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Artists (you) hate 7: memebitard returns. its DQ 09/04/2023 (Mon) 15:58:40 Id: e21b94 No. 52517
previous thread >>44739 start discussing
Okay, I know this is fucking random, but I've just been losing my mind trying to get a victory with the tainted lost for way too long and seeing OP all of a sudden felt like my brain had finally cracked and memes were talking to me directly.
>>52518 55 consecutive tries without beating It Lives? Bro just give up wtf
>>52518 My guy try another character
>>52518 i'm going to jump into Isaac right the fuck now and just win a T.lost run to dab on you.
>>52524 i can explain. anima sola delays the death of frozen eternal flies.
>imagine posting in the DQ made Artist Hate thread >after he steals $500 from his followers after lying This is the real non-namefag infested Artist hate thread. you guys know what to do
heres the full post incase you want to see it >a strange man with a cough >a secluded part of an area >doesnt realize that the paypal and bank app auto logs you out and makes you log in every time >lost "about" $400, somehow not sure on the amount despite being able to check it >doesnt just check what email the money was sent to to report them to the police, even if it was a burner account, you need to link a bank acc or card to it to get the money out congrats on being the actual worst liar and stealing money from the few people who like you
Sex with melusines
Fuck how do you delete posts
"And then he saw nothing." >>52520 I was going for dogma/the beast, actually. >>52523 FUCK IT, WE BALL FUCK IT, WE BALL FUCK IT, WE BALL >>52526 HA! What a fucking loser! My god, I can't even imagine the shame! Everybody, look at him! Look at him and point and laugh! Early glowing hourglass and mid run ghost pepper carried me so fucking bad.
>>52532 >>52533 need i say more?
>>52544 Isn't this like 40 cents?
>>52544 >transfer to bank account so you DO have the guys bank account then, and it wasnt sent to a burner like you had claimed when someone asked you. why did you feel the need to lie about that? >reembolsado >means refunded in english so you WERE lying about paypal refusing to cancel the transactions. so even though you got the money refunded to you on the SAME DAY, and you STILL took $500 from other people. great job outing yourself retard great job outing yourself retard.
>>52544 >>52555 >transferred to bank account so you're telling me, this mugger knew his WHOLE bank account number off the top of his head and told you to type it in.... this is getting fishier by the second
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>>52551 it's about 380$ >>52555 no. i had to go to paypal to ask for the refund and stop the transaction, they asked me for my CC (Cedula de ciudadania) and a picture of myself, after a while they told me that it'd be refunded if-and only if-the burner account's name didn't match to my own, and it didn't, so i got my money back. >>52557 he stole my phone. with my paypal app. an app that logs on automatically. and yes i had to give him my phone or i would get shanked. i don't know what's so hard to understand about this. the guy told me to walk the other way and to not try to follow him, and he had his own phone which i assume had his own banking information.
>>52544 >columbia My condolences
>>52559 >I asked for a refund and PayPal told me to fuck off is very very different than >I asked them to cancel the transaction and they asked for my ID and said they would cancel it this is the third time you've changed the story so far. keep going, I'm sure it'll change again.
>>52562 "update on your case we've finished revising your case about an unsolicited and unaproved movement and we've come to the conclussion that this movement was approved of." "Case: dismissed Thanks for reporting the situation, after revising it, we've determined that certain transactions were not authorized, due to the fact that they're not protected by the clause of protection for the user"
The 7th artist hate thread already exists, so I'm just going to treat this one as the Isaac thread since I've literally never found people who are both into the tickling kink and also play isaac I brute forced and completed lost and tainted lost before I even completed azazel's post it note because the unlocks are insane
>>52563 still doesn't change the fact you aren't returning the $500 after getting your money back. simple as that
>>52569 Anon, i've gone to the DMs of the people who donated to me and asked if they wanted a refund, i've already refunded some people, and some even turned down the refund as a way to support me emtoionally.
>>52570 current paypal balance. some people decided to commission me as i sorted this situation out, hence why i got more money than i should.
Is DQ the new GardnerJames? If I repeat his name 3 times at a mirror in the dark, they'll appear and try to sell me an RPG maker game?
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>>52537 ay, nice run anon. i kept playing after i failed the first time, my biggest highlight at one point was getting death certificate and i went to get holy mantle. word of advice, don't use mama mega if you decide to go for the knife piece at the asspit/mines, you may end up blowing up a mushroom in the escape route and kill yourself before mother's shadow begins to chase you.
ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is EDP445 ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries ZP92 is scat furries
Why the fuck are people talking about cringe artist in the isaac thread wtf?1??1?
>>52586 blame the dumb as rock jannies for appending the actual artist hate thread with the Issac thread.
Rip the Isaac thread, dead in the water before it could even get afloat
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>>52588 >>52605 I will become back my money.
>>52535 Why would you? You're pretty based
isn’t there like a general or non tickling thread here that you all can talk about isacc instead
fuck i'm legit considering now doing a second save file dead god, should i anons?
>>52615 *looks at the title of this subsection of 8chan* I swear we must be getting more retards recently.
You're a poopyhead, DQ
>>52668 who is this reply even supposed to be directed to
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Remember the good old days when we were an actual community?
>>52680 No. I've been doing online tickling stuff for over 20 years and every single community has always been full of retards and drama.
>>52684 As I see it, retards and drama are the core of every community.
>>52678 Take a guess.
mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness
>>52702 I've legit blocked that dude so many fucking times to clean out search results but the brain rotted faggot just keeps making new accounts as if what he posts needs to be seen.
>>52702 Somebody should probably try and find out who this girl is; she's either in mortal danger from this deranged psychopath or been missing for the last eighteen months...
>namefag despised by everyone on the board makes the new AHT >immediately derails his own thread why did the mods let this thread exist? why did they merge the actual AHT with the Issac thread?
I try spamming that guys page till he blocks me but yeah he keeps making new accounts with the same shit over and over.
If Pabufag can fuck off and get a job and stop begging for money that'd be great
>tfw namefag feels like they have to explain anon why they stole money Nobody fucking cares, artist hate threads are supposed to be about hating artists and you're a retarded con artist. And a namefag.
>>52586 Now it's people talking about Isaac and a namefag, kill this thread with fire, spam 500 times and blame it all on the namefag because everyone knows they started it.
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Talk about shitty artists NOW
Not sure where Pabu is a scammer or scummy might be both
>>52731 ppl have finally ran out of artists to shit talk here
Its DQ, you little fucker. You made a shit of piece with your trash thread. It’s fucking bad, this trash thread. I will become back my money. I hope you will in your next time a cow on a trash farm you sucker.
>>52731 yeah basically. the jannie that's also buddy buddy with DQ is also to blame honestly. >namefag monitoring the real AHT to see the second it gets anchored so he can make the new thread >makes shitty thread with literal ESL wordsalad title and completely unrelated picture and makes it about himself >derails his own thread and declares it the Issac thread >someone makes an actual artist hate thread and calls out DQ for scamming people out of money >DQs janny buddy (assumedly, if nor they're just actually incompetent and can't read the room) merges the real artist hate thread with the now binding of Issac thread >DQ keeps derailing thread even further how is this dude not banned yet btw? >>52737 sorry bud, this is the binding of Isaac thread. OP said so. enjoy the return of multiple hate threads that push down other threads about individual artists instead of just one containment thread. you can thank DQ and his janny for the eventual flood of individual hate threads that will come from this. >>52743 nope, just isn't the appropriate place for it. it's the self declared binding of issac thread. should DQ make another save file, anon? >>52741 you should probably make a thread about it anon. memes aside, I genuinely don't think you'll get any actual discussion here. I've got a lot to say about the guy, but I like many other people, hate this guy and for good reason, I don't think you'll be getting many people genuinely posting in this thread because of that. well, besides DQ with his name turned off and some of his discord buddies of course
>>52748 >he thinks the jannies actually read this thread This is a containment thread, the mods barely check in. Most of the other fetish boards are strictly moderated and wouldn't allow off-topic threads like this in the first place.
>>52752 I agree. idk why an Issac thread is allowed on the tickling board but eh. Jannies do what jannies want I guess. who's gonna stop em? sometimes I miss the old retarded jannies from 8kun.
>>52741 imagine paying this guy to add hair onto a character. Imagine sending money to enable that guy to keep doing faggoty shit and draw his fat self while ignoring his somewhat cute OCs. Fuck that guy
>>52748 meds.
>>52761 money stolen.
>>52763 sneed
>>52764 sneed
I'll just leave this here and hope y'all get back on track with the shit flinging. It's entertaining.
>>52810 Some people have too much shame, while other people have a total absence of shame.
>>52812 #RedistributeTheShame
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>>52810 hell nah
>>52810 We need to bring back bullying
>>52810 this becomes funnier if you think of it as a before and after photo "she said yes!" "5 year anniversary!"
>>52810 The wife beater shirt. The balding hair line. The fucking Pixar before and after. Some genes do not deserve to march on into the future.
>>52810 >fatass >obviously lives alone >receding hairline >taking pics w imaginary waifu checks out. certified tklbro moment
>>52810 Reminder that he actually hooks up with willing women for tickling sessions and has photo and video evidence of it. No-tickles of the board, what is your excuse?
>>52830 He has zero shame and scattershots messages out to literally everybody who mentions tickling on their profile on certain sites. I'm a straight guy, my profile says I'm a straight guy, I told him after he messaged me that I'm not interested because I'm a straight guy, and it still took a while for him to stop trying. I imagine there are enough inexperienced or lonely girls around that when he takes the same approach at least some of them eventually give in and agree to meet up with him.
>>52830 I have this thing called "dignity" You might want to look that up in the dictionary sometime.
>>52810 He's such a goddamn weirdo I had the 'honor' of meeting this stain in person once (I went to events at one point). He's shameless and will try every trick in the book to get the girl where he wants them
>>52764 Oi vey! Shalom, DQ goya. I wanted to donate 30 dollars to help promote this holocaust orphan's fund that you were ungraciously robbed for by some mamzer of German decent for in the alleyway. I get a 37 percent share of the proceeds. So 10 dollars is an acceptable loss. Therefore, I will be donating $4.50 to your gracious charity, mensch!
>>52810 His fatass Disney Pixar's himself. Kek. Does anyone know how PawFeather feels about this slightly taller Danny DeVito clone simping for his bratty bitch of a character?
>>52858 Why would he care? He gets paid.
>>52810 im of the firm belief that certain people just need to be put on a watchlist
>>52857 I think I figured it out, DQ was the memebitard all along
Patreon is the death knell for artists. Even when they claim it's not going to be for exclusive content, that's what it always turns into until their regular content disappears and their entire account is swallowed up by cropped ads for their patreon-only content.
>>52680 Never happened
Does Monokron have fursona?
Reuploading this certified hood classic. What even is happening here? The baguette-glish doesn't help
>>53133 >Remove foot >I'll kill you >Sizzling foot >Black charcoal shoulders What the fuck is this
7 (seven) schizo rant threads. Please seek Jesus, all of you.
>>53257 >Seek Jesus >On fucking /TK/ Lmao
>>53272 This is /tkr/ actually, faggot. Get with it.
>>53274 Call it whatever you want both yall motherfuckers need jesus
>>52810 This guy actually disabled in the same way Chris Chan is? Cause PlayfulInstantify posts so much unironic cringe shit that I'm a firm believer he's on the spectrum or something. If it's not his "content" where he ties fat old dumpy women and gangly trans to his massage table- it's his weird fucking out of nowhere crossovers with random fetish artists. Like no, Pawfeather. We enjoy *your* work. Not the sight of Richard's balding head and shit eating pedo grin. Kindly stop throwing that shit on our DA feeds.
>>52830 > actually hooks up with willing women for tickling sessions You mean the bottom of the barrel, which is literally *any* fuggo that crosses his path. https://fetlife.com/users/1023884/pictures/143792889
>>52832 I briefly knew and met with one of this previous play partners. The guy throws a shitfit when he doesn't get his way. Look at his rantings on his fet accounts regarding people having to cancel attending his event. The prior playperson of his I met with basically had to block the guy out her life eventually. You're completely right about him firing off messages at everybody. But it's not just at people who mention tickling on their profile, it's also at anybody who posts in groups and on pictures of his. Dudes a legit thurster. Dude needs a kick in the balls.
not a tickle artist but i think it counts >releases a picture that heavily implies there will be tickling >patreon has variants >not a single tickling variant I'm so glad I didn't for this shit and it's on kemono, fuck this dude
>>53402 Like why the hell didn’t he? I mean it’s so flipping easy to just have even one finger bent and her smiling for fuck sake. Such minimal effort would legitimize him so much more. Some people are just that dense I guess.
Dogeoisie https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53798612 Cringe choice in victims and retarded prices for mediocre art aside, the guy suffers from "if your friends with someone/believe in something I don't like, I'm going to completely cut you off" syndrome. That plus he refuses to work because he legit thinks tickle art can sustain him forever, which is fucking hilarious lolcow material.
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This guy, yourhardnerdcollector, right, he's JoshDAMN right?? i'm not fucking nuts by thinking this right? It's crazy how this guy just change his artstyle slightly for like, feet and shit but its so obvious for the rest??
Why are you hyper fixating on this? Who cares if it's the same person.
>>53497 I dunno i think its because im kind of a small artist and i find crazy how one person can change small little things so easily
>>53493 This. He bitches about loli stuff, and always tries to make it apparent. He’s a fucking rabbit hole that deserves a conversation in its own right.
>>53504 >>53493 He drew a meme based on the boykisser meme and got pissy and deleted it when it became more popular than his regular art
I've wondered the same thing myself to be fair. Not an obsession just a question. If anyone ever finds anything on if they actually are the same person I'd love to know though it is probably better if it stays only in speculation
>>53494 Are you retarded? No shit it's him. And stop posting him on /co/ every other week before you get him trolled off the internet.
>>53512 honestly. Let the man keep his fetish shit and professional shit separate.
You guys want an ACTUALLY fucking weird same-person situation no one seems to talk about? How about this guy who has a 'girlfriend' who joined twitter at the exact same time he did with a nearly identical artstyle to him?
>>53494 > newfag wont let the guy some peace
>>53516 now This is hilarious, this guy has like 3-4 accounts no joke
>>53515 it's not like i posted this on twitter publically bro
im not a fan of his artstyle but this thread just reeks for "tee hee oopsie did i just heckin EXPOSE this chonkin lil degen :o"
Nigga I thought y'all was just talking shit hardcore but bruh this nigga got that mufukkin god complex over mufukkin fetish ass art nigga imagine thinking you better than everyone becuz u draw some busty looking ass ZP92 ass nigga nigga lmao this nigga ego off the chains all throwing fits n shit cuz a meme gets more popular than his porn fuckin 130 paper for this shit nigga I could buy a trash bag of weed for less than this nigga charge for his art nigga fuck is some of these victims nigga got yo dick screwed on backwards nigga best kneel down and pray yo ass to foot Jesus before the blame blame caps yo bitch ass that's why yo granny ain't got no knees nigga her thighs so fat they over ride her knees nigga
>>53493 >Be me >One of Dogeoisie's earlier followers on FA >Let him do his thing cuz why not >Be when people actually start commissioning this shit >say "hi" y'know small talk, checking in with him >Call him "Duffy" after his fursona, and cuz Dogeoisie is too fucking convoluted to write >Spend the next 15 minutes getting chewed out over calling him Duffy and why he doesn't want to be known as Duffy at all >Apologize >He keeps going on >LetHimCook.Worldstar >Never talks to me again >Message him >Says he'll only speak to me if I'm interested in commissioning him Mfw
>>53549 >furries >mental stability pick one
>>53516 God FINALLY someone else calls it out. I made a post about him on an earlier thread. I mean look at these fucking comments.
>>53551 >Pick one Too late, anon. I can't get off to anything else other than faggot cartoon anthros getting tickle raped. I've tried everything. I've cut off the internet for two months, I've touched grass,, tried meds, tried cumming in a female, tried cumming in a male, tried tickling irl, even hooked myself up to a Taser and a cattle prod to give myself a bootleg shock treatment cuz I'm too pussy to tell a psychiatrist this is what I get off to Nothing. Works. I'm doomed to interact with these degenerates because somewhere along the lines my brain chemistry got fucked up so my sex drive only gets off to this shit.
>>53547 Bro, 130 papers is an avg salary per day.....
>>53561 wtfeather imagine coming to an imageboard to stop leaks bro legit came on a /tkr/ thread to say 'stop pirating I cant eat' lmfao 💀
>>53555 I cannot grock the sheer magnitude of autism it takes to commit to a bit like this
>>53565 Individuals obsessing over this are even worse, deviantart autism and its virulence makes cancer feel and look like a slight cold >>53494 Literally who
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>>53567 >hey guys this is fucking weird, right? guys pretending to be his own girlfriend publicly and people just seem to buy it while he posts long-ass texts posts to himself sucking his own dick >"OMG UR EVEN WORSE THAN HE IS FOR ACKNOWLEDGING IT"
>>53547 Foot jesus strikes again.
>>53557 >even hooked myself up to a Taser and a cattle prod to give myself a bootleg shock treatment cuz I'm too pussy to tell a psychiatrist this is what I get off to Oi, ANON, bro, hol up, don't do that now, fapping to furry porn isn't the worst, just don't interact with anything that is a real furry, furries and their crazyland fursona are less stable than heavy polonium, even the slightest, harmless joke will cause a doomsday machine chain reaction because they will take it "very fursonally". tldr shit be crazy as fuck but not worth an hero for, have a hug Anon
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>>53577 >because they will take it "very fursonally".
>>53257 >>53302 Jesus is busy trying to fix the spore-huffing dude from >>50393, still at it after being told there is no hope, he can only watch over this many lost souls at a given time. >>53402 Ashidavinci used Bait!
Fucking why. I actually liked this guy's art.
>>53614 ...what seriously? You couldn't read signals back then?
>>53614 Man, I'm so used to people trying to hide their pedophilic tendencies, seeing someone just openly say "I only care about kids and jewishs" in a sexual manner just put me on my ass.
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>>53614 A shame. That Jugga fanart he did was one of my favorites too.
I ain't finna defend Zack but I will say ever since Kampfer turned tranny, he's been even more of a whiny depressed bitch than usual. Bro literally became a tranny just to desperately cling to relevance 💀
>>53630 >>53631 >retard vs retard many such cases
>>53516 >>53555 Imagine having this kind of free time
Anyone know if Cyborge-Steve cares if steals an OC for a private pic? Asking for a friend...
>>53631 I'm surprised Kampfer's troon powers managed to beat Zp's blackness.
>>53669 Trannies are the top of the pyramid on the oppression scale, trannies trump everybody else by far. If you’re a granny you’re practically untouchable.
>>53666 >666 >Devil pepe Oh hey Satan, what's good nigga?
>>53672 I shall inform my grandmother that she has attained S tier social status, thanks for the heads up.
>>53666 Make the pic public faggot I want to see
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Kamperwolf is one of the most insufferable and is a prime example of everything wrong with this community. Nobody normal gives a shit.
>>53722 >This community Furfags, tickling or tranny? Also somebody link the document when this manlady posts it. I want to see this eyepatched niggerfaggot absolutely seeth
>>53722 >Kampfer is the worst Okay I don't keep up with furfaggotry. Redpill me on Kampfer plz anon
>>53723 Tickling >>53724 Literally bitches and moans about everything. Notably if someone hurts trannies or has disregard for them. Autistic spergging about Elon and AI He thinks that he’s some sort of “pioneer” and has a “duty” to report and make call outs and will say that he’s basically a martyr because he takes the brunt of harassment for calling people out like ZP Consistent ebegging,
>>53725 Bout time someone called this troon out. I have a story. >Commission Kampfer a month ago >Private commission. >MuhPrivacy.Libertarianism >Get an alt for the pic >Alt of character with dirty feet cuz they're a barefoot bitch >Not even musk mind you. Just vanilla AF blackened dirt >You ever walk barefoot around the house and your feet just get a little dirty? Yeah. Fucking that. >Kampfer immediately chastises me for liking dirty feet >I tell him if he's not comfortable drawing it than that's okay. >IDontWantAnyProblems.Pussywhipped >Kampfer iterates that he'll draw it. But then immediately begins interrogating me on why I like dirt >Literally writes, I shit you not an entire college grade paragraph of why he wants to know why I like dirty feet >WTF.bitmap >Try to explain as best as I can that I'm unsure why I have this fetish >Spaghetti falling outta my pocket >Get three. Count'em three. Paragraphs of response from Kampfer essentially chastising, mediating, and inquiring into my one kink while praising himself, praising his work and praising on how he's a intellect of social justice or some shit idk Never commissioning him again. What the fuck is wrong with this person? No like legit wtf is wrong with you, Kampfer? If I was asking for weird shit like being slathered in mud or fungus then yea go off sid but this seriously vanilla shit? Fucking. Trannies.
>>53727 Didn't we literally had two threads earlier about foot fungus and stink earlier this month? Same guy maybe?
>>53727 send screenshot else this is just slander. also monokron can you please not allow trip codes on this shit anymore I know you're a janny and that you're sucking the DQ dick hard but it's really annoying to see this guy make everything about himself whenever he posts with his name
>>53740 This. I wanna see his autistic sperg-out too. >>53727
Kampfer is an eternal grifter. He's been begging for money for around a decade at this point.
>>53722 not defendin ZP, but what did he do? i don't trust kamp's word.
I'm sorry, Troonpfer but why are YOUR bills MY problem? Get a real job you fucking man lady. Or join your fellow transvestites and fucking hang yourself
>>53744 >DQ >Has no idea what ZP did Now that's surprising. But I suppose it's been long enough, go on take a seat. Gonna inform you. The ego. To understand Zack's ego, you have to go back to the days of SassySnake and Thunderbolt actually being in his prime. You see, DQ; there was a nice where your choice in furry tickle smut was not so abundant but only limited to a handful of artists. One of these was Zack. He wielded an ancient skeleton sona and drew characters with oversized feet, sometimes with musk. This shot him I to the normie-sphere of the footfag community on DA. With this upshot in popularity, he grew a massive ego. From this massive ego, he was banned....twice. Mainly on FA because he would pick fights with normies and Dragoneer's goons. The accounts of TheKid123 and Ticklishways are proof of this profecy. Over time, his OC base of mainly boring one dimensional chicks expanded into incest; and such...the real backlash began. His pictures started getting more and more risque as the feet became bigger, the tits more ridiculous, and the cocks horsier This "untouchable" attitude only furthered into the 2010s as most artists on the furfags tickle scene began to drift away from Zack and his massive ego as he designed a fursona after himself...a komodo dragon with a crappy black polo. Eventually he started selling off his ancient characters, piece by piece...only to take them back and resell them if you didn't spend every waking moment commissioning art of them within a few months. Needless to say, this amongst other scumbag tactics like forgetting people were on his wait-list for commissions (some of whom already paid, only for him to accuse them of entitlement) and having various meltdowns at his fans for things ranging from genuinely cringe (he used to draw ponies when the first Brony Wars broke out before completely turning on the community and starting WW4, lulz were had) to minor infractions like raging at commenters for critiquing the monstrous purportions he'd draw on characters...yes, Zack earned his hate deeply within this community and it's only gotten worse in recent years. Also I'm paraphrasing like a motherfucker, /tkr/. Feel free to add to the list if you have shit I missed.
>>53745 >the que Can't even spell queue right. The fuck is with this I love you all obviously so fake attitude? If a furfag asks me to debate fetishes I tell them idk, ever asked yourself why you enjoyed reincarnating as a Disneyland animal? I commission you turn me down I go my way and thank you for your time, no hard feels, simple as. Hell if I'm ever commissioning a furaffinitard or a deviantautist though, I don't need additional insanity.
>>53722 Twinker did it right by slapping users with a "you're blocked by some random faggot nobody cares about but we know you do so here's some muhfeels". The problem is autists, troons and furries fail to understand this also means "move on and touch grass" so they just get all pissy about it and take the bait lmao
>>53722 >shitstirrer tries to stir shit >blocked because nobody gives a fuck >WAHHH I'M GONNA WRITE A WHOLE EXPOSED DOCUMENT ABOUT YOU BECAUSE MUH FEELS
Overwhelming majority of the problems seem to come out of furfags, noticing a theme here...
>>53787 >Furries >Cause the most drama ...you a newfag?
>I sowwy for being a fucky wucky guys >NO ONE made me say this >Posts one day after the first post about him here It's confirmed. Dogeoisie lurks here. Lmao.
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>>53987 >the HRT Beast is afraid Someone keep posting shit about him
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Seriously, what's wrong with this dude? What does he expect this hacker to do for him? "Fix" what LMAO?
>>54110 Firstly, I thought he was quitting Twitter? Again. Secondly, he's probably made the classic mistake of being publically very anti-loli then looking at so much loli it's all that appears in his recommendations on ever site.
>>54125 I'M FUCKING HOWLING. Thank you, anon. You made my day
>>54110 >Be me >Hacker >23 irl IT tech >Boring as fuck.pays the bills >Be into tickling because autism >Cannot get off without it >I feel like an incel.bitmap >Receive call from someone >Message rather >It's Moekeki >To what do I owe the pleasure.fuckoff >"Anon...I hear you're a haxor....I need someone to FIX things! I'll pay!" >Only hearing him out because apparently he'll pay >"I need u to hax 8chan! I need you to ddos 8chan to take it offline!" >Lolwut >"That'll stop them from saying mean things about me! Then I need you to hack these people!" >He continues to barrage me with a list of people ranging from actual artists to barren accounts used for lurking >He wants me to hack every single one of them and do..."things" to them as he calls it >He doesn't even have instructions, he just wants me to hurt them somehow >Explain to him that it's not that simple. That I'll need actual instructions >MoeriahKerri proceeds to give me detailed instructions on how to deactivate a fucking FA account >It's better than no direction.anarchy >Ask him the pay >Oh I'll pay you good anon....real good! >Offers me $100 >$100 >Not per account. For everything. >InsufficientFunds.IRS >Moekeki proceeds to give me a paragraph about why he can't pay, his struggles as an artist, and how difficult it is to live off of his parent's wealth >Millennial.Socialism >Disappear. >These niggas ain't shit.Boondocks >Two weeks later >Get alert from Google >Apparently someone tried to hack into my discord and failed >Trace the IP of the faggot who did it >it's a script kitty from Colorado >A script kitty with one...notable friend on his friend's list >Moekeki >He butthurt.gif >IfTheyWantAWarWe'llGiveThemOne.Halo >Hack.the script kitty's shit >The dumb shit keeps his Facebook profile linked to his discord >B r u h.pdf >Go to /tkr/ on 8chan >Feds posting CP >Onion and torrent myself up
[Expand Post]>VPN >WeAreAnonymous.gif >Harvest CP >My eyes.gif >It burns.pdf >Upload CP to script kitty's Facebook >He's arrested within hours >pizzagate.hollywood >Burn external hard drive >Ain't catching me.Chrus Hansen >Get onion links >Send them to Moekeki >Send him a care package >Upload them to Moekeki's Twitter >CP and Gore all over his Twitter feed >Send anonymous report to feds with screens >NoResponse.gif >Photoshop some screen of Moekeki tweeting that he supports Trump >Attach them to other screens >Literal tanks are rolling up to his door within hours >Moekeki is plastered all over the news as America's latest psyop distraction >Furaffinity labeled a terrorist organization Mfw
>>54110 Then go cry over your vagus nerve and belch your own guts out til you expire in excruciating pain and agony Moekeki. This rotten rape condom surprise spawn is beyond salvation. PNGtroon can't do shit but draw lines and call it art then crown itself as a philanthropist and the best 'person' ever. tldr of below: le August 2023 Somewhere I Belong ft. Moekeki (Cringecore Mix) >After being sick for four years, I’ve been tired. During my sickness, everything was difficult. It was difficult to eat. Difficult to move. Difficult to breath. My lungs had been blown previously and were filled with scar tissue, and then with constant bloating, my heart, nerves, lungs and stomach/intestines were under literal constant pressure. So now my whole left side suffers from damage to my vagus nerve. Even after the gallbladder was removed. So any intestinal cramping caused by eating makes my entire left side go numb and bloating causes heart palpitations. But now when I eat- I no longer suffer from gallbladder attacks. Which happened after every meal. Every single day. Chinese Medicine was the only thing that helped- for some reason, but even that was just a patch. Nw my gallbladder is gone- so the attacks have stopped. The damage to my vagus nerve remains. It will heal. I will be ok. I will make it. Still, after four years of it- I’m tired. Then the drama of people whom are detached from reality online- my inability to understand how they could be the way that they are. I was angry- because I was in so much physical pain every day. This is not an apology- I believe I’ve always maintained to do the right thing. In my art and game design- there is so much I NEED to do- but I’m emotionally tired too. Every night I felt like I was going to suffocate in my sleep. If I didn’t sit up in the middle of the night and force the air out of my intestines and through my mouth (a freakishly long belch) I couldn’t even swallow. I would wake up because I was choking. I had a couple of good nights, but the fear in those moments was real. I’d start breathing again, suck it up and force myself to go back to sleep. So- I need to heal. For now: I’m leaving social media. Which is funny, because I actually just got invited to BLUESKY, but- it’s all poison. Every last bit of it. People on there have no attachment to reality after a while, and it hurts all of us. So, I’ll continue doing art but FOCUSING ON PATREON. I’ll aso be doing art for the $1 tier, because I believe in doing work for EVERYONE who supports me. And I know that- without social media- my growth will be extremely limited. But I’ll admit that: I’ve always been awful at promoting myself from the beginning. So terrible. Like, I’ve never understood how that even works. I’m just tired of the insincerity. The falsehoods. So my wife says she’s gonna manage that somehow. If anyone else wants to help out in any way, let me know. I have no problem with socializing or working with others. But I have noticed that social media somehow discourages the “working with others” part of that anyway. How? I’m not quite sure. Maybe the person that figures it out will have the next big thing in social media. Anyway, as always, thank you for your support. My current condition is: My vagus nerve is hurt and my body still hasn’t worked out how it’s supposed to digest properly without a gallbladder. So I’m trying to figure out what medicine go juggle on my own to figure it out. As for Discord: Undecided. I’m considering deleting everything down to a single channel where people can reach me. Feel free to give me your thoughts.
[Expand Post] Cheers.
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Does this faggot even count as an artist? Sick of seeing their poorly traced shit everywhere it’s disgusting to look at
>>54168 What kind of sick bitch with Stockholm syndrome stays with this guy for more than a few minutes lmao >I'm gonna manage that >I mean the divorce >at long last
>>54110 Jfc, this dude literally does nothing but bitch. Like, he's so unbearable. Bitch and groan, bitch and groan. I couldn't imagine living an existence like this.
>>53688 Shit will get back to the owner that way, artist suffers backlash and cover gets blown fuck you nigger
>>54110 >Mr Nice "Free Shit" Guy >verified social media shitstain >runs a patreon, youtube and twitch >FIX MY SHIT Someone fix his vaginus and give him AIDS, seriously. And cancer while you're at it.
>>53987 >furry mormon >calls itself a person >does 'kinky stuff be warned' OH YOU BAD
New post from Mr Nice "Free Shit" Guy. Prepare yourself, take a deep breath. "I’m gonna get real and vent and call some shitheads out and lay it down so here we go. My COVID induced rant: Life has been a wild ride. The number of things that have happened to me that aren’t supposed to happen to anyone are sky high. I was a victim of sexual assault by 3 girls when I was a toddler. I’ve had knives, guns fired, and even shovels drawn on me. While OUT of the military. Had a tooth kicked out, punched, beaten, choked, rammed by a truck while in a truck (he tried taking me out from the side because I wasn’t surpassing the speed limit on a single lane curve?!). Been in several fist fights. Which I won, thank you very much. It turns out I do not have a glass jaw. Illegally trapped in student debt by NAVIENT/Sallie Mae, who took my three school loans, independently split them 15 ways and was charging me $500 a month on each loan with PURE INTEREST. This got cleared up when TRUMP made it so my military would pay it off. They couldn’t lie to the military… again. So they paid significantly less. I was nearly killed by medical malpractice 2 times. Injured by medical malpractice once. Then had an entire military unit try and cover up the first medical malpractice. When the Red Cross called and asked where I was they were told I was perfectly healthy and had just been in their office. I was however sitting in a bed with chest tubes in each lung so I could breathe and had been for two days. And have had internet stalkers for 10+ years. That both love my work but hated me for succeeding (???). Artists that would copy and imitate my work, but were so competitive they wanted nothing to do with me. How many artists have you seen me team up with? Believe me, I’ve TRIED. A close friend in the community come forward and ADMIT he was manipulating other artists against me and TRYING to get me to fight them. He said he found it all amusing. He was a very close friend and supporter for years. He was always a bit of a dick, but some people are just that way so I accepted it. Then an entire lo*i pee-do community, led by 3D wanna-be artist Necdaz, mass reported all of my accounts, and one of them hacked them for my phone number and called me. All because I said I didn’t want to draw any characters under 18. And I quietly blocked anyone who did because I didn’t want it on my timeline. They only stopped harassing me because I was going to use Necdaz’s real name to take him to court so they could go through his hard drive. Once I told everyone that, he told them to stop. Shocker. The call actually happened this past year, so I’m awaiting one more altercation before I finally slap him with a court case. It all stems from his actions. Now I’m recovering from the second medical malpractice where I was having gallbladder attacks for four years after and before every meal, while I’M STILL fighting with the VA over basic treatment. I was a Christian, that never saw myself as a victim and always pushed forward anyway. Now, it just feels like more and more evidence that there is no God. Why? Because every time I’ve sought help there’s none to be found. Not from any of you, especially those in the community that watched all of this go down. Aside from that I’ve still got this Chinese frenemy hacker that’s always in my stuff. That’s what the software said he was coming from anyway. So yeah- on the positive side, I’m happily married for almost 10+ years, travel when I can and am still really good looking.
[Expand Post]And I still somehow have my sense of humor, despite losing my faith in pretty much everything else. The real reason I left social media was because I’m not allowed to be honest with anyone on here. Because of the algorithm and all that. But if I die tomorrow I’m gonna be honest right now: Most of the ill that will befall me and every one of you is because you sat back and did nothing when all you had to do was speak up. Cheers, motherfuckers."
>>54213 >Never saw myself as victim >3/4s into the way of literal paragraphs of victimizing itself Mfw
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>>54213 The most sane artist in our community
>>54213 >>54213 >No help to be found >Not from any of YOU who sit back and watch this happen Yes, Moekeki it's all your audience's faults. Every person who watches you, every single patron who gives you their dollars, every single commissioner. They're not helping you at all. It's all THEIR fault you're a failure. Why the fuck do these tk artists always find a way to blame their audience? Like okay, blaming trolls? That's one thing. But blaming the people who actually go out of their way to support you? Like bruh...these are the types of homeless people you give a sandwich to and they throw it at you in return and demand money. Fuck you, Moekocky. Your marital partner is either cucked AF or is cucking you so hard that there's no love. If they even exist.
>>54213 If he wrote this essay on X, his account is already suspended, Eloncheck be damned. >sought help (press X to doubt) Straitjacket, padded room, meds. We'll be making sure that you take them, Moe. If you don't, you stay locked up in there and do not get to voice your concerns.
>>54221 The problem is patrons feed into this instead of flat out ignoring him and completely changing topics. He wants all that attention. A patron going "bro thats cool and all but whatchu drawin rite now I like ur art so much" will unironically get him to switch to this without even frowning about how he just got bluntly told "nobody fucking cares lmao"
>>54213 Someone @ elon so he can ban this tumor. fucker shouldve just stuck with his dumbass comic instead of this shit
>>54227 >no more social media (for real this time) >ban evades to bitch and groan again about how his life is miserable and it's a conspiracy Imagine being an attorney for this guy, attorney goes mad repeatedly telling him to take the fifth because he's literally going from a mere fine to a felony
>>54213 >no one wants to work with me >dox threats in the middle of breach of sensitive information about himself and others I wouldn't team up with him either, not even for the lulz, that guy is as dangerous as he is unhinged
>>54212 >Self hatred >ALL CAPS >Impulsively typed black person speak Hi Dogeoisie. What's it like being an impulsive niggerfaggot who has no attention span or impulse control?
>>54169 Adding onto this, but every artist they use for their “bases” fucking hate them too because they just steal their work and really shittily trace over it
>>54169 >>54318 Thank god people actually have a sense of logic and want this fuck to go away.
>>54278 Dude wtf I said I'm sorry if I've ever sucked ass why are you all ganging up on us artists like that?
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>>54318 i wanted to point that out, they take a lot from ticklespots and TadashiBaka, and even if they ask for permission, they barely trace the outlines of the bodies and then just fuck it all up, it just doesn't make sense, how can you be bad at tracing? the work's already cut out for you, just don't fuck it up.
>>54332 BRUH Dogeoisie just fucking outed himself on 8chan lmao Sorry don't mean shit if you're going to do nothing to change it dumbass are you so impulsive, coom brained and ADHD ridden that you couldn't read into anything going on in this thread aside from yourself, you fucking narcissist? Did you even read this? Can you read? Can you do anything other than mindlessly garble out whatever sexual desires you have today and whatever cringe victim you choose to draw? If you act cringe, you're going to get called cringe. Can't deal with it? GTFO of the internet duffy
This fucking Dally guy is out of control, does this nigger ever sleep? He posts new pics nonstop.
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Nigger, what you expect them to do? For them to suck your dick or what? You fucking retard, leave your followers alone. >It's just people man. People are disgusting. Then why these disgusting people support your ass on Patreon? You're the one who's disgusting. KYS
>>54332 Stop bitching about loli or you’ll regret it. Trust me.
>>54332 >why are you all ganging up on us artists like that? Don't put me or any of us in your little clique of schizos
he's finally done it
>>54398 >XPTZ Poor guy legit made 5 good pics in his decade old career. It was time to finally let go
>>54416 >Going after Moekaki's parents Now now, that isn't very nice. I'm sure if they had known the fetus would develop in such an apocalyptic manner, Moekaki would have been granted the ultimate preemptive An Hero treatment, namely An Abortion. By the time it was born it was too late. The semen spawn could only be rid of by handing it over to the Mexican mafia as a baby mule. How he even got accepted in Taiwan is beyond me, such citizens are put on display and publicly shamed for everyone to understand you don't fuck with laws and etiquette.
>>54398 I didn't even know XPTZ was still alive lmao, got like a handful of pics and that's it >spicy mini-suicide move Oh c'mon at least put big no-no words in the "product" title for the lulz.
>>53522 >>53549 Damn that sucks,I follow them because of a little inspiration. That and I like the style of the feet they draw. I'll be wary if they contact me on FA or Twitter. I try doing my own thing regardless I'm a small artist but I suck at perspective and such. The AI thread is actually neat because it helps me with perspective and poses.
>>54400 Seriously. Bro thought he was way better than he actually was. I remember rolling my eyes super hard when he started peddling a patreon with some mediocre exclusive comic Did he ever finish that poll-decided comic he was doing, or was that forever abandoned?
>>54486 >Attempted spacing out >Still missed that space between the comma and I >Droning on about Dogeoisie despite literally one schizo and Dogeoisie himself even caring that he's on this thread We know it's you, you dumb zoomer shitstain. You still dragging on about this and same fagging some posts here only further proves you're a lolcow.
>>54492 This. Legit. All XPTZADHIVRFYFHGFT gave a fuck about was the money, was being exclusive, was extorting footfags to make as much money as possible because he lives in Argentina or some shit, idk Like bro thought he was nutting diamonds when he was just cutting silver lol
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lol which one of your fags was it
>>54504 >Her >HER >KampHER Kek. What's Kampfer's power word? Any irl photos? I wanna see if he's really committed to the troon bit irl or is just purely trooning online for furfag oppression points
>>54501 Call me racist Anon but every single scammer I've met was a faggot from some shithole and I've only felt one urge the instant I found out they were also streaming their cozy mansion Murder, death, kill, and only then take pill
>>54504 only a furry would legit believe any of the schizos here would risk doxxing some random FA troon, not even worth battery bruh furries lmao never change
>>54486 If you need inspiration, exit twitter, FA and DA permanently. You'll be amazed at how much better you will become as an artist.
>>54500 Damn bruh I don't know any of this beef , but all I want to say.. I don't know the weirdo , I just observe his work and move on I'm not trying to defend a weirdo, like I barely know anyone mention. I assume I bothered you because I take some mild inspiration from Duffy? (Is that their name or wtf is going on guys).
>>54557 Hi Duffy :DD
>>54537 Honestly yeah I know, I just go there when I'm bored. Yeah you're right, i like traditional art. I'm a zoomer by you guys eyes , I shouldn't end up like these other weird people. I guess I gotta do my normal hobby like photography and keep my artwork to myself. Tbh, it's for the best. Even if I continued doing furry porn or whatever. I'd be broke like them, I don't want to be begging like a scumbag. :(
>>54557 >>54559 Duffy for fuck sake stop samefagging you stupid nigger. I haven't seen samefagging this bad since ShinnJacob. Stop schizo posting you stupid fucking impulsive niggerfaggot. Jesus why is every Mormon so stupid they can't understand basic English?
>>54575 Wtffffffff I apologized wtf do you want from me you stupid bitch?!? Fuck you seriously! I literally apologized what the fuck do you literally want from me motherfucker? Literally fuck off this is harassment and I will go to the copes I'll post da feet as many times as I want because feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet you bitch FEET don't tell me what to do and STOP saying the n word FEET
>>54577 >>54575 Fucking morons ...
>>54504 >Kampher LMAO Zack you started some serious shit here rip enjoy the oppression crisis
>>54504 >but you guys must show her the respect she deserves sounds like that's what happened, because kampfer deserves no respect
>>54575 What the fuck is wrong with you? No seriously what the fuck is wrong with this person? We need to reopen the asylums...
>$1600 to pay bills >Oh btw I need a new graphics card Not even a week apart. Fuck you, Scampfer, you have a hairy cock between your troony legs. Deal with it.
>>54715 >took my meds >need something to hold May I suggest a gun to the head with dum-dum high-explosive bullets? Permanent cure for fake depression.
>>54715 Every online persona who asks for donations is a cunt. it shouldnt be on strangers to fix your shitty life. also tf you have a 2080ti for if you cant even take care of normal bills in the first place?
>>54715 so where's the doc "exposing ZP" anyways? >>54720 dual 2080TIs from what he says
>>54720 >mfw my gpu is 10 years old, never begged for anything, not expecting a medal or a pat on the back since there's this thing called common sense I suspect the disability is a mental one. Such individuals are surprisingly smart at abusing healthcare, getting away with backwards life priorities and exploiting kind strangers though.
>>54715 >>54728 Y'know that's a good point...you think a troony like Kampfer who only profits from furry porn pays taxes? Now, I hate the IRS as much as the next guy but, wouldn't it be hilarious to see a troony furfags play victim in the American prison system? Wouldn't it be funnier seeing him go to court over furry porn?
>>54728 You know I apparently have tism and somehow I don’t get benefits or gov-bucks, god he really is like a Chris Chan
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Briel is leaving the art scene for a while, all I read in there was "No bitches and it's the porn's fault".
>>54750 bro hating cuz he is trying to fix his porn addiction. Good on briel for taking care of himself
>>54750 I congratulate him. He saw a problem, is willing to drop things to sort it because he has self awareness. Unlike many people in this scene. I wish him the best - his art is pretty awesome so I'm sure he'll do well sfw.
>>54750 See you, space cowboy
>>54750 Best of luck with the SFW scene if you read this. It takes balls to cut off on porn when you're still high on it, take care of yourself and stay safe.
>>54750 Honestly really happy to hear he's doing what is healthy for him. I really should do the same bc I frequent sites like this way too much.
i hope this guy finds it in his heart to take the leap and kill himself and stop sucking up our oxygen in this planet.
>>54796 High effort there lmao! How much do people pay for this so I can laugh?
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>>54342 You’d think theyd actually be competent enough to trace well but I feel like it takes more talent to fuck up as much as they do.
>>54368 you mean that ai thread
>>54806 Oh hai Gaho
>>54806 >>54825 Fuck the fuck you are be saying to me coward ?? Why not you learn to draw you fcuking cowards!! Learn the draw! Then be manly and then to speak! You all motherfucker! Talking on message board unknown like the face cowards you are! The art cannot CANNOT be if AI! AI art is not! You are to be is cowards! Fucking hole asses!
>>54368 dally is a pretty cool guy posts pics and doesnt afraid of anything
>>54825 bruh what the fuck are any of you even talking about anymore
>>54994 The legend returns.
>>54994 Embarassing
No Krampfag YOU need to be fucking stopped. It's clearer than daylight that you're only using the tranny shit as a gift to guilt trip a dumb lesbian into fucking you so you could be straight without pissing off the rainbow reich. Also what the fuck is this schizo posting about Elon? I ain't a fan of the guy myself, but this shit is just way past attention whoring. Kampfer, you're a nigger and nobody likes you.
>>54998 Elon allows shitstains like you to be on twatter without a verified account. As much as I hate the guy, kys and not because you're trans - because you're a shameless scamming asshole with no dignity whatsoever.
https://www.deviantart.com/sexyanimetickler I feel sorry for this obvious troll's parents and relatives. May you all find peace and not regret wasting precious semen, love and time to spawn and raise an irredeemable, shameless failure. This could make a great ad for pro-life abortion btw
>>55024 That just looks like your typical dry-witted reddit irony "humor." Nothing noteworthy here.
>>54998 What a pathetic man.
>>54994 You don’t belong here Ken.
>>55024 >>55030 Fuck it. I’ll play. Here are some of her accounts, parody in nature, but fairly certain she’s got a legit one that can be backtracked somewhere that’s not a troll one. https://www.deviantart.com/kennyfromspofctk https://www.deviantart.com/kennygyattdarizzfrfr https://www.deviantart.com/kennyfromspofc
>>55205 He’s ebegging again for bandages and cream
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This massive faggot thinks OCs are protected, let’s draw his sonic shit getting its feet tortured, grotesque and horribly drawn as possible LOL
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>>55216 lol he’s actually begging me to draw her getting tortured out of her mind now.
>>55245 Wouldn't it be hilarious if Elon replied "No. Die, tranny" and exiled that shitstain polluting X with scams? Imagine the autistic screeching lmao.
>>55217 Asked an open-request artist if they could draw this fursona (totally my OC) doing a school shooting and masturbating to the corpses and if they didn't mind me sharing the result with anons. They laughed and said ok, now we wait.
>>55216 >>55217 eh, i don't know anons, this honestly seems like a pretty reasonable request, they're not pulling a tantrum or anything and it's not like they have bad blood with anyone around here
>>55254 No one asked you.
>>55253 >>55252 You better fucking deliver nigger
>>55258 Yoshi if you’re reading this you are a tranny fag and you will NEVER be a woman.
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>>55267 Man I might have to take a crack of this guys character for the hell of it, I might take out one of his friends too, anything else sexy on his page?
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>>55269 You guys are falling for bait.
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>>55216 Not worth more than an MS paint drawing but here - they're kinda cute. Kid-teen version too because this is 8chan after all.
>>55287 And so it begins... >>55254 YoshiYoshi700 sealed her oc's fate the moment she made this image. >>55217 Anyways, have some unrelated tickle art!
>>55254 Yeah, I'm not really sure why anyone would shit their pants because she's upset with someone commissioning a bunch of DeviantArt slop fetish porn of her character. The sign thing is a bit corny but she's probably autistic so it's whatever. I'm really curious about the thought process behind this circlejerk.
>>55301 I’m tired of faggots being able to dictate what we can and can’t do on the internet. Fuck you I’ll draw loli I’ll draw “proshipping” I’ll draw absolutely whatever character the fuck I want and you’re going to shut the fuck up about it because there is NOTHING you can do. It’s time to take power back from these tranny nigger twitter faggots and show them that this is our state, the more we bend to their “rules” and “morals” the more we get fucked over. This goes especially true for our community because we have niggers like dogie, or DC, or Chaz doing it. The majority of us don’t give a shit, but are muzzled by the aforementioned. It’s time to stop giving a shit about what they say, and time to stop caring about numbers. No more pussy shit.
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>>55303 >I-I'm not sexually aroused by cartoons of children I'm simply doing it to be counter-culture! who do you think you're fooling?
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>>55291 eh fair enough >last pic fucking eugh how has this guy been drawing for ages and hasn't improved a single bit? i say that as the guy who jerks off to plants on a daily. >>55269 yeah, honestly i don't even know why i try, >>5530 is right, this guy is probably begging for attention from the worst people imaginable, i'd chip in if i didn't have family over, that belly peek seems like a gap in her tickle armor.
>>55287 Who could be behind this based post
>>55318 You know. You all know exactly who it is. Say his name.
>>55315 Bruh, just shut the fuck up and draw tickle fanart of the sexy beast meme Isaac mod already DQ.
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wtf are these proportions
>>55440 Looks like an overly stretched midget.
should've said >*posts an actual finished drawing instead of FF14 poser screenshots and random quick very rough sketches that never get finished*
>>55490 >what'd Sharky do? Nothing.
>>55700 yeah this guys sucks. spergy terrible artstyle obnoxious "UM, UM, don't you KNOW.. that character.. is SEVENTEEN??" moralfag
>>55731 oh yeah, no, I forgot, he's one of those faggots who's fine with tickle art of underage characters as long as it's 'not for fetish reasons' even has a separate folder in his gallery for 'non-fetish tickling'. there doesn't seem to be a real distinction beyond the age of the characters.
>>55700 Pass the bleach or a pointy stick anon, my eyes require immediate destruction What is this even supposed to be LMAO
https://twitter.com/BaileyWaifu/status/1715819900764057737 This fucking fag draws some good shit sometimes, but Christ just get your shit sorted in private. NO ONE CARES about whatever family issues you're having, keep it to yourself like fuck. Same thing when he went through that tranny phase a while back. no one cares.
>>55217 Guide to making OCs without the muh sona drama 1) Don't self-insert, that's for trannies, furries, attention whores and namefags 2) Make a lot of them with a similar theme (autistic lore is optional) 3) Trade porn involving them with other anons 4) Laugh at the absurdity together 5) Realize it's actually hot too 6) ??? 7) Rinse, repeat, profit
>>55732 I’m fine with tickle art of underaged characters for fetish reasons. most people here are too, Gonna lock me up in the fictional jail?
>>55746 It's even worse when they go apeshit over "canon age". I mean imagine sperging over Dizzy from Guilty Gear because "she's 3" (or something like that) or an adult human character because "no it's cheating they're a kid in the show/book/whatever, not an adult, don't draw them as an adult and admit your sins" I dunno man it's like some kind of reverse 500-year-old vampire is legal bs as excuse for drama, if it's illegal in court, the only thing they care about is what is depicted (common sense)
>>55746 >>55747 oh yeah, no, I don't give a shit. He does though. if you insinuate that you or him are drawing fetish art of underage characters, he will get very upset and angry. the underage characters he draws are totally not for fetish reasons, as they sit in his gallery right next to normal fetish art. and if you draw fetish art of underage character he will be very upset at you! unless you specify it's not fetish art. doesn't make sense? exactly.
>>55750 >>55747 Yeah it’s retarded all around, like I’ll be real, PERSONALLY “true loli” isn’t really my preference, more so characters like katara, azula, Luz noceda, etc etc, and even then I’m in it for the feet alone, But even then like at the end of the day it’s a fetish, I get off to this shit, and you know sure as hell he gets off to it, no use in denying it idk what the MO is for him and people like him, trying to deny it’s fetish art.
>>55757 They would be bombarding the Touhou wiki if that was the case lmao >>55753 >>55750 My thoughts exactly. Like sure, don't draw it if you don't want to or don't like it, no one's gonna force it on you but making a scene and going full hypocrite by doing the exact thing you vilify just invites drama.
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>>55440 How like. Genuinely how fucking long has it been since they started their fag reign of fnaf shit. Im genuinely convinced it’s killed almost if not all of their fanbase and ruined their ability to draw. Yes I know >implying that they were good at one point Also it’s funny how their pinned is them e-begging. Go fucking figure.
>>55440 lmao
anyone else tired of this guy constantly having the absolute worst dog shit takes? >NSFW artists can't comment on SFW stuff! literally fatherless behavior! >acts cringe as fuck constantly >shit talked vore fetishists in a tweet, because some random people he didn't like were into vore, which deleted an hour later because they got serious backlash from even their own friends >constantly tries to start drama by making snide comments with bigger and better artists than him
>>56049 I'm not into anything else besides feet and tickling personally, but I would assume people in one fetish community would have the common decency to not shit talk other fetish communities. don't throw stones in glass houses and all that shit. It's so absurd to literally pick fights over shit like "yeah tickling and worshipping stinky feet is so much better and less deranged than vore or hypno or bondage or whatever else" I guess he couldn't find anyone stupid enough to start beef with him in this community so he started branching out to find artists to argue with elsewhere.
>>56048 This faggot's been wayyy too confident ever since he got ZP fanart. Bro draws feet like a fucking retard
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>>56048 >fuck out of sfw spaces zone I like their art, but mother of hypocrisy
>>56048 >>56074 he's also a smellfag so he's in a glass house about fetish bullshit
>>55797 >>56081 I truly enjoyed HL's art back in the day, but unfortunately I just have ZERO interest in their stuff now that it's just fnaf stuff. I mean, I'm a big propagator of artists being able to draw what they want to draw, but that doesn't mean I need to be a part of the audience.
>>56084 Same. They are autistically invested into the extremely specific niche of tickle art of weird FNAF Sun and Moon doll things and seem beyond saving. The sadder part is the people that enable it. Maybe I'm just out of touch nowadays but damn, at least throw your old fans a bone sometime.
>>56084 Like it’s not even fnaf stuff in the normal sense I feel like fnaf stuff qualifies as. More than two fucking characters. It’s such an insane niche they’re in that they’re STILL posting about for SOME fucking reason its genuinely baffling
DQ, we have cum for ur nectar
>>56278 Come on man, at least link to a post. Don't just be random.
>>56278 >>56285 yeah dude honestly it's not funny at all what you're doing. for some insane reason you and some other people in the board have it out for me and all you've been doing is harassing me nonstop it isn't funny it isn't cool it isn't the le epic troll you think it is. it's harassment and it needs to stop. NOW. if I find out who you are ever, I will make sure you do not take a single step into my and monokrons server
>>56296 Shut up DQ. No one is talking to you.
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>Everyone always is making fun of me for art programs! You are to leave all of the artists of us alone or else!!!
>>56320 Okay guys, quick...what would piss Gaho off to see his fursona in?
>>56321 That's easy, draw him with AI art programs and try to pass him off as your OC
>>56321 Dunno, but seeing him get tickle tortured by robots would be funny. >>56320 I'm convinced he's just making up people to get mad at at this point.
>>56320 Not accurate your English is too good try again after getting brain damage and it’ll be accurate to how he types
>>56358 Please touch grass. For your own good.
>>56310 >>56358 >>56359 https://www.deviantart.com/gahowolf/art/Yes-I-can-991901680 How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?
>>56358 speaking of gaho, has anyone else here tried to commission him? cringe aside i think his art is pretty alright, but man, this guy is just obsessed with asshole tickling. like not even joking, I tried to commission him for a drawing with 2 characters and he INSISTED to let me have him draw one of them getting her asshole tickled. Im not into it personally so I just say yeah no thanks feet and belly is fine, and the guy is adamant that I let him draw asshole tickling on one of the characters. like he won't stop telling me how good it is and shit. like dude, I'm not gonna pay you to draw shit I actively dislike. either take the fucking money and draw what I'm asking for, or say you don't want to take it and that's that, but don't try to convince me that your obsession is better.
>>56362 Fucking degen bruh. Anon I hate to be that guy, but PLZ tell me you have screenshots. Fucking black your name out if you gotta, I need to see this shit. What is it with the French and insisting their fetish is what you NEED? Like bruh for a race that's known as free lovers, they sure as shit force alotta shit on each other
>>56362 >Be me >International fag >I travel to other countries to fuck other people because I'm rich and bored >Stop in backwards shithole, France >Middle of nowhere >Lotsa Muslims >French waminz being beheaded "in the name of Allah" >Meet Frenchfag >Explain to him I'm a sex tourist >Speak French because Canadianfag but he INSISTS we speak English >His English...my God >Not only is it nearly incomprehensible, he THINKS he's good at it. To the point where he's arrogant >I've been to ass back Serbia, Bosnia, even Uzbekistan...their English isn't even this bad >Want to kill myself >Eventually conveys that he wants to go back to his place >Thank God, the sooner I fuck him, the sooner he'll forget about me. As per French custom. >Go back to flat >The smell... >Smells like God himself has abandoned us >Get to his apartment >Smell not nearly as strong there >Look at neighbors on the way up >Muslims. Little Africa.Halal >That explains the smell. >Go inside this fucker's flat >Brown Wolf chick plastered all over the walls >Some picks just of her feet or asshole >My God >Realize >This is fucking Gahowolf irl >Immedyatarts talking about asshole tickling >In sloppy seconds English >Won't shut the fuck up about it >"My are to be assholes! So good to feeling nonstop! Oui~" >I'm tempted to let the muslims downstairs know of this haram degeneracy >Resist urge out of fear of getting beheaded >It's now been 1 hours of straight asshole tickling talk >He's turning red because he's talking more than he is breathing >I'm getting a migraine >Speak up finally >"Okay... I'll tickle your fucking asshole, fuck" >Gaho smiles >Bends over >Pulls down his pants >Opens his asshole Goatse style >Mary mother of God >It's more stretched out than Ukrainian girl's pussy
[Expand Post]>Grab a toothbrush >The smell >Black ring of shit >I thought Frenchfag used bidets... >Contemplating my life >I start >He starts laughing and being dramatic, speaking to be in broken baguette English >I'm getting more nauseous than horny tbh >Suddenly, while he's jerking himself off amongst his over dramatized laughter...he stops >WTF.bitmap >He suddenly farts hard and loud >FUSRODA >It doesn't stop >He's moaning >The wind's making my fucking hair go back >I look like Jeremy Clarkson that one episode he was in the open top supercar >The smell of rotten baguettes, and extreme stomach acid fills my nose >Wretch >As I wretch, liquid shit starts pouring unto me >ThisIsTheEnd.Doors >Shit's getting squirted unto my face >The acid >My eyes.Bald >I can't see >I try to scream but start vomiting >Help me Jesus >It stops >I can't believe what just happened >I look to Gaho >He says in a cutesy feminine voice "Oopsie...I haded accidental ic!" >I assume he was trying to be his OC Atta irl >Go straight to the bathroom >Use his shower >Stand under it for 2 hours >I will never be clean again >Walk straight home Mfw
>>56366 Bruh, what sort of autism is this?
>>56366 At what point did you think this was funny?
>>56366 Shut the fuck up nigger I ain't reading this shit.
>>56366 This is the first time in my life ive experienced secondhand embarrassment at this level holy fuck
>>56366 DQ, why did you think this was a good idea to post? did it not cross your mind for maybe a split second as you were typing this out that it was absolutely retarded?
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>>56366 What the fuck I didn’t mean talk that bad Jesus fucking Christ sperg
>>56366 I choose to believe this
>>56366 Put me in the screencap
>>56366 Ayo man nigga wtf is this bullshit? Niggas got the French booty hole giving him the rusty brown trombone on his ringed ass special and shit bruh ay who this nigga man? Where this nigga from? This 8chan, G ain't finna sapolus malopolus on yo ass dummy finna scrap eight sevens by the 9s gonna have and this girl's like nah bruh just fuckin a bitch m shit man. Ain't no nigga got time to that rich ass white boy world traveling shit bruh name me a motherfucking travel channel on YouTube that ain't some mid life crisis white guy or balding Asian ass looking nigga finna tae tae lo my fuggin ramen n shirt ay but on that real shit then niggas cook good tho real talk, you heard?
I love this thread. Never change, /tkr/
>>56366 meds now
ZP looks exactly how I'd imagine him to look. Gucci hoodie and all.
>>56513 He looks like the guy from the Running Man
Wake up babe new Gaho cringe just dropped
No Dusk. Your bills are not my fucking priority. Imagine being a demigod who can't pay a bill lmao
>>56610 Fucking Christ, he's still doing this? He's a nearly thirty year old man who's been drawing the same low effort crap for twelve goddamn years. He only posts once or twice a week (if not over a month), and it takes a miracle for even one of them to be a commission he promised rather than another dumb adoptable no one with a brain would actually buy. A couple years ago, I commissioned a YCH gif due to it's dirt cheap price, and also because I figured that it wouldn't take too long (As in a week at most, rather than over two months). The jerkass was too busy with his shitty ocs and also begging for money to deliver. Hell, I wasn't even on his commissioner list, which really begs the question: Just how many people has this guy "forgotten?" Later, I managed to get a refund out of him and that was that. Sorry if I sounded like a schizo. I needed to get all of that off my chest.
>>56612 Nah son, Kampfer, Moekakie and HumunculousLover are schizos. You just sound like one in a long line of people Dusk fucked over and deserves to be called out over. That's part of the reason this thread exists. I was friends with him over a decade ago when he started this madness. But he wouldn't stop with the depression attention whoring, so I flew the coupe. He used to start shit with other artists and blame "muh autism" over it. One of which actually went as far as to make a Dir Üterganger parody over it. Here, it's still on YouTube https://youtu.be/RDmiEzoLKRU?si=K_j4VskDGIgtPBGm For you zoomers out there, yes. Mistranslating German moonspeak was funny back in '10-'11. He started really begging for money around 2013ish, funniest shit is his struggle to accept his homosexuality. He's gone on multiple "I'm not fucking gay you idiots" rants which are sadly bawleeted, but remnants still exist in his older works. Particularly duskxkrystal https://www.furaffinity.net/view/14575943/ There's nothing funnier in this fetish than watching someone who can't come to terms with their sexual desires absolutely making up the worst bullshit to try and rationalize it there was also the time he bronied https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16097636/ And don't even get me started on the FNaF cringe
>UM, UM, why are the women in my fetish porn so scantily-clad and objectified?? sexism much??
>>56612 I really dont get how you can look at these crayon drawings and think, "yeah im gonna give him money for this". Its deviant art tier garbage. Jesus christ
>>56612 I think you're just as bad for giving money to them.
>>56610 >>56612 >>56623 Holy shit, how has this guy not made it into one of these threads until now (Well, at least I don't recall anyone bringing him up in past threads)?
>>56366 My sides, what a story. Everyone that is mad needs to get a sense of humor lol.
I must tell you about RoadkillSarney habeebi >Commissions art from him >Pretty nice guy >Goes on about being depressed >Aw fuck not again.Kron >Just try to "okay" him until he gets bored >He gets my pic a few days later >It's cheap but it's good.gasolina >Thank him because I'm not that much of a monster >"Murrrrgh" >Wtf.bitmap >"*Cuddles you*" >ThisNigga.mp3 >"*Sighs and purrs into you* >Dude I don't RP, stop >"murrrrgh...nngfh...hmph...o-okay" >Stop >*Huggles u* >He goes on like this for hours >I ignore him, he's literally RPing with himself >Never messaged me since, never messaged him since I've had all kinds of cringe and retard moments with artists. Some of them in this thread. But I've never. N E V E R had one try to force RP with me. Why are autistic like this?
I had the same experience with him, this guy is wild
>>56762 What happened with you?
Confirmed, he's a loud obnoxious troony irl. Also I love that he's retweeting a literal animal rapist for the sake of virtue signaling.
>>56781 Troonpfer when the fuck are you gonna join the 41% already you mentally ill leech
You ever see something that screams "I'm a child and I shouldn't be here"? https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ticklehubofficial/
>>56781 Enough is ENOUGH I HAVE HAD IT WITH THIS MOTHERFUCKING FURFAG AND HIS MOTHERFUCKING DEGENERACY https://twitter.com/LGisusDarkoArts/status/1723353247761449159
>>56797 >Homeless looking musk >Literal chunk of toejam >"Paw cheese" God dammit I thought Redscript77 was banned not fucking reincarnated into a furfaggotry nigger
holy shit, what an utterly shameless account... imagine having the literal gall to censor fucking ai generated shit you never even made and putting it behind a fucking paywall, and then to make it worse all the posts are the literal same carbon copy basic-ass frontward stock pose like who the actual fuck would be so pathetically sad enough to actually pay for this shit when you'd probably get the same if not better result from doing this shit yourself ai has rotted this medium
>>56867 Natural selection at it's finest.
>>56867 Ah the filth of every emergence industry: The scum before the cream.
Ayo y Bench js got them clown cocks tho nigga
I swear, every time I see this character their bottom lip grows by like an inch. I feel like I'm being gaslit and someone's playing a prank on me with this shit. at the end of this year it'll take up 3/4ths of her face instead of half and we won't even notice because it's done so slowly.
>>56924 Motherfucking scaley ass Teeva
>>56891 Duffy !! what a small world.
>>56944 My name's NOT DUFFY so NOT refer to me byy sona fam srslyyy
>>56891 lmao. Is one of them your selfie, bro ?
The thought that anyone would ever take this guy seriously at all after he consistently posts the most cringey and shit tier art is completely absurd. The guys drawings are like if hyperdolphin bought CSP instead of staying on MS Paint! Honestly what is it with these guys? Do their little pea brains just think more = better, so if they like navels they just make it a gaping crater, or if they like feet they'll just make a character have disproportionately large feet?
>>56953 please don't say mean things about my art it makes me cry
>>56954 fuck I fucked it up lol
>>56944 >>56945 >>56950 MY NAME IS NOT DUFFY....DUFFER...SOMETHING! I am Dogeoisie. Dogeoisie. DOGEOISIE! SO IT GET IT THROUGH YOUR DAMN FUCKING SKULL, AND CALL ME THE REAL NAME THAT HAVE GOD HAS BEEN GIVEN TO ME! And the bird at The Website Formerly Known as Twitter during 2019...you DAMN! MOCKING! BASTARD!
Guys...Talpimado's having another breakdown again. Can anyone make out what he's trying to say through this garbled ass goulash speak? I ain't even gonna touch on the fact that the pic is about a horse pissing himself
>>56983 >The furry community >Isnt clean anymore >Illuminati >Brain control satellites you cant make this shit up the fact that he brings it out of nowhere too
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>>56986My best friend had a friend who's dad was clinically schizophrenic. He would ramble on about how he was being stalked by men in a "red limousine". Of course there was no such thing. I got together with said friend and a bunch of other friends who were mechanics happening to work a project car which happened to be a party limo thing. They got the engine to a point where it was running and they had it wrapped crimson red. We drove it infront of the guys house and up and down the street a few times. good times.
>>56992 Show us porn of Taylor.
>>56992 ...The fuck is wrong with you?
>>56992 Best post I've seen in a long time
Wanted Series officially dead. RIP the only variety irkin "I'm gonna kill myself" gir ever had. Now for various females with human feet only. You will all have the exact same feet and be happy
>All women cast >Everyone has 5 toed feet I wonder where he got that from...
>>57041 >>57044 I have a theory...
>>57044 >>57045 >furries Man who gives a shit lol
>>57056 Found the artist boys. Furries are the cringe lolcows that never stop being cringe degenerate lolcows, therefore we pointing and laughing
>>57044 You do know that guy made all that cast based of ex-girlfriends, right? More than once he stated that
>>57109 >OCs he's literally been tickle and foot raping for decades >Based >Off ex girlfriends Niggawut
>>57115 >of Ex Girlfriends Based.
>>57127 Guy needs to get over them. Clearly not good for his mental health.
>>57096 no i mean furries are cancer lol
>>57179 Nigga I have so much drawn porn of my ex it’s unreal. Fuck that whore, best part is that she hated foot stuff too so double the humiliation. I feel no shame. I feel no remorse. I will keep drawing tickle torture art of her.
>>57199 >ID >666 Oh hey Satan, how's it going?
>>57096 >Teutons vs furries DAS ICH SOLL
>>57211 >Mono >Decade >High school I refuse to believe this man is rapidly approaching his 30s
>>57226 kron is like in his mid 20s at most he's been drawing since he was like 16 or something
>>57224 Heisse?
>Moekaki finally decides on a feasible game idea within his abilities >Finally decides to start working on his ongoing webcomic after 8 billion years >Never posts any updates >Shifts gears for the 10000th time on the scope of his game >"Why isn't this working?" I just want to shake him. Like everything aside it's just frustrating to see him spinning his wheels eternally.
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>>57244 Wait till he finds out what C# is. With his ability to concentrate on one thing at a time, he'll give up the idea after a few days (if not hours) of self-study.
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So jeej got called out for being a hypocrite and now he’s deactivating.
>>57262 Good riddance, this guy is not a ticklefag, hates ticklefags, and had an inner circle of ticklefag friends he kept farming for clout. He's a deranged hypocrit, I hope he ACTUALLY leaves so someone more agreeable steals his OC
>>57263 >Steals his OC What a great idea...
>>57263 Me and a few others were talking about lolifying his OCs just to spit in his face.
>>57267 >>57268 Whoever you are, do it
>>57262 shazzul has to be the biggest dick rider in the community, I always see him in every decent artists replies trying desperately to get any sort of attention from them
can caroo stop putting dicks on characters for ONE SECOND? go put a dick on Isabelle or something. we all know you won't do it because you like her too much, so can you stop doing that shit with characters that other people like?
use to like their art more before realizing their inconsistencies in proportions even for characters they have drawn multiple times already for years and their crippling shota addiction
>>57286 Suck my big throbbing cock and balls from the back, Dumb Queer.
>>57286 I actually like the way Caroo does dicks, there's also Pawf and Twomario, but Twomario has a chronic addiction to shota and i can't get off to that.
>>57298 >Main OC is a shota >The OC who is friends with them is a shota >Their other OCs from their friends are mostly shotas, men and women who sometimes assault them >Some of the men can sometimes even get aged down to shotas >Twomarios favorite furry character is an 8 year old fox >He art clearly has more care into shota miliking than other art Yeah think his addiction is crazy
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>>57262 Thinking finding a gf will suddenly remove the hard-wired fetishistic urges. He'll be back, they always come back. But he hated tickling, so it doesn't matter either way.
>>57300 It's very obvious why Sodiepawp and him were friends
>>57286 Aww DQ ^^ I appreciate you sharing my latest world! That's right everybody, it's true :D Roxy's Tune Up Interactive Animation Pack - Buy and Play it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/roxys-tune-up-93215612 It's ready and it's here! Roxy's Tune Up is a "Consensual sci-fi BDSM" themed interactive gallery. Roxy's body has seen some dire wear and tear and she's come in for repairs, replacements, and "diagnostic" tests. Help her to create a new look! Is Roxy ready for her new body and her mind to be put to the test? Can she endure mind melting pleasure and ticklish torments? Let's find out! This Pack Includes: - Roxy has come in for repairs! Customize parts of Roxy like Feet, Hands, Genitals, & Chest and make her look THE BEST! - 34 Animated Parts - (22 per gender with some shared.) - 44 HD Quality Video Renders - 44 Still images - Kinks Explored Include: Consensual BDSM, Bondage, Teasing, Tickling, Orgasms, Fucking Machines, Gags and Blindfolds, Edging, Body Mod, Pleasure overload, Clit Pumping, and lots of Roxy! - Other features include being able to change the lighting conditions and UI displays in-game!
>>57324 ...I hate this corporate shrilling sycophant...
>>57324 Can we repair her with a flamethrower? Poor girl.
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Artists stop drawing this fuck ass underage garden of fucking banban fnaf clown, its some fucking autism shit it’s as bad as fucking sun and moon from HL I’m fucking sick to fucking DEATH of this shit it’s a magnet for shit artists she is literally some white fuck ass circle god fucking damnit I hate her and I hate you
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Artists stop drawing this fuck ass underage garden of fucking banban fnaf clown, its some fucking autism shit it’s as bad as fucking sun and moon from HL I’m fucking sick to fucking DEATH of this shit it’s a magnet for shit artists she is literally some white fuck ass circle god fucking damnit I hate her and I hate you
Artists stop drawing this fuck ass Stewie griffin overalls of fucking banban Sam & Max bunny clone, its some fucking autism shit it’s as bad as fucking sun and moon from HL I’m fucking sick to fucking DEATH of this shit it’s a magnet for shit artists he is literally some furry fuck ass circus nigger god fucking damnit I hate him and I hate you
>>57331 You seem to be under the impression that rule 34 doesn’t apply to us too. If they exist, someone’s probably drawn them being tickled.
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>>57324 kind of insane how Caroo has been drawing for like what, 10+ years and he still traces 3d models from design doll? like this man will literally just stream himself tracing a screenshot and tracing character heads without a hint of shame, like damn dude atleast put it off to the side! tracing is a valid way of learning drawing, but if you're STILL tracing over models and references a year much less a decade into drawing, then I really don't know what to tell you.
>>57330 >>57331 >>57333 I'll tell ya, I give no fucks about this autistic tumblrshit-looking thing, but the backlash against every fucking meme waifu that gets lewded for a few months before everybody forgets them forever does get old. We get it dude, popular thing bad. You're not cool. It'll blow over soon enough anyways.
>>57324 I wonder how much time this full grown adult scours these various boards hoping and praying someone mentions him so he's able to make these sort of posts. I feel bad for him.
>>57348 Ughhhhhh I was having such a chill night at Sharky-B stream until the fucking yelllow furry appeared out of the blue. I thought Caroo was dead but nope, spamming chat and split streaming
>>57355 Let’s all give him attention so he does it again
>>57354 >>57355 >>57357 You guys are dipshits. They probably get off on the rage you send their way. Trolling 101.
>>57360 >>57367 Noone is allowed to critique him then? Hes untouchable? Are you guys special needs???
>>57374 Okay but imagine if we just ignored him entirely when he advertises. He just wouldn’t do it. When he sees people going HUH BUH GAY CANGAROO MAN, he gets what he wants. just move on with you day, jack off, get on with it
>>57330 >underaged she's like 24 lmao
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>>57392 I think if the creator said she was 13 her design literally wouldn’t have change lmao
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Holy shit DQ is a fucking scumbag.
>>57524 Seriously, who the duck is DQ?
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>>57331 >>57344 >>57345 Ravioli, Ravioli, Stop lewding The circus loli
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>>57524 errm, what the scallop? i didn't say that, you better watch your mouth buddy otherwise you're gonna end up ban-banned
>>57527 I literally predicted in my head that you would say that.
>>57527 The problem is, we don't know if it was really you or not. Because based on your other posts, I can tell that's what you would do.
>>57527 >no, it wasn't me, it was the man with the strange cough Own up to it. We all know you're a piece of shit, at least we won't think you're a pussy to boot.
>>57527 >Lmao imma troll >Receives significant backlash >I-I-It wasn't me guys, it was Goldberg Sheckelstein and his cough! >Imma ban u Cmon DQ, you've admitted in the past you like trolling /tkr/ because you think it's funny. Just admit you made a bad joke, and stop hiding behind your admin friends. It never ends well. Even Mono doesn't pull this shit. It's only going to make people hate you more.
>>57533 Holy shit I never thought I’d see this absolute gem of a movie referenced in this shithole
>>57534 >>57536 >>57533 bruh, literally neither these two faggots are me, it's an anonymous board dumbasses, anyone can come here and pretend to be me, that's why i've been posting without a name for the last few weeks and TGT pannels.
>>57547 Ok, I believe you
>>57547 That's what you get for not using tripcodes https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html
>>57547 I don’t believe you
Chaz, that foot is in the wrong position lol
>>57582 anon her ankles are crossed chaz bugs me too but no need to nitpick
>>57582 autism
>>57582 >tkr >doesn’t post tickles
>>57589 Oh shit my bad, he did this one on the same post. Just wanted to throw vile at him for frying his coom brain with this many drawing requests he has done lately but this one turned out good
>>57597 You are forgiven, carry on hating
>>57547 Well maybe if you weren't such a piece of shit in the first place, the flies wouldn't emulate you.
>>57547 >makes a genuinely tone deaf attention seeking/baiting meme >gets deserved backlash >deletes the post >GUYS I SWEAR THIS WASNT ME! right DQ, we believe you
>>57330 >>57331 >>57333 >>57344 >>57345 >digital circus >undertale >five nights at freddy's >roblox >friday night funkin >gacha life >cookie run >fortnite >minecraft >the loud house >any indie shovelware fandom bait "horror" game Every time I see fetish art of shit like this on DA, I immediately block the person who posted it because there's no way they're over the age of 15. Or at the very least, they haven't mentally progressed much since their 15th birthday.
>>57721 >i-is... is that (current thing)?? >NOOOO YOU FUCKING CHILD AND/OR MANCHILD. BLOCKED! BLOOOCKED!!!
Imagine being mid 40s and talking like this.
>>57721 leave fnaf out of this
>>57727 This is from that TickleRoom guy, isn't it?
>>57730 I swear to Scott Cawthon I'm going to L rizz your fazballs
>>57720 >Deleted it LMFAO did he actually fucking delete it? Woooooow. Proved his innocence just like a real fed would
>>57547 You’re pathetic, DQ.
>>57728 This Toy Chica needs a tickling specifically.
>>57723 kek, found the manchild
>>57748 only real and mature and NORMAL ticklefags jerk off to adult series like DRAGON BALL or STAR WARS, not cringe pussy baby autist shit like UNDERTALE or FNAF or other retard garbage like that
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>>57752 >adult series >DRAGON BALL Who are these people who watch anime cartoons after the age of 18?
>>57587 Well, can we talk about how he's horrible at managing accounts? He said once that "I'll start to post more often in Bsky Social" shifted to post exclusive shit there, leaving Twitter pretty dry. Since he's on the mindset of Twitter sinking and Bsky as a "toxic free enviroment". The real toxicity check he needs is to get a decent job that isn't a exploited cashier but I guess it serves him right since it's the only place that puts him on his place, the internet enables him too much
>>57760 I think you're obsessing over someone who makes mid art lol
>>57762 Isn't that all of us here anyway?
>>57762 >YOU'RE OBSESSING >OVER MID TIER ARTIST >REEEEEEEE Kek. My dude. You're in the fucking artist HATE thread. No drama, no criticism, no amount of bitching is too petty or too small for us, and no artist is too good or bad for us to bitch about.
>>57764 >>57767 Fair enough I guess.
Does anyone actually have an example of DQs work? Like I've seen literally nothing aside from his name
Does anyone else hate this guy?
>>57909 Oh, right. the guy. The guy we hate, the guy chosen specially to hate, hated guy.
>>57912 That one fucking guy man, istg. Fucking guy.
>>57909 I'm going to rape that fucking guy. Fuck. Him.
>>57909 >>57912 >>57913 >>57915 >>57915 Thank christ someone else said it, I fucking hate that guy
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>>57909 did you see what he said on twitter
>>57918 Fucking unbelievable. Look at all these alt accounts
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>>57920 fuck him. he used to make such good stuff. pic related.
>>57909 >>57912 >>57913 >>57915 >>57916 >>57918 >>57920 >>57926 Haters. I was always a fan of his. Sure he’s a bit dramatic and bitches a lot but he does good stuff.
Gaho's scared of big bad AI
>>57926 fuck this guy, honestly
>>57935 ok guys I'll ask here so no one has to expose themselves. should he be kicked from that server? he's constantly picking fights and shit talking other (usually better) artists for literally any reason he can think up and sperging out constantly whenever someone posts anything he personally dislikes. frankly, I'm tired of him, and I know a few other people are too, but I wanna know how much more people actually would like him gone vs my own opinion before steps start to get taken.
>>57937 It's a double edged sword. I hate him as much as anyone else but I really love watching him sperh out. What if you made an AI channel in the server? Just something you know would big him big mad. Let him blow up and dig his own grave. Make him PEN1. Then ban him after he's actually blown up and did something REALLY stupid. Milk that lolcow, anon
>>57938 This, >>57937 You have to do a little trolling here and there.
>>57937 Anon I have an idea 1. AI art competition. Has to be of other artists' characters/OCs. New channel for it, winners get a free sketch from an artist who's in on it or something easy like that. 2. Submit art of Gaho's sona and OCs after putting them through an AI via it's own channel via sock puppet accounts 3. Gaho fucking looses it because he can't handle it 4. ???? 5. PROFIT
>>57937 Yes please
>>57937 Start posting Gaho's art, saying that you generated it in an AI. Leave comments marveling at how good the technology's getting, but lamenting how artificial and poor a lot of the details are. Do not break character under any circumstances. Do not respond to him if you don't have to. Act indignant and confused at his insults if you must.
>>57959 Or do basically anything else with your life
>>57934 i need a link to this server, i'm begging you i want to see him go schizo in real time
>>57938 Make an AI art channel and keep tagging him.
>>58107 Is this some kind of pattern, that in the channel for selfies almost every single person looks like an icel? I was shocked. Almost EVERYONE who posts selfies has glasses, looks like a fucking nerd, overweight/skinny with a very weak jaw. Gym pictures is something else...
How do you fuck up this bad? No seriously, I wanna know.
>>58191 Speaking of Kampfer, I have NO fucking evidence of that dox he was bitching about ever happening. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I fucking think he just made that up for attention. Fucking troon.
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>>53626 maybe he kinda based tho
>>58261 I'm not following the discussion, but this plot made me think: How many of us where in thin ice while in our teens? I remember when I was like 15-16 y.o. I would search for tickling stories of a girl my age being tickled. Like a 16-17 y.o. being tickled in a sleepover or whatever. I prefered it that way. Like, someone 18-21 (and more) was "too old" and I preferred girls my age. I didn't think of it back then, but looking back was almost like searching for Democrat activism lol (or "underage porn" anyway). And of course, horny teenagers are abundant and have a lot of time, and not sure how that complicates the statistics from actual pedos.
>>58266 > Democrat activism Lmao, the censor. But I think people will get it
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>>58266 Legit oldfag here. One of my first experiences with tickle fetish fiction was a story (this was web 1.0 well before even TT and TMF, think I was even using AOL or some ancient shit lmao) where the subjects had their ages given as 11 and 12 (I was maybe 14 at the time, lying about my age online to explore this wonderful new world of things that gave me strange but pleasant feelings). Even at the time I noped out due to a weird feeling, wasn't until I was in my 20s and had a few Clips4Sale and MTJ purchases on my bank account that I looked back and realized one of my earliest experiences with online fetish content was (thankfully fictional) cp >at least I hope it was fictional >rather not speculate about the age of the author >I even remember the title (not posting it here for obvious reasons) >the D'Amato scandal went live a few years later and still gives me wtf vibes to think about
>>58266 >18-21 too old yooooo even more based??
Why is HAG the new pedo v. the entire population thread? Don't you niggers have your own threads?
>>58301 Because the BO tolerates pedoshit. Call him an asshole.
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>>58301 I look like the chud in your picture. Here is a picture of my wife btw
>>58306 Hot. Do you have the Paimon daki too
>>58279 >D'Amato God I remember when that went down. Everyone went into a panic because the news was reporting on some depraved tickle freak like it was going to expose us all to the world. But of course no one gave two shits and it faded away with time. And 20 years later he committed suicide after that indie film about “competition tickling” brought light back to the incident and publicly humiliated him.
>>58301 you can go cry about people liking drawings of fictional characters that dont exist literally everywhere else online. why would you choose 8chan - of all places - to be your hill to die on? go sperg out on twitter or tumblr or whatever little discord circle you're in. just remember that at the end of the day, your favorite artist most likely either draws Loli tickling art, enjoys Loli tickling art, or is part of a Loli tickling community. they just aren't retards and go around telling everyone. it's bad for the brand ;)
>>58318 My man, he's referring to actual pedos, not lolicons. In other words, these posts. >>58261 >>58299
>>58320 I want to ask if there's an effective difference but uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>58318 Yeh bro he is talking about irl pedos, but your point still stands I’m probably hundreds of peoples favorite artist. Many moral fags enjoy my work. I love loli tickling and have drawn lots of it.
>>58318 No u
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>boomers seething itt stay losing faggots. future belongs to cunnychads
>>58279 Fucking hell this unlocked a memory for me. My first internet searches (just to date my old ass) were through Excite mostly because that search engine would have suggested add-on words so it made it really easy to fall into rabbit holes. I initially found a lot of bdsm content and navel fetishism (specifically remember a site called the Navel Academy which had some good tickle fics amid a really weird military theme), but the first like all tickle story I remember was (supposedly) non-fiction and similarly aged kids involved. Supposedly it was written by a woman recalling her whimsical child years of gang tickling a kid but it was originally posted on an alt.sex.fetish group and I'm sure now written by some depraved disgusting dude getting off on exposing people to his fantasies.
>>58351 Yes, come to China. Indulge in your pedophilia. Indulge in your western fetishes. I promise, your balls will remain intact.
>>58351 >Japan >Pedos That's been known since like 2002. It's one of the reasons Japan is such a hardcore meme country. It's why we oldfags immortalized it back in the 2000s. Because it's fucked up and therefore funny. But please, go off kang. I wonder how long before the feds honeypot this thread. You hear that DQ? Tell your admin friends the pot's getting ready to be stirred again.
>>58368 Don't feed the troll
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>>58368 >feds Are the biggest purveyors of CP out there. They've had Epstein's laptop for years and made zero arrests because their job is to protect his clients not prosecute them.
12/9/2023 Mein Komrades; It has been a very long a valiant fight on the /tkr/ board, the Federal Republic of DeviantART and the furry imperialist monarch of Furaffinity...however, my drive to continue to fight is rivaled only by my passion for German Demokratic Republik. Our comrades in der Stasi have penetrated enemy lines, and have eliminated the Jamesthecat menace. We will continue to push westward towards the Imperialist pigs sponsoring the invasion of our board. We are unsure of the pedophilic connection as of now,but Stasi indicates they may be Chinese backed. As is the habit of Maoism and the unorthodoxy of Chinese warfare. I will continue to update periodically as I can.
>>57959 >>57938 Holy shit someone did it. It's HAPPENING
>>58398 BASED
>>58402 Ackshually*
>>58403 >>58398 The saga continues...
>>58391 >Chinese Riiiight. It was Confucius saying violating a young Gwailo girl was like putting a finger in her eye.
>>58476 Thanks Lila, very cool
>>58476 DQ may I please get an artist's rendition of Moekakie and Kampferwolf?
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>>58479 why would you willingly associate with someone who shit talked a dead/dying artist, and instead of apologizing like they should have when they got rightfully called out, instantly deleted the post and then claimed it wasnt them.
>>58480 Nah I just know DQ likes Kron, I think lol.
>>58476 There is no reason for Lila to be this elaborately stacked on a shitpost
>>58481 "Likes" him?
Thoroughly been over a decade, this autist still draws retarded and still over hypes himself for the sake of his own schizophrenia. On an old thread back on 8kun (and on a different account he had, he account hops then deleted fucking everything only to restart the cycle after a year or two's passed) he confirmed that he was approved for disability by the government and can't work because he doesn't feel like it (he also posted irl pics of himself. Fat ginger, able bodied.) Also confirmed via DMs to anon that his fursona frequently fucks his own mother Chris Chan style.
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i don’t hate this artist or anything, but why the fuck have they been recently making the lees in their art look like fucking baki characters lowkey??? the way they did expressions and faces for lees were always a bit bizarre-looking, likely cuz of their art style but seriously the mario princess art is just especially fucking grotesque-looking
>>58540 Japanese people are weird...
>>58540 >recently He’s been doing this ever since he started, he’s just a fairly terrible boomer artist
>>58543 notice how i said the expressions have always been a bit bizarre, but i’m saying they’ve been getting even more so recently
>>58540 You all are just so sad sometimes ...
Okay I was initially going to lay off until I actually read the message >Step brother commits suicide allegedly >Proceeds to make this about him and HIS suffering >Fucking sketches fan art for another well known tranny thot becuz muh clout >Continues to ebeg >"Tomorrow I'm fucked" Kampfer, congratulations. You've officially used the death of a family member to your own benefit in e begging. You've turned from just another whiny furfag to genuinely fucking rotten narcissist, and key example of why people can't stand troons. Fuck you, I hope you get foreclosed on, arrested and go homeless. You're preaching of an ideology that made the self proclamation that laziness is a virtue and only ends up making it's true believers homeless leeches who are ripe with mental illness and welcome anyone into their circle no matter how degenerate, is a prime example of why people in your self made shithole of a country are going insane, regardless of politucal spectrum. The only way you'll ever fucking fix this mess is if you drop the troony narcissistic bullshit, shave your fucking beard, get a job, and actually pick up the pieces of your life and grow up. But you'll never do that. You're too much of an attention whore. You'll keep spiraling until you do something the greater internet notices and eventually turn into a lolcow. Fuck you, Kampfer.
>>58545 care to elaborate?
>>58612 Has he ever tried to learn other skills and get a job?
>>58540 Their art is ALMOST great there's just something off about the shapes
So Chaz pretty much killed off his Animal Crossing comic? Also, can you even call it a webcomic if it's just loose concept art and strips for the Patreon folks?
>>58655 Man I wish they didn’t just take mannequins and slap animal crossing heads on them because their characters looks good otherwise like here
>>58704 Well yes, Chaz can make some decent character design when isn't Animal Crossing coded. Just gotta wait like a whole year or 2 for him to public release the comics
>>58721 He is actually a really good artist, which makes it even more frustrating he's decided to focus entirely on Animal Crossing and ugly obese women.
>>58726 I mean, consider he's mid 30s fat and balding and his wife is a landwhale. Also Steven Universe fan so you tell me
>>58734 Just let people enjoy life and do whatever they want, man.
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>>58769 >>57273 Considering how bad his art is, his only way to get clout is with interactions to attract people with no standards. Shazzul has admitted he traces his gf's body and she got a flat foot so makes sense his art looks flat too lol
>>58769 Do we need to tap the sign again? Hate thread
loli is one thing because usually the fat ogres who fap to it aren't dedicated enough to actually groom and diddle little kids, this guy however... what possesses you to be in your mid-30s shitting out fetish art of tickling a kid six ways to sunday? dude's a closeted pedo and hides behind it being good, clean, innocent fun. who the fuck do they think they're fooling? guy gives me the creeps. not to mention his self insert and another 'babysitter' OC of his look almost the same. man absolutely fantasizes about this shit. keep your kids away from this fucker
I think Jim's art looks like mid-tier garbage. It only looks good when compared to the utter dog shit that DA is usually flooded with.
>>58831 Dude was caught red handed in screenshots liking and commenting on deleted DA posts of real children feet when that was a problem being called out back then The fact he still got friends is crazy to me
>>58833 A week old rotten apple in the counter is less gross than a year old aged rotten apple but both are gross still
I like how the range of this thread spans from an actual pedophile to "this guys arts kinda mid ://///" and they're spoken of with the same amount of vitriol
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>>58833 About time someone shit on this guy. Their art kind of stagnated while everyone else got better. They still haven't outgrown their obsession with goth/punk girls. Not the worst artist in any case but dude needs to learn some fundamentals. (I know you're reading this Jim - here's a tip. Flip the canvas every once in awhile)
>>58841 that's the thing, his friends are clueless little kids or fellow pedos-in-arms
>>58852 actually you're right, those are literally the people he is friends with.
>>58847 >doesnt like goth girls shit taste. opinion ignored
>>58833 >actually tries to copy the style of the comic or show the character is from instead of drawing characters in "their style" like every other tickling artist idk anon, if anything they at least put more soul and effort into their art than any other tickling artist atm. also why did pick some of his older art instead of his more recent stuff?
Jimbo had sex with my mom and I've never seen her so happy
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>>58847 >About time someone shit on this guy. Why didn't you do it earlier? Were you actually waiting for someone who shared your opinion to speak up before saying it? What a bitch LMFAO
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>>58950 >my wifeabito bought me THE GENIOUS teeabito from @website for Christmas but I'm the oneabito wearing it so who's the real smart guyabito?
>>58950 Wow Chaz, as your wife's boyfriend's son, I gotta say: I smell the soy from here.
>>59022 wait until he Photoshops an animal crossing head on himself, then you'll see what real talent is!
>>58950 Why do these people always have the worst fashion sense?
>>59037 Mid 30s, fat, no degree, 9-5 cashier, had to settle down for a landwhale, Nintendo fan, balding. Like, he got really low standards and can't afford better clothes so you tell me
>>59045 Shit even my broke ass could save enough to go to Men's Warehouse XD
>>59088 when the nigga who says XD got a solid point over you, you know you fucked up chaz
>>58612 >Brother in law dies >"Oh no anyways" >Actual sister dies >"I FAAAIIIIIIILLLLEEEDDD YOOOOOUUUUU" >One day later >"Also my nips got sucked lol" How has Kampfer not made it on Kiwifarms yet? He's using his IRL sister's death for sympathy baiting. Fucking hell.
>>59118 I assume because none of the kiwis are aware of his existence. Maybe try starting a lolcow thread for him there?
>>59122 I warn you; trying to start Kiwifarms threads on fetish artists IS going to immediately open you up to a barrage of "How exactly do you know this guy..." interrogations. Nobody "just so happens" to stumble across fetish idiots with no followers and they're going to immediately smell you out as a PA fag.
>>59122 >>59123 god please fucking don't I don't want a bunch of KF dipshits showing up in here
>>59118 Can you just stop forcing this fucking troon? Why are you giving him attention?
>>59152 >Artist HATE thread >STAHP POSTING HATE ON THIS ARTIIIIIST Oh hai, Kampfer. Should we stop posting about Nitro, Moekakie and HumunculousLover too?
>>59153 Yes because it's the same retarded kvetching every time You don't like a thing on the internet, we get it, move on
I never really saw how ugly twomario's style was until i saw this. does this nigga even know how to draw feet anymore without making them look like grotesque muscly sacs of shit?
>>59163 TwoMario’s art is hard carried by his rendering since his art style depending on how horny he feels, he would ruin how a character looks (Sonic characters most of the time) also the fact he likes to over detail stuff in the weirdest way possible (mostly hands and feet)
not only does his art suck, but mentioned before in this thread is that he was friends with sodiepawp. we really need to go after people like them instead of nobody-fucks like Moekaki or some other rat bastard the amount of shota that he draws is simply too damn high. you can't convince me he isn't some sort of a pædo
>>59173 Twomario is also butt buddies with artists who make 3D shit with models of kids that look creepishly real looking or close to that point. Also butt buddies with people who favorite characters to have fetish and nsfw art of are lolis and shotas that commission him who are also butt buddies with said 3D artists.
>>59021 >>59022 >>59030 >>59037 >>59045 I dunno I mean he has no college debt and he has a woman who loves him and indulges his fetish interests. Most of us can only hope for so much. Plus he’s clearly happy enough that he doesn’t have the need to cater to the whims of the fanbase and does what he wants. This place proves how easily said fanbase can turn on you for not doing exactly and exclusively what they want. Dude is fulfilled in his life regardless of how while most of us will die miserable and alone convinced that it’s the worlds fault rather than us for being creepy socially awkward basement dwellers who bitch and moan when things don’t go our way; myself included. This is just how it goes. An artist comes out craving validation, doing whatever they can to please strangers on the internet and either find happiness and stop caring or get fed up with us and quit.
>>59175 I generally don't care is someone draws loli or shota but the 3D model sit squicks me the fuck out
>>59193 TicklingOscars comes to mind. SodiePawp is already creepy enough, but Oscars takes it to another level. >>59173 While I do enjoy making fun of the spergs in this community, I strongly agree with this sentiment. It amazes me how open some of them are about it too, as if they know Deviantart won't do shit. Hell, I've reported Slapstick-Maniac multiple times for this poll, and Deviantart still hasn't done anything aside from take down a few drawings (apparently only fictional kids matter).
>>59192 I'm sorry, since when do "we" or "I" included "you"?
>>59192 Funniest shit ever, talking shit about lack of empathy while being a condescending ass to a teen and how "this should be taught in college". Yeah, clearly you didn't learned it either
>>59202 Anyone have more dirt on Sodie?
>>59210 well not to open up a can of worms but he did change his furaffinity bio like this
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>>59220 Groomed the shit out of me and others. Youngest was 12, apparently a lot of furries travel to Tennessee to visit his house (he lives with his mum, wtf), frequently draws children in fetish situations, I mean the guy screams groomer. Just look at these, nigga shit y'all motherfuckers wanna post Kampfer on Kiwifarms for all his bitching and using dead relatives for clout but here's a nigga that really needs the attention
>>59233 Sodie trying NOT to draw someone as a child challenge (literally impossible) Srsly tho...I want to know more because I'm intrigued now anyone have more stories about this guy? Groomer allegations? Anything?
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>>59233 >>59237 yeah I don't give a shit how old the characters he draws is, whats this about him grooming a 12 year old? you can't just drop that tidbit and then go "look at this drawing"
Polarbear draws some of the ugliest faces known to man. I don't hate him though.
>>59242 This. NGL the style and colours are simply unappealing (no offence)
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>follow artist in twitter >they troon out >never fucking draws anymore, just posts their fucking feet over and over I'm not gonna name names but It's happened twice now.
>>59260 name them
>>59260 AfterDarkBog
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>>59262 >Bog
>>52518 Git gud
>>59239 Me and a small group (wanna remain anonymous for obv reasons), we'd contact him on DA/FA through normal means (underaged fetish lurking, mods not giving a shit. Some of us were dumb enough to list our ages on our accounts ffs). We'd comment on a pic here and there, approach him or vice versa. He'd start asking us fetish shit, details, names, age, all that. Never gave a fuck we were kids. Then he'd gift us art, requests, RPs, etc no issue getting sexual with it at all hence the dating kids post on his FA most of us were scared afraid to come forward, some still are. We'd rather die then tell our parents obvsly so he gets away with it god knows how many times the cycles repeated
>>59271 ...and you didn't report it?
Give me solid evidence that he’s groomed kids. Receipts, screenshots. Not some stupid fictional character bullshit or profile bio. Anything else is hearsay or BS.
Glad this guy is gone
>>59281 You're input require reasons Fuki-son.
>>59284 The filename
>>59281 >>59286 I dont doubt it but can I see proof?
>>59287 Before you ask, no none of people censored are me. The server in general was fucked since it allowed minors in it and shit while allowing them to post their feet. He 100% knew who were minors or not since the server had roles for adults and minors and said people in the screenshots were stupidly open with how old they were for example Tee himself. The minors in question were 14 and 16 while he was 20. Considering one of the screenshots show that one of them led to DMs, idk what kind of shit he said in those specifically. These are the only screenshots I have since I’ve left the server but quickly returned just to get these screenshots last year then ditch it, and the server has been deleted for over a year now with this being the only evidence he was doing this shit Kinda tired of being scared to show this shit now that I have a place to post it anonymously due to being old enough now
>>59271 I call bs. I talked with the dude couple time some years ago and never got asked any personal question. So unless you have proof...
>>59271 >>59274 >>59291 Yeah you can't go "me and countless pther minors have been groomed by this man" and show absolutely nothing. show me a chat log, anything. If its happened to multiple children it should be easy. >>59290 see? this guy came packing receipts for his creep.
>>59290 He's only 21?!? I thought he was at least in his 30s from how long he's been around and the way he acts.
I dunno, seems pretty confident. Should I commission this person I've never interacted with until today?
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>>59575 fuck, forgot the image
>>59260 lesson learned: never hang out with "egg cracker" obsessed people... >>59209 >yeah I make more money working at target than my wife does with her college degree specialized field job! imagine shit talking and trying to show that you're somehow better than YOUR OWN WIFE to strangers online... at least she doesn't get fired for being utterly useless like every month or two like you do Chaz. seriously, each time I hear about this guy hes working at a different retail store. >>59192 hi Chaz. stop being maintained by your poor wife and get an actual job to help her out instead of a part time at target or Best buy or Walmart or wherever you work now. do you really think that she is happy having to work and maintain a man child who refuses to actually get a full time job in something that isn't shelf restocker to help support himself and his wife? is this what she always dreamed of? either that or actually start drawing the shit people follow/watch you for in the first place. drawing shitty animal crossing characters is not paying the bills and no one is staying subbed to your Patreon to see your new shitty comic especially when it doesn't involve tickling. you're a decent fetish artist, not a good artist artist. once that clicks in your head you'll be better off.
>>59290 >posts cringey RP stuff ok yeah this is pretty cringe and everything but... where's the minor part? i mean respectfully, do you just expect us to believe that someone is a minor just because you say they are? like we need actual real proof, not what is basically some shitty flirty RP stuff in a public discord.
>>59175 also would like proof or evidence of this tbh, everyone in this thread needs to stop being pussies and start actually naming people
>>59585 the people in the screenshots censored are minors except for the one censored in a different color.
>>59587 >>59586 >>59585 >Where's da proof of age? Tbf I don't think we'd be able to prove anything without doxxing a literal child. How does one even prove that without doxxing? No srsly how?
>>59587 guess we just have to believe a random anonymous poster's word about an extremely serious accusation then, gotcha. >>59590 maybe with a screenshot of them saying they're underage? maybe with something the guy said that implied that he knew they're underage? >inb4 no only I know they're underage! you have to believe me, there's no way anyone else could know! because if that happens to be the case, then what's the proof that this guy knew they were even underage when he was doing the cringe RP with em? sorry dude, in this thread we hate people for acting like retards with no proof needed, but when you throw literal criminal accusations at some guy, you better have some good proof to back it up before anyone believes you. and by proof I don't mean "take my word that the censored name is really underage guys".
>>59584 By the looks of it, he's betting all his poker chips in 7Eves (who do you even read that title? 7Eleven?) about some possible wlw story or probably just some dumb jokes, no plot and many foot shots for no reason aside of his fetish
Wait, merch store? Bor can't even keep his social media active sites with art, let alone produce and deliver merch, also, health? I mean, we can assume he eats junk food
>>59575 I say give him all your money
>>59610 Merch is easy these days, there are so many companies who will do the shitty print job and sell it for you.
>>59613 Oh yeah, I know Redbubble and alike exists yes but is pretty much you giving out a design and up to them to produce and distribute so no quality control in your hands also you get only like 10-20% of the sales
I actually like Cyborg Steve/Rali-arts to an extent, but they limit themselves to the YCH format too much. You get examples like this that just look off.
>>59763 Those are so painfully traced its right in the uncanny valley.
>Draws mounts of gay M/M >Rarely draws lesbian F/F > When he does it he tries immediately to put women sucking dick I think Zeep has an issue with lesbians
>>59763 what the fuck is that abhorrent, bizarre, pathetic excuse for a fucking face that this guy drew
>>59763 Motherfucking blow up doll face
>>59779 >I think Zeep has an issue with lesbians Your logic is broken. ZP just turned into a gigafaggot
>>59779 Based Zeep
>>59779 His stuff's awful anyway. Can't into anatomy at all.
>>59779 >>59824 >ZP92 >Based >Lesbians I'm going to inject sour cream into your nipples I'm going to inject sour cream into your nipples I'm going to inject sour cream into your nipples I'm going to inject sour cream into your nipples I'm going to inject sour cream into your nipples I'm going to inject sour cream into your nipples I'm going to inject sour cream into your nipples I'm going to inject sour cream into your nipples
>>59609 Wow, so Moekaki but worse iow
>>59909 Oh yeah, he's on the "I hate Twitter" train too so full package to compare him to Moekaki, all these new screenshots are from Bsky. Like wow, Twitter being the only place that still gives him numbers but now wants to slowly force everyone to jump to either his Bsky or Patreon
>>59609 Chaz seems to enjoy talking about the concept of his story more than he actually enjoys producing it.
>>59924 Of course he does. One let's him sit on his ass and coom-fantasy fap while getting paid for it, and the other's putting in some actual work for pay
>>59265 is this what bog actually looks like? if so, then they're running the best scam i've ever seen with how many people fall for it
>>59927 Pretty sure that isn't him, but there are definitely picture of Bog being a man with a beard floating around somewhere.
>>59927 >>59928 No, guys. That isn't Big irl. That's KingCobrajfs he's essentially one of the biggest lolcows on the internet right now a la Chris Chan or WingsofRedemption https://kiwifarms.hk/threads/kingcobrajfs-josh-saunders.22713/
Since we talking of Bog, does anybody got any of his feet videos? I refuse to give money to some troon
>>59931 Forgot to add this on my reply. Like, troon wanna act like a e-thot since he dropped the stylus time ago and now is a male foot slut trying to trick people into thinking it's a girl
>>59932 >Tribute $30 >Tribute >T r i b u t e Bruh. Why these troons always think they're some kind've lord? Narcissistic ass >Unblock $50 >Minors FUCK OFF Wait wait wait hold the motherfucking phone. What if a minor paid 50 dollars? 🤔
>>59931 >>59932 bog being trans isn't a secret. I dunno why you're seething so much about them "tricking" people. if you wanna hate trannies, fine, but don't try to spin this like its something its not. did you coom to his feet a few times without knowing, and now you're having a trans panic or something?
>>59933 Trans aside I fucking hate those terms “Findom” “tribute” “unblock fee”
>>59939 Nobody is going to scroll that much to find out, he better start putting pronouns or the troon flag or something so of course from the surface any newcomer will think it's a gal and him trying to act like some sort of e-thot asking for tribute and shit ain't helping your point
>>59941 >tranny loudly advertises they're trans >"uugh, we get it, you're trans, fuck off" >tranny doesn't loudly advertise they're trans >"uugh, what the fuck is this trickery??" ok.
I say we kill'em. I'm tired of these narcissistic ass motherfuckers demanding money for just being an over sexually charged faggot.
>>59942 >>59939 Since you’re so hellbent on re-writing history, let me explain what happened. Bog disappears from the public after getting into a few messy dramas on various discord servers. He stops drawing for his patreon, then stops drawing altogether . Seeing how he makes no income out of this, he decided to sell feet pics, and at no point during that does he state he’s trans, actually he keeps referring to himself as a gobbo slut bitch woman with solesmanly feet smell. Only when during an artist hate thread, someone posted a pic of him with his huge Adam’s apple and his chad-like jaw did people in his comments get offended for being lead on. ONLY THEN did he make a petty tweet about « I understand if you leave because of societal norms » or whatever. This lead him to be less and less popular, leading him to BEG for money on his twitter. His popularity as short lived as it was was directly linked to the real possibility that this guy is a woman. Which he isn’t.
>>59956 Did you hear about the recent surgery he had on his jaw? Got the whole thing cut up to try and look less “male”
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>>59932 Man remember when they actually drew good art? Especially homestuck? Now theyre fucking looking for paypigs while constantly posting feet pics i fucking hate it here dude why cant we get one consistent artist that doesnt fuck up
>>59956 >>59957 >>59958 >show evidence that bog never tried to hide his trans-ness >"UHM, AKCHULLY, IT WAS A HUGE SECRET!!" you did, didn't you you coomed to his feet and didn't know
>>59932 Troonfag niggercoal thoughbeit
>>59956 >>59957 >>59958 Massive. Cope. Anon, just accept it. You came to a troon's feet because it was masquerading as a lady. 16 years ago? We'd call you gay. Now? No one even cares because there's so many dumbass troon's posing as women (some of which are very convincing, I might add). It happens, and I'll only count it as gay if you start seeking out troons and going back for seconds. God why do straightfags always come up with the dumbest copes when they accidentally gay? Tl;Dr stop being cringe and admit that you thought bog swamp thing was a woman. We'll respect you more for owning it and being honest.
>>59966 >Anyone who says Bog knowingly played on the ambiguity to bait low IQs like KitsuxChan automatically stoke their dick to him. >straightfags hate that they liked troon feet Why do you feel the need to come up with a backstory as to why people don't like catfishes?
>>59967 Nah dude I ain't justifying or backstorying shit. Just look up female feet on Twitter and tell me how many troon's you see. As far as my straightfag comment, bruh have you ever seen a straightfag accidentally gay? I'm not just talking /TK/ either, irl someone has a nearly gay experience and they gotta make up some weird Jojo ass shit in an attempt to justify it. It's like bruh, shit happens, you don't gotta make up some shit to explain that you had a questionable experience. If anyone's making up shit, it's him with the "ackshually Bog kept his troonism HIDDEN" shit.
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>>59968 keep back tracking
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You know, in the past I would've stated that I don't really hate this guy and that I'm just disappointed with how his art style has gone from "meh" to just plain bad due to sheer laziness, but boy have those feelings changed. Never have I seen an artist fuck up a commission to such an insane degree. Some of you are probably thinking that I'm just exaggerating or being a sperg, but allow me to explain... Note: Fifth pic isn't the commission in question, just an example of M-DN not bothering to add a background or fix a small error for a paid commission.
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Part 1: Continuing from >>59987, it all started when I saw CelofanTKL's animation of the Snow Bros princess getting tickled. It made me want to commission a pic of the character, so I went with some simple YCHs of her and Ashley Graves from M-DN. I was also (futilely) trying to get him to just add the background to the K1-B0 pic. Part 2: So, I paid up the $20 and waited a few hours (and by that I actually mean five days). After getting the notification, I got to see how they turned out. Part 3: The Ashley pics were okay. The ones with the princess, on the other hand, made me feel like I was having a brain aneurysm. Part 4: I kept my cool and remained polite as I pointed out that he screwed up. He seemed willing to fix it and also the K1-B0. Things were starting to look up. Part 5: He supposedly made a sketch and put it on Stash, but the link didn't work. I mentioned this seven minutes after he sent said link. Ten days later and still no reply. I asked him to just post the sketch on Discord, but never got a response.
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Now then, you're probably wanting to just see the images already, right? Well, here you go: The result of a retarded artist failing the most simplistic task.
>>59992 I mean, that's what you get for commissioning a bad cheap artist. If isn't bad quality then you can expect a fuck up or in this case both
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>>59992 If you commission a character that looks like this for $20, you're the one who's retarded. What are you, 9 years old?
>>59994 Nah, I seen cool artists making great drawings based off vague pixel art but yeah at that price range you cant expect that much
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>>59992 Did you even played Snow Bros before?
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>>59962 >>59966 I Never once said anything about jacking off to their feet I was talking about the art they used to do?? No clue where you got that from lmao
>>53494 no you retard everyone knows this we just don't draw attention to it, let the man be
>>60011 >>59982 Niggas tryna throw off the convos SO HARD LMAO Nigga we all know you dun consulted professor hanz jerkov about burping the worm upside down while drinking yo juice on the tranny feet nigga the fuck is you all ashamed for its 2024 nigga this ain't prison you ain't about to be shanked for calling on the man foot like God damn you niggas out here be making shit up to fight on and I thought the crackhead grapevine dun talked a lotta shit for notjing nigga the fuck lmao
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>>57286 >this fetish artist is drawing a fetish that i don't like, everybody get him!! also >stop doing that shit with characters that other people like are you actually sperging out saying he's like ruining your fucking fnaf character by putting a penis on her
>>59242 >>59163 >>58833 will say the line: soul i don't even have a problem with any of these styles, but even if i did i'd rather have something that's actually stylised and interesting than all of the ych templated giant feet garbage getting pumped out daily
>>60010 Nope, I think I didn't
>>60018 Feeling personally attacked every time a random imageboard user makes fun of something you jack off to sounds like a really sad and boring way to live
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>>59994 Buddy, look: If you're going to call someone else a retarded child, you need to make sure that you have basic reading comprehension first. >>60010 I've only watched gameplay of it, so no. I just found CelofanTKL's version of the character cute, hence why I used it as a reference. The sprite was just to show what color the princess' eyes are.
>>60027 >you need to make sure that you have basic reading comprehension You literally gave them these references? GIF and pixel art image. How the fuck is an artist supposed to humanize this pixelated yellow thing that looks like Pacman?
>>60039 Thats a pretty easy character to humanize.
>>60039 Anon mad because png does not look like packman. This what autistic artists get when talking with other autistic retards.
>>59920 He kind of does have a point about Twitter sucking. Doesn't make him any less of a sopping minge though
>>59956 >>59957 One of the weirdest things to me is how many 6'+ guys with chad jawlines go troon. It's like my guy you could be slaying pussy on Tinder with those looks just clean up your clothing and hair a bit, maybe do a few push ups in the morning, gotta be easier than chopping your dick t. cursed 5'7" chinlet
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>>60039 Are you retarded? Have you no imagination? I've seen people make characters out of nebulous concepts and you think that's impossible? You are a level of stupid that makes the mentally challenge question your sanity.
>>60039 I don't understand
>>59932 >lesbian wow, this guy isn't just tricking dudes, he's probably also tricking actual lesbian women as well by flirting with them and being like "yeah I'm totally a woman, send nudes!" >findom i doubt anyone is actually pay pigging for his name shit lmao, but if they are, it's solely under the impression it's a chick and not a troon. >>59962 >>59966 what kinda weird fantasy fixation do you have with people being tricked into jerking off to troon feet to the point where you accuse random people on the Internet of doing it? like does it turn you on THAT much? I'm sure there's some of those "tricking my straight friend" stories you can read instead of wasting your time on here. >>59992 bro you paid $10 per commission for a guy who clearly traces feet. I really don't know why you're expecting $50 tier service. the audacity of this nigga. >>60018 >NOOO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THE FEMININE 12 INCH THROBBING COCK MAKES HER CUTER!!!
>>60081 My brother in christ, you payed a mexican 10 bucks to draw it. If you wanted high quality service you should of gone to a high quality artist instead.
>>60132 Wrong anon. I'm harping on artistic merits.
>>60140 More like AUTISTIC merits. Get it? Because you're a retard.
>>60132 *A mexican whos been caught out using AI several times
listen you have all the right to get dissapointed with a commission but also how much was the price again $20 right? in any case use this experience and learn to be expecific about what you want, if the character design is a little vague oryou think the artist could take liberties with the design for example
>>60151 No I meant, i'm a different anon. There's no comma between "wrong" and "anon" Go back to English.
>>60140 You sound like one of those "food review" youtubers who buy heavily processed fast food shit from taco bell for a few bucks then act disappointed like you were expecting something from a high class steakhouse. Like, if there's a better artist that draws shit for pennies on the dollar out there, what's taking you so long to tell us who it is?
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>>60159 TottyTK, CelofanTKL, and NeroFerret all draw for cheap prices, and they're leagues above this M-DN guy >>59987. Chances are that the commission anon went to them first, only to notice that they were closed.
>>60165 The last one is not even fully colored, it was just bucket filled but I do agree that compared to M-DN is miles better
My brother in Christ stfu, mild lewd is the only decent shit you draw
>>60159 Different anon buddy. Refer to previous posts.
>>60181 Ok, and?
uh oh someone made a fucky wucky
>the fags on this board masturbated to mimcubus >mimcubus is actually a bald fat awkward guy PFFFFTTTHAHAHHAHAHA
>>60204 They knew the risks when it was obvious that he was of questionable gender by his voice alone.
>>60205 Yeah it's always been very obvious Mim is male. Dunno how anyone could think otherwise.
>>59956 >during an artist hate thread, someone posted a pic of him with his huge Adam’s apple and his chad-like jaw >>60078 >6'+ guys with chad jawlines go troon Does anyone still have this photo? I didn't manage to find it
>>60204 How do you know this is mim.
>>60218 >fat white chud gonna fucking kill myself
>>60204 >>60218 Beautiful.
>>60204 >Jessie James Grelle is One of Us What the fuck are y'all complaining about that's awesome
>>60232 they're mad cause he's not fuckable I never wanted to fuck him, though, so I'm not hurtin
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>>60232 >not using the lad's real name George >"ITS SO BASED WEHAVE A FAT BALD DELUSIONAL ANIME VOICE ACTOR AMONG US!" Looney troons on damage control
>>60236 don't lump me into this, I never gave a shit about Mimcubus one way or the other. Generally, I don't care what a characters voice actor looks like cause I would 100% still rail the cadbury caramel bunny raw until caramel oozed out of her every hole But with Mimcubus, sure avatar was kinda cute, but his falsetto voice reminded me of Shmorky. Like it was uncanny. no thank you.
>>60245 What the fuck are y'all even talking about lmao
>>60250 Legit tho. Wtf ARE they on about? I schiz out and indulge in autism sometimes but this is ridiculous
>>60236 Thank you, anon. It's been a while since I've laughed this hard.
>>60250 >>60251 1. I want to fuck the cadbury bunny even though her voice actor was a potato woman 2. I don't want to fuck Mimcubus though, because even though he's cute he sounds like Shmorky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FwBw381XpM tell me it's not uncanny I thought I was pretty clear.
>>60263 They both sound insufferable. I'd tickle them with an ax before I'd tickle them with my hands
>>60236 Imagine being 38 and pretending you get tickled by a shitty png floating on the screen. Humanity was a mistake.
>>60262 Yeah bro thats pretty obvious with his miss zard and incest art. This is the same guy that supposedly took pics of his moms feet and posted them online.
Nobody is trusting you with 50k to do ANYTHING LMAO
>>60204 I imagine this is what most foot/tickle fags look like
>>60277 >Moekeki >50 Gs I haven't laughed that hard in a minute. Thanks, /tkr/
>>60262 Nothing burger. Go lock him up in the fictional jail if it means that much to you. I’m fapping to Gwen and Katara feet nigger,
>>60277 lol lmao
btw these threads make we wish i never had this fetish so ty
>>60277 Is he baiting as a joke to get paid 50K? Promoting his account? Like damn, he really throwing his shots at anything
wtf is the bump limit now? how much longer do we have to use this shitty DQ thread
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>>60293 >Is he baiting as a joke to get paid 50K? I think he's just joking about that coomer who paid 50k to have a music video made where his OC is raped by the Hazbin demon, it's kicked up quite a frenzy online lately
Until October? Nah bro, the Patreon pushing through the whole year will be a pain
he's baaaack https://www.deviantart.com/anna18tms >tfw slut desponia is still being beat up in Kenya in 2024
>>60545 Despoina moment
>>60545 >They/Them >Latvia >Latvia is the only Baltic state that doesn't outright ban discrimination against LGBT+ You know what to do boys...
>>59956 Honestly I’d hit it either way; nice body, sexy feet and into tickling? I could care less what’s between their legs.
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No one has talked about this guy yet. So I will. Strap in boys, it’s a long one. Meet Brazil/Marcy. He’s a 6+ foot tall Russian draft dodger residing in Moscow, he identifies d as trans and basically has made it his whole identity. If you dare criticize him in any, way, shape or form, or get on his bad side, he will whine and bitch over essentially everything, and use his status as “trans” as a scape goat for his woes. DESPITE polluting your server with nothing but trans content and pro trans memes. Bazil/Marcy is mentally deranged in every way of the sense, and when he joins discord servers he automatically will prune the members to see if it consists anyone who has personally wronged him or has even lightly memed over trans shit or like wise. He takes even the smallest of infarctions as grace wrong doings to him, and will explode violently. Additionally, this compounds in the way that if he sees someone that he doesn’t like in a server or in the community in general, he will go about trying to “cancel” them in any way possible, by telling others about the person and telling them that they need to stop associating with them. Half the times this causes the desired effect that he wants, half the times it causes it to back fire spectacularly. People like Vandiward have decided to hell with him, and stopped associating with him, which caused a strong reaction that got him expelled from a discord server, all merely because someone was sick of his shit. Bazil/Marcy would then proceed to bitch on twitter over him and attempt to slander the guy when in reality, his only “wrongdoing” was not wanting to be friends Marcy however probably has the most history with Monokron/Unikran, with drama unfolding between the two since 2018, The most recent being some small trans meme that Kron posted in his server which caused the guy to absolutely fucking explode. Bazil/Marcy has gone through lengths to get his own “friends”to try and look through Kron’s content or messages to find things that he doesn’t like to support his claims. (This promptly resulted in said friends going STRAIGHT to Kron, who obviously made a big stink about it) Marcy/Bazil is so mentally deranged to the point that even people who consider him to be his close friends find him utterly detestable to be around, but are too afraid to say anything about him due to these explosive outbursts. Even other trans identifying people want NOTHING to do with him, because they site he’s the reason why their community gets so much hate. I’m sure some people here have great examples of these insane outbursts and it would be funny to compile them here.
Forgot to mention that he will literally harass server owners over the “pruning part” to try and get them banned from the space, and when those server owners refuse, it ques another outburst.
>>60591 >>60590 And this is why Putin wants the fucking LGBT Jambalaya soup community under a fucking microscope. Because they mix activism and narcissism with being gay™️ and act fucking unhinged because of it
>>60590 >Kron >Troon jokes >WW4 Kek. Please tell me you have screens.
>>60590 Owari Da
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>>60590 I really don’t care about exposing this madness anymore. Getting people to stalk me or block me over stupid shit drew the line. I tried to be nice.
>>60586 I can't believe I'm asking this, but does Bog do video commissions? I need to see those soles get tickled by his gf.
>>60615 dude we can tell it's you, or at the very least one of his friends. it's already known bog is on here monitoring shit that gets said about him. >tfw he fell for the egg cracker e-girl
>>60632 I kinda doubt bogs the type to come to places like this, anon >>60586 would tho. but i'm kind of a faggot, so.
>>58847 >outgrown kek imagine being such a simp you fell for the """MiLf""" psyop. girls at peak fertility are always more desirable than used up hags for a reason >>60262 everyone does anon
What are some of the most blatant examples of big artists tracing their art that you have seen so far?
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Would be a shame if this guy got exposed for grooming that minor that he’s tried so hard to keep hidden, it’s been talked about a few threads before this.
>>60842 Context?
>>60690 >peak fertility what does that mean to you, anon you're not a libertarian, are you?
>>60818 virtually everything caroo draws is traced from designdoll models he doesn't even hide it, he streams himself doing it >>60843 >>60842 like anon said you'll have to come through some of the other hate threads for it, there was someone who accused Kimberco of grooming them, had screenshots of kimberco calling her "a useless little loli" or something demented like that.
>>60846 thats the one lol I'd spread it but i'm a nobody
>>60847 Any artists wanna spread this around, he’s honestly gotten away with it for too long, cocky fucker needs to be put in his place after his stunt tonight
>>60848 Kimberco's art has gone to absolutely shit lately so I can't imagine who the hell would even defend them at this point
>>60846 That´s sad, that the victim has no followers so their post flopped and didn't bloomed to catch the attention of the community, we should bring it back
>>60853 It might be beneficial for community members to DM the receipts and link to other artists in the community, from there it can probably be snowballed into actually getting traction.
>>60854 That would be the hard part, getting a big artist that isn´t cock sucking Kimber into making this big
>>60856 Usually big artists draw the line at stuff like this, regardless of cock suckery,
Someone asked for bog’s pictures
>>60858 Dude wasn't even that bad looking, guess his dream was to feel pretty and be a "lesbian". I physically gargle whenever he calls himself that, like, no bro. You still got a cock and you still having hetero sex with your gf but with extra steps in your mind
>>60842 >>60846 Watching this creepy bastard have an emotional breakdown is going to be way too much fun. >>60853 It is pretty unfortunate that her tweet went unnoticed, but now's the time to change that.
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>>60890 We have the opportunity to bring Kimber down TONIGHT. We really going to let this slip?
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>>60892 We need to keep going. Kimber has gotten away with this for far too long. On a side note, it seems the victim, lalunabuny (whose username was previously Jskullbunny), just saw Kimber's border patrol tweet. Can't say I blame her/him for feeling so enraged, especially after all the grooming (first pic). Also, Kimber drew fetish art of laluna while the latter was still a minor.
The keg is set. All you fuckers need to do is retweet. I’ve spent a good portion of evening lining up the dominos. It’s up to you guys now. https://x.com/thenamelesnamek/status/1750355109970952462?s=46
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It is unironically over for kimber
>>60897 We should start spamming the screenshots in every post that Kimberco has, every tweet, every drawing
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Jesus Lord Almighty King of Heaven just one day without shameless noncery in this childish and cringe fetish is all I ask
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BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA https://x.com/kimbercoarts/status/1750518920719573256?s=46 YOU FUCKING BET I HAD MY FUN.
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>>60917 Images for context in case no one needs to click the link, Everyone did a great job here, congrats to you all.
>>60917 >I wanna apologize >CONGRATULATIONS YOU'VE MADE ME RELIVE THE WORST MOMENT OF MY LIFE >LiterallyPTSD.tumblr I swear all that's missing is that. The victimhood complex is astounding with these people 🙄
>>60919 >Great job >Congrats to you all GUISE IS DIS KIMBER?
>>60919 his "apology" literally just boils down to "umm it wasn't real messages ok? it was ROLEPLAY! she was ROLEPLAYING underage characters and it made me feel sick and I had to get therapy, so actually IM the victim here! all because I made a JOKE!!" fuck this guy
>>60919 >>60922 >>60917 >It was roleplay! >I'm literally the victim Sounds familiar...
>>60897 all we had to do was draw damn feet cj
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>>60926 >I don’t feel comfortable >doesn’t block the minor trying to send feet pics okay bud
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>>60842 so, how does it feel anon?
>>60930 Kimber deleted the border patrol tweet and is twisting his own words to suggest a different narrative, don't let him have it. We must keep pushing screenshots and spamming it in every post
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Kimberhaters... Gayopsbros... Border patrolers... And to all you useless little lolis out there We won
>>60932 fight the good fight, bro fight the good fight
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>>60937 We’re not done until we get Marcy too. They’re a pedo defender.
>>60938 Oh boy, the whole circus is here but eh, Marcy got nothing to lose compared to Kimber, he got everything to lose from his career to the Patreon
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Think it’s important to post this here
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>>60940 no one said a single thing about border patrol except him. it was just his latest post I think that's why they posted it under that post. that is to say, for her to say this I believe that Kimber reached out to them and either threatened or begged nonstop for her to delete the post. he can't keep using politics to deflect him being a pedo lmao. >you're a pedo and there's proof >oh you support border patrol huh??? >what? no, you're a fucking pedo >WOW ALL THIS OVER ME MAKING A JOKE ABOUT BORDER PATROL >no one's talkin- >I CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE HAVE TO BRING POLITICS INTO THIS
>>60942 Manipulation tactics, shifting the narrative and focusing it on a straw man, clearly Kimberco admits she did bad thing but would never call herself pedo or try to give a sincere apology so clearly doesn't want to have that stain in her career at best a stain and quickly wash it off
>>60943 >herself i think once you come out as a pedophile groomer you lose the decency to be called by your preferred pronoun, sorry
>>60947 Oh yeah, I forgot it´s a dude, since he being calling himself a gal for so long I got mixed up
>>60941 Lilabros are winning hard in the hate thread these days
>>60940 >I want kim to face consequences. >NVM LEAVE ME ALONE LEAVE HER ALONE AAA do these retards know you're supposed to take anti-depressants every day?
>>60953 Probably triggered PTSD or as the other anon said, Kim is probably threating her
>>60953 women
>>60940 BPD moment
Hate to break up the moralfag circlejerk but 17-19 isn't really weird or even illegal in most places
>>60963 >Well, ackshually >Chad rest of the world minor is okay under 18 >Fucking moralfags Here we go...
>>60967 Is this supposed to be some kind of epic own? Chances are the age of consent where you live is 16-17
>>60967 Let it be very clear, no one who’s not an actual small child actually cares about a two years age gap, and it’s painfully obvious the ‘victim’ here really is just an attention starved faggot. HOWEVER It is very funny to see people like kimberco who pretend to be parangons of virtue trip over themselves and write long apologies because he mocked border patrols. Also it goes to show we’re not just soapboxers anymore, we can influence what happens in this community
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>>60975 >we can influence what happens in this community holy fucking shit dude. Le epic reddit unite moment. Edgy 4chan hacking squad moment. Calm yourself down
>>60975 >"You're a virgin!" >"We can CHANGE this community!" Ah, so you're a college student who's also a revolutionary socialist that believes a sexual fetish "community" consisting of coomers and artists angry at the world is an actual community, like the gated one your parents live in. Got it.
>>60984 >>60978 >board has a personal army moment >Embarass kimber ‘brain removal hypnosis’ > ‘T-THIS IS NOT A WE DID IT REDDIT MOMENT! ITS NOT! GET LIT OF OUR BOARD NOT YOUR PERSONAL ARMY’ I don’t understand you retards sometimes Also some of Marcy’s TikTok’s are being unearthed, this one is very funny.
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>>60988 we did it 8chan, do your thing
Why every tickling artist end up being either trans or a pedo? Or in this case both
>>60994 Because tickling is childish (pedo) and cringe (trans)
>>60994 its not always transisim or child touching, but I have noticed there doesn't seem to be a single stable ticklefag artist theres always some bizarre quirk about them, mild or severe. and not just their childish and cringe fetish.
>>61007 The most stable ones are the ones who just post their art and you never hear from them on social media or discords. There are a few that do that and I reckon they do that to keep the absolute wave of mentally ill troons and coomers at a healthy distance.
>>61007 >there doesn't seem to be a single stable ticklefag artist >>60994 >every tickling artist end up being either trans or a pedo You both talk like you know every artist personally, lmao. Have you ever heard of any drama with Bad-Pierrot, wtfeather, briel7? No? Then why the fuck are you opening your mouth?
>>61014 >>61014 >he thinks stability=no drama
>>61017 It's certainly a start.
Look at you terminally online plebs. Bitching and moaning over shit nobody cares about from absolute nobodies on the internet. Don't you faggots have any real goals in life? Any bitches to fuck? Nah, you're much too chicken shit to even think about fucking a woman. Autistic spergs. It'd be sad if it wasn't so funny. You shitters have nothing better to do but get mad and moan at each other and bitch each other out over stupid shit on the fucking internet. Pussies. Absolute pussies and failures. Go ahead and get mad, reply to me all angry and shit. There's nothing you could do about it; because no matter how much shit you talk on the internet, I'll still be getting paid big bucks in my Mazerati 😉 Later, nerds.
>>61037 I kneel
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>>60974 >17=12
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>>60941 >>60606 Interesting. now draw her tickling someone.
Well, the KimberCo ordeal just ended as a slap on the wrist, at least this made his ass shut up for 2 days but I guess in a week it will go back to his usual politic rants and rancid drawings
>>61067 probably because the victim immediately deleted the post and demanded people drop the subject because she didn't like that it was being spread by 'chuds' I do know for a fact many former friends of kimberco have cut him off though, so theres that
>>61069 Update from Kim
>>60963 >17-19 Was all of this really about a 17-19 age gap? Are you all literally children?
>>61072 Worse. Retarded coomers with a cringe and childish fetish
>>61072 ikr like whats wrong with people. Made the guy apologize for nothing.
>>61072 Could care less about the stupid age gap. Although creepy as shit, it’s not like evil. He needed to humbled, stupid faggot retarded leftist calling for suicide for people he doesn’t agree with. Glad he got fucked.
>>61072 Is there an easier way to know a certain group of people have never had relationships than to be offended by a 2-year gap two between literal teenagers? LOL, LMAO even.
>>61077 >>61075 >>61072 Kim burner accounts
>>61072 it's prob not even illegal there but boomer cucks gonna cuck ig. farming moralfag butthurt from this thread is better than any shit tier art posted here lately >>61075 >creepy faggot.
>>61086 >victim lol lmao. simp
17 years old? Where did that come from? The apparent victim states that they were 16 at the time.
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>>61088 >she was actually 16 >useless little loli Kinda based, but I don't think we're beating the sleazy allegations with this one. Not that I think 1 year is all that meaningful, but having to apologize on twitter seems equally unimportant, so.
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Remember when Scavenger drew great comics and art? He really put his heart and soul into his craft. There was something special about his rendering skills. Now everything turned into soulless AI-generated garbage.
>>61119 Yeah it's disappoint as fuck. Downloaded Fantastickler thinking it was at least going to be decent, but it was a handful of AI images and some mediocre stories.
>>61144 >[abridged version] Lost. gg anon
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Idk what's worse that newfags didn't know NYPA or that they didn't actually learn from this. Every week it's an attempt to twitter mob someone, usually Moekaki or Anyma, and they ignore you just to get stronger while you faggots continue your impotent whining thinking it'll change anything. Pic very rel. >>60994 It's what happens to terminally online cumbrains who burnt out their dopamine receptors after failing to learn necessary social skills. They became parasocial instead and now literally can't develop essential life skills to save their lives (not that they're worth saving). This is not a "community." You are not "part of something bigger" than yourself. <WE. ARE. NOT. YOUR. "FRIENDS."
>>61144 Congrats, I can't tell if this is satire or not.
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>>61144 Yeah yeah, you forgot this IDK what kind of men you know LMAO
>>61171 I bet he's a filthy European or something. Like a French.
>>61174 He? HE?! IT IS MAM. MA'AM. MADAM.
>>61177 Oh shut up anon. No one here gives a fuck if about your vegan hotdog.
Why on god's green earth does he have to draw the inside of her mouth in excruciating detail like that?
>>61224 Looks somewhat weird to me too but only if I zoom in or focus on it, but it’s a very simple fix. Here’s 2 simplified mouth versions I made.
>>61224 same reason he has to trace the feet maybe idk. like I'm not crazy right? those feet are so obviously traced it hurts. wtf happened to this guy, he fell off HARD
>>61226 i feel like saying traced is just a catch all for people who just dont like someones art then again, tracing is rampant so its hard to tell
>>61169 then you're a fucking idiot
>>61227 It is traced. Her left foot is a clear giveaway.
He was accusated, guys. Accusated.
>>61259 >Accusated Chill mf, he's French as far as I know
>>61224 I used to enjoy some his standalone pics he'd make of characters and even his OCs. Then out of sheer laziness he took on screampunks work flow of same pose, same type of feet with different mouths slapped in their faces and disembodied dicks and tongues floating around for 40 pictures and shills it off on patreon. Actually can't fucking stand his shit anymore. It's the same exact thing every single time.
>>61266 Daz at this point saw that the stockers are his money shot, the one thing he can repeat over and over like a rancid YCH kind of thing, happened the same to CuadrupleF with the foot worship pose he makes of one foot on face, one foot on crotch but since both artists get commissioned to do the same pose, what's really stopping them?
>>61268 But Daz doesn’t take comms The setups of all his pics in the past 3 years or so are chosen by him, his patrons just go through the sloppiest voting system that ensures characters are always the same. >>61259 Accused in French is Accusé. I have no idea how this guy goes about translating in his head.I know he goes to furry cons so imagine how bad it must be fire the other furfags to communicate with him IRL.
>>61268 Blame the game, not the player.
>>61274 This. It's what the market wants. Big feet that take up the whole screen of *insert popular anime character*. It sells. It always has sold as long as footfags have dicks. So why change a winning formula? You gotta go where the least amount of effort but the most financial return lies. Blame the retards who keep eating this shit up and asking for seconds.
>>61281 So only ppl with bad taste have money huh, jokes aside. Probably the ones that got good taste are paying for top tier artists, Daz has fallen into the mediocre at best category a few years ago, a bit sad but he ain't doing anything to change it
>be me >Commission this guy like 8 years ago >Some tickle ych >No contact since >Sudden note over 8 years later >Starts venting at me nonstop, and goes on about how he needs my OC, like he wants to actually have my OC so he could use them for some project >Goes on about how he's done with lore >Go under his page. It's fucking filled with this 2012 era emo whining and ranting >Wtf is wrong with you.pdf Do I reply to him? What the fuck did I get myself into? Did I seal some kind've Satanist pact when I bought that ych 8 fucking years ago?
master417 is a soulless and talentless excuse of an "artist" with an inflated ego that produces uninspired and mediocre art while piggybacking his success off of his more popular friends like Pirata3, KandenRem and especially codricor1. This guy always advertises his shitty Patreon in other fetish servers thinking he's the center of attention by making these cringy ass "announcements" in art channels that completely overshadow other people's works that had more craft and heart in them and NEVER talks to anyone else in other fetish servers. Did I mention how fucking annoying it is to see Eria everywhere? She's such a bland and invasive pest of an OC that gets shoved down my throat whenever I go look for art like a fucking McDonalds or Starbucks that appears around every goddamn block. Someone needs to humble this retarded leech, he's really not as special as he believes by surrounding himself with popular yes-men that have way more talent than he does.
Amen brother. I can't believe how everyone thinks he's a "top tier" artist yet this shithead can't deliver art on time and gets pissy when asked for a refund.
>>61445 >yet this shithead can't deliver art on time and gets pissy when asked for a refund. I know someone who had commissioned him and he couldn't even get his own client's specifications right despite trying to correct him several times. This guy's a total fucking hack, don't buy his shitty commissions and the Patreon he shills every chance he can get in other servers.
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i have been waiting on a commission from this guy for nearly a year now. he got back to me with a rough sketch after like a month, and then its just been no contact since. i get that he has like a million commissions at any given time since his prices are dirt cheap, but like he already started it. why
>>61448 Why don't you message him and ask rather than bitching on an anonymous forum
>>61452 NTA, KingNanamine is kinda overrated
>>61448 dude takes on shitloads of comms at a time, anon, theres a very real chance he forgot about you maybe remind him, I had to once. he went "oh my b" and finished it without issue
>>61442 According to his own words he still calls himself an amateur, despite the fact he's been drawing for the last 10 years, my brother in Christ that isn't being "amateur" that's being stagnated. The only thing that still motivates him to keep drawing is that people with no taste pay his Patreon and how he always has commissions, people got no standards. Sometimes tickle fans are cheapstakes and go for the cheapest and I get it but damn, out of all people you picked Master417. I want to add that another problem he got it's his outdaded sense of humor, he wants to do anime comedy but between the bad joke and how poorly drawn it is, it looks like it was done by either a 15 y/o or someone who started to watch anime, doesn't look it was done by 30 y/o.
Forgot to add but more than once other artists tried to give him advice before but he gets defensive, not on the "ITS MY STYLE" kind of defense, more on the "Sob sob, that's how I do things, I was talking nice and you're being rude" and shoves you the emo Eria looking down sad emoji that I'm pretty sure that he didn't do it. So yeah, I do agree that on the surface he's a chill guy but the moment you attack his fragile ego he gets offended.
>>61478 If you buy a commission from him, he forbids you from reposting it anywhere and uploads it as a timed Patreon exclusive, how fun is that? Knowing that the commission you paid for isn't actually yours? >>61479 What really does not help is that this guy's only popular because he hides behind his bigger friends and likes to emotionally manipulate others when his ego gets challenged, the dude is a spineless coward that likes to play victim when he gets criticized. If you consider the Eria and Ale art contest that wasn't held too long ago, I want you to have a serious guess at who the 1st prize winner is - that's right, it's PirataNo3 who also happens to be his friend! That's right y'all, the whole goddamn art contest was rigged from the start along with that "$1.000,- prize pool" being nothing but a ploy to get free art of his shitty OC - if you're a nobody that joined his contest, congratulations you gave him exactly what he wanted - free art and publicity.
>>61482 You forgot to mention the rest of the places in the contest, is mostly his friends so really any new promises got ignored cause clearly that prize never existed
>>61482 Yeah making pirata win was a dick move he should have been part of the jury
>>61484 What makes it worse is that they selected 10 pictures, if it were only 3 it would have been the standard and still understandable in terms of quality but you can compare the works that didn't made the cut and you notice how rigged was it
Also, since we bringed Master417 to the topic, let's not forget Vandiward
>>61492 Share a screenshot for context, please.
>>61508 i miss old vandiward, his art used to be OK honestly, not great or anything but still OK. he would draw cute characters and had decent taste, i guess you could say he had good promise as a tickling artist if he improved, but thats all out the window because now all he draws is his self insert being tickled and foot dommed by the stupid CIA or FBI or whatever they are characters he made, of which one looks decent and the others are just shitty designs. he went the way of caroo where 90% of all he just draws is himself being femdommed now. not to mention he never really improved art wide and has been stagnant for years now, even before the CIA/FBI/whatever stuff. RIP another artist with potential.
>>61510 Indeed its surprising just how many entires are there, some of them with a lot of time and skill put into them...
>>61517 Both Master and Vandi are on the same note of being artists that been posting for years and haven't improved that much with the I draw for fun so I don't feel the need to improve and yet they both taking commissions and charging for a Patreon so the least they could do is deliver quality. Master knows he isn't that good but his ego is bigger while Vandi knows his condition and admits he prefers not to improve, that this more of for the fun of it. I can't find the message but that was said on a few servers
Like, if he puts some actual hours into it he can give detail and all but prefers to be lazy
>>61537 Whatever. Those are traced anyway, back when he didn't he would ocasionally make a pinky as big as a tumb.
>>61537 ?? Traced from what? Do you even know what traced means
>>61540 Huh? Wrong anon, I never said it was traced
>>61545 "People tracing and asking for screenshoots" Duh. Totally unrelated stuff. For the traced, if you drew you would be able to tell. Screenshots? Just wanted context. I do agree with the guy the contest is shady af.
>>61546 Yes but have you considered that you're trans, anon? I mean really considering it? I can tell by how you type you want to be trans, you understand that you're trans you don't have to be alone anymore you're trans anon and that's okay because it all means that you're trans and that's the greatest thing anyway because you're trans anon t r a n s and that's the best thing about you I know it's hard and shocking but it matters so much more than your family than your friends than this Nazi imageboard because youre a strong trans warrior queen a STRONG TRANS WARRIOR the BEST being trans will get rid of your social anxiety and together we can delete everyone who's ever triggered you ever. You're the best anon because you're trans take control of your life get the HRT and show the Nazis who's REALLY in charge.
>>61546 Dunno guys, anons looking pretty trans to me
>>61545 ...this guy really wants to be part of a cult.
>>61545 that was a good attempt to derail the thread, vandi. maybe if you put in the same amount of effort into improving your art we wouldn't be talking about you in here
>>61589 Who are we kidding, some peps rant about anyone here.
>>61567 It's so provocative I can only guess this is someone making trans activists look worse than they are. Fueling the hate.
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>>61545 Baited nobody award
>>61595 Nah, >>61545 is unironically how trans activists and "egg crackers" think (bait is still pretty weak, though).
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>>61639 Marge?
>>61599 Could've been AI generated but still reads like how pReddit groomers try to convince unattended online minors to run away from home (and we all know what happens next). The NPC meme is real because anyone below 80th percentile in humanity fails the Turing test.
God the bait here is more cringe then shit I have said online when I was 13 did you run out of artists to complain?
>61650 Should've quit at one, no (You) for you
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Anyway, back to the topic, y'all remember Hellsan Comics? Been a while since the commissions incident and nobody bringed it up again https://youtu.be/3sLdyxOBeVs?si=blmbGGMYtRTa-cu1
>>61260 He is. >>61273 How many languages do you speak anon? >impossible mode w/ all skulls: no Google Translate
>>61657 Stop giving these attention grifters views.
>>61660 180 views, on a 2 years old video. Yeah, you going to make her rich. Whatever, just linked it yo give context about the artist which to this day still owes those commissions
>>61657 Dude this is a goldmine. The woman itself making a big deal of an obscure artist no one but us (and then again not really) care about feels so childish. Talking about profesionalism after including a self indulge of "I took a week of so much mental health omg anyway thats why I dont actually have anything to offer for this video but the aftermath" And then the tikto video... bwahahhaa man this is the best stuff I've seen around here. I almost applaud the "artist" for telling that girl if she had any character that wasnt ugly. God its perfect and im just like 5 mins in.
https://www.deviantart.com/raidenthedeoxys/art/Final-Message-981322770 I mean, at least the goodbye letter is well written and all but pfffft. Nobody cares, good you dissapearing from the internet. Hope the door hits you when you leave. You were always bad, not even mid
>>61772 About time this narcissistic airplane looking ass nigga done beat the bush nigga shit how many weird ass memes, fights and autistic "did u know?" campaigns did he shoehorn into his absolute garbage taste in characters. Not even counting the constant musk and fucking dominatrix "grr me sadistic strong woman, u weirdo" reskin girls he's drawn I mean God damn look at that comment section nigga
Found on Raiden's page. Who the fuck is Willow?
>>61773 just your average low tier furfaggotry laced with cringe his followers have shit taste and standards same for the Pokemon Amour bs
>>61772 >>61773 >>61774 >>61775 >>61814 Kill furries. Behead furries. Roundhouse kick a furry into the concrete. Slam dunk a furry baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy furfags. Defecate in a furry's food. Launch furries into the sun. Stir fry furries in a wok. Toss furries into active volcanoes. Urinate into a furry's gas tank. Judo throw furries into a wood chipper. Twist furry's heads off. Report furries to the IRS. Karate chop furries in half. Curb stomp pregnant furfags. Trap furries in quicksand. Crush furries in the trash compactor. Liquefy furries in a vat of acid. Eat furries. Dissect furries. Exterminate furries in the gas chamber. Stomp furry skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate furries in the oven. Lobotomize furries. Mandatory abortions for furries. Grind furry fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown furries in fried chicken grease. Vaporize furries with a ray gun. Kick old furries down the stairs. Feed furries to alligators. Feed furries to niggers. Slice furries with a katana. Pee and shit on a furry. Leave rotten meat in a furry's fursuit. Tell a furry's parents what they've been doing online. Send furries to the Islamic State. Shoot up a furry pride parade with a PKM. Tie up pregnant furries and have Mexicans piñata them. Sodomize a furry with a steel bar and kick as hard as you can.
>>61818 uh based?
>>61773 does anyone else remember the dog shit tier FNF mod he made with his stupid deoxys OC? i think I still have something of it somewhere on my PC if it's not available anymore. it was hilariously bad, and incredibly try hard edgy cringe
>>61865 No fucking way. Please, spill everything. I need to see this cringe
>>61865 I don't have that but here's a selfie of the man himself also a bit concerning he's a grown ass trick or treater
>>61873 Forgot to add that he's turning 27 this year, there's other screenshots of him holding plushes and Pokemon cards but I think it's more than obvious he's a manchild
>>61873 >>61874 >27 >Fat tits (you can see his nipples through the shirt) >Trick or treating still >FNaF mods >Constant foot mommy doms, musk and shit >5 toed feet on everything I can't say I expected much from a nigga who's fursona is anthro JJ the Airplane but God damn nigga
Lol Muraki got his original Pixiv account banned for exactly what you would expect. Now he's trying to keep his "secret stash" on the downlow to make sure he doesn't get banned again lol https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/99547183 https://sta.sh/01k10dnag95v It's funny, Pixiv usually seems pretty chill with the "normal" loli content, so it's absurd how terrible he was to actually get banned on the platform
>>61921 oh fuck, gotta be some raunchy shit to get banned from Pixiv. disgusting
>>61921 >Models that look like semi realistic children GEE I wonder why
>>61921 Pixiv cracked down on 3D models a while back because Chinese users were uploading real images tagged as CG or whatever and their payment processors lost their fucking minds. Basically everything even vaguely degenerate is banned from Fanbox now, if it's tagged accurately anyway, but 3D stuff is the only kind of "art" that will get you banned from Pixiv. Good riddance.
>>61924 >realistic child models >signs/text that explicitly mentioned ages as low as 8 >literally children in image descriptions Honestly I was trying to beat around the bush in order not to rile up another pointless loli vs non-loli debate
>>61818 >t. furry
so uhhhh anyone do anything silly recently?
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Anyone know what came of this drama
>>62117 OH SHIT I KNOW THAT BITCH Sounds like them; grand plans they never follow through on (just check their FA); but Moekeki is also a well established pos so who TF knows what happened between these two. I'm interested in seeing what happened too; the tranny furfag is very "anti drama" and will ghost you at the first sign of trouble.
>>62117 bro can't stop virtue signalling. guys look I'm paying him back! it's been 9 years but I'm gonna pay him back!! I can't just send it to the original PayPal address!! i need everyone to know I'm sending it back!!!
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>>62277 Bruh. You know you fucked up when a trans furfag is destroying you without even speaking a word. Bukkake really is d e s p e r a t e for attention, isn't he? Having to scrape the literal bottom of the barrel for sympathy points. What's next? Gonna punch a literal tard in the face too, sugar tits?
>>62123 lmao. figures he'd be a tranny. every single time. "anti drama" furfag what a joke lol. furries are the biggest dramawhores around. >>62273 >>62277 >>62279 hi tranny furfaggot. nice vpn. stop samefagging. ywnbaw
>>62296 >Goes on antifurfag rant >"Nice vpn fgt" >Posts he accused aren't even related >Doesn't even dig into Moekakie Oh hai Moe, how's it going? I hate furfags and troons too but this is ridiculous nigga
>>62303 >>62296 >>62279 >>62277 >>62273 U lack the intellectal abilities to create a convince argument You are a fucking nazis - you are less than human to me do you know that I talk about issues in countries all over the world? do you think I get all their shit right? teh thrust of the issue is what matters principally here u get that, right? te actual political arguments? go fuck yourself how entitled do you have to be as a nazu - "uh the significant political distinctions between my country and theirs actually invalidate any concerns u might have about overreach of government" - shut the fuck up do you have any idea how many snivelling, bitch-cuck nazis ive had in my replies on Twitter who have been screaming and crying that trans warrior dare talk about their country's interests? you don't have a country, okay? you have a fractional portion of a country that is kept alive by your parasitic attachment to my massive behemoth europa stfu alright? u don't deserve to talk about your shit, alright? jesus fucking christ this is the biggest national crisis you've had in decades, and it's moekaki picking on a furfag? Holy shit u deserve a 911 get ten 911's ""omg let us handle our own issues" u've been brought to ur knees by a right-wing protest, shut the fuck up jsus fucking christ
codricor cant draw faces for shit
>>62339 This is borderline uncanny valley, it's like someone dragged their eyes and mouth slightly out of position... Expected more from codricor
>>62339 this brings up a bigger point i feel a lot of tk artists are plagued with. they're horrible storytellers and comic-artists outside of their own fetishsphere. 9/10 too they are ESL, leading to a shit ton of spelling mistakes and unfunny jokes and shit. it falls flat on its face. i don't necessarily want to speak for everyone, but i'll say it -- i guarantee you nobody gives a fuck about them compared to the fetish art. not nearly as much, nobody gives that much of a fuck about your OCs to hear their backstories or slice-of-life shit. i can almost guarantee you. we followed your ass and line your pockets via patreon because we want to coom. artists like yourhardnerdcollectr get a pass in my eyes because he still takes those characters and does more fetish shit with them than his regular art. and if they are doing non-fetish art with them, it's few and far inbetween with shit like character sheets or whatever, or some light character building to make them more appealing. with codricor, i can't even recall if he's made ANY fetish art with either of those OCs, correct me if im wrong tho also yeah the faces suck. codricor has some flanderized art with how much branching out he tries to do with more styles, but it looks crap tldr; stick to what you know, fetish artists
>>62339 Omg, she said "foot" in the fifth panel, so hot and wholesome and childish and cringe 10/10 would pay their patreon again.
>>61925 now if only they would do something about the countless cp links that are blatantly posted in pixiv works comments
Kill pedos. Behead pedos. Roundhouse kick a pedo into the concrete. Slam dunk a pedo baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy pedophiles. Defecate in a pedo's food. Launch pedos into the sun. Stir fry pedos in a wok. Toss pedos into active volcanoes. Urinate into a pedo's gas tank. Judo throw pedos into a wood chipper. Twist pedo's heads off. Report pedos to the IRS. Karate chop pedos in half. Curb stomp pregnant pedos. Trap pedos in quicksand. Crush pedos in the trash compactor. Liquefy pedos in a vat of acid. Eat pedos. Dissect pedos. Exterminate pedos in the gas chamber. Stomp pedo skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate pedos in the oven. Lobotomize pedos. Mandatory abortions for pedos. Grind pedo fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown pedos in fried chicken grease. Vaporize pedos with a ray gun. Kick old pedos down the stairs. Feed pedos to alligators. Feed pedos to niggers. Slice pedos with a katana. Pee and shit on a pedo. Leave rotten meat in a pedo's computer. Tell a pedo's parents what they've been doing online. Send pedos to North Korea. Shoot up a pedo pride parade with a PKM. Tie up pregnant pedos and have Mexicans piñata them. Sodomize a pedo with a steel bar and kick as hard as you can.
>>62349 This is very true for me. I too came for the coom and not for the generic bland copy pasted OCs. I do not give a crap about these slice of life garbage unless its for characterization that could add more enjoyment when they eventually become a laughing mess. If I wanted slice of life I would go watch K-on or some slice of life anime. Like bruh there's a specific genre for it, lots of good stuff out there mad by actual professionals and you expect your garbage to compete with them? Also what's up with those half assed tickle artist that never commit to full tickling. They make normal porn then they add these sprinkles of ticking variants in-between. I feel like they are ticking checkboxes by adding a little bit of tickling just to get more audiences. If I wanted those then I might as well go get actual porn.
>>62349 >>62339 Holy shit for a second I thought it was done by Master417 but doesn't surprise me, both of them got a basic humor using outdated memes incorrectly and also copying anime stuff in this weird isolated bubble on the way these characters interact with each other, doesn't feel right, not natural at all
>>62374 Mexicans don't live in the same universe as normal people, they reside in 2007 era Gaia Online where using the XD emoticon as a 40 year old man is perfectly acceptable.
>>62382 and they are happier for it
>>62382 No John , you and United States are not the center of the universe, now here is your McCombo, and your gun, Sit down and don't make any School Shootings
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>>62382 >>62386 >>62389 It's amazing how all of you are exactly right on all counts, simultaneously.
>>62386 ironic that the ESL can't help but use dated plebbitisms that both are showing their age and are constructed poorly inadvertently proving >>62382 's point.
>>62401 And of course an american would use ESL as an insult while simultaneously assuming every ESL is from Mexico.
>>62494 I'm from the fucking UK you bloody self righteous fuckwit
The tickling community is latinx territory
>>62507 Wooooot m8
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>>62382 Anon wouldn't you go back to 2007 if you could?
>>62507 Your country is Muslim now Inshallah.
it gets worse each day, doesn't it?
>>62632 I'm convinced anyone who brings him up out of the blue in this thread or any other is just him trying to get the topic turned onto him. He's that insufferable and reliant on attention. Fuck off Caroo.
>>62634 I bet he's old and fat and balding too.
>>62636 Did somebody order the Reddit special?
>>62637 What the cinnamon toast fuck
(2.55 MB 4324x3500 Greta_Gets_it_full.png)

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>>62643 would
>>62643 why would anyone draw this lmaoooo
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>>62643 Father who art in heaven, forgive me my most wicked of trespasses.
>>62637 Giving internet access to the mentally challenged was and still is one of humanity's worst mistakes (pics related).
>>62637 I can see him soy facing through the pic. Is this SorcererLance irl? It explains a lot
>>62643 Can someone explain? I don't get it
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>>62684 Yes you are. But I'll explain it anyway because I'm a fucking dip shit and don't feel like watching two retards have another pissing contest. It's tickle porn of shit environmental activist Greta Thunberg. She's much bigger in Europe than the rest of the world. She constantly berates, cries, moans and makes allegations against normies for driving a car to go to work/school/life while she gets flown all over the world in a private jet that makes more emissions than all those cars; and indulges in champagne, limos, bon bons and all that rich bullshit, paid for by your taxes, of course. She's also in favor of punishing the absolute shit out of you for existing (she wants to introduce a tax on every person due to the greenhouse gas the body emits by breathing, farting, etc). Banning cars, surveillance all over, amongst other shit. Tl;dr this is the same effect as making tickle porn of Alex Jones. If you don't know who that is, than Google it.
>>62643 >mfw I'm 99% sure I know exactly who commissioned this you know who you are
i don't care if they're strawmen. hide ya kids from the pedo guild.
No comments
can someone tell him to cool it with the antisemitism
>>62717 it fits his cartoony style... sorry bro. there are many reasons to hate him but this ain't it. >>62701 tickling Oscars, sure, but care to elaborate on the others? i don't think I've even heard of any of these people. i hope you're not just trying to shit on people you personally dislike with no evidence...
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Greteh is a retard who deserves the tickle art. Now does anyone have a photo of this bitch so I can draw her getting utterly tickle raped?
>>62720 She actually kinda looks like Tonya from RussianFetish
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>>62717 I can think of other reasons to hate the guy aside from a drawing flub. ...redesigned Bex... >.>
>>62720 >thats all it takes i-if I post inflammatory opinions, will you guys draw me getting ticklefucked too...?
>>62719 they can't draw anyone besides kids. arachnid has a child OC who LOVES being tied and tickled, although any pic w them is an older self insert oc tickling them. no fucking way he doesnt groom or diddle kids on the dl. fucker's pushing 40 and drawing kids? come the fuck on itsme in the same category. literally cannot stop drawing kids or loli in tickle pics. no adults whatsoever, just innocent little kids, on the premise of 'good clean tiggle fun' naturalale speaks for himself. same mf behind the dude on deviantart who runs that barney account. all kids in tickle pics with heavily suggestive themes, painted as good clean fun like nigga who do they think they're fooling? nobody gets a boner from kids being tickled unless they're a pedo. enough bullshitting and painting it as wholesome fun. fuck them and hang them at the gallows
>>62735 Just post some sort of persona or avatar and ask for it and maybe someone will take the bait.
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>>62742 arachnid watches real kids too btw
>>62729 You fuckers here have gotten way too soft. I see people on here all the time talking about how they want to tickle the shit out of their celebrity crushes but somehow Greta is off limits? It's a cartoon (and a very loose interpretation I might add) of Greta. Personally it's not within my tastes but if Pabu got paid to draw this all the power to the guy. It's almost like you don't quite understand what absolute dark fantasies commissioners want all the time. This is *softcore* stuff compared to what some people want to see to their friends and coworkers in my dms.
>>62752 Blame the political context, my dude. We're living in an age where everything's so political, it occupies literally every facet of life. That being said; it's only natural people reacted to the Greta pic the way they did. If it was Trump? I'll bet it'd have the same effect. I blame the cult of personality that surrounds political people, coupled with the current state of politics in our society.
>>62690 You're extremely concern about what celebrity/influencer/activist is drawn in tickle porn.
Any cute Asian here?
>>62784 Nah nigga, I could give a shit tbh. Greta's a woman and therefore deserves to get raped. I'm just explaining it to that one dude who didn't get why ppl flipped their shit to it >>62785 Fuck off Tophiachu
>>62786 I swear I can't tell when people like you are supposed to be joking or are really that degenerate.
>>62786 So many letters just to say you have never touched a woman in your life. Kinda pathetic.
>>62789 Yeh cuz u gettin all the bitches huh? That's why your out here stroking yo dick on TK, right? Lmao
>>62790 I am actually not lmao I just come here to laugh at incels Not single by the way, something you probably will never expirience
>>62791 >I-I just come here to laugh at incels!!! this is the biggest cope I've ever witnessed on this site.
>>62791 >I- I'm not single guise >I'm just here to laugh at incels >That's why I gotta have the last word on an image board thread! LMAO This nigga dun dug his own grave and pulled the dirt right over it
>>62752 Does that mean I can commission you to draw my ex?
>>62798 kron it's time to let go
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>>62717 Pabaluz's style is starting to look like old school Pawfeather
>>62806 If anyone here is actually paying for these you deserve everything you get in life. Holy shit what are these fucking insane prices.
>>62806 >Be me >Desperate to commission HumunculousLover >Finally save up enough to do so >Then, he spikes his fucking prices >KillMeNow.jpeg >Commission him anyway >Two years ago by >Not a peep >Reach out >HumunculousLover demands more money for this "triggering inconvenience" >Have to remortgage the house >Get foreclosed on >Give every last penny to him >He blocks me two days later >I'm literally homeless now >Find out he stole my social security number and has been getting loans using my name >On the streets, starving, it's cold out >He laughs and calls me an incel >I lost literally everything for a pic I don't even have Mfw
>>62806 nearly 300 dollars and you *have* to include their retarded sun and moon OCs. you have no choice. why is this motherfucker popular again?
>>62813 Please understand. That's only 10% of monthly rent in bongland.
>>62823 Oh god are those based on the shitty FNAF animatronics?
>>62820 I pray for your wallet, brudda
>>62658 I thought Lance was hispanic and also not so old and bald
>>62842 You insinuating that Latinos can't go bald? Also Lance is in his 40s. Though nowadays with all the estrogen being pumped into the average Western male; we've seen men balding as young as their late 20s. Just open up Twitch and count how many balding soy facing man children you see
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What's this disease called?
Daily reminder that Dusk husky is a lolcow
>>62887 Greek Mythology bros stay winning.
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>>62720 haha remember when that one AZ congresswoman asked "what are furries" on her social media and then someone drew her a mountain lion fursona then because she's a pro-life Republican a bunch of furry ACAB/antifa types drew her being raped and tortured to death man the internet is a wacky place huh
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>>62853 Basically you
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>>62900 Based image.
I am beyond sick of countfire's existence. He has not once improved his art. Like look at these facial expressions, it's fucking comedic how garbage his art is. Identical facial expressions on nearly every character, no matter how their personality is. I can't believe he's still around when his art is this fucking bad
>>62988 it's not just that he hasn't improved anon, from the look of this image he's actually gotten worse.
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>>62988 >>63001 It's amazing that he's been around for at least nine years.
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>>62806 >>62813 Oh you guys wanna talk about insane commission prices? Look at BluishFeather's prices. The first three spoilered images are examples of other things you can get for $500-$600. The last spoilered image is a commission that cost me roughly $60. You can argue that BluishFeather's art looks cleaner and IS higher quality, but is it enough to be worth $600 for a cleaned up two character commission? I don't know about that.
>>63033 I wonder how much of it is them actually believing they're worth that much, and how much of it is them being tired of doing and being asked about commissions, and intentionally setting the price so high that people simply never inquire to begin with.
Do I even need to point out that he kept the fuckin foot watermark on the corner? Like, believe me Gaho, nobody is stealing your pic
>>63127 While the pics themselves are sweet, I agree on the watermarks. Any other pic I'd understand, but these? Pretty sure a tickle/foot fetish logo doesn't belong on tributes to the dead, Gaho.
>>63127 We are to being greatest the inspirationing is to me. The art cannot be watermarked never because are stealing within the AI artistically! You feeling reasoning to ever of complaints and communication! Atta greating grandmaster like to be of Goku to be of how important Toriyama exclusively forever being! Cowardice trolls.
>>63127 Anon i'm starting to feel like Gaho is becoming your personal Dinkleberg
>>63141 The only issue I have with this artist is the insane amount of sameface.
>>63127 >>63134 Honestly, as an artist, if I drew something to say goodbye to my idol or someone who was a great inspiration of my art, I would PROUDLY slam my logo on it. It's like a personal homage & thank you & goodbye, so ... And since it is such a mainstream manga/anime, who knows how many people this damn caterpie dragged into the tickle scene (not to forget about the several other tickle scenes, like the one with Hasky, the Bulma one from the movie, ...). So somehow it feels fitting, at least to me.

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