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site history thread Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 19:35:49 Id: 7e2a05 No. 7215
for spoonfeeding newfriends just made this shit because I didn't feel this would really go well in other threads or places and I wanted to help some people who wanted to contriboot plus people can post their own moments/caps, memes and OC and whatnot, since I'd have to go digging through my old HDD to find the good shit Its also impossible for one person to describe a site's history, I'll do my best with regards to certain specific events and things, but I'm not a "perfect anon"
>>7958 >missing boards of 8kun ?? Do you mean the missing boards of 8chan Prime? Prior to the launching of 8kun, Jim had for weeks, asked BOs who wanted their boards backed up to shoot him an email and he would back up the board on the new site. All the boards that are gone are from those whose BOs never asked Jim to back their boards up either because they moved to a bunker, wanted nothing to do with the new castrated 8kun or simply because the board was abandoned for a really long time and there was no one to take up the mantle. >site removed most of the images and replaced them with static ones Jim is a retard and while he backed up the threads from the boards that did request to be migrated over, he didn't do so for any of the files, hence the 404 or die files in place of these lost files. Also, 8kun is a broken heap of shit that goes down every other week so more files keep getting lost whenever the site goes back up only for it to inevitably go back down again because Jim doesnt need to care about improving the site when all it's original users have abandoned it and Qniggers have no where left to go to circlejerk over their imaginary superfed but Jim's grift site where he fleeces them of their money kek.
>>7960 Wow. And I thought the "join or 404" crap was because of the loli/shota ban...
>>7960 Well, this is interesting. Speaking of this "broken heap of shit," how's it doing right now compared to 8chan.moe? I don't want to burn my eyes looking at that cursed placeholder image again...
>>7960 Just how much of a retard is this Jim Watkins right now?
>>7960 >BOs who wanted their boards backed up to shoot him an email and he would back up the board on the new site That's bullshit, I shoot him an email but he didn't back up my board, which sucks. >>7977 The only active board is /qresearch/, not even their /pol/ equivalent has a substantial amount of users, and even though that board has something like 4000 users they post repetitive nonsensical shit, not even chatgpt delivers that kind of messages so I'm pretty sure most or them actually are straight up bots.
>>8176 What kind of "nonsensical shit" are they posting? The new "Guidance" link mystifies me... I wonder if even Jim Watkins mentioned 8kun is currently dead...
>>8179 Go ahead and check their /qresearch/ by yourself if you are so interested. Most of their messages look like random text generated by a bot, and there isn't a single reminiscence of discussion, which for a over a 1000 users board is totally bullshit. It's obvious Jim filled that board with bots posting the same shit over and over again because he didn't want to admit his boomer circlejerk died long ago. Heck, even their /pnd/ board no longer has activity, if /qresearch/ had organic activity that wouldn't be the case.
>>8185 When I went to /qresearch/, all I found was stuff that looked like something a HUMAN or CHIMPANZEE on a typewriter would type, not "guidfyyvrngiifdsumcugfdcoigdmcocos" or something like that. (...Except for something about Trump...) Also why didn't Wikipedia mention >>7960?
>>8179 When I said the new "Guidance" link mystified me, I meant did the link probably mention what you say at >>7960 or not?
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/trapshota/ will forever be remembered for this.
>>8265 Also, why and how did the Hispachan boards suddenly pop up here?
>>8310 Long story short, their site died and since a lot of people already had bunkers over here they decided to migrate.
>>8331 How can your site die when you're still using it?
>>8419 What are you talking about?
>>8421 I meant, "How could Hispachan's old site possibly die when they were still using it?"
>>8422 Well their admin was a faggot who shut the site down because he didn't feel like running it anymore.
>>8422 Well, /hisrol/ moved here when they were kicked out, that's why they were here before Hispachan was put to sleep. That's one of the main reasons why everybody picked this place as bunker.
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I’m a bit curious on what’s going on, and what is *zzzchan* I’d ask about the history but I don’t want to make a bad impression. And what do they enjoy so much, like 8moe enjoys freedom and truth so much
>>8524 They're former members of this /v/ who hate the BO of so they splintered to their own website. At this stage, it's impossible to tell if the shitflingers are actual users of either board or just troublemakers. For all the talk of rivalry the two boards (and their sites) have more in common than with anywhere else. Culturally they and all of their boards are /v/-centric since the users are all predominantly /v/ users. Both sites are hated by the remnants of /cow/, alongside any other boards that traditionally have a problem with /v/ users. Someone in this /v/'s meta was saying there's some kind of drama with a moderator over there. It's unclear if that's just bait to start a board wars argument or if there's actually something happening. In either case most users think the board wars thing is dumb and find the people engaging in it obnoxious.
>>8422 It started when hispachan retarded admin deleted a few boards there.
>>7960 >>8532 I have no idea who was the most retarded by now.
>>8533 It's a hard competition. I'd say Jim is less of a fag compared to Loan because he has the mindset of a capitalist pig; his plans don't make sense but AT LEAST you can tell he tries to profit from qboomer cattle. Loan, on the other hand is a hormonal tranny who ditched his whole userbase out of pure autistic meltdown and nowadays only his Discord circlejerk, which is composed by, like, four exmods and a teenager zoomer who very likely he groomed; still follows him
So what was the argument in >>5243 at 1/22/24 about?
>>8926 Whoops! I meant the General Purpose 8chan Sitewide Meta Thread!
>>8927 tl;dr fag was outed out of smuglo for being a fag and he came here crying acting he's the victim
>>8935 "F. A. G.?" I don't know who "F. A. G." is, but I looked up smuglo. It's a loli board seems pretty nice...
>>8949 By fag I mean the /news/ owner. Smuglo is a retards circlejerk, by the way; you'll quickly realise only rulecucked seasonal anime obsessed manchildren post there.
Is the shota board/shotakot dead? I hope not... Also how did this tor fileposting pause thing happen/could this be the reason /sm/ is dying?
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>>9003 >claim to provide a platform for the marginalized >betray the most marginalized community that would benefit most from your platform and tell them they have no place here >all your boards involving that community wither away and die
>>9006 I have no idea which question you're answering to.
>>9007 ...or whatever any of >>9006 means.
>>9008 ...or where the heck the board owner went to. Do you have his contact information at least? Or /delicious/?
>>9009 ...or what that image you posted is called.
>>9003 He's fine and still an asshole. And finally get fuckt pedos.
>>9042 >I covered myself in shit and now no one will come near me get fucked yeah you're a real winner alright.
>>9043 So you don't want his AIM name then?

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