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Apple M1 arm-linux-gnueabi Anonymous 03/30/2022 (Wed) 12:08:25 No. 7961
Has anyone used?
Fucking die bozo

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https://odysee.com/@NatTuck:9/nat-mnt-reform-unboxing:9 >>7961 >Has anyone used? Can't say I have because out of principle I'd never give ///cr-Apple\\\ my shekels directly but if I was given one for free I'd be willing to try Linux Gnueabi out. But I'd rather hypothetically support less shitty companies and get a MNT Reform made by autistic Krauts if I ever really needed an ARM CPU thing that badly for whatever reason but I don't really need it and as shit as what I have now (((Intel i7))) is it does what I need it to do for the most part. Hence directly though, I do actually own an old iMac because the school I used go to was going to through a bunch of them out out and they allowed me to take one home with me so I lugged one on the bus. But yeah just keep that in mind, Apple isn't the only company making ARM based laptops in fact there's quite a few. https://www.slant.co/topics/15760/~notebooks-based-on-arm-processors#2

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