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Chubby Shota Thread Anon 04/10/2021 (Sat) 10:06:21 No. 4818
Post chubby shotas! Plump shota, chubby shota, fat baby bellies, etc. If they're big and round or soft and squishy please post them here.
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Anyone have this?
>>12197 a-woof, he's thicker then a block of clay and hotter then a playground slide on a sunny day he's got me drooling like a river with my eyes bulging out of my head like a slinky
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>>15460 >Nudist Chubby long-haired tribal shota God that's just the best. The way he must flaunt his soft jiggly body, exposing his willy and anus to everyone without a care.
Anyone here on 2024?
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Rare chubby shota from an artist that hasn't drawn them before. Artist is Tanaka Tarou
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>>6513 Anyone know who this artist is?
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>>19373 Hinahara Hajime or sometimes you can also find him as Hinahara Yashiki. He does a lot of chubby shota content, you can find most of his stuff on exhentai or kemono
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Anyone have favorite chubby shota artists? This is Moki
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>>19516 It has to be Hinahara Hajime for me, the attention to detail is just outstanding
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