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Jab cucks out to virtue signalling faggots. Anonymous 02/02/2021 (Tue) 22:29:05 Id: 64bc67 No. 10478 >>10488 >>10491 >>10501 >>10516 >>10575 >>11116 >>11290 >>11302 >>12835 >>20994
So, apparently, his last "My hot ass neighbor" was going to feature a loli but a few rabid cucks attacked him and forced the man to delete and redraw the entire comic just to virtue signal how "good" they are. What do you guys think? Here's the pic that was deleted, a shame or not? I think it had potential and the fact that we won't see this angle's "conclusion" is a damn shame.
>>10478 (OP) That's retarded. The man makes incest comics. A niche fetish for a niche audience that already has to pay for it. Why he would bend the knee to people who aren't his audience makes no sense.
I used to liked his art until he went behind a paywall. Also, not a huge fan of his recent art style as I used to liked his old style in previous years, but I haven't finished reading them, thanks to his damn paywall.
>>10478 (OP) Funny how shota is fine but when loli get involved people flip their shit.
>>10491 I don't know where the fuck you got that idea. Loli is at least "safe" because it's recognized as a meme. But since the majority of porn consumers are male, it's assumed that shota is "gay". And faggotry is far, FAR worse than being a pedophile, so combining them is the worst thing imaginable. Most places outside of here that allow /cake/ content have banned shota because of that double-standard.
>>10492 Sorry but i remember a several time, loli was removed but shota stuck around, when rule34 banned mabel dipper stick around, there was another site that removed the tag loli but never removed shota. shota just young boys, like loli is young girls? rite..
>>10491 Yeah right? Why is in that Wong (the main focus in MHAN) who's most likely in maybe elementary/middle school, who have an long "I'm not gonna say it" (which shouldn't even be prober for his age) like his and is allow fuck his mother and two other grow woman okay? While his sister (who's acourse younger than him (But still underage as him) isn't allow to get the same attention as him and enjoy doing something sexual with someone/body? Either men or woman (mostly woman).
There's nothing at all to be mad about, other than you posted low-quality content. People actually pay for this? >>10479 >>10488 Sounds like absolute human garbage.
>>10478 (OP) >he was forced to Was he under duress? >>10479 >but he thinks things I don't like >so he deserves it Do you not see the parallels to the "rabid cucks"?
>>10499 You sound like a faggot bitch assmad a competent artist isn't a self insert for yourself
>>10491 >>10494 That's the worst part of it, Wong was always meant to be a middle schooler and everyone was fine with it, his neighbor Sharona is supposed to be a (fully developed, but still) young teen (i'd say around 15-16 years old), but put Ash to the mix and retards have to make a fuss over fucking nothing. I think they are just virtue signalling and they are not actually against it, that's why jab should have said "fuck it" and keep going with it, those people would jerk over it despite their white knighting for a fictional character. >>10479 >but dude’s a weird anti-vaxxer conspiritard who thinks the virus was deliberately made in a lab and unironically believed “the storm” would happen on inauguration day. Him having to waste time and money is hilarious and good actually >everything is a conspiracy theory unless CNN or some jewish clown ala John Oliver say otherwise Kill yourself
>>10478 (OP) Not really because he's not paid by them to even tell him what to do, & honestly she just looks weird to even make something good out of it, but he is a complete garbage of a human being Should have sticked with doing more incests & lolis
>>10511 >a middle schooler Is there any functional difference between a developed 13-year-old boy in a porn genre, and a shrimpy adult man? I kinda doubt it. That's a completely different animal from a 10-year-old girl who is obviously being portrayed as prepubescent. Most people are actually completely okay with "teenagers" in sexual context. The average shmuck is a hebiphile whether they want to admit it or not.
>>10491 >Funny how shota is fine but when loli get involved people flip their shit. >>10494 >Yeah right? Why is in that Wong (the main focus in MHAN) who's most likely in maybe elementary/middle school, who have an long "I'm not gonna say it" (which shouldn't even be prober for his age) like his and is allow fuck his mother and two other grow woman okay? While his sister (who's acourse younger than him (But still underage as him) isn't allow to get the same attention as him and enjoy doing something sexual with someone/body? Either men or woman (mostly woman). Jab also did that "keeping it up with the Joneses" comic where two young boys that could be considered shota fuck their own mothers, and nobody complained about that one. Hypocrisy at its finest. >>10492 >But since the majority of porn consumers are male, it's assumed that shota is "gay" If the shota/s is/are having sex with a woman (like this: https://nhentai.net/g/38554/) it's fine, otherwise it's indeed gay.
Do these disgusting creatures fuck?
>>10478 (OP) i thought Jab pussed out on drawing little girls years ago when he got nervous over his penny and alice pics
>>10575 I thought so too, in fact i was pleasantly surprised that he had the balls to sexualize Ash that probably was never meant to be, that's why if he's actually going to redraw the comic to please a few idiots is going to be a major disappointment.
>>10562 They will only stick their peepee into the poop chute because vagina scares them away.
>>10601 I dont think his drawings count either as "loli" or "hentai"
This is a bad thread.
>>10625 Maybe not hentai since his style is purely western styled, but you can't say that the picture in the op isn't loli.
>>10631 I mean technically she has a body that could be passed off as an underdeveloped 18yo, like Ami Liu or Kitty Jung (mainstream porn stars from the 2010s).
>>10644 >An underdeveloped 18-year-old that's 3/4th the height of an adult man and is missing two front teeth Nice try, anon. Based on what I can find, incisors are the first of the baby teeth to fall out. Which puts this girl at age 5-7.
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This is a loli board, not /b/. Keep blatant shitposting and trolling at a low level.
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>>10718 Thanks for cleaning the thread.
>>10718 Should've rangeban that little trolling faggot while you're at it.
>>10758 >Begging for fascist mods to police people you don't like Imageboards are supposed to be ruled by concensus, not individuals. Bootlicking authority figures until they started running roughshod is what destroyed old 8chan. If you don't like a fucking post, hide it and move on.
>>10771 Policing people who come here just to troll and whiteknighting himself? Why not? That's why we have mods to begin with.
>>10816 his post made so little sense, i'm inclined to think he's the same idiot
>>10816 I never said he wasn't a troll. But the point is that aggressive moderation is a slippery slope that you can't escape. If you care about the freedom of imageboards, you will decry any restrictions on posting other than things that are ACTUALLY illegal (and even that is a potential for abuse), even if it's something you don't personally like. What are you going to do if a mod starts removing comments because they don't like your "tone", or because you disagree with what they interpret is the majority? You can't let them do what they want simply because of their subjective feelings. Put another way: you give someone power, and they'll start abusing it, every fucking time.
>>10829 Are you retarded or something? Deleting comments they happen to dislike is literally the only thing moderators on the internet are always doing. Why do you think they became mods in the first place? Out of altruism? Admin password makes right. That always was, and always will be, the only motivation of "moderators".
just ignore him he probably got ban from some site for breaking terms of service. how could any site function if you could post anything except illegal things, he'd probably argue for that. Spamming, shitposting, trolling etc. aren't illegal but are banned because it restricts discussion. By restricting Trolls you're unrestricting legitimate posters.
>>10829 I gotta disagree anon, you must protect your communities if you really cherish them because trolls and underminers will just settle down and pick away at your hobby until the people that put effort in just get fed up and leave. I don't like power tripping mods but if you don't enforce *some* base level of quality, things will only decline.
>>10850 Trolls didn't destroy old 8chan. Neither did the off-topic posts, or the whiteknighting, or the bots posting CP. Letting moderators turn the place into an alt-right circlejerk by censoring/banning opinions they didn't like, until they radicalized themselves into IRL terrorism did. But by all means, repeat history. I'll just be here with my popcorn.
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is this her in this page from chapter 9? seems like it think I heard of comic and maybe read SOME of it at some point but not much, but knowing of this loli I think I may give it a chance.
OP's image is the 6th page of the 10th chapter it seems, and the announcement for it appears to have vanished: https://www.jabcomix.com/main/category/my-hot-ass-neighbor/ The preceding 5th page was added December 18th and then we have a gap until February 3rd when the 7th page is posted, which is more of the son-fucks-mom stuff. I notice that yesterday (Feb 9th) that an 8th page was posted. I've included the thumbnail because that's the only thing visible for me as a non-member. From the looks of it, it's cut back Ash(ley) and the guy and looks pretty lewd but I can't make out much detail. Anyone with access want to share?
>>10829 >>10834 >>10850 >>10861 Keep this shit on the meta thread and stop derailing this thread. >>10865 Is hard to tell from the thumbnail, but I think the loli is teasing the man using her body (or some knowledge about other characters, I don't know). I'm surprised that she got another page after the drama that happened with the previous one.
From what i've seen in their forums, it was a pretty nigger move from them, since people who actually support them didn't seem to mind the loli content. in fact, they didn't even know it had been removed and the admins didn't reply when they asked.
>>10885 >ash is a fucking great charater I mean, she seems like a bratty little cunt that gets away with it because misandry is treated as a joke, but okay?
>>10890 bratty little girls with a dominant personality isn't an issue unless you're extremely insecure and incapable of discerning reality from fiction, otherwise it's pretty hot. extra points if they show interest in older men and try to seduce them with their innocent charm.
>>10892 >Dominant personality is beating random people with a badminton racket >Never shutting the fuck up is hot I guess if your fantasy is to rape her into submission and silence you might have something. Otherwise that just seems annoying.
>>10865 >>10885 So shota is A-OK but loli is verboten? What the hell?
Also someone should post this comic on >>>/rule34/
>>10885 >>10890 Bratty sister who's only around to antagonize her brother. She's there for jokes, but if I recall correctly, she was plotting to kill or at least stab her brother at some point, so maybe she's more like the villain of the story. Up to this point, she's just been an awful little gremlin trying to cock block her brother. So, as much as I'd like the "Hey mister, I dressed up like my mom to entice you" premise, it feels like it came out of nowhere.
>>10900 In what is effectively the comic equivalent of a harem anime, what other villain could there be other than a cock-blocker? Poor girl probably is just jealous and in need of attention. If she wasn't such a bitch to her brother, maybe he'd fuck her too.
>>10900 Her brother is a boring character with zero personality, like his dad, she's just making justice to the real protagonist . Mr. Lapel
>>10865 Great to see Jab coming back to his senses. Artists shouldn't listen to haters and bigots.
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>>10918 Gosh, she's practically naked in that, just lose the bikini already and something interesting better happen between her and Sharona next chapter.
Where can I find his new stuff?
>>10920 This has always been my go-to for Jab: https://comics.8muses.com/comics/album/JAB-Comics?sort=date While you're at it, I may suggest "Santo Playa".
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>>10919 >>10918 I really like her design. She looks like a younger Meng from avatar. Always loved Jab's lolis but could never find any of his comics anywhere for the broke ass nibbas like me. Actually that's not true I think I downloaded his siterip from f95zone once and there were the santo playa comics but they were horribly watermarked all over on top of every panel and I lost it since. Does anyone know if he has any other comics featuring lolis and where one might find them?
>>10922 >>10924 my b, was typing the reply too long to see the posts update still would like to know what comics have lolis besides santo playa, there's like 5 million of them to look through
>>10922 I check 8muses but that hasn't been updated forever. No Hot Ass Neighbor 10, no Ay Papi update (don't know if there is one but you would expect by now).
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>>10925 https://www.porncomix.one/comic-link/jabcomix-housework >>still would like to know what comics have lolis besides santo playa, there's like 5 million of them to look through His other comic Housework, which is fill with sexy young hot girls who clearly need to be in middle school wearing and walking around in the MOST smallest, revealing and exposing outfits, like they're wearing shirts that show theirs chest and shorts so revealing that you can see theirs asses and linking pussies, or skirts with no panties. So yeah, Jab had done lolis before and know how to do them well.
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Is this just a crypto promo thread for jab comix? he doesn't even do loli as his main content so why does anyone have any reason to care
>>10936 Never seen this content before. Is there some PARTICULAR reason the cocks look like they're made of slinkies?
>>10939 >>he doesn't even do loli as his main content so why does anyone have any reason to care? Cause we can care.
>>10943 >> Is there some PARTICULAR reason the cocks look like they're made of slinkies? To be honest I don't know myself honesting, I try not to think about it.
>>10919 From that 6th panel it looks like she's a backdoor kind of girl.
>>10971 I mean... if she wanted to take an adult cock, that's the only possibility.
>>10939 >>he doesn't even do loli as his main content *Laughs in Santo Playa and Ay Papi* The guy has a wide range of art, is that a bad thing? Sure he hides his lolis so he doesn't get cancelled by normies, but he does deliver content. Not like I'd pay for it, but saying there is no reason to post about him in the loli board is preposterous
>>10864 >is this her in this page from chapter 9? seems like it it is her. >>10885 >reading the other issues, and holy fuck, ash is a fucking great character She is. >>10900 >So, as much as I'd like the "Hey mister, I dressed up like my mom to entice you" premise, it feels like it came out of nowhere. It came out of nowhere, Jab should've made a panel shoving her changing bathing suit before that one, but to be honest, i liked it because i didn't expect Jab to have the balls to sexualize her. >>10865 >LOLI IS BACK I don't know about that, on page 6 she looked like she was purposely teasing the guy, but after the deletion and re-release of page 6 and subsequent pages, Ash is now just annoying the guy who gives her a popsicle just to get rid of her. It just doesn't make sense to me. I wonder if it was always meant to go like that, i really don't think it was. To me Ash was supposed to tease Angus and be the one to initiate things.
>>11032 >on page 6 she looked like she was purposely teasing the guy, but after the deletion and re-release of page 6 and subsequent pages, Ash is now just annoying the guy who gives her a popsicle just to get rid of her. after reading the other issues it makes more sense. she never showed any special interest in him, she just wants attention, from anyone, but they're all too busy fucking each other. Her mother even gives her those blue chocolates to knock her out so she can fuck her brother. on issue 7 (the issue she meets mr Lapel), you can see that she's impressed by his size, but soon after she's already trying to get some attention from her pathetic father. To me it makes total sense that she'd use sex to get attention, because that's what an actual child would do if exposed to a very sexualized environment. that's why i like her, she's way more complex than most Jab's characters.
>>11047 Meh I think that what you call " Ash complexity" is actually just Jab compromising, like "okay, i'll leave her in the comic to show everyone that i didn't censor anything, but she won't be involved in anything sexual anymore". I think page 8 was made in a hurry (and it shows) because of that.
>>11047 This is less "Ash is a good character" and more "every character in Jab's comics are such one-note caricatures, that Ash seems complex by comparison".
>>11032 >>11047 >>11084 >>11093 As long as he keeps drawing her I'm fine with it. She probably works better as a tease anyway.
>>11100 If we're lucky we'll get fanart of her getting dogged out good and deep ;)
>>11104 I'm surprised there hasn't been already.
>>10919 People are saying that he edited the pic to remove the action
>>10478 (OP) I keep hearing that there was a backlash but the few people I asked who pay for his shit said they didn't see much of oe
>>11115 Doesn't seem like there's much editing that could be done to that page, except maybe possibly the dialogue.
Good, white people can't draw for shit.
>>11125 i don't think jab's white
>>11125 he's hispanic, and lives in florida
>>10894 >>10925 Typically I check both freeadultcomix.com and the far less sketchy multporn.net 8muses too, from time to time. Sometimes there are annoying watermarks, but what can we do? His stuff is top tier imo, been following him for years. I think he was actually the one who got me into shota, though loli is a bit rarer. Here's the only other comic I even remember having a loli, but I couldn't recall which edition. https://comics.8muses.com/comics/album/JAB-Comics/Grumpy-Old-Man-Jefferson
>>11132 And after a refresher it seems she's not even really a loli.
>>11123 He didn't just edit the picture, he replaced it altogether. Seemed like Ash and Angus were supposed to get some "action" together after page 6, but Jab changed it into Angus just giving her an ice cream telling her basically to fuck off and adding that Lindsay new character out of nowhere to fill the void. So in the end, Jab did cuck out, he didn't outright delete Ash but he cut her "action" scene which is lame as fuck.
>>11146 Unless you have proof owhat your saying doesn't mean shit and it's just headcanon
Its really hard for me to believe that anyone who's reading these sleazy ESL incest porn comics is getting pissy about underaged cartoons.
>>11154 you're probably that same retard from before trying to get some attention, but in case you're not, let's sum up to avoid your gay drama. >this is loli board >your post is off topic and doesn't make sense >no one cares about your fag insults i think that's all. you can go now.
>>11093 it's called porn for a reason. no one expects complexity, which doesn't mean it's not good to have it. >>11084 that only time will tell,
>>11155 The fuck crawled up your ass?
>>11155 Anon, i think that what that guy was trying to say is that the same people who are getting "outraged" (or most likely pretending to be) at loli content, should remember that they are consuming incest (and shota) porn first, so it's not like can claim the moral high ground. >>11148 >Unless you have proof owhat your saying doesn't mean shit and it's just headcanon Can't say for sure of course, but to me the transitions from page 6 to page 8 doesn't make any sense and looks like a last minute change.
>>11169 >>11154 fug, sorry man. i thought it was another try to derail the thread. in my advanced state of autism i understood the "getting pissy about underaged cartoons" as "getting pissy for not getting underage sex in cartoons"
>>11162 Such a lovely hole
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just more teasing, apparently. at least it's full loli
>>11219 Man let's hope something actually happens with her and that jab didn't put her on a skimpy swim suit for no reason
>>11219 Full screen page version please.
>>11162 >>11173 That's what I'm talking about. Somebody's already been in there and from the looks of it it's someone bigger than the little Asian boy too.
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>>11267 good lord, that pussy
>>11267 The sight of her naked and holding a knife while standing at the the font of her brother's bed is kinda a turn on for me. Does this mean she sleep nude? Or just get naked so when she listening to her brother talk she can pleasure herself? Cause she's leaking. Anyway, we need more naked Ash. And more of her and Sharon interacting.
>>11275 >Cause she's leaking. She looks like she's constantly leaking. I thought at first it was because she was just dripping from coming out of the pool. But nope apparently she is just extremely horny.
>>11280 wearing her mother's bikini was a very stimulant experience for her. at this point it will be pretty hard they'll end the issue without her satisfying herself or being satisfied by someone else. i'm hoping for a dad-daughter-ash threesome
>>11280 > I thought at first it was because she was just dripping from coming out of the pool. But nope apparently she is just extremely horny. Not surprising with all that fucking around her. >>11282 >t this point it will be pretty hard they'll end the issue without her satisfying herself or being satisfied by someone else. I do hope we'll get some action. >i'm hoping for a dad-daughter-ash threesome An Ash-Sharona-Angus threesome would be nice, but what if Wang as he comes back sees his daughter like that and he and Angus have a foursome fucking and swapping their respective daughters?
>>11282 Wang & Wong goes right in her Ash.
>>11267 That's a lot of vaginal discharge for a 7yo
>>10478 (OP) It’s coming on It’s coming on It’s coming on It’s Dare
>>11282 >>11283 >>at this point it will be pretty hard they'll end the issue without her satisfying herself or being satisfied by someone else. i'm hoping for a dad-daughter-ash threesome >>An Ash-Sharona-Angus threesome would be nice, but what if Wang as he comes back sees his daughter like that and he and Angus have a foursome fucking and swapping their respective daughters? I mainly want to see an Ash and Sharona in a lesbian type of way cause it does like Ash is more focus on her (Even Sharon is a bit on turn by Ash) then any of the man. And does seem to enjoy her boobs alot.
>>10478 (OP) Came here after hearing because I figured there'd be a thread for it. It's retarded. How did they even find out about it without paying. And if they were paying, then why are they complaining now? >Nine issues of her brother getting dicked is fine >One scene with the sister is a no-no >>11290 Phase noodle was perfect and it's a damn shame that nobody drew smut of that. Especially after Dare.
>>11302 >How did they even find out about it without paying. it's released on lots of free sites >why are they complaining now? because retarded people (mostly americans) need senseless crusades to trigger their adrenaline rush. good thing those retards also have short attention spam, which is why artists should just wait a few days and continue doing their thing instead of bending their knees to them, which is what jab did, hopefully
>>11303 I really hope so. That ass needs attention and I feel blueballed knowing some randos were so offended by something they wouldn't pay for anyways.
>>11303 >good thing those retards also have short attention spam, which is why artists should just wait a few days and continue doing their thing instead of bending their knees to them THIS
>>11303 You don't get it. Every porn artist that draws "questionable" content like this rides a thin line of legality. Right now, literally the only thing preventing Jab from being "canceled" or maybe even arrested and questioned by the FBI (or the equivalent bureau in whatever other country he's in) is that nobody is really paying attention because he's not a big fish. If some bored cop or judge gets wind of this because a bunch of antis start writing letters or making phone calls, he could get in trouble. He could lose his livelihood, assuming he makes enough money on these comics to live on. He might even end up publically "outed" as an artist drawing cartoon child porn. There aren't many places where this kind of this is considered okay enough where nothing will happen if the People In Charge find out. Realize that basically everyone pirates media and gets away with it, but there have been people who got "caught", sued, and fined millions of dollars. The only difference between them and everyone else is the spotlight got shined on them, one way or another. Let's face the cold reality. We are NOT Jab's audience. He doesn't give a fuck about what we want. So he has nothing to gain and a LOT to lose (everything, in fact) by refusing to "bend the knee", as you put it.
>>11318 >this entire fucking post I don't even know where to start.
>>11318 anon... what the fuck are you talking about? >Every porn artist that draws "questionable" content like this rides a thin line of legality no, they don't >nobody is really paying attention because he's not a big fish he's just one of the most well known porn artists out there. most people aware of the porn comics scene read ayy papi at least once >He might even end up publically "outed" as an artist drawing cartoon child porn. he's been drawing loli for years >So he has nothing to gain and a LOT to lose (everything, in fact) by refusing to "bend the knee", as you put it. he published loli content literally 3 days ago. it's posted in this very thread
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New page of MHAN have been added, full image please. And please, for the sake of this thread, let not do anything and I mean anything to get it lock again.
>>11557 >frozen loli pusi kek
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>>11557 here
>>11559 Thank! Gosh hope this scene isn't the end we'll see of Ash in this.
>>11559 Man Jab is just blueballing us with this comic, just when things started to get interesting between Ash and Sharona... That's disappointing to say the least, the first panel is nice, i just wish they kept going instead of being interrupted. >>11557 >And please, for the sake of this thread, let not do anything and I mean anything to get it lock again. Locking the thread is pointless, if niggerpill or some other faggot wants to derail the thread to shut it down, locking the thread will just give them what they want. Just delete their posts and be done with it, no need to lock the fucking thread.
Come to think of it,I don't recall seeing Jab's comics up on sadpanda. Any reason why? I don't see a reason why someone wouldn't have already. >>11562 Jab, dude. Please I just want to see Ash get dicked down. I'm a simple man with simple desires.
>>11563 JAB has DNP agreement with sadpanda admins
>>11563 >Please I just want to see Ash get dicked down. I'm a simple man with simple desires. by angus preferably. he's the only man there there who isn't annoying
>>11562 can someone explain how jab's watermarks work? why do 3 of these pics have them but first doesn't and those 3 that do in this post don't have them in the posts before? how does it even work?
>>11562 Wait, is Ash getting stuffed by a pop sickle in that second panel?
>>11570 >Wait, is Ash getting stuffed by a pop sickle in that second panel? No Ash is sitting on top of Sharona, while the popsicle is on the side. >>11569 >can someone explain how jab's watermarks work? why do 3 of these pics have them but first doesn't and those 3 that do in this post don't have them in the posts before? how does it even work? Those pictures use a standard Jab watermark to cover the original watermark with the "identifier". The "identifier" is some sort of barcode included in the letters that differs for every subscriber of Jab's site. You can see the barcode lines in pic related on the right side of the letters J A B and inside the "comix.com" logo. (it think these were blurred though).
>>11562 i like it how she licks the fingers she shove up ash's pussy, while she runs with a huge discharge coming out of her cunny
>>11568 >by angus preferably. he's the only man there there who isn't annoying He also deserves a revenge on Wnag who fucked his daughter, so it will be fair for Angus to fuck Ash. An eye for an eye.
this update was full sharona. no ash this time
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New page, but no Ash. :( Next page, Hopefully.
>>11776 >>11777 No need to post the full page when it gets uploaded, I guess.
>>11562 I don't get it. I haven't read any of this comic except what's been posted in this thread, but it seems like Ash never showed any interest in sexual stuff before and even seems annoyed by all the people around her fucking constantly. Why is she suddenly now acting so slutty and trying to get anyone at all to do lewd things to her?
No Ash, but if anyone is still interested in it...
>>11782 why not?
>>11789 She's not even upset over the fact someone just release a load in her mouth, she's more upset over the fact that her icepop melted.
>>11782 Yeah, probably Jab should have made a page showing Ash getting turned on by the people fucking around her and changing her swimsuit.
>>11557 So Jab didn't cuck out after all.
>>11820 I mean that's barely anything, but yeah. People seem to still want Ash to get properly dicked down, though. All this teasing is borderline unbearable.
>>11826 She needs a mind melting creampiegasm
>>11798 Well sure, I get that it's a porn comic and people are going to fuck, but you should still try to maintain some kind of consistency in the characters. Ash bareley even seems to notice when the other girl starts casually fingering her even though it's probably the first time she's ever been penetrated by anything. Just seems a little sudden, some setup would have helped.
(440.81 KB 1430x1866 My-Hot-Ass-Neighbor-10-2.jpg)

>>11847 It is in fact sudden, but jabccomix always treated sex as as a casual issue, unlike most media, that romanticize sex too much. i honestly like the way she's focused on licking sharona while being fingered, it feels lighthearted and fun. As for the setup, she's always surrounded by people having sex, and she also loves attention, so it makes sense that she'd pursue sex as way to get what she wants. like how she wants angus' attention and uses her body for that, or how she uses sharona's interest in wang to get closer to her. it'd be actually very natural for someone immature like her to act like that.
>>11820 >So Jab didn't cuck out after all. I have heard from people who pay for his stuff that he deleted the page in the op and rumors about him re-drawing and changing the comic were spreading. Then, after the comic didn't get any updates for a while, giving the rumors credibility, Jab finally released page 7 with page 6 (the one in the op) sneakily re-released. One thing is for sure, something DID happen, Jab probably was thinking about removing the sexualized Ash in a first moment, only to get back to his senses in a later moment. I've heard that his patrons didn't really mind Ash getting involved and the people complaining were only a virtue-signalling loud minority (as usual). Probably his collaborators or patrons convinced him to not give in.
>>11125 dammit, i fucking kek'd hard, thanks
So how often does Jab update
>>12027 8 days. ten if it's weekend, so they should upload today
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finally. and with more ash
>>12160 FINALLY! Quick. Someone get the full image please.
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>>12161 Best I could do
(2.26 MB 387x251 chuck norris thumbs up.gif)

>>12172 Thank you based anon.
>>12172 Why Why is that child dripping so much?
>>12178 Because all the people having sex around her turned her on. (I have increased the resolution btw)
>>12179 >potential ash x dog I'm okay with this
>>12181 The dog is going rape the dad
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>>11782 >but it seems like Ash never showed any interest in sexual stuff before and even seems annoyed by all the people around her fucking constantly. Why is she suddenly now acting so slutty and trying to get anyone at all to do lewd things to her? Because until this issue, Ash was only meant to be a comic relief character, hence the Ash Ho (asshole) name, that's why it felt so sudden to have her sexualized and involved in the "activities" like the other characters, because most likely it was a last minute change to the last issue. >>11847 >Ash barely even seems to notice when the other girl starts casually fingering her even though it's probably the first time she's ever been penetrated by anything. Just seems a little sudden, some setup would have helped. You are right and i agree with you, her "change of attitude" really needed some setup. At the start of the issue we see her on the stairs after being grounded in the last chapter, then suddenly we see her wearing a skimpy swim suit and acting all slutty. Jab could've made some panels showing Ash watching from the stairs and getting turned on by all the people having sex around the house, then stealing one of his mom's swim suit to get Angus' attention. Nothing too elaborate, and i think that would have worked better. But honestly i didn't see a sexualized Ash coming AT ALL, and it surprised me in a good way.
>>12179 >people having sex around her turned her on Is that how it works? Can they get that wet at that age?
Look I get that Ash's sudden sexualization doesn't make a whole lot of sense but let me explain my viewpoint: 1. She's beautiful 2. I love her ;_;
>>12184 Yeah, that's basically what I was saying. A few panels of explanation would have made it feel a lot more organic. >watching from the stairs and getting turned on by all the people having sex around the house Has she seen people having sex before or is it a new thing for them to be doing it so openly? >>12185 They can when they're 2D. >>12186 Also this.
>>12172 kek, she got him hard
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>>12188 (heil'd) >Has she seen people having sex before or is it a new thing for them to be doing it so openly? They only started having sex openly since the pool party started, before they were hiding from each other to do it. If you need to read the previous entries: https://comics.8muses.com/comics/album/JAB-Comics/My-Hot-Ass-Neighbor
>>12185 Girls can get "wet" even at birth, same as boys can get erections at any age. Obviously it's not going to be so MUCH, but that's part of the limitations of fictional comics. In order to telegraph that something is happening, the typical technique is to radically exaggerate it, whether that's a pose, a facial expression, a movement, or a six-year-old girl with bizarrely huge nipples getting wet.
>>12185 >>12178 How new can you be? >>12181 lol no that's not how Jab usually do. This guy >>12182 is correct.
>>11782 Well, for the first 10 issues at least, Ash was an ugly annoying piece of shit. Then puts the bathing suit on and suddenly she's drawn lewdly. From the moment he changed the style of how he draws Ash, the intent to then lewd her was evident. Otherwise, he would've kept drawing her ugly like in the early issues.
>>12172 Just a curiosity anon, do you have a Jab subscription or you got that pic by any other means? I don't want to go off topic but, could you by any chance also post the last pic of Jenny Jupiter 3 if you have it please?
>>12215 oh dear
>>12179 In retrospect it actually makes zero sense for her to be physically aroused. She's not pursuing sex for any sort of physical reason like pleasure or because she's horny. She doesn't have the faintest idea what sex even is beyond the mechanical. The dude is completely correct to call the situation fucked up and run off, because this is literally a kindergarten girl attempting to prostitute herself out in exchange for murder, who then runs away crying when she doesn't get her way. That's sociopath behavior, and a surprisingly realistic conclusion for a situation where a child is exposed to sexual behaviors of bad adults: she sees sex as a method of exchange rather than something done for pleasure (and has absolutely no idea at that age that it even is enjoyable), and then resorts to the bitch strategy of emotional manipulation when the offer of sex fails. Or at least that's what appears to be going on. Whether Jab intended this or - more likely - he accidentally stumbled into it, remains to be seen. I also fully don't expect a damn thing to come of this, even though it's a great opportunity for character development on the part of Ash. What SHOULD happen is she should go find someone else and make this same offer. That guy should first spank the living daylights out of her, because offering her prepubescent pussy to grown men in an attempt to get her brother tossed in a lake with cement shoes, simply because he ANNOYS her, is about seven layers of wrong and evil. Then, once she's a screaming crying apologetic mess, he should comfort her and love her and show her how much fun and pleasurable sex really is. Give Ash her first orgasm and then several more. That way, she'll finally understand why Wong is so obsessed with getting laid, and she can both reconcile with him and go on to have a healthier attitude toward sex in general. But seriously, I don't expect anything to happen at all with her.
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>>12234 >But seriously, I don't expect anything to happen at all with he It seems that when something is about to happen, somethings else happens and stops it. We still have 9 pages before the issue is over, but i don't know what is going to happen, if anything is going to happen at all. -Trisha is gone after Wang came in her hair pissing her off. -Angus left after Ash asked him to kill Wong in exchange for sex. -Wang is about to get raped by a dog -Wong is still fucking his mom in the bathroom -Ash is crying after Angus got pissed and told her she and her family are crazy -Sharona (i suppose) is going back inside the house to get her stuff before leaving like her mother and daughter. At this point i don't know what could still happen: Sharona joins Wong and Wie in a threesome? Sharona sees Ash crying and something happens between them? Ash x Wie x Wong? I exclude anything between Wong and Ash or Ash and her mom at this point.
>>12234 if she didn't know sex feels good, she wouldn't be discharging as soon as she started exposing herself,, and she wouldn't react so naturally when sharona fingered her. also, since she feels sexually aroused by wong to the point she watches him sleep, he'd be the one to fuck her, and it would be a good chance to show a dominant side of her.
>>12234 Bruh it's just a porn comedy.
>>12265 this is far from being dogshit and it does have a plot and decent writing for a porn comedy. i don't know what you're talking about.
>>12179 The fact that she used to be a cunt makes it hotter. I hope Jab actually draws her getting fucked into submission.
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NEW PAGE EVERYONE! Someone get the full image please.
>>12295 i thought they wouldn't show more ash for now, but here she is. good
>>12295 I hope this time something is finally going to happen, 13 pages of teasing and still nothing.
>>12295 So, does anybody have the last pic?
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Page 13
>>12385 if she takes ash home with her then we'll finally have ash x angus
>>12386 Or even better Ash x Angus x Sharona Honestly i have no idea of what is going to happen, only 8 pages are left.
>>12385 I hope that help she need from her is something sexual. I've hoping for some sweet Ash x Sharona action.
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better quality
>>12400 For the first time in pages Ashe isn't leaking like a faucet. Hoping she gets brought back to get Angus'd
>>12403 >For the first time in pages Ashe isn't leaking like a faucet good to see angus has that effect on her, it means she respects him. it's also hot how he rejected her advances but got hard anyway. with those 8 pages remaining and the end of pool party, their relationship is the only thing left to explore.
>>12403 Still seems pretty hot and bothered to me. What's wrong with a girl being wet? I mean, if you were a young boy in that situation, pretty sure you'd be rocking a hard on the whole time. Same thing imo. It's all about anticipation. Seeing a girl wet is a huge turn on
>>12412 You're reading way too deeply into the post.
Jab's style is literally cock tease. I don't think he'll do anything with Ash, I don't think Jab wants to get Shadma& since he already drew her toothless and clearly under hebe.
>>12417 have you not read santo playa or what?
>>12420 First: Top ID. Second: Santo Playa was still arguably hebe, not obviously pedo.
>>12417 Is there a difference? Loli is loli and if he were to get cancelled it' would have happened already. Jab is pretty hard going against the types of twitter users that would do such a thing so it's not like he hasn't made a few enemies already. But I don't expect you to know that since you're very obviously new.
>>12430 Fuck wrong post. Meant to respond to >>12422, obviously
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New page! New page everyone! Need full image now please!
>>12561 >More of Wongmom I know we're waiting for Ashe to get dicked, but I have to say that Jab did a solid job on wong's mom. Hopefully we get some mother/daughter action in the future.
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>>12561 Page 14. nothing special
What do you think is going to happen next, anons?
>>12609 well, angus left for good, so the chances of anything happening with him are inexistent. sharona's job for ash is to lure wong to his room, where she'll be waiting, that much is obvious. she even asked ash to straighten her hair. what intrigues me is ash doing anything that'll benefit wong just because she likes sharona. what will she get from it?
>>12610 >sharona's job for ash is to lure wong to his room, where she'll be waiting, that much is obvious. You think so? To me it doesn't seem so obvious, every time something looked bound to happen was suddenly interrupted, like when Angus seemed about to be the one going to be fucking Ash and nothing came out of it, or when Ash gave Sharona the popsicle and they were going for some lesbian action only for Ash to be scolded by her dad and run away. Wong already fucked her in the pool, so i don't see why she would prepare just to give Wong something he already had moments before. >what intrigues me is ash doing anything that'll benefit wong just because she likes sharona. what will she get from it? Also this, i don't see Ash doing anything that would benefit her brother, but Jab sometimes makes very little sense with his comics so you may be right on everything.
>>12422 >Santo Playa was still arguably hebe, not obviously pedo Are you in denial mode or just plain stupid?
>>12610 >what will she get from it? Well she might try to take advantage of her "clearly" tired mother, tired out after fucking her son for half of this whole story.
(220.33 KB 1456x1125 34b004eef2809c7a.jpeg)

Well, here's still hoping that something grand happens with Ash Ho (I mean how could you have that much focus on her and not do anything in a porn comic...) But, here's a beautiful fan piece by Ponpu: https://baraag.net/@Ponpu Hopefully it tides a lot of us over...
(491.74 KB 294x342 eyebleach.gif)

>>12673 That shit looks horrible, "she" looks like one of those fucking thai ladyboy trannies. Ewwwww
>>12687 > looks like one of those fucking thai ladyboy trannies. good
>>12673 fucking great. I like it how he kept all her bratty appealing. god, imagine if jab went ahead with it
>>12687 Looks basically the same as the character in the comic, I don't get your bitching. If you don't like the design in the fanart, then you don't like the design in the comic.
>>12673 I'm gonna masturbate to this.
>>12687 You a fucktard? It's drawn fine.
>>12687 >thai ladyboy trannies. Tight assholes are never bad.
>>12687 You seems to be quite knowledgable about thai ladyboy's appearances. Care to share with everyone here about your experiences fucking with one?
>>12731 and how about we forget this unrelated shit and focus on the thread subject? there'll be a new page tomorrow and this is one of the first places to release it, so just ignore him
>>12736 I'm also curious as to why anon immediately thought of Thai Ladyboys, honestly. What has anon done, and how do we count up his sins?
>>12739 Anon can't resist the temptation of those crooked teeth, skinny brown frames, greasy assholes, leaking dicks, and pasty makeup wearing kathoey.
>>12731 >>12736 It does look like a guy though.
>>12610 > sharona's job for ash is to lure wong to his room, where she'll be waiting, that much is obvious. Well it seems that you were right judging by the last pic.
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>>12812 niice. here's the preview by the way. i hope ash joins them, because sharona was thinking about her when she came up with thap plan
>>12813 Full image please.
(738.48 KB 1500x1941 MHAN10 Page 015.jpg)

>>12814 as you wish, my kind sir
>>12815 No, seriously, why IS he so tired? He can fuck for hours and hours and cum a gallon eight times in a row without slowing down. Does impossible porn stamina not apply to running up a flight of stairs...? $20 says it's a plot device to lead to femdom: he's too tired to resist.
>>12815 Thank you.
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>>12815 Ash calling her brother a faggot never gets old. Fucking hilarious.
>>12818 thanks to that some guy on 8muses got mad and posted all the pages in hd as revenge. thanks again Ash.
>>12819 Can you explain?
>>12824 he got mad at jab for making ash say fag, faggot and tranny and posted all the pages in hd, that's why it came out so quick. https://comics.8muses.com/forum/discussion/19982/jabcomix-my-hot-ass-neighbor-10/post-248770
>>12825 Normies love to take their porn very seriously.
>>12825 So is 8muses the resetera of porn sites?
>>10488 Because loli art is a no-no. You know that. >>10478 (OP) Why is the little girl leaking?
(305.21 KB 1443x1892 joshandheather.jpg)

some edits i made
(661.12 KB 1455x1904 Jabcomix-Santo-Playa-No.2-22b.jpg)

another edit
>>12837 >>12838 What do the originals look like? What was the edit?
(248.29 KB 1455x1904 Jabcomix-Santo-Playa-No.2-22.jpg)

>>12851 original
>>12816 Of course not, otherwise everyone would be a race of supermen and while I think a comic about horny supermen would be interesting, it's just be DBZ with dicks out.
(492.04 KB 832x1403 75172814_p0.jpg)

>>12856 >everyone would be a race of supermen But then sex would be useless.
>>12838 >>12837 More. More please.
>>12816 >why IS he so tired? His sister is actually a bard and every one of her insults debuffed him a little more and more each time FFT style.
>>12864 She's using vicious mockery and he keeps failing the WIS check and getting levels of exhaustion.
>>12857 You really should credit the artist in the filename. Will stop people from asking who drew that. Who drew that?
>>12875 jcm2
>>12835 What are you doing here, faggot?
>>12875 Those people should learn how pixiv filenames work. When I did it opened up a whole new world.
>>12813 >i hope ash joins them I hope so too, if the comic is going to end simply with Wong and Sharona is going to be a massive disappointment. Ash teased us enough, it's time to see her in action.
I admit at first I didn't like this dripping, Noodle-looking bitch. Too weird-looking, too skinny, too annoying, but now she's grown on me.
>>12977 Even moldy bread starts to look good to a starving man.
(6.57 KB 85x110 t_MHAN-10-16.jpeg)

New page, but no Ash. We're earning the end of this story, it's best not to expect anything else Ash-related (for now).
>>13055 that was quick
>>13055 Full image please.
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>>13062 right here
>>13068 she's right. he became an asshole, just like his dad
>>12830 I guess so. I'm a little disappointed
>>13068 I'm confused as hell right now. Is she shaming him for acting like a character in a porn comic, despite being a character in a porn comic?
>>13103 just playing hard to get, hence her surprise when he actually cries.
>>12825 >he got mad at jab for making ash say fag, faggot and tranny and posted all the pages in hd, that's why it came out so quick. >Ash insults her brother <B-but that's offensive! Someone should tell that butthurt cock-sucking faggot that offending retards like himself is the purpose of insults. I hope Ash gets involved in something sexual before the end of the issue btw.
freedom of speech was a mistake
>>13103 Well she is the "hot ass neighbor" from the comic's title. It's understandable that she'd be upset about being sidelined.
(6.54 KB 85x110 t_MHAN-10-17.jpeg)

New page, but no Ash. Full image please.
>>13276 Only 4 pictures left and still no Ash... This chapter felt like just another filler, what a bummer...
>>12885 Reminding you how the majority of the REAL world works. You seems to be delusional enough to the point of believing loli is accepted.
(805.65 KB 1500x1941 MHAN10 Page 17.jpg)

>>13276 Pic 17 kinda meh to be honest.
>>13281 You might have the slightest point if this wasn't a comedic hardcore straight shota MILFucking webcomic. As it stands it's pretty absurd and hypocritical that some of the audience was 100% fine with Wong but consider anything with Ash sick and wrong and off limits. Just like is also absurd and hypocritical for that one guy to be OK with with all the content but go ballistic because a bratty little kid like Ash called her brother a fag and a trannie.
>>13283 You can go all out and make/distribute all kinds of depraved shit, including but not limited to >raep >incest >dog/horse/sheep fucking and be known as "le edgy" guy, BUT THE MOMENT LITTLE KIDS ENTER THE PICTURE, that's where the line will be drawn and you will be hunted. Whether it's hypocritical, or idiotic, that's the world you and I live in, and this artist should have known this would happen.
>>13306 >this would happen. you mean absolutely nothing?
>>13282 >She's going to force him to perform oral while he gets nothing so she can "trust" him Femdom, just as I predicted.
>>13282 This is what you guys have been hyping for so long?
>>13313 >This is what you guys have been hyping for so long? I think everybody here thought this was in a complete different direction since Ash appeared, turns out this chapter was a complete waste of time.
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Could I get of full image of this please? I know it's not MHAN, but this is my second favorite JAB Cmics.
>>13361 The page he's asking for isn't on there yet you dingus.
>>13562 it's in their forum though
>>13313 This is your first Jabxperience?
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New page, but still no Ash. What the heck?
(409.44 KB 1200x1556 Jab-My-Hot-Ass-Neighbor-10-19.jpg)

>>13727 It's called "My Hot Ass Neighbor" not my "Annoying Ass Little Sister". We'll be lucky if Ash even shows up again before it ends. it would be cool if Ash pleasures him instead since he's not allowed to fuck the mick lass
>>13729 >if Ash pleasures him instead I'd prefer to see loli yuri action rather than her being fucked by the dweeb with glasses. I don't care how big his dick is, he's still a loser with a capital "L".
Does anyone have the last pic?
(6.29 KB 85x110 t_MHAN-10-20.jpeg)

New page! And thing are getting hot finally.
>>14110 Disappointed that Ash didn't get any action
>>10919 So all the Fang sex is GONE?... ..Fucking Trigger-Flakes!
>>10934 >>10935 >>10936 Jab's lolis are so absurdly good it almost makes me want to buy into his page. Almost.
>>14174 >Jab's lolis are so absurdly good it almost makes me want to buy into his page. Almost. Yeah the bad thing is that his subscription offers 2 good comics that get released at snail pace and pile of trash made by other shitty artists. We'll probably wait another year before the next chapter of this comic will come out, and an additional six months for all the pages to be released. Still bummed that we had to wait all this time for some Ash time and nothing happened
(2.02 MB 1628x1274 4f33f3bf6535b2c3.png)

Andava gave us something nice
>>13811 How is he a loser? He's getting more pussy than you ever could dream of getting. If anything, it is his SISTER who is the Misandrist loser here.
>>14245 Because his entire character could be written out of the comic and that would actually improve the story. The fact that you're defending him is just fuckin' weird. You know who else gloats about all the pussy they supposedly get? Donald Trump. It's a tone deaf thing to gloat about about, they're both stupid characters. >>14232 Nice! Thanks for sharing. LilAndy (Andava) has everything behind a paywall. What's worse, he's not on SubscribeStar.adult but only on that Jap Gook site Pixiv (which is fucking garbage). Sucks that so many Western loli artists are on Pixiv and in most cases their stuff is behind fanbox.cc paywalls.
>>14260 He’s on Baraag and posts uncensored pics there last I looked.
>>14260 what's with americans and this obsession with politicians?
>>14276 >Americans Do you live under some commonwealth rock? That's most adults on the planet. >>14260 Sounds like there's no yiff.party for fanbox or something.
>>14277 >That's most adults on the planet. far from that, and specially not with porn
(1.68 MB 960x1250 MHAN 19.png)

(1.55 MB 960x1242 MHAN 20.png)

(1.48 MB 960x1245 MHAN 21.png)

Here's the last part of the comic, sadly Ash is nowhere to be seen, it also seems like Jab forgot to show the dog attacking Wang for some reason (not that i am complaining though, it's like this comic has some plot holes, like when Ash appears in a bikini out of nowhere, or when Sharona asks her for help and in the next page Ash is just brushing her hair as if a page in between is missing.) Anyway we were all waiting for it, and ended up getting jackshit. Let's hope the next chapter will come out sooner than next year and that Ash will finally get some action (hoping for some Sharona and Trish mother/daughter stuff)
>>14283 kek, isn't that her vindictive spirit coming out of the closet in the last panel? she probably watched the whole thing
>>14291 yes it is. I wonder if she's going to have a more prominent role in the future issues.
>>14283 >Let's hope the next chapter lol there's no 'next chapter'. Jab didn't write "To be continued" down there. He wrote "The End". So it's the end folks. I hope Jab will continue Santo Playa instead and put this retarded comic behind us.
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>>14510 Can someone explain what the S.J.W's did to make JAB stop doing lolis?
>>14550 Nothing. The OP was wrong and instead of letting the thread die it justt turned into a general JAB thread.
>>14555 i like it how popular ash became
>>14558 Ash will most likely be their last huh?
>>13068 This bitch shaming him, but she was fucking her and his dad the same day..geez. Did JAB go WOKE also?
>>14552 >The OP was wrong OP wasn't wrong, that page got removed and for a while the comic didn't have any updates. After a while a new page came out with the one in the OP being re-released. I wonder if Jab realized that self-censorship just to make a few SJWs retards happy was a stupid move, or if the comic got edited a maybe Ash was supposed to get some dick?
Have there been any updates yet
>>15212 it'll probably take months until they touch mhan again, if ever.
>>14558 Were you expecting anything else? Look at her. She's wonderful.
>>14277 We have Kemono.party. It's has a lot of fanbox content. But no JAB stuff.
>>14558 >i like it how popular ash became I just hope that this will prompt Jab into making Ash finally getting some dick in MHAN 11
>>18630 Or some pussy. She seem more fitting for girl on girl action.
Apologies if someone has already posted where you can read the comic, I didn't check the whole thread: https://hentaicomicsonline.com/manga/my-hot-ass-neighbor-jabcomix/ They try to make it hard to download though, the comic can also be found on exhentai.org if you search for "my hot ass neighbor" and turn on "Show Expunged Galleries" in advanced options.
>>18633 derp, should have scrolled up a little https://comics.8muses.com/comics/album/JAB-Comics/My-Hot-Ass-Neighbor no easy download provider but at least they don't try to prevent you from downloading
(118.50 KB 570x1267 torrent contents.png)

>>18634 Found a 11.72 gig torrent with a lot of JAB stuff, including all ten of My Hot Ass Neighbor. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:509a2618681813e554603b0f358c6e813b146a80 The resolution of some images are subpar though. Add open trackers if you can't find a seed because it is seeded.
https://baraag.net/@JABcomix JAB does have a Baraag for those who have a Baraag themselves. If y'all want talk to JAB somewhere this is the place.
>>19089 did he ever say anything about a "my hot ass neighbor 11"?
>>19089 just checked it out and ash is pretty popular. good
(1.54 MB 1209x1715 ClipboardImage.png)

By his latest sketches he's posting a lot of Richard form Ay Papi! with some random hebes instead of the usual late teens. 8muses is down so I can't check if there's a new AP where he's with hebes. Did this happen?
(124.87 KB 1000x1294 df0d07b31d1c7c3c.jpg)

it looks like santo playa is coming back
>>14582 That's just you wishful thinking it. Nobody had issues with it. It's just the OP was wrong & they did what they did.
>>19623 He said he needed a programmer for a Ren'Py, so I asked him if we could set something up. He sent me a little bit of art to test in the engine and a Santo Playa icon, so he may be bringing back the Santo Playa with a larger visual novel in addition to the next chapter. He put me on hold until he could make more art though. He also said he wanted choices too, which could be interesting.
>>19784 i used to think he was kind of an asshole, because of the whole pulling his art from exhentai, but he's actually a pretty nice guy, and a top loliconer
>>19823 Loli gangbang is nice
(213.53 KB 1000x1294 27152fb1bdd41112.jpg)

>>10478 (OP) Holy fucking shit
>>20994 It's not Ash and Sharon. I'm hoping next comics will focus on those two.
>>20997 i prefer her relationship with him honestly. the whole thing of the adult trying to resist a child's advances is pretty exciting.
>>18633 If you can show them, how are they expunged?
>>24709 according to his baraag, he's definitely planning a next issue of mhag and santo playa. he didn't set any dates yet. I hope he doesn't timeskip like the pic above suggests.
>>18640 drop all the lolis. bomb all the grannies
Drawing of Ash done by JAB on his Deviantart. For those who didn't know he had one. https//www.deviantart.com/jabcomix/art/Ash-Ho-01-179324092 https://www.deviantart.com/jabcomix/art/Ash-Ho-02-179324225 https://www.deviantart.com/jabcomix/art/Ash-Ho-03-179324915
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>>28434 ooh, i hadn't seen those before. i like her character more and more >>28435 there's also a new issue of houseworking in the making, and he said on baraag, that mhan will be making a comeback, with more ash. Looks like lolis are back in the menu
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>>28436 Jab? Promising? lmfao that means we will never get to see Ash in action lol.
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Can someone get the full version of this pic? https://baraag.net/@JABcomix/109089447736901888
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Page 14 of Jab Comix's Housework introduce these random two lolis into the story. Like they just appear in this page but I already fucking love them. Don't know if they were just meant for this one scene or not, but I really do hope we see more of them.
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>>35587 Why tf do some artists do this? I follow these artists for their unique particular style and then they pull this shit.
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>>35755 I chatted with JAB on baraag after he started posting his A.I art thinking his account got hacked, glad I was mistaken. But the short sweet of it was that JAB's got hand cramps sadly, and the A.I makes doing his art easier.
>>20994 If only..
>>35984 I've already written him off as a loss.
>>35984 >JAB's got hand cramps bullfuckingshit
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it's gonna happen, apparently
>>35755 be glad he;s doing lolicon again at all
>>35755 JAB is so slow that I'd allow it in his case.
>>35755 >trained off of his own work >sells the models so that others can make ashe smut I feel like this is a net positive.
>>36506 Not a valid excuse >>36582 Shit doesn't even look like his own work
Whatever happened to this guy? Last I saw, he wouldn't stfu about politics and was making AI stuff
>>41389 Still drawing like always and still posting content every single day. He created a subscribestar for loli stuff some time ago, But they don't seem to be reviewing new acconts lately.
Here's the poll for his next comic. There's santi playa and MHAN11 https://pawoo.net/@JABcomix@baraag.net/111994248493582454
Good news is with AI loras you can do his most lewd loli yourself....
>>12815 I must be retarded, because only now i realized that Ash was hidden inside the closet the whole time watching them fuck
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>https://baraag.net/@pears/112401235340417091 pears adding his two cents to the asian breeding orgy. also dont act like she doesnt remind you of noodle from the gorillaz
So, he started already with Santo Playa 3, any of you guys have the pages? pic unrelated
>>46403 I don't think it's being posted any time soon. Unless someone is able to remove the barcodes.
>>46403 Any more if this?
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Fag's finally doing it
>>51791 I wish her first time was with Mr. "Lala-Peyo" though.
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