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Ideafagging thread Anonymous 03/06/2022 (Sun) 14:52:41 Id: efb326 No. 22871
>Post your ideas for some media you'd like to see made. >Critique, expand, or refine the ideas of others into a project that's more likely to result in a finished product. >Form and recruit for creative teams with other anons. >Ideas to be shared ITT are not just strictly limited to /delicious/ content, but any work of a pornographic genre which involves the possible inclusion of participants with a particularly youthful appearance (aka loli/shota). >Remember, a simple concept done well is better than a more complicated concept execute poorly, learn from the cringeworthy example of Yandere Simulator's Developer, how he fucked up his project, and straight-up attacked anyone who tried to make it better. >His tale is also a good example of why most one-person projects fail, aside from the rare exceptions of solitary geniuses like "Dust: An Elysian Tail" (who succeeded because he could act as his own counterweight to keep himself moderated), if YanDev had a team to begin with, instead of bringing others in at the end, much of the trouble could've been avoided (likely by him being evicted from the project once his involvement became a liability to it's completion).
If I were a game dev I'd make a normal SMB2 style game starring an oppai loli. The fact that she has huge tits is completely inconsequential. She's just a normal girl going on an adventure. She just has tits the size of her head.
Right now, I've been writing this story set in a world I'm building [it's more of a toolkit or open-source universe like SCP or Omegaverse]. It originally started out as "what if the world ran on porn logic?" and then eventually spiraled into this libertarian utopia where age of consent never existed, sex slavery has become mainstream (though it actually encompasses everyone, a wide variety of uses instead of just sex and work, and in some cases is actually voluntary), and deals with sexual liberation and awakenings. The story I'm writing is set in a large town called Wish Lake, and it's told from the perspective of multiple characters but the main storyline is about Zaiden Pearce and his family. Zaiden is a producer in the adult film industry, he owns and operates an all-ages strip club, the Cherry Pit, and even makes a deal with the main character's dad Malcolm Taylor (a certified accountant) who wants to run the books for Zaiden's operations as well as the operations of a high-end luxury sex slave auction house the Sunrise Lagoon (which deals in "Rare & Exotic Imports"). Meanwhile, Zaiden offers a deal with a male stripper Antonio (single father and widower): he'll pay off all his debts, even live with his family rent-free, if he agrees to be a full-time employee of Zaiden's production company Lollipop Shop Productions and bring along his daughters (which, based on the name and the All-Ages Strip Club, you can guess). There's a ton of other plotlines I have planned, when it was originally going to be something of an anthology in the vein of Trick r Treat or Cloud Atlas (where all the storylines happen simultaneously, though borrowing Cloud Atlas's nested story structure where all the stories were written to completion but then edited together to switch between perspectives and stories), but I'm looking for a beta reader and someone who'd like to help write a lore book. I'm trying not to overthink this project, but I intended it to be written in more than one story. Plus, I'm always excited to get feedback and learn what I need to fix the ideas I have, or the pacing of those ideas.
Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 03/15/2022 (Tue) 06:38:45.
>>22884 This is a link to what I have right now as far as the story goes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15ydpnatLVHBiTB6sRgSznQkiH9yIFoR8WCHOxCV8cXY/edit?usp=sharing I haven't broken it up into chapters yet but I'll start by saying that I think the beginning kinda sucks.
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I've always wanted to see an ENF comic and/or fanfic involving the female characters from Harvey Beaks But I don't have any story ideas and I can't draw
>>22897 What's ENF? Cuz, if it's what I'm guessing from context, then I might be interested. Not in this specific idea but certainly using it in my own fan/parody comic.
>>22898 Embarresed Nude Female
>>22899 Ah. Cuz I had a plan to do a Paw Patrol comic for a while; three ideas spring to mind: Ryder having sex with Skye to alleviate her heat but then Everest joins in the second time; Ryder and Katie, Chase and Skye, Marshall and Everest, and Tracker and the Princess all having sex with each other, but then decide the girls should switch with the boys and getting Ryder to fuck Everest while the two human girls get fucked by dogs; Liberty getting "initiated" into the Paw Patrol. Technically, there's also a few general Ryder/Katie things or Katie/Paw Patrol ideas so I thought these ideas were the best.
>>22900 What did you think ENF meant?
>>22901 I knew it was some type of style or motif, but I wasn't exactly sure specifically; having just a nude beach or just having a character naked in public just doesn't sound like that alone is a strong enough concept to build an entire fanfic around. Unless there's something I'm missing.
>>22908 There's the embarrasment of the initial wardrobe malfunction and if the story does't end there, there's also the thrill of trying to get home or to some clothes before being spotted
I once had a really loose idea for an adventure/roleplaying game where a princess is cursed to slowly age backwards until she's unborn, and you have to go on a journey with her to find and defeat whoever/whatever was responsible. During certain points, you'll have the chance interact with the princess in dating sim-esque scenarios where you can build your relationship with her to the point where it'll (eventually) start to get more intimate. However, she's continually regressing as an in-game clock, so you'll be dating/having sex with her at increasingly younger and younger ages (and, depending on certain factors, will grow younger *during* dating/sex sequences). This will stop if she hits a really low threshold (she's getting very close to becoming a toddler), with multiple endings being given based on how young she gets before you beat the game: * You'll marry her up until she's about in the 12-13 range, after which you'll take care of her (that is, wait for her to be "old enough") with varying scenarios playing out based on how young she is when the curse is broken. * If you take too long, or if you don't meet certain conditions during the final boss fight, she'll regress to nothing and you'll get an instant game over/bad ending. * There'll also be optional side-quests that'll be available/unavailable based on how old/young the princess is, as well as what your current relationship level/ranking is.
>>23075 What about the idea of a girl with her curse who can age herself forwards through sex? The younger she gets, the more she desires to have sex with others, and the more others desire to have sex with her. So she basically has to keep having sex to stave of the progression of her curse before it kills her, all the while seeking out the cure.
>>23101 I could definitely see something really interesting being made out of that.
>>22897 You know, I had a similar idea but with Webby, Lena, Violet and/or Gosalyn from DuckTales 2017
I came up with a few titles for that light novel I’ve been writing (started Volume 2 now). Some of these might work but at least works as a solid grounding; open to suggestions and new ideas: - Fun and Freedom in a Chaotic Utopia - Harem Keepers: The Trials, Tribulations, and Taming by a Sex Slave Master - Making a Living in Adult Entertainment Has its Benefits! - Freeing the World From Sexual Restraint Has Only Created More Bondage - Making New Friends in a Town Without Taboo - Virginity Collections of the Elite Harem Kings
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This is a small sample of a crime story I'm writing. I use Koikatsu to help me visualize the story as I write it further. Right now, I don't have any completed storylines, but if I had anything completed to show, I'd try to put it all into a VN format.
> An erotic "story time" comic/animation series where a really attractive woman reads/tells different stories about various women underdoing some sort of kinky TF scenario (shrinking, growing, turning into an animal, et cetera). > During the different parts of the story, it'll cut back to the woman narrating, who'll be undergoing the same (or a similar) transformation. > At the conclusion of the story, it'll typically cut back to the narrator woman signing off at some really extreme phase of the transformation (e.g., by the end of the shrinking story, she's being magnified for the audience to see her blow a kiss goodbye before shrinking completely out of sight). > Naturally, there'd be an age regression-focused story with a wraparound where she's narrating at a fancy spa resort with a pool for a "special treatment" that she just started. > As it cuts back to the narrator woman, she becomes younger and younger, dressing in progressively less adult swimwear and behaving more like a rowdy college girl, a flirty teenager, a shy but cute jewish, and so on. > In the signoff segment, she's only about 2 or 3-years-old and toddling around naked in a public shower room; the narrator's mother, who was also apparently there the whole time and is now young and super-attractive herself, picks her up and breastfeeds her (with the mother then noticing, shushing, and winking at the audience before the scene fades out).
>>23460 I could've sworn that I typed "a cute but shy middle aged" in that fifth bracket. Is that some sort of filter?
>>23461 Okay, I admit that last one's kind of funny. Cute but shy P-R-E-T-E-E-N.
Some random, unassorted ideas for stories, comics, or what-have-you: * A superheroine has the ability to create semiautonomous clones (up to five at a time [maybe more under duress]), but each clone she produces causes her to age backwards about one year per clone (with each clone being equally younger per creation). The clones eventually dissipate after a few hours, but the woman's regression is permanent; she's actually an elderly woman, but now looks like she's somewhere in her mid-to-late 20s. She tries to use her powers sparingly, but starts getting closer to her teens over the course of the story after multiple events necessitate her powers; efforts are being made to try and negate/mitigate the regression, but a particular string of tragedies causes her to lapse into a suicidal form of hedonism culminating in her cloning and having sex with herself in a weird "orgy" that greatly worsens her condition. * A group of young women find an abandoned mansion hidden in the woods with all kinds of bizarre books, artifacts, chemicals, and devices that can change them in just about every conceivable way (size, age, species, physicality, mentality, and so on). After finding something that can make them grow younger, they regress themselves to about 11 or 12 and basically whore themselves out to a group of young boys over the course of their spring/summer vacation. * A young city girl (about 12 or 13) is visiting family members living out in the countryside: she hates the countryside and her hillbilly relatives, but eventually meets and starts hanging out with a slightly older country girl (or 14 or 15) who constantly walks around in nothing but a bikini top, daisy dukes, and sandals. While the country girl is a bit of a bumpkin herself, she's still pretty friendly and fun to have around, with the city girl becoming fast friends with her over the next several days. The country girl asks the city girl to sneak out and come see her by the pond on the evening before she goes back home: when the city girl arrives at the meeting spot, she's surprised to see the country girl emerge out of the water completely naked. While the city girl is a bit shocked to see this, she also can't deny that she finds the country girl very attractive, and proceeds to take off her clothes and join her; under the moonlight, the two skinny-dip and fool around, eventually giving into their feelings and passionately embracing and kissing under the water. After having sex on a nearby patch of grass, the two hear wolves howling, look lovingly at each other, hold hands, and wander off into the forest. The next day, the city girl is nowhere to be found, with her clothes still being laid out by the same pond; over the following years, the area locals have sporadic sightings of two feral but strangely beautiful girls (later women) around the edges of the forest.
What if there was a writer's fetish episode of Dexter's Lab, that involved upskirts of girls?
>A world where all females are lustful and obsessed with sex. >They have the ability to feel the sexual pleasure felt by others around them, and they feel sexual pleasure in response to their own suffering as well. >For the above, pleasure and suffering describes both the physical and psychological sense of the words, although the responses are 1:1 in terms of physical or psychological stimuli and response (the physical pleasure of others produces physical pleasure in themselves, the psychological suffering they experience brings with it psychological pleasure). >In addition to being sexual empaths and algophiles, being female also means an insane level of omnisexuality - that you have a maximized sexual attraction to everything, and that you could have a response of intense sexual arousal to anything. There is every fetish and no standards when it comes to sex (sexual activities, partners, etc.). >All the above applies to all females of the setting, regardless of species, age, or any other factors. >This was always the way the female sex of the setting was, it's considered a natural part of feminine biological nature, something to be expected, but still somewhat feared nonetheless. >In this setting, there are no taboos or laws, so not only are females uninhibited sex-crazed ubersluts, but they are also without restraint to do whatever comes to their perverted minds - cannibalism, vampirism, lactation, torture, rape, incest, homosexuality, group-sex, necrophilia, pedophilia, zoophilia, etc. It's all stuff that the protagonist could potentially encounter, but also stuff that they could choose to filter out, so as to fully customize the kind of sexual content they experience in the course of their adventure. >STDs/STIs don't exist, and neither does old age or natural death, everyone grows up until full maturity, where they reach their peak, then they cease aging from that point on, never truly growing old, keep in mind that this world is a dangerous one, and agelessness is not the same as deathlessness (in fact, one could expect a pretty short life in this setting). >The rest of the setting details are a typical anything-goes kitchen sink of science-fiction and horror/fantasy tropes, maximizing the breadth of what could be experienced in this setting. >You begin by choosing your character (your species, sex, race, etc.). If female, you are somewhat more in control over your degenerate nature than the rest. >Regardless of the character customization, you have to protect yourself from enemies you encounter in the course of your adventure - Savage degenerate females who are looking for some fuck and give no shits about trivial details like "consent", and that's just in the (not-so) "safe" zones. >Among enemy encounters, It's not just rape you must fear among your unpleasant fates, often the enemies have more on their mind for you than just fucking or stealing from you - they will want to enslave you, torture you, kill you, do things with your corpse, eat you, etc. Just submitting to them is not going to get you by, however, once you turn the tables on them, you get to do whatever you want with your defeated foes, this includes the option of "enslavement" that forcibly imposes a mind-control over them which compels them to do as you desire, while also preventing them from doing as you would not want them to do unto you, they can become party members, or a part of some crew of space pirates, or some multiverse-spanning empire you are building up from a small settlement. >In this setting, males are rare, making up such a small part of the population that there's barely enough to ensure the survival of all phenotypes, it helps that there's little threat to the futures of recessive traits from the dominant ones, as recessive traits are far more common than those which are dominant. >If male, the scarcity of your sex makes you very valuable to the futures of others, If female, you have an unusual level of self-control over your instincts which many others find intriguing, but no matter which sex you play as, you are an especially superior lifeform, which makes you the hottest commodity, something that a lot of people desire. >On top of that, you could just set up a bunch of resources for telling erotic stories and depicting various pornographic scenarios, then leave the rest of the content making to the users. >Gameplay could consist of a decent RPG style choose-your-own turn-based adventure setup for selecting actions, a nice visual-novel style dialogue system, a good turn-based RPG style combat system, etc. >We can take the model of games like CoC/TiTs, or other such smut games, and improve upon it, maybe by adding a character modeling/animation and scene depiction system. I just really think that with talent like those behind so many quality porn animations, we could make a really kickass pornographic game that would blow Japan's smutgames out of the water in terms of their quality (both as games and as porn). >IDK, just typing random shit to see if it activates the almonds of anyone who has the time and skills to make something like this, BTW, not necessarily talking about a one man job, we could get some collaborative efforts of multiple creators together to make something good, so we don't have another "yandere simulator" type incident (because jesus fucking christ was that awful, just a total shitshow in general).
>>24927 Nymphomaniacs, that's the word I was looking for to describe the female sex in this setting, Nymphomaniacs. Really extreme ones, very debauched, as well.
>>24927 I can't emphasize enough how much I love this idea!!!! I can see some parallels to a storytelling toolkit I've been trying to build for myself, and would certainly be very excited about joining in on the writing and the ironing out ideas side (since I see that you have a lot here that could be very easy to work with). I've also got some stories with "Barbie casting", as I call it, using pre-existing characters in select roles (the name comes from how most Barbie movies are either about Barbie herself as an in-universe movie star celebrity, or she's playing herself with a different name and dress; or, in as many words, "Round peg/Square hole", like the Muppets) If there's a way we could chat more in depth about this somewhere, please let me know. I just don't want to come across as too demanding or entitled but I really think I could add so much onto this and you talked about assembling a team for this.
>>24950 Just to give an example of what I meant by "Barbie casting" or "Round Peg/Square Hole", here's what I mean: One story is written from the perspective of a middle school girl who gets roped in with the most popular (and sluttiest) girls in the school--who are all Disney lolis around that age-- and basically spend the story reshaping her into a lesbian slut until she has no interest in her crush or even any boys at all. Another one, probably the one I like best, is doing some retelling of the 1974 porno film Debbie Does Dallas using the cast of [TBA] as Debbie and the other cheerleaders.
>>24952 There's this new girl in a school who is poor and unpopular (also "homely" in a way owed not to genetics but to other factors), however, the clique of popular girls (filling out all the stereotypical character archetypes of a main cast of girls) notice her potential and her family's financial problems. These popular girls give her a makeover (which includes getting her in fit shape) and lessons in popularity ("charm school" stuff were charisma is learned), ending with her being fully inducted into their clique of BFWBFs, of course, the cost for all this is sexual favors, as they groom her into their policy of each clique member's bodies belonging to all the other members (not all at once, they start small and gradually step up the levels of sexual activity, along with applying psychological conditioning, until the new girl is spontaneously getting gangdyked by her friends at a moment when she's alone with them, and she's actively in it). Then they show her how she could get a job with them to resolve her financial problems, they take her to their secret studio and have her "perform" with them on a deepweb show where they bate themselves and lez out with each other on cam in exchange for crypto from simping pedophiles, each show having it's own theme (BDSM, for example). Due to the issues surrounding their camshows, bringing in others from outside the clique is dangerous. This girl was desperately poor and they were pretty sure she was safe to recruit, but they need to be cautious about which other girls they bring in. Boys are completely out of the question, even when their audience requests them, the idea is turned down, besides, with the "props" their show has, they already have more than enough dicks to work with, and have already developed the skills to use them well (and the skills on the receiving side as well), add in some crossdress and roleplay, and everything a guy could bring in is already handled. The clique leader and her number two were the first, and the other "cast" members were recruited in the same way as our main character was. There's also many other things involved, living the high life off the money they rake in, and the use of various drugs is involved as well. Keep in mind, these are all pre-pubescent girls, the newest recruits are always from the youngest years, and later on we see that the alumni of this secret club (the ones who aged out of their school, including the leader girl's older sister) show up from their older schools to perform with the younger members in the junior division (the older girls continued their club activities with one another in their new schools). It's later shown that this type of thing is essentially like a fight club, in that these sows are being put on by girls of all ages attending all sorts of schools, but somehow they aren't getting busted (and neither is their audience members, so long as they don't get found out by anyone in the offline world). It suggests that the government is allowing all this to go on. Ok, I started writing, and just kept going, tis wasn't supposed to be this long, but I got a case of the "writer's flow" when making this post. I'm trying to incorporate as many of the details of your post as I could into this concept.
>>25053 Nah, dawg, I really love what you got going on there. this is some awesome stuff and I'd be really excited to see what we could do with this together. If you're up for it, I have a lot of my own ideas and characters that could certainly be shared; just not here--since some of them are a bit too out there and I'm not sure if I want to share them publicly yet. This is all fantastic stuff and absolutely the type of thing that I had planned for the above idea. I've also got a few weird ones, though these are mostly original cast but like I said it's not something I'm ready to share publicly (one of them is about a hyena girl who starts having sex with her dog, one is about a dad with his human stepkids, one is an age regression story where a girl asks her parents to make her a 118-month old baby, and one is about a slutty little girl being put through a sexual gauntlet by her big sister and the other HS cheerleader squad as "initiation") If you're on Discord or something, I can share my tag here [Miracles of Alshaytan Sanchez#3841] or PM me on All the Fallen (my username is DARK_HOT2000). I would absolutely LOVE to talk about this, and I can tell you have a lot of passion for it too.
> A short story or comic about a young girl (about 9-11) who shrinks her babysitter (about 19 to 21) with a cursed idol that former's archaeologist/treasure hunter was studying at home. > Over the course of the story, the babysitter is shrunk to slightly shorter than the girl, the size of a Barbie doll, and the size of an 80's G.I. Joe figure, all while the latter plays rough with the former (and basically molesting her). > After reaching the size of an 80's G.I. Joe figure, the girl takes a bath with the babysitter and a bunch of toys (which the latter futilely clings to while the former plays "sea monster" in the bathtub). > The girl coerces the tiny babysitter to lick and suck on one of her now-giant nipples while pressing the latter to her chest with one hand and masturbating with her other. > Now completely broken and degraded, the babysitter doesn't resist when the girl commands her to lick, suck, and stimulate her vagina, nor does she visibly respond when she's shrunken down even further to the size of a very small figurine and placed in a Polly Pocket playset on the girl's nightstand. > The girl continues to take care of the babysitter, but now she's more or less just an insect (both in size and mentality).
>>25057 Sorry, that first line should've been written as: >A short story or comic about a young girl (about 9-11) who shrinks her babysitter (about 19 to 21) with a cursed idol that *the* former's archaeologist/treasure hunter *father* was studying at home.
Keeping with the "lesbian" theme, How about a story about teenaged lesbian babysitters who molest the kids they sit? Or a post-dystopian world whose sole lifeforms are female humans. They are living on an inhospitable planet out in uncharted space, in a base built out from their ship deep under the ground, which is deep under water, which itself is under ice, and that is trapped under a hellish atmosphere of deadly gases, and raging storms. With nothing but advanced technology powered by geothermal energy to live on, such as a slave caste of perpetually horny fembots that do most of the work. Where all food and drink is derived from human bodies, with the only possible exceptions being stuff like water or salt. (A dinner might be a salted steak from a human cadaver cooked in butter made from pasteurized human milk, served with a drink containing human blood). Where technology in the form of dildoes, allows for the eggs of one or more "fathers" to be converted to "sperms" which could be granted a certain chance to impregnate the eggs of the mother that carries the resulting daughter to birth (a technology that could take the head of dildo with one head for depositing the engineered "sperm" and one or more for collecting the eggs that it makes the "sperm" from, which allows for a daughter with one biological mother and many biological "fathers" making up equal parts of the other half of her DNA, and which can also be programmed to select specific genes from the "fathers" to be passed onto the daughter or prevented from being passed on) Where everyone dies by the time they turn 50, despite degenerative aging being done away with (they "grow up", but never "grow old") but life is expectated to be a lot shorter than that. Where all women begin to become capable of lactation in response to stimulation from the time they become fertile, so there are public access milkjugs that you could just suck a drink from, also they've been engineered so that no one poops, or pees, or vomits, or farts, or queefs, or gets sick, the body is perfectly efficient at utilizing anything within itself, leaving no waste (any that does exist is cannibalized within them by specialized recycler cells), and they are immune to every disease due to their neo-adaptive immune systems, aging has also been done away with, separating it from maturation ("growing up, without growing old"). Lastly, where there are no taboos or laws regarding sexual activities, your body belongs to everyone except you, It's completely acceptable for anyone to just go right ahead and spontaneously start performing any sort of sex act on anyone else at any time should they wish to and the other has to at the very least not resist (and if they do resist, they can be forced). If you go out and you see a girl with a nice butt you wanna eat, your just go up to her and start eating out her ass, but it goes both ways, as you are no exception to the rules, if she wants to suck on your tits, you must let her suck your booba as well, but yeah, the rules on sex is that is all "free use" and public sex is a common sight (there's no issue with having committing voter fraud for Democrats, or with corpses, or with BDSM/Ryona acts (they are all masochists and algophiles to some extent, pain/humiliation feels good and they enjoy it), or with group sex acts (like eight girls ganging up on one to pleasure different parts of her at once, they have a "sexual empathy" that allows them to somewhat physically experience the sexual sensations that others are feeling, if sucking another chicks clit, her own clit also feels like it's getting sucked on), or with forcing it upon the unwilling, just don't do too much damage to the merchandise as it is public property and therefore for everyone else's use as well). Basically, if you are a girl born in this place, expect to be continually fucked by everyone around you from day one, by the end of your first year of life, every hole has been thoroughly penetrated and stretched out, every part of your body has been kissed, licked, and sucked (especially the aforementioned orifices of yours), and when you go to school, there will be lessons on all manner of lesbian sexual activities, which will be given practically (as in learning by "seeing and doing"), as sexual skills of giving and receiving sex acts are seen as essential. This is not well written, I am aware, this is mental diarrhea. The story will follow this colony which is so profoundly changed from mainstream humanity that they've become a separate species, as it works on a way to terraform the planet into something they could live on, and to escape the planet for a more suitable home. As for origins, lets just say that the truth of their past is long lost to history, there are no records, nor is there any evidence left behind to allow them, to piece together their pasts, he idea that this planetary colony is not their indigenous homes is just an assumption made from their observations of the current state of things.
>>25097 Do you mean like The Babysitters' Club books? Cuz I'd be down for doing something like the American Girl books, but instead of using girls from different time periods in American history, it could be different fetishes (one about bestiality, orgies, incest, futa, breast-milking, maybe ageplay, BDSM, sky's the limit). Note: I'm not saying "no" to keeping the history stuff, but with the fetish thing I feel like keeping it is putting a hat on a hat.
Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 05/16/2022 (Mon) 03:46:41.
Anyone else have any ideas? Is there anyone who could be willing to work on a project with anything inspired by the ideas in this thread? On another note, those of you with creative abilities who make stuff like this, why do you do it? I'm kind of disappointed with how little there is in the way of works of this genre that are more than just a single image or page of images, rarely are there full scenes, even more rarely is there any plot. I know making good stuff is difficult and potentially risky, and that this would mean a creator would feel entitled to compensation for their efforts in making it. Maybe we could find a way to make it easier for creators to make stuff like this, and while we are at it, maybe we could find ways to get multiple creatives together into teams so they could work together on more elaborate projects, such as the ones described, and while we are at it, maybe we could make it better for these teams to propose projects and receive funding in advance from those who would be willing to put down money to see the proposed idea become a real work. Because right now the amount of content and quality of content and lack of ability to find the kind of content you'd be interested in is not very good. We need more than the kind of commissions we are working with right now.
>>25343 I've got lots of my own ideas, and I'm happy to work on someone else's. I'm happy to post the rest of the light novel I have (sadly, it's currently only just a novel without the illustrations; also hasn't been edited yet) but regardless, I'm more than happy to share my own ideas. I also still have some comic scripts (originally planned to be submitted to PalComix but plans have fallen through) and even a Paw Patrol thing I threw together for fun. You have potential, but I feel like this might not be the best place to openly discuss plans right here but more of a springboard to chat about these things in more detail on something like Telegram, Discord, etc.
Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 05/23/2022 (Mon) 08:15:38.
Simple premise. A world where the expected life of a normal girl is to get fucked from the day she's born to the day she dies (and even then her corpse is free real estate). By extension the same is very much true of boys, a baby boy is going to get sucked off repeatedly by his mother and older sisters by the time he's trough his first week of life, and he will be fucked by al the females in his life on the regular. You see, the feminine mind is very lustful, they will crave to pleasure cock and pussy, and just take whatever source of it is around them at the time, furthermore, their defining place and purpose in society is sex, with anyone who wants them, with anyone who they want, and just generally. This isn't just restricted to humans, all species have these traits, and their interests extend across species boundaries as well, you will find female animals come looking for human pussy or cock, and their techniques are similarly geared towards delighting in the pleasure they can bring to their partner. We see glimpses of the lives that girls live in this world, as a set of twin baby girls are fingered and eaten out by their mother, and their father rubs his dick against their tiny holes. One grows up to be a tomboy, more masculine than the boys (and in fact her looks allow her to pass for one until she exposes her body), the other a girly girl, more feminine than the other girls (who all have an intense crush on her). Both sisters do it with their parents, their older and younger brothers, each other, and their friends, they also do it with their teachers in school where there is an entire class dedicated to learning sex acts. The tomboy plays with her friends, all boys, and then gets ganged by them, a similar thing happens with her sister and her friends who are a bunch of girls that idolize her, later the sisters swap BFF harems by pretending to be the other, and the two groups later meet up for an orgy, this is all just how kids are expected to play with each other in this world. They go home and entertain their brothers, one older and one younger, with yet more sex, when the parents come home, and they show their love for their mom and dad sexually, additionally, the mom does it with her boys while her husband spends quality time with his daughters. When the school day arrives, the girls and their brothers are all volunteered to engage in practical demonstrations of the day's lesson, which is an exploration of the use of various sex toys in the course of pleasuring ones partner. A field trip to the zoo results in the twins getting it on with various creatures from around the world, specimens of both sexes, and doing so publicly, putting on a show for their class and visitors to watch (such as getting impaled by the cat cock of a lion and licking out the feline pussies of his pride of lionesses). There's a dead teenager who donated her body to be put to sexual use, getting used by it's first necrophiliac clients, a couple that lusted after her. And we get to see a young boy playing with his teenaged older sister, who was hired by their parents to babysit him, in the course of it she ends up trying to fulfil her little brothers every sexual fantasy, and her own as well. It's a lot like fogbank's work but a bit more extreme. >>25135 Actually, the two could go together quite well, looking at loli-centric stories with a specific sexual theme, each set in a past time period were the historical events might somehow relate in some way to the fetish put on display, but instead of it just being in america, it's around the world, world history, not american history. We could have an episode focused on having sex with lolis in the water during some age of seafaring. We could have a bestiality themed story set during the advent of animal domestication (attacked by feral animals, she attempts to save herself by getting them to see her as a mate, instead of as a meal, her approach succeeds and she end up being bred by wild beasts, this somehow leads to the animals falling under her control, essentially, the first animals to be tamed were simps for the human females that fucked them into submission). Food and sex could be linked in at least two ways during times of gluttony and famine. BDSM, ryona, and rape in some time period where one group was dominant over another (especially when the other group wasn't well regarded by the one holding power over them). Interracial during a time of exploration, conquest, and settlement. Orgies, group sex, and gangbangs in a time where sexual depravity was at it's peak, or during a time where certain festivals would send people into a frenzy (this one being of a sexual nature). Incest could be done in polar opposite ways, one of high class families, the other of low class families, or just treat it like cannibalism by having it be practiced out of the simple lack of available sexual partners outside ones family, along with a lack of accountability for breaking the taboos of incest or pedophilia, such as a family of a father, mother, son and daughter ending up stranded on some island with no known hope of rescue, and ending up being the founding ancestors of the islands entire population. (We could even do the biblical example of cain, abel, and seth all having sex with their own mother, eve, producing daughters that their father/grandfather adam would then seek to impregnate).
[Expand Post] Futa story could be set during an age of circuses and carnivals, at a freak show is a hermaphrodite, with the body parts of a male and female in one androgynous body, the result of a brother-sister pair of fraternal twins merging in the womb. The herm could be played multiple ways, in one version it has male nipples under it's female breasts, and a female pussy under it's male cock and balls. In another variant it has a form that falls somewhere in between the two, as the body had developed both ways at the same time, not quite a penis, but not a vag either, in that the clit is replaced with something like a dick, there is a cunt that it grows out of, and both are fully functional for sexual (but not reproductive) uses. There might be three of these hermaphrodites at the event, and the main character may end up getting triple penetrated by all of the them before an appreciative crowd. We could make tis episode have more fetishes like taking all sorts of real human mutations and exaggerating them, playing them up for porn. Girl with tail? it's as fully formed and prehensile as the ancestral tail it's a vestige of (though still hairless) and can be used to penetrate her partners, heck, give her multiple tails and she can straight up perform a tentacle rape show with them. How about a girl without hair or pigment? she's freaky in more than one way. Maybe she's even a vampire of the orlockian variety, attacking her victims in the dark and drinking their blood, and other fluids. double heads, arms, breasts, etc. just double up everything, and show how fun it could be to do it with two girls sharing one body. There's a lot of things that could be done with this specific sub-concept, and it could be like that weird af cgi porn movie where some human chick visits different kinds of strange aliens and gets fucked by each of them in turn. etc.
>>25421 I mostly agree with you, though you sorta lost me at the “tying fetishes TO specific time periods” part. I didn’t know how literal I wanted the idea to be (as in, actually having American Girl characters engaged in sexual fetishes or simply having the premise of girls from different time periods and working from scratch) Either way, because I started moving down this path, I just started working my way through my favorites.
>>25958 So far, these are the best I could come up with: Samantha (Spanking) [kinda liked the idea of that whole whipped into being a proper young lady thing] Rebecca (BDSM) [honestly just wanted to throw this on someone and I couldn’t think of a girl that for this any better, or worse] Kit (Zoo) [had this image in my head of Kit fucking her dog and just ran with it; this, Samantha, and maybe Courtney are the only ones I’m really proud of] Nanea (Pregnant) [again, feels like this coulda been thrown onto anyone and I was drawing a blank; I kept thinking I should’ve put this on Felicity or Caroline—with their proximity to the Revolutionary War and War of 1812 respectively—but I thought the implications would be too heavy] Molly (Sex Toys) [I was gonna use the BDSM one for her, but I switched them around] Maryellen (Anal) [sorta generalized idea, but i wanted to go with something unique for her but my mind kept going back to this and Blowjobs isn’t strong enough to build on] Melody (Bisexual) [I just didn’t want the two black girls to be labeled under “interracial” so I just went with a sexual Revolution thing] Julie (Nudist/Exhibition) [sorta leaning into the hippie/Free Love attitude and felt like she fit this best without adhering to some stereotypes like Nanea would’ve] Courtney (Slutiness) [yeah, I kinda copped out on the last one, but I sorta meant it to mean general promiscuousness and just having lots of sex, often regardless of gender] Seems kinda unfair that I couldn’t think of anything good for Felicity, being one of the very first, or Kaya, who was one of my favorites, but I intentionally left out incest since I felt like it could be applied to any of them equally. Kirsten and Caroline are mostly kinda boring, and the best I could think for Kirsten’s “Little House on the Prairie” thing was prostitute so...I can rebuild some of these, though it might take more time on others to change my mind.
Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 06/07/2022 (Tue) 19:16:24.
>>25959 Post-Script Addendum: I added 'Felicity (Sex Slave)', 'Nanea (pregnancy)', and 'Josefina (Incest)' onto the list. I did give Addie's fetish as interracial, given that I felt it fit her time period best and seemed like something interesting to play with, but I also labelled Kaya's fetish as breast/penis milking. And, just because I can, decided to throw in Logan as a trap/sissy--kinda obvious with him being the first prominent boy in the American Girl series as a sorta Huckleberry Pie thing but I couldn't pass it up; we've never set clear boundaries around here about using bisexual or sissy shotas
>>23460 Extended ending: The narrator woman's mother is now about 11-13 years old and visibly pregnant. She looks and smiles at the audience, saying it'll hard being a young mother...*again*.
>>28969 Crap. She looks and smiles at the audience, saying it'll be hard being a young mother...*again*.
There's a girl, we follow from her birth, she's a slut who always wants to have sex. She will do anything with anyone or anything, doesn't fucking care, every fetish is appealing, she's just perpetually horny and needs to make herself and others cum. She'll try to seduce anyone or anything she can. Each chapter is her trying to seduce certain targets into becoming another one of her "friends", and by the end she's done it, now she has yet another partner that she can fuck whenever she sees them again. I like to keep my premises basic, a girl making "friends" that are just people, animals, and other beings who will have sex with her when she wants it (which is always, she's insatiable), we can make it like one of those raunchy 90s anime comedies, but with an innocent seeming little loli who in truth is a sex monster accumulating the ultimate list of sexual partners (its everything and everyone that she can fuck). Not too constrained by reality, so she teaches aliens the sexual appeal of "xenozoophilia" with those "hideous" humans, she gets attacked by angels who want to stop her, but she ends up making them fallen, demons try to claim her soul for her sin, she claims them as her bitches instead, she is drawn into a fairyland to go on an adventure, she fucks and sucks everyone and everything on her way, resolving everything with an orgy, and ruling over her personal magical realm as it's queene until she goes home, mutants, robots, pretty much everything else you can think of, she's going to just fuck her way through every genre and subgenre of a concept, eventually she will meet clarissa and swap places wit her so that she could be the one molested by clarissa's dad, then she rapes clarissa herself. stuff like that.
I kinda wanted to springboard off this idea above; I’ve been between projects lately and have a lot of nervous (/creative) energy to deal with, so I kinda had this idea of taking a loose anthology series built around seeing kids exploring or exploiting various fetishes (sometimes they’re the victims, sometimes they’re the instigators, sometimes there’s older or younger kids, or even adults, sometimes it’s just curious fun; everything else in between) but now I sorta want to use the above idea as a springboard. I’m not trying to copy anything, but I want to spin the concept a bit. A story (maybe even a series) about a shy young girl aimlessly exploring her small town and learning about all kinds of different sexual things. She starts out a pure, innocent virgin but then starts getting more comfortable with nudity, experimenting with toys and touching herself, playing with boys and girls (or even both), working up to younger kids or older; even adults. Then just starts finding out about new fetishes. Maybe even some “Girl from a small town and her X number of friends” type of story where it’s multiple girls doing the same things.
I've been considering learning Ren'py to make a small visual novel with a focus on loli/shota content, however im unsure about a few things,one of them being general interest for such a game, and also being a bit torn between making it with purely OCs or if i should try to go for the popular approach and perhaps attach it as a fangame for a show (I'm highly considering The loud house for this) The big problem there is if im at risk of being sued or anything. I could get away by not selling the game itself and just pay walling it behind a patreon or something
>>29735 Gentlemen... https://docs.google.com/document/d/10GwxICzDixEhcCK6oYn25WABcGj1zUCHS4LRP5Jmi5o/edit?usp=sharing [this is a long-dormant concept that I've been shopping around for specifically this purpose; you mentioned making it a fangame, though I integrated something in with the "Expy Kids", which are intended as copyright-safe lolis--and a few shotas--though with a heav personal bias to the list]
I’m working on an idea and I need the Candy Doll font, does anyone know what it’s called? I’m sure I saw it posted somewhere on the board before but I can’t find it
>>30067 Never mind, I found the exact font looking through the Gothic fonts at FontMeme. It’s Grusskarten Gotisch.
It's a setting with four series each taking place in their own world, there are four worlds that each act as a counterpart of another: In the first pair we have one world where males are masters and females are slaves, in another world its the reverse, with females as dominant and males as slaves. In the second pair we have a world without males, where females are divided into master and slave castes, in the other it's a world without females, were males are divided into masters and slaves. Each of the four series is treated separately, the first two for het/hetharem content, the second two for homo/homoharem content, the concept of each is that half the population is made up of human property, while the other half is made up of their human owners. In one story a man dies, leaving his wives and daughters to his 5 year old son and only male relative remaining alive, the story is /ss/. In another story it's the reverse, a woman dies and leaves her husbands and sons to her 5 year old daughter, which is a straight loli story. The third and fourth have the exact same set of events in their worlds; a master female or master male dies leaving a five year old in charge of their harem and siblings, all of whom are the inherited slaves of the child left behind. Each of these results in a lesbian loli and gay shota version of the same stories. Each of these series has a set of stories occurring in a world that appeals to the types of people who like these particular types of pornographic genres. There are many fetishes involved in each of these settings: BDSM and harems are obviously present, as is incest and pedophilia, but so too is cannibalism and vampirism, as there is an entire class of humans able to be butchered and sold for consumption in stores, necrophilia and bestiality is also alright, as the dead and non-humans have no rights just like the slaves do, basically anything could be acceptable in these worlds. Also there's no issue with any of them: slaves never revolt, harems never experience jealousy, pedophilia never harms the children, incest never produces any genetic defects, cannibalism never spreads disease, etc. --- In another idea of mine was repeatedly shared on /ss/ and can be read here: https://7chan.org/ss/res/35837.html#i37018 >It's a survival management sim game with a lot of fetish porn in it. >There's a pregnant female. >She's the sole human being. >She has a son. >She has sex with her son to have more children. >This develops into an entire civilization under your careful management. >There is a gene management element to the game that allows you to evolve your people by breeding them. My concept is that we make a very fetish-oriented game where you create a family, and you could command the family members to do things, including having sex with each other as an essential game mechanic. Maybe it starts with a pregnant mother who gives birth to a son in a location where there are no other people but the mother and son. From those two they form a tribe which later becomes a full-fledged civilization that conquers and colonizes over the region. It'd be a fetish porn survival management sim where the porn is an essential part of the plot, and every fetish has a place in maintaining your tribe, there'd be a core mechanic of genetics that allows your people to evolve over time in ways that make the fetishistic lifestyles more viable: - The posting on /leftypol/ is a way to make the clan members overcome their natural resistance to fucking their family members which they have to do to keep their clan going. You can manage the types of sexual activities, with each kind having it's own risk factors to them. You can also manage things in this area so that over time the people will evolve to handle more risky sexual activity at a younger age with less issues from it as a result, eventually leading to those who can take everything thrown at them (simply choose the shotas and lolis who can handle more risky sex acts at younger ages with less difficulty in order to eventually make it so that there's no problems at all with anything that could be done to them, physically or mentally). - Inbreeding is essential from the start of the game, but must be carefully managed to avoid defects. Though the genetics element of the game could also lead to developing into a people for whom incest carries no risk of producing defective offspring (on account of removing the members with problematic recessive genes from the population pool, making it so that there are no defective recessive genes that could come to prominence from sex between close family members). - Cannibalism and Vampirism is a way to clean up corpses while keeping your family fed, but it could also lead to fatal diseases in those who consume their dead. (However, your clan could also develop such prion resistance that there is no longer any risk to consuming the flesh or drinking the blood of their own family members). - You could even develop the tribe to the point where the women are constantly lactating, producing milk that could be consumed or used to make other dairy products. It's delightfully fucked up as far as ideas go.
It's in the age of exploration, the maps have not yet been filled out and many brave adventurers set out to see the world. A large family of 16 ends up stranded on an otherwise uninhabited island that has been undiscovered til then. They consist of the 25 year old mother, 24 year old father, seven sons aged 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1, and seven daughters aged 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, and 0. A large family owing to the religious convictions of the parents that God wants them to produce as many children as they could. As the player (and voice of God) you will guide the family and tame the island with them, at first it seems the ultimate goal is escaping it and making your way back to civilization. However, in the meantime you will be able to make any of the family members engage in sexual congress with one another, tough this is just a part of managing their interactions and relationships to one another, there'd be a lot of social dynamics that could form between the family members, incuding those awkward interactions from relatives who are aso fucking. The main focus is on using the family to conquer the island, build a camp and upgrade it, gather resources and carefully oversee their use, fight against the beasts who threaten your clan, survive natural disasters or outbreaks of illness, and more. You will follow the family over the time when they inhabit the island, they will grow older and some may even die of one cause or another, there are multiple paths to victory and some are reached by using your family to create a new civilization on the island. Since these are family members you must manage the issues that come with inbreeding and overcome obstacles like the natural psychological aversions to having carnal relations with close relatives, but achieving these feats are very possible. A harder mode is available where you can manage different familial arrangements, having less clan members naturally means a more difficult game, the lowest you could go is starting with a pregnant mother who would give birth to a son, and together those two must escape the island or populate it.
I was rereading Tonkato’s Lizzie’s Naked Adventures and I was thinking I would like to write a comic continuing the story but I don’t have many ideas beyond involving Lizzie’s mom. I’d love some suggestions.
So, is there any place to actually work on cake projects? Like a forum or discord server?
Apologies for randomly posting here in this semi-deserted thread - I had a random scenario idea that I wanted to share since I've got some downtime: * An attractive single mother has a young daughter in the 6-10 age range, with the former secretly having lustful feelings towards the latter. * Something magical/scientific/what-have-you causes the mother to gradually shrink in height but also causes her to become increasingly uninhibited in her feelings about her daughter. * The daughter finds the mother in her room, now roughly shrunken to the former's height and intensely masturbating while wearing a really cute bikini of her daughter's. * While the daughter is understandably shocked by this sight, she surprisingly admits that she always thought that the mother was "really, *really* pretty" and gives her a sweet little kiss on the mouth. * The two proceed to completely disrobe and lay down in the daughter's bed and lovingly kiss and caress each other; however, the mother is continuing to shrink smaller and smaller, with her inhibitions proportionately decreasing further. * As the mother reaches the size of a doll, the daughter is fondling her breasts and stimulating her nether regions with her increasingly larger and larger fingers; then, as the mother reaches the size of a figurine (and whose voice is becoming too squeaky and high-pitched to clearly be heard), she motions to the daughter to place her on top of one of her nipples. * The daughter complies, and the mother continues to gradually dwindle away while intensely straddling the former's now-gigantic nipple; the mother, now about the size of a flea on her daughter's nipple, completely regresses mentally into a sex-hunger animal as she explosively climaxes. * The daughter very gently brushes her extremely tiny mother on to her pinky, watching lovingly as the latter shrinks away from a barely visible dot into (ostensibly) nothing at all. * The daughter, while understandably sad and concerned about her mother, tenderly kisses her pinky, uses it to masturbate while fantasizing about the latter, and finally falls asleep (dreaming, of course, of shrinking down and having more sex with her lovely-but-microscopic mother).
Yet another random scenario idea that I've been holding on to for a very long time: * An insanely gorgeous (and lustful) witch takes in a young girl in the 9-12 age range to live and work as a "servant" in her opulent manor. * The witch treats the girl a bit poorly, albeit in a playful (and somewhat seductive) way that flusters the latter in way that the former finds absolutely adorable. * Many weeks/months later, after having at some point revealing her magical power to her little servant, the witch actively begins to groom the young girl into both an apprentice and, as ongoing payment, a "plaything" in the bedroom. * While the young girl is understandably bothered by this at first, she can't help but bend to the witch's beauty and imposingly seductive presence (and, to be fair, finds that she *likes* how her mistress touches her). * One of the witch's most prominent abilities is to directly adjust anyone's physical age in both directions, leading to the following sub-scenarios: 1. The witch regresses the girl to an even younger age and has her suckle on her lovely and bountiful breasts. 2. The witch regresses herself down to the girl's age so they can indulge in some tender, youthful loving; alternatively, the witch regresses to an even younger age and lets the girl indulge in having "a little sister" to play with. 3. The witch ages the girl up to a teenager (or even an adult) so they can have more "advanced" sex together; likewise, the witch regresses down to the girl's age (or sometimes even younger) to allow the now-teen/adult girl to indulge in some tantalizing role-reversal. (Both frequently having fun playing each other off to other people as younger and older sisters, "twin" sisters, mother and child of fluctuating youthfulness, and so on.) The young girl eventually learns to perform magic herself, with a personal focus on directly changing anyone's physical size in both directions, as well as changing into different types of real and mythical animals (which she and the witch start to indulge in - sometimes to a very wild degree).

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