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GamerGate Radio

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SJW Survival Kit Leader of GamerGate 03/06/2016 (Sun) 18:43:07 Id: d1c808 No. 318312
SJW Survival Kit >Air horn - for silencing the sexists >Phone - for calling bomb threats to prevent terrorist meetups >Bottle of piss - for dousing the flames of the patriarchy
>grow up gamers >you're dead >it's time for the medium to grow up >our people will do it >ahahh we threw piss on a picture of someone we don't like >why can't you be mature like us, gamers?
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She deserved it for being anti-white.
>>318332 This.
>>318313 You forgot >You are on the wrong side of history
>>318332 >woman gets oppressed by man who throws bottle of piss to her >not using this instance to promote the crybullies meme >in 2016
>>318439 LS made fun of white genocide, she's just controlled opposition. Enemy of my enemy is my "fried" nothing more. I wish NatSoc would just ignore her, but they don't. To each each own…
>>318460 "White genocide" is stupid buzzword. It's almost as bad as "rape culture" for shock value. Whites are being displaced or the white populace is reduced due to a varying amount of factors, dumbass.
>>318467 Fuck off Lauren, mass immigration into white countries and race mixing has been the cause of the declining rates of whites. nonwhites are breeding out of control and being shoved in our faces, why do you think the media is panicking at Trump closing the border and banning muslim immigration? Coincidence?
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>>318468 Stop saging and debate, you triggered pussy. You are scared of race mixing? How about getting the whites to have more babies in this day and age??
>>318470 Maybe they should allow eugenics and allow nonwhites to abort. Multiculturalism is great north america and europe, but bad for Israel. I bet Laura is pro-israel like a good cuckservative.
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Copy pasta from the age of Shitlords. As most of us Shitlords know, Feminist social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) has been cracking down on liberal, libertarian and conservative opinions which oppose their Disneyfield, “safe spaces” policies when it comes to criticizing “protected groups”, religion (other than Christianity) and of course…feminists… Many of us have been blocked more than once for saying things that, although truthful, go against the rhetoric of SJW, feminists, and minorities who love to present themselves as perpetual victims, thus expecting preferential treatment. In my case, I’ve been blocked for 30 days for saying to a feminist that the “1 in 4” myth is exactly that…a myth. In some high profile cases, we’ve heard of Milo Yiannopoulos having his “verified” tag removed from his official Twitter account due to an anti feminist joke. Others such as as commentator Paul Joseph Watson have had their posts deleted for being critical of feminism and radical Islam, and just last week Lauren Southern had her account suspended AGAIN for a post critical of feminism, just a few days before she was attacked with human urine by a group of nauseating feminists. Strangely, Facebook doesn’t seem to have any problem with groups promoting terrorist organizations, calling for the assassination of Donald Trump, or even child pornography and animal cruelty. Our freedom of speech is under attack from cultural Marxists who seek to subvert us. Well, as The Addams Family said…”we gladly feast on the flesh of those who week to subdue us” :) That is why on March 9th and 10th, to fight political correctness, and to celebrate the return of Lauren Southern’s profile, we shitlords around the world will conduct the annual event known as #TheTriggering on all forms of social media.
>>318470 >How about getting the whites to have more babies in this day and age?? No reproductive rights for men ("now it's your child, pay"). The whole justice system being rigged against them, they are unable to report abuse from their wife/girlfriend. The political correctness went so far any innocent man can be called a rapist and end up in jail. Feminism is making women entitled to shit they don't deserve, more aggressive and demeaning. The education system is fucked up, brainwashing generations into useful idiots of perpetually offended. Geez, I really wonder why men wouldn't want to reproduce more, really. /s How doesn't this apply to non-white? Calling any non-white a rapist can backfire because "that's racist"; if the guy is really a rapist, it's a "cultural difference", so it's okay. And even if you manage to increase birth, you still get overrun by immigrants. I have nothing against "multi cultural" countries (as in several different cultures). I have an issue when that becomes a uniform culture, where everything is smashed into pieces and turned into a disgusting blob of nonsensical mimetic. I have an issue when someone comes to my place and tell me to stop listening to what I listen to because it's offensive. Demand that I stop eating what I like because it's against their religion.
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>>318473 >trust the jew >ever
>>318312 That's about right We need an anti sjw survival kit now

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