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Why does EVERY website have to adopt some shit new interface? Anonymous 02/21/2023 (Tue) 21:09:45 No. 11633
For those who haven't heard, MobyGames recently update their site's UI (Primarily to be more "compatible" with phones), and it's trash and looks like shit, no one can find what they want, but the site admins have no plans of reverting anything. Why does EVERY website do this?
>MobyGames Holy shit, that's a design disaster. So bland and generic and WHITE.
You answered your own question. They do it to be more "mobile friendly". The damage that smartphones have done to web design is underestimated, in my opinion.
>>11633 Bosses don't understand tech. If you make a great website and aren't spending forever working on it for every single second you get fired for not working. The solution? The workers create new halfassed "features" all the time in order for some idiot upstairs to think they've got everyone slaving away.

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