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Pregnant Lolis Thread Anonymous 08/02/2020 (Sun) 05:11:19 Id: 714ee9 No. 4952 >>29132
Find some of the rarest drawn preggo lolis on earth. Some can be high class while others not so much. Here's a few examples >Pics related
Something cute from this classic movie.
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Preggo lolis, you say?
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Pregnant Dororo is best girl.
i didn't know this existed now i acquired a new fetish
a loli, pregnant with another loli, who will soon be pregnant too, a chain of lolis giving birth to lolis to form your harem with.
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>big boobs >pregnant >loli One of those things does not belong.
people need to make more preg requests in the drawthread
Post more smol moms to be.
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>pregnant >big tits Way to defeat the point.
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The primary purpose for children between the ages of 8-13 is to be fucked and impregnated multiple times by men.
>>28965 Girls would normally grow bigger tits during pregnancy. It's a normal phenomenon. I've seen 21yo with A-cup chest swelled to C-cup in just 5 months during her pregnancy. But I agree, this is loli, it's an illogical fetish. Delicious pregnant cakes should have flat chest.
>>4952 (OP) World record for youngest pregger was 4 years old, some spic girl from Peru who was knocked up by her own father, they thought it was stomach cancer until they discovered it was her son/brother, who was delivered by c-section to save the girls life. Her brother-son was raised alongside her as just her brother, they both found out the true relation only as adults, she outlived her brother-son by many years, she was a well-recorded medical marvel, very precocious puberty due to some mutation affecting her hormones or some weird shit like that. It's worth noting that hispanics and native americans have some of the highest rates of incest, some of the youngest mothers, and also tend to go through puberty at the youngest ages of all human races, they are terrible at handling alcohol.
>>29132 Correct. Iirc south americans they have 50%+ of underage births worldwide. They just love fucking down there.
>>29132 I was talking about tits though...
>>29132 >knocked up by her own father nah, i think it was one of her brothers
>>29187 It can be anyone though, considering the remoteness of her village and that time period. But the fact that she kept the secret to her grave means that the perpetrator were most likely someone she holds very dear.
lolis having more loilis please
>every single non-shit image itt is anime Cartoon smut is so cooked
>>48565 Not even
Guys, we have officially made it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQGf9paqd7U

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