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GamerGate Radio

Randi wants a job Lich Lord of GamerGate 12/15/2018 (Sat) 01:06:24 Id: 5b10ee No. 332371
>>>/pol/12553947 https://archive.fo/8WRJR >This is my cover letter. >Randi Lee Harper >Dec 6· >I’ve been job searching for the past few months. Kind of quietly, because I’m in a really weird position. I’m crowdfunded, and although my field is somewhat niche, the duties involved are very broad and multi-disciplined. I’ve been doing this for a while. I really like it! However, money is running low >and there are things I really miss about working with a team within an organization. I also really miss engineering. A lot. I get to do tech work with my current position, but it’s not the same. I don’t get to collaborate. There’s no people to talk to on coffee breaks. There’s no one around to give their input or brainstorm solutions. It’s really lonely work, and I’m so ready to not be doing this anymore. >This is a very difficult thing to measure, but I know this for a certainty — every medium post I’ve written on the subject of abuse has had a major impact and caused policy and feature changes. That’s a really big thing. Huge. >I won’t ever be giving up on abuse research. But this doesn’t mean I need to work on it as a primary function of my job. If I find a gig that utilizes my unique skillset in that area, rad! But I’d be just as happy in a syseng or dev job or even PM or something community facing. >So, here’s what is important to me. >I don’t want to leave Portland. I’m perfectly willing to travel up to 75% of the time, but my home base needs to be here. Due to my current work, I’ve got some security concerns. These concerns are completely addressed as long as I stay in Portland. Moving is a very big deal. I’m not unwilling to move, but it would be complicated, it would take time, and I’d have a few stipulations. I’m good at working from home. I self manage very well. Let me keep doing this. >I know that even in smaller companies, every team has it’s own problems. Be straight with me, and if there’s something significant, tell me what those problems are. Tell me how you plan on fixing any problems that might drive away good talent. I’ll listen. >I will continue working on abuse research when I’m not on the clock. I’m going to continue helping people that come to me. I will continue to speak publicly. I will continue doing exactly what I am currently doing, just on a much more time restricted basis. This is non-negotiable.
So whoever paid her to be a professional harasser threw her out when they were done using her? How unsurprising.
Jesus fuck dude spoiler that shit.

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