/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Anime in Diapers Baby 11/20/2022 (Sun) 09:25:48 No. 19499
Screencaps from anime series with diapers. Not fanart, stuff that you can search on trace.moe and get results, probably. I'm honestly kinda shocked - there's a "cartoons in diapers" thread and an "anime to watch to help you regress" thread, but not an "anime series that have diapers in them" thread. Obviously if it's a minor background thing on some baby in passing then it's kinda meh. But there's some better ones. Screenshot of girls being babied is from Tsugumomo Episode 7, right before it cuts to the credits. They lost a game to an eccentric kami. Sci-Fi screencaps are from "Orbital Children". It's good Sci-Fi in general - it's a short series of only 6 episodes. The diapers never make a visible appearance afaik, but they're explicitly mentioned and used a few times, including in like the first five minutes. Sadly there's no visible bulge or indication that they're actually wearing and wetting them like they say they are, though. I got a few more to start the thread off with, but they kinda need their own posts for clarity.
An exchange from Chitose Get You! Episode 21. It's on youtube and very short. Like, 3 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rceljROWpU
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Planetes. I think this is like one of the first scenes? One of those series I mean to get around to watching. It's pretty hard sci-fi.
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Wolf Children. It's a movie, not a series. They're children and in the normal diaper age range, so normally it'd be unremarkable, but they're also main characters and their diapers show a LOT. If you come for diaper fetish reasons you'll find yourself drowning in much deeper feels than you meant to, though. It's genuinely heartwarming, wholesome and good on its own.
Often old and old-ish anime has poofy underwear that just looks like diapers, but, something tells me this is actually a diaper
I don't lood it tho so much as I just find it genuinely adorable. Lookat that. So that's it for my Wolf Children posts.
>>19499 >orbital children was a fun ride, but it gets really dumb near the end with all of the "intelligence".
>>19551 tbh I haven't finished it yet. Moved in the middle of watching it and things were so hectic I just didn't get back to it. So many series on my list.
>>19504 >>19505 >>19507 >>19508 There painties, although they do look like diapers.
>>19577 Although, I'm headcannon both Yuki and Ame still wear diapers around the preschool ages (Age 5 for Yuki and 4 for Ame) because they can turn into wolfs and wolfs tend to do their "buinsess" outdoors alot. So how to they use the toilet in their human forms?
>>19577 What makes you say that? They're still small and young enough that this woman can carry both at once on these baby carriers rather casually, so I think they're still both in the age range for diapers to be normal. Is it ever brought up explicitly? I could've missed something. Barring anything explicitly contradicting it, given they look like diapers, and they're in the age range for diapers to be normal, and drawn the same as when they were definitely diapers as babies, I think it's reasonable to assume they are.
>>19578 Also preschool age in Japan starts at 3, a quick Google search tells me. Could be sooner for other preschool-like things. In Japan it's very unusual to send children to preschool in diapers, though, I hear. But one of the screencaps I posted was Yuki throwing a tantrum about not going to preschool, so...
>>19507 The way those are drawn really does make them look like diapers. There are lines there which just wouldn't exist if they were flat to the skin. Although the Hanamaru Kindergarteners look even more like they're wearing diapers but the manga specifically refers to them as pantsu. And there have been some incredibly diaper-ish pantsu in Ghibli movies too. Then again, I'm happy to believe these are all diapers too.
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>>19629 I feel like old bloomers in animes look like diapers, but they're not.
>>19778 I'm afraid I just can't look at the 4th image in >>19629 and not conclude it's a diaper. I know it's not supposed to be, but really, that bulge can't be anything else. Plus the idea of 4 year old Mei running around with thick diapers under her bloomers is too great to pass up.
I'm racking my brain trying to remember the name of this one, but there was a rather WTF moment in one series, where a girl was taking care of a baby, and she found diapers and ABDL accessories among Protag-kun's secret stash of porn and fetish wear, and I may be remembering it wrong, but I seem to recall her trying some of those diapers on for herself. If anybody has even the slightest idea what this anime is based on this description of my fuzzy recollections, PLEASE let me know! It's bothering me so much!
>>20090 That just made me remember one where there was some rich young lady with a maid, and she's like preparing to have some "intimate time" while getting some baby paraphinalia ready, and then there's a scene transition and next time it comes back to them, she or the maid are smiling as one of them is getting dressed again, and she idly shakes a rattle and says something like "that was fun" No diapers, but it was absolutely unambiguously implying baby play as an intimate activity. Also I may have one or two details wrong, but I'm certain about the shaking the rattle at the end and making the comment. Something along the lines of "that was nice"
>>20090 Koharu Biyori >>20094 While they're not a rich lady and a maid per se, but more like a yandere girl and her teacher who she has a crush on, this sounds like Mai-Otome. There's also an audio CD where some of the other girls treat her as a baby for a childcare lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCFH2I9lqTs Translation: https://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?p=512843#post512843
>>20100 Thanks! You rock!
Any more anime scenes with diapers in them?
>>23974 There's some scenes in non non biyori where renchon looks like padded. Not something like huge bulge but still. There were screenshots on some board long time ago
>>19606 What I saw in Japan was that toilet training was considered part of preschool education, so it was actually more unusual for children to be out of diapers before they started.
>>23992 Do you have it?
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There's also this scene in s1 ep8. No diapers but I think it still fits here
This one is cute
If you've seen the original scene this isn't that huge of an edit: https://thisvid.com/videos/love-after-world-domination-diaper-scene/
I don't think it was stated explicitly, but there was a scene in Chu-Bra where the main character's grandmother was implied to have sewn training pants for her to wear when she was bedwetting as a loli.
>>23997 >>23998 Both of these girls are ideally suited for diapers and regression. Koma-chan wouldn't be happy about it at all, but I could easily imagine her being a bedwetter. Ren-chon is more likely to wear them for fun and convenience rather than any real need, although if she kept wearing them 24/7 she might end up needing them.
Anyone been watching Buddy Daddies? This is Miri - she's four and has had a few close calls with the potty. I think the fourth image is a bit of a questionable translation. トレーニングパンツ could technically mean the sportswear kind of training pants - sweatpants - but it could equally be referring to potty training pants. Given that it's a daycare, I think the latter is much more likely than the former.
Orbital Children was such a great anime, i can't wait to see the 2nd Season.
>>24046 Has a second season been announced? I can't find any info about it.
>>23997 >>23995 Here's another one where it really looks like she's got a diaper bulge.
>>24232 She brought an extra diaper to school too
>>28855 Why the fuck would anyone care about some moron rambling for 15 minutes over some generic game footage?
So apparently Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo features a girl who has not only physically regressed to have the body of an 8 year old but also wears diapers 24/7 for convenience. Her diapers aren't actually shown, and I haven't reached that episode yet anyway, but I'm looking forward to when she appears.
>>33049 screencap the subtitles saying this; cursory quick search brings up the probable character but the fan wikia doesn't mention anything about diapers
>>19501 the funny part is how Planetes is also a fairly old anime by this part. Mid 2000's, or something like that. I distinctly remember how it was the diaper scenes which drove me to go and watch it... in 2008? 2009? except if you asked me today what it was about, besides just space... I couldn't tell you!
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I'm not sure if this counts but I'll post it anyway.
>>33056 Will you accept wikipedia? https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/君のことが大大大大大好きな100人の彼女 then either run it through translation software or ctrl+f for オムツ (diaper) I'm not sure why the English fan sites don't mention it, but I put it down to incompetence.
>>33049 >>33056 >>33089 I've heard of this series before, it's basically a harem with 100 girls in it. The protagonist has to meet all 100 of his "soulmates" and romantically satisfy each and every one of them. Not typically my genre, but I did a bit of digging and found the character in question. Yakuzen Kusuri, president of the chemistry club, tried to create an immortality potion. When she drank it, it regressed her into an 8-year-old's body. She's basically Detective Conan mixed with Walter White. She also speaks in the third-person and ends her sentences by saying "yeppers". She first appears in chapter 10 of the manga, and episode 7 of the anime. The diapers aren't shown on screen, but she does wet herself. It gets uncomfortable when she starts sucking face with the protagonist.
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>>33115 >"yeppers" Oh yeah, the translation is also kind of awful for this show. Pixiv has a fairly extensive article on her https://dic.pixiv.net/a/薬膳楠莉
This girl was made to be diapered.
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>>33056 douzo
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>>33253 >>33115 oh my god i love her...... i dont care about any other aspect of that series but god......
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>>34182 >wait until he finds about the literal adult baby character
>>33203 Neema a cute!
Today's episode of Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete is good and relevant. Spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet.
>>34291 lmao that's funny I've been watching this show and I just knew for how "not giving a fuck about going hard into fetish stuff" this show has been going, I knew this would happen in it eventually.
>>34326 This was in the manga too, much more lewd in the anime though!
>>34348 Does the manga have more of her in her toddler/baby form? What I really want to see is Alice having the tables turned on her and getting forcibly treated the same way. Or better yet, make it fully consensual.
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This toilet monster guy from second special of One Punch Man. Monkey's paw.
Any new animes with ABDL stuff?

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