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Card Based Video Games. Anonymous 05/12/2022 (Thu) 04:18:20 No. 464
I want to talk about video games centered around card games like Master Duels, PSX's digimon card game, and so on. Got any interesting games you want to talk about. Simulations like Chaotic recode and Yugioh Pro may count as well since they're technically video games. Video Related is Open Batoru, a card game simulator for a Japanese card game called Wixoss.
(224.56 KB 1006x720 Open Batoru Update 2.mp4)

(538.32 KB 1310x720 Open Batoru Update 1.mp4)

>>464 Update on Open! Batoru with two videos showing small effect updates.
The webbrowser client for wixoss is still active for anyone interested. http://we-aatrox.top:7777/
>>535 Update, the game's going to be released soon for testing purposes this weekend considering the length for developing this game. https://nitter.poast.org/OpenBatoru/status/1774492263646638478#m https://archive.is/fOTSW

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