/rule34/ - Rule34

If it exists, there's porn of it.

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elena of avalor Anonymous 04/02/2022 (Sat) 04:10:09 No. 2823 [Reply]

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Zazan Hentai Anonymous 03/09/2022 (Wed) 15:06:59 No. 2551 [Reply]
Hentai of a characters from the hunterxhunter anime

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Rtenzo/Ero-enzo Thread 11/06/2021 (Sat) 23:50:14 No. 1695 [Reply]
Dump all of Rtenzo hentai pics right here
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Well boys, rtenzo just released some new previews in his website
Looks like the new previews didn't show some description and it's more of a mystery pics, really like how they look, there's more in his website

Why was the board down? Anonymous 02/02/2022 (Wed) 03:50:02 No. 2268 [Reply]
The board has been missing for days so what happened?
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This board (among several others) will without a doubt die a slow death if the admin doesn't implement a better solution. Disabling hotlinking not just to images but entire boards is not a "minor hurdle" but a major one. 8moe I believe has the same host as Gelbooru. Here's how they work around this same issue: by having people toggle on an option to see the content (without having to sign in to an account) which saves a cookie to bypass the block. https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=account&s=options I think you can do even simpler than what Gelbooru does (where they have people go to a separate page to flip a toggle) while still maintaining the "minor hurdle" definition. I propose for the "contentious boards" disabling hotlinking to all images as they are right now, re-enabling hotlinking to these boards, and changing the way thumbnailing works such that there are two sets of thumbnails: blurred or mosaic pixelated thumbnails (whichever algorithm is faster, don't remember) and normal thumbnails. For all users by default they see the blurred/pixelated thumbnails. When a user clicks a thumbnail a dialogue box should appear stating that contentious content is blocked by default and asking if the user would like to enable it by flipping a toggle. After the user flips on the toggle, a cookie is saved with this information, he can see the normal thumbnails and full images and visiting hotlinks to these images is also enabled. Or in other words, it's like having an account on Sad Panda / Sankaku, but using Gelbooru's approach of using a cookie instead of an account. Ask the admin about this. If the admin refuses to simplify this hurdle I suggest finding a new home for /rule34/, maybe talk to the other board owners like >>>/loli/ , >>>/ss/ and so on about it too. I would suggest banding together and chipping in to hosting your own imageboard for these boards (and also ask for BTC donations on this new site to help cover hosting) with the same web host. Use vichan instead of Lynxchan, the first one is very easy to code in custom features from my experience, the latter is extremely overengineered and difficult to add new features like the above I mentioned. If you folks go ahead with this idea and need help with server/site administration, general PHP/vichan development, caching, security, etc. let me know.
>>2317 Scratch the two sets of thumbnails idea, a client-side Javascript filter that blurs thumbnails would be infinitely easier. Then it would work the same way, you click the blurred thumbnail, and you get a dialogue box as I mentioned showing you a toggle that would get you a cookie that removes the blur filter and enables hotlinking. This would still follow the "minor hurdle" requirement. I believe Derpibooru also uses the same web host, you don't need an account, Gelbooru is not the only site that uses the cookie approach, see: https://derpibooru.org/filters Let the admin know I can write this for him if he's too busy or w/e, this ain't rocket science, don't want money etc. I already offered helping make the webring with no response >>>/site/4709 . I might just install Lynxchan soon on a VM to implement this and show a working example and source code.
>>2317 There's very very few places that will take us.

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Mystery AR Sequence Anonymous 02/11/2022 (Fri) 16:30:28 No. 2361 [Reply]
Would anyone have the AR sequence that comes after this image? I've only found them on a previous archive close to crap quality, which I've up-scaled badly just for display purposes. I've collected on my own that the image is on DeviantArt by someone named bbmbbf. The link's below, but the other parts are missing. https://www.deviantart.com/bbmbbf/art/Fam-325392893?comment=1%3A325392893%3A3737737516

Mobius Unleashed 12/22/2021 (Wed) 05:19:53 No. 2047 [Reply]
Due to all the images in 8kun are gone forever, the updates will be moved to here, as well as xbooru.com. As always, all Sonic-related content is welcome here.
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write faggotry thread Anonymous 01/02/2022 (Sun) 12:40:57 No. 2131 [Reply]
fan fiction, erotica, written lewd stories anything write/post/share/critique written pornography
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Peni parker Anonymous 12/10/2021 (Fri) 06:24:30 No. 1992 [Reply]
All Peni Parker Art Anything
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Blargsnarf's Art Archive Site is dead... Anonymous 12/22/2021 (Wed) 01:07:58 No. 2043 [Reply]
Welp, the worst has finally happened. On October 27, 2021, Blargsnarf's 2007–2021 Art Archive Site was completely fucking nuked. Does anybody have Blargsnarf's email address so I can contact and tell him why that happened?

Jojo's NiggdirNiggdir 11/27/2021 (Sat) 18:24:52 No. 1907 [Reply]
Rule34 Pannacotta Fugo?

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Unusual pairings Anonymous 11/21/2021 (Sun) 21:51:11 No. 1834 [Reply] >>1835 >>1877
I'll go first.
>>1834 Absolutely based.
>>1834 I must admit. Not my proudest fap.
>>1877 There are worse things out there to purge the coinpurse to.

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Jay Marvel hentai Jay Marvel porn 04/26/2021 (Mon) 00:04:37 No. 694 [Reply] [Last]
Does someone know a discord or has access to Jay marvel's dropbox and would be willing to share?
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love this art
dc comic
Does anyone have the new cameron and kelsie pages?

RelatedGuy Anonymous 10/12/2021 (Tue) 18:27:31 No. 1599 [Reply] >>1791
This artist recently passed away, so I'm going to post his Total Drama Island art I have saved.
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Aw he died. Bummer
how do you know that >>1599 does he have a blog or something?

Samurai Jack Rule34 06/01/2020 (Mon) 20:32:56 No. 178 [Reply] [Last]
Just nuts and bolts
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>>224 >>225 >sample_ why do you do this? hell, second pic on >>224 was already posted bigger and animated as >>217 first
>>1665 Because I was just dumping my folder.

Mangamaster Anything Max 09/19/2021 (Sun) 20:08:21 No. 1479 [Reply] >>1481
All Mangamaster Art
>>1479 We have a thread at >>1083 for mangamaster's art. This is a duplicate thread.

Pokemon SWSH Anonymous 08/28/2020 (Fri) 00:10:28 No. 288 [Reply]
I love the girls and allister from these games My favorites being Bea, Nessa and Sonia Let's have a thread about Sword and Shield porn
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Allister and Bea are featured in this crossover tale: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33275248 yes it's futa

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