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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3846: Northern Lights Edition Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 07:12:09 Id: a64a62 No. 359882
Northern Lights set to be visible in parts of Scotland https://news.sky.com/story/northern-lights-set-to-be-visible-in-parts-of-scotland-tonight-12845711 UK house prices suffer biggest annual decline since 2009 https://news.sky.com/story/uk-house-prices-suffer-biggest-annual-decline-since-2009-12846135 Man, 32, gunned down alongside his father, 57, in 'targeted' double shooting had 'just won bitter custody battle for his son' before he was slain in leafy Cambridgeshire village, devastated friend claims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11923249/Man-32-gunned-double-shooting-just-won-bitter-custody-battle-son.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:06:38.
ran out of rizzlas lads
>maxxed out my overdraft. Right, I'm going to have to go shop with a handful of coppers for some papers. Smh tbh lads it's hard being a white man in 2023, this is the lowest I've ever sunk.
>>359886 smh rip lad
>>359878 (359163) she's clearly incapable of being out on her own
>>359889 smh she can't consent
>>359889 People in America seem so deranged, is it all the antidepressants they pump into the population over there?
>>359886 Have you considered robbing a post office?
>>359893 sage advice this
Had no idea poorfags were allowed to post here
>>359895 we're all wagies or neets here son.
>>359895 had no idea there were non-poorfags poosting here tbqh tell us how rich you are lad
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He's a rich b
yeah all that special branch money combined with the pink pound keeps bins in the green.
Any of you a PM looking for a job? If one of my mates doesn't want it, I can recommend you for the role. It’s a Vice President/Senior Vice President role depending on experience. Based in London, don’t know the salary range but I’d guess around 100k. If you are interested hit me up with your CV or give me your discord and send it through that.
>>359900 Don't really post here much these days but i'll check the thread Sunday again to see in any of you are interested.
>>359900 I don't think anyone here has the quals necessary.
>>359902 Fairs, just figured i'd go Indian mode, that is if my friend doesnt want it, and help a brother get a decent job.
imagine how powerful you must feel when you have money and can just spend on things, like crazy things like cars and houses. I'm used to having a 4 figure net worth and can comfortably spend a few hundred bucks here and there if I feel like it (rarely do because frugal), but anything in the 5-figure range or higher has always been out of my reach
imagine being a single person and owning a dog
>>359906 they keep saying it's because he paid some ugly porno slags to not talk about the fact that he fucked them (presumably for money), but nobody is saying what law he supposedly broke by doing so (they're not accusing him of soliciting prostitution, they're implying that the concept of 'hush money' is in some way illicit)
>>359895 fuck off it's not my fault that I'm a victim of late-stage capitalism.
I shouldn't have to choose between eating and buying baccy in a modern economy
Turning Drumpf into a martyr seems like a stupid play from the dems but maybe they are so confident of their power they just want to humiliate the chuds >>359907 Something about not recording the payments properly, pretty desperate but they got what they wanted i guess
>>359907 Dershowitz seems to think that it is going to get chucked out due to statutory issues, but he was uncertain because he's not seen the indictment yet.
>>359908 >>359909 here have some of mine *blows cigar smoke in your face*
>>359900 nice of you to offer lad would apply if i had the skills wondering what position you're in where you can recommend someone to be a vp tbh nice you're doing well for yourself >>359904 tbh
https://twitter.com/xxclusionary/status/1640598560876920832 Kind of expected that ftm lass to have been diddled, and it is looking more likely now. Of course they'll never look at the relationship between homosexuality and abuse, just the narrative that Christians are just as safe to be around as drag goblins.
US Christianity is riddled with child abusers, child traffickers, and blackmail operations tbf, so they're not wrong.
everything is being poisoned by evil
>>359916 It's just an extension of their political system at this point which is also run as one extended child trafficking and paedophilic blackmail ring.
>>359919 Even Earth Rockers get denied seeing their son. smh.
>when you make a tiktok account
>>359921 You're in good company then 22.
>>359923 >woman
>>359921 You should transition tbf, you'd make a pretty lady, lass. I made a tiktok a while back to look at my mate's Warhammer painting, and I was just spammed by rainbow yawn and fucking utter retard talking fags doing stage songs. I closed it within half an hour and told my mate to send me the videos on whatsapp instead.
>>359923 looks like a scotish heroin granny
>>359924 It's funny all these guys in their 40s and 50s, thinking that they look like women with long hair. I just see the look of a burnt out rocker.
>>359928 think most of them just want to be put in a womens prison so they can become big rape bastards
>>359925 allegedly the algorithm is supposed to be more similar to old youtube, or better, so you could get based content if you train it, but very rarely have I ever seen based content linked from tiktok so I'm not sure if it's true
faith in humanity = restored
HEY STEINEY >I like your charisma >how 'bout you cut the incel bullshit >start talking about the demonrats >you could have a bright future here at Rumble, kid.
my only irl friend left is a convicted sex offender
>>359935 would you like to make that 2?
>>359935 what did he do?
im sooo tiwed (◞‸◟;)
>>359937 public masturbation during a psychosis induced episode.
>>359939 He didn't get off by that fact? seem weird you can murder people and get away with it because you were distressed but you can't have a little wank
>>359940 he did the first couple of times but kept doing it. 100% his fault because he keeps smoking weed while having psychosis.
>>359941 Wew. Brother stopped weed immediately after having such an episode. Guess the peaceful herb was too powerful for your friend smh. Not an addiction by the way. >weed smoker and public wanker Great friend, lad https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bvw5j8RtbtY WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED I LOVE WEEED
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>>359934 thats not a phenotype I program with irl, thats greenlight phenotype. spic level
its crazy how bad the no gf feels can just hit you out of nowhere
it is fucking INSANE to me that people in the victorian or before times lived without a massive faction making up the majority of the upper and educated classes who just violently hated their own country and wanted to destroy it and cannot be reasoned out of doing that. >>359944 never experienced this ngl just do not care about women
>>359944 Has no woman contacted you on rumble?
>>359919 wew lad look at how that evil cunt just sits there like some dumb animal feeling safe behind her NPC invisible wall plot armour. the day that the courts and police are defunded will be heaven for all these poor workhorses enslaved to dumb cunts
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>weed >>359944 arent those supposed to go away when you hit 30
>>359945 >never experienced this ngl just do not care about women yeah I usually am like this the worst is when you sort of meet a lass who is decent and they keep showing up out of nowhere like the archons are fucking with you so they can tap into more loosh.
>>359945 They didn't have based online incels either though
Might write a book and call it workhorse mindset
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>>359948 nope I thought they were gone but it still comes back randomly especially when normalfags torture you with situational proxy (i.e. oh how come you don't have a gf steinhog everyone else around you has a fiancee) oh I don't know maybe because I literally didn't even exist for you until this moment so you could compare me with your fake ass vaxxed normalfag life to feel like you aren't just some bitch whipped beta buxx cruise control set for workhorse stage of your life
>>359951 good lad
>>359951 see if you can interview wessie for it
>>359944 When's the last time you asked a lass out? You should approach the next one you take a liking to and overwhelm her with your workstink and pheromones so she has to say yes.
Great now I'm getting incel feels. It's like how a yawn spreads smh
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>>359956 I think onetime I asked a girl out when I was 14 and she shite on me in front of a bunch of people and then I never did it again ever
yeah but you just have to take it and let people treat you like shit and take advantage of your kindness because you are a white man (aka a civilizationally cuckolded slave tax cattle workhorse)
>>359959 Just ask her and ignore the bad thoughts simple as
just put yourself out there, yeah just do hard manual labor all week and then have your self esteem destroyed on your scant time off by some athiestic prostitute with delusions of grandeur equalling that of a 18th century pox ridden maniac scrambling around in the forgotten bilges of some wrecked frigate in tahiti in the throws of malarial hallucinations
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>>359961 I physically cannot do this
>>359954 smh >>359962 >delusions of grandeur equalling that of a 18th century pox ridden maniac scrambling around in the forgotten bilges of some wrecked frigate in tahiti in the throws of malarial hallucinations keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>359960 >>359962 do that instead of moping all day lad.
Just go to the gym
just imagined how utterly trooned out 4chan would be without /pol/ being created in 2012
I think they need immigrants, lads
>>359962 You sad, sad little man, Steiner. What made you so bitter and twisted? Tell us the story, lad.
Ambazonia is the ur-heimat of the Bantu race.
>>359970 japan to be indian colony by 2025
A poo and a wee.
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Just walking through town at this point makes me miserable. Charity shops, barbers, Kebab shops and those slot machine places. Unironically might emigrate to Australia at this point
>>359975 smh what was it like 10 years ago?
>>359976 the streets were paved with gold
Emily Kohrs, the jury representative against Drumpf
>>359965 who are (You)?
>>359978 foreskin muncher
>>359980 she's a proper demonm you should see her facial expressions apparently she has a satanic pintrest too
b will probably say he could have saved her
>>359978 would
>>359981 how many of these wierdos are in places of power in shartica
>>359982 No. No jews
my fucking keyboard just died
Imperium noncing edition
>>359987 she's a noncin b
sick quads coming up...
>>359979 Me? I'm nobody. nite nite
https://files.catbox.moe/16sy3l.mp4 hol hols just casually using WP on mobiks
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>>359993 its just like a heckin rts goom! also weren't westoids seething about assad allegedly using WP or something similar?
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Arkansas state capital hit by F2 whirlnado woodcucks seething again
To all the Tate haters, When we say "What color is your Bugatti" we're not literally asking about the color of your Bugatti. What we're saying is "What do you have to offer us that Tate doesn't offer" I want women, Tate has hundreds of women. I want money, Tate has more cash than I could ever spend in a lifetime. I want a nice house, Tate owns property in the most beautful places in the world. I want nice cars, Tate has 33 luxury vehicles. Tate has everything I could ever want, and he started Hustlers University to help people like me get these things. He could have just sat back, enjoyed his millions, and done whatever he wanted to benefit himself. But instead he chose to help people like me, and in doing so became one of the most hated men in the world. Most people would have given up and quit due to the harassment, but he continues to fight for the guys like me. So I'll ask one more time, what color is your Bugatti?
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>>359998 He's oddly likeable so far as rootless internationalist degenerate mutts go. Unfortunately they are my least favorite type of people.
>>359996 f2 is nothingburger tier I have been in 2 of those lad
>>360001 yeah the damage is disappointing tbh some iowans got sucked off to oz by an f4 though
>>360002 based f4 is comfy territory f4-f5s can be pretty amazing. there hasn't been an f5 here since 1812
still its super stormy outside rn probably will lose power again
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>>360002 are you the lad that tracks thunderstorms over shartica?
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>>360008 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
That's two we've now lost to the tranny psyops.
>>360010 I think it's a ruse on Dorset's part. poor Pembs got seduced by the devil's walnut, I don't know how we can save him
>>360011 shit it's tree including westie
I blame EM induced homosexuality from chink spyware.
>>360014 >chink spyware yes goy look over there, all of your problems are CHINA's fault, now go enlist at the latest recruitment station so we can tackle the CHINESE threat
>>360015 fuck off spig

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'Ricky Vaughn' Convicted in Federal Court Over Meme >Fake Clinton ad allegedly created by white nationalist troll Douglass Mackey, a.k.a. Ricky Vaughn. >“Mackey has been found guilty by a jury of his peers of attempting to deprive individuals from exercising their sacred right to vote for the candidate of their choice in the 2016 Presidential Election,” the Eastern District of New York’s U.S. Attorney Breon Peace said in a statement. “Today’s verdict proves that the defendant’s fraudulent actions crossed a line into criminality and flatly rejects his cynical attempt to use the constitutional right of free speech as a shield for his scheme to subvert the ballot box and suppress the vote.” >In a long-awaited reckoning on election misinformation, the Department of Justice readily agreed that most of Mackey’s antics before the election were protected First Amendment speech. He created memes of fake endorsements of then-candidate Donald Trump by celebrities like Lana del Ray, Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande, usually sporting “MAGA” hats. Prosecutors say, however, that Mackey crossed the line when he posted images encouraging Hillary Clinton voters, especially Black women, to “Avoid the line” of polling stations by texting the word “Hillary” to a five-digit number. >Giving the fake promo a deceptive veneer of legalese, the fine print read: “Must be 18 or older to vote. One vote per person. Must be a legal citizen of the United States. Voting by text not available in Guam, Puerto Rico, Alaska or Hawaii. Paid for by Hillary For President 2016.” >That phone number led to a real line, and the thousands who followed the instructions did not immediately receive error messages. >Shortly after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, federal prosecutors in Brooklyn charged Mackey’s case, claiming this wasn’t free speech but election interference. >On Friday, a federal jury agreed. >He faces a maximum 10-year prison sentence. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/right-wing-twitter-troll-convicted-of-interfering-in-2016-election-through-deceptive-vote-by-text-meme/ar-AA19kzJp memes that might trick niggers into not voting are now banned in the USA
some global warming-believing retard got talked into an heroing to save the planet by an AI chatbot, keeeeeeeeeek https://nypost.com/2023/03/30/married-father-commits-suicide-after-encouragement-by-ai-chatbot-widow/
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>>360020 literal demonic intelligence being manifested before us.
>>360017 yeah but they wouldn't do that in the south
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Wessica spotted.
>>360017 Tried to get one over on the sacred negro. Rookie mistake. That'll be 10 years hard time, kid.
Daddy BBK is going to become a teacher lads.
>>360026 https://youtu.be/gJSeU-ci9O4
Go to timestamp lads
>>359998 *grabs your throat* You don't need a fucking "bugatti". If I hear this nigger worshipping shite one more time I'll impale thee with my horns.
This is my theme snoon https://youtu.be/_JbCOST1H98
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek why are chinkesses so cringerino?
Big fat bouncy bum cheeks. One slaps my right cheek. T'other my left. The crisp, poo coated anus reaching for, it's lips pressed out for a kissy wissy. I pucker my liperinos. Only then, a belch! A fart! A merry parp! I SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! Lodged in my nose a million poo flakes. Nano flakes. Turkey is an abomination that must be wiped from the planet
Real Bum Bum hours!
I think Rishi is a pro India brics guy. I think we're no longer team globo homo
>>360034 Now we're team shit on the street not on your feet.
A snake. A living poo. Slithering out of my arse. It's thick, black pulsating form causing microtears in my anus. The stench. The slime. It felt so wrong . . . yet so . . . horny . . .
>all those consecutive BBK posts
>>360017 That’s fucking absurd
>>360038 good lad loved SNSD me >13 years ago le fuuuuuuck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0Z7USntitA
/pol/..... lost
>>360041 indeed SNSD is great >>360042 just don't make stupid posts about intending to kill people, it's not hard. He didn't even bother to say "in minecraft"
Never heard that song before, it's good
>>360042 feel like theres a specific subset of american sheriffs that go out of their way to engage in this catty, effete social media castigating of people they arrest.
>>360043 I think the pony clearly implied he was joking thus negating the minecraft qualification. But by all means defend the actions of our enemies.
>>360023 Thought it'd be spicier than predicting Jesus.
>>360040 keeeeeek
>>359981 My thicc boy would exhaust her bum and then I'd sacrifice her to LORD MYATT avatar of the acausal to hasten the speedy return of the VINDEX.
though I might be able to sire the moonchild with her if the stars were aligned correctly
she's got really grotty yellow teeth
tfw they expect you to be a workhorse but there is no carrot on a stick
>carrot on a stick uh oh, wow moment. Smh I meant "carrot" I guess
why are there burn marks under my keyboard keys lads?
Surprisingly decent bugman vid on the differences between Hitler, Mussolini and are lad Moseley.
big shit building up down in norn iron
Some awful fucking posts today keek
>>360056 the 3% bothers my ocd, it should have been 5%
>>360061 yikes
Richard Edmonds has died. Only just found out. A few years ago it was. God rest his soul.
>>360062 haha people are just doing what they want to do no reason to sound the alarms
we need to back nimbyism to its most extreme. we need to start tearing down houses. if theres no housing there cant be any more replacement.
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>>360067 Tbh but they would just steal whiteoid's homes. If all the homes and all the street space were filled with foreigners, if their tents covered the countryside, our elite would push us into the sea before they'd stop importing Pajeets and Khemets. Need to go for the source or nimbyism is a frail delaying tactic.
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>libtard trying to talk me out of burning my house down
>>360069 keeeeek
‘Dare to fight’: Xi Jinping unveils China’s new world order https://www.ft.com/content/0f0b558b-3ca8-4156-82c8-e1825539ee20
>>360072 paywalled
>>359915 troons putting in work
its so cringe being my 30s and all my cousins wives have shifted almost like its their new character build or something from being these frigid self important bitches to suddenly wanting this family connection bullshit when they are in their late 30s. so fucking fake.
>>360076 hows the troon pogroms going down over there lad?
>>360076 >having to listen to women in the family complaining about how awful having babies and children is while you're suffering from incelitus
Trite but women use children as status symbols. My cousins never wanted children until their friends did, and now they're just a means to make conversations about and something they can use to compete with their friends with.
>>360079 how do we hack white women into one-upping eachother by having larger litters earlier in life?
It's a Steiner becomes the lonely incel uncle he had himself beforehand.
>>359908 >>359909 Take some responsibility for yourself and stop expecting others to cater to you. Don't spend more than you have or can viably repay. It's not complicated.
>>360081 It's nice in a way. Single aunts/uncles seem to really care about their nieces/nephews. Really lovely older woman I used to work with many years ago was always talking about her nephew
thinking about how my brother's gf is denying him having any more children Sure hope my future gfhog which I definitely will have doesn't do anything like that to me... but if she does I'll just have to bear it like a good workhorse I guess >>360080 Don't think that is possible before a collapse or takeover. Denmark and Hungary have policies now that are supposed to encourage breedhogs, but not much change has happened yet. It might take some time though, we'll see. Culture is definitely more important. Varg should get on tiktok and make his family twerk or something
>>360083 Women seem to like it but not sure men do
>>360078 yeah keeeeeeeek before I never even existed to them now they flex about how I don't have le kids
>>360085 learned all my basic boomer toil skills from my alcoholic deadbeat uncle who had been to prison
>>360084 Korea is literally paying breedhogs
>>360088 Which Korea?
>>360089 South, like 800 euros a month
women need to be registered in the state similar to the selective service draft for men because just like how our bodys as men are forefeit as resource to the state as weapons of war and labor womens wombs are resource. feminism is simply this historical grey area wherein the womb is no longer controled by the family unit but not yet controlled by the state. its decadent in extreme.
I like her even more now. Garnet Crow is decent. https://aramajapan.com/news/former-garnet-crow-member-azuki-nana-spotted-at-anti-lgbt-and-immigrant-rally/16558/ All of the comments are fags seething at how unacceptable it is to not want gays and foreigners in your country
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shut up incel
>>360090 Don't know when that started but it's not having an effect. Yikes, their fertility number is like .70-.80, that's half of what we have
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>>360094 Thanks to our hard working immigrant wombs lad
Imagine being in Iran, fighting foids on the daily
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I hate japan so much
>>360099 tbh those iranian simps are something else
>>360018 >3/4 weren't elected by the public to their positions >1/4, was but it was by a minority British city kek
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>>360104 I feel like some of these cunts are paid to make this shite
>>360104 stranger danger
her saying that makes me feel like a kid who wants to do the opposite of what he's being told keeeek >>360105 Well they are encouraging each other to do these things
need to know his race and hairline before passing judgement
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had an ugly nasty hipster cunt do this to me at the diner during boomer toil lunch even though I was holding the door for foreman boomer and chudlet she got all indignant that a working class subhuman peasant would dare to appear like he was courting or being nice to a barbie princess "im unique, im me" edition
>>360108 american women don't have shit to fucking say about aggressive niggers on the bus or street. I can speak from experience, they are just complete cowards when it comes to our racial problem and you can tell subconsciously they expect us to simply deal with that because they have more important things to worry about such as what dress looks good with this handbag
i also need to know the race of the son as well
then had ultra seethe at the gym where after I tried being nice to these younger lasses who work there and getting to know them they just pretended like they didn't know me but then this granny at the gym was being super friendly and wanted me to fix some shite at her house and gave me her number. smh wtf is wrong with young women that they cannot even compete with grannies social skills, I guess they are too busy on their phones
>mfw when he tries to be nice
>>360103 they were still elected to their respective parliaments though
upon closer inspection her paperwork checks out. the court sides with the white race in this instance
>>360112 was this the same granny?
>>360117 no its a new one keeeeeek I don't want to become a granny gigolo's
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XjpINzm0WyI take that, gigochuds and spinotrannies
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>>360122 that's fucking disgusting. how did her arse end up that big? she must be waddling about like a penguin.
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getting a chippy in since it's saturday
>>360123 silicon
>>360118 Lad you can get written into their wills.
glowie mate had to sit through a conference on terrorism and 90% of it was about incels lmfao.
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>>360127 >glowie mate
>>360132 Imagine wearing a Hitler “shit”
>>360133 keeeeeeeeeek
>>360133 they both got arrested looks like
>>360127 won't be long before they start deconstructing steiners rants
we found him bros
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>>360138 And yet a lotus grifters William took trips there and never got hassled or into trouble and said it was rather nice.
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haven't seen cbt lad in a while
>>360141 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
I, the Bum Bum King, support fifteen minute cities. It is a natural development of esoteric legism.
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>>360138 hope they execute him
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>>360147 "a fellow whignat? get in, we have shitty oc to make"
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playing doom and drinking henry westons lads
groomin and goonin me
I've been saying sneed in said of shit and fuck and I've been doing it in public lately lads
noticed people with their bios full of footmong shit have the worst braindead leftoid opinions on everything.
YMA O HYD!! https://youtu.be/AHvjczRvXMU
Sumer is icumen in lads
>>360156 spring is le sprung
>>360157 Spron has sproon, but snoob has sneebing.
>>360159 The smug look on her face makes me sneethe the dirty lying cunt
>>360159 cooor strength of that troon grabbing that bloke. UFC esque clinch stength
Do you remember the time that I myself never saw, When the people were happy, when the people were one So tell me now, father, how do you feel today, When you sit in the slag of what's left? When you were growing up, tell me what it was like then, Was a girl something that was freely given to? Did you walk the street and listen a little, Without hearing a word you understood? Have you ever had to walk home alone? Since you were robbed and beaten by strange men? Tell me how could you let that happen? You close your eyes to what a blind man could see Does it feel good, dear father? Are you proud are you happy? And where will you stand in our battle of today? Most of you were as stupid as few, But some of you were even worse They saw it as serious and not as play, They loved to hate the people they betrayed Now they call the resistance hate, incitement and shock, But outside, the gangs are now hunting in packs And they probably thank you and they laugh and smile, to the stupidity and cowardice that distinguished you But you should have woken up, you should have understood, You should have seen the seriousness, should have stopped Tell me how could you let that happen? You close your eyes to what a blind man could see Does it feel good, dear father? Are you proud are you happy? And where will you stand in our battle of today? Did you want to give birth to a whole generation Of multicultural and rootless couples? But against your plans stood a reality, Where everything that was good became a stinking mess Now we are forced to shoulder the responsibility you moved, Your society is rotting, we are building a new one And I ask you, father, if you have understood That your age group creation must now go away And I ask you: do you have your conscience left, Are you doing your duty now as a husband and as a father? Now we are forced to shoulder the responsibility you moved, Your society is rotting, we are building a new one Are you with us today? Is the thought starting to clear? Or are you turning your back on the children of the future? Tell me how could you let that happen? You close your eyes to what a blind man could see Does it feel good, dear father? Are you proud are you happy? And where will you stand in our battle of today?
[Expand Post]When we are now forced to shoulder the responsibility you have shifted, Your society rots, we build a new one Are you with us today? Is the thought starting to clear? Or are you turning your back on the children of the future? Tell me how could you let that happen? You close your eyes to what a blind man could see Does it feel good, dear father? Are you proud are you happy? And where will you stand in our battle of today?
troons btfoing lisa simpsons again?
>>360166 why doesnt she just set the gas tank on fire
its over smh lesbros we lost
>>360166 looks like she . . . FELL OFF THE WAGON!
there must be more streams out there filming sharticas growing number of crazies
inevitably a magical negro preacher will radicalise the tent city dwellers to murder all the libtards in LA.
I love women lads
>>360159 This kind of shite happens here too. Has for about a decade, maybe more. Except the foid police will arrest the goodlad and leave the prog harrassers.
canada is fucking collapsing
>>360173 yeah i remember vividly there was this one edl-style protest (wasnt the edl tho) in brighton where the police literally dragged a chud out of the chud crowd and pushed him into the antifa crowd to be jumped in front of him then did it again at random every now and again. made me seethe.
>>360172 lovely webm that
>>360176 innit
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>>360178 ugly whore
I was imagining that I could turn into a monkey and ask drunk blokes for a ciggy and keeking at work and someone noticed I was keeking at what seemed like nothing to their mong npc minds
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>>360182 normies hate it when i burst out laughing because a customer looks like chudjak
night lads I';ve had too much henry westons good night
>>360181 keeeek
early 2000s nigger shit in america aged so poorly that was really niggers peak in society
>>360183 kek frogs overdo the nihilism shite, all he had to say is nobody cares simple as
>lasshog friend of 4 years turning on me because I said I find 16 year olds attractive smh there is no such thing as loylety anymore
Robert Rundo: US white supremacist arrested in Romania >A prominent member of a California-based white supremacist group has been arrested in Romania and will be extradited to the US. >Robert Rundo, 33, co-founder of the Rise Above Movement, was arrested on Friday at a Bucharest gym following a tip-off, Romanian police said. >He was accused of violence in 2017 and indicted by a US court in 2018. The case was dismissed in 2019, but a federal grand jury in Los Angeles issued a new indictment in January. >Videos showed Mr Rundo punching counter-protesters in Huntington Beach and a police officer in Berkeley, according to an FBI affidavit. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-65141285
ZOG really goin all out this week on gang
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Nightt lads
I ask myself the same question
>>360122 >>360123 could be lipadema, or maybe extreme BBL
>watching a tv show >75% of the relationships in it are gay and mixed race Jesus christ
>>360190 theory:shartica is in the opening stages/middle stages of terminal collapse and the jewish intelligence services are building up the legal precident for purging wignat incels.
>>360194 what is BBL?
this video sets off my boomer toil autism I keep thinking skullet boomer is going to appear around the corner and see the fucked up siding butt joint and start raging out at me and chudlet
7:00 holy fuck that is a spic tier siding job
>>360196 tbh it really seems like they're going for mass arrests of chuds lately tho even if ZOG is losing its empire it can still crush its most marginalised demographic
>>360131 thanks, pretty good article tbh >A flurry of diplomacy has already begun. Emerging from the self-isolation of China’s zero-Covid policy, the president conducted a state visit to Russia this month, published a paper on peace in Ukraine and prepared to receive visits from European leaders eager for his help to help end the war. Also this month China convinced Iran and Saudi Arabia to resume diplomatic relations, its first such success as a mediator in the Middle East. that is quite a lot for China. they usually just make empty statements but now they are making moves >>360192 nini lad >>360197 brazilian butt lift. basically they liposuction fat from elsewhere in the body, usually belly, and transfer it into the buttocks. usually when you see women with massive fake asses that aren't proportionate to the thighs, it's from BBL. it's actually very dangerous because if the fat enters the bloodstream it's game over
>>360201 ergh that's minging
>>360190 smh going that far just because he punched some dysgenic mongs
>>360203 who were literally battering trump fans infront of cops its insane how much antifa and feds go hand in hand
swedish nationalism is so cool. we should try that in england
>>360208 holy redpilled
>>360208 >when a lib self owns epic style
>>360208 keeeeeeeeeeek >>360212 yeah but thats because evil westoids forced them to do it
>>360212 >he's still not using twitter smh
>>360212 the claim that jews did le slave trade is retarded tbh. the biggest slave traders objectively were the portuguese, the first ever english slave trader was sir francis drake in 1560, and he only traded slaves after raiding a portuguese slave ship as a privateer and selling the cargo to the new world. practically all jews involved in the slave trade were iberian sephardic jews not ashkenazi jews, and even then they weren't significantly overrepresented. even the confederacies famous jews like Judah P. Benjamin and the Solomon Cohen brothers were descended from sephardic jews.
>>360216 holy based
>>360192 luv ya lad
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>>360215 So what you're telling me is jews did slavery.
>>360219 a little but it's remarkable just how dominant the portuguese were in the slave trade. for every 1 slave sent to america 8 were sent to portuguese holdings in the new world, and the portuguese not only enslaved africans but engaged in daredevil raids on the ottoman empire to enslave turks and arabs at an economic loss solely as a fuck you to muslims.
what a shame no one figured out planned obsolescence by castrating slaves.
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for me it was the jews did slavery
>>360221 transporting slaves to the new world was extremely expensive because of the trade winds blowing west to east for most of the year. it was far more economical to let slaves breed than transport them every generation. its the same reason britain failed to supply the thirteen colonies with new troops and supplies to fight revolutionaries
>>360224 >some chud in america after making this meme https://youtu.be/6fB8QiPTadY
SMH was looking for this when we were talking about the 2020 race war between spics and nigs
>>360215 mong. that was hawkins not drake
that based feeling when you own freaking niggers.
>>360227 Jonh Hawkins was Drake's older cousin and Drake served on his ship during this expedition.
>>360230 hawkins was the shot caller
>>360231 tbh you were right im basing this off what i learned during the 2020 niggering and having to defend drake against libtards. by most accounts drake was a teenager when the first english slave trade took place and it happened on his cousins Hawkins ship.
imagine your descendants cucking like this http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/5105328.stm
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>>360234 imagine clicking that link
its about the trevelayns isnt it?
Oh Imperium lad, you're so witty and handsome, tell me all about Pompey Magnus again
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>>360243 I remember when europoors used to act like sharticans were the worst tourists. they don't laugh now
>>360245 https://youtu.be/X2i7mH40zes
Quite enjoyed the American tourists in Athens this week myself. Mfw they were mostly wholesome Gen xoomers and boomers
Did have the urge to stalk and follow single East Asian female tourists though. Had that urge before too
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all foreigners should be killed
>>360245 yeah you lads at least spend money instead of just coming into the shop and taking a photograph of everything
>>360249 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek yeah those fucking bugs do that shite here filming squirrels. some chud discovered that the bugs were trapping and slaughtering squirrels in town on an industrial scale. fucking gook filth
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>when some gooks and poojeets are around and they talk to you like you are some imbicile and then say a forced "eh" as if they are some canadian redneck from alberta and they all have on canada goose shite even though its nearly 40 degrees F outside
>>360246 are you in le home of western democracy rn lad?
>>360252 Yes but leaving for the airport in about 2 hours
>>360253 >posting to 8chud in the airport
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Bins spotted
>>360259 done with this meme tbh, I thought it was funny yesterday but today it just makes me feel sick
morning lads
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>>360261 ABOOGA BOOGA lad
>>360262 I was expecting someone to be accidentally shot.
wew look at that hairy forehead
>>360258 >"we want to vote too" >*gets given the voot* >*voots to let in an endless tide of pooskins* >*gets overrun by an endless tide of pooskins >"how could men do this to us?" sorry lass i have learnt from my forefather's mistakes i will never ever assign agency to a w*man no matter how much she complains >>360264 and the little fisher price my first five o'clock shadow too keeeek smh there was a poster of her on the wall in the english classroom back in high school and ngl liked her piercing gaze tbh look how dead her eyes are now though smdh what a loss
>>360265 wonder how your eyes today compare to what they looked like when you were 12
Afghanistan is a hard paper round tbf
>>360266 still as bright as they always were tbh not a high bar though smh a30 since the day i was born >>360267 tbqh heard that your eyes lose their shine as you lose your innocence obviously bullshit but afghanistan can't be an easy place to live
couldn't get runescape actually /v/scape working for a while but now it's working again everything's coming up millhouse bye lads going on a maccas run
>>360250 smh really dont like chinky tourist
>>360258 "political" women are cancer its why bimbos are masterrace
>>360259 haha le ironic homosexuality
>>360269 >tbqh heard that your eyes lose their shine as you lose your innocence
the battle station of a ukrainian kohlchan poster that plays dota 2 all day
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>>360276 What do you lads refer to yourself in third person as?
Wonder what happens if the police stops an alpha in traffic
>>360280 Same scenario as colour of your buggati man
isnt the tate mutt still locked up? why havent his adoring fans broken him out yet
>>360282 He was just released from jail but he is in house arrest.
never heard of this tate mulatto until he was on the list that was still banned from musk twitter. seems like he's being pumped up out of nothing
like artificially, forced meme, a shoe-in mascot for the women realists
Home secretory going off on paki rape gangs on sky news rn, bizarre, and the stupid sky news bint bringing up the bs made up home office "report" that most rape gangs are white.
>>360276 That's amazing what a total gimp.
>>360284 >>360285 he was/is big on tiktok
FOOTAGE OF EXPLOSION IN ST PETERSBURG >According to Russian media cafe was owned(at least previously) by PMC Wagner chief Evgeniy Prigozhin. >Unknown woman gifted Tatarsky a small statue with explosive device
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>>360277 HRH The Bum Bum King, conquerer of mods, acker of trannies, genocider of niggers. >>360291 keek
>>360274 His eyes shine with the with the anguish of a thousand gulaged traitors to the revolution.
>>360293 Restore the Tsar tbh
>>360290 From what I've read there has been some political infighting in Putin's inner circle centred around Wagner's leaders.
>>360296 Is the contrast of the two images supposed to amuse me? People who kill unarmed civillians and then mock those very civillians don't win my support, they alienate my support. Foolish Slavs always do this kind of thing. Hate them tbh. >>360295 I've heard the same thing. Logically, I think they're useful idiots whom Putin will throw under the bus.
Need to shit but I’m still eating.
>>360297 I think Putin is probably leaning house because the Wagner leaders are gaining more political capital from the war in Ukraine than he would otherwise like.
Or at least that's what the anons over at anon.cafe's /k/ were saying.
>>360297 It's supposed to frighten, I think. Fits with targeting civs in a bombing. "Next time you're relaxed and everything is nice, remember everyone might be dead in a minute."
Ukraines pretty good at these glowie ops
>no bimbo werewolf gf to vore enemies of the white race with >>360302 >single for 8 years Bullshit tbh. Women are never single that long. She's had a bunch of short relationships including sex but they didn't count because they only last max 3 months tee hee hee.
btfo by a little girl.
>>360307 all that silver hair smh
>>360299 >>360300 I doubt it. He could crush them easily if he wanted. There's nothing to fear from Wagner politically tbh but who nose, the war is obscured by happening in the present time. Nothing is clear smh >>360306 >>360307 Already haired about this on the PA telegram chats. Feed me new information not knew information . . . FOOLS!
*grabs my own throat* You leave those good boiz alone, BBK.
>bbk telegram arc
>>360190 couldnt have happened to a better one too smh. no wonder the US authorities went to such a length to nab him over a simple punch up though
we're organising a live goon sesh to honour wessies passing, all proceeds go to charity for people suffering kneetardation.
you have to be brave to use telegram these days
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it appears my goon bros were not as trustworthy as I had once thought.
>>360316 >inviting people into your goon cave this is why you keep it online and anonymous, lad
Michelle Dewberry is this Months pick for yummiest mummy on GB boomer News
>>360318 But those pics are from years ago
>43 years old
So weird to think people are having children 30 years after they first became able to
zog is shaking in their boots rn
worried I'll start crying before having sex
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what persona does bbk take on whilst perusing telegram?
chud party won in finland woooo
>>360302 women larping as incels is the most cringe thing ever
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who /here/ here?
kill yourself
Another 15 year old retard honeypotted to bring those 'far right' terror numbers up https://news.sky.com/story/far-right-teenager-found-guilty-of-plotting-terror-attack-on-mosques-and-ex-girlfriend-12845560
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>>360302 >single for 8 years Damn so she's really went without sex since she was 19 thats CRAAAAZY.
>>360328 hope she gets liberated on drone cam by slavs
>>360328 now she can post tik toks full time
>>360334 >on mosque and ex girlfriend lmao
>>360336 single in 2023 means she was just too much of an alcoholic to keep them around after they porked her
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>>360328 a win for the white race
>>360334 >The teenager pleaded guilty to possession of a knife, so its illegal to possess a kitchen knife in your own home now?
>>360334 one lad got a suspended sentence the other day
"you forgot the joe image"
>The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, used a school exercise book to write a "manifesto", inspired by Tarrant.
>>360340 stop posting these jews
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>The teenager would spend hours watching racist, homophobic and antisemitic videos on the Telegram messaging app and became fascinated with far-right terrorists who had carried out attacks. smh another telegram dafty
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I'm sure this is a good sign
It's all so tiresome.
>all these dafty mongs had gfs at least we know no one here is compromised
>>360353 keeeeeeeeeek
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>>360353 what about Dorset and Jocko?
>>360351 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK at the blatant class distinction here, the private school williamoid gets a soft touch and the prosecution does the mitigation for him and he gets no jail time, meanwhile the lower class incels get the book thrown at them.
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>>360356 lesson is, don't be lower class, be upperclass
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>>360061 wahay just a bit of business banter lmao
See? It does happen all the time. Silly conspiratards https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1642632195767410694
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>>360318 >pregnancy boobas
>>360356 better tax slaves tbh
>>360361 Yeah, I prefer my women with crows feet and 20 previous sexual partners starting when they were 14
>>360361 Just plain weird reasoning tbh. Why can people not get this notion of the cock carousel out of their mind, as if it is something that actually builds real character?
>>360361 they sound like incel losers or old spinsters who fear groomerchads
My daughter must have performed in twenty bukkake orgies before she will allowed to marry Deshawn.
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I give women the ick metaphysically
They reason like children pretending to be adults because it's probs what they've heard millennial & xer people say tbh.
>>360365 its usually fat ugly weirdos who want nobody to be content, the idea of a young lass happily marrying young and having a family makes them seethe like nothing else, they hate life.
>>360367 smh poor lad has maxxed out everything and still gets treated worse than shit.
Watched doctor zhivago and my only takeaway is that adulterers should be liquidated and women are whores.
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>>360370 tbh that thot is ugly as piss as well looks like a lanky muppet he should have just raped her and vored her
>>360371 tbh the only character who is worth anything is strelnikov who is the aryan slav who fights for his ideals but keeps true to his woman who betrayed him for the jew doctor hol hol zhivago
shit book as well written by a jew
>>360373 yeah he was the based incel who put in work and gets no thanks at all and is treated like shit
>>360370 look at his hair
>>360376 yeah I'm not blind you stupid faggot, what are you some kind of woman
>>360377 bald people are subhuman
there is still hope for him however
>>360372 I think she's kind of cute, not too cute, but she should defo be raped & vored.
lads which side did the yousafs fight on at culloden?
>>360381 good lad she has decent milk but I would need to see her dump truck in order to upgrade her from strict immediate vore after coom
speaking of vaginas, how does one feel? I want it to be a hole with friction, I think I'd be freaked out if I can feel a muscle pinching my cock
>>360386 think this nigcel was posted here before
>>360367 >>360370 he needs to remove the beard, get leg lengthening, wear a toupe, and do who knows what do his face.. hasn't even started "maxing out". she's disgusted because bald/short/beard
Literally doing yourself up like some geisha so a ran through whore will give you the time of day, kys you subhuman spic simp, women are property.
>>360386 That's a lot of effort to not kill a nigger
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incels b like: do this to get laid
>>360390 I'm not saying that I like that this is the way it is, I'm saying that if you want to gain access to vagina then you have to dedicate a large part of your life (and finances) to making the best of your appearance, assuming you're among the vast majority of males that women do not find attractive without intensive looksmaxxing
GRR, I don't like this, it's your fault for telling me! le ebil spig!
>>360392 *vores him*
>360394 >360395 you are a retarded mentally goblin subhuman spic living in your mothers basement
I sure hope this lass isn't catfishing me haha
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or he could just get some fuck
just bloatmax and groom borderline retarded young women
all great advice lads.
I had a girlfriend a few years ago so I know what I'm talking abouit
>>360384 > how does one feel?
>>360403 Yeah. but is it like an elastic hole, ore does an alien muscle pinch and grab your cock? That'd creep me out
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>>360404 >Yeah. but is it like an elastic hole, ore does an alien muscle pinch and grab your cock? That'd creep me out both?
>>360388 howling
>>360396 Good lad.
Just found out Madonna released a picture book pre internet called Sex in which there's all manners of perversion including her rimming a guy. Her multiple adopted african kids are genderbending/gayist and she's raising money for the castration of Tennessee chudlets. And yet MSM commentors here only criticized her recent plastic surgery, physically manifesting as the hideous chaos demon she always was. Imagine getting paid to roll your eyes at an ageing Satanist whore and saying "grow old gracefully, love". Now that's real counter cultural, anti-woke, based and redpilled TM.
>>360388 Maybe he should try not being a weirdo gnome backing a woman into a corner and using weirdly aggressive body language? >>360404 It's like a vagina, 22stein. Not really comparable to anything else.
PA bid to get registered has been rejected again. >Application incomplete They keep putting up obstacles and coming back with random questions. This time about a name clash with a PA Ltd or some shit. Should be easy to resolve but they're going to consider legal action if the bid is rejected again.
>>360411 >Maybe he should try not being a weirdo gnome backing a woman into a corner and using weirdly aggressive body language? if chad did it she'd like it. physical appearance is the only thing that matters the plus side of this is that men are now able to enjoy a lifestyle focused on improving their aesthetics and impressing the opposite sex, like women, rather than doing cringe/pointless moid things like holding a fish or knowing what the parts in a car do
applied for some shite toil because my bennies deadline was looming and i didn't have time to be picky and now one of the places wants to interview me that's not how it was supposed to go
>>360412 >they're going to consider legal action if the bid is rejected again. hope this turns into kino tbh
>>360414 just scud 20 tinnies and stay up all night before the interview
>>360416 normal interview prep then
>gets mogged out of the government
>>360418 imagine those two going at it ha
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mummy riika will btfo the libtards and lead the finns back to their siberian heartlands
>>360419 >imagine those two going at it ha
>>360421 Angler fish phenotype.
>>360418 I want to see left vore right. Imagine how easily her flat, skinny body would slide down her throat. What scant meat there was would be mute, the bones would provide calcium for the boobas to grow even further.
>>360424 keeeeeeeek
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>>360425 >calcium >boobas
>>360430 loving every laugh
>>360432 smh poor little toilfish
might build a sand castle and see if a lass gets interested
>>360435 >tranheuser-busch keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>360435 I don't get this at all
*kills you*
>>360437 the company that makes budweiser decided to plaster some literally who tiktok troon over their piss-beer-for-binge-drinkers brand and is getting mocked for it either they seriously misjudged who their customers are or the esg funding was too juicy to turn down
>>360428 The swelling of pregnant milky boobas after I seed her, duh.
>>360440 so you mean ingesting more calcium to produce more milk to further engorge the breasts? makes some sense, I guess. the main reason why girls have big boobs is that they are more sensitive to female hormones, so if there were some way we could manipulate this hormone sensitivity then more women could have big boobs. a combination of estrogen+progesterone with the absence of high testosterone will grow the breasts of most women, but the magnitude of the effect correlates with their original relative size, since that in turn is the result of their individual hormone sensitivity. so the poor titlets cannot do much but the bodaciously bosomed can easily blossom even further
>>360439 all is ugliness
>>360321 t. Nonce
iranian women spotted in yogurt shop without hijab, man dumps yogurt on their head, shopowner chases him out. the result? the women get arrested and the shop closed down
>>360447 verygoodlads
Lads I did a little cooking and one of the crackerinos came out shaped like a tree. I think my ancestors are speaking to me
<Vatniks just destroyed our [context: pole saying this] beautiful 10 mln dollar howitzer with a loitering munition. Dumb fucking hohols don't protect them with any AA system, they immobilize them on a flat land, and they parked a truck with ammo right to the howitzer although they weren't even loading it, so both things got fucked symultenously. We are not going to fund such stupidity. Hohols don't really care about this weapon because they are getting it for free anyway, so they think that they don't have to.
*blocks your path*
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US sanctioning itself
>>360447 based yoghurt dumper >>360449 >tree lad that's very clearly a double-headed eagle
>>360453 >lad that's very clearly a double-headed eagle keeek *picks up elephants and plays with them like toy cars*
>>360450 Krap that Poland co developed with worst Koreans Poles keep saying how nice we are to them and the Ukikes. Despite what’s happening next door, Poles don’t see we’re about to throw them under the fucking bus again keeeeeeek. They think they are a major player in Team Nato and they’rengoing to liberate a Ukrainian bridge again Still can’t believe they claim to have liberated bridges in Holland and btfo out of the jerries during the Battle of Britain
>>360450 >Couped Bolsonaro and back Lulu. Five minutes later gets stabbed in the back Top keeeeeek
>>360456 This ride never ends
>St. Petersburg bomberina was apparently upset because her bf the leader of the libertarianski party of Russia ran away after getting served conscription papers…
>>360460 wholesome murderer chungus
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>forehead piercing
>>360462 yeah, It left a scar. Video of her after apprehension: https://twitter.com/Spriter99880/status/1642851257143443458
*steps on you*
off to the breeding facility
>>360463 Looks like she had her hair and eyebrows burnt off in the explosion
>As if Russia gives a fuck. They’d invade in a heartbeat no fucks given >The hWest starting a nucler war over Fingollums Lmfao
>>360459 tbqh >>360468 schmorning lad >>360469 getting pretty tiresome seeing the west close ranks and get ready to force world war three if it doesn't happen naturally with the niggercattle cheering for it all the way
>>360470 its the old mongs demanding we die for globohomo that make me really seethe
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What does the law say about this, Steiner?
>>360471 tbh they're so happy to push for war knowing that their own lives aren't at stake sickening smh
>ordained rabbi >pornography magnate
>>360474 >Solomon Friedman is not someone readily defined Yes he is, kike
>>360475 tbh simple as
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>no captive singing gf
>>360477 >OH NO NOT THE HECKING FURBABY >but also torturing and humiliating a human is fine
>>360479 keeeeeek
>>360480 so you think he didn't deserve that?
>>360483 thought as much coming from a degenerate bongo nigger such as yourself
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>>360480 Lad even niggers know deep down dey ain't human. They were teaching a fellow nigger some empathy through negative reinforcement. Now he will treat his equals like that dog nicely.
>>360472 Put a boot on my Forde, you're meeting the LORD tier Americanism
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>>360488 It's so hard for me to imagine people actually being offended by words. It's all just about control, isn't it? smh
>>360489 OK, incel.
>oy VEY why do the goyim hate us
>>360492 >beef and heckin carbon emissions dumb mongs raised by yidtube probably shart government employees as well
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/03/29/hate-crime-academics-study-english-countryside-evidence-rural/ >Hate crime experts to rule whether English countryside harbours ‘rural racism’ >'Lived realities' of ethnic minorities outside of the city to be studied amid fears they experience an 'exclusively English environment'
>>360494 *screams*
Men are so powerful
currently staging a dafty rising in my head and its going like banes uprising in tdkr
I still find it funny watching troons crush women. It's just a little equality tbh.
>>360497 keeeeeeeeek go on my son! >>360499 good lad
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she's a breedin b
*refreshes twitter all day* smh so hecking addicting lads, I see why SA did it
>whenever the people living along the amazon river had a party the pink river dolphins would come ashore and transform into fairskinned and tall men who seduced and layed with the women So that's what happened to the south american aryans
>>360504 god that things like a normal dolphin with bee stings
>>360505 spotted the anti-white
>>360480 >but also torturing and humiliating a human is fine >niggers >human holy kek.
He's a soft b. Just doesn't like torture me. Choke chains are legal, so it's not like the nigger necessarily acted outside of the law with what he did with the dog, however what the other niggers did definitely is illegal
he's a law abidin b
>>360449 Reminds me of that time a fried chicken head was found in a KFC bucket
Suddenly missing my childhood dog.
>>360511 >Suddenly missing my childhood dog. Bit gay, lad.
Shut your arse, Spic, we've smelt enough of your shit for one post.
Where is Dorset? https://youtu.be/O18Er3OnxF4
>>360494 >an 'exclusively English environment' Can't be having that in England, heaven forbid. Good thing we have migrants available to correct this travesty
>>360421 is she a cardassian?
>>360452 marco rubio is getting those saggy spic earlobes
>>360455 >Still can’t believe they claim to have liberated bridges in Holland keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>360519 if he starts bloating he can turn into a proper mutt phenotype
>>360472 probably shouldn't have messed with a dodge owner, he must have thought it was a ford guy
the crew shartica is sending to the moon
>>360523 it'll be a hoax again, you can't send a live mammal through the Van Allen radiation belts. at least, we don't have the technology to do so and we're not even close
>>360524 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek utter fucking retard spic go and chew rocks so girls will like you lad
pakis SUCK!
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>>360492 >aborted foetuses
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>>360525 it's not rocks, it's Greek tree sap. and actually I don't wanna fuck my TMJ joint or train my buccinator muscles so I'm not really chewing anything rn... I'm trying to get the tongue posture down with a proper suction hold, that's hard enough as for the space shite.. idk how anybody can believe that in the 1960's they sent a fucking spaceship to the moon and little men in space suits walked out and bounced around on the moon like teehee woohoo wheehee and then planted a flag that blows in the magical moon wind and got back on the spaceship and launched again and came back to earth alive to tell the tale. life isn't a cartoon
always filter spic
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>>360529 Starting to find his autism a little endearing tbh.
PLUMBERS AND FLAT ARSE RACE MIXING WHORES BTFO GET YO BITCH ASS BACK TO THE BARRACKS FOR BBQ GANGBANG POLISH THOT! FUCKING KEEEK > Description: all of them were on some fucking hard drugs. They were attacking each other, Polish police, and they tried to kidnap some ultra-drugged chick to the van. Polish police was being called multiple times, but they refused to arrive as they claim that they can't do nothing about this because they have no right to arrest American soldiers. Finally, they arrived. They received some punches and objects being thrown at them, they were just dodging and trying to calm down situation. >In the end, one of American soldiers arrives to the Polish guy filming everything and says: >You can't post this on any social media. You think Russians gonna protect you? POLAN STRONK!!! https://kohlchan.net/int/res/19590610.html
nah he is just another one of the mong swarthoids standing in the shadows telling everyone how meds and spics are actually superior to anglos while speaking english
>the swarthoid can't comprehend aryan feats
i dont like seeing this. spics needs help not hate ok ?
>>360531 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek but smh thats what happens when you side with zog
american soldiers are the biggest crybabies on the planet. even when theyre raping a women theyre blubbering faggots
>>360537 ngl I have had zero respect for them since 2008 they are the absolute biggest faggots in the states. most of them come home and become cops or get some other BS job and they all act like they are nobility
rocks are if anything more deadly than knives yet they're freely available nearly everywhere in 21st century britain
is Trump going to go to prison and become a bbcslut?
>>360469 Lmao over the excitement about these shit tier countries joining NATO as if means anything other than more land for the US to waste its money and men protecting
>>360542 tbh finland is a irrelevant meme country politically at this point shartica is just getting raped by the imperial elites and their allies
G'morning lads
>>360538 A lot of them sexpat overseas with their free uni tuition and pensions.
Martin you should go for it Excited for the breeding at Easter
>11 year old orthodox girl is questioned by counter protestor outside of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
>>360550 poombs in canada?
btw wolf whistling at butt matrixing women now is to be made punishable with 2 years in prison
>>360553 Guess we'll have to stick to just looking at them as we pass them in the street
>>360550 nooooo they didn't split his skull open!
nafo faggots are all over twitter, they're worse than crypto bros, worse than anonymous, worse than reddit and each one of them combined.
internet went weird for a few hours there
>>360553 Never wolf whistled myself and I think I've only heard firemen do it 2-3 times. Of course the women clearly loved it. I imagine this comes from the mere idea that a low status chud might wolf whistle a barbie princess.
>>360550 Damn, you can hear it. Ouchie owie
>>360553 People get less for rape keeeeeeeek
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>>360562 struggling a bit with this tbh. Don't like abortions, but also don't like rapist and don't want their genes to pass on
https://twitter.com/DiscntTomCruise/status/1643038367007776769 I can't believe tuckerino is anti-white... noooo
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>>360563 That's okay, lad. *shoots you point blank in the head as a form of late term abortion of one of your ancestors who was the product of a rape*
>>360565 tbh norway like sweden and denmark was built on the back of rape.
>>360564 When you're half way to being a billionaire, have your own TV show on a major network, and have never been de-platformed in your life you probably don't need anybody to advocate for you tbh.
>>360567 I saw a few people spotted his kabbalah bracelet.
>>360568 >I saw a few people spotted his kabbalah bracelet. yikes
>>360565 I am also a product of all kinds of people. Culling the immediate spawn of a rapist would further discourage rape and over a long time you'd have less and less rapists
>>360570 I don't think the priority of a rapist is reproducing.
>>360571 Only the homosexual ones.
Was referring to homos noncing being how they reproduce btw.
>>360564 Cucker Tarlson hiding his powerlevel, going for a presidential run so wants to get his anti racist “yo! I lurrrrve ethnics!” creds in early and repair any damage? Wassup my mane!?
>>360574 he's an agent of the deep state spooks, gatekeeper shill, gaslighter. never made sense why he was allowed on TV, there's a reason for that
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>>360575 > Another shopper had rammed him with a cart, hard. Maybe it had been an accident, except the shopper had shouted, “The kosher bagels are in the next aisle!” He’d considered saying something to the store manager, but to what end? Besides, it wasn’t much worse than the baseball game the day before, when other fans had thrown popcorn at him and his kids. KOSHER BAGELS ARE IN THE NEXT AISLE
>>360575 I read part 1 and 4. idk about 2 and 3 but 1 was not worth reading; however, 4 is worth reading, it's basically the jevv saying that whites need to brainwashed to love jevvs before they are told about the holohoax
>>360576 Tbh >>360577 >>360578 Constant whining is bound to backfire especially when you own everything. Even the haz dumbz notice
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ethan ralph impregnated his 2nd breedhog for the 2nd time. he is now a father of 3 bragging to his wife's father about breeding his daughter. how is this possible for a morbidly obese drug addict ragepig to groom and impregnate these foids? not that they're particularly attractive but still higher SMV than ralph
go away spic
>>360583 Looks like a troon in the first wew.

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