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Zeronet Anonymous 01/03/2022 (Mon) 10:15:10 No. 6936
Why did Zeronet never take off?
A lot of people had misconceptions of what it was and how it worked, and when they realized that everything they did was tied to an ID and their IP, they got spooked. Turning everything into a torrent is just not conducive to anonymous discussions.
>>6937 Why did everything need to be tied to an ID? And why were there 'identity providers' instead of just letting everyone use a public/private keypair?
>>7870 Because people started spamming Zerochan and making cheeze pizza boards, which is an issue because Zeronet downloads everything. So, people demanded that there by a system implemented for the purposes of blocking the spam from being downloaded. In addition, the very way that Zeronet works is that it logs everyone who posts on the site, even before the ID system, so the only way to remain anonymous is to browse the site through Tor. And, the result was that the site slowed to a crawl, and everyone jumped ship the moment the webring came into existence.
bitcoin non-sense and it being not really anonymous. If you want the same concept but well implemented, try Freenet.
>>6936 good logo = glow-ware
>>6937 >>7870 Because in order to let you talk to people, you have to be able to reach their computer. It's no different than how 8moe is only anonymous between posters. The server has to be able to see you or else you wouldn't be able to post on the site. And with Zeronet being decentralized, there is no master server to keep track of anything, so each site had to independently issue an identity key so that it could talk to your computer. Those keys are trivially easy to delete and request, which makes spam impossible to limit. Furthermore, being decentralized means there are no mods and no mod tools for the removal of spam - each user has to delete it from his or her copy themselves, which is a lot of work. tl;dr imagine 8moe being spammed across every board at a rate of two to four thousands posts per hour, 24 hours a day, there are no mods, and you can only hide one post at a time. Zerochan was forced to use a third party ID service that limited users to 1 ID per IP address to stop the spam, but the damage was already done.
>>8378 Thanks anon. I wonder if proof of work could solve the spam problem. That's how Aether does it. >>7872 Wouldn't solve the CP problem though.
>>8378 >polite sage - I just don't want to necro-bump this I'm not on here (Mark's site) that often, but let me clarify my observations regarding 08chan: > 08chan started and everything was going okay, I guess. Everyone was getting used to the 'site.' > Some trannies wrote a bot that spammed the /pol/ catalog with random IDs. > Reporters were nabbing users' IP addresses because the users were stupid and didn't use a vpn or tor and 'shills' started spreading an attitude of demoralization that the 'site' was unusable and that they were over-paranoid. > Things were put in place by 'zero-site owner' to stop the catalog spammer. > everyone was psyopped into believing that they were downloading Democrat activism unknowingly, when in fact, if you stuck to /pol/ for example, you would only download /pol/-related images. > people started leaving > dwindled to nearly nothing > one or two people were still poasting > one person posting > ded pretty much in that order
>>6937 >>6936 also you could modify files on the network to spread malware

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