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Mage: the ascension Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 09:21:39 No. 330
So this game exists.
So magic exists, or used to anyway. Let's back up. So let us say that all mages are conmen of sorts, and back during the Renaissance a mage had an idea. What if this science shit was real? Because in this world it isn't. Physics don't really work that way. Machines exist purely because he conned people into believing they did work. And all the belief in magic, fairies, demons, and everything else disappeared. And so it went. And every year practicing magic became harder and harder. This old conman created what is now known as the technocracy. Not by the man on street mind you, no only those in the know are even aware of the ridiculous origins of "science". But so it went until the modern day. Where you the storyteller and player come in. You are a mage. A practitioner of that which everyone can tell you isn't real. And so it's tough. But you keep on. Sabotaging technocracy projects, engaging other sorcerers. Gaining belief. Whatever.
>>359 I have a long standing theory all the humans are extinct in Old World of Darkness.
>>364 It honestly wouldn't surprise me. Theres like a hundred playable species that look human but aren't.
I'd like to make a new world of darkness, one that is centered on mage and changeling (which are the two lines most compatible in the old world of darkness), but which structures everything so that it's all nice a categorized: Basically, the supernaturals are all split into four factions three that more or less correspond to one of the triat and serve antagonist roles. Mages: The Marauders. Changelings: The Mad. Mages: Technocracy. Changelings: Dauntain. Mages: Nephandi. Changelings: The Thallain. Wyld Factions seek a world were instead of one collectively agreed upon reality, everyone has a reality of their own, over which they have absolute power, everything goes as everyone lives mostly in their own world, even as they interact with one another. There is no separation between fantasy and reality, everything is supernatural as natural laws become a subjective matter, as such, the dreaming undergoes a similar fracturing, and each shard of it becomes much stronger, there's no distinction between imagination and reality, both become one and the same. Weaver Factions Want the opposite, to tighten the consensus by removing all dissent, to purge the supernatural from the world and convert it all to the natural, a world such as this is one where free will is gone, and everyone acts purely out of logic and reason, and other species act purely on the evolutionary instincts to propagate their genes. Towards a world were human ability is maximized, the human race loses all individual distinctiveness, and people are basically turned into machines which act in a predictable manner, working towards the same personal goals by the most efficient route. Freedom, Individuality, and Magic are purged, to make way for safety, unity, and science, as for supernaturals, they are converted into "normal" humans, without any memory of their supernatural pasts. The Wyrm Factions want to just hit the reset button, return everything back to the primordialism from which it came, and hope that the next time the world will be better, they long for the end of all things, so that a new beginning can occur, they look around at the world of darkness and see it as being irredeemable and beyond hope of salvaging, while they may be the stereotypical "evil" faction due to all the atrocities they commit, they do not see themselves with way, it doesn't matter what they do, as it's all just gonna be reset anyway, the end of restarting reality justify the means by which they achieve such a goal, they also point out that they are never senselessly evil, every wicked act they do is a step towards their ultimate goals, those who fall out of line and into pure hedonistic behavior are getting caught up in the world their factions seeks to destroy, thus sustaining it, so if they torture you, it shouldn't be out of deriving sadistic pleasure from the act. In practice though, they tend to draw in all manner of sickos just looking for an excuse to indulge in wickedness and gain infernal power as a reward for such deeds. Note that all three antagonist factions have a goal that is terrifying to those who do not share their views, and all three of these goals require horrific acts of evil in their service. The last faction is the player faction, who represents a balance between the forces. For example, The mage traditions practice magic that imposes their will upon the world, but they also ground their magic in the beliefs people have about how magic is done in reality or fiction, and they hide their magic, living before human eyes as normals, lastly, they try to clean up the evil and corruption of the word as best they can, to make it a better place, without the need to completely give up on it.
>>472 Yeah man whatever that sounds fun. So when you wanna play?
>>476 Seriously name a day retard.

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>>472 >>476 I'd also be down to play under 2 conditions: -No Discord. -We use the Streetfighter Roleplaying Game/WoD: Combat rules for fights. Also, if we can gather enough people to support a group I'll start dedicating time to hashing out the details of the Darkstalkers Space Opera Campaign I've been wanting to run.
>>858 Could be fun.
>>858 >darkstalkers space opera Doesn't really sounds like WoD but I commend your creativity.
>>862 I mainly want to use the Streetfighter/WoD: Combat rules since they look pretty fun and since WoD already has books for all the scary movie monsters that the characters/races in Darkstalkers originated from it seemed pretty logical to use them. That being said, the setting would be the not terribly fleshed out one from the Capcom franchise extrapolated to a pulp (mostly) hard sci-fi future where neither technology nor supernatural entities have destroyed human society. There'd be some contrivances to support that pulp feel (ship artificial gravity, FTL comms and "propulsion", forcefields, etc.) but the technology would otherwise be grounded in current scientific theory and principles. "Supernaturals" would be recognized sophonts whose strange abilities mostly seem to defy completely scientific explanation which has caused a multitude of different (sometime competing) hypothesese, adding an element of magic and mystery into the equation. That being said, I'm not going to invest time into fleshing out these ideas and doing the necessary research into all the associated WoD materials if no one is going to play it. Hindsight being 20/20, I did not realize when I originally posted that I was replying to posts close to a year old, fuck your Negromancy e9d3b0!
>>867 Its my thread. And im still here. and so is the other guy who is curious about playing. So yeah. 1 year. 6 years. it doesnt matter. I am always here.

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