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Doc McStuffins Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 00:05:22 Id: ca92e6 No. 2702
Paheal mods just nuked her so I figure we should have a thread celebrating her. Luckily we had a few backed up on AllTheFallen but I think there was a lot more that we might never get back. We really need to designate potential nukees for pre-saving.
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luckily I vaguely remembered Pookie had done some art of her (it hadn't been backed up on ATF until now) and it was still up on PalComix. I love his treatment of her TBH No fucking clue why Paheal would nuke these as well she's obviously not toddler-like in them, Pookie obviously aged her up and normalized her proportions to be less chibi while still retaining her charm.
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he did a total of nine, so to fill this out I forgot one other image I had just added to AT which I found by just randomly searching.
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>>2704 >No fucking clue why Paheal would nuke these as well Paheal has been nuking non-toddler loli stuff for some time now without a warning or explanation and yet some people say is a safe place to post loli
>>2751 shame too because the rule 34's used to be the go-to for a lot of can't find artist stuff
>>2751 Seems to me that nobody really cares except for the few prude assholes that show up and report it, and the mods just humor him.
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I drew this
>>12881 Very beautiful!
>>12881 Very nice

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