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Grace OC REDUX Peasant 05/18/2024 (Sat) 01:27:16 No. 7054 [Reply] [Last]
/monarchy/ board tan: Grace
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8moe interboard games Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 14:14:39 No. 7044 [Reply]
A thread for 8moe community games! at /monarchy/
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If we ever go back to /icup/ again, these anthems we'll use.

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/monarchy/ is invited to the 3rd 8moe Duels Soulcalibur 6 tournie. You are welcome to add another character (if you want) or re-roll your character's fighting style fighting style. The event is being hosted at >>>/icup/5943 It will be sometime this upcoming weekend.

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8moe /b/ embassy Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 13:53:37 No. 7042 [Reply]
/b/-/monarchy/ embassy
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I was touched when you made this thread. Still am I guess. I never really got to know you, but I did enjoy interacting when we did. You helped make this place fun sometimes y'know? Well. Anyways. I am going and I won't be back. No one's fault, nothing anyone said or did. It's just something that happened, and it means I won't be around on this earth much longer. I don't wanna spend that time moderating. Take care your royal highness. And may God bless you and all your future endeavors. Goodbye.
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>>7346 This sounds very bad. I hope for any potential recovery or mitigation if possible. I feel sorry you're leaving the community b/c you were a pillar to 8moe and the funposting that happened here. >I was touched when you made this thread. Still am I guess. You helped introduce me to the 8moe community & other jannies & to use the BO name. & participated in so many events. & helped in so many ways. I did very little and I was surprised you stuck around since there wasn't much on this board to offer except the notes I'd scrawl out in my containment thread from my personal studies & inner thoughts and frustrations and autism. Besides the OC & mingling with the other boards. I tried to be more comfy to be around and more interesting personality, but the way I think and act, maybe through a force of habit, inhibits me from being a better funposter to be around. Speaking for myself, I think I'm gradually self-improving and learning to be a better funposting that I'll eventually be able to bring this board out of simply being a place for political tirades & blogposting into being something better. I feel I've mastered my own politics enough to move into more brevity & soul than trying to desperately and autistically explain everything like a leftist meme, & I know that is a personal flaw of mine I've grown over the years here. ... I try to be a better poster and bring more fun to the table. >I was touched when you made this thread. I thought about promoting you to a Duke to honor you earlier, but felt you preferred the namesake of Baron. That & the bronyposting really amused me. >You helped make this place fun sometimes y'know? I thought about hosting another event next weekend (if you're still interested somehow).

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/tkr/ embassy Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 13:06:56 No. 7038 [Reply]
/tkr/-/monarchy/ embassy
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>>7328 And a simpler alt
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/tkr/ loses to Grace in a tickle fight.

/hispol/ embassy Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 13:11:24 No. 7039 [Reply]
/hispol/-/monarchy/ embassy
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Esther and her best friends. Colour version HD coming soon...
Now, I promised: Esther and her best friends Avellana of /av/, Grace of /monarchy/ and Lila of /tkr/ Colour version and HD

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/leftypol/ embassy Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 13:38:46 No. 7041 [Reply]
leftypol.org-/monarchy/ embassy
Leftypol has an embassy here? If we can have constitutional monarchies that are liberal democracies, why can't we have constitutional monarchies that are socialist huh? What's wrong with that?
>>7248 leftypol also has a royal colony on their site also I'd argue as a commie that it's possible for an absolute monarchy to be socialist, the monarchs would have to read and practice marxist theory, which is unlikely to happen. also a socialist monarchy would be way better to have than any capitalist republic. >why can't we have constitutional monarchies that are socialist huh? we can, just very unlikely. >What's wrong with that? I see no issue with it tbh instead of republics or monarchies, another alternate structure of power would be of worker's councils that would be unified nation-wide to manage an entire country, thousands or even millions of worker councils would manage a country instead of a republic or a monarchy.

Peasant 06/23/2023 (Fri) 06:09:25 No. 6435 [Reply] [Last]
grace containment thread p2
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Rousseau says he would have been a Royalist, if he could accept the supposition of Royalist writings... that likens domestic to civil government.

♔ Read a Book ♔ Peasant 05/01/2020 (Fri) 01:16:48 No. 22 [Reply] [Last]

Reading Thread.
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This should be helpful.

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Peasant 09/05/2022 (Mon) 05:05:28 No. 4915 [Reply] [Last]
graceposter containment thread
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>>6741 >your IP is from a known spammer Well guess TOR not working.
Anyone noticed that Graceposter basically disappeared once King Charles took to the throne?

Royal Court Tyrant 01/31/2021 (Sun) 10:48:52 No. 2450 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /monarchy/ Board /monarchy/ King: 5th King Volunteers: sangvinivs Titles: - Baron, dubbed Baron Adventurer, awarded for service in the /tkr/-/monarchy/ war, by the 5th King
Edited last time by Ramses_the_Great on 11/05/2022 (Sat) 04:45:37.
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>>7438 I assume you're referring to >>7436 That was me. I am very much a newfag. My only other posting in /monarchy/ was >>6998 Based on the culture section of picrel, I had assumed it was normal to use Aristocrat. Based on the 2 reactions I've had here, apparently that's a thing of the past. It's a fun idea nonetheless. I'm sorry if I got your hopes up; maybe I should stop using this name. Also, while I'm responding, I prefer the new logo because I feel it gives off a truly royal aura, unlike the old logo, which was more generic(although also more humorous).
>>7454 It has been roughly 3 years. Right now I have namechanged from Ramses II to 8corgi as 5th King. 5th King name is officially 8corgi now.
Edited last time by 8corgi on 08/13/2024 (Tue) 14:02:47.

/monarchy/ logo 5th King Board owner 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:12:44 No. 7368 [Reply]
New & approved logo for the board.
>>7368 based

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/monarchy/ general 2.0 Peasant 11/24/2020 (Tue) 19:56:53 No. 2288 [Reply] [Last]
For general discussion again.
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>>6956 >came here to ask hypothetical questions idk monarchists don't like standard hypotheticals or silly and incredulous >what if questions
>>6957 ? Oh you were responding to someone in particular on here. Sorry just saw your post on the front page, and came to say hi. Well hope that other guys leaves you alone if hes bugging you then. Well. Have a great day man.
What is your lörs onion on America bringing democracy to third world countries?

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New Official & Canon Grace Design up-to-date Peasant 05/17/2024 (Fri) 06:20:48 No. 7035 [Reply]
This is canonically Grace now. Grace wears new black pants & footwear. (if anyone draws or commissions a pic of Grace).

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Saudi National Day 09/23/2021 (Thu) 03:57:48 No. 2894 [Reply]
Today is the 89th anniversary of the founding of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, one of the last absolute monarchies on earth
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>>3037 Pure kino
Would be nothing without White tech. They'll be brought back to camel hoarding whether they like it or not.
>>3051 Gemerald

How did you become a monarchist? Peasant 11/28/2020 (Sat) 03:27:22 No. 2298 [Reply]
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>>2926 >>2925 Grace chan is a /monarchy/ board tan. inb4 plebs say "that's how I became a monarchist"
>>2298 After seeing my country be raped by the 'republic' that's in place and seeing my people suffer for it, a monarchy just seems to be the best case scenario. Someone invested and with a real incentive to be a good ruler is preferable to some prick who only cares for his 4 to 8 years then he can run with the money.
>>2298 (OP) >how did? By being disappointed with all other political models and then being disgusted by current "monarchy". I want something epic, legendary, grounded in both the past and the future, and I want it to feel divinely inspired.

Why Emperors are better than Kings Peasant 01/04/2024 (Thu) 11:16:07 No. 6803 [Reply]
A true Emperor will have the capability to establish a dynasty that will last generations since to become Emperor one must be both military and politically savvy, understanding the needs of both the plebs and elite. They know what it is to seize opportunity and rise through merit alone. An Emperor can also be elected and groom their successor as opposed to inheriting the title as a product of inbreeding. This is why history may remember Kings and Queens but is is Emperors who shake the world.
>>6803 >Emperor >they/their LOL

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