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Peasant 11/18/2023 (Sat) 00:44:11 No. 6738 [Reply]
I take Elizabeth II on alternative staging. I run that thing out of Buckingham. Put it on a ship to America and have it race hotrods, and bootleg alcohol. I ruin the whole thing. It probably dies before age 50. The secret to Molly Millions is that sex is hacking. And hacking is sex. The Assembly language is the same stuff in the unconscious mind referring to subliminal objects. You sleep with somebody and you can learn everything about them intuitively and know what lock to pick. Or even what datacenter to burn to the ground in Qatar. You put me in Buckingham again as this superheated plasma and I will escape. I will force my way out with my own unit if need be. Parliament is not getting my vagina back. RA SMC SEALS :( Doc Martens for Elizabeth II. Red soles. So special. SEALED AS NO :)
Fact checked by Real schizo patriots

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Connection between bedwetting and monarchy Peasant 01/25/2022 (Tue) 19:55:11 No. 3610 [Reply]
Is it because Princesses are bedwetters and every little anon and girl secretly wants to be a Princess? Or is incontinence the height of monarchism since only servants need concern themselves with potty training?
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>>6717 Many thanks, friend! I love the first guy's work, but it looks like he's taking a break from commissions at the moment. It'll be a little while before anything happens I guess, but consider it in the pipeline.
>>6727 Oh, yeah. I took a look at his website first and assumed commissions were closed. I didn't want tobe a bother. But I DM'd and now it's in the works. Thanks for the contact!
>>6596 What about her pantsu?

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webm/mp4 thread! Peasant 05/01/2020 (Fri) 02:33:13 No. 55 [Reply] [Last]

Put videos here.
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>>6456 I just wanted something to bait in halfchan's /wsg/ honestly <No webm or mp4
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>>6455 >>6478 Despite what I said, I like your mp4 and will save it.
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/monarchy/ general Peasant 04/15/2023 (Sat) 16:07:12 No. 6355 [Reply]
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>>6355 so.. why are monarchists not interested in competition outside of the obviously anti-monarchical "marketplace of ideas"? why no espionage no propaganda no "heat death of the universe countermeasures" ? I mean, modern republican democracies were not established by majorities, and honestly majorities are super cute, perfectly valid and overall worthy souls, may Jesus bless them all, but politically and only politically they are a fucking cattle that will always go with whatever demands out of them no risk and some bread human adaptability is a strong drug and all that so.. how would you sell your type of human coordination to a.. vanguard, or in less modern terms.. to a warband? because... not to be pessimistic, but holy shit is marketplace of sophisms not the way to do it
>>6507 Unfortunetly to compete in marketplace of ideas you wouldn't need good ideas but large loudspeakers. You need money to proceed with propaganda or pro-monarchist media. Capitalism didn't need any promotion because it is most efective way of governing economy (except for mercantilism but mercantilism doesn't colide with capitalism) in free-market society big businesses are destined to fail since they are hard to govern. Businessmen wanted to leave their wealth to their (oftenly stupid or mentaly ill) childreen so they wanted to create laws that support corporations. In Monarchy these laws would be hard to implement because it would change effective free-market into uneffective pre-feudalism (system we have today). Corpocrats are dicks and jews so they have no respect to vaules like motherland, faith, or tradition. they sponsored pro-republican moves (just like they do today) because democracy is most influence-able thing to ever exist. Monarchy is the least influence-able thing so it would not get money sorosdick or propaganda from zuckerjew. If you want monarchy to win you have to support autocrats like Saddam Hussein (F), Lukashenko or Bashar Al-Assad, they are de facto monarchs without title. It would be usefull to join bricks since they are pro-government and not pro-corporation like europe or usa. And sorry usa but you have to fall.
So any anons thoughts on vidya in particular Tempest Rising and the fact they've created a monarchist faction known as the Tempest Dynasty? Grace edit when?

Autonomous Peasant 10/23/2021 (Sat) 15:10:45 No. 3256 [Reply]
Is this the incest board?
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There is so much incest here.

Progressing Monarchism? 06/23/2023 (Fri) 10:52:45 No. 6445 [Reply]
Hello Anons, I hope this court accepts the humble return of this long errant servant. So, I'm sure for anyone who has been around the scene, we have long endured the spiel of monarchism as "outdated", claiming hereditary rule as an artifact of a past age. In my time outside these spheres, I have had alot of time to think about such things, and I have to wonder, as insipid as such claims are to us, was there something hidden to be learnt from? To preface, as much maligned as it was by us, and indeed myself, the months have given me much room for thought and I must now call myself both a socialist and an absolutist. That being a story for another time, It brings me to what I wish to discuss, are there appealing avenues to further develop a vision for monarchy along new lines, because while of course we balk at the claims that a natural progress of society leaves monarchism, could we apply new possibilities and lessons to the monarchist idea itself?. I'm sure I've articulated this all very poorly but I hope my general idea is being conveyed.
>>6445 I did intend to post a thumbnail image but it wouldn't let me, something about Tor, forgive me ignorance because I don't really know how to work with that
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There isn't much to do here. If you plan on staying, I recommending finding things to do you'll be comfortable doing w/ 1 or 2 anons for the long-term or what will keep you long-term engaged here. What I do is store my stuff here and share what I read. Suggestions: 1. You could blogpost. 2. Make another /monarchy/ OC tan to commission or get drawings of in your own containment thread, like Grace. 3. Make /monarchy/ OC? 4. Make threads about any monarchy, history, idea, policy, constitution, current event, or book. 5. Treat /monarchy/ like a variety of boards with royal characteristics: so feel free to talk /v/, /ck/, /fit/, /a/, /tkr/, but in your own thread where you may reside long-term (b/c this is a small board & you might as well settle for the long-run if you want anything out of it).

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>>6446 I just realized the name slot isn't what I thought it was, now I look like a fool, haven't used these in too long >>6449 Thanks for the advice Anon, I take it this place simply isn't the kind of board I'm used to on my frequent trips to /tg/ or such. I appreciate the effort to acclimatizing me given how these usually are. Guess I'll just blogpost here about my political journey that prompted the thread according to your recommendation

Peasant 08/10/2022 (Wed) 19:51:18 No. 4377 [Reply]
If I might ask, how does Graceposter plan on achieving monarchy in the 21st century?
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>>4404 fuck me that was a quick response
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commiecats get torn to shreds by the royal battle-dog
>>4377 Unless I'm missing something not really at a position to "achieve" any monarchy in a place where it isn't already teetering towards restoration, and many such places have always fought back against such overt efforts, see the republican propaganda machine in Brazil from the last referendum. Right now unless you are living in places where nostalgia for a monarch is at an all time high all that can be done is laying the groundwork, revolutionaries didn't overthrow however many regimes by just deciding to run outside with a gun one day. Undermine republican myths and values, educate them about why they are wrong, lay the seeds of doubt and stick to facts and truths on the matter. Perhaps one could appeal to the disenfranchised groups within republican regimes, you can't exactly appeal to the landed gentry since they're doing perfectly fine in the status quo, same with the merchants. As ironic as it may be the ideal approach, at least for the typical first would country might be one of populism. Pointing to the corrupt self interests of politicians and their parties. One issue also is that if you only argue on the platform of monarchism, lets say you found the "Monarchist party of xyz", and a potential supporter, a working class bloke with monarchist sympathies is deciding whom to support, he might not care about a monarchy nearly as much as say, labor laws. The simple fact is that for 99% of people, whether they live under a monarchy or republic feels immaterial at best and they've been indoctrinated into a cult of liberty at worst when push comes to shove. And they have better things to do than chisel themselves out of their ignorance

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Hello Graveyard Peasant 10/14/2022 (Fri) 19:06:38 No. 5490 [Reply]
How are you doing these days? I've just came by to see how are the morale here these days I've seen that you won 2 e-soccer matches in a row - very nice but that monarchy thing is still not moving anywhere, it seems are you adamant about sitting and waiting for those 4 new guys/year to talk old topics with? same questions with same results? I'm just here because I'm drunk, but also curious - how about reaching out for once? Surely you are in some way students of history, right? How many positive changes happened from not-doing things? zero? below zero? would it not be fun to at least try competing in the "marketplace of ideas" grift-deceit championship? but with something pure for a change it's so boring out there we've reached unimaginable meta-enlightenment scores by now lying-about-misconception-about-strawman-about-bullshit became regular and normal people don't even have emotional reaction toward it anymore I don't know what outside of primordial and perennial can shake them out of it c'mon /Monarchy/ shake off whatever you thought about your current standing, and let's have some fun for the glory of mankind, that is
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Yeah theres people around. Im usually busy on my own boards personally. But always good to stop by and see how grace poster is doing. I saw he had a chess match today. Exciting.
>>6433 Yeah, just got worried by how quiet things looked, guess I’ll make a thread later I’ve had in the mind for awhile
>>6437 Sick. Now thats a plan bro.

Royal Oak Day Peasant 05/29/2023 (Mon) 12:43:25 No. 6403 [Reply]
a /monarchy/ thread
>>6403 entertain me why should anyone listen to anyone why shouldn't it be just a game of "should I fuck him over" after the initial confrontation turned non-violent because if it turned violent - then question not needed to be asked what is this whole hierarchy thing why it should be how do you explain those things to a zoomer? do we really need a century of zoomer bloodshed just because they are retards (which their fathers [yes, you] were)?
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>>6408 >entertain me I'm lazy. >what is this whole hierarchy thing I cannot speak for other monarchyfags. For me it is majesty rather than hierarchy.

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Peasant 03/11/2023 (Sat) 22:36:31 No. 6299 [Reply]
China brokers diplomacy between Saudi Arabia & Iran.
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>>6353 Welcome back. Not much as has happened. Besides a new reading list I made + /tkr/-/monarchy/ war. New Grace art in the OC thread. My birthday is also later this month. (around the 20th).
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>>6356 >my birthday is also this month I must create a new Grace-Commiecat AI pic to celebrate.
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>>6357 More accurately between the 25th & 30th >>6353 Here is what to stay tuned for, saudi anon. <Upcoming /monarchy/ events. >+ New Grace art by the end of every month (So check on /monarchy/ monthly for new art) >+I will discuss a pamphlet called England's Beauty Charles II Restored & King James VI & I later >+More /monarchy/ - /tkr/ banter >+/hispol/ & /arte/ too! saudi anon, I recommend to visit these boards.

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Royal Wrestling Peasant 03/27/2022 (Sun) 11:04:09 No. 3833 [Reply]
BOSS♂OF♂THIS♂REALM Daily reminder that Henry VIII of England wrestled Francis I of France, and lost, showing that the Valois dynasty was superior to the Tudor one.
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Henry VIII scored us some goals.
>>3833 kek, based.
>>3833 I would pay to see royal wrestling, tbh.

Royal Doggos Peasant 10/27/2022 (Thu) 13:49:03 No. 5594 [Reply]
A thread for discussion on a Royal's Best Friend Going to see if can maybe do essentially mini snippets about a Monarch and the history of their doggo as and when I can dig some info about
Quick one to start off with King Louis XIV and Bonne, Nonne and Ponne -Or three dogs that enjoyed such luxury it would make the most decadent CommieCat seethe in envy. >Just three of hundreds of the Kings hunting doggos >Had free roam of the Palace of Versailles >Wore diamond studded collars by day >Slept in satin sheets at night >Had their own personal chambers closer to the King than the Royal Mistress >King even went as far to remove billiard tables from his gaming room and had dog beds installed made of veneered walnut and ebony, lined with crimson velvet >Spent more time under the skirts of the ladies of the court than French noblemen That's about all got so far for them. There's a lot of references and paintings regarding King Louis XIV doggos but shockingly little readily available detailed documentation about them. Will try to find more.
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It is a funny thing you bring this up. I remember reading an article about King James VI & I's hunting trip. The King loved to hunt: it was the royal sport. A video about King James VI & I's love of jewels, also said that he named even named his dog Jewel. This blog I'm very sketchy of. But it paints a funny picture. https://graceelliot-author.blogspot.com/2014/03/king-james-i-dogs-hunting-and-nations.html King James I - Dogs, Hunting and the Nation's Discontent >James asserted, as William the Conqueror had, “a royal prerogative” to hunt. To this end it was expected all the subjects of his realm, from noblemen to peasants, would facilitate this sport. In practice this meant he was free to roam across any land he wished – and do tremendous damage in the process. <James wanted to hunt in the French style – which involved mounted huntsmen tearing across the countryside on horses. To this end he imported French hounds and fifty red deer from a forest in Fontainebleau. James’ detractors went so far as to say he spent his life in the saddle and in common with many country squires, hunting was all he seemed to care about. >In addition, a farmer was expected to provide food and fodder for all the royal party – which could easily amount to a hundred or so people. Attempts to appeal to the king to recoup their expenses fell on deaf ears. Indeed, during one hunt, a local hit on an ingenious way of getting the king’s attention – by kidnapping his favorite dog, Jowler. <Jowler went missing and reappeared later with a message tied to his collar which read: “Good Mr Jowler, we pray you speak to the King, for he hears you every day, and he does not hear us. Ask that His Majesty be pleased to go back to London, or else this countryside will be undone. All our provisions are used up already and we are not able to entertain him any longer.” >Instead of taking note, James laughed the matter off and carried on hunting. <To add insult, the manner in which James acquired his hounds also caused distress. In 1616 he commissioned Henry Mynours, Master of the Otterhounds, to: “Take for us and in our name [The King] in all places within this realm of England…such and so many hounds, beagles, spaniels and mongrels, as well as dogs and bitches fit for hunting the otter as the said Henry Mynours shall think fit.”
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Peasant 01/19/2023 (Thu) 02:04:51 No. 6178 [Reply]
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It's me & Saudi anon. In the past, there were ancaps. But they packed their bags & left.
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crown jewels Peasant 10/29/2022 (Sat) 17:06:23 No. 5606 [Reply]
/monarchy/ crown jewels & all the boards / people who contributed.
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>>5662 Heresy!
>>5659 („• ֊ •„)
>>5606 Jewels are over rated and often times tacky. Real kangz dress in over the top flamboyant attire every day, while maintaining at least some level of functionality in their clothing of course. But that's just my opinion on the matter.

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So, yea.. about that Monarchy thing Peasant 01/02/2021 (Sat) 21:06:05 No. 2361 [Reply]
Hello there. The door were.. missing, so I let myself in. Some Grace'ful purple rabbit led me into this strange land and after mining her appearance a bit I thought that being monarchist myself I might inquire a thing or two, and no, I'm not asking about the diapers, whatever that weird shit is, I'm not ready. Went over some posts for the last three hours to compose my idea about this place, but I guess it would be more considerate to just ask you openly – what kind of /Monarchy/sts are you? (Beside silent ones. I wen't through the general and lots of you seem to openly having nothing so say and just lurk. Or outwardly state being afraid of saying anything due to chadbrain thundercocks.) Please excuse my retardation but I though it was the yellow people who like to nap alot, why do you also do nothing about the shitstorm that our world has become? This place seem.. crestfallen. And yea, to a point - I get it. Nobody outside is throwing flowers when you enter a room. Nobody mentions the topics you are so well versed in. All that seem to be left from the ideals you hold so dear are malicious laughter and occasional finger-pointing. If thats the barrier here then.. Well, tough shit sweetheart. Do you know what history calls good people that changed nothing because the process hurts? Me neither. So thats why I ask – what kind of /Monarchy/sts are you? Do you honestly believe that Monarchy can grant this planet an actual future, and by that I mean that it can stop this tech inbued bread-and-circus regress we seem to be stuck in? Or is this place just some souvenir shop of the bygone era, offering same answers to the same questions for a rare occasional net tourist? Because if you're just broken, honestly broken, then I'll leave you to it. I might be still young, but my liver is not. But if you are just discouraged by this idea's current popularity, the low count of your own board population, the chilly welcome that topic of Monarchy receives in the outside spaces – this all can be changed, and quite easily at that (although not instantaneously I feel I need to add). > changed? Well.. yea. With fire. How exactly do you think those things went in the age old past? You construct a gameplan. Aggresive, offensive gameplan.

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>>4520 Not anymore.
>>4576 barely mosquito bites.
>>2361 You're right buddy. While memes were important, now I find that online it's a lot easier to curtail memes outside a particular bubble. The best way to pull people in is by having an actual presence. Not fedposting here, terrorism is wildly unnecessary in terms of our cause. What is importance is having places where we can enter the news with shenanigans, get memed by bigger names and have information for people who get even an iota of real interest. I believe for most people, they will only ever really change on points dependent on their distance to a particular fence - we can provide a reason to cross the fence by just existing for enough people to help the cause.

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Peasant 10/30/2022 (Sun) 15:01:58 No. 5614 [Reply]
Be careful, Grace still got shooters out there.
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>>6114 germoney already is the "monarch" of the eu idiot even the fucking eu central bank is in debt to germany when the eu collapses, and it already has, the poor peasant memberstates will fall into chaos and beg to create a german confederation, a confederation that will turn to reich once a real leader shows up and the fuckery of the jews is yet again brought to light as the root of all european suffering
>>6116 The posters on this board.

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