/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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People you miss in the community Baby 11/09/2020 (Mon) 18:22:47 No. 1818
Pic related Who do you wish still posted in the community
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I miss her bros ;_;
Merunyaa, maybe the most obvious answer
>>1820 Didn’t she get doxxed?
>>2254 she got doxed twice and then someone from 8chan started stalking her irl, visited her at work every few days and told everyone he was going to rape her, nobody has heard from her since as she deleted her entire online presence because of it
>>2260 I can't understand what drives people to do this shit.
>>1820 who is she? I don't know !
>>2252 >Merunyaa why did she leave?
>>2275 This was her response to being asked why she stopped, I mean I've still done some here and there because some people on my patreon getting monthly rewards but I just haven't cared enough about having them on my social medias accounts and promote it in my digital 'portfolio'. I don't mind people taking them from the patreon archive and reposting them since I don't mean to keep it private but I just haven't felt the need to remind people everytime I upload bunch of pics on here that 'hello I can draw this' bringing back attention on it and attracting more people to my patreon that will be there and only care for this and nothing else, dragging me back to how it was and felt on tumblr TwT I'm doing less of it than before that's for sure though, after doing barely anythign BUT diapers for about 2 years full time I've grown a bit bored of it because it's a lot of the same scenarios, situations and a lot of recycling, most of the time the pose and angle option to show a specific sequence/situation are a bit limited and I am just the kinda artist that likes to experiment and draw a WIIIDE range of stuff, that's what keeps it interesting for me :'3 you can take that link tho i don't care, spread the lewds at your leisure and glad to be an helping hand in your quest of the meat beatin' !
>>2263 Severe mental illness and never leaving the house.
>>2263 seen simillar things happen on adisc and omo.org Only difference was people there invaded someones privacy for "doing the right thing". Need for validation from other normalfags on forum, for doing something that was the right thing to do in society eyes, but not right in terms of human morals (if they have any)
>>2402 >seen simillar things happen on adisc and omo.org Only difference was people there invaded someones privacy for "doing the right thing". Like give me some examples of this specifically? Is this a reference to that chick who became incontinent deliberately, then collected a pension for incontinence from the NHS (for adult diapers)? I find the diaper "community" interesting sociologically tbh.
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Does someone know her current situation?
baby-jellybean not the prettiest, but definitely the dumbest hypnobaby-bimbo
Sunni and LittleBluBunny. Granted they're a bit older than most and probably should retire to a vanilla life, but I do miss them.
>>27033 BluBunny is still around just not as active, usually just her twitter now. She actually lives in my town
KatannaUK by a longshot. She mainly did pants pooping, and when she did use diapers she'd often put them on over her panties. I really wish she'd stuck around long enough to actually use diapers properly, because not only did she have a gorgeous body, she actually had obscenely massive shits that would have pushed even high-grade ABDL diapers to their limit. Nothing would have expanded my dong more than her having a total blowout in Goodnites and/or filling actual fetish diapers to the brim in the first place. Most women grunt and moan for 20 minutes just to push out a tiny little turd, then immediately take it off. Almost every time you find an image or video of a "woman" actually filling their diapers, it's actually a tranny trying to use weird angles to hide his unmistakably fridge-like man body. Katanna would straight up explode in her pants and show off her wide, breedable thighs with her stained, filled-up leggings bulging in between. Thing is, she got off on doing it in public and seemed to be a photography nerd, so she probably got spooked by the times she got noticed/close calls, and instead of continuing her messing escapades at home on video, called it quits because that didn't interest her. What a shame. I've never seen a woman that even comes close without a massive enema or 20 minutes of drawn-out obnoxious """sexy""" """acting""" ): I'd post images, but I'm on tor.
Crinklebug. She was a very thicc switch little/mommy domme who was into really manly guys in cute baby outfits. She got my motor running so hard.
>>27033 BluBunny I believe is pregnant or just had a kid, weird seeing these models actually having kids. I dropped out of anything abdl due to career change and the fact I am a parent to 2 kids now as well. For people I miss, going to go with dandelionwishes, seemed like a really cool and chill person, sadly I think the weird stalkers got to her like most good people in the community.
>>27031 >definitely the dumbest hypnobaby-bimbo Yeah she definitely played/lived that part super well. >>27068 Oh man 100%, she had awesome messes, shame she didn't film them. As far as the public thing goes I guess that was part of her kink, she really got off on the risk of major public embarrassment. Last I heard of her is that she was doing stuff on Instagram? I don't have any social shit though so no idea if she's still doing stuff or what. I lost a lot of Katannas pics along the way, if anyone could upload what they have I'll try to pay back the effort with some vids, got a decent amount of this one BBW Molly Mason.
>>27115 >I lost a lot of Katannas pics along the way, if anyone could upload what they have Oh shit I'm retarded, this was pretty easy to find. Not a crazy amount of diaper content, but I'll take it. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q_kCj6Qnr9GVXflqEpmktOIEghdEMe3i Someone was saying she was back on tumblr, made a throwaway account, last post was Nov 2022 so meh, not super old, guess she's still kind of around.
>>27068 >>27115 >>27116 Her tumblr was actually deleted, by tumblr. She is suppose to have an Instagram page if I remember correctly.
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Lolette, she looks like my ex and the thought of her diapered on top of me while making me wear one too makes me diamonds
>>27077 Crinklebug was my favorite girl. I remember when she doxxed me 😍❤️
Number one missed has to be Sundoll. I wish I knew what happened to her. Her content and text posts were the best.
>>27167 I know it's sarcasm but I am kind of curious
Koneko from abdreams was cute af imo
>>27197 Yes. Man she was so fucking hot and her videos were top quality and not lazy like a lot of JFF stuff is now. I have every video she produced I think if you need. Definitely a folder I revisit frequently lol
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AGirlNamedSix seems to have disappeared, too; she had some hot vids on her patreon and she journeled her experience with bdsm on her fetlife page.
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missprincessknickers she disappeared because her ex, the founder of /r/abdl, doxxed her or something
>>27142 Couldn't find the Instagram account, but I did manage to find a copy of her Tumblr account on my phone (minus the images of course). Can't remember if I either saw it on archive.org or I downloaded it before Tumblr's ban, but here it is. https://files.catbox.moe/dtz36g
>>27198 She used to ask guys to provide proof of age with an ID and she used that to dox me. Needless to say. I didn’t take that lightly. Her workplace didn’t take that lightly either.
>>27226 seconded
>>27240 That would be an amazing contribution to the video thread if you are able sometime. I've been looking for some of her "pre-made" videos she used to sell on tumblr that I've only seen once then lost forever, curious to see if anyone actually still has them.
>>27116 Damn, she just brazenly unloads into her jeans like that in a store, that's ballsy! I'm not into scat much and don't like to see it, but i do still enjoy vids where girls absolutely destroy a goodnite or baby diaper, and have it coming out the sides and the top. It's great to see genuinely huge messes that show true desperation and not a regular bm. Just don't take it off later and show me the damage...
>>1818 Mermaidprincessgracie on tumblr, I think she had a medical issue requiring hospital stays and her issue resulted in incontinence, so she had lots of pics of wearing Luvs under her skirt to college etc. I think she stopped posting after a while and ghosted the site. It's tough to find pics of women wearing either for need or out of their own long-held interest, as opposed to trying it out for their bf and posting some pics. She seemed like one of the genuine ones, like Madeline or Lainie.
>>27226 did she quit ABDL althogether? I noticed she was leaning heavily on the tomboyish side... I am concerned she went FtM and 52% herselfe...
has anyone heard anything about bubblybuns? really liked her content but she seems to be inactive since december 2022.
What Happened to her? anyone knows?
>>27250 what file type is that and how do i open it
Krinklebutt Had a great tumblr then seems to have deleted all online presence too
>>27449 It seems to be a rip of https://katannauk.tumblr.com/ from archive.org. It's some kind of MIME format that I think gets used by emails. Renaming it whatever.eml and then opening it with an email client or chrome seems to work.
>>27451 i remember her. she had some great content. wish i had downloaded it. :(
>>1818 RIP to a real one anyone know if she ever ended up coming back?
>>27476 Not that I'm aware of, aside from that 'Feelingsolittle' Tumblr she had a few years ago for a couple months. Every day I pop on here and hope I see a thread with someone announcing Maddie made a new Tumblr or is back. I'd be thrilled.
TheBambinoGirl for sure. If you know, you know
>>27522 old woman and messy diapers gotta love it
>>27522 The good ol days for sure.
>>27538 back when all of the good amateur content wasn't behind a paywall because onlyfans and jff werent a thing yet.
>>27027 oh man diapered faith whenever I cant finish i just open an old vid of her where she fucks herself on top of her disposable and instantly cum in my diaper
Whatever happened to Ronikat? He was the cutest. He disappeared from Tumblr (twice?). Is he alright?
that woman from hubbies, never knew her name she was a part of my "awakening", so to speak. She definitely seemed like a hired model so I'm surprised I haven't seen her in anything else before or since
>>27451 can you post a pic?
>>27250 Does anyone know whatever happened to “Gidget” from FLBABYGIRL?
>>27618 This would be one of my faves
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>>27656 nice pic. me and my ex had a tumblr years ago and our name was similar. pic related
Def meryuna, I forgot why she quit abdl art
>>27710 They were never into it and wanted non ABDL commission
>>27710 I don't remember the reasoning that she gave when she left but just in general I think the answer is 'because she could.' The ABDL community is so starved for good, consistent artists, that she got flooded with ABDL commissions constantly but her work was good enough to get vanilla attention, and so when she was getting enough vanilla attention to jump ship and leave us behind she did. She was never into ABDL art, she was just open to drawing it.
Elibean She wrote stories, pretty good ones actually. You know, something with a semblance of a plot. Good to chat with, had a great insight into writing 'little' characters. But then she was just gone. She's another one I think someone doxxed or found and them she fled the community entirely. Fuck you whomever drove her away.
I think we used to have a defunct tumblrs thread where I asked this but I've never been able to find it after all these years. I don't remember the name of it but there was a tumblr way back in the day which was a blog of this guy who supposedly was in a gay relationship with this rich guy who was constantly traveling and never around. But the setup of their domme/sub relationship was that the guy writing the blog had to be kept in diapers 24/7 and wasn't allowed to change himself, so the rich guy paid for a nanny to come by the house a couple times a day to change him. The blog author and the nanny had a pretty friendly relationship. They would actually go out and do stuff together, hang out at bars. She treated him like an adult, but still had to change his diapers and would get grossed out by his messes occasionally. It was probably all fictional, but there were some pictures and stuff and was a really great read even if it was all fictional. Never been able to find that tumblr again but it's been stuck in my mind for years. Would love it if someone else knew what I was talking about.
>>27242 Dandelion is one of my favorites, got any more of her?
>>27451 She was really liberal. She said kept saying how she was got a liberal arts degree and that white people can’t be a victim of racism. It was really weird. This was on Instagram. Huge turn off
>>27771 i remember she sold her abdl snapchat and that lasted for like 1 day and then she disappeared
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>>27242 Damn, I miss her. She was also "Lily" from ABDreams, right? Wish I had more of her, especially the last pic!
>>27825 Just before she disappeared, I heard she had an ex basically stalking her, who also got into her social medias. This was also the same time that she released her snapchat. Most of her snaps were watermarked, so a big Part of me thinks it wasn't actually her operating it.
Always wondered what happened to Daisy and Madilyn. Both pretty early solo creators way before the boom and also did some paysite stuff later. They even did a bunch of great videos together. Madilyn was so cute in a nerdy way with those glasses and had such a great body and Daisy was actually thick in a good way. Anybody know what happened or did they just make a bunch of money and disappear?
>>27840 im pretty sure daisy is doing mainstream porn now. probably ditched all of her abdl stuff so she could get more vanilla shoots and not be known as the fetish freak.
>>27840 Maddy got pregnant years back, so I'm guessing being a parent is taking up lots of her time. Shame about krinklebutt, loved her pictures, but I guess most women into this kink are a little bit messed up (aren't we all though :/)
No idea what happened to her but nikki has some of the best messy vids of all time.
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Layla Jets. We need more redheads in diapers.
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Does anyone remember Kimmie(Whispers of the New)? She was around the old WetSet forums back in the day. Her and her daddy made little videos too.
>>28005 I remember some. I got into it all after the previous glut of women coming in so I missed a lot of amateurs. She did messing if I remember
>>28004 she had such a sweet innocent vibe, lovely
do any of you remember this girl named Ash (her twitter was @robotic.ashley)? She use to be semi active then all her socials disappeared.
>>27720 Who is the source on this?
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>>28398 What do you mean? That's all the details I remember about the tumblr. Except it had a really shitty looking green/brown background color scheme. If you mean the image it's from Mommy and Baby D.
>>27840 She became a Hebrew and got married years ago. Either she quit making porn or she still does it but she more vanilla related porn. Who knows honestly. But all I know is, after she quit diaper porn, she did vanilla stuff or pee content.
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RFSwitched was my favorite ABDL artist, but he hasn't updated his DeviantART account in years. I hope he returns someday. If he does, I'm gonna finally commission him like I always wanted to. RFSwitched also made my favorite OC, Gabi La Zorilla. He made the character for Cushy, the ABDL wrestling game, and did a couple art pieces with her outside of that. >After a rollcking day of piledriving her lumpy diaper butt onto unfortunate opponent's faces, diaper-loving wrestler and ex-superheroine Gabriella "La Zorilla" Barros spends a day in her private babytime room, dreaming of lollipops, baby bottles and diaper changes from Chippendale's models.
>>28410 He's still on twitter @AArtfus
>>1818 >LittleMissPixels Absolute cutie and an absolute stunner! Really hope some anon here has got a rip of her content?
>>30508 Isn't she making videos for ABDreams? Or at least, she seems to have made some videos there after she disappeared from Tumblr.
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>>30508 Is this her? Ashley from ABDreams.
>>30596 Yes, that's her, but these were filed years ago. She stopped doing AB modeling
>>1818 >>30595 She stopped a few years ago now which really sucks, because I genuinely loved her content and I'm shattered that I didn't manage to scrape her instagram and tumblr pages.
Wear happened to pottycakes?
>>30744 She's completely insane. Probably homeless by now.
I miss penguin417dl. Have all of her tumblr stuff pretty much, but wishing I would of saved her instagram
i thought pottycakes was cool. didnt know her very well tho.
>>27331 She was massive racist liberal, and said white people can’t be racially discriminated against. She was definition of liberal diaper cunt.
>>30753 yeah you could tell she had a really fucked up life from the Mtv special/documentary thingy.
Have someone link on her instagram?
>>30797 It’s private and not accepting new followers anymore. I’ve been waiting for awhile for her to accept my new account. Was hoping someone save her Instagram stuff before she deleted most of it.
>>30783 >racist >liberal Pick one you rightwing faggot.
>>30949 Yes, liberals can't be racist. Fuck off back to reddit.
While not a model, there was a pretty kinky Dommy Mommy figure, Anarcadia. She was so amazing, than one day, she just up and vanished. No trace of her anywhere on the internet.
I dunno if people remember that lilemmie girl from tumblr back in the day but this is 100% her now https://x.com/daintydaisybaby https://jff/missprincessemmie this means that maddie/diapersandpacifers/feelingsolittle is probably out there under a new alias doing this kinda thing too
>>33395 she was such a cutie back in the day and I’m so happy she’s back. Apparently she’s engaged though and her fiancé doesn’t want her posting nude stuff anymore which stinks. I don’t think she’s ever shown off her pussy anyways, but glad to see her really embracing the abdl side again
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The Bambino Girl, she was put back in diapers by her Husband for almost 10 years. A few years ago she was allowed to re potty train.
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https://twitter.com/baybeegiwaffe https://justfor.fans/baybeewormi This girl only showed up in the ABDL community a few months ago and had a really amazing Instagram where she talked openly about messing and seemed to legitimately enjoying being ABDL and using her diapers and just generally had really great energy. Now she's already nuked her instagram and announced that she'll no longer be making ABDL content. I've seen this a few times before where these girls show up on the scene, briefly produce some amazing content, and then vanish. Is it the amount of attention they get? Positive or negative? Personally I'm leaning towards all of them being bipolar or having serious mental issues. What is it about all these bipolar chicks that makes them so awesome at ABDL content though? Sometimes if I get a feeling that that's going to happen I'll try to get whatever content I can before they nuke everything. We've lost so many cute diapergirls to their fucking craziness though. They really need a Daddy to just step in and tell them not to be so fucking insane.
>>36067 I wonder if she got doxxed? It does make you wonder. It seems like a recurring theme, especially if they're halfway decent. Lainey (Petitefool) has done this a million times with her instagram, tumblr, onlyfans - and I love her content. Side note, threads like these, I always get the hope that someone long gone is showing up again when I see it bumped. I keep hoping I come on here someday and see Maddie (diapersandpacifiers) is back or on Onlyfans or something. I can dream, I guess.
>>36070 Pink Little kitten (Reddit,onlyfans) is another good example of this, vanished and stopped posting over a year ago on multiple platforms. Either lost phone/password with no recovery method or doxxed into keeping her stuff up?? Hot asf body and tasteful pictures.
Daddysdreamydollie just deleted her twitter and tumblr :(
>>36067 Where did she announce this? Her JFF just says no longer posting to this account, go to another account where I'm posting with other models.
>>36365 Check out her instagram if any posts are still up there. She made some statements there. And the ABDaycare site just still has content of her because they already filmed all that stuff, but it sounds like she's leaving the community. There were also posts on her instagram about her selling all of her ABDL clothing.
>>36372 I wonder how many of these JFF chicks are actually into ABDL and how many just use it for a paycheck. Like how many actually wear when the cameras off? Probably like 5-10%? Anyone know ones who seem genuinely into it?
>>36373 i think ella raine has a diaper fetish, and so does miss panda pants. i believe apple does as well, i don't know of anyone else definitively.
littlejellybee was my fav. Loved the whole diapered but shouldn't be vibe!
littlejellybee was my favourite tumblr. The whole im diapered by not a baby vibe was amazing
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>>36373 >>36383 IDK I've thought about this and there's definitely a few out there who seem that way but most ABDL models probably have at least some interest in the fetish legitimately. If you wanted to make money doing online porn this is a really niche one to pick. A few models I've seen diversify into other stuff but not that money. Also, if you're trying to pick a niche fetish to appeal to, this one requires more knowledge and investment than others. It doesn't really seem logical. I think some women just get into it in different ways. It feels cringey to say but women's sexuality can be a lot more fluid than men's. Men tend to know what they like very definitively whereas women can discover things or have phases or moods for liking things. @theerussiand0ll on Twitter really seems legit that she likes this stuff now even if she only discovered it later in life, and I've talked to a few girls like that before.
>>36373 I'm guessing most of them. There are way more niche fetishes than ABDL that they could have also chosen if it was purely about money. It's a lot easier to stand out in a small pond, and this fetish is actually huge compared to others. Also, how much of these chicks are actually making over a 100 bucks a month? I think the number of people that would be not-revolted enough AND unscrupulous enough to make "fake" fetish content is very small. I imagine the way to tell is that the ones that might not actually be that into it don't exclusively do ABDL and are more varied.
>>36405 sauce on the raven cosplay one please ?
>>36429 @theerussiand0ll on twitter
Can't remember her name, think it's Mandy. Early days messy diaper girl. https://imgsrc.ru/diapersexuals/79415569.html
>>36992 That's Kimmie. She was one of the best.
>>36995 I'm assuming she counts as lost content
>>27031 Someone recently uploaded one of her vids on thisvid. I want as much of her as is out there
Daddyfistsme from Tumblr. I was the one that dared her to mess for the first time. I came buckets
Does someone remember Diapered Milf from Tumblr? She was quite active until ~2020, but then she just disappeared. https://www.tumblr.com/diaperedmilf
>>37501 She had good content but she was fucking crazy. I believe she got pregnant just before she vanished... not sure if she kept the baby or not cause she made some very odd vague posts before she completely vanished.
Collegetease. Superb content.
Petitefol is back on tumblr as pacify75
>>38312 I have her full name and address and it's so tempting to dox her. Probably never will but man such a rush.
Why even mention it? People that dox other people, should have their dick cut off.
>>38312 I'm sure she'll just nuke it again in a few months. She's not interested in doing any content like she did on Patreon before. Bummer. I guess it's nice she's still around.
It’s already gone

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