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Legal Shota 11/08/2024 (Fri) 16:50:51 No. 5704 [Reply]
Is chilchuck the poster boy for legal shotas?

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/ss/ General Thread NotADemon Board owner 06/10/2021 (Thu) 00:54:14 No. 348 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for: >Smaller amounts of media that don't warrant their own thread. >General discussion. >General source requests. This thread is NOT for: >Large dumps of media that warrant their own thread. >Source requests for media relevant to a different thread, it's better to ask for the source in that thread.
Edited last time by NotADemon on 05/30/2022 (Mon) 07:58:09.
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And a happy early Halloween
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>>5634 Alts

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3D Anonymous 05/01/2021 (Sat) 00:16:45 No. 147 [Reply] [Last]
Since it's allowed now
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Anyone can update latest stuff from Anesha
>Randra's been getting more and more used to taking care of orders from these needy little shotas, but this time the demand was near instant on him coming home. He brought her straight up to his bedroom so he could let out a warm load deep inside. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123624097

Shotafication Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 11:01:32 No. 4565 [Reply]
This thread is for posting male characters in media turned into shotas
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I know there's one where, with the use of an accidental drug ingestion, a quarreling husband and wife are alternately turned into loli and shota versions of themselves who have sex with their still-adult versions of themselves and then make up and stay together. Can't remember the name.

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/ss/ games? /ss/ games! Anonymous 06/06/2021 (Sun) 02:10:22 No. 323 [Reply] [Last]
Lets have a thread for all games /ss/ related! Played some /ss/ game recently? post it here! Working on an /ss/ game? post it here! Got ideas for an /ss/ game? post it here! Let me start by posting a few I know about. First is probably the most popular recent /ss/ western game. Insexual awakening. Play as a little dude, play minigames, fuck your family and whoever else crosses your path https://f95zone.to/threads/insexual-awakening-v1-0-sex-curse-studio.13421/ https://mega.nz/file/SGYzzKRT#c2mKtFDO43zCWGtUPkSIgWEkWLDRafiIIQDRd_RCvr4
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>>1871 Holy fuck I want this so much. There are so little female protagonist shota games...
>>2927 I'm stuck on 5-2. I've defeated both the angels and the succubi, and brought their items to Eva. She just keeps saying "lead the way now, boy". I have no idea where else I can go or what I can do to progress the story
>>6465 *Not 5-2, 6-2 emergency report 2

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/ss/ Stable Diffusion (AI Generated /ss/) Anonymous 08/06/2023 (Sun) 06:48:35 No. 2756 [Reply] [Last]
Here are some AI generated shota images I was able to create with stable diffusion, will write up how to do it if there's interest.
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i'm a begginer, i created this on tensor.art using autism mix and waiponyxl mostly, hope you like them,

Multi-panel timelapse Anonymous 07/15/2024 (Mon) 11:33:25 No. 4896 [Reply]
When /ss/ continues for hours. Source: [Kiraku] kajibariki BroCon Ane Natsuki Hen
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[Kazumiya (Arisu Kazumi)] Chiyuki Onee-san ga Yasashiku Shiboritocchau Hon | Chiyuki Onee-san Gently Milks Me Dry [Kakurenbo (Danimaru)] Onee-chan ga Ecchi na Koto bakka Suru kara... | My older sister only does obscene things...
[Fry Dish (Jakko)] Goshujin-sama no Ochinchin wa Yuzurenai

Suddenly sexual Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 16:57:09 No. 5559 [Reply]
When things get sexual quickly and earlier than expected. [Rapurando] Osananajimi no Mama to Toilet de Mechakucha Sex Shita

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Furry x Shota Anonymous 05/02/2021 (Sun) 17:10:16 No. 152 [Reply] [Last]
Furry females with human or furry shotas.
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New from Norgate
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so where am I supposed to easily search for human shota on female furry now that e621 became massive faggots? just pixiv?

Anonymous 09/28/2024 (Sat) 06:44:12 No. 5408 [Reply]
does anyone has Flim13 videos or a file with all of them
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>>5425 ah thanks for the reply
>>5426 didn't know that that helps a lot it even works for when i don't have account so that is a plus
>>5425 There are 4 main videos and the rest are just variations of them, but they're not only some of the hottest ss ever, they're some of the hottest videos ever in general. He should make way, way more content

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Trapped Inside Her Anonymous 09/30/2023 (Sat) 11:04:10 No. 3340 [Reply]
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Not inside but still activates the same neurons. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122808520

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