term stable solution at the end of it
Government creates anarchy. People have the ability to self-organize without genocidal maniacs and authoritarian slavery, especially white people. We are not so stupid and pitiful as a race that we require someone like you to "save" us.

>AC just seems more like voluntary democracy 2.0 with marxian style economics
>capitalism is Marxism

>National socialists despise the current society and who in their right mind wouldnt?
No, you don't just despise society, you despise white people. If your love for whites is conditional, then there's nothing more I can say to you, you're not even a national-socialist, you're just a fucking socialist to be hanged like the rest.

No matter what subhumans white people may become after generations of living in the totalitarian shitholes you invent for them, ancaps will always continue to love the sinners and not the sin because they know whites by their nature are beautiful and honorable no matter what leftists subject them to, but fascists consider white people to be scum by default unless a government beats them into shape, in which case they are still scum, but now this scum is pretending to be human beings just because Hitler forced them to. There can be no pretense that neetsocs have any love for the white race. They hate it just as much as any other leftist, and they only love an ideal, a fantasy they created, nothing more.
>France and Britain didn't suddenly declare war
There was nothing sudden about it. Britain guaranteed Polish independence in 31 March 1939. It was very clear that any invasion would be reciprocated, exactly as had been the case during the Sudetenland crisis, when war would have broken out a year earlier if Hitler had chosen to go ahead with Case Green.
>the dispute of post-weimar territory being handed out after failed negotiation of danzig
Just like the previous world war was about the rivalries between the great powers more than about Bosnia or the Archduke, what happened in September 1939 was not truly about Poland. You are onto something when you describe it as "two-sided" in that there was already a hostile international mood since the previous year. And in this context Hitler was not thinking exclusively within the scope of some forsaken Pomerelian land; his thoughts were on Paris and London, and his pressure on Poland was his way to escalate the tension. He was the one to fire the first shot, so to speak. It was his intention to have a war, and he had a rational basis for that.
Simply put, Germany's odds of a victorious war were not great at the moment but would decline with every passing year; if there was to be a war, then the best possible scenario would be an immediate war. The Reich was losing the arms race. It had already achieved a greater level of economic mobilization than any of the Western powers. It had mobilized so much that it was facing economic problems because of it: there was an expanding budget deficit, the money supply had doubled in two years, railways were in a poor condition, the quality of some consumer goods was in decline and so on. A Reichsbank memorandum submitted to Hitler's office on 7 January 1939 discusses this. Despite this, arms output had actually stagnated throughout 1939, as had previously happened in 1937, because of the crippling balance of payments limitation which Germany suffered since the late Weimar years. Not enough resources could be imported to sustain an acceleration of the rate of rearmament. The best that could be hoped for was to accumulate foreign exchange reserves for a while and go for one last burst of spending.
Meanwhile, the Western powers, despite mobilizing less of their economy, were rapidly expanding arms production and were set to win the arms race in a few years. They did not suffer from Germany's trade woes and had more developed economies in the first place. It's worth noting that interwar Germany had medium-level standards of living, less purchasing power per capita than France and Denmark and an incompletely modernized economy with a lagging, large agricultural sector; it was particularly far behind America, with its dramatic economies of scale, and since 1938 Roosevelt had been openly hostile, pushing for rearmament and trying to supply weapons to the French and British.
Those points were made by Ludwig Beck and Secretary of State Weiszaecker at the Sudetenland crisis and General Thomas in 1939. They were discussed in Berlin and Hitler was well informed of the state of the arms race. Hitler himself later explained this logic to Speer.
Nonetheless, the Reich had, at the moment, a slight superiority in the air and a dubious parity on land. Those were doomed to decline, but still existed at the moment. From a simple arms race perspective and the premise that a war would happen it would have been irrational for Hitler to not provoke a war.
Besides the arms race, the diplomatic chessboard cannot be ignored. Since June 1938 Weiszaecker had correctly predicted that Germany would have to face France, Britain, the USA and the USSR. Yet for the moment the latter two would not attack. FDR was struggling with isolationists in Congress and Stalin had just become a near-ally. So, once again, the best possible starting point for a war was the present, when two of Germany's enemies could be counted to not immediately make a move.

This relies on the assumption that a war would begin in one way or another, but that is easy to understand given Hitler's feeling that he was encircled and the target of an international conspiracy.

The point that Hitler was responsible for much damage in Europe still stands.

I'll just leave this here for our fascists friends who want to tell us how awesome and efficient and sane was nazi's economy
Yes, that's a bad system and Lew Rockwell has it right when he criticizes it. National socialism does not necessarily engage in this, and national socialism is not fascism.
National socialism is a rejection of labor vs capital instigators by unmasking the Jew behind the agitation. This is an example of bad bureaucracy, but Hitler's Germany was undeniably productive beyond expectations and especially beyond the Weimar republican days.
One would naturally expect that in an American manifestation of national socialism the American spirit of liberty would be part of the picture.

I'd also like to say that I'm the OP, but there's at least one other guy itt on the natsoc side but without my outlook on the question. To restate, I'm suggesting that our replacement crisis warrants setting aside the libertarian legislative agenda temporarily because self determination is a more pressing issue, and I'm further making the connection that nazism is that unifying ideology we should pick up as whites.

You ought to connect the source to the image if you want any actual discussion by the way
>National socialism does not necessarily engage in this
Historically it did, the incentives it puts in place suggests it would do the same in the future, and you provide no reason to think otherwise.

>Hitler's Germany was undeniably productive beyond expectations
Keynesian policies and Keynesian money-printing create Keynesian bubbles, imagine my shock.

>especially beyond the Weimar republican days.
It's easy to outperform expectations when you set the bar as low as Weimar.

>To restate, I'm suggesting that our replacement crisis warrants setting aside the libertarian legislative agenda temporarily because self determination is a more pressing issue
Listen here you dumb cunt, no one here is against pursuing realpolitik, neither board posters nor prominent paleo-libertarians such as Hoppe. You've got two moronic straw men in your head right now: first that the people you're talking to are utopian idealists who eschew practical solutions, and second that Nigger Socialists have a monopoly on practical solutions. No one here denies political realities. No one here is for open borders. No one here denies the urgency of American demographic change. No one is against the use of imperfect solutions to mitigate this problem. Your idiocy simply isn't on the list of those solutions.

>I'm further making the connection that nazism is that unifying ideology we should pick up as whites.
That's a retarded connection to make, and you're a brain damaged nigger for seriously suggesting it. Nigger Socialism is not actionable in any way. Nigger Socialist rhetoric is even more anathema to legislation than ancap or monarchism is, due to how ingrained the defeat of Germany is in the US's national myth. Your "legislative agenda" is even less realistic and even more LARPy than the cringiest ancaps out there, so adopting it is a downgrade for us. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to openly identify with 56% NigSoc mutts, over joining the burgeoning paleoconservative and populist wave that's beginning to rise. Your relevancy peaked at the Tiki torch spergout, where you followed some lisping faggot who thinks gays are implicitly white to political suicide. Kindly kill yourself before you breed.
In the same way I'm not saying libertarians don't have practical solutions or that libertarians cant affirm these problems are urgent.

It's interesting how I'm supposed to be the ignorant, short-sighted, and rude one but you're the one who's used nothing but condescension, ad hominem and explicit insulting language.
Extremely bad look for a BO. Have fun on your dead board, this discussion isn't going anywhere.
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>Extremely bad look for a BO
Yeah, if only he were a cuck like libertarians are supposed to be. He's some kind of fake libertarian to not entertain your shit.

>Have fun on your dead board
If the herd is so important to you, maybe you should go back to reddit. There's a lot more niggers there than on this fringe website anyway.
Do you have brain damage? You can't string together a coherent sentence without having to cut down on quotes and offer up childish expletives to make up for it. It doesn't make you look cool or right, it just makes you look like a sad clown who's having a meltdown and can't explain his position. Shows how serious and concerned you are(not). The only thing people like you want is and end to lawful civilized society, and just to kill those you see on top and replace them i.e it won't happen and you'll be cheated just like Jewish Communists cheated the useful idiots and executed all of the early communists in 1917.

Our socialism is not an economic doctrine, the market is not political, and change will not come from the market. Change will come from us, the people, and realizing what our role and our birthright is in our nation. Realizing we have nothing to be ashamed of, and everything to be proud for.

I can explain why society is moving in a net total negative direction, why and how it is not an organic thing but a consciously driven thing, driven to a drastically disproportionate degree by jewish individuals and organizations, and why this is exceedingly detrimental to everyone involved. Social, political, economic forces… What are jews, if not this? We've done so. Countless times. Progressivism is death. It leads to death. That it is driven by jews is merely a reality, not a desire. And as such jews and their collaborators must firstly be removed from this power.

Jewish elites are the dominant beneficiary of Capitalism. It does not require a great leap of imagination to see that Capitalism is in fact the modern equivalent of what was once known hundreds of years ago as Jewish Usury, profit for profit and not an expedient method of societal innovation which a true free market is, and it gets even better when subsidized by the state, and such a market needs regulation. However we must reform the massive web of Regulation/Permits/Licenses that bottleneck our industries and creates artificial monopolies on our markets by subversion.
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>AC just seems more like voluntary democracy 2.0 with marxian style economics
>capitalism is Marxism

Anarchism is a joke and you only offer big swears for a horrible ploy for abolishment of the state heavily influenced by Jews like; Berkman, Martin Buber, Emma Goldman, Murray Bookchin, Murray Rothbard, David D. Friedman. Wanting to abolish a state into fragments will never serve you and just do them a favor in destabilization, the major parasitical players in internationally as well in finance and aren't just going to give up their territory, the other semitic influenced neighbors would just easily destroy it. Only way your ideology could work was after a world war in which a country is left in total ruins by nukes and we have to revert to what you call "free voluntarism" and "communes" as a response to solving the problems of having such important things as civil service/hospitals/roads/schools/trains/industry instead of just coming together as a unified system, as one race and one nation, apparently this to you is "totalitarianism", shows what a whole nothing you know.

"Anarcho-capitalism" not even relevant considering that it's Jews who push for mass immigration(genocide) of all white countries and it is Jews who benefit the most from capitalism, capitalism itself has nothing to do with free market or free enterprise. People like you who just sit around echo-chambering some inept ideology instead of forming a solid groups which directly challenges Jewish power are useless and you're fucking kidding yourselves. Unless there are major changes Europe and America is going to become a coffee colored assimilated hellhole full of retarded and sick mulatto miscreants unable to resist against under a USSR-like system owned and dominated by the very same people which are at the height of power today. That's the statistical and objective Future, and some fad of a divisive movement like anarcho capitalism is never going to solve that. However National Socialism will, and has done so in the past. In fact it was so successful countries like sweden/denmark/norway borrowed heavily from it's social policies.

Anyway as I said; Civilized Society cannot and will not exist without a clear defined set of laws, there's no point. And you have zero arguments, besides retarded leftie tier mouthbreather agitprop. This just naturally means I'm correct and that you lost the discussion.
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>People like you who just sit around echo-chambering some inept ideology instead of forming a solid groups which directly challenges Jewish power are useless and you're fucking kidding yourselves.
Have you ever heard the one about glass houses and stones?

>it was so successful countries like sweden/denmark/norway borrowed heavily from it's social policies.
>le Scandinavian socialism maymay
Are you trying to get a Horseshoe accusation thrown at you?

>This just naturally means I'm correct and that you lost the discussion.
lol sure thing bud, you won fair and square. That's why you're not responding to any points directly and just copy-pasting from your OC donut steel manifesto.

>childish expletives
Oh that's right, I almost forgot, I don't discuss politics with hysterical women. Toodles.
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You bring up historically interesting points and thank you for actually contributing to the discussion, but most of it you just conclude with "Hitler was responsible for much damage in Europe" however is not, have you considered the historical consequences if a mass offense did not happen against the Bolsheviks in Russia? Stalin realized quite well that, given a free choice, the people of the advanced Western countries would never voluntarily choose Communism. It would therefore have to be imposed by force. Communism would have just stormed into Europe if it wasn't for the offensive by how much stalin was spending on military like 90% of entire budget before they entered ww2, and Europe had no possible defense against the horde that the soviets had had they not been halted. And stalin did have intentions of war against Europe.

"The experience of the last 20 years has shown that in peacetime the Communist movement is never strong enough to seize power. The dictatorship of such a party will only become possible as the result of a major war .. Later on, all the countries who had accepted protection from resurgent Germany would also become our allies. We shall have a wide field to develop the world revolution." -Stalin August 19, 1939

The USSR killed more than 10 million russians before the National Socialists even came to power in Germany. Trotsky(lev bronstein), Lenin, were slaughtering Russians and Ukrainians whole sale. Both Trotsky and Lenin were Jews, Trotsky took the Red Army into Poland trying to support a red revolution in Bavaria led by more Communist Jews like Kurt Eisner, Rosa Luxemburg, Eugene Levine, Karl Liebknecht, Paul Levi etc etc etc.

Communist Jews tried to overthrow Germany and set up their gulag death centers for slave labor in the red october coup like in the USSR, they failed and then cried shoah because the Germans didn't love them for it.

Read the icebreaker by Viktor Suvorov.

Suvorov presents a mass of evidence to show that when Hitler launched his "Operation Barbarossa" attack against Soviet Russia on June 22, 1941, German forces were able to inflict enormous losses against the Soviets precisely because the Red troops were much better prepared for war but for an aggressive war that was scheduled for early July, not the defensive war forced on them by Hitler's preemptive strike.

In Icebreaker, Suvorov details the deployment of Soviet forces in June 1941, describing just how Stalin amassed vast numbers of troops and stores of weapons along the European frontier, not to defend the Soviet homeland but in preparation for a westward attack and decisive battles on enemy territory.

"When German forces struck, the bulk of Red ground and air forces were concentrated along the Soviet western borders facing contiguous European countries, especially the German Reich and Romania, in final readiness for an assault on Europe. "
>rEaD sUvOrOv
I always laugh when NEETSocs bring this up, if they ever actually read Icebreaker beyond a handful of paragraphs they'd know the operating principle of Suvorov's thesis is that Hitler was a useful idiot groomed by Stalin to soften up Europe for him.
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>And you have zero arguments, besides retarded leftie tier mouthbreather agitprop. This just naturally means I'm correct and that you lost the discussion.
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>to read a book you automatically have to agree with the author's views instead of forming your own based the information provided within it
Have a read.
>What is strasserism?
>read my book
lel no.

>what is strasserism

Seems to me that this has gotten a bit derailed to a history discussion. Arguing about the merits of national socialism as a practical or idealistic movement nowadays is quite distinct from arguing over the history of the ideology. The reason being is that it was essentially created on the fly in response to a very particular situation. Hitler essentially put it together on his own, and he had one singular objective–the glorification of the German Race–which he sought to answer through his own life experiences and inspirations. Some good things came about from this, for example the recognition of the dualistic nature of Jewish influence, but it meant that national socialism could never be "universalist" as the specific circumstances that national socialism sought to address may not be reproduced elsewhere. Also, where Hitler was inexperienced he made some crucial mistakes, one of which is in regards to economics. National Socialist economics were initially almost entirely based on the ideas of Gottfried Feder; moreover, the context of these policies (heavy state control, autarky, etc.) was mostly in line with the "German Historical School" which had a prejudice against free markets. The effect was that although National Socialism produced a beneficial result in comparison with Weimar Germany, as a "Weltanschauung" it is still very janky and cobbled-together.

Libertarianism, on the other hand, has evolved gradually from both philosophical and economic backgrounds. It has never presumed to have all the answers in regards to specific issues at specific times (though some thinkers have) but seeks a universal ideal that all Western cultures should orient themselves toward. One may distill libertarianism into an "ideology of thought" whereas national socialism is an "ideology of action." There are positives and negatives to both.

Also arguing what is "revolutionary" is semantics. In the broadest sense of the term we're all revolutionaries because we want an upset to the established political and social order. If one refers to "revolutionary" along Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment terms then we're technically "counter-revolutionaries" because we seek a reversal of so-called progressivism and a return to a hierarchical Western ideal. However, I don't think saying "using the word revolution is counter-intuitive" is correct because people generally do want a "revolution." Ron Paul's use of the term was good marketing because it represented an anti-establishment position founded upon peace.

>everything is Jewish
Next you'll be telling me that Voltaire, Rousseau, Marat & company were Jewish as well. If you can actually *prove* it then good for you. However, until you do so I'd assert that rather than causing literally everything wrong Jews are simply an opportunistic and cohesive minority that has cemented and perpetuated its power using the system's mechanisms.
If you're going to argue that "free market economies have nothing to do with capitalism" (which are synonymous in libertarian jargon) then present a detailed definition of capitalism according to your thinking.

Notwithstanding books like "The Age of Turbulence" by Greenspan they are all statists to their core. Individuals in national or supra-national interventionist organizations who say they "value the free market" are equivalent to abortionists who claim to "value human life." Of course, this distinction is lost on Marxists and neo-Marxists (hence the term "neoliberal") but your view is not quite different from theirs.
As for getting rid of such powerful people in private as well as public positions, there is still intense debate in libertarian circles (for example https://www.libertarianism.org/publications/essays/toward-libertarian-theory-revolution). Personally I think a truly "revolutionary" solution is necessary after gaining power but is not palatable in open politics presently.

Also the debate on political violence (>implying that democracy isn't just "civilized violence") is quite independent from national socialism vs. libertarianism. The SA was not a paramilitary but was intended as defense from Antifa; after Hitler's failed *putsch* he focused on "legitimate" politics and was ultimately elected. Obviously since then political establishments openly try to prevent such a repeat and have cracked down on dissent outside the Overton Window, which in turn has led to the rise of Siegefags. Nothing prevents from a "sovereign citizen"-style libertarian from being a "Siegefag," but libertarians tend to be more wary of the costs of open violence. Personally I believe that the democracy vs. revolt dichotomy is a sham and we can pursue other paths to undermine the State such as through agorism.

There is no such thing as "usury" in modern settings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Bacldx3CSQ

>one must remember that those who start a revolution are rarely the ones who finish it
This. "Anti-X" revolutions tend to be co-opted by outsiders, such as "Occupy Wall Street" which was anti-corporate welfare being co-opted by socialists. Also, broad revolts without direction tend to go poorly (examples range from medieval peasant revolts to the Yellow Vests today) when faced by organized suppression. The ideal overthrow with a minimum of bloodshed is a Pinochet-style coup. However, this necessitates getting /ourguys/ into positions of power and establishing networks without being discovered and this takes much more time and thought than high-time-preference Siegefaggotry.

>But there are 6 gorillion better alternatives than wignats to that end
This. What is hurting the mainstream Prager-style GOP is not the Daily Stormer but Nick Fuentes' America First. Even then, I frown upon Fuentes' comments about the Holohoax because he's hurt his chances at subverting the Republican narrative (as tempting as it is to debunk that massive lie).

If the NWI works out good for you. I doubt you'll break out of the Union anyway unless if the whole country is thrown into disarray. Also you have Seattle and Portland to worry about.

>I can't remember any time in history
Although not strictly "Ancap" 1776 is the period most people have in mind.
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>I still don't see any signs Ancap being in shape today
Although not as politically cohesive libertarianism has far more of a social reach in all areas of society (minus music because fashwave can't be beat). It seems to me that natsoc/fascist movements tend to pursue politics to a greater degree while libertarians focus on education (even homeschool programs) and theory. Short-term vs. long-term solutions.

>You should know that without a strong and clear unified worldview, the resistance will always be too weak for a renewal
Libertarianism is becoming more cohesive continually. Recall that prior to Rothbard it was purely economic and borrowed from classical liberalism elsewhere. Now "White, Right, and Libertarian" is becoming a more consistent theme, as well as the Christian traditionalism of Frank van Dun (https://misesuk.org/2017/08/31/the-reactionary-libertarianism-of-frank-van-dun/) and all this is mixing into a *Weltanschauung* that, although still evolving, is far more sound than that of National Socialism.

I respect the NRM but it seems to just fall in line with the general pro-socialist mentality of Norwegians, for better or for worse. Ironically Norwegians tend to be "nationalist" simply because other Europeans aren't as socialist as they are. I'd say your anti-capitalism stance is colored by the cultural conditioning you've received since birth (yes I'm using post-modernism deconstructionism to promote my worldview).

>Our socialism is not an economic doctrine, the market is not political, and change will not come from the market. Change will come from us, the people, and realizing what our role and our birthright is in our nation. Realizing we have nothing to be ashamed of, and everything to be proud for.
Although your socialism is still inherently economic, your rationale for it is why you are very much different from Marxists who boil down every cultural issue to "late-stage capitalism."

>Jewish elites are the dominant beneficiary of Capitalism
I hate to be that guy but there's a difference between "capitalism" and corporatism. As for demonization of profit, it's exactly the motivation behind innovation. I could go on for a few paragraphs about basic economic definitions but I don't want to have to write a fourth post.

>Anarchism is a joke and you only offer big swears for a horrible ploy for abolishment of the state heavily influenced by Jews like; Berkman, Martin Buber, Emma Goldman, Murray Bookchin, Murray Rothbard, David D. Friedman.
Berkman was a left-wing anarchist. Buber was a theologic Zionist. Goldman was a left-wing anarchist and overall subversive. Boochkin was a Marxist. Even David Friedman and Murray Rothbard disagree radically on certain issues. What sets Rothbard apart is his total commitment to truth to the point that he was classified as a "self-hating Jew." Just a cursory understanding of his writings and quotes would shatter your confabulation. Ironically this is Jewish-style argumentation you're using.

Yes, I agree that Jewish heritage is a fairly reliable flag yet, whether arguing from a genetic or cultural standpoint, one can expect "non-subversive" exceptions to exist. As Jews benefit either from cultural Marxism or from neo-con Zionism, then one can expect a "Jew who isn't a kike" to reject either of these totally. Further proof would be personal loss at the hands of other Jews due to this. Murray Rothbard matches all of these points and for all intents and purposes can be considered an honorary Aryan.

Weren't the more-or-less Strasserist ideas of the early NASDAP abandoned and curtailed in favor of a more corporatist alliance? If there were such disputes over what "national socialism" actually meant (was it Christian or pagan? pro-worker or pro-industry? independent or expansionist?) then how can it be as coherent as is often claimed?
I've seen this a bit lately and I just wanted to ask why you are using that term instead of the native english 'worldview'?
sage for offtopic
>f one refers to "revolutionary" along Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment terms then we're technically "counter-revolutionaries" because we seek a reversal of so-called progressivism and a return to a hierarchical Western ideal
This is to what I was referring, yes. I prefer to call myself a counter-revolutionary rather than a revolutionary.
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Translations don't often do the original word justice. Whereas "worldview" means a more-or-less passive thought regarding what existence is like, Weltanschauung in an active incorporation of various aspects of life into a singular ideal that works cohesively. It's somewhat similar to the Greek concept of Logos which E. Michael Jones has brought back. Linguistfags may correct me on this. Because of this distinction I use "worldview" only when talking with someone who's blue-pilled yet knowledgeable enough to maybe know the Hitlerian usage of the term.
Hitler's criticism of mainstream political movements in his day were that they lacked a unitary cohesiveness that could compete against the Marxist Weltanschauung. Saying you're "conservative" or "liberal" really means nothing at their core; they're empty shells. I want to emphasize that libertarianism is developing a very comprehensive Weltanschauung if it's not at this point already, albeit for a small subset of the movement. Traditionalism, evolutionary biology/psychology and group dynamics all enhance our understanding in conjunction with economics.
>Translations don't often do the original word justice.
That's really the confusing part to me because the distinction you point out while meaningful in and of itself, to my knowledge doesn't really have a leg to stand on in the sense that both the german and the english share the degree of ambiguity as to what the person using them specifically means.
Hitler simply used the word correctly and it would just as well work with "worldview", it's just that he wanted a resilient worldview that acts as a full lense to inform the "viewer" with no or as little missing spots as possible, it's not "Hitlerian usage"
t. german
My mistake, that's what I get for taking the forward of Mein Kamp at face value.
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The finest part of NSDAP was always it's aesthetics and ordinals of conflict, which rose above in contravention downstream malaise of gnostic modernity in it's various expressions, and is really something that supervenes any particular doctrinal formalities, that essential energy which signifies theocratical turning points. The socialism part was always by far the least important part, and really was just a historical contingency of political fashions on the continent at the time; a window dressing for many that was taken serious only by enemies and useful idiots for enemies.
>magic mustache man says "I am not a Marxist"
>circlejerks about polylogism in the next fucking sentence
For fuck's sake, could the NEETSocs please STOP vindicating the horseshoe theory retards with every second word?

Not an argument.

This is the cringiest shit I've seen
Calling it that way won't stop it from being true
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So much bluepill ITT. National Socialism is not just another ideology, it is a worldview of Truth. What Hitler tried to instill in Germany was life according to Truth, i.e. life according to the biological and social laws that express the will of Nature. While today the followers of artificial and concocted ideologies like libertarianism, Marxism and the like say "no" to the will of God, the follower of National Socialism, of eternal dharma, exuberantly says "YES". Living in harmony with dharma is for each to be in their place in the great hierarchy of being.

Okay, Pajeet.
The concept of dharma (under various names) was the foundational principle of all pre-Abrahamic societies on this planet.
You're gay.
Natural is badly defined. One can make the argument that, as humanity emerged from nature, and human societies are simply constructs created by a natural thing, that all human societies are natural. A bird's nest is considered natural even though it is the construct of a creature, so anything humanity creates can be considered natural similarly. However, the common use of the word is that a natural thing is a thing that exists without human intervention (an idea which you seem to share as you compare "artificial" ideologies to your idea of a natural one) which the idea of a state contradicts. After all, there are no states that exist without human intervention.
Even the most generous interpretation of NigSoc ideology shows that it was a specific reaction to specific problems experienced by Germany in the 1920s. Trying to claim this is the ultimate expression of universalizable truth is retarded.

>read my books
>pajeet shit
>le pre-Abrahamic maymay
Fuck off nigger.
This alone shows that we're dealing with ultra brainlets here. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the religion and worldview of Vedic culture is fundamentally Aryan. In 1,500 B.C. Indo-European tribes moved into the subcontinent (Aryan Invasion Theory) and subjugated the native dark-skinned Dravidian peoples, imparting to them their language, Sanskrit (which is related to Latin and Greek), culture and religious views. It's been proven, even by modern mongrel Indians that the Vedas have originated in the Arctic, not in India. B.G. Tilak proved this beyond doubt in his masterful book The Arctic Origin of the Vedas, drawing on astronomical data and details contained with the Vedas and ancient Zoroastrian literature. There are likewise dozens of verses with the Rig Veda, the oldest document in any Indo-European language that attests to Indra's (Thor's) hatred of all dark-skinned people and how he smites them for the benefit of the Aryan race. Drawing from genetic evidence is it clear that even today upper caste Indians have a much larger percentage of haplotypes in common with modern Western Europeans. Millennia ago the upper castes were white. Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, was likewise described as having deep blue eyes. Indian civilization died when they fell victim to race-mixing and destroyed the very resource in their blood which enabled them to build the greatest civilization that the world had ever seen in the East. What we have in India today is a bunch of mongrels claiming that they are living in a civilization that they laid the foundations of, when in reality nothing could be farther from the truth. Ancient Aryans laid the foundations of all that is distinctly "Indian" today, while British colonizers brought about modernization. We wuz literally kangz.

National Socialism is an expression extremely close to the ideal dharmic order (or whatever name one wants to give it), the universal and eternal organizing principle of the cosmos. It itself in its form in Germany was merely an expression of Truth which recognized that it was the will of God for man to the laws of the Eternal Order that exist independently of man. Every race in its place. Quality over quantity. Hierarchy. The Jew seeks to subvert and destroy this all.

It seems that anons don't understand the implications of dharma here. A things dharma that form or power which makes it what it is and prevents it from becoming something different. It's essence. What keeps whole universe in order and everything in its proper place is dharma. The dharma of a thing does not lie in any external requirement; it arises out of a thing's own nature, and in the case of man, manifests itself as soon as impurities are removed. A person who realizes his true dharma establishes true relationship with the Absolute. It is the cosmic dharma , which keeps the innumerable planets in their proper orbits, and makes the sun shine and give light and warmth , the moon coolness and the clouds rain and the earth bear plants a food, etc. It is because of this cosmic dharma that there is there is the regular succession of seasons and of day and night, etc. Dharma has no moral aspect when viewed as responsible for the operation of law in the universe at large as well as in the plant and animal kingdoms. Dharma comes to acquire the moral aspect only when it is reflected in the human world. Whatever helps the evolving soul to cultivate qualities which bring it nearer and nearer to God and finally enables it to realize oneness with Divinity is its dharma ; and whatever obstructs and retards this process self-realization or God realization is adharma. We learn dharma through the Vedic scriptures, though many pre-Abrahamic forms of literature are good resources as well.

It's not just Indian: Tao, Asha, Darna, Natural Law, Kannagara (惟神の道 ), Physis.
>as humanity emerged from nature
Humanity has never been separated from nature.
That's a valid correction, but still does not change the heart of what I'm saying. If humanity as a whole is part of nature, then what we do is part of nature as well. Every single ideology can be considered to follow the "will of nature" - human beings, as part of nature, follow this will, so anything that they do is following the will, so any ideology or system they construct is also following this will.

It's hardly a concept that yields a reason to believe in fascistic ideals over some other framework.
Let me clarify, for this to work the ideology in question would have to be actually implementable, though within this context, advocating for an impossible ideology can also be considered part of the "will of nature".
Come to Jesus anon, you will be free from the Loo witch if you choose him as your savior
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>all this effortposting to LARP as a streetshitting pagan
Wow, that's a special brand of auti--

>What we have in India today
I've locked into your signal Vishnu. You're not white and you never will be.
Yet more proof that natsoc/fascism is just a second Enlightenment with edgy aesthetics. It's like a Madlib:

So much bluepill ITT. Reason is not just another ideology, it is a worldview of Truth. What Robespierre tried to instill in France was life according to Truth, i.e. life according to the biological and social laws that express the will of the people. While today followers of artificial and concocted faiths like Christianity, Islam, and the like say "no" to the will of the people, the follower of Reason, of eternal enlightenment, exuberantly says "YES". Living in harmony with nature is for each to be in their place in the people's government.

>Common Sense
>Du Social Contrat

>r/atheism, the most enlightened subreddit I'm aware of
>no actual rebuttal
Typical /monarchy/ retard
I won’t get triggered by such rhetoric, anon. The religion of India has been corrupted for millennia and sunk down into muttdom. We have to go back millennia to see the actual Aryan civilizations of the subcontinent. It would be a net benefit for the world for Pakis and Indians to nuke each other today. It is of special interest because it is an example of an extant Aryan pagan religion. Unfortunately esoteric teachings of the original pagan people outside of Greece and Rome in Europe were lost, seeing as they were transmitted orally, giving us only exoteric myths and folk tales in their place and none of the more overtly philosophical doctrines on epistemology, the nature of the Absolute, the ancient caste systems of Aryan people (read up on the Trifunctional Hypothesis), etc. It is a miracle that even these myths were saved by monks, but so so much was lost. Watch this video in this post:
You received as much rebuttal your post deserved, nigsoc.

>read my pagan trash
lel no.
>posts in the National Socialism thread
>doesn’t want to talk about National Socialism or related trends
>nigsoc chimps chimp out
>trades kike on a stick for poop on a stick
lmao, why do you think I owe you anything? You voluntarily reject le Christcucks to LARP as the inheritor of an objectively more limited and inferior philosophy. You're still stuck in the ooga-booga paradigms of MUH ENDLESS CYCLES, muh unknowable universe.
It's hard to give a proper rebuttal to someone who can't make a proper argument in the first place. What do you even mean by shit like:

>not just another ideology, it is a worldview of Truth
Isn't that what literally any nigger could claim about their own beliefs?

>What Hitler tried to instill in Germany was life according to Truth
Again, any nigger could say the same shit about some African dictator, you are not making a unique case, you are just saying vague bullshit.

>life according to the biological and social laws that express the will of Nature
How do you define "nature"? Why are these words capitalized?

>Living in harmony with dharma is for each to be in their place in the great hierarchy of being.
What is this supposed to even mean? A communist could also say the same shit in favour of their own ideology.

This is all just vague emotional bullshit. When you know that your ideology and beliefs don't make any logical sense, you have to rely on manipulating emotions to spread your beliefs. It's like saying "I can't prove that 1 + 1 = 3, so let me talk about how great it would be that 1 + 1 would equal 3".

Let me put the pieces together for you
>You're acting like the Jews you despise so much. Seriously.
This. NigSocs are goys who adopt the tactics, culture and mindset of Jews and proceed to LARP as Jews as hard as possible. There's no point in fighting the kikes if you're just going to do 90% of what they had planned to do anyways.
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>Jesus this... Jesus that...
Why do you worship a prophet who came to do the will of God? Do you want to go to hell? The real Jesus was not God but a messenger of Allah, and not only that, but he was also a dharmapilled samurai warrior. Stop worshiping the idol (((Saul))) created for you and come learn the Truth with us at /fascist/, Allah wakes you up every day not so can look at anime girls but as a chance to become a Muslim.
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based and dhaṛmapilled
Sand nigger
>le Based
Why do people still do this it's embarrassing.
>le sandnigger
>goat fucker XD
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
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And let me put this goat fucker meme and other Jewish memes about Islam to rest. If you actually try to learn the actual Truth about why we do that, you would know that every Aryan culture since before (((cucktianity))) had traditions of abstaining from femoids. Ancient Greece, Rome, Scandinavia, Aryan India, Aryan Egypt, and Aryan Wakanda had men sleeping with other men to maintain alphaness and social cohesion, they knew that men who sleep with women become soft and weak, and civilization would no longer sustain itself. Hitler (PBUH) knew this and that's why he didn't marry Eva Braun, but he still had to keep her around for the public because the German people weren't ready yet for such dharmapilled homoerotic Truth. If you have a "girlfriend" or anything of the sort, you are literally a beta cuck and a simp, the ancient Aryans only kept foids as slaves for breeding.

Islam is only against homosexuality when it is practiced for degeneracy and not for bonding together with other strong men who help each other on their Masculine Path, if you actually lived in an Islamic country you would know that virtiuos homosexuality is widely enforced, and femoids are segregated from people. "Goat fucking" is encouraged only as a compromise so that the most degenerate wouldn't involve others in their degeneracy, but if you think that it is somehow wrong or repulsive to fuck animals and you're ok with the modern foid, then you're not only fucking a wild beast but also paying for it and enabling the spread of degeneracy and weakness.
A good entry for the copypasta folder
>Strong men bonding apparently includes a man shoving a cock up your ass
Faggotry is poison to the brain
>Goat fucking is encouraged only as a compromise
Beastiality promotion.
Read the post again, more closely.
Again your shilling the unnatural. You are literally saying don't have a relationship with women. Again I'm a christian your shilling not only for beastiality which you literally said is only a compromise to make sure the degenerates don't ruin society. You know what else does that. A guillotine! Fucking a dog is disgusting no matter how you attempt to justify it. Also a degenerate can be fixed with explaining to him why the things he does is wrong. All you are doing is enabling it rather than discouraging it.
Also no matter how you look at it your post was promoting homosexuality.
>Islam is ONLY against homosexuality when it is practiced for degeneracy
Well this is the difference between christianity and Goat fuckers
>Christianity is ALWAYS against homosexuality
Wow what a revelation.
Learn how thread IDs work.
You seem to be half-illiterate, so I'll screencap the relevant part of the post for you.
How did I miss that
>trying to equate this shit with Hitler and the dharmapill
Gas yourself

t. /fascist/
>Again your shilling the unnatural
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>g-gas yourself!
Triggered simp.

Why bother arguing with lolbergs? They're so steeped in their retarded ideology that there's no saving most of them.
And yet, here you are.
>he fell for the
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>implying you can get people to completely like eachother.
>implying you're not so dadless faggot trying to compensate for something.

news flash retard, the only reason why that worked in Germany is because everyone lost someone or got orphaned, the state was just a daddy that worked for that time.
>Do you have brain damage?
It bears pointing out your reddit spacing if you're going to make such an accusation based on nothing but your opponent's usage of insults - which have been forthcoming from yourself, it is useful to note
> It does not require a great leap of imagination to see that Capitalism is in fact the modern equivalent of what was once known hundreds of years ago as Jewish Usury, profit for profit and not an expedient method of societal innovation which a true free market is, and it gets even better when subsidized by the state, and such a market needs regulation.
They're the dominant beneficiaries of tax money being pumped into propping up their businesses and regulation preventing competition from smaller businesses. They're the beneficiaries of the exact same system as National Socialism posits, merely exercised by them rather than by the Puritan Hiter. You mistake that system turned against a people as freedom leading to degeneracy, and suggest instead propping the folk up with it, not for a moment trusting the people who founded civilization to do so again. I believe in my people's achievements, which is why I don't find it necessary to have some unskilled ex-soldier to dictate to that people how they should live their lives in the hopes of recapturing that success - a success brought about by liberty, now forced by totalitarianism.
>Only way your ideology could work was after a world war in which a country is left in total ruins by nukes and we have to revert to what you call "free voluntarism" and "communes" as a response to solving the problems of having such important things as civil service/hospitals/roads/schools/trains/industry instead of just coming together as a unified system, as one race and one nation, apparently this to you is "totalitarianism", shows what a whole nothing you know.
The argument that nothing can be achieved without relying on the selfsame system as our oppressors can easily be turned around on your ideology:
"Only way your ideology could work was after a racial war in which a country is left totally depleted of people and we have to revert to what you call 'hard work' and 'corporations' as a response to solving the problems of having such important things as welfare/immigration/banking/media instead of just coming together as a unified world, as one species and one planet, apparently this to you is 'totalitarianism', shows what a whole nothing you know.'
see, here you've demonstrated the same framework of thinking as a liberal, unsurprising for an ideology deriving itself entirely from the ideals of the masonic revolutions. I can justify any system by citing it's necessity as proof that it is not totalitarian, and any size of empire you like based on appeals to unity. The true rejection of Marxism is that a people must have self-determination, not through a bureaucracy, but through their own achievement, and that loyalty to one's own requires rejection of unionist claptrap like your "one race and one nation" to defend your people and culture from outsiders - as the Austrians tried to against your beloved unemployed construction worker made lunatic-in-chief.
Not the worst arguments you could present by far, but it reveals your utter unwillingness to even consider that on any point your ideology could be wrong, a point of view I think it would be fair to call dogma.
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i'd just like to add to this thread that whatever you're yelling at each other with, at least it's not shill bullshit to me! look at "in-depth" (long) responses and debating of arguments
Not one of the quoted, but I'd like to add that I
have a lot of respect for those amongst the /pol/ack horde that are actually well read. It's always frustrating to be halfway into a debate with a communist and find that they haven't even read Das Kapital.
Muh Amerimutts
Why would you bump the shit thread just to say this
National-anarchism seems to be the better option. They support all the ideas you claim National socialism is about while actually being anti-authoritarian.
Why be anti-authoritarian? There is a need for authority and order in people's lives. Tbqh most people are mental children, and need relative mental adults to guide and lead them.
>not being as authoritarian as possible
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>anti authoritarian
There is no chain that you may put on a man's neck more binding than to make him responsible for his own actions.
It's not authority that's the problem, it's the state. Authorities and hierarchies are necessary to make society function, what we don't need is a gang with a monopoly on arbitration in property disputes, maintaining its position through coercion.
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>There is a need for authority and order in people's lives. Tbqh most people are mental children, and need relative mental adults to guide and lead them.
This is indisputable. However, it appears you forgot to explain why authority and order requires government. If somebody acts like a mental child without the state there to protect them, they will die. Authoritarianism created this problem in the first place, and only survival of the fittest can restore a people's strength, not the laughable "purification" of a state's laws.

>this thread
national socialism just keep getting worse
Tyranny is not when a killer murders you. Tyranny is when the Gestapo murder you. Tyranny is not when a store kicks you out. Tyranny is when the government says that you cannot go to the store. Tyranny is not when Google records your web searches. Tyranny is when the NSA wiretaps you phone. Tyranny is not when you get paid $1 per hour. Tyranny is when the government says that you must be paid $1 an hour. Tyranny is not when cars are expensive. Tyranny is when government regulations make cars expensive.
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>>919 As always, nigsocs use the same fucking bullshit to justify their stupid fucking ideology. Yes there are jewish people in power that have nationalistic/power-hungry tendency. This does not justify the retarded fucking image you niggers paint of jews which is basically just the Marxist "burgeoise" with a racial paint. Everything the nazis said about jews can be turned back at the nazi regime. Germany is the most narcissistic, superiority-inferiority complex nation that exists in the world. Nazi Germany spent its entire time stealing from other countries to hold up their retarded """revolutionary""" ideals and then had the audacity to take some random fucking desert ethnicity and say "No actually, they are the natural racial thieves". Everytime I hear a fucking Nazi talk about the fucking jews and what he thinks are their traits I just see a diet-commie hypocrite that will steal your shit and then tell you that it's in a synagouge. Your stupid fucking ideology has starved Greece, commited active fucking genocide against slave, fucked up the economy of several other countries and caused untold death and destruction on a mass scale, that's not even getting into the Holocaust which you would probably just deny as if that was the only shit that you did. Get out of my board you disgusting, braindead, socialist nigger. I hope your ideology will forever stay a fucking joke and you will kill yourself for fucking up politics and the world even further than it was. Commies and Nazis both get the fucking rope.
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>>1940 This picture is bullshit. The word privatisation was literally used to make libertarians look bad. Nazi Germany was reselling its fucking businesses to the Nazi party. The fucking article which calls Nazi practices "privatisation" even said so much. Nazis were socialist, and the economy was incredibly fucking controlled. This is also why they lost the war, it was because their logistics were so absolutely fucking garbage. The myth of Nazi Germany being some fucking libertarian country with racialist policies is wrong. Nazis were no different than commis. National fucking socialism is socialism and is the reason for one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history as well the very reason they lost that war. WW2 was just the Third Reich being completely autistic, refusing to trade with anyone, making aggressive territorial claims and expanding in an aggressive manner to which the response of allied forces was "W-well, j-just don't take a-anymore p-please" like a bunch of complete cucks, and National Socialists still think of themselves as some kind of romantic fucking heroes when they are only complete fucking failures. Free market improved the state of the fucking world by allowing people to do what they want and raising thousands out of poverty, National Socialism couldn't keep its shitty """paradise""" going for more than 20 years, and that's after they've started stealing wealth from everyone else. The only thing that the allies did wrong during WW2 is that they didn't slap krauts back where they belong sooner.
Americans have become completely insane. You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when Americans will look you in the eye and say that the farm bailout should be higher than the auto bailout because food is more important than cars, but why not just end the trade wars and regulations that have destroyed the economy?

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