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i hate xiaomi so much bros Anonymous 07/22/2022 (Fri) 07:33:20 No. 8927
>xiaomi says that you can unlock bootloader with their tool >make xiaomi account and do all the stuff you must do to unlock device >download windows because the tool is only available in windows >device not getting recognized >connect xiaomi device with 3 different pcs (win 10 and 11) and download a bunch of drivers >still nothing >a guy in a forum says that you must do it in win 7 and it will work for sure >download win 7 >install win 7 in my pc >wont boot at all >it was my only usb so now i must go to a friends house to download linux iso >chink goverment got all my data. location, number, etc. I HATE XIAOMI AND CHINAS GOVERMENT COCKSUCKING YELLOW NIGGERS. NEVER BUYING CHINKSHIT AGAIN!!!!!!
>device still locked
People still use reddit spacing in 2022? Anyway for future reference you should use Ventoy, then you can have Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch etc all on one flash drive
For me its Samsung.
>>8936 Moron idiot there is no such thing as Reddit spacing also reddit website cry more.
>>8927 don't get chinese shit, it just spies on you so that the yellow niggers can collect all of your data. buy a phone with a properly unlockable bootloader like a pixel or something similar. NEVER buy chink shit.
Down here in Huezil, Xiaomi seems to be quite popular because it's the most affordable brand with good specs and good build quality. But most people still prefer to pay more for Motorola or Samsung, as they're known brands with local support.
>>8936 neck yourself, shitbrain
You should have bought a Google Pixel phone. It's trivial to unlock.
>>9118 They should spend their shekels on something besides a premium smartphone. Food and gas are gonna get more expensive soon.
>>8995 Reddit spacing is when you format posts like a retard, and your posts check out.
>>9039 Jewish hands wrote this post
>>9374 Complaining about reddit spacing is dumb. Using paragraphs instead of walls of text is superior. But white space makes things more readable. Attack the argument, not the spacing.
>>11688 It's not about your formatting per se, it's about you not conforming to imageboard culture. The locals think you're an annoying tourist and want you to either assimilate properly or go back home.
>>8927 > He bought chinkshit You fell for the meme. Sure you can get lucky sometimes, but mostly for anything that needs to be reliable, chinkshit is shit. Plain and simple.
>>8927 Did you get the right drivers? Also I why not just use a VM? Or buy a temp sim.

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