/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Mommy and Babyboy Baby 01/05/2023 (Thu) 03:21:37 No. 21472
A thread for photos and videos of this Dynamic
Way to go on the terrible OP, smooth brain.
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Don't worry, I'll carry your ballonet-rated brain with sufficient content.
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OP is a massive, overgigga-faggot
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Fuck this stupid OP and their plastic bullshit
WTF are people so butthurt by the OP?
>>21480 it's probably one guy
>>21480 That fag is schizophrenic
>>21480 Is it really far-fetched to say they don't like the OP image? It looks like a Spirit Halloween costume.
>>22996 Bitch, that's a hand knitted wool bonnet.
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>>22997 Yeah, but it's not a style of bonnet that we all can appreciate. If it were a knitted bonnet with loose edges, or even just a cap, it'd look a lot better. To the sperg: some of these pics don't include boys. Ooops.
The absolute absurd amount of money I would pay to get to do this. I would never need sex ever again
>>23167 Sometimes I wish I was a girl. You wouldn't believe the absolutely degenerate shit I would do for money
>>38322 imagine hating MDlb
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>>38353 MDLB is great but it's always so hard to find good content for it. It's always either too mean, too nice, too chaste, or involves cuckold bullshit.
>>38382 >too nice >a mommy loving you unconditionally as her cute baby boyfriend bro, what?
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>>38401 I agree with you actually. My main MDLB fantasies are that there's a Mommy who's just overflowing with praise. What I meant by 'too nice' is just that I've seen videos where the Mommy is just absolutely glowing and effusive about everything and there's not even slightly any negative dialogue. And honestly I kinda like that vibe depending on the scenario and what sort of stuff she's saying but there's a couple problems with it. Like some people don't even want to include any light teasing. Also, if all the dialogue is too positive, then you can't have any scenarios where Mommy is a little controlling. Like I want to get kidnapped by a hot big-titty MILF who's crazy and obsessed with me who won't let me leave her nursery and is forcing me to wet, mess, and cum my diapers as well as suck on her breasts. The big thing though is that I'm ok with the dialogue being a little more negative for messy diaper changes depending on the scenario. On the one hand I love the idea of an MDLB scenario where Mommy is encouraging and praising me for using my diapers and is excited and happy to change me even when they're full, but something that I would love to see but no one ever manages to hit the right notes for my taste, is that you have a loving, affectionate Mommy, who's still grossed out and a little intimidated by your messy diapers, but she's still trying to struggle through it with a smile on her face because she just loves you so much.
>>38382 Agreed, I'm really fond of /ss/ myself but there isn't much in the way of "typical /ss/, but with diapers". Even Goya has a lot of weird fixations (or just emotional issues he's working out in his art) that can be a big turn off.

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