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Stories From A World With No (Female) Potty Traning. Baby 01/26/2023 (Thu) 18:51:07 No. 22116
Imagen a world that for some reason stopped potty train (Only Girls & Women) of all ages, where it was upheld, either by cultural or legal means or a mix of both. How would this world be in your minds, what would the lives of the female kind be like. What will the allready potty-trained girls & women think and say, when they are unpotty-trained & re-diaper trained, meaning banned from the toilet and needs a male to change them. What will Girls who were to either never porry-trained or far to young to remeber being potty trained thing & feel about this world. These are thier stroies, there are thier feelings. This is how they sees the world & how they are living thier lives, either new or as they allways have been. The stories can be written in self POV from the female's side, or from others that is very cloes to the female's side. I am looking forward to read all of these stories.
This is one of my favorite fantasy scenarios. But the people who write stories with this theme never make it misogynistic enough.
>>22119 Then feel free to write some stories like these here. I will enjoy reading them, no matter how misogynistic you want them.
It might even bee the Females themselves who decides to take this cultural or legal action to make this society. If it is a very small but EXTREMLY loud & fanatic minority of the females, or it is a sould cruching super majority, it is up to you all.
>>22116 >I am looking forward to read all of these stories. Premise of Schoolgirls in Pampers https://diaperstoryarchive.wordpress.com/2012/07/14/schoolgirls-in-pampers/ >>22119 >But the people who write stories with this theme never make it misogynistic enough. I think you're underestimating the ability of society to take things like this into stride It's hot to think if females couldn't potty train (or potty trained later) they'd have more inferior social role, but really everyone would just normalize it. Do we treat women like grade schoolers because they can't live heavy boxes? I do have a fantasy where traditionally girly traits are "ramped up" to point it gives women do have a more childish status into their late teens and twenties. For example, rather than being slightly more emotional than men, they'd wilt and cry under a stern look. Passive aggresiveness and arguments from girlfriends would look more like pouting and tsundere meltdowns Rather than being afraid of bugs, they'd be total scaredy-cats. And they'd be unable to hide their emotions, and have extremely obvious tells when lying. Combine this them constantly forgetting to go to the bathroom and overestimating their bladder to keep having fun and you have a nice scenario Basically a world where Tsukasa from Lucky Star is an above average put-together girl.
>>22133 >a very small but EXTREMLY loud & fanatic minority See I feel like it should be the opposite. A very vocal group of angry “feminists” are the ones who refuse to be good girls and wear diapers and insist on using the potty instead. Those ones would have to be taken in for re-education to convince them to be good girls at best or surgical intervention to induce incontinence at worst.
>>22142 Why not give BOTH sides an EXTREMLY loud & fanatic minority, The Panties Princesses on the Anti Nappy side & The Nappy Nannies on the Pro Nappy side. But having the pro side win.
Only asian girls
>>22144 Nope, girls from the WHOLE WORLD is welcome in these stories.
>>22145 I believe in asian diaper girl supremecy
>>22151 Maybe there are deep competitions of which nation's girls wears & looks the best in diapers.
>>22140 >Premise of Schoolgirls in Pampers <YES! More stories like this one Please!
>>22140 >Basically a world where Tsukasa from Lucky Star is an above average put-together girl. That is a delightfully wonderful fantasy. I also like the fantasy of a world where there are still perfectly normal girls, but about 50% need pull-ups into late elementary school and about 10% are still having daytime accidents in the final year of high school. Elementary schools would all provide potties in the girls' bathrooms for the ones who were too scared or clumsy to use a proper toilet, and some schools might not provide any regular toilets for the girls. Or they might segregate the girls by ability and the ones who were still wearing pull-ups wouldn't be allowed to go into the big girl bathroom in case they made a mess with the toilet paper or dropped things into the toilets.
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>>22116 This is also one of my favorite fantasy scenarios. I want to create a dating sim video game set in a world with the following characteristics: >All women are not potty trained from birth and must wear diapers by religious law >Women can only become potty trained by their husbands after they are married, it is illegal to potty train a woman unless it is by their husband >Women must go back to diapers if they divorce their husband, but not if widowed >Childless women must find a husband by the end of their 30th birthday or they will be frozen to prevent further aging. They will then by picked out by unmarried men looking for wives and forced to marry them or stay in a frozen state >Potty trained women look down on diapered women in society >Underground movements are fighting to make potty training legal for women outside of marriage and governments are cracking down on them In this sim, you play as a girl who just turned 30 and go on dates trying to find a man who will marry her within the year. She spent her 20s to traveling, advancing her career and having many sexual partners and is now desperate to finally get out of diapers before being sent to the cryo labs where she won't have a choice in who her husband is when she is picked out.
>>22201 This sounds like a very interesting idea, i like it even if i am not into games myself. I have 2 questions that i would like to ask. Question 1. What if the Husband simply do not want his wife to be potty trained & wants her in diapers 24/7. Would he be allowed to keep his wife safe & padded, even if she wants to be potty trained? Question 2. Could you pretty please write a long story 7000 - 8000 word long story here, about this scenario where we gets to follow a family of 8. Dad & Husband Nigel. Mom & Wife Linda. 1st Born Child Brad (15 Years Old) 2nd Born Child Maria (12 Years Old) 3rd & 4th Born Children Samuel & Samantha (Twins 9 Years Old). 5th Born Child Cindy (6 Years Old) And 6th Born Child Conor (3 Years Old & Newly Potty Trained) Were we get to follow them as this law was just passed & how they dealing with this new change for them. And the change that will come to their family as they as Mother & Father are set to deal with Un-Potty Train/Re-Diaper Train their girls. The complaining about that is is so unfair that only they gets treated this way & not their brothers too. The endless teasing from their brothers. As they are forced to adapt in this world to the new laws that has been put in place.
I like to imagine what the trans issue looks like in this world: 80% of trans men never quite get out of pullups; a large hurdle for trans women is being forced into the 24/7 life. The poor DLs of this world have to explain "No... not an egg.", etc.
>indecent exposure loophole >Laws passed to protect parents from being accused of noncon sexual indecency when changing a diaper without the consent of the wearer, as response to several legal challenges started by blue-haired screechers ....blah blah... incontinence protective apparel...to include but not limited to disposable diapers, cloth diapers, training pants...blah blah...confer responsibility to a second party either implied or deliberately express...blah blah... >Parents stopped fighting lawsuits against changing their baby >Meanwhile on Tweak, JustAdmirers, and MyView, porn is up 10,000%, claim incontinence, wear a goodnight, you are no longer "publicly indecent" as that responsibility is now conferred to a second party. It's been a strange road but the "Free the Nipple" movement has won, women are making money hand over fist as they stream content nearly naked, as long as a diaper of some variety is on is bypasses exposure laws/ToS's, of course to placate the moral outrage crowd there is a requirement that during the window of recording the diaper must be used to prove incontinence.
>>22212 Sissies/transgirls and diaper-wearing boys would be conflated very strongly in the public consciousness. Wearing diapers and little girl clothes and being treated like a toddler would be a huge part of transgirl identity, to the point that most would aim to reverse their potty training and become fully incontinent. At the same time, boys who resisted potty training, wet the bed, or had accidents for medical reasons would often get treated as girls. Sometimes this would be done as a punishment, but often it would be done for simple practicality. After all, everything in society would be arranged with the expectation that boys use toilets while girls use their diapers. It's easier to just enrol the boy as a girl and make him wear a dress to school than explain to every member of staff that he wears diapers. Things like swimming lessons would be gender-segregated since girls couldn't be allowed to swim in the main pool and risk soiling it. Instead they might be given a big inflatable kiddie pool to play in which could be cheaply drained and cleaned every day. Another thought is the idea that girls would spend longer in school, or at least progress more slowly through the grades. Imagine a world where girls only went up a grade every other year, so they'd spend 6 years in kindergarten until they turned 10, then 12 years in elementary school until 22. And getting forced to repeat a grade would be a very real possibility, so only the more capable 10 year olds would be graduating from kindergarten. You could even imagine them being given growth-inhibiting medication to make them stay at a more manageable size. After all, it'd be hard for a kindergarten teacher to lift a struggling 14 year old onto a changing table even if we assume girls were weaker and less dextrous.
>>22215 I think that Transpepole & Sissys would fall inbetween the chairs in the most horrible thing. Because they are men, they get scrone and utter humiliation form the society. But they don't get the benifits of a diapered life like the girls & women. Females don't need to go to school at all, since there are no workplace at all nither private or public that who would want to hier them. They are also not allowed to start their own companies. And aren't allowed to be part of contracts or be in charge of the economies at home. The slower aging meds are indeed used, thus keeping them smaller & more easy to take care of for longer time.
>>22216 Girls would still need very basic skills to be able to look after themselves while their husbands were at work. They might not need to know any algebra, science, or literary theory, but they'd need to know enough to measure ingredients when cooking or read a clock. In other words, an education up to maybe 3rd grade level would be sufficient. And if women weren't even trusted to be left on their own then there would need to be some kind of daycare for them and their daughters. In that case it might be best for them to be treated as kindergarteners permanently with no possibility of graduating.
>>22219 >Girls would still need very basic skills to be able to look after themselves while their husbands were at work. <This is ture, but it's the rsponsibility of their Fathers, Brothers & or Sons to do so when once husband isn't at home. >They might not need to know any algebra, science, or literary theory, but they'd need to know enough to measure ingredients when cooking or read a clock. <That stuff is somethign they leran at home, as thoes skills are on the Males to taech them. Homeschooling is done everywhere. >In other words, an education up to maybe 3rd grade level would be sufficient. <It all depends on what the Father or Husband wants their Ladies to learn. Some girls have skills just slightly higher than a 10th Grader, wheil other girls won't even pass 1st Grade. All done intentionaly by the males of course. >And if women weren't even trusted to be left on their own then there would need to be some kind of daycare for them and their daughters. <State funded instituions that is as common to see as firefighters are, if not even FAR! more. >In that case it might be best for them to be treated as kindergarteners permanently with no possibility of graduating. <Exactly.
By the way guys when you take a fetish world, don't try to over explain shit with convoluted lore, the more questions you answer the more people start to think about how none of it makes sense. I've seen this happen with the whole parallel universe with giants and littles thing. Keep it simple, stupid; girls wear diapers. Thats it.
>>22249 Oh everyone is allowed to have their little versions of how the world works. I am just enjoying the awnsering of the questions that comes up. But fair enough i see your point.
>>22214 >Religious based reason >Religious philosophy is more heavily based on Creator-Deity/Creation-Child dynamic. >Virtues more around childlike innocence >The Church is a family, everyone is brother x, sister y >Holding in waste is sinful, expel it without thought/reservation. To make this have a gender bias, God is Father, boys/men model after that ideal, the creation myth of women would be something like "babe born of the fruit of earth, entrusted to Man to protect and keep innocent" The Fall from Grace myth would be the first Woman trying to emulate First Man, like do a hunt to catch her own food, symbolism of the blood spilling from the "gash of a belly split" leading to curse of childbirth and menstruation. So doctrine revolves more around the virtues women need to follow for being the fuck up >Tennets of Infantilism Spare no thought to retention of waste, thought is devoted the Heavenly Father, entrust your body to your Earthly Father. >You even think about trying to potty like a man is a sin, fill that diaper with no reservation, your daddy will know when to change you) Give no quarter to the demon of Shame, the feminine was sculpted by the Father to show fruit. >Women are dressed by the men, with as much or as little as they decide, it's warm out, only diapers - those are God made tits Suckle upon the richness of life and rejoice in the quiet of His Splendor >Lifelong bottle/pacifier use, seen not heard mentality, if the paci is in the woman is quiet, if dick presented get that meat in your mouth. And some things that might change/evolve as time progresses, literacy could be church leadership only, then men only, then in modern times women do get taught but it's bad manners to read if she has the option to ask a man to do it. There could be differences in arrangement of a home, obviously a woman should be in a crib, some say a mother should be in a crib with all the daughters as her status should be equal, with visits to the husband's bed, more liberal households may have the mother share the husband's room with a personal crib there. Of course early women still did chores and pulled their weight in the community, but as life affords more luxury there is a stronger movement to pair that back. While early man changed the cloth diaper, women would still be doing that laundry, disposables become a thing, laundry goes to being a job of the father as now there is way less of it. Husbands goes hunt the food, woman "plays in the dirt in safety afforded" to gather, woman cooks it up giving husband best cuts, hers is rendered into thick soup. Now we got grocery stores, some women have no idea how to cook because a baba is powder mixed with water and din-din is served by daddy from a jar. Smart-assistants were revolutionary because a modern woman could fake illiteracy by simply asking everything to be read or be seen asking very basic questions to it, and a male voice would programmed to talk condescendingly to them. The rich and powerful would display that wealth via their wife/wives and daughters. Think old school beauty of pale, soft, skin and (baby) fat, mixed with servants pushing strollers to say "my babies don't even know how to walk". A modern woman would be in good shape, do their make up, as part of seen not heard doctrine. LGBT in women, no woman is recognized as a Lesbian, since they are in the care of their fathers to go into the care of a husband, but given that the church is "family" and prior eras had extended families together, hugging/kissing and "playing" like wrassel'n is seen like innocent childish expressions of bonding, but moving more into the nuclear style of family found them becoming more isolated, more liberal areas might have pockets of a man lampshading his sister's lesbianism by taking her girlfriend as a wife but rarely taking her away from the shared crib, or similar polycule "beard". Just thoughts for my diapered women cult and projection of expansion.
>>22257 How would this church of padding & society, punish girls who were foolish enough to reject this religious philosophy?
>>22261 I think medieval/dark ages there were a lot of teeth pulling, tendon cutting, going into the more puritan ages where punishments weren't about jailing/execution since all hands were needed, they are put in pillories for spankings, no diaper protecting those bottoms, forced to publicly mess onto your feet and stay in it, certainly the start of "corrective wear", pacigags, locking mittens, knee bindings. Some spare the rod philosophies leading into the patriarch's cane, some becoming heirlooms to pass own. Going to the modern age it goes from being a deviant to "mental hysteria" being treated at first with lobotomies and then ethics progress to dealing with these "disorders" with drugs and mental conditioning. Now there might be pockets of hippie communes or quasi cults that try to be women focused, but they fail quick as yuppy girls realize how hard the work is to have a self-sufficient plot.
>Another idea is for girls to spend more time in school, or at least move more slowly through the grades. Imagine a world in which girls only moved up a grade every two years, so they would spend 6 years in kindergarten until they were 10, and then 12 years in primary school until they were 22. And being forced to repeat grades would be a very real possibility, so that only the most able 10-year-olds would graduate from pre-school. <With the huge possibility that if they fail to enter secondary school they would have to go back to pre-school and be forced to wear the most childish uniform possible, to the extent that it shows their nappy with no possibility of covering it, that their name is in big letters on their blouse and shows the grade in which they failed.
>>22262 >Now there might be pockets of hippie communes or quasi cults that try to be women focused, but they fail quick as yuppy girls realize how hard the work is to have a self-sufficient plot. < Many of these hippie cults end up reverting to the “old” ways, giving up completely as they realize that it is a waste of time to try to make girls sinfully “independent” of the dominant traditions and that it is more comfortable and viable (within that world) for them to take for granted the role of daddy's eternal protégé.
>>22295 >With the huge possibility that if they fail to enter secondary school they would have to go back to pre-school and be forced to wear the most childish uniform possible, to the extent that it shows their nappy with no possibility of covering it, that their name is in big letters on their blouse and shows the grade in which they failed. <I can see a 4 Strike System being implemented when a girl fails to pass a grade. With the girl getting 1 strike each time she doesn't pass followed by worse punishments. (Should the girls pass the grade they first failed in, then the strikes reset to 0) Strike 1. The girl gets held back a year but with a BIG X on Their New School Uniforms. Strike 2. The girl get sent back a futher year, to a grade they previously just passed, so as to give them more time tp re learn & pass. This means if they for example a 3rd grader & got S1, theny they repeat 3rd grade, if they got S2 then thy get sent back to the 2nd drade instead. Strike 3. The girl gets sent back to the VERY begining of the school system not matter where they were previously. They are also give an extra helper just for them & are treated like mentaly weak girls with "special needs". Like their brains aren't were they should be. They are also given onesies insead of blouse & these onesies have extremly babyish prints on them. Strike 4. They are (Permanently Banned) from the Entier School System no matter what their Fathers say. They are nanochipped with nanochip that will aleart the Schools should a Perma Banned Girl try to enter. Any grades made by secret homeschooling don't work thanks to the Perma Banned Regestry. So these girls are forever the lil ones.
>Many of these hippie cults end up reverting to the “old” ways, giving up completely as they realize that it is a waste of time to try to make girls sinfully “independent” of the dominant traditions and that it is more comfortable and viable (within that world) for them to take for granted the role of daddy's eternal protégé. <These outbursts are seen by the world at large as very cute. As childish outbursts of girls, who just are playing pretend. Like any little one saying. I am leaving home, before returning some hours later when it get's dark & scary.
If you guys can handle crossdressing, the scenario you're describing is a lot like the Chijoku An Cinematic Universe™ in which most of his doujins and CG collections are set. Not sure how much of it is translated to English. It's an extreme chauvinistic matriarchy in which girls are assertive, legally superior, and also literally have bigger dicks than guys. While men *can* become proper professional adults, their personality is maximum soy and it's quite normal for them to end up in grade school semi-permanently.
>>22317 This is the wrong thread for these kinds of things. The Males in these settings show FAR! greater levels of masculinity than even the most masculin of men does in our world. This is because thanks to the EXTRAODINARY! higher level Females have to be taken care off by their Male Family Members, Relatives or Husbands. Not to mention how MUCH! of the slack the Males has to do as the Females aren't there to ease the burden. In the olden days, sissy boys & such were sent out to either learn to fight & survive, or die when failing. So as the keep the sissyness from spreading futher & living inside the genes of the Males. They were seen as curse & sinners, if not outright spawns of the Devil himself. In the modern days, they are given alot of corection drugs with strong male hormons in them. As well has HARD mental & physical training in th wilde as part of their Summer School Scout Ed. The one in charge of them is an Elder Male who has proven himself to be of Higher than Avarage status. Sissyness in these times are seen as a mental disoder & if they can't be treated, then they are locked up in insetutions.
>>22318 >This is the wrong thread for these kinds of things. Nah I'm sure someone will be glad I namedropped it for them. It's the same shit just flip ♀ for ♂ >evobio of human sexual dimorphism yada yada yada We're talking about an alternative universe where human society and biology developed differently. The standard scenario in this thread is completely implausible because no human genetic variant/civ could develop and not get conquered and genetically replaced indo-aryan style when 50% of their pops are useless babs. Pic unrelated
>>22319 Then we should make a Seperate Thread for that stuff so as to keep things on topic.
>>22323 I am on topic, faggot. You are not the lord of the board. If you don't like a post just ignore it and go on talking about what you want to talk about.
In these worlds, female boobs aren't seen in a sexual way like they are in our world. They are only seen as feeding tools as Mommies is breast feeding their Diapered Daughters into their mid 30s. This has made it so that Bras aren't a part of females clothing as they don't excist in these world. Even when gowing up, their breast are out in the free. As they are acostume to nudity, as bathing & cleaning is something they don't do by themselves, as it is the job of their Fathers or Brothers to do. Not to mention changing their diaperes. So it is normal to see females out on the beach & other places wearing nothing at all except for their diapers. It is also normal to see them pee themselves and even poop themselves. It is also normal to see their diapers being changed.
>>22361 >In these worlds, female boobs aren't seen in a sexual way like they are in our world. They are only seen as feeding tools as Mommies is breast feeding their Diapered Daughters into their mid 30s. This has made it so that Bras aren't a part of females clothing as they don't excist in these world. Even when gowing up, their breast are out in the free. It's hard to imagine that just for practical reasons. What about when it's cold? Nip chafing is a thing. Also. Running and playing would be too unpleasant. Our ancestors did it, but super big boobs are very recent in our genetic history. Homo erectus girls were pettankos. I imagine childish sports/training bras being the norm, designed for easy dressing by a daddy/brother/boyfriend. (They'd of course be called "play bras" in this world.) Or maybe "regular" bras with easy-secure velcro for very independent girls. Female casual wear include two flaps in the back, one for re-securing a bra that came loose, the other for diaper changes without taking off shoes or pants For formal wear (eg dresses flower girls at a wedding), girls would need someone to help them with the claps of a "real bra" that will stay in place. More generally, I think the idea is hotter if females retain some extremely minimal pride and superficial independence. If they're just pure babs it stops being hot.
>>22363 What we think of when we hear the word of the clothing known as bras, don't excist they are known as Tight Tops & has greater coverings for the arms & lower chest than the most top like bras have in out world. For the Weddings, a special kind of Tight Top is wrone, called A Brides Breast Baring Top. And are in the same style as the rest of the Wedding dress. What we concider to be real bras are only now in the 2020s starting to be made by the morst revolutionary of radicals & are seen just as kink tools for degenerates. Or a symbol of disobedience by females towards their Fathers, Brothers or Husbands. A somewhat small radical colective movment has fromed called Brides of the Bras & are fighting for it to be part of the mainstream Female clothing line for grwon ups. Wheil an extremly small minority of that colective is calling for Bras to outright Replace Tight Tops for all things, they are known as Bitches of the Bras. Brides of the Bras are fighting a HARD & SETPE uphill battle to make it even remotly mainstream, and the Bitches of the Bras don't make things easier for them.
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An educational book that were made just before The Great Diapering Event took place. Published during The Great Diapering Event & made a mandatory read for all Girls between the ages of 3 - 13 years of age. Parents read this every single night to their Daughter as their bed time story. Schools even had test about this book & it's future sequels as these books became an extremly important part of the school curriculum.
Nice thread.
So the day had come at last. The girls had beed waiting for, the day when summer break hit and the 12 weeks of total freedom had arrived. All of the girls in their friend group were raised for as long as they can remember, by thier loving and overprotective single fathers. To properly celebrate that they all turned 10 years old before the summer break, their fathers told them that they had a huge supprise for them. The supprise being 12 weeks of summer camp together with them all, as they had rented a private camp area from a renting company. The names of the girls and their fathers are. Jane and Jack (with little sister Jenny Age-7 also comming with them). Violet and Grey, Rachel and Hank, Alice and Thomas. Becky and Nigel (with little sister Beatrice Age-7 also comming with them). Ahsly and Brian (with little sister Linda Almost Age-7 also comming with them), Stephanie and Max, Elizabeth and Ethan (with little sister Erika Age-6 AND big sister Elyon Age-12½ also comming with them), then the tripplets April, May June together with their father August. What the girls didn't know is that their fathers have all been talking with eachother beforehand, about making this camp unforgetable and the experience of it permanent. As they all are very overprotective of their little ones and trust eachother. They have decided that their girls has grown up far enough allready and is now prepareing to put them all back into babyhood. Meaning diaper wearing along with diaper using 24/7. Bottle feeding of milk, baby formula and other baby food. Sleeping in cribs, wearing onesies & footed sleepers ETC. The fathers have allready been to the camp many times before, in the upcomming weeks to the summer break. So as to set everything up properly. Setting up the cribs, stacking up the baby formula along with the baby food, so that it would last even twice as long as their stay could ever consume. Along with setting up the changing tables, stacking the giant storage cabbin FULL with pacifiers and with over 1000 Diaper Packs. Each pack filled with plastic baked diapers in the girls size. Big ones for the older girls and smaller ones of the little girls. And very big ones for the oldest girl. Diapers with EXTRA strong tapes and with baby girly prints all over them. Then with MANY baby toys for baby girls & alot of Blue-Rays with baby girl shows. After 12 Hours of a LONG bus ride, all of them finaly arrived at the camp. The camp were located high up in the mountains, around a lake with THICK forest all around them. Once they all got out of the bus, their fathers told them all to head leave their stuff behind and head for the showers. As it was a hot bus ride and all of them were sweating alot during the ride there. Once they went into the showers they discoverd that the camp had joint showers, like at their local bath-house and school gym. The only difference being that there was a door speprating the shower room, from the undressing area. There were also a drying room with a glass door next to the shower room, on a sign it said drying room. As soon as they all were undressed and had gotten their cleaning supplies and all were in the showers. Ethan quitely went into underssing room and quietly locked the shower room door, so that non of their girls could get out. As the only way to lock or unlock it was with a key. As soon as it was done the rest of the fathers, came in gathering all of their girls clothes, jackets, hoodies, shirts, t-shirts, dresses, tops, training bras, pants, leggings, skirts and panties and went out. They had all been unpacking all of the suitcases that belonged to their girls and emptying them of their clothes. As they would would get their new clothes later, (onesies and footed sleepers. Once the girls were all done with the showering, they all went into the drying room where warm dry air was flowing all around them drying them up. They felt like this room was just one big warm nice hairdryer, but for the entier body and not just the hair. As soon as they were all nice and dry, they went to the door to get back to the dressing room. But the door was locked, and it was now dark outside. They started to get scared and tried to kick and beat the door open as they started screaming for help. But they didn't so much as leave a dent in the door. The showerd then went completly dark, as the light in there all of a sudden turned off. Some of the younger girls stared crying, that was followed up by the other older girls. Untill they all cried begging for their daddies. Grey had truned off the power switch, to the shower cabbin. Once the girls all started to cry, their fathers went into the cabbin as Ethan unlocked the door, as all of the girls were rushing out naked into their daddie's open arms. Telling them that they were their hereoes. As their father calmly rocked them back and forth telling them that it was ok now, that they were safe. After the girls had stopped crying, they came to find out that all of their clothes were gone, and that all that was left was their socks and shoes. They were about to ask about that lead out all in the nude, were they saw a huge pile of wood that was from what they could smell, soaked in gasoline. Max then set the huge pile of wood on fire. The light of the fire made the girls see that ALL of their clothes, excepts of their socks were in the pile of wood. And that they were all now burning up into ashes before their eyes. The girls then went angry, but before the could scream and fuss. August interupted them all sternly telling them all in a very strict tone that they should follow them into the main cabbin. Once they were all in there, the girls saw what was many changing tables with onesies, footed sleepers and most important LOADS of thick plastic diapers next to them. The fathers then told them that they were to be put into their new diapers and clothes. That the only bathroom with a toilet were in the admin cabbing that only they had the key to. They told them that they were to be using thier diapers 24/7 for both peeing and pooping. That there were to be drinking milk and baby formula from baby bottles and that they were to be given baby food to eat. That they were to be changed by them when the needed it. That they thanks to the door locking before. No longer were allowed to shower and clean themselves, that it was something they had to do for them. They were alos told that they were to be sleeping in cribs from here on out. That they were about to be given pacifier, that were to remain in their motuh everysingle time they were not either eating or drinking. And that more would be explained during their stay there. That failiure to comply with these rules would result in severe punnishment. They were also informed that they were to become homeshcooled when the got back. After all of the girls were properly diaperd and dressed up. After MUCH! fuss, kicking, screaming, cursing and crying. The girls were lead to theie each seperate cabbin, with their respective father. Like their father had said, in the cabbins, were a crib for each girls in it. The girls all cried themselves to sleep than night as they slowly enterd the dream realm. During the weeks that followed, their fathers spiked their milk everytime with special incontient meds. Meds that would take away the control of their bladders and bowles. (A warning text on the meds stated). (Warning, should these meds be used for more than 10 weeks straight, the effects of them will become permanent and ireverseable.) Along with some hypnotic message that were pleanted into the Blue-Ray discs, the girls started to forget more and more of their former un padded lives. Untill all of thoes memories were all gone. When they wanted something they were encurage to cry instead of talk, as talk in the end became impossible for them. Now it is up to you all to take this consept and continue ti from here on out
>>24201 you have a good base, but the process of "Babyfication" is forcedly hurried and spontaneous, it would have been interesting to show a more descriptive process in which the emotional bending process was explained so that they have no resistance to hypnosis. PS: I propose that to continue your story you could start with Elyon and Erika in which the older sister was the one who had the most rapid and almost no resistance to the regression and the younger one who is the one who gives indications that she would like to return but is in constant denial until she succumbs.
>>24299 Yeah, i can totaly see what you mean by that. The problem i had which made it so forced an rushed is the 8000 charater limit on this site. (Sheould anyone want to continue this story, then they are very much free to change the angle of it somewhat to make ti fit better.) That's a great idea, but i don't plan to continue it. I gave a rough first line pre-alpha base draft of it. So i will leave it in your hands to write that my friend.
>>24299 Also, note that the ages of the 3 sisters in that family is this. Big Sis Elyon 12½ Years Old, Mid Sis Elizabeth 10 Years Old & Lil Sis Erika is 6 Years Old + Some Months.
>>24201 dude, I wanted to try and continue your story, but I realized you have a fuck ton of characters Characters (per family) • Jane and Jack (with little sister Jenny Age-7 also coming with them). • Violet and Grey, • Rachel and Hank, • Alice and Thomas. • Becky and Nigel (with little sister Beatrice Age-7 also coming with them). • Ahsly and Brian (with little sister Linda Almost Age-7 also coming with them), • Stephanie and Max • Elizabeth and Ethan (with little sister Erika Age-6 AND big sister Elyon Age-12½ also coming with them) • then the triplets April, May June together with their father August. Total character count: 25 characters That is a lot of characters! I could try and come up with something, but I would focus exclusively on about 3 of them
>>24644 That sounds awesome. No worries, i understand what you mean. I just used put alot of charaters in there, so pepole would have alot of options to write multiple paralelle stories in the same setting. And so that there were plenty of room for cameos too. May i suggest that you focus on Daddy Ethan & his 4 girls Big Sis Elyon, Mid Sis Elizabeth & Lil Sis Erika. That way we get the most of the perspectives from the different agre-rangers.
>>24644 I was wondering, where are you going to post the continuation of the story. Here or on another site, if it is anothe site. Please post the link to it here.
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1½ Decade after the Female Potty Training Ban had been issued, it was a normal thing to see young girls going outside showing of their diapered selves with pride. Yes, the bill stated that the exception. That if you had already been potty trained then, you wouldn't have to undergo the Diaper Training program that were now put in place at the Nursery Camps. But you would miss out on a HUGE! Tax benefit for ladies that were sent there. (This benefit was for that year only). When that info was given. All 100% of potty trained girls bellow the age of 10 Years Old were sent there without so much as a thought by their parents. For the girls between 10 - 12 years of age, 95% of them were sent there by their parents. For girls between 12 - 14 years of age, 85% were sent there by their parents. For girls between 14 - 16 years of age, 70% of them were sent there. For girls between 16 - 18 years of age, 50% were sent their by their parents. For girls between 18 - 20 years of age, 25% were sent their by their parents. Almost non of the ladies above 20 years of age were sent there. But there were a few cases of ladies that did go there by their own free will. Sadly for the ladies that did not end up going there. They found that the old non diaper female uderwears were getting lesser and lesser in supply as the years went by. Making the places to find them harder and harder. Causing prices of them to Sky Rocket. By the end of that 15 years, all companies had stopped creating thoes kinds of clothes. Making it so that the small supply of them that still was around would be completly gone by the next upcomming 10 years. Thoes females would either be forced into male underwears or covet into diapers as their old underwears worne out and fell apart thanks to age. But only males were allowed to buy male underwears. So thery were either going to have to ask their Fathers, Brothers, Hubands or Boyfriends to buy the underwears for them. Extremly! many of them would be told NO.

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