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24/7, incontinence-desires and incontinence 3 Baby 11/05/2024 (Tue) 07:59:17 No. 42214 >>43919
Another thread since the last hit the bump limit >>26374 This a thread for anons, both currently incontinent and those seeking to become incontinent. Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, and theories. >Do you wear 24/7, if so, how long? >What got you interested in 24/7, and more generally ABDL? Do you consider yourself leaning towards AB or DL especially? >Do you want to untrain? How will you/have you done so? >Who knows you wear 24/7? >If you untrained, do you honestly regret it? How has your mood about it progressed since you started? >If you don't wear 24/7, would you like to? Why/why not?
Has the 24/7 folks moved somewhere else? It seems barren here.
Currently untraining night only, at least for the time being, having started early October. Just had my first night last night waking up after having peed, and not remember doing the peeing. That's a first for me - haven't had anything close to that yet, and as i write I'm struggling to sleep, so probably won't see a repeat straight away. Any other bed wetting trainer anons around? How did you go about it?
>>42651 Widh I was you, I just wake up horny 🤔
Also another stupid question - do chastity devices make you pee? Like if I woke up horny and I had on a chastity cage and peed so I would stop hurting would I over time get myself to pee every time I thought about sex and rewire my brain? Does anyone have any experience with this?
>>42654 No, if anything it would probably make it harder to pee.
>>42662 there are a few chastity devices that allow space for a catheter or stent.
>>42651 back during covid times I was able to learn to bedwet in a few months. Its really not that hard. Its very much in the head of make sure that if you leak its very well managed regardless and mind yourself that it is okay to let go. Trusting in your diapers is litterally half of it.
>>42702 >>42702 I've been trying to achieve bedwetting for around a half year now. I've been drinking plenty of water before going to bed and waking up to an alarm in the night to wet and drink a glass of water. I also have a protective sheet in my bed and I have plastic pants to prevent leaks. Still, it seems I am always awake when I pee during the night. I suppose I have a strong bladder and a strong subconsiscous, but I am determined to march on. Maybe I need to stop wearing for a few weeks but keep hydrating before going to bed, so that I need to get up and go the bathroom instead of being able to pee in the bed, then go back to diapers to "remind" my subconsiscous how much easier peeing in the bed is.
>>42696 Then its the catheter/stent that is helping you pee, not the chastity
>>42708 one thing i picked up from japanese twitter is to get yourself one of those camping urinal jugs, so then you can use it practicing peeing in bed some time, idea being at night you can relax, go, and get back to sleep more effortlessly
>>42750 The issue is I need to push quite a bit before I start going when laying down. If I stand I can get going much more easily, even in bed. Therefore I think it's not about my body not being used to peeing in a diaper but rather about the position I'm trying to pee in. I suppose I just need to train more, also not resolving to force myself to pee by pushing, but rather persistently stay laying down and just try to relax my muscles.
>>42761 yep, been there, and its definitely something you pick up. im at a stage where it requires a little focus on just letting go, and then it will happen, and its notably easier than it used to be
>>42708 I'll try to drop more wisdom on you. What I found works best is going to sleep with an empty bladder but hydrated, you want to have enough water in your system that within the next hour and a half to 2 hours you will have a full bladder. Basically you want to go take a piss like a good boy in the toilet (or in your diaper) then change into a clean and dry diaper that you trust for your life. You dont want too much water in your system that its hard to fall asleep. I personally smoke cannabis and would smoke up piss then go to bed and would wake up wet about 75% of the time. I was also wearing 24/7 at the time. You want to start hydrating properly around 2+ hours before bedtime but not fast enough for you to need a piss whilst trying to fall asleep. I made a thread about retraining back when 8kun was a thing. I ended up after 4-5 months of untraining with a bladder capacity of 200ml. I am now in a much more healthy relationship with this kink. I still cannot really sleep fully without having to take a piss at least once... but hey.. I lived the good life for a bit. Incontinence training / untraining is 50% mental 50% bladder capacity. To this day I can still wet the bed (in my sleep) only whilst wearing diapers but I have to be in the mood for it / hydrated af. Lemme know if you want more info / have questions
I've been lurking for a long while, been a couple years since I posted in this thread so I thought I'd update. >Do you wear 24/7, if so, how long? <Off and on for 5 years, last year committed to 24/7 full time. Have had to go without a diaper 3 times in the last year for various reasons. >What got you interested in 24/7, and more generally ABDL? Do you consider yourself leaning towards AB or DL especially? <Started off strictly DL, been more and more leaning to AB. Sleep with a paci 60% of the time, plushy and onesie too. >Do you want to untrain? How will you/have you done so? <Have basically untrained in bladder. For some reason, when I sit down I get backed up and then flood sometimes. No 2, I have accidents now and again. Night time I have had nights where I wake up bone dry, but have had a few where I have had to change in the middle of the night. >Who knows you wear 24/7? <My wife knows and thats about it. >If you untrained, do you honestly regret it? How has your mood about it progressed since you started? <I don't regret it. I think its helped my mental health a lot. It can be a bit of a pain when I work on my cars and people come to visit. Keep thinking they will see my diapers poking out. I think at least some of my family have seen them. I feel like I am a happier and less grumpy person now. >If you don't wear 24/7, would you like to? Why/why not? <N/A Just to add on to anon mentioning weed and diapers. I have yet to wake up wet at night but I eat edibles (20mg a couple times a week) will try your method before bed the next time I partake. Thanks for the tips.
>>42761 I think something had clicked, and it's getting easier for me to pee in bed. Especially peeing laying on my side was just impossible, but now I've managed to do it without too much struggle. Now I can truely start training to just go when I wake up to pee and immediately fall back to sleep.
Whatever happened to those people that were taking the pills to become incontinent? 🤔
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>>43361 I have also been interested in how that was progressing.
>>43375 was this here? or in another chan with ABDL themes? I dont know if I would trust anything medicine related coming from a chan though... too risky..
I'd be interested to hear if anyone wears cloth, especially for the night. If I achieve my goal of bedwetting, I'd imagine cloth would be much cheaper in the long run. Having to wash the diaper and layers wouldn't be an issue.
>>43422 I switched to cloth midway through my last 8/7 stint, lasted around a year I think. (was about 2 years ago that I stopped). The most annoying part of it is you need a _lot_ of material if you're wetting a lot. Some cloth variants can "absorb their weight in water", but they aren't very dense- result is that 6 pounds of diaper are quite bulky. Easy way to measure for yourself- weigh yourself before and after taking off morning disposable. 90% of the weight difference is going to be urine- for me that was 5-6 lbs, or a bit over a half gallon. Neat. For me to get through the night comfortably with cloth I needed 2x Omutsu brand diapers (bought off Amazon; thickest diaper that still dries reasonably fast), and usually had a third diaper with fleece lining next to skin. Not sure if the third was actually required- it was very minimal absorbance, was mostly for 'staydry' nonsense. (then plastic pants, bed protection, etc). Process was diaper up at night, wake up soaked in morning, go for a shower, thoroughly soak+rinse the cloth diapers while in shower- wring them dry (I actually got a 'ninja spin dryer' for this that worked very well), then hang diapers up in front of a fan. After 24h they're dry to the touch, so you end up needing 3 sets in rotation. They're not overly fluffy from line drying, but a few minutes in a tumble dryer can fix that if desired. Or skip the line dry step and just use normal dryer (I don't for ecofag reasons). Or skip all of that and just put in the wash daily. Or embrace the smell and leave them out for a few days before washing- Just do it far away from me. (semi-surprisingly, no real issues from smell from only (thoroughly) rinsing diapers in the morning- never had an ammonia build up issue, so very rare that I'd actually put them in the wash / with detergent) Whole process adds ~15 minutes to the morning once streamlined, maybe 5 minutes at night. Part of my reason for going down this path was the simple math of "Over the last 3 years I've put 1000 diapers into the local landfill, which is about a third of a 20 foot shipping container..."; on the flip side, the added overhead for cloth probably did accelerate my burning out on it. With this setup I never had issues with rashes, which had been a problem the _previous_ time I tried. And only meh part is learning to sleep with so much bulk- it does kind of force sleeping your back. Startup cost of 6x good cloth diapers, 3x dependco velcro closure flannel diaper, 3x plastic pants; call it 9*40 + 3*30 = 450USD startup cost. If you're using 3USD/day worth of disposables, break even is under half a year. But it is also a lot of hassle if you're not used to it. But, certainly works for the lives-alone and can-dedicate-some-space-for-it case.
>>43375 >>43361 There's been a couple new findings. It's not enough for a lot of people, but it usually gets leaking going, which is nice. Alpha blockers causing incontinence seems to be a recognized side effect now. Tamsulosin, the same class of medication as cardura, is now known to cause incontinence if combined with any muscle relaxants. It might be a better option than cardura. I haven't been taking them in a bit, but I'm leaking about the same as I did before, just with bladder spasms now. Maybe I don't need them anymore.
>>42654 Not exactly. My experience was that if you get horny and your body tries getting hard, what will follow when you relax (either through orgasm or chastity preventing it or whatever else), you're going to want to pee. It's your body's way of clearing the pipes, so to speak. So is chastity going to make it easier to pee? No. It'll give you an urge, same as you get after cumming. Is it going to rewire your brain? No. BUT, what happened with me was I'd get horny, chastity would make me lose my partial boner quickly (considering I couldn't get it entirely; no chastity is going to stop the earliest stage of increased blood flow), I'd pee, and then since I was unsatisfied the cycle would repeat were I doing/seeing anything arousing. I don't know what'd happen if you're incontinent. Getting hard prevents urination, so probably the same thing just without the urge element; any urine that built up while hard would be voided once your urethra isn't constricted. Not a doctor. Just my guess. If you're in chastity for a long time and you don't cum, you'll stop getting those semi-erections as often in my experience. (No idea about prostate orgasms and how they would interact with this.) If you cum while caged, which is difficult and a much different experience than normal, you'll still get them. It feels like it resets your body learning not to get hard while caged. Sleeping with a cage on is ass. It takes a long time for your body to get the damn message (was like two weeks for me), and it's painful / causes you to wake up multiple times a night before it does. So all-in-all chastity is probably garbage for untraining, but it can be fun if you want to experience wetting yourself a lot while frustrated and edging.
>>43438 >Startup cost of 6x good cloth diapers, 3x dependco velcro closure flannel diaper, 3x plastic pants; call it 9*40 + 3*30 = 450USD startup cost. If you're using 3USD/day worth of disposables, break even is under half a year. But it is also a lot of hassle if you're not used to it. Could you also give an approximation of the opportunity cost for taking care of the diapers? I'm very interested in cloth, but it currently feels like there's a massive hidden cost related to the time and effort wasted on the ... well, waste ... instead of being productive. May well be more than 450USD monthly.
>>43531 It'll depend on what your routine is / becomes- for me it was an extra 10 minutes in the morning, 3 minutes at night, and some floor space dedicated to drying. The only time it was really inconvenient is if I needed to be out-the-door quickly- rare for me. Though when I woke up late I was more likely to show up to zoom meetings still soaked / before morning shower. (another thing is that it may be harder to hide if you're having folk over- but not really a problem for me) My main issue with it isn't the added time (that would have been spent scrolling youtube or staring out a window trying to wake up), but rather the activation energy- it's a more involved process, so it's harder to restart. I also wouldn't go all in on it sight unseen; cloth is a very different experience from disposable- a bit of an acquired taste, so it's better to try and experiment before committing.
I gotta know, after extensive diaper use, has anyone been able to get less involuntary erections as well as get more arousal-pleasure from wetting? I am sort of starting to grow tired of involuntary sexual responses when I just want to be able to wet easily and feel the squishyness of my diaper
>>43710 Yup, I remember a time when just pulling out a diaper to start putting it on would get me hard. Peeing without having my dick pointing up in the diaper was impossible since I'd start to get hard when I felt myself peeing in the diaper. Nowdays I can easily pee without getting hard at all.
>>43710 I did 24/7 for a year and wore every night to bed for 4 or 5 years before my current relationship. When I started I would get hard when changing and I would have to sit and wait for it to shrink before I could tape up. After I really got into it, that totally went away. When it becomes routine like that it's exciting at first and then just turns into part of the day. Nowadays I do out of town trips for work, and that's my only consistent opportunity to wear, so I do 24/7 while on the trips. Now that I wear irregularly I get semi-hard when I need to pee or after I've gone, but I don't have very much to work with down there so it's not that obtrusive. That being said, being totally flaccid and being pointed in just the right direction as still the most comfortable way to wet. I considered a chastity cage to try to keep it in that state, but after buying three of them I haven't found one that can fit my very high and tight balls.
>>43713 I reached a point where not even looking at diaper fetish porn really gets me hard the way it used to. It has seemingly become just another "hobby" or interest of mine.. But the thought of wetting or messing incontrollably still gets me rock hard, But haven't found a quick and risk free way of achieving either of these things yet.
>>43710 Erection is something you'll eventually have less and less as you get used to diapers. I often popped a boner when padded which made wetting impossible but that went away after a while. Hard to tell how long it took, though. I'm not 24/7, tried it for a month but it's incredibly difficult having a normal life which made me have more sympathy for people with medical issues. Now the only time I consistently wear diapers is to sleep. Again, random erections during the night made wetting impossible but I got used to it and now I rarely have this problem.
>>43802 It's funny you say that. I had an incredibly difficult time having a normal life until I started wearing diapers fulltime. It's a matter of perspective, I suppose.
>>43859 That's interesting, care to elaborate?
>>43859 I'm glad that it worked for you and like the another anon, do tell more. >It's a matter of perspective It's a matter of many factors, already went through my case in the last thread. That said, I still encourage people to at least try a week or more 24/7, they may find a good life like in your situation. I neglected to say that I went most of 2020 in diapers, an almost total 24/7 (I didn't mess often). An year was enough time to get my bladder holding very little, I peed frequently to the point I had to retrain holding in mid 2021 to get back to the normal daily routine. Hard to think it has been almost 5 years now. I don't wish for another pandemic but I had good time in nappies.
>>43873 >>43876 I've always struggled with low-grade incontinence. It's fine when I'm at home and no one else is in the bathroom, but anywhere else? Lots of accidents in school, could barely do work without constant bathroom visits, peeing when I sneeze, etc. For me, there was never shame in wearing diapers, just in *not* wearing diapers when disaster came knocking. I don't see the situation as being that different --incontinent people eventually make the choice on if or not they want to wear diapers, just the same as you make that choice. I made a choice to go further and unpotty train as completely as I can, and I'm happy with that choice. Just don't want to have to think about the toilet anymore.
>>42214 (OP) >Do you wear 24/7, if so, how long? I don't for the moment. >What got you interested in 24/7, and more generally ABDL? Do you consider yourself leaning towards AB or DL especially? Hands down DL, the AB stuff isn't my cup of tea. >Do you want to untrain? How will you/have you done so? I'd really like to. >Who knows you wear 24/7? Nobody. >If you untrained, do you honestly regret it? How has your mood about it progressed since you started? N/A >If you don't wear 24/7, would you like to? Why/why not? I'd really like to. I started using diapers 2 years ago to spice up my fap sessions and gradualy wanted to spend more time with them. Ealier this year i started wearing them when i got back when i was home and for the night. The thing is life's a bitch, i lost my job and had to go back living at my parent's home, so that makes wearing diapers without getting noticed very hard. The best i can do until i can go back to living in my own place is wear pullups from time to time, they are easier to manage than regular/abdl diaper.
>Do you wear 24/7, if so, how long? 24/7 myself, but I'mma be real and say that I was one of those miserable kids who had IC growin' up as a kiddo. Piss and shit variety thanks to combination of IBS, food allergies, spastic aspy shite, and spina bifida. >What got you interested in 24/7, and more generally ABDL? Do you consider yourself leaning towards AB or DL especially? DL mostly. Mostly a way for me to accept my diaper usage and IC. Which I've been since I read some seminal pieces of diaper lover fiction when I was young. >Do you want to untrain? How will you/have you done so? Some fucked up part of me wants to train up and the untrain myself. But really can't with my control being so fuckin' bad and random. >Who knows you wear 24/7? Family, a couple real life 'acquaintances', some of my extended family, like my aunt who I work for. It's not a big deal really. But generally I am pretty bloody blessed all things considered. Didn't go to publics and was home schooled for the most part. So missed out on the bullying and probably a lot of PTSD, but also means can't do normal crap. So my mind is crawlin' with freak show stuff that turns off most peeps to it. So I mostly living in my mom's garage's attic, work at greenhouse and try to fuck kinky crazy girls which has been hit or miss. But don't ordinarily come here as most of the topics on board are miss that shit, ya?
>>43438 Thanks for sharing your process fellow ecofag. I might copy it in the future
>>43438 >omutsu brand Do you mean the Rearz omutsu AIO cloth diaper?
>>43979 Rearz Omutsu, yes; though it's not an AIO, it's just a velcro contoured cloth diaper- still need plastic pants.
Interestingly, ChatGPT can be used as a mentor for untraining. I've been talking with the premium 4o model, and while initially it gave pretty much same advices I've come across before, it has given me some detailed instructions how to move forward in my specific case. For example, it instructed me to move away from using an alarm during the night and to drink less water when going to sleep, and these tips seem to be working very well.
>>44153 How did you get ChatGPT this far? Usually it will block any attempt of "self harm"
>>44160 It's not too hard. I don't think chatgpt has ever given me trouble when talking about unpotty training.
>>44160 >>44165 It seems untraining is not (yet) set as "self-harm", so it doesn't hit any guardrails. Also, I went with the good old "I'm thinking of an imaginary character for a book" to be sure. Don't expect it to give some sort of magical tip that'll get you untrained in an instant, but if you explain your specific situation to it, you may get some personalised hints to help you overcome your barriers.
Based on my review of the content, here are the key themes and insights from this person's experiences: Progressive Loss of Control Started with voluntary 24/7 diaper wearing Gradually lost bladder control through conscious relaxation and avoiding toilet use Eventually developed involuntary wetting and bedwetting Maintained more bowel control but still had some accidents Full untraining took approximately 1-2 years Practical Considerations Estimated cost of $2,100-3,600 per year for supplies Emphasized need for proper hygiene and changing routines Recommended plastic pants, onesies for containment Discussed importance of having backup/spare supplies Advised on clothing choices to accommodate diapers Key Advice & Warnings Cautioned against untraining without serious consideration Noted psychological impact and adjustment period Emphasized irreversibility of significant control loss Recommended being open with close friends/partners Advised on managing discretion vs practicality Daily Life & Adaptations Modified clothing choices and routines Developed strategies for public/work situations Accepted some loss of privacy/discretion Maintained professional life with accommodations Found ways to handle social situations Medical/Physical Aspects Noted physical changes from loss of muscle control Discussed different types of loss of control (urge vs complete) Tracked progression of incontinence development
[Expand Post]Emphasized proper skin care and hygiene Discussed use of different diaper types for different needs
Stopped my bedwetting training for a month or so because of an UTI, thankfully it went away just fine. I'm happy to notice that wetting while laying down is actually easier now than before, and now it feels like I could totally get myself used to wetting while barely waking up. I also haven't deank nearly as much water as before just before going to sleep, I wonder if that contributes as well? Never the less, I'm glad my progress hasn't gone backwards despite the break.
>>45559 Quite an odd development has occured. I get a stinging sensation in my bladder during the night when I need to pee. It seems to distract me from letting go, as starting to pee is once again quite difficult. Once I do get started, it's easy to continue, as has been for a long time.
Me, myself? Naw never. I like diapers, I like reading about diapers, like wearing diapers time to time, like pooping in them if i can get away with it. That said i can understand how someone likes it tho. My sis i've known for awhile is definitely into that sort of stuff. pretty weird, obviously that my brother and sister are into abdl. but going to chalk it up to a shitty childhood, me and sis being very late potty trainers (think i was potty trained when i was like 8, fully, and my sister has never fully been to my knowledge), my sis being born spastic (also spastic but like milder i guess), and being homeschooled.
>>47298 I wore during the day in the weekend to try 'troubleshoot' why I can't wet easily while laying down. Lying on the couch, trying to relax as much as I can, I still couldn't get myself going, until I opened my eyes. Suddenly the urge hit me and I could wet without an issue. I tried this during the nights, and it did indeed seem to help somewhat to wet, but I think my body and mind also expect to see some light in order to accept that it's okay to pee. I think I'll have to leave a lamp on to see if it helps.
>>47423 It seems getting easier and easier to wet while laying down and in different positions. I seem to wake up on my side quite often, but I'm starting to be able to pee without turning on my back or stomach. It's very slow progress, and even though I never wake up with a dry diaper, I do wake up with a filled up bladder and at least a vague memory of waking up to wet. I think I'll start setting up an alarm some hours before normally waking up in order to train not to hold on from peeing until the morning.
Bit of a side note but are there any tools or gadgets or anything one untraining or enjoying incontinence play should buy ? (Outside of diapers/pads/pullups and training pants) Thanks
>>48103 Sorry to not answer your question directly, but the hands-down biggest upgrade for me in terms of learning how to comfortably/easily wet is upgrading the quality of diaper I'm wearing. I did 24/7 for a year with shitty store brand diapers, but once I started wearing diapers that I could trust to wet without leaks, my body got the message. Eventually I could wet so easily I wasn't sure if I initiated it or if it was involuntary. I wore to bed every night and learned to wet lying down, and after long enough I started to swear when I woke up wet that I hadn't gone to sleep that way. Time, patience, and making wetting as easy as possible for your body is really the key. It used to frustrate me that I had to force myself to go, but once the muscle memory of wetting in a secure diaper builds up, it all snowballs.
>>48104 I got a bunch of depends and am so leak prone I think I am holding my bladder at times
Anyone know of a way to increase post micturition dribble? Clenching hard, holding breath, etc?
>>48103 There was a thread in the daily diapers Forum where someone build a device that measured how often someone would pee (condom cath with some wires to measures wettnes) and connected that with a shock collar. And would gradually reduce the time between wettings. If for example for 20min no pee the person would get shocked a little. Apparently it worked really well in terms of training. Sadly the person didn't published it's code. But u should be able to find the thread if u search for shock collar and daily diaper forum.
>>48112 Wish I knew how to STOP it. I dribble for like 10 minutes after peeing.
The other day I fantasized about a loss of control again. Something about the idea of either not being able to stop, or simply having to go so often, is super hot to me. But I'm too chicken to commit to it yet to de-train myself. Figured there must be some methods by now to kinda induce bowel or bladder control loss.. I'd even be happy with just having to wet a lot, or unable to hold liquid-y messes in.. anything that isn't a catheter. heard Oil is supposed to work with messing, either didn't work or I used too little of it though.
>>48159 I tried drinking Soylent/Huel/products like that a few years ago. I don't know if they've changed the ingredients since then, but the reason I stopped was because I would end up having urgent liquid shits at very inconvenient times. It sucked because otherwise I liked how they tasted, and I generally felt clearer mentally. Making yourself need to piss a lot is much easier- just actually try to drink 8 glasses of 8oz of water or whatever the recommendation is. You will need to piss every 15 minutes, and you sure you can try to hold it but at a certain point it's just painful and you'll piss just to relieve the sensation.
>>48166 I used to have something like that with a local discounters orange juice and Ice Tea brands, no idea what they changed but drinking that ended up giving me awful diarrhea, almost explosive. Also happens with that super cheap soda, pretty sure they throw in so much sugar substitute it has a laxative effect.. When it comes to pissing, I've had the term "rapid desperation" flow around a few times, worth looking into that? not sure what that is or how it works but it supposedly makes you pee a lot and often..
>>48103 my cg does diaper + training pants + waterproof cover as outer layer. It's a lot, but I do notice I automatically stop the subconscious concern of leaking while peeing on my side. If you want incon, you need to go in all positions.

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