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Main General Anonymous 05/25/2023 (Thu) 10:27:35 Id: 2bc8ec No. 712 [Reply]
This is a versatile, non-specific general that is meant to replace and cover the majority of needs, including questions to ask, posts that won't spark conversation or that are not intended for the reader's attention, links/videos, and basically just posting here as a whole if you don't want to start a new thread. It would be useless to clean and keep other generals like QTDDTOT. So there won't be anymore like it.
23 posts and 16 images omitted.
>>989 That's why you must become a True Prophet, speaking God's True Prophetic Word, not caring what others think about it.
>>817 That's why you must turn your computer off and go outside and do God's perfect will for your life!!!

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First Thread Anonymous 04/30/2020 (Thu) 16:38:18 No. 1 [Reply]
As always, /christian/ won't see much activity on an imageboard. Regardless, I grabbed the board because I don't want to see what happened to /tv/ to happen here. >Debates, in good faith, are welcome here >This isn't the place to post porn >Historical discussion, as banal as that is, is allowed That is all
This thread containing rules is now obsolete in favor of the rules page. But will still be kept. ( https://8chan.moe/christian/rules.html )
Edited last time by Akariel on 08/23/2024 (Fri) 12:13:48.

If You Don’t Want Jesus In Your Heart, Then Guess Just Who Is Still Running Your Life!! Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 22:24:30 Id: b37fb5 No. 1003 [Reply]
If You Don’t Want Jesus In Your Heart, Then Guess Just Who Is Still Running Your Life!! https://x.com/BrianCh71019260/status/1836889295304470672

Prophecy Against My Enemy Benjamin Fulford Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 20:15:17 Id: 12c13e No. 1002 [Reply]
Prophecy Against My Enemy Benjamin Fulford “Ben, those people are Mine, says the LORD! Who are you to threaten My people with neutron bombs in Tel Aviv? I will make sure that they get punished in My time, not yours, Ben. Do you not think that I have defenses against such an attack, especially since you broadcast your plans all over the Internet? I Am the Living God, the God of Israel, Ben. Do you think you can succeed against Me, their protector? Such people like you are destined for an early death, Ben, since you challenge Me, the Living God of Israel, the protector of My people the Israelis. It is you who is destined for an early death, Ben, for I have put in motion a plan to eliminate you from the Earth using many assassins and people that you cannot stop. So quickly repent before Me, the Living God, before I eliminate you from the Earth for offending Me with your idle threat against My people, the Israelis. You do not know what danger you are in, O evil man, thinking that you are good but are incredibly evil yourself. The Elite are in My Hands; what can you do against Me, the protector of Israel? So, quickly repent, for your time is short in the Earth. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

Word Against My False Prophets Of Sin Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 12:46:45 Id: 06a374 No. 992 [Reply]
Word Against My False Prophets Of Sin “Tell My False Prophets I Am against them. They are always in it for the money, unlike you. They won’t leave it all behind, like I command, says your LORD, but must have more. Covetousness controls their lives, and the big money makers cannot stop to follow Me on the streets like I command. Money makers must have more and more, and for that I will judge. Come to Me, and follow Me, says your LORD, leaving all behind— wife and children, and your moneymaking empire of sin. For you will not follow Me, telling the True Word of Prophecy, but must tell people what they want to hear, not My True Word of Prophecy. As for that you deceiver shall be judged eternally, as in Jeremiah’s time; few speak My True Word of Prophecy, but deceptions, lying deceits of the False Prophet, not My True Word, for fear of offending the people. If you have the Gift, speak it properly, speak the True Word, not deceits, so that you will not have eternal damnation, My son. Speak My True Word, not fearing what the people say or do to you. Some of My Prophets have died horrible deaths at the hand of the people who only wanted to hear prosperity and lies. Will you be one of them? Your LORD has spoken.

Oh Orlando! City Of Sin, Forever Disappeared! Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 12:43:13 Id: 15ee22 No. 991 [Reply]
Oh Orlando! City Of Sin, Forever Disappeared! “My son, I hate this place. Walt Disney World is an abomination, My son. Mickey Mouse and all related characters is what people worship in their hearts, especially the children. They crave idolatry and all related wickedness; vanity is deep within their hearts; it must be craved; they must have it; they lust after it. That’s why they come to places like this: Orlando is an abomination in My sight; it is pure vanity, wickedness that will vanish in the night under My wrath. Oh, how its days are numbered; it will be but a memory in the night, My son, vanished under My wrath and stern displeasure. A flash shall make it disappear— a nuclear flash, and it shall be gone instantly, as a vision in the night, and all its vanities shall disappear forever! Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

/christian/ approved vidya Anonymous 12/16/2022 (Fri) 17:43:04 Id: 070e38 No. 195 [Reply]
What are some vidya that doesn't actually insult Christianity, or even faithfully depicts it. The closest that comes to mind, for me, is Van Helsing, but that's because the short of the game is that he "kicks ass for the lord". Also, how accurate is Darksiders?
5 posts and 1 image omitted.
imagine the kind of atrocious stinky gamer that enjoys kingdoms and castles and other similar garbage like halo
>>980 >you find that all the character often praise the Lord Wholesome.
>>978 Based and breadpilled.

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Paul vs Jesus Anonymous 08/09/2024 (Fri) 23:51:05 Id: 864868 No. 983 [Reply]
What's going on here?
>>983 >What's going on here? It seems like the one who made the post in the image is confused about the meanings and content of Paul's letters. He is far from the first; Many Christians new and old, early and contemporary, find themselves perplexed by them. I won't pretend for a moment to know everything about Paul either. It's difficult to dive into specifics when the bullet points in the pic are short summaries of scripture, with no actual scripture cited. One must always be careful when summarizing the Bible or taking verses out of context. I could try and look into each one, but it would take a good bit of time to search through and find what verses these bullet points are vaguely referencing. For example, the image says: >"Jesus Says The Law Continues, But Paul Says No." Where does the person who wrote this get that idea? Who knows. But one well-known passage about Jesus and the Law is in Matthew 5: >“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. (Matt. 5:17-18 NKJV)" Jesus is saying that he has not come to destroy the Law that the Israelites have known for so long. He has come to fulfill it, to complete what has been told and prophesized in the Old Testament. Looking into that part of the Bible, to the Psalms and to Isaiah and other books, we can see that all of it prophesizes the coming of the Messiah, who is Jesus Christ. (Footnote: jot and tittle are referring to the smallest stroke and letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Jesus is saying that not even a single dot or line of the written Law will be removed until everything is fulfilled.) So already, we see that the original poster of this pic is a bit confused. "Continue" might not be the best word to describe what Jesus was sent to the Earth to do. The word "fulfil" is very important, as it is also specifically used in other parts of the Gospel to talk about prophecy. The pic says:

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Christian Book Collection Downloads Anonymous 11/16/2023 (Thu) 23:37:20 Id: e69a59 No. 842 [Reply]
Christian Book Collection Downloads https://archive.org/details/@christian_book_collection

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Wicked Thieves Forever! Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 17:46:18 Id: 2a47c8 No. 955 [Reply]
PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Wicked Thieves Forever! “They will be punished, My son. The Sovereign Wealth Funds are Mine, says the LORD. How dare they in the Federal Government steal what is Mine, belonging to the Russians. Return what you have stolen back to the Russians, or else I will punish you forever, says the LORD. Obey Me, for I Am A God to be reckoned with. Do not test Me, for I punish all sinners in a living Hell, forever burning in flames of My design. All wicked sinners who ignore My warnings, thinking I do not exist, shall surely be punished forever and ever in a burning Hell, My son. Return the stolen Wealth Funds, or else you shall surely receive the wrath of God in your lives, and who is that man who can resist Me? I hold all in My Hands, even your puny lives are before Me. I shall punish all, and it is not a light thing to test the Living God, Amen! Return what you have stolen immediately back to the Russians, or you will face Me in the middle of the night snatching your soul away to eternity to face judgment forever. And who is that man who can resist Me, or alter his fate before Me? Surely the Living God has spoken to you through His prophet. Repent before it is too late, and you stand before Me for judgment. Surely all Sovereign Wealth Funds are Mine, and you shall be punished forever for your theft. It is a very fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God to face judgment and wrath forever! Repent now! Your God has spoken. Amen and amen.”

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PROPHECY— A Lonely God I Am, My Son Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 22:58:35 Id: bc005b No. 949 [Reply]
PROPHECY— A Lonely God I Am, My Son “I Am A Lonely God, My son. So lonely, My people don’t serve Me, nor spend any time in My Presence. All they are in it for is themselves, so selfish they are. I have lots of worker bees, but My people never take the time to get to know Me. All they are in it for is for themselves; My Christianity has been abused for their selfish ends, motives not of Me. All they care about is themselves, not in saving a world of lost sinners. They don’t think of Me nor spend any time in My Presence. All they care about is themselves and their selfish ambitions. That is all they care about— is themselves. Selfish people shall never get to know Me, the Living God. All they think about is themselves, not Me or others. A totally selfish generation. I shall destroy them all, A Lonely God I Am. Destroy My people with your prophetic word, for they refuse to know Me. Destroy My people living in sin forever! Amen! Your God has spoken. Amen forever, My son!”

The Destruction Of My Jezebels Of Sin Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 15:27:38 Id: 79fb03 No. 934 [Reply]
The Destruction Of My Jezebels Of Sin “Tell them I Am against them, My son. All college girls are an abomination before Me, My son. They are the End—Times Jezebel, caring more about money than Me, the Living God. I shall destroy them all as the Word says so. Does not My Word say that her desire shall be unto her husband? Then why is their desire unto the world, the working world where they can make money, My son? They are an abomination unto Me, loving money more than Me or a husband. That is why they will not marry—they love money too much, more than a husband. They will sacrifice it all to get more money, My son. That is why there are so many abortions in your country, My son. They cannot stand the fact that they will have to spend money on someone else other than themselves. They are that utterly selfish. Do not get a wife, My son, nor search for one. They are all Jezebels, making poor wives, My son. They will not comply, wanting the world too much. They will all be destroyed, My son. They are all Jezebels who must be punished and sent to a living Hell down below. All Jezebels who want the world will go there. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Tel Aviv, Amen! Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 16:08:55 Id: e7e08f No. 933 [Reply]
PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Tel Aviv, Amen! “Destroy My city, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. Nothing shall be left but ruins, the nuclear attack shall be so intense! I hate that place, the gay capitol of the world. Next to New York it shall be gone! The Living God has spoken. Oh, how I hate that place! The sodomites, My people, shall be gone! The spirits from ancient times have possessed their bodies, even Sodom and Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, knew better than to put on parades of sin and wickedness. Oh, how I detest them, My people! They shall be gone eternally! Oh, how I detest them, wicked people of sin! Oh punish, My son, with eternal damnation, even the Lake of Fire, for that is where they shall go, O detestable people of Tel Aviv! Oh prepare, for your destruction comes at an instant, even nuclear warfare from the sea of Russian origin. Oh, how the subs patrol the seas, waiting to lay off any city that offends them, even New York City, city of sin, detestable in My sight. Even so, Tel Aviv shall be destroyed, Oh My wicked people! Repent if you can, wicked Tel Aviv. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

Warning- turn to Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of God! Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 21:21:45 Id: f81339 No. 932 [Reply]

PROPHECY— The Destruction Of My End—Times Church Of Jezebel, Amen! Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 03:23:40 Id: dd05f5 No. 922 [Reply]
The Destruction Of My End—Times Church Of Jezebel, Amen! “I will destroy, says the LORD. Come out of My Reprobate Church, My people, for it no longer serves Me but self and Satan. The people want what they want, the Jezebel spirit of Satan, and all manner of wickedness— homosexuality galore. Separate yourselves, My people, from this wickedness, and the Church that no longer serves Me. The Great Whore of Satan must come down, and multitudes saved, for fire must devour her, even My Holy Fire, and all the demons of Hell shall flee. For she shall no longer hold My people captive, but must be reduced to ashes trampled under feet. For I Am against the Whore, the reprobate Church of Satan everywhere in every community, and I shall thoroughly destroy her as by fire. Escape for your lives, and escape Babylon, the End-Times Whore of Revelation. Escape and save your life, for Babylon shall be destroyed by fire, and My Church destroyed as by fire. Escape Babylon the Great Whore and save your lives from the wrath to come of the Living God. For I have called you out, escape My Reprobate Church of Satan and save your life. Your LORD has spoken, My people. Amen and amen.” https://youtu.be/NfjFATdnctE

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