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Official 8chan Site Meta. (Bring bug reports, complaints, and requests here)

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/wsj/ - Weekly Shonen Jump

8chan.moe is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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General Purpose 8chan Sitewide Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 05/12/2022 (Thu) 02:37:48 Id: 9b4131 No. 5423
This cyclical thread is for all of the following: Bug Reports General Help 8chan Tech Support Board Migrations Suggestions and Feature Requests Global Site Announcements Transparency Reports General Site Meta Discussion Summoning the Admins Specific meta threads on this board and elsewhere are deprecated. If something is really important or urgent it may get its own sticky, otherwise post in here.
soyjak raid at /zoo/
>>9633 The splash page thing is back. I've encountered it twice tonight.
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>>9665 Was coming here to post this. I was trying to post and kept getting an "error parsing response" or something. The response to the reply POST was the disclaimer kek
Why Redchannit is still deactivated if we can post via TOR?
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>splash page time out happens >click on AGREE AND WISH TO PROCEED link >just directs me to a naked captcha image in the browser O-OK
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Global Rule #4 Third party tools, psyops Ruling14: Top Board rank manipulation. BO of board >>>/mex/ is suspected of using vpn and proxies to illegally increase traffic on the board, it has been identified that he promotes psyops on another board (/hisparefugio/) BO user of board >>>/mex/ opens an average of 15-20 threads daily compared to the most popular board on the imageboard (hisparefugio) which only opens around 5 threads a day (this last one being the one with the highest traffic on the entire site, the numbers do not match)
>>9673 >spic shit No one gives a shit taconigger
>>9674 spam+shitpost+psyops=allowed ok tranny
>>9675 Spic = subhuman = second class citizen BEGONE TACO
And is junior idol accepted? It is legal in Japan
Hi, I'm hoping my email can be manually verified since the email verification system seems to be broken.
>>9677 No.
I know mobile is not a priority but there is an issue with the splashscreen not redirecting properly After accepting the rules, it tries to connect to https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/confirmed.html but (at least the latest versions of Firefox) return a connection failed error.
>>>/site/ A thread has disappeared and it's showing 404 error. The thread was not deleted. https://8chan.moe/nunubua/res/623.html
>>9683 A DMCA takedown was sent by an agent of the Indian government. No ban was issued, but the content was deleted.
>>9686 POO
Any update on making the UID count more accurate? I remember you said it was under reporting the figures by 80%
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Why is when I try to download image or webm on this site with wget, it turn out to be this html warning file that I'm receiving instead of real file. Is there a way to download things with wget on this site? [code] <!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <title>Terms of Service</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link href="/.static/css/global.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <header> <img src="/.static/logo.png" class="logoImg" alt="logo"> </header> <div class="titleWrapper"> <fieldset class="titleFieldset"> <legend>Terms of Service</legend> <h1>Welcome to 8chan!~moe</h1> <hr> <p> </p><h2>You must agree to follow all site rules:</h2> <p></p> <ol start="0"> <li>Exceptional situations may justify exceptional solutions.</li> <li>Users are forbidden from posting, receiving, or transmitting content that is illegal under applicable laws. This site does not provide a platform for illegal activity of any kind.</li> <li>Images or any other kind of media depicting the sexual abuse of real children is explicitly forbidden and will be reported to law enforcement. Additionally "jailbait" and other borderline content are prohibited. This content is defined as: <ol type="a"> <li>Any depiction of a real child regardless of original context, legality, or public display, that is posted in any sort of context that is sexualized, sexually suggestive, or otherwise intended to elicit arousal.</li> <li>Realistic art or 3DCG images based on real children that are sexualized as per above.</li> </ol></li> All depictions of fictitious characters are 18+ years of age regardless of any contradicting textual description(s). Legal, fictional 2D or 3DCG artwork is not prohibited and is not to be conflated with pedophilia or any content banned under this rule. <li>Board Ownership and User Accounts are granted and maintained at the discretion of the site administration. Severe abuse, neglect, or mishandling of your board, its rules, or its users may result in its loss or reassignment.</li> <li>Users are prohibited from any activity, including the use of third party tools or scripts, that damages the site or its functions. This includes but is not limited to spamming, flooding, phishing, psyops, hacking, denial of service and other attacks, and bot programs or other unauthorized software.</li> <li>You must be 18 years of age or older to browse this website.</li> <li>Do not post NSFW material on SFW marked boards unless it is spoilered.</li> </ol> <h2>Disclaimer and Terms of Service</h2> <p>This site and its administration claim no responsibility for what users post to our platform. Pursuant to US Law we make a good-faith effort to remove content which we believe in good faith to be unlawful. No individual may use our site to post content in violation of applicable laws, especially those of the United States of America. By browsing this site you agree to accept any and all risks to your computer, data, and self, you agree to abide by the Global Rules of the site, and you further agree to hold harmless and indemnify all service providers, partners, staff, owners, administration, and volunteers of this site to the greatest possible extent permitted under law for any and all content that you create, post, share, experience, download, execute, or are otherwise exposed to. <br> </p><h1><a href="/.static/pages/confirmed.html">I AGREE AND WISH TO PROCEED</a></h1><a href="/.static/pages/confirmed.html"> <p></p> </a></fieldset><a href="/.static/pages/confirmed.html"> </a></div><a href="/.static/pages/confirmed.html"> </a></body></html> [code]
>>9689 My guess is that you need to load the TOS cookie. superuser.com/questions/666167/how-do-i-use-firefox-cookies-with-wget
moe down, why?, maintenance?
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Can someone please explain these circled-in things in /loli/?
>>9690 I dont use firefox anon. Why is this site even need a TOS cookie in order to download simple things.
>>9695 because without it the resident AIDS pedo could archive CP on archive.is , i think
>>9695 It's the same principle for chrome, just figure out how to get the TOS cookie properly formatted into cookies.txt and use it with wget. I gave you more than enough information required to figure it out on your own.
Please raise the Tor file limit just a little. Give us 15MB or at least 10MB. This is a huge pain in the ass. And give it a unique message while you're at it.
>>9698 But all you do with it is post cp
>>9699 You seem to be mistaking me for someone else. I just want to be able to post all of a series of furshit in a single post.
>>9700 Okay, ONE TIME, ONE ANON, used tor file posting productively. Simply the exception which proves the rule.
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>>9688 Not yet. IRL we're all super busy, so the site is coasting until we get the time and energy to work on it. Thats definitely on the list though. >>9689 Splash block. There's a reason why the system keys off the name of the cookie rather than using a set cookie name with a unique session value: I wanted anons to be able to bypass it if they're doing archival scripts or other generally good things. Its only meant to stop malicious and automated systems. To bypass it, just load the site in your browser, get the TOS cookie manually, then check your browser console/storage/cookies and get the name of the cookie (it changes every few days) and manually add the http.Cookie header with a cookie of that name to your requests in whatever script or tool, and poof, you're in until the cookie changes. >>9696 Correct. See the rulings compendium thread for the full explanation. >>9698 >>9700 >>9701 The file limit is about network bandwidth integrity rather than content. Shit goes weird on Tor when people are making large uploads. I'll consider raising it a little bit but I'm going to experiment first to see if there's a good threshold. I admit I picked 8MB arbitrarily just because thats what old 8ch had.
>>9702 >I'll consider raising it a little bit but I'm going to experiment first to see if there's a good threshold. I admit I picked 8MB arbitrarily just because thats what old 8ch had. Thanks for considering it Acid.
>>9702 Would you consider some of the posts in the Orange Box thread for future updates? We're still not on feature parity with 8chan prime.
>>9702 >>9671 Answer me plz.
>>9705 Its being replaced with an upgrade. Try https://8chan.redchannit.xyz
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There are soyjaks plotting another raid on 8moe. https://soyjak.party/soy/thread/8655330.html Heads up.
>>9707 Did they get tricked by LCP again?
>>9698 I was just coming here to complain about the lack of proper error message. I kept getting some generic message and tried a bunch of different things that didn't work until the only thing left was trying to debug the issue and then I saw the actual reason in the developer tools. It can't be that hard to get the proper message to the user. >>9702 > I'll consider raising it a little bit That would be welcomed too. I used to encode a lot of stuff to upload to threads so having more space is always nice.

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