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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Vore stories Anonymous 03/26/2023 (Sun) 16:51:05 No. 27728
A thread for sharing and discussing vore stories and writers/artists making them, but keep it to stories you like. Show me what you got, only the best
AlekSavarov LOVELY LYDIA it'll be great there's another story version of it cuz that story was so good but I wish if it was about Lydia how she got end up eating
inb4 bunch of vore writers dump their galleries i bought a story from this guy, pretty hot stuff. lots of weird shit in the commissioned work, but probably ticks a box for someone here. dude has literally no things he won't write... I like Pregnancy Cravings and peasant Food https://aryion.com/g4/gallery/X
Nice to see a thread get started about this, I was thinking of making one myself. Here's one of my favourites, Summertime ingestion by CodeBlue: https://aryion.com/g4/view/745800 Really like how they described the bones breaking
AlekSavarov LOVELY LYDIA the Remake the version of POV pray like it just sound interested to me
Can someone share Fallout: Guts & Glory 2 By Aces?
Come on I just want Remake story pov of her https://aryion.com/g4/view/595763
There was this writer that made a few stories on aryion, Bella321. They just disappeared eventually. I thought they were great, especially their "1st person video chat after eating two people" We need more descriptive writers! https://aryion.com/g4/view/348160
Please 🙏
>>27941 >>27909 >>27772 >>27884 >>27931 Going around pathetically begging for people to do this for you. Doesn't increase the chances of it happening, it just makes you look like a bitch. If someone wants to do it, they'll do it without you needing to grovel for it. No one owes you shit.
Damn but even though the store is pretty good actually I think this could be one of my favorites
>>27943 >>27941 This exactly. Either write something yourself, or pay a writer on Eka’s that takes commissions, or get over it bro.
>>27962 >>27943 I've been noticing something similar on the draw request thread recently. New people are using the thread, but some people seem to have no patience and expect their requests to be fulfilled. The worst bit is that one person who was spamming got their requests fulfilled, but they didn't even thank the artist, something that almost everyone does. They did calm down after a while, but it looks like it's starting again. Whether it's a drawing or a story, people should respect the creators and what they are giving us. If someone is doing requests, people should remember that they're taking time out of their day to be generous and express their creativity, giving us great content for free. They don't need to do this, but they do, so anyone asking for a request should show them respect for taking the time to do this and understand that not all requests are done and that they can take a lot of time. Bumping should only be done on posts a few months old, not every other day, and people should never beg. It doesn't increase your chance of getting your request done. Instead, it unnecessarily fills the thread and decreases your chance.
>>27980 Agreed. I made this thread to let people share and talk about writers and stories, so it's not even a request-thread to begin with.
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>>27980 >Whether it's a drawing or a story, people should respect the creators and what they are giving us. Part of the problem I have with that mindset it that it goes both ways. While I do agree with the sentiment that people constantly spamming the same request and getting angry when no one does it should go jump off a cliff, there's also the problem that there are some creators who get so full of themselves that they act like they're God's gift to the world and that we should be thankful that they "grace us with their presence for having come to our humble abode". So far, I haven't seen anyone here suffering from the latter, but it is something that I want to point because I have seen it happen elsewhere. I guess, if you really want to boil it down, a lot of it could be summed up as "Don't be a niggerfaggot".
>>27984 I agree, doing a request is out of kindness and I think showing appreciation is the least we could do, but the artist shouldn't get arrogant over it. show them respect if they are respectful and kind.
https://web.archive.org/web/20170321165517/http://pastebin.com/xKKAh9FG Observer was by far the best author I read, wish I could still find the 1st Witch in Training story again.
>>28270 Didn’t know it was still possible to read any of their stories
Anyone got that story about the senior who pranks a freshman by eating them? She likes swallows a watermelon the night before. I want to say it was something Madison.
>>28299 I think that’s Diana, Apex Predator or highschool huntress or something like that, there’s two of them. Haven’t been able to find them since they went off pastebin
I have Diana, Apex Predator here if anyone wants it. https://web.archive.org/web/20170328070103/https://pastebin.com/KJh91GCu
>>28308 Thanks, to this day I still think this is the most detailed (kinda disturbing?) story I’ve read with how the digestion and cruelty is written, almost makes me feel bad reading it sometimes. Story’s definitely an all-timer.
The last two Oberserver stories you can get with the way back Machine Diana sequel: https://web.archive.org/web/20160608014251/http://pastebin.com/WB7JWQ0j 2nd witch in training : https://web.archive.org/web/20170220202632/http://pastebin.com/HCnXFXey Way back is also getting sued so if you like them save them yourself just in case. A
>>28308 yes, this is the one. It was on the old thread but couldn't find it after the site was nuked
I remember someone did a undertale Chara vore story and a asriel vore story back in the good old days on deviantart
Does anyone know of some good stories involving younger pred or sister preds with unwilling prey? stories where the pred is either casual about eating their prey, is naive and not understanding what they did, or acts smug and mocks the older prey. If there are observers they are either causal or uncaring to the prey well the prey suffers from pain, embarrassment or misunderstanding causing others to hate them and never know the truth. here are a few examples https://aryion.com/g4/view/488641 Guy tries impressing some kids and ends up getting eaten. He screws up as his mistakes pile up with things like the teacher thinking he was some creep and leaving him to die and the kids not understanding the situation. https://aryion.com/g4/view/756730 A guy works part-time at the mall for Christmas as an elf, he hates his coworker who is an asshole and plays the Santa role. Some girl ends up putting his hand in her mouth and the asshole coworker pushes him into her mouth. The guy finds out how people see him like nothing as they don't care that the girl ate him and even seem to be happy she did eat him with the girl digesting him. https://aryion.com/g4/view/656701 Girl's little sister comes in well she streams and is angry because her older sister ate her candy. The younger sister eats the older one, and the people watching the stream don't really care that their streamer is being eaten and cheers the girl on, the younger sister enjoys the audience and lets them watch as she digests her older sister. https://aryion.com/g4/view/656558 A pregnant teacher is looking after students when asked to play tag, she misses out on the rules and ends up agreeing, it turns out the rule was that if caught she would get eaten by the tagger. She ends up getting caught and then eaten by the girl and digested. the girl only realises the consequences when she goes to the toilet and finds out the teacher has become poop https://aryion.com/g4/view/573747 girl thinks about eating her baby brother and how easy it would be. eventually, the intrusive win and she does it, she sleeps him off and runs away from home.
God I miss DancingQueen6281 collection of stories before she purged everything. The Wayback machine has a few but not all of them. They were some of the first things I read from this fetish a long time ago and I wish I could read them again.
>>28470 Any ones in particular?
Was anywhere full version of Pharo's 'Secret Desires'?
>>28503 There's one I remember of a girl protecting her little sister by eating the monster under her bed that was scaring her. Feeding Aunt Maggie was also a classic but that one you can find if you search for it.
Detention, by Threk, is a def must read if you like perm entrapment and ub. https://aryion.com/g4/view/636884
>>28503 becoming the perfect woman. was looking for it for ages, but when i found it on webarchive it just gives a 404 error where the story should be. while i'm here, if anyone has the stories that marceber removed from his gallery that would be great.
Hey does anybody have any good mass/ multiple prey stories? Like i try to look for some but i always come up empty or get shit garbage stories with non humans or just stuff i don’t prefer like absorption or anal vore. i just wanna find a good mass oral vore story
Straxacore's stories always did it for me. If female pred(mostly),same size, digestion and cruelty are your thing check them out on Eka's.
Looking for the most fucked up, sadistic stories out there. The kind that makes you a bit depressed after finishing reading. Any recs?
>>35261 Diana, Apex Predator by Observer had me feeling really bad for the prey when I first read it. Didn't read it again for a long time
>>35236 Not too many stories that fit your description, but I like this one https://aryion.com/g4/view/337670
>>35278 And you’ll never read it again that shit is gone off the face of the earth
>>35261 The perfect easter and its sequel 288 days to dinner by MechaPlatypus gave me exactly the feeling you describe. The stories are about a family raising their daughter to be a meatgirl. They feature lots of incest and coercion as their daughter transforms from a normal girl into a willing preyslut. >Mr. Pierce released a contented sigh and buckled his belt back up, but his daughter was still lying topless on the table, looking like she had something on her mind. >“Dad…?” Hannah’s voice was a little uncertain. >“Yeah sweetie?” >“I don’t want to get eaten”. link: https://aryion.com/g4/view/886462
>>35302 Bruh, it’s linked in this thread. Wtf are you on?
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>>35310 >Underage prey and incest Pleaee do civilization a favor and off yourself you fucking subhuman
Any stories with voreception in them, mates?
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>Have many fond roleplays back in 2009-2011. >Main rp partner shares a fuckton of saved art, rp logs and stories with me on megaupload before they quit out of vore circles due to irl circumstances in 2012. Remember this happening just before first Avengers movie in theaters.. >Among the collection was a simple-looking folder among many titled "Delilas" >Turns out "Delilas" was a friend of old rp buddy who had a few short rp's and wrote a couple vore stories. >Reads "Delilas"-related content. >Entire world setting of preds vs preds, long and detailed vore and digestion descriptions with some of the hottest interplay between characters and lore I've ever seen written and rarely if ever any OC's ever used with all characters so intimately defined I swear the actual IP rights holders of the characters made it themselves. >Every story and rp log has my dick solid diamond with nearly 3 or 4 sentences in. Anything written or authored by every other writer or rp'er usually takes far more paragraphs longer down the line. >Nearly permanently hurt my dick reading both "Crime and Punishment" story when alternate outcomes with Harley Quinn and Chun Li being alternate predators and "Serve the Gods" Where Nani from Lilo and Stitch is stalked and Unbirthed by Chel from Road to El Dorado and churned to cum and squrted down the throat of Eris from Sinbad. >thefuckisthissorcery.mp3 plays in my head on repeat every single time I so much as glance at the folder. >2015. >Never found out who "Delilas" is and never see any content relating to them anywhere. >fucking house fire when at work. >computer destroyed and entire collection lost. >have to move in with sister and buy a new computer. >curiosity strikes and search for old link to mega file that was shared. >Link is dead. No motherload for me. This month, in 2023. >Recently discover artist named "XRayGun". >Occasional image sequences have stories attached to them. >A few of them read nearly note for note and beat for beat like how that same "Delilas" writer/player details vore digestion and disposal sequences, if not somewhat slightly less 'tight' as the stories I remember, bust still far too close to be coincidental. >Characters are also mostly notably NOT OC's, but existing IP characters. >Lore-centric accuracy is honed to a fine razor's edge to cut deep into the core of what makes the characters interesting while tying in the vorish twist precisely the same as "Delilas". >The fucking disposal sequences on the Felicia, Harley Naga, Sonson and Android 21 Narration have that same innate biology-heavy sting that was in "Crime and Punishment" and "Serve the Gods", especially the alternate-path victory of Cri/pun is a dead ringer for the style and execution of the "Delilas" written works. >Diamond Dick memory confirmation that is not in present with other non-Delilas stories. Do any of you have any remote idea how badly I need to know wtf is going on here?
There was this one story based on the anime Seraph of the End that I loved for its use of macro/micro and accidental vore. I loved how it used Shinoa as a cocky pred who was testing Yuichiro by shrinking him and treating him like candy, and the way it describes the temptation she feels to swallow him because of how easy it would be to do and get away with it is perfect. I also loved how she holds back this desire to swallow him at first, but someone looking for Yuichiro accidentally scares her, causing her to reflexively swallow, dooming her prey, and instead of panicking, it ends with her smugly saying something like she hadn't seen the Yuichiro after being asked if she had seen him. Sadly the story was deleted, and the Wayback Machine only lets you see the preview.
>>27894 I was sad to see them go because they inspired me greatly. This is porn, so not many people will put the actual effort down to add detail… which is some real shit because the best content out there is highly detailed.
>>32244 I mean, that story is the stuff of legends in vore writing. The ending is just magnificent
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Please give me some feedback.
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I'm in the military and write about the girls I see around base a lot. We have like a confession type facebook group where I posted about it, and there were even a few women on there who wanted to see some of it. So I wrote this in a couple hours, its around 1500 words and was pretty fun to write, enjoy: https://pastebin.com/6WzKebcz
Does anyone have NRawk’s Stronger Than You Think
>>36141 Kill yourself
>>36163 eyo yo chillll man
>>36141 This is kinda funny what did those girls say?
gotta love some milf preds. this one's pretty good https://aryion.com/g4/view/914252
Hey guys, coming here from the request thread with an old ask Need help finding a story, can't seem to find it anywhere It's about a biology teacher who quizzes her class about biology subjects, and eats every student that gets a question wrong It ends with the last student running home, and posting his last words before she breaks in and eats him
Found this one today. It's pretty great. Tall, almost mini giantess android pred gulps down a girl while cleaning the house. https://aryion.com/g4/view/911888
A personal fave. If anyone has any f/multi same size story recs I’d love to read em https://www.deviantart.com/jonathevorelover/art/Babysitting-Gone-Wrong-448118071
Hi All, I was looking for an old story on aryion that I liked but can't find anymore (don't remember tags or author) And basically the story start in winter with 2 sister left at home alone while the relatives are out, the first sister is talking or making (I don't remember it well so sry for the vague description) about some jars that were for a special festivity and the 2nd sister wanting to eat them or trying them... from there I remember only that at some point the 2nd sister is chasing the first around the house like tag and it has 2 endings where both the sisters get to be pred and prey. I know the description sucks but if you could find it I would be extremely happy
>>43782 It has also same size but Don't know if it was tagged as such or removed since I didn't find it while I was searching
Need help finding out if someone can find a specific story, I think it got deleted from Eka's It was an Evangelion story, featured a fat Shinji finally eating Asuka for being a bitch Tried looking for it yesterday, but it was gone
what would you guys say is the ideal word-count?
>>44922 It depends. Some people like longer stories that get to the point quickly, while others like buildup before the vore. There are great short stories, and great long stories. I guess it depends on wht kind of story and plot you want to write or read
Has anyone saved the first chapter of the Claire the Sadist series written by JillTheHunter (https://aryion.com/g4/view/775116) ? Unfortunately I tried to search but I only found chapter two and three of the series. The story focuses on this girl called Claire who has a shrink ray. In the first chapter , annoyed by the behavior of the two sisters towards her younger sister, she shrinks them and after tormenting them, she swallows the older one while she feeds the other one to her little sister. In the second chapter she shrinks a girl, and puts her inside the pants of a policewoman, and in the third chapter while working part-time in a bar, she shrinks an annoying couple, and gives them to a milf without her knowing. https://web.archive.org/web/20220131145505/https://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=11405&index=1
Alright, maybe to inject some life into this thread… who do you guys think is the BEST vore writer? Defend your choices, vorefags
>>45671 https://aryion.com/g4/gallery/X some weird stuff, but really well written. I guess that's not really on him since he says he takes commissions from anyone? he posted one about some blonde girl eating girl scouts and that got me hooked lol
I am looking for the horse vore story in the photobooth and the naga interview vore story. Both are from the same writer, but he deleted his account.
>>45671 OsmiumOrchid Here's why: >Huge array of believable characters with unique personalities >Vore scenarios and descriptions that are unique >Impeccable fundamentals of writing: spelling, grammar, formatting and continuity >Consistent output maintained over the course of half a decade and still going
>>45809 I agree, I find great also Vesari and Dreameater but I'm not secure of the grammar aspect since I'm not too knowledgeable about English (Not my first language)
>>45671 Here's some of the guys I've been following: https://aryion.com/g4/user/cheeseandmango One of those guys with an ongoing story. His big one is about a divine nun who provides some motherly vore. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Euviel Mostly does stories about child prey and cock vore. https://aryion.com/g4/user/S1nZ Does a lot of one-shots, consistently of high quality. https://aryion.com/g4/user/VoidInVoid His big work is a story about a realm-hopping goddess and her group of fuckbuddies. I really like how much he tries to promote "family values" (At least, as well as you can in cannibalistic erotica) as the main "goal" of the series is the protag searching for her sister. Here's the reading order of it: https://aryion.com/g4/view/997990 https://aryion.com/g4/user/yetAgain Mostly does a lot of uncarring male preds. I enjoy his stories. https://aryion.com/g4/user/ZeniththeWriter Writes both short and long stories. I've mostly been following his "The Milk Maker" series about a family trying to run a dairy farm.
>>45836 Just drop the word p3d0 you degen
Can anyone share a good anal vore story. Preferably, I want to read about the prey sliding in the anus from the pred's view. Same size
Help me find the story!!! The story takes place at some party where high school girls unbirth boys by their will in order to later give birth to them and make them younger. The main character is a femboy or a hermaphrodite (I don’t remember) with special abilities, he can put someone in his belly as if unbirthing them, he also wants to fulfill the role of “mommy” but only girls like him, he decides to steal guys from girls’ bellies. He steals one guy after another and they don’t even understand that they find themselves in someone else’s belly. All story is endosoma or non-fatal, story disappeared from aryion.com.
I can't find the story, please help! The plot is this: a woman was asked to help take a child (a girl) out of the country through the airport, at first she hid the child under her clothes pretending to be pregnant, then some man suspected her when she went to the toilet and there she had to unbirth the child, she managed to get away unpunished. When she arrived and tried to give the child to the parents, it was discovered that the child had regressed and now became her child.
>>45671 iliketoread, tyslan03, and tinyhunter are my goats >>45809 Dreameater mid. Quantity over quality. Every story feels so samey and boring. Vesari is good tho
>>54370 sorry it's supposed to be >>45817
im writing a vore ,cockvore, unbirth giantes, nsfw book im 200 pages 90 thousand words in when it is done and edited and share it with you all
A bully shrinks a victim and feeds them to a significant other. https://aryion.com/g4/view/1030068
>>54370 hard agree on Dreameater, their stories are like the fast food of vore writing. They're not bad by any means and a lot of people eat it up and understandable it's hard to find someone that posts story half as often, but it's very quantity based like you said and every story feels like watered down versions of what I like in a vore story? They feel kinda gimicky and if you've read one you've read them all in my opinion but tbf I haven't checked them out in awhile. Glad to see someone share that sentiment
Found this, it's about some boy who tried to fight someone way above his weight class, who then fucks the shit out of him and anal vores him (and later his sister) https://archiveofourown.org/works/58008304
here is a preview of the book im writing The realization washes over Lily—Amy is truly theirs now, body and soul, engulfed within the raw, primal embrace of the giantess.* *The sticky, moist air hangs heavy with the scent of their arousal, a heady perfume that lures Lily deeper into the forbidden world of giants and their insatiable appetites.* *Enveloped, ensnared, I, Amy, find myself in a realm where my senses are assaulted by the unfamiliar.* *The world beyond the penis slit seems distant, muffled, as if I've entered a living, breathing cocoon of flesh.* I feel the wet, sticky walls surrounding me, the soft, supple flesh clinging to my skin like a second layer. The scent is overpowering—musky, heady, an intoxicating blend of pheromones and arousal. *My gaze, once focused on the world outside, now turns inward, taking in the surreal sight of my surroundings.* The walls pulse and throb, flushed with a deep crimson hue, like the beating heart of some primordial beast. Veins course through the flesh, pulsating with each surge of arousal from the giantess, Pika. *The floor beneath my feet is not solid but a slippery, slick surface, moist with anticipation. With each subtle movement, I can feel Pika's penis quivering, eager for the final descent.* I raise my hands, my arms outstretched, and touch the walls, my fingertips sinking into the yielding flesh. It's warm, almost uncomfortably so, like being immersed in a bath that's dangerously close to scalding. *I cry out, my voice echoing within the fleshy confines, the sound vibrating through my body and reverberating back at me.* "Please... no more... it's too much..." My words are cut short as a low, primal moan reverberates through the walls, vibrating through my entire being. *It's Pika's voice, thick with pleasure, their penis throbbing in response to my touch, the giantess using my helplessness to stoke their own desires.* I feel a subtle shift, a change in the texture of the walls surrounding me. They're becoming slicker, the flesh now glistening with a combination of my juices and Pika's arousal. *And then, I understand with a chilling realization, that the giantess is preparing for the final push, readying to bury their penis fully within my vulnerable depths.* I brace myself, my body tensing, knowing that the worst, or perhaps the best, is yet to come. *And there, in the eerie silence that precedes the climax, I, Amy, await the inevitable, my fate sealed within the warm, wet embrace of Pika's penis slit.* Pika, their voice a deep, resonant rumble, addresses Emily and Lily, their eyes glinting with anticipation. "Emily, my dear, would you be so kind as to bestow upon me the pleasure of your weight, your warmth, upon my penis? It yearns to feel the full force of your feminine power." Emily, her eyes downcast, shudders, her breath quickening at the thought. "Y-Yes, Pika. I will sit upon your mighty shaft, though I tremble at the prospect." A sly smile spreads across Pika's face as they turn their attention to Lily. "And Lily, my sweet, would you be so inclined to grace my slit with your delicate tongue? Your sister's essence lingers, and I know you wish to taste it." Lily, her gaze fixed upon the massive penis before her, licks her lips involuntarily. "Y-Yes, Pika. I shall lap at your slit, savoring the flavor of my sister's submission." Pika's penis twitches, a subtle undulation, in response to the anticipation. "Excellent. You both understand the pleasure I wish to bestow and receive." *And so, the stage is set for a taboo symphony, an erotic duet, as Emily and Lily take their places in service to the giantess, Pika.* *Emily, her heart pounding, approaches the towering penis, her eyes fixed on the bulbous tip, knowing that soon, she would be impaled upon its throbbing length.* *Lily, her tongue flicking across her lips, kneels before the giantess' slit, ready to taste the forbidden nectar that awaits.* *Amy's breath hitches as she watches, knowing that soon, her mother will be fully immersed in a realm of sensation.* *With trembling hands, Emily reaches out, her fingers wrapping around the thick shaft, steadying herself as she prepares to lower herself.*
[Expand Post] A shudder runs through Pika's massive form, their slit quivering in anticipation of the impending touch of Lily's tongue. *Emily, with a hesitant movement, begins to lower herself, her eyes fluttering closed as she feels the thick penis slide against her most intimate folds.* Pika, their voice thick with arousal, encourages, "Yes, Emily, take your time. Savor the sensation as I penetrate your very essence." *Lily, her heart pounding, leans forward, her tongue extending, tasting the sticky, sweet essence that clings to the giantess' slit.* "Oh..." The moan escapes Lily's lips as the flavor explodes on her tongue, a mélange of musk and something uniquely Pika. *As Emily sinks further onto the giant penis, her breath quickens, a mixture of fear and raw pleasure washing over her.* Pika, their entire body quivering, urges Lily on. "Yes, Lily, lap at my slit, taste your sister's juices mingling with mine." *And there, amidst the slick, moist confines, Emily and Lily find themselves entwined in a macabre pas de deux, each experiencing their own brand of euphoria.* *Amy's eyes widen in horror as she sees her sister, Lily, take their perverted union a step further, her tongue slipping into the giantess' slit.* With a scream that echoes through the chamber, Amy cries out, "Lily, you disgusting traitor! How can you find pleasure in this perverse act?!" *Amy's voice, laced with both fury and anguish, reverberates within the tight confines of the giantess' penis, making the walls pulse and throb with the force of her anguish.* Lily, her eyes fluttering closed, moans softly, her tongue buried deep within the moist, sticky walls. "I find pleasure in the forbidden, sister. It's a taste I cannot resist." *Amy, consumed by rage, pounds her fists against the fleshy walls that imprison her, feeling the slick, warm flesh give slightly under her blows.* Pika, their massive form quivering with arousal, croons, "Oh, Amy, your anger fuels my fire. Your sister's tongue delves deep into my slit, stoking the flames that rage within." *Amy, helpless to prevent the intrusion, feels a new sensation—the wet, writhing walls pulsing in rhythm with Pika's arousal, the giantess' penis now a living, breathing prison of flesh.* She cries out, her voice thick with despair. "This can't be happening! I'm surrounded, trapped within this perverse wetness!" *And there, in the dim, reddish glow of the pulsating walls, she sees her sister's tongue, a forbidden invader, slipping in and out, tasting the very essence of Pika.* The giantess, their voice a low rumble, encourages, "Scream, Amy, let your rage flow. It only intensifies my pleasure. Your sister's tongue is but an extension of my own hunger." *And so, Amy, consumed by fury and revulsion, screams until her throat is raw, her voice echoing off the pulsating walls of her prison, her sister's tongue the conductor of this nightmarish symphony.* *Lily, her senses overwhelmed, moans, her tongue pressing deeper into the slick, velvety walls, tasting a flavor that is uniquely Pika.* "Oh, Amy, your protests only heighten my pleasure. I can feel Pika's arousal with every lick, every caress of my tongue." *Amy, furious, pounds her fists against the yielding walls, her knuckles white, as if trying to escape through sheer force of will.* Pika, their slit glistening with arousal, croons, "Your sister has a natural talent, Amy. She laps at my essence with such fervor. It's as if she was born to worship me." *Amy, seething, spits out her retort.* "You're depraved, both of you! This act is an abomination! I curse the day I became entangled in this vile game of yours!" Lily, her tongue sliding along the sensitive folds, teases, "Too late, sister. You're already swallowed by it, quite literally. Why not embrace the sensations instead of fighting them?" *Amy, her eyes flashing with anger, screams, her voice reverberating through the chamber.* "I will never submit! Never! I'd rather perish than stoop to your level of depravity!" Pika, their voice thick with amusement, chuckles, the sound reverberating through their massive frame. "Ah, Amy, your stubbornness is admirable. But it won't save you from the depths of my penis, nor from your sister's insatiable appetite." *
Anyone have recs for authors who do f/multi same-size stuff?
do you guys read this stuff in silence or do you go for some background noise/music?
i make them qudio when i can but this storhy i posted here is to long for me to make one it over 200 pages
Hard reach, but does anyone have Jistju's stories before they left aryion?
Found this about an hour ago. https://aryion.com/g4/view/1060491 Dude seems to have some other pretty decent stories, especially the android pred one.
Anyone have anything from AlisaBlueBird? Looks like they nuked their Eka's

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