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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Varu Patreon Content Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 00:45:25 No. 42384
Anyone here willing to share Varu's Patreon stuff? He only delivers shit by e-mail, so no scrubbing possible through Kemono. Also he barely, if ever, uploads stuff in a consistent manner, so there's so little content in terms of comics.
I found this somewhere a long while ago, but I don't remember where or when exactly. And I couldn't find it or reverse image search anywhere in Aryion or anywhere. I assume it was Pervside who commissioned this piece but he said he never seen it before until it was shown to him recently. Does anyone know where to find this and who commissioned this piece?
Some of his artwork probably leaked from folks who commissioned it. This might be from his Patreon. I remember there was two or three comms posted on Eka's that are no longer there, one involving Korone, another involving that girl from the incest writer anime, and one more I forgot. It involved diaper disposal.
>>43108 That's the thing, I've looked around through their patreon and I couldn't find it, I even paid membership for it and I've had no luck. Even brough this up to Varu and yet, even they didn't remember it
>>43211 Bruh Dude drew so much shit, even he doesn't know where it came from That's fucking hilarious
>>43218 I guess so in a way. Granted, I don't even know the name of this piece at all. If anyone could find it could you show me please? That'd be very appreciated
>>43253 It might have been posted on Eka's at some point, but is now gone due to being nuked. Considering Varu forgets to post stuff sometime, someone who commissioned this might have posted it there at some point, but ended up having it removed.
>>43211 If you're in their Patreon, could you share the Miia comic? Or the Nezuko F/M one?
>>43336 About that, my patreon subscription is about to run out and I'm unable to access either one of those comics. Only had enough to access the latest artbox
>>43341 Understandable Anyone else capable of pitching in, then?
Bumping in case anyone wants to make the sacrifice
Well who ever decided to it, can you Please upload the comic Varu stop uloading for like Studio Tour and Master Road. And don't forget the current one he uploading like Food for the Kingdom.
>>44501 Yeah, it's pretty weird how he just randomly stops posting comics Especially when it's uploaded in full by someone else
i subbed to Varu for a minute to get my hands on the recent ToTK comic. Varu's system is fucking stupid. So, to get one of his comics, you have to be subbed at the correct tier for 2 months, then have to directly dm him to request it. They aren't saved anywhere, there's no discord. Varu directly emails every single patreon of his the latest pages weekly. Which means, it's damn near impossible to leak anything, because short of being subbed for the total run of a comic, if you request a comic and then it's suddenly leaked, he knows exactly who did it. Don't ever expect Varu's stuff to be leaked. His highest tier, which is access to everything, is $25, which is $50 over 2 months.
>>44561 Doesn't help that Kemono party isn't much of help with this either. Its honestly really dumb, I paid for their patreon in hopes of access all of their past artboxes, but I only got the latest one last month. It was not worth it at all
>>44563 Dude living that grind for anti-theft If nothing else, I respect his autism for it
>>44599 Seriously though, he's smart how he did it. Basic access for like $5 for wips and stuff. then, he breaks everything he does down in M/F, F/M, F/F, or M/M Pred/Prey. He has 4 seperate $15 tiers, one for each of those. You only get emailed the pages from the tier you picked weekly. Finally, he's got a $25 tier that gives you everything at once. The fact he puts out at least 4, fully colored and shaded, comic pages a week, in addition to various other things, and commissions, is insane. I'm not even mad at the sheer level of Anti-theft he does, with the work he puts in
>>44622 Yeah, dude truly cracked the code on how to avoid leaks and scalping I mean, he's still one of the biggest degens I've seen, but kudos to the guy for reaching Anti-Theft Nirvana
>>44635 You know...i am almost certain that all this effort results in less money. Going so far to stop leaks also stop new members.
>>44764 Yeah I have to agree with that setiment
That's also true, because people won't want to jump through all the hoops just for the chance to try and ask for what they want Though folks could always organize an Ocean's Eleven-esque heist and leak his entire Patreon by synchronizing their asks
>>44790 Probably the best chance is the heist or joining for quite some time. Then you ask,and after sometime then you just leave and leak. It has to have some distance between. But after a certain point is difficult to prove,even more if its not an leak of everything you got.
>>44864 Gotta start recruiting fellas early, then Quick, we need nine celebrity stars to make this work
>>44764 Nah, at a certain point it becomes a sunk cost fallacy. If he's making a comic you like, it becomes a numbers game of, do I sub now for a few images, do I stay subbed for a while to get the full thing, or do I try to guess when it ends and only sub for those 2 months, which would be 8 images. Then it becomes a thing of, I spent $50 for 2 months sub to request this comic, may as well request a couple others even if I'm not interested in them to get my moneys worth. Then. why would I want to leak them, I just spent $50 and 2 months time waiting to get this, I'm going to make those other people do it too, otherwise my effort was wasted.
>>44903 That's honestly pretty fair. Do I blame you for doing this? No, no I don't
god then is there no way to get Varu's patreon content?
>>45181 Nope. Either gotta wait for Varu to upload it themselves, or go spend money and 2ish months time yourself. And it's actually 2 charges really, not 60 days. Varu does the Paetron thing where you get charged exactly 30 days later, not on the first of the month, so you have to get charged, wait 30 days, get charged again, and wait for the second charge to completely go through so you can't refund it to then be able to request sets. Varu's beat Pirates, but shot themselves in the foot in the process.
Its kinda sad that nobody here can upload Varu's pages without something preventing them to do so. Its dosen't help when Varu upload pages to a comic that YOU might care about. Like for me its Food for the Kingdom and Ravenous Ascendance F/F Tower that I like to read but Varu seem to enjoy uploading his Madam Mim comic more. But I guess all we can do is to be patient and maybe ask Varu KINDLY to upload more pages to his another works.
>>50308 I ment comic that You might care about
>>50309 NOT care about, Sorry I had to do it twice
>>50308 Thats because madam mim comic is a commission So he doesn't mind blasting those out because they've been paid for. The other comics are from his patreon so they are gonna trickle out as a incentive for you to pay.
Well, if the Patreon is an unassailable fortress What about his art boxes? Some of them have some female pred images I'd like to see, primarily the RWBY ones Anyone got those?
>>52115 How does their art boxes even work?
>>52219 You can either be subscribed to the Patreon, or buy them individually by messaging him
>>52229 That's the thing though, a few months ago I did sub to his patreon and didn't get any of the art boxes. Only one which was dumb since I thought that the monent you subbed you'd get access to all the art boxes that he done in the past
>>52231 I think in the case of the Patreon, you gotta ask for them, like with the comics
>>52235 Thing is, I did but still only got the latest one at the time. Never got all of them made in the past
>>52250 Damn, bro actually scammed you out of them? Which one did ya get?
>>52250 Well the thing is after you pledge the first time you need to wait 30 days to pledge again in order to get past posts.
>>52469 So we need a martyr, then A sacrificial lamb who shall be used to open the vaults
>>52495 I believe that is the only way. If someone could do that, and share everything you got. That'd be extremely appreciated
>>52496 Anybody?
>>52798 Well, as said before, it would take $50, 2 months, a full list of every comic, and Varu not being suspicious that you are asking for literally every comic at once, or one at a time. Multiple people should work together to do this optimally.
>>52801 Optimally, they need to ask for some dupped art boxes, as well
Hmmm. So by that point it'd be a lot of coordination and planning for all of this to work for all of us. Question is, how would we do this?
I mean, the thread is here already, right? And I doubt Varu would come knocking on 8chan, unless someone from his Patreon visited and blew the whistle on the whole thing
>>52812 God forbid that ever happened
>>52821 ... Damn, you ain't wrong Considering the degen stuff Varu peddles, they WOULD come here
>>52833 Lets just hope that doesn't happen
>>52860 Alright so anyway, we need intel How many art packs exist, and how many COMPLETED comics exist in the Patreon?
Y’all motherfuckers seal team 6 damn…
>>52869 Steal Team 6
Has anyone try to use Gofile as a way to upload Varu's comic? If that didn't work it was still a nice try.

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