>In order to achieve a more natural, realistic feel to the exotic levels like ruins and jungles, the core members of the Sonic Team traveled to Americas. The Team's journey began in the northern part of the peninsula in the Chichen Itza, from there the team traveled southward along the Eastern side of the Peninsula where they also visited Cancun, Tulum and finally Tikal. The team then left the peninsula traveling down through Central America, into South America, Peru, where they visited Cuzco, Machu Picchu and then Ica. The Chichen Itza and Tikal provided the aesthetics concept of the Shrine of Knuckles's race, Chaos and the serpents drawing on the walls of the temple; Cancun and Tulum provided the concept of Emerald Coast; Cuzco provided the Chaos Emerald Altar; Machu Picchu provided the design of Windy Valley; Ica provided the the aesthetics for Sand Hill.[18] However, the trip was not all fun and games, the team having unexpected encounters with giant spiders, snakes, and reportedly Yuji Naka becoming ill at one point. At the end of it all, the team returned to Japan in one piece, full of enthusiasm to create the game.