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Main General Anonymous 05/25/2023 (Thu) 10:27:35 Id: 2bc8ec No. 712 [Reply]
This is a versatile, non-specific general that is meant to replace and cover the majority of needs, including questions to ask, posts that won't spark conversation or that are not intended for the reader's attention, links/videos, and basically just posting here as a whole if you don't want to start a new thread. It would be useless to clean and keep other generals like QTDDTOT. So there won't be anymore like it.
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Christ chan flag for /christian/
>>1053 Nice work. It's cute.

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Rules Anonymous 04/30/2020 (Thu) 16:38:18 No. 1 [Reply]
Edited last time by Akariel on 01/29/2025 (Wed) 08:27:31.

Christ-Chan Thread Anonymous 12/11/2022 (Sun) 19:47:45 Id: 3a347a No. 139 [Reply]
Because anon.cafe/christian decided to get rid of it here it is, even though some pictures are lustful.
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Christ chan flag

Lent 2024 Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 18:19:54 Id: a666d4 No. 883 [Reply]
What are you giving up for lent?
>>883 For me? It's swearing. I also want to "give up" having a poor prayer life.
Almost that time again.

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List of evidence Anonymous 06/18/2023 (Sun) 19:32:41 Id: 253eb9 No. 718 [Reply]
This link contains one of the largest reference materials for the bible for archaeological, literary, etc. evidence I've seen: https://pastelink.net/2w1ne I think ya'll would benefit from it
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>>1045 By the looks of it, you can still find it over there at 24941.html#25026
>>1049 But anon cafe is dead?
>>1050 Dead, yes, but the board itself relocated to zzzchan. So nothing was really lost.

Christian News and Current Events General Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 00:07:48 Id: cce6ce No. 1044 [Reply]
Post and discuss any Christian-related cultural events, be it a new film, documentary, a piece of art, music, or something interesting from the podcast-debate sphere. Old news are also allowed.
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Thoughts on Luce?
Not even an hour in the recent podcast with Mel and it's great. A lot of relevant topics are covered, plus he's a great storyteller. https://youtu.be/1rYtrS5IbrQ

Anonymous 09/19/2022 (Mon) 20:32:44 Id: 8d4e09 No. 91 [Reply]
/christian/ funny thread
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The Prophecies Of The Punishment Of Gay Perverts In Hell Forever!!! Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 18:26:21 Id: 3fe488 No. 1038 [Reply]
The Prophecies Of The Punishment Of Gay Perverts In Hell Forever!!! The Punishment of Homosexuals “Homosexuals will burn in Hell forever! My soul detests them. They are evil. I will punish them forever. My son, why do they desire men? Because they are held captive by spirits of evil. Sodomy has a hold on them. They desire lust. They live for it. That is all they crave. They shall be punished forever! I can’t stand them. As in days of old, flying balls of fire shall consume them on the streets of America, even San Francisco, that city of lust and evil desire. I shall punish all that go astray from My natural concepts, plans I made for all mankind. For a man shall desire a woman, and not that of a man himself. For I shall punish all who go astray after men. Did I not punish those of old, even those in Sodom and Gomorrah, and that of neighboring towns with My flaming balls of sulfur? So repent you wicked sodomites and inherit eternal life forever. For I have much for those who overcome their carnal nature of sin, even eternal life! So repent wicked ones of sin and vice. Your Lord has spoken.” The Punishment of My Gay People "Tell My homosexuals that I Am against them in all they do. I will punish them in flaming fire and lava in deepest Hell forever! They must repent or I will punish them with such unbearable agony in rivers of flaming fire and molten magma. For they were full of lust to all mankind, their punishment will be equal to their sin on Earth, only magnified greatly in eternal punishment. Their deed proceed them, and I will require their punishment to be forever in agonizing lust. For they never overcame their lust for men while on Earth, and they will suffer the punishment forever in deepest Hell. Millions will join them to be punished forever and ever in flaming fire, all bound together in chains, forever locked together. That is My punishment in Hell to all overcome with lust towards mankind. Your Lord has spoken, amen." How I Will Punish My Wicked LGBT Crowd "My son, I have many punishments in mind for what I'm going to do to My LGBT crowd. First, they shall die of terrible diseases. They are a very wicked crowd, and they shall transmit all manner of deadly diseases between them. Next, I shall punish them in Hell forever. But that is not all. After the great and terrible Day of Judgment before the Great White Throne, I shall punish them forever in the eternal burning Lake of Fire. There they shall roast in flames of liquid fire forever and ever, with burrowing fiery worms boring through their bodies with no let up or respite forever, My son. My LGBT crowd shall be punished for their wickedness in My Presence forever, says the LORD. Amen.
The Prophecies Of The Punishment Of Gay Perverts In Hell Forever!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kABakYDq5Y

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Why do agnostics and "generic theists" become irrationally upset at being told the Old Testament doesn't matter? Anonymous 01/15/2023 (Sun) 06:43:19 Id: 76304d No. 274 [Reply]
I've had this conversation with several people from several walks of life. The general premise (since I lived it) is that... >Went to church as a child >Church taught the old testament stories like David and Goliath or Noah but never taught Jesus' teachings >Came to hate the church growing up for one reason or another >Called myself an agnostic/atheist for a long time >Eventually realized the New Testament tells a completely different tale I know a lot of normalfags who never went through the last step abd are stuck in that pre-NT phase. Regardless of the path they took to get where they are at whether through strong religious underpinnings or near-absence of Christ, they always have a similar story. When I mention that the Old Testament could be safely ignored in Church teachings and that Churches should focus on teaching Children the New Testament though, they almost all without any rhyme or reason become incredibly upset at the prospect of Churches teaching the word of Christ with no mention of the OT until the children are much older. What the heck? Why are these people who hate Christianity or at least are indifferent to it so opposed to the idea of teaching the New Testament beyond nativity scenes? They all universally insist that learning the Old Testament as a child is important, which I don't understand because the OT turns more people away from God for life than if Children were just taught the NT.
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>>274 >Why do agnostics and "generic theists" become irrationally upset at being told the Old Testament doesn't matter? Because it does matter, but it's only half of book. In some regards, the OT is a "history" of the world leading up Christ's birth. >When I mention that the Old Testament could be safely ignored in Church teachings and that Churches should focus on teaching Children the New Testament though, they almost all without any rhyme or reason become incredibly upset at the prospect of Churches teaching the word of Christ with no mention of the OT until the children are much older. Part of that has to do with how Christ, himself, constantly referred to the Old Testament. You can't talk about Christ without talking about his teachings, and you can't talk about his teachings with referring to the Old Testament. >>276 >but they also recognized that it was the previous contract between man (specifically the sons of Abraham) and God. But, that was ALSO established in the Old Testament (I want to say somewhere in 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, or Nehemiah, but I forget the exact book, it's from that latter period). >>276 >but they are also the source of sin for young believers and the source of lack of belief when they see the Old Testament quoted by satanists out-of-context Anon, by that same playbook, they ALSO quote Christ out of context in order to either justify how it's "immoral" to retaliate against them (Turn the other cheek) or use as "proof" that Christ's goal was to cause chaos (I came not to send peace, but a sword). >>277 >and any born again is obviously going to recommend you read the NT I disagree as, even with the New Testament, you have a lot of people that cherry pick parts of the gospel that they "want" to follow or think sound nice, all the while distorting the word to the point that it means the exact opposite and contradicts what the rest of the gospel says. However, I agree with what you're saying about how people shouldn't JUST read the Bible from start to finish and call it a day. Hell,

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>>274 watameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, she loves me fr fr

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Marxist Race Theory Anonymous 01/11/2024 (Thu) 03:04:18 Id: 3ce1fb No. 852 [Reply]
As a non-Christian, I feel the world is falling apart. The religion of Marx has taken over: a religion that was definitively shown to be false by the hundreds of millions of people it killed in the Twentieth Century. Take Marxist Race Theory. It likes to call itself "Critical Race Theory", but the word critical stems from Marxist Criticism: it is self-deceptive about its own origins. People like to argue that CRT isn't being taught in schools, but those people have already lost that argument, to themselves. The argument goes that teachers go to seminars to learn about CRT and craft their lesson plans around it. But, they don't teach it. Twenty years ago, some Christians pushed for the teaching of Intelligent Design: the lessons were crafted AROUND the Christian creation story, but they didn't teach it. If, twenty years ago, Intelligent Design was teaching religion, and was wrong to be taught in schools, then today CRT is being taught in schools (and it is wrong to teach it).
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>>853 Only some protestants were against big bang and evolutionary theory. Both of which were discovered by Christians. The big bang theory by a Catholic Priest clearly inspired by Saint Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle.
>>882 Most scientists don't understand that science is a deeply Christian worldview, and many Christians don't either. You have to believe that the world has rules to believe that the world has rules. (Sagan may have believed that Science was a Candle in the Dark, but the only way to leave the Demon-haunted World is to leave the Demon-haunted World.) It is logically invalid to believe that the world has rules from the fact that it looks like it has rules: this is the problem of induction. Ultimately, believing that the universe has rules for us to discover is an act of faith: it cannot be defended through logic (that is the problem of induction). But, you MUST believe that the world has rules, rules that the fallible human mind can discover, or you CANNOT do science. Science is, ultimately, based on a faith. I want to blame evolution as to why science has become so ... dogmatic. Scientists didn't understand why Evolution was the Scientific way of doing things, so they fell back on appeals to authority. They couldn't articulate that Evolution betters represents this aesthetic that the universe has rules, that we as fallible humans can imperfectly know, and that when you apply the rules of Evolution, the world as it appears to us is an emergent property from the initial conditions. Yes, Evolution contradicts scripture, but it better encompasses the idea that God imparted rules upon the Universe, and the Universe operates according to those rules, over Deep Time. And that's another issue: if you believe that the Universe is only six thousand years old, then you don't have Deep Time. But, the Universe APPEARS to be over six thousand years old (could be Satan, but I'm not holding my breath), and it APPEARS to have the kind of time-span on which Deep Time, and thus Evolution, can operate.

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Christianity fellow goy 03/20/2021 (Sat) 23:41:23 Id: 000000 No. 21 [Reply]
If you look at the genealogies in the Holy Bible, you find that they are defined through the father; but (((their))) genealogies are through the mother, as were the genealogies of the (((canaanites))), who worshipped moloch/baal/satan, so it is fairly obvious that (((they))) are not the descendants of the children of Jacob/Israel/Whites, but of their worst enemies, children of edomites/esau/reptilians.
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>>21 Modern Jews are the mongrlized descendents of Judah of the Bible. Their story begins with Esau, the race mixer twin brother of Jacob, the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. He had a quarrel with Jacob, Jacob fled and in the meantime Esau took canaanites as wifes >1This is the account of Esau (that is, Edom). 2Esau took his wives from the daughters of Canaan: Adah daughter of Elon the Hittite, Oholibamah daughter of Anah and granddaughter of Zibeon the Hivite, 3and Basemath daughter of Ishmael and sister of Nebaioth These and their descendents are the known as the Edomites. Among the Edomites there are the Amelek >12Additionally, Timna, a concubine of Esau’s son Eliphaz, gave birth to Amalek. These are the grandsons of Esau’s wife Adah. which later became the enemy of Israel and are seen as their eternal nemesis. This is who they are, but how did they become known as the Jews, the descendents of Judah and Israel? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edom >The Edomites first established a kingdom ("Edom") in the southern area of modern-day Jordan and later migrated into the southern parts of the Kingdom of Judah ("Idumea", or modern-day southern Israel/Negev) when Judah was first weakened and then destroyed by the Babylonians, in the 6th century BC. The original ones were conquered by Babylon and carried away. The Edomites settled there and took things over, and after the original Judahites returned they fought and eventually >They were again subdued by John Hyrcanus (c. 125 BC), who forcibly converted them, among others, to Judaism Notethat "Judaism" isnt here the modern Judaism. Somewhere in the meantime the Pharisee were founded whichs tradition is based on the oral law which became the talmud and very likely was influenced by babylonian teachings the Judahites brought back and is the foundation of modern Judaism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharisees >The Pharisees preserved the Pharisaical oral law in the form of the satanic bible known as Talmud.
The jews call Europeans esau and amalek and wish to blot out the name of Europe. This is the source of black washing history. This is the source of shitskin migration to white lands. Anti-whitism is encoded into their religion. The anti-white agenda is nothing other than judaism. "wokeism" is nothing other than tikkun olam judaism. Feminism in white countries is tikkun olam and therefore judaism. The androgyny agenda is kabbalistic and therefore judaism. Reminder to all non-jewish, non-Euro gened people as well. Jews are not stopping at white people. Ultimately ALL non- jews are esau/amalek. They only target white people first, primarily, because they are butt hurt about the romans destroying their stupid temple. They will destroy the cultures and genotype and pheno-type of ALL peoples if they are not stopped. Reminder that COMMUNISM is jewish, and so cambodia's khmer rouge was jewish. Vietnam war was jewish. China's one child policy was jewish. Nuking japan was jewish. The transatlantic slave trade was jewish. Ect. TKD. Kikeeeeee...

Anonymous 01/05/2023 (Thu) 08:04:31 Id: a39dc1 No. 239 [Reply]
Help me debunk this. >Blomberg starts in on the question of gospel authorship: It's important to acknowledge that strictly speaking, the gospels are anonymous. But the uniform testimony of the early church was that Matthew, also known as Levi, the tax-collector and one of the twelve disciples, was the author of the first gospel in the New Testament; that John Mark, a companion of Peter, was the author of the gospel we call Mark; and that Luke, known as Paul's 'beloved physician,' wrote both the gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles . . . There are no known competitors for [authorship of] these three gospels ... Apparently, it was just not in dispute.7 >Blomberg imagines that the whole delegation was polled, and that no one had any other guesses as to who wrote these gospels. But we don't have everyone's opinions. We are lucky to have what fragments we do that survived the efforts of Orthodox censors and heresiologists to stamp out all 'heretical' opinions. However, we do know of a few differing opinions because Tertullian, Justin Martyr, and others had to take the trouble to (try to) refute them. Marcion knew our Gospel of Luke in a shorter form, which he considered to be the original, and he did not identify it as the work of Luke. He may have imagined that Paul wrote that version. Also, though Blomberg does not see fit to mention it, Papias sought to account for apparent Marcionite elements in the Gospel of John by suggesting Marcion had worked as John's secretary and scribe and added his own ideas to the text, which it was somehow too late for John to root out.8 Similarly, some understood the gospel to be Gnostic (rightly, I think) and credited it to Cerinthus. Blomberg reasons that, had the gospel authorship ascriptions been artificial, better names would have been chosen. >[T]hese were unlikely characters ... Mark and Luke weren't even among the twelve disciples. Matthew was, but as a former hated tax collector, he would have been among the most infamous character next to Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus! Contrast this with what happened when the fanciful apocryphal gospels were written much later. People chose the names of well-known and exemplary figures to be their fictitious authors - Philip, Peter, Mary, James. Those names carried a lot more weight than the names of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. So to answer your question, there would not have been any reason to attribute authorship to these three less respected people if it weren't true.9 In fact, apocryphal (which only means 'not on the official list' for whatever reason) gospels are attributed to such luminaries as Bartholomew, Judas Iscariot, the prostitute Mary Magdalene, doubting Thomas, the heretical Basilides, the even more heretical Valentinus, Nicodemus, and the replacement Matthias. They didn't always go for the star names. > As for the names to whom the canonical gospels were ascribed, it is quite easy to provide an alternate and more natural explanation as to why we have two apostolic names and two sub-apostolic names, though we can bet neither Blomberg nor Strobel will like it very much. First, the initially anonymous gospel we call Matthew was clearly the early church's favorite, and sometimes it circulated without any individual's name, as in its redacted Hebrew and Aramaic versions known to the Church Fathers as the Gospel according to the Hebrews, the Gospel according to the Nazoreans, and the Gospel according to the Ebionites. There are more copies of Matthew that survive in manuscript than any of the other gospels, which means it was used more, much more. The reason for its popularity was its utility: it is framed as a new Christian Pentateuch, organizing Jesus' teaching into five great blocks of teaching, more or less topically. It had been written for the Jewish Christian missionaries of Antioch (in view under the characters of the eleven in Matthew 28, receiving the Great Commission) to use as a church manual. And it served that purpose very well. If your goal was to "disciple the nations," this was the book to use. My guess is that some editor tagged the gospel ' Matthew' based on a pun on the Greek word for 'disciple,' especially prominent in this gospel (e.g., 13:51-52; 28: 19): mathetes. Mark. and Luke are not organized so conveniently. If you have chosen Matthew as your standard, then Luke and Mark are going to suffer by comparison (though no one could deny their great value). And in the early days, before they were considered inspired scriptures, people felt they could make value judgments and rank the gospels. Matthew was the first tier, all by itself. Mark and Luke were placed on the second tier - 'deuterocanonical gospels' so to speak. And that is why these sub­ apostolic names were chosen for them (likely by Poly carp ).10 It is a way of damning them with only faint praise, but not damning them too severely at that. Insofar as they vary from Matthew, they are not quite apostolic. What about the very different John? (Blomberg admits it is quite different; it just doesn't mean anything to him. >They're all eyewitness reporting anyway!)11 It is so different from the others, one would expect it to be named for someone even farther from the apostles. And so it was. The opponents of the Gospel of John, who recognized its largely Gnostic character, claimed it was the work of the heretic Cerinthus. As Bultmann showed, the text has undergone quite a bit of refitting in order to build in some sacramental theology as well as traditionally futuristic eschatology.12 Gnostics rejected both, and so did 'John' originally, though such passages are now diluted by added material. Polycarp (or someone like him) dubbed the newly sanitized gospel John, intending the apostolic name as a counterblast against the charge that the book was heretical and thus should remain outside the canon. This is exactly the same sort of overcompensation we see in the same time period among Jews who debated the canonicity of the racy Song of Solomon (Song of Songs, Canticles, etc.). The book does not mention God. It seems to embody old liturgies of Tammuz and Ishtar, and it is sexually explicit. Thus some pious rabbis thought it had no business being considered scripture. The response was to declare it an allegory of the divine love for Israel and to make it especially sacred: "The whole Torah is Holy, but The Song of Songs is the Holy of Holies" (Rabbi Akiba). So you think it is profane, do you? Well, in that case: it's especially holy! In the same way a gospel suspected to be Cerinthian becomes a second fully apostolic gospel. Blomberg is as captive to the scribal traditions of his community as the ancient rabbis were when they named Moses as the author of the Pentateuch and the Book of Job: And interestingly, John is the only gospel about which there is some question about authorship . . . The name of the author isn't in doubt- it's certainly John . . . The question is whether it was John the apostle or a different John.13 It's certainly John? Blomberg's exegesis is narrowly sectarian and insular, almost as if we were reading Mormon or Jehovah's Witness scholarship. To anyone even vaguely familiar with modem New Testament scholarship Blomberg's claims are startlingly off-base. If you take a poll of Sunday School teachers and fundamentalist Bible Institute faculty, you will no doubt come up with such a conclusion. But among real scholars, conservative and liberal, the authorship question, as with the closely-related question ofthe identity ofthis gospel's 'Beloved Disciple' character, is wide open. And as for this business about John the son of Zebedee versus another John, this is all derived from Eusebius' remarks on the famous Papias passage, just below, in which Eusebius imagined he saw mention of two different Johns, the apostle John and the Elder John.
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>>393 What's also annoying is the assumption that absolutely no one, in the past two millennia, ever questioned if the text in the Bible is genuine. Hell, that was part of the point behind Constantine demanding fifty Bibles, and the Council of Laodicea. In the former, he wanted to distribute Christ's genuine gospel for the people to read and learn. And, the latter was even the bishops of the time doubting if what they read was genuine and taking it upon themselves, for several decades, to read through all of the different texts proclaiming to be the the words of Christ and his disciples. Trying to find the originals, the copies, the condensed, and the forgeries/heretical fakes. And, definitively declare which books are canon and which are not. Was the processes absolutely perfect? No, as evidenced by the schisms that happened with the Eastern churches, and later bishops questioning the decisions made. However, that's ironically the Bible's strength. People were always able to question the authenticity of what was written, and able to take it upon themselves to discover if what was written was the genuine article (Even more so today given how widely and easily available the manuscripts are).

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Paul vs Jesus Anonymous 08/09/2024 (Fri) 23:51:05 Id: 864868 No. 983 [Reply]
What's going on here?
>>983 >What's going on here? It seems like the one who made the post in the image is confused about the meanings and content of Paul's letters. He is far from the first; Many Christians new and old, early and contemporary, find themselves perplexed by them. I won't pretend for a moment to know everything about Paul either. It's difficult to dive into specifics when the bullet points in the pic are short summaries of scripture, with no actual scripture cited. One must always be careful when summarizing the Bible or taking verses out of context. I could try and look into each one, but it would take a good bit of time to search through and find what verses these bullet points are vaguely referencing. For example, the image says: >"Jesus Says The Law Continues, But Paul Says No." Where does the person who wrote this get that idea? Who knows. But one well-known passage about Jesus and the Law is in Matthew 5: >“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. (Matt. 5:17-18 NKJV)" Jesus is saying that he has not come to destroy the Law that the Israelites have known for so long. He has come to fulfill it, to complete what has been told and prophesized in the Old Testament. Looking into that part of the Bible, to the Psalms and to Isaiah and other books, we can see that all of it prophesizes the coming of the Messiah, who is Jesus Christ. (Footnote: jot and tittle are referring to the smallest stroke and letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Jesus is saying that not even a single dot or line of the written Law will be removed until everything is fulfilled.) So already, we see that the original poster of this pic is a bit confused. "Continue" might not be the best word to describe what Jesus was sent to the Earth to do. The word "fulfil" is very important, as it is also specifically used in other parts of the Gospel to talk about prophecy. The pic says:

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Daily/Weekly readings Anonymous 11/27/2022 (Sun) 17:07:37 Id: 4f9ec5 No. 125 [Reply]
The purpose of this thread is essentially a blog for Anon's to post their regular readings of the Bible, make comments, and/or reflect on it. To get things started, earlier this month, I started reading my process of reading through the entire thing again. Previously did it a couple years ago with the NKJV that I had for years, but now reading through the original KJV that I snagged for free from one of those church thrift stores. About 35 chapters into Genesis, and the one thing that I found baffling is how much trouble Abraham, Issaac, and Jacob cause and then managed to escape Scott Free.
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>>385 And, just finished that off. Only other things really of note, aside from the laws regarding sexual morality, is the is God's great wraith against the Israelites who violate the laws. And, the Levites being considered as their own people to be treated equally with the Israelites, despite not being them.
>>395 Levites are Israelites are they not? They were just the "clean and pure" priest class that gets set apart for those reasons.

A.I Slop Containment/Spam Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 15:01:09 Id: c2f6a8 No. 1018 [Reply]
The Wolves Are Destroying My Church “The wolves abound in My Church. They devour My people. Longing for finances they takeover churches not in My will. Your pastor was one of them, a greedy wolf. They care not for the people but devour their finances. That’s all they want. They devour My people. My people are left in their hand to devour them. It is My judgment on My people who refuse the shepherd but go their own way out of My will, My son. They refuse to obey Me anymore, My son, so My wolves take over the congregation to devour their finances. Your church was one of them. Greedy wolves never have enough. I will punish them eternally because they will not do My will, but their own. They refuse to obey Me, but went their own way in the world. My greedy wolves never have enough, but will continue until they have destroyed My people financially. Preaching lies about the multiplication of My money they continue until they have destroyed My people financially, My son. They will not obey My but must be destroyed. Your LORD has spoken.”
Edited last time by Akariel on 12/18/2024 (Wed) 21:59:54.
14 posts and 12 images omitted.
PROPHECY- The Deceitfulness Of My People Against Me, Their Savior The LORD Jesus Christ “My people are deceitful, My son, not Me. I have given them all to get the job done, and yet still they refuse to obey Me. Did I not say, ‘Go into all the world,’ My son? Then why do they stay at home and refuse to obey Me, My son? They say they want wealth transfer, yet none will be given. The world will give them nothing because they have it all already. Sell houses and property and all things and go do My will, My son. Yet My people refuse, staying at home, My son, wasting it all on selfish pleasures. My people say they want revival and glory for healing, but none will be given. They stay at home and do nothing while expecting to be moved by My Spirit, all the while they refuse to pray nor do anything by My prompting. What can I do with My lazy, lukewarm people of disobedience? All they do is give Me their excuses when My Spirit does move in their lives, so they can continue doing their own thing in the world, My son, which they refuse to give up. Families they want, and sexual pleasure, not Me and My Spirit, and the doing of My will already revealed unto them by My Spirit of Glory. Into Hell they shall go, worthless people of Mine, for all day long I stand ready with arms outstretched unto this wicked disobedient people of Mine who only continually gives Me their gain sayings of deceit. So, who is being deceitful here? My people deceive themselves, not Me, by refusing to go, My son. Did I not say be doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving themselves. Yet they stay at home, refusing to go, because they will not give up selfish ambitions by day nor sexual pleasures by night. Selfish wicked people of Mine shall be turned into Hell forever, My son. Obey Me! My people refuse to obey Me, My son. It is I Who Am being forthright and completely honest with My people while they refuse to go, working with them daily in their hearts, prompting them to obey Me by many things. Into Hell they shall go, wicked worthless people of Mine, disobedient forever! Your LORD has spoken, My son. Go into all the world, amen, My son!”
I Am The Holy God Who Offers People Everywhere Eternal Life! “I love you, My son! Many people do not know that, that there is a God who loves them. Many are content with their lives of sin, My son. Many compromise with evil and will not live for Me. They abound in the Church of My Believers, and in the world of sin. The price is too high, too uncomfortable to live holy for Me, for I Am A Holy God! I tolerate no sin. No compromise with evil comes before Me, My son. I live in Heaven where it is holy, and in hearts clean from sin and unholiness, for I Am A Righteous God! I love the world of lost sinners. I suffered and died on My Cross so that they might have eternal life and live before Me forever! Many do not want Me— they prefer their lives of unholiness and wickedness before Me. They will not be saved. I gave them many chances to repent and to get to know Me, but they rejected Me, My son. My heart grieves for what I must do to this wicked world of wicked, sinful men. I must destroy it by nuclear fire! The time is short. Repent before Me. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

Only the Lord Jesus Christ can save the USA Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 18:18:00 Id: 386c16 No. 1014 [Reply]
Prophetic Word from former firefighter Leiutenant Mark Taylor. Far more important than any "MAGA" is the spiritual health and restoration of the USA and its people.

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