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Anonymous 11/30/2019 (Sat) 12:01:19 Id: 95a7c7 No. 983

Why aren't we voting for Sanders or Warren just to accelerate the collapse of the US dollar to make sure it happens under a socialist president?

You know the saying, "There's no thing as permanent as a temporary government program?" Apply that to accelerationism (in the sense that accelerationists would argue that the high levels of socialism would only be temporary to "show how bad those policies are"), and that's pretty much why I don't understand accelerationism. Even if there's a
>why aren't we being niggers?
Accelerationism is for lazy failures that can't create anything on their own, so they convince themselves that indiscriminate destruction is productive. The people who start revolutions are rarely the ones who finish them, especially "people's revolutions." Further, in many ways, the left is far better prepared for a collapse than the right. Robbing the right of further time to prepare only benefits the left.
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>unironic accelerationism threads

Will chopping your arm make you a better fisherman?
The US dollar is going to collapse.
Do you REALLY want it happening under Trump?
We'd be royally fucked and never have any president even close to free market for many many years
>Otherwise, another possibility is you give socialists anything past a certain threshold of power and they manage to hang on to power anyways through sheer, unadulterated force for possibly an entire century or longer. C.f., North Korea, etc..
that wont happen in america
If the dollar completely collapses, we're royally fucked and won't have any kind of market for many, many years no matter who's President, and it makes more sense to emigrate at that point.

But I tell you what, I'll make you the following deal: if come November the yield curve is not inverted and a recession hasn't already happened, then I'll agree then that it at least makes sense to put a different president up as the fall-guy, and you should come here then to remind my sorry ass about this thread and what I just posted.
It's GOING to happen anyway.
let the salt climb to the skies tbh.
Because accelerationism isn't about making conditions poor enough that people want a revolution, it's about riling up people until they're ready for conflict regardless of current conditions. And Trump is doing a far better job of that than anyone else. Why the fuck does anyone think that getting in a gun-grabbing socialist to accelerate our decline is going to do anything other than make it harder to fight back. Stop with this nonsense. Especially since we all know they'll destroy the future to make their present look good.

>but I wouldn't be surprised if freedom is--in the aggregate--something you fight for and achieve slowly and surely, and not something you get after a violent upheavel
You're right, but this is impossible in our current state. The whole system is a byzantine monstrosity that will do anything to keep itself alive by crushing freedom. You can't build a house on rotten foundations. In my opinion we need a violent upheaval. You can say things get more socialist after revolutions and you may be right, but we are heading there anyway.
I hate democracy, I hate the criminals in charge, I hate our financial system, I hate our education system, I hate everything about our current system. Why not try to get a chance to fight and change it to how you want it to be. And just about everyone young seems to hate the current system; war will be our catharsis. A chance to purify the system. Our politicians are either criminals that need to be brought to justice or incompetent buffoons that need to be removed from power. I doubt many will have love for old systems when it's made public how many crimes occurred under it and something better is coming along. We need this violence, the chance to burn everything down, expose every secret, move on, and build something better.
You're an idiot.
Everyone, even right wingers think trump is a free market guy. Inb4 muh tariffs

When the market collapses it's going to be blamed on the free market instead of government intervention.

We need an actual socialist president to make things worse so people understand what has actually failed and rebel against the system.

Trump is a fucking disaster for the libertarian movement, he fucking killed us.
>In my opinion we need a violent upheaval
You should be praying every day that this doesn't happen. The real war you are talking about is already being fought right now. Any victories that hypothetical right-wing/libertarian forces might win in the future are being decided in the metaphysical battles of today, all the blood spilling that comes later is just to seal the deal.

Right now, not only are we outnumbered by leftists, but even if we outnumbered them initially, we would still lose simply because right-wing people are moral, and because we are moral we aren't prepared to do absolutely anything to win when it comes to a might = right scenario. I don't think you'd be prepared to ride into towns, take the women and children hostage while forcing the men to fight your battles, like the Bolsheviks did in the Russian Civil War, nor would you be prepared to partake in the kind of raiding and marauding that Sherman did in the American Civil War. The right just isn't prepared to lose its soul to win, our victories are either conditional or else they are worthless, but the left doesn't even need to win, it is okay with everyone else losing with it, it is only interested in dragging others to down to hell with it.

>We need an actual socialist president to make things worse so people understand what has actually failed and rebel against the system.
If people are so rational to learn from trial and error, why don't they already know that shit's fucked because of the growth of the state and the increasing amount of socialist policies? Or why haven't these rational people looked at North Korea, the USSR, the South American dictatorships and countless other socialist shitholes before repeating their mistakes? Likewise, if they are so rational, do you think they will not look back and do their research on who helped the socialists get into power, see libertarians on the list, and then write us off as another group of morons who led to the West's demise? Do you think the communist dictatorship of the future will not rewrite history anyway?

Let's not do dangerous things out of desperation. We still have a lot of options open to us. 10-20 years down the line we would look at these times with envy and wonder why we didn't take advantages of what opportunities we still had. You can achieve a lot even on your own if you're rich or creative enough, our real strength comes from the individual and not from the collective getting together and shouting for something loud enough, the real question is if you're willing to invest time or money for your cause and you're not just all talk.

Vote for Bernie you dumb fucks
If that's how human nature operated, democracy wouldn't have reared its head again after classical Athens and all socialist parties would have collapsed in 1991. Accelerationism is for retards and niggers.
For real though, you would think accelerationist theory would collapse the moment a history book is opened.
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Vote for LENIN you dumb fucks
It's the only way these fucking retards will learn from their mistakes as realize they are wrong.
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Vote for DIO you dumb fucks
It's the only way these fucking retards will learn from their mistakes as realize they are wrong.
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Vote for JOKER you dumb fucks
It's the only way these fucking retards will learn from their mistakes as realize they are wrong.
Vote for AQUA you dumb fucks
It's the only way these fucking retards will learn from their mistakes as realize they are wrong.
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Vote for CAIUS you dumb fucks
It's the only way these fucking retards will learn from their mistakes as realize they are wrong.
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Vote for YOUR MOM you dumb fucks
It's the only way these fucking retards will learn from their mistakes as realize they are wrong.
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Vote for JUSTIN CASTRO you0 dumb fucks
It's the only way these fucking retards will learn from their mistakes as realize they are wrong.
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Vote for ASUKA you dumb fucks
It's the only way these fucking retards will learn from their mistakes as realize they are so fucked up.
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Vote for GOD you dumb fucks
It's the only way these fucking retards will learn from their mistakes as realize they are wrong.
You have placed 'memes' onto such a high pedestal that it makes every post you make incredibly cringy. You're being too much of a tryhard about it. Milhouse is not a meme.
Cont'd: did you come straight over from Elizabeth Warren's meme team?
Obnoxious shitposting with stupid pictures on anime imageboards makes you tryhard and cringy? Thank God we don't have this shit on reddit.

LMAO, you're still seething? Take your anti-depressants, old man, this is not healthy for your heart.

Cont'd: No, I am Elizabeth Warren.
I'm sorry, but it looks like a corporate brand attempt to "get into memeing."

Who are you talking to?
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Ok chump, you got me, I'm a fraud, a tryhard, a poser, all my posts were a calculated attempt at manipulation, all my attached images were carefully chosen by a team of social engineers to subvert the youth with corporate sorcery. Jeez... what am I gonna do now? I guess Bob from the marketing department was full of shit after all. Maybe some Shrek memes could salvage the situation...

>Who are you talking to?
Don't play dumb, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
>>983 Voting for a commie jew? I don't think so.
shill thread
>Why aren't we accelerating the collapse of ...? Because it's better than nothing, and we've yet to complete an alternative. We're getting there, and when we get there, there won't be a need to collapse anything---if the alternative we make is better that the better-than-nothing crap we have now, people will switch. Because the crap we have now works, despite it's flaws, well enough to give us free time, we should use that time to work through to perfectly free alternatives.
Americans think that mandatory vaccines are wonderful because vaccines work, but what if the globalists mandated lethal injections for everybody? Would Americans just accept this? Would the elites ever be punished?
I hope this guy will become US president
>>5115 I'd like enough economic freedom so that there are businesses other than megacorps...
Libertarians must be obsessed about liberty now. Talk to people everywhere. Pass out flyers. Print out business cards. Make a website. Start a newspaper. Rent a billboard. Make songs and movies about freedom. You might be the last one defending freedom, but you must live with your conscience.

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