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Source? & Stupid Questions thread Anonymous 04/30/2021 (Fri) 02:45:44 Id: 64872c No. 13322
First try using https://iqdb.org/ or https://saucenao.com/ before asking for sources of pics. >This thread is for: - asking the source of a pic or comic - asking about the current status of an artist - asking for higher res versions of a pic or comic - making on topic questions that don't belong in the meta thread - containing standalone source?/more of this? threads in a single place - answering/spoonfeeding any of the above >This thread is 'not for: - making drawing requests, use the drawfag thread for that - requesting edits of any kind, use the appropriate edit threads for that - questions about the board and its staff, use the meta thread for it - containing pesudo-request threads (threads with a single image and nothing else), they need to be treated independently
Edited last time by Lincoln on 06/24/2021 (Thu) 00:59:33.
>>37704 >Where does one go to obtain said game? This thread talked about it >>32091
I am looking for more image sets like this one: https://hoono-yurumu.fanbox.cc/posts/3194459 https://e-hentai.org/g/2213125/077e8a2d27/ Does anyone know of any? Preferably on a bed and with enough unique images that I could easily splice images together to create new ones? Alternatively, if there is a name for large image sets like this, what is it? It would also help to be able to search on my own.
Anyone know where to find all of Pettankon's stuff? I've checked gelbooru, rule34.xxx, rule34.us, rule34.paheal.net, allthefallen, Pixiv, Baraag, and Pawoo. I know there's larger version of some of these Hat Kid images I have, so I know there's more. His Pixiv l found though Saucenao is gone, and the Baraag account I found was suspended.
I want to download PSD files from thew artist Akifn, but his page on kemono only have a text file with a "key" anyone knows where I could use this key? I really want his psd files if it's possible. https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/3231927/post/6621153
Anyone know what this is about on the ATF booru?
>>32908 bump
Anyone have this set or know where can I get it? I already tried on kemono.party and some other sites but no luck yet.
I remember watching videos from someone named badbelle some time ago, but I have no idea where to find their stuff anymore. Anyone have any ideas or links?
Someone can share some video tutorial to decensor images with black/white lines with photoshop? I'm tried searching in youtube but no luck.
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Does anyone have that drawing from TBrainrot/Terry of Adult Stan and child Wendy lying close together while Wendy tries to kiss him as he looks nervous? It was on her Baraag before her account got deleted. I used to have it but I deleted it by accident.
anyone know where this is from? couldn't find it, but it may be from a kodomo no jikan anthology/doujin thing
>>45642 Free caresister by Highware
>>45644 Thanks! I knew the style looked familiar! So, where can one read the whole thing, please?
>>45646 umm, I dunno, exhentai
>>31685 I think it's a guy. I remember changing the pit on one of his instructional videos, and it's a male voice.
Anyone have the .clip files of mangamaster (mangma11) 1030tier fanbox rewards? I really would love to have them, I tried searching everywhere from kemono to some less known sites but no luck
>>32908 bump for help
>>32908 >>37678 >>39733 >>52209 https://acgmhb.com/gif/425795.html Min 04:03 >Alice Williams from detroit become human ? Animator Maybe kawaiidetectiveenthusiast KDE Or maybe Scrwdgrl. Good luck.
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Is it just me or I felt confused whether it’s Lola’s hand or cute boob? This art belongs to ETN
Anyone have the 2019-2023 and 2024-2025 rewards of JhiaccioIArt (Jhiaccio.fanbox.cc) 800 jpy of reward? https://jhiaccio.fanbox.cc/posts/8426591 Reward Link for 2019 to most recent?
Anyone have all Maximilo animations with sound - sfx ? I like the style between good looking realistic and cartoon-anime with sound like asmr. I just found some from him with sound and it's look like there are much more animations from him.
>>52856 Or Emma Phillips with glasses I dont know the animator.
(8.43 MB 960x540 Begining.webm)

>>52890 Is this the beginning?
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I don't know if this is the right place but i tried over in the cake search and find thread with no luck so far therefore i'm trying here as well just in case. What i'm looking for is simply a functioning video upload of my attached image. The original upload on iwara.tv has 404'd and everything i've been able to find on my own so far just re-hosts the video using the original which means they also don't work. Any and all information is appreciated.
>>53021 Back in time i used mmd fans, its a very fast site (it's uses saved cache videos of iwara) but i'dont know if the site still exist. Anyway, maybe try use "similarsites" and search iwara and compare it or with other sites like mmd fans. Maybe there's one. Sorry anon.
>>52880 https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/41799706/post/8426591 i found some obscure french cartoons drawings
>>53021 https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/es/posts/zjrmkAGxWMD I don't know if links are allowed honestly :/ You need an account to see loli content, but the account is free for ever, albeit they limit you to browse 100 pages every 24 hr, which is pretty generous. on the search bar works as tags "the_sims_4 animated loli" each space between words is a concept.
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Does anyone have an archive of an artist called skullwomb's stuff? He had a meltie on Baraaq and nuked all of his works in 2022. I've tried searching other image boards but all the links are deprecated, the best I can find is this site but it's more than likely incomplete: https://hentaiera.com/gallery/1154671/
>>53058 On, i looked some french cartoons (matt's monsters, frankenstein's cat, les sisters, trolls of troy etc.) thank for visiting obscure cartoons from europe.
An artist known as cryptid taka / cryptidff recently deleted a bunch of their content. Deleted their baraag and had it taken off ATF. Found some on sankaku but wondering if anyone has the rest of their stuff
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I can't find where/who this picture is from, anyone have any idea?
Anyone have Aleuz91's Lost and Unused Arts. do aleuz91's archive link, to see private commissioned and Unused arts?

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