/tg/ - Traditional Games

For roleplaying games, board games and card games

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(424.31 KB 772x684 Dice.png)

Favourite Dice Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 12:06:12 Id: ad85fc No. 897
My favourite dice is d12. I wish more games used it.
(68.20 KB 933x700 D3.jpg)

>I wish more games used it. What about those weird die, like D3s? I've seen these before, but I've never seen a game that actually uses them.
>>922 I have seen games use D3, Thing is most people just use a D6 for them. I don't even think my local friendly gameshop sells them.
>>923 I should specify, I have seen them used a lot for wargaming. Roleplaying games practically never uses them.

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