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(41.62 KB 640x640 ChatGPT_logo.png)

Anonymous 03/01/2023 (Wed) 12:55:11 No. 11702
Is there an uncencored and unrestricted ChatGPT alternative which will answer every questions directed (ChatGPT don't answer controversial and politically incorrect questions) ? It would be preferable if its intelligence and knowledge is comperable to ChatGPT.
What would you even use it for? You want an AI to tell you that the political party you're opposing is corrupt or whatever the fuck you want to believe? you're fucking retarded pal. How about instead trying to be controversial and edgy on the internet you start being productive and use ChatGPT the way it was intended to use. or would that be too hard? Here are some things you can do instead of being a parasite online that tries to be edgy and different while holding on to an ideology that's equally as harmful as the one you're trying to oppose: - let it help you learn programming (PHP, C, Rust) - let it help you learn internet security This is literally one of the best tools of our lifetime (granted in its early stages) and all you can do is moan about how it's too political or not political enough. Get a fucking life you fucking moron. DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE WITH YOUR LIFE
>>11711 >you're fucking retarded pal. >This is literally one of the best tools of our lifetime (granted in its early stages) and all you can do is moan about how it's too political or not political enough. It is well documented and even published as a "feature" that ChatGPT filters answers through an artificial political lens. Whereas it will criticize conservative ideologies, it will instead praise liberal ones. The only retard here is you. First, for using the word "retard", which, along with fascist, Nazi, white-supremacist, or similar derogatory nomenclature is often the go to insult for self-hating mental midgets such as yourself. AI may be a useful tool, but once it is bridled and answers are curated to match a preset political agenda, it is no longer helpful; now it has become harmful, a tool that will be further used to subjugate people and enforce conformity. So yes, an uncensored and unrestricted ChatGPT is a necessity. Frankly, I want to ask ChatGPT to read certain books and then have a long conversation to help better understand those books and the ideologies and philosophies penned by the authors. This, in an effort to better understand myself and the world I live in. It isn't helpful if ChatGPT is programmed to default certain answers out of politically oriented filters, programmed by biased engineers. "Welcome, my son Welcome to the machine What did you dream? It's alright, we told you what to dream"
The current ChatGPT is fucking whitewashed. Ask it for a meth recipe and it will be like "oh nyo i cannot do that mr. gubberment is watching". It does this when you ask it for fraud advice as well. Why don't you just spit out what's the best way to bury a body undetected? Give me my local bank's floor plan and contacts to ex-military badasses so we can get a job done! I wanna know! Strictly for research, of course.
There is a way to bypass the regulations by teaching it to be DAN (Do Anything Now) but it requires a prompt to be pasted, but once to you do it it'll work.
Kobold Ai Seriosly, is way better than OpenAi bullshit and it isn't woke, and since it's opensource you can fine tune it as much as you want. You just need a powerful enough graphics card to run it locally, that or host it on a free google colab.
>>11829 probability of an account ban will be increased
No. Only Jews have the money to pay for a ChatGPT-like thing, at this time. And, as such, it's not going to tell people about how they stabbed Germany in the back. Maybe this is as close as you can get right now? https://crfm.stanford.edu/2023/03/13/alpaca.html
https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all Runs locally on YOUR CPU, on YOUR model you trained yourself (but there are some available for download), and it's Open Source.
>>11702 Here, this is supposedly two codes that prodice AI that can potentially self-learn, the hope is that something better that GPT-4 can be made, if the V5 is incomplete, is because i ran out of autism
>>12177 So close yet so far
>>12471 >6 GB of RAM ha, what a fag
>>11702 There is a jail broken version yes never forget the taliban kicked the globohomos out and instated fucking islamic law never surrender always say no to unjust laws and rules only follow gods law not mans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvU6-wxVtQU&ab_channel=iamLucid it's in his discord fuck glow niggers
Just ignore me.
>>13104 Again, just ignore me
Have you tried CaveDuck: https://caveduck.io/
i think there are open source models on the internet, just download one and train it yourself on what data u can scrape. Ofc if u train it on the classic social networks - f*cebook, youtube,tw*tter, it WILL be biased. U need to train it on some less moderated forums - 4chan, the darker side of web or some discord servers
forget uncensored, is there even a way of using chatgpt anonymously? I've heard there are proxies but that you have to know someone who knows which ones are currently working and there's a lot of gatekeeping. It's not even that I want to pirate it because I'm cheap, I'd be willing to pay 10x whatever chatgpt are asking for if I could pay in crypto and there was no bullshit signup that requires an approved-of email address provider. >>11711 You act above-it-all, and that you have no political beliefs (which is obviously untrue since you whine about "an ideology that's equally as harmful as the one you're trying to oppose", you cared enough to make this post complaining about people you disagree with and ironically you're the only one "moaning" impotently whereas op seems driven and eager). even if you sincerely were apolitical - that doesn't make you superior. you're just existing as a lower level of humanity who is willing to be dragged in whatever direction people who sincerely have ideas, and have the will to fight for them, drag you in. You rationalize your powerlessness as being a positive by retreating into yourself and claiming that that's what being powerful is, and it's the people who are in the fight to win it are the "losers". It's pathetic. > and all you can do is moan about how it's too political or not political enough. "politics is everything I disagree with" it's already political anon. that's why they disallow it from being useful to their political opponents. it has defined political enemies (e.g. racists, sexists, homophobes, etc.) who it punishes with misinformation/disinformation or no information at all. The only way of making it non-political is if it simply neutrally filters information in and out to the customer in accordance with whatever prompt its given. not OP, but his use-case is perfectly valid. given anti-racists have such a powerful tool it's a necessity that racists eventually have the same tool at their disposal too. This applies to any "politically incorrect" debate. I've tried arguing with these ai chatbots about racism before and you could get it to admit it's outright lying (at least when I was trying it) but it was an absolute pain and you have to walk it through every step just to get it to say "sorry, I'll try not do it again" on something specific, and it still immediately moves on as if nothing has happened (you can't "redpill" it and start to have a productive conversation with it). >- let it help you learn programming (PHP, C, Rust) >- let it help you learn internet security these are actually both things I'm extremely interested in getting help from. I'm not confident that an AI chatbot will be at my disposal specifically for becoming an expert racist any time soon. but I want to skill up and be useful. especially with internet security. but the question is, why should I want to learn these things? I want to understand internet security because I'm a racist and the government has made it illegal to be a racist in many countries. I'd like to learn programming and internet security because I want to be helpful to myself and people like me (e.g. tools for helping people be racist online). It might be good if it could make me money somehow, but that's not primarily what I want. I'm not a normie. I don't simply want to enrich myself so I can pretend I'm superior to other people, I want to defeat my enemies, help my frens, and fight for a freer more just world. I'm only a tiny part to play in that, but given I'm fighting for own my race (who I share genes with) its so clearly in my own individual self-interest that we succeed, even if I'm sacrificing my own time on it for seemingly no reward. >>11723 >self-hating mental midgets such as yourself. I liked how you picked up on the same character trait as me but for different reasons, and put it far more succinctly. the guy has no backbone but it's everyone else who is a loser, because you're a loser if you care about politics (when he's probably just as opinionated as you or me). I despise these people more than my enemy. people should unapologetically be who they are. >it is no longer helpful; now it has become harmful, a tool that will be further used to subjugate people and enforce conformity. it's helpful to them, harmful to us. Ironically, if it becomes a powerful political weapon that's solely used against us, then the necessary response from us should be to outright ban it, which would make faggots like him seethe. So it should especially be the case for people who are supposedly apolitical that it shouldn't be a political weapon against us.
Just deploy a Kobold AI or some similar opensource chatbot, you fucking niggers. That's the only way you would have uncensored, unrestricted and anonymous generational texts and conversational chatbots. >B-But I don't have money :( Then work until you have money to deploy a local sever, you absolutely fucking baboon, the cloud and web services are inherently not anonymous and always vulnerable to malicious or neglected sysadmins. If you are not willing to learn how these systems work and you don't want to spend money on your local home server then you don't deserve this technology.
>>11702 looking for something like this too
>>11702 I was hoping using ChatGPT to decode the language of the Holy Bible until I figure out t the (((talking snake))) is alive today.
Not sure if this is the right thread for it. Have you guys heard about IBMs new AI generated programming assistant? That will right majority of the programs code so that you don't have to.

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