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/ss/ Meta Thread NotADemon Board owner 04/24/2021 (Sat) 05:07:47 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /ss/! This board is dedicated to sharing and discussing straight shotacon hentai! This thread is for meta discussion of the /ss/ board, its rules and its moderation. Feel free to post any potential banners in this thread. Max size 1MB, Resolution 300px by 100px. Resources /sm/ thread with list of sites and platforms, with most also having straight shota content: >>>/sm/4523 Directory of straight shota doujin artists: https://load.blogs.allthefallen.moe/top-straight-shota-artists/
Edited last time by NotADemon on 06/08/2022 (Wed) 18:17:14.
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what's the rule on sharing session/matrix? would love to chat to some people on here
>>6196 Added, thanks. >>6204 Not familiar with those specifically, but it should be fine to share handles in the same way I've allowed discord server links. So long as you don't break any global or board rules, don't spam them, and keep your posts contained to relevant threads.

/ss/ General Thread #2 NotADemon Board owner 10/30/2024 (Wed) 06:04:45 No. 5656 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for: >Smaller amounts of media that don't warrant their own thread. >General discussion. >General source requests. This thread is NOT for: >Large dumps of media that warrant their own thread. >Source requests for media relevant to a different thread, it's better to ask for the source in that thread. Previous Thread: >>348
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>>6461 What happened?
>>6462 From what I've read, their image host dropped them.
Oops forgot image

Shota polygamy Anonymous 11/14/2022 (Mon) 04:13:09 No. 2025 [Reply] [Last]
Shotas with multiple women.
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>>6420 AW, man I hope it's not too late but it's from [JACK-POT (Jyura)] Sister Complex
>>6456 Thanks

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/ss/ Stable Diffusion #2 Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 16:33:06 No. 5816 [Reply] [Last]
https://8chan.moe/ss/res/2756.html previous thread which is bump locked. reuploading since i fucked up and put subject tile in name
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>>6446 instructions unclear
>>6447 Instructions mostly followed, shota must be trapped inside lopunny's bunny bodysuit
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Elves and other humanoid races Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 09:29:10 No. 3038 [Reply]
[In The Sky (Nakano Sora)] Chotto dake Ai ga Omoi Dark Elf ga Isekai kara Oikakete Kita | A slightly pushy dark elf chased me from another world - https://nhentai.net/g/347363/
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>>5457 >>5662 Here you go
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>Razoba had been using the services of this particular shota to gather alchemical materials for her recently instead of Diridel. The little elf had been wondering why Raz would use someone so inexperienced. Diri just had to assume the risk of pregnancy wasn't that important. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123780227

>>6330 Does it count as incest when he never has these two fuck or even remotely get close?
>>6378 Of course. We even have an sfw thread where we sometimes post things that aren't remotely suggestive.

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Shotacon stories you’d like to see Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 03:12:18 No. 5863 [Reply] >>6224
Post story ideas you’d like to see put to print or on the big screen. ——— I’d love to see a serious story about a bold and teasing big sister putting the moves on her timid younger brother.
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>>5863 I have this idea of a La Llorna x cult survivor kid. So kid was part of a 'free love' cult turned doomsday cult, who survived the commune kool-aiding themselves and got put into child custody. He's pretty devastated and haven't got fully deprogrammed yet, so he believes he still needs to die. But being a kid who doesn't understand how suicide works, he remembered the legend of La Llorna, thinking she would be the one to eat him and get him where his family is. So, he ran away from the foster home (they neglected him anyways) to look for La Llorna... and actually found her in a haunted house. Only to find out she doesn't eat people. And is kinda nice to the kid once she listened to his story. So he starts living with La Llorna and found out her tragic backstory: she used to be mother of two who died in a car accident, looking for her missing kids. But over time she melds into the legend of La Llorna, and she had killed lost children in the past. So, they live together, and over time the kid starts to think less of dying to get where his family went, and La Llorna started to think he's her missing kid. But this is where it got dangerous; La Llorna's murderous side is triggered when she fully thinks he's her kid. But the kid then got a bright idea: what if he doesn't become her kid? He remembered some rituals the cult used to do, and La Llorna agrees to do it with him to save the kid. Lo and behold, they're sexual rituals. The kid manages to surprise La Llorna - and even overpower her due to the ritual actually working. Her mind races, between thinking him as her child and thinking of him as her lover... and with each of his mystical thrusts, La Llorna came to think of him as her lover. Could be good for a mini-comic, how's that?
>>6224 >La Llorna Llorona* Could at least get the name right. Not a terrible idea, reminds me of that Hachishaku-sama
I want one of those typical sleazy hentai where orcs invade the kingdom and defeat the high ranking lady warriors and take them and their female leaders prisoner and do all kinds of depraved shit. Real mean spirited stuff. Kuroino and taimanin asagi type stuff. Except the villan isn't some buff warlord, it's just a spoiled perverted prince that inherited the throne when he was in a very freaky nasty phase of youth. He doesn't want to conquer for more land, he just wants to force warrior women to do kinky shit for him. Maybe his whole army is also shotas who share his mindset. I just want aggressive, unrestrained shotadom in a stupid fantasy setting.

Professional x Shota Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 12:13:11 No. 4543 [Reply]
Teachers, Nurses, Police Officers, Sex Workers etc. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117736946
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/ss/ in non-hentai Anonymous 11/07/2023 (Tue) 14:04:43 No. 3641 [Reply] [Last]
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Jijou wo Shiranai Tenkousei ga Guigui Kuru Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon (They are not the focus of the story but have decent amount of screent time.) Saikin Yatotta Maid ga Ayashii Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai (Demon lord reincarnated in a ten year old's body.)
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Came across this webcomic, not knowing Kemuri Haku made a piece from it. Can't understand what it says but I can tell its very cute. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103465749 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103277282 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/110945183
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Yor and her little brother. i wish i was her little brother and she would rape me as i cry and beg her to stop hurting me. but she's to into it and wont listen to me
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Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi Episode 11 30sec of "which one do you want to play with today?" "this lifestyle is a little too debauched" also a nun is raped in Ep 1 lol

Young Love Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 10:06:48 No. 2879 [Reply] [Last]
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Happy Mother’s Day Anonymous 05/15/2023 (Mon) 02:37:33 No. 2396 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is dedicated to mother/son straight shotacon and also to the discussion of real life mother/son incest and the evolutionary and psychosocial advantages of mother/son incest and inbreeding.
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>>6190 this is amazing, it makes me so happy yet so sad... i wish i was loved as a child anyways thank you for this, this helps me feel a little bit better

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