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many variants of yuris

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Manga Time Kirara Anonymous 03/11/2021 (Thu) 16:59:05 No. 134
Spring In the cold days of being depressed in the corona I hope you will feel a sense of openness after reading.
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https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ゆゆ式#アニメ >On the official website, the characters were swapped as part of an April fool project in collaboration with "Kiniro Mosaic" (serialized in Manga Time Kirara MAX,
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Twintail tsuntsun Aya: I hope you can reach your happiness with your crush too
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I need to read Hanayamata again https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/49987783
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Dangerous lolicon
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Umekiti just need to publish 49 yuri doujinshis before Kirara notice her
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>Thank you for using our CDJapan eBooks website. >Recently we received a notice from one of our payment processing companies warning that some of the contents listed in our eBooks are violating their terms of their service and they may have to suspend the payment service if the situation continues. >If the payment service is suspended, it will cause a great amount of trouble to our customers and therefore for now, we have decided to remove all links to the eBooks pages from our CDJapan website. But that's how I buy Kirara digital
I need to start reading that Nodoka series
mfw I find a Kirara yuri in panda but it get mistagged mfw no one correct it because no one reads the manga
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A bit torogao from the og sandwich https://exhentai.org/g/142980/70a1ff0070/
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>>402 Tora update their notification mail. Nice seeing the preview like this.
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In middle of watching Yell. I guess the new red girl will fill a role like Minaha from Stella Mahou >>492 >Dogakobo made Yuyushiki No wonder Izumi and Kohane remind me of Yukari and Yuzuko >Sansya Sanyou as well I can’t escape
>Inume become unintentional onee-sama >the imoutos gank osananajimi I'm digging this new arc
So Izume know Ishiku was a member in middle school but she barely appear in album
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She went heart pupil when senpai stare at her like Hotaru. What a lewd kouhai
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>childhood friend
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ayy Ritsu jelly
I read a lot of Kirara's covers to find artist/ I don't remember it perfectly but I'm sure from kanji it is Yuyushiki author. Speaking about yuyu, I got an excel file containing all chapter listing I used as ‘temporary’ excel utility list but ended up as my perpetual excel file Let’s see if I can get chronology correct 2007 May K-ON debut 2008 April, Kirara 2008 5 edition was published where Yuyushiki debut May - first printing of K-ON vol 1, first chapter of vol 2 2009 March - vol 2 published, Yuyu author made this illustration. Yuyushiki chapter 18 published
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>>812 made-up (nakanaori) sex
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In observers eyes, as far as highschoolgirl goes they are so intimate
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they really want to eat Yui. Yui probably anticipate their antics but since it is them, they probably make some spurs of the moment joke that left Yui hanging @@
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>>823 >in 1 year vol 1 get print re-run for the 5th time K-ON was something else. Meanwhile people were still in closet and Mikami-sensei is pushing raging lesbian to its limit

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childhood friends. what will they do without you
summer training camp! now Ritsu is the one getting lonely
Kouhai infatuated by her club senpai
>>1011 not just as senpai but physical attraction as well
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after 2 years Mio is still pure-minded
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The Shami cock in Momanko doujinshi. if you don't know their dynamic this look like rape.
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Hey girls. I'm so fond of you all despite your quirks
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welcome new members with blinding smile
Azusa goes hardcore
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(2.54 MB 1280x720 Sharing Yui.mp4)

Yui-chan rising
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After this Mio slap me so hard for a year
I somehow procrastinate watching this trailer for 3 months. It was out 2 months ago dang. If this aired in your country’s theatre you can watch -Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h68NpVUIVlU -character commentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfaozukL2Nc The little sister got a Saikawa-san (I don’t want to say tsundere) rival feeling friend. Looking from lens of elementary schooler collecting cute stickers is exciting also it turned out Sakurako is 1st year in middle school wut. I always thought they were just smoll highschoolers
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Yuru Camp Season 3 started yesterday.
No yuri scenes but Rin thought about Nadeshiko and her camping again.
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Ui-Asuza cycle
Sakura-sensei's favourite student (after Yuuri).
Reminder that Anne Happy ended with yuri.
>>2109 Does she make smell her (the student's ) panties?
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Can anyone figure the location in 2nd pic?
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Ritsu's birthday yesterday. giving your girl a bday gift
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dunno how i can quickly convey to people that they don't have to post weekly, just drop once a month or so. There is no pressure to post.

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